
Map of the Vorbunker in Berlin, 1945.

The Vorbunker was the "antechamber" bunker of the famous Fuehrerbunker.

This is a map of the Vorbunker in Berlin, 1945 - the "antechamber" bunker of the famous Fuehrerbunker. The layout is not necessarily perfectly exact, but it is very probable. There were two bunkers which were connected - the Fuehrerbunker and the Vorbunker, and here is the link to my map of the Fuehrerbunker, and a link to my map showing the locations of the Fuehrerbunker and Vorbunker in Berlin, 1945.

Information about the details of the bunkers is rather scarce, which is not strange, since the bunkers were secret. This map is based on the excellent research of Tom Posch (see below), who visited and photographed the remains from inside in 1988. He concluded that the map of the bunker in Cornelius Ryan's The Last Battle was incorrect, and a new, hand-drawn map of the Vorbunker was produced by Tom Posch.

The Fuehrerbunker, built in 1944, was located 8-17 meters beneath the Reichskanzlei garden, approx. 120 meters north of the new Reichskanzlei building, which had the address Vossstrasse 6. The Führerbunker was located somewhat lower than the Vorbunker and west (or rather west-west-south) of it. The two bunkers were connected via sets of stairs set at right angles (not spiral).