Файл:Glagoljica Zagreb Kathedral.jpg

Slava u višnih Bogu! Na vaspominanje 1300-go lijeta krštenja Naroda Hrvata, iže zakle se vječnoju vjernostju Stijeni Petra, prijem od jeje objetovanje pomoći u svakoj pečali. Družba Bratije Hrvatskago Zmaja, sahranjaje svetine pradjedi, Preporučaje Otačastvo Hrvata Velikoj Bogorodici. 1941.

Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe! Zum Gedenken an den 1300. Jahrestag der Taufe des kroatischen Volkes, das dem Stein Petri ewige Treue geschworen und von ihm das Versprechen der Hilfe in jeglicher Not erhalten hat. Die Bruderschaft des kroatischen Drachen, die das Erbe der Urväter bewahrt, widmet das Vaterland der Kroaten der großen Gottesmutter. 1941.

Glory to God in the highest! At the commemoration of the 1300th summer of the baptism of the People of the Croats, who swore eternal fidelity to the Rock of Peter, receiving from it the promise of help in all suffering. The Society of the Brotherhood of the Croatian Dragon, which preserves the legacy of the forefathers, dedicates the Croatian fatherland to the great Mother of God. 1941.

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