Файл:The statue of Aristotle near the entrance, The School of Aristotle (The Lyceum) (7263459844).jpg

En 342/2 BC, Philipp King of Macedon invited the philosopher Aristotle to Mieza to tutor this 13 year old son, Alexander. Aristotle, the great thinker, scientist and philosopher who was to be hailed as the world's greatest intellectual figure was not yet particularly well known, but he enjoyed a distinguished reputation in Athens and elsewhere. The « School », as Plutarch calls it, was established in the Nymphaion, a sanctuary dedicated to the water nymphs, near the city of Mieza, in an enchanting location with luxuriant vegetation and natural springs, which is equally idyllic even today. Alexander and a select circle of students, all scions of noble Macedonian families, attended the School for two years. Her, in the shady covered walks and on the stone seats mentioned by Plutarch, the future world ruler was initiated into philosophy and poetry, mathematics and the natural sciences; and we know that he carried with him a copy of the Iliad with Aristotle had given him with a handwritten dedication until the end of his life and found it an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

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