Файл:Antarctica Without Ice Sheet.png

Isostatic rebound is the result of the weight of the ice sheet depressing the land under it. After the ice is removed, the land will rise over a period of thousands of years by an amount approximately 1/3 as high as the ice sheet that was removed (because rock is 3 times as dense as ice). Approximately half the uplift occurs during the first two thousand years. If the ice sheet is removed over more than a few thousand years, then it is possible that a majority of the uplift will occur before the ice sheet fully disappears.

As indicated in the map, Antarctica consists of a large continental region (East Antarctica) and group of seas and smaller land regions (West Antarctica). Since the West Antarctic ice sheet is partially anchored below sea level, this region is less stable and more likely to be affected by global warming. Even so, it is likely that during the next century increased precipitation over Antarctica will offset melting.

Le rebond isostatique est la conséquence de la couche de glace qui fait pression sur le sol et crée des dépressions. Après le retrait de la glace, le sol s'élève sur une période de milliers d'années par un rythme correspondant à un tiers de la hauteur de la couche de glace qui fut retirée (car la roche est trois fois plus dense que la glace). La moitié de l'élévation se fait pendant les deux premiers milliers d'années. Si la glace se retire sur une période dépassant plusieurs milliers d'année, il est possible que le rebond ait lieu avant que la couche de glace ne disparaisse complètement.

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