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Royal Fusiliers (Лондонский Сити полка) была линия пехоты полка в британской армии в непрерывном существовании в течение 283 лет. Он был известен как 7-й пехотный полк до реформ Чайлдерса 1881 года. [1]

The regiment served in many wars and conflicts throughout its long existence, including the Second Boer War, the First World War and the Second World War. In 1968, the regiment was amalgamated with the other regiments of the Fusilier Brigade – the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers and the Lancashire Fusiliers – to form a new large regiment, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

The Royal Fusiliers War Memorial, a monument dedicated to the almost 22,000 Royal Fusiliers who died during the First World War, stands on Holborn in the City of London.


George Legge, 1st Baron Dartmouth, founder of the regiment


It was formed as a fusilier regiment in 1685 by George Legge, 1st Baron Dartmouth, from two companies of the Tower of London guard, and was originally called the Ordnance Regiment. Most regiments were equipped with matchlock muskets at the time, but the Ordnance Regiment were armed with flintlock fusils. This was because their task was to be an escort for the artillery, for which matchlocks would have carried the risk of igniting the open-topped barrels of gunpowder.[2] The regiment went to Holland in February 1689 for service in the Nine Years' War and fought at the Battle of Walcourt in August 1689[3] before returning home in 1690.[4] It embarked for Flanders later that year and fought at the Battle of Steenkerque in August 1692[5] and the Battle of Landen in July 1693[6] and the Siege of Namur in summer 1695 before returning home.[7]

The regiment took part in an expedition which captured the town of Rota in Spain in spring 1702[8] and then saw action at the Battle of Vigo Bay in October 1702 during the War of the Spanish Succession.[9] The regiment became the 7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusiliers) in 1751, although a variety of spellings of the word "fusilier" persisted until the 1780s, when the modern spelling was formalised.[10]

American War of Independence[edit]

The Royal Fusiliers were sent to Canada in April 1773.[11] The regiment was broken up into detachments that served at Montreal, Quebec, Fort Chambly and Fort St Johns (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu). In the face of the American invasion of Canada in 1775/76, most of the regiment was forced to surrender. The 80 man garrison of Fort Chambly attempted to resist a 400-man Rebel force but ultimately had to surrender. This is where the regiment lost its first set of colours. A 70-man detachment under the command of Captain Humphrey Owens assisted with the Battle of Quebec in December 1775.[12]

The men taken prisoner during the defence of Canada were exchanged in British held New York City in December 1776. Here, the regiment was rebuilt and garrisoned New York and New Jersey. In October 1777, the 7th participated in the successful assaults on Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery and the destruction of enemy stores at Continental Village. In late November, 1777 the regiment reinforced the garrison of Philadelphia. During the British evacuation back to New York City, the regiment participated in the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778.[13] The 7th participated in Tryon's raid in July 1779.[14]

In April 1780, the Royal Fusiliers took part in the capture of Charleston.[15] Once Charleston fell, the regiment helped garrison the city.[2] Three companies were sent to Ninety-Six to assist with the training of Loyalist militia companies. An 80-man detachment also sent to Camden, South Carolina to help build that town's defences. The detachments were recalled to Charleston for refitting in late August 1780. They were then mounted and sent to join Charles Cornwallis's Army as it advanced towards Charlotte, North Carolina in early September 1780. The 7th, mounted on horses, along with two regiments of Loyalist militia, cleared the region north of Georgetown, South Carolina of partisans while en route. The Royal Fusiliers turned the horses over to Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton's British Legion upon uniting with Cornwallis in late September and then served as the Army's rearguard.[16]

Between October 1780 and early January 1781, the regiment, having lost about one third of its officers and men to sickness and disease, protected the communication and supply lines between Camden and Winnsboro, South Carolina. On 7 January 7, 1781, a contingent of 171 men from the Royal Fusiliers was detached from Cornwallis's Army and fought under the command of Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens in January 1781.[17] The Royal Fusiliers were on the left of the line of battle: Tarleton was defeated and the regiment's colours were captured with the baggage wagons.[18] A 19-man detachment from the regiment fought through North Carolina participating in the Battle of Guilford Court Houseв марте 1781 года и, в конечном итоге, при осаде Йорктауна, где он служил в составе легкой пехотной роты полка. [19] Был еще один отряд, который оставался на юге под командованием подполковника Алуреда Кларка : эти люди оставались в гарнизоне в Чарльстоне, пока они не были переведены в Саванну, штат Джорджия, в декабре 1781 года. [20] Полк вернулся в Англия в 1783 году. [21]

Наполеоновские войны [ править ]

Подполковник Уолтер Лейси Йеа, командир Королевских Стрелковых Стрелков, получает сигнал от своего адъютанта, лейтенанта Дж. Сент-Клера Хобсона, Королевских Стрелков, оба убиты в Севастополе 18 июня 1855 г.

Полк отправился в Голландию и принял участие в битве при Копенгагене в августе 1807 года во время войны канонерок . [22] Затем он был отправлен в Вест-Индию и принял участие в захвате Мартиники в 1809 году. [23] Позже в том же году он отправился в Португалию для участия в войне на полуострове и участвовал в битве при Талавере в июле 1809 года [ 23]. 24] Битва Буссако в сентябре 1810. [25] и битва Albuera в мае 1811 года [26] [27]

Полк затем принял участие в осаде Сьюдад - Родриго в январе 1812 года, [28] Осада Бадахос весной 1812 года [29] и битва Саламанке в июле 1812 года [30] , а также Битва при Виттории в июне 1813 года. [31] Затем он преследовал французскую армию во Франции и сражался в битве при Пиренеях в июле 1813 года, [32] в битве при Ортезе в феврале 1814 года [33] и в битве при Тулузе в апреле 1814 года. [34] Он вернулся. в Англию позже в том же году [35]перед тем, как отправиться в Канаду и увидеть действия при взятии форта Бойер в феврале 1815 года во время войны 1812 года . [36]

2-й батальон был сформирован в 1804 году и также принимал участие в полуостровной кампании с 1809 по 1811 год. Оба батальона участвовали в битве при Альбуере в 1811 году. 2-й батальон был расформирован после войны. [37]

Викторианская и эдвардианская эпохи [ править ]

Офицеры 3-го батальона на Бермудских островах в 1905 году

Одноместный батальонный полк отправился в Скутари для участия в Крымской войне 5 апреля 1854 года (со складом в Винчестере) и принял участие в битве при Альме в сентябре 1854 года, битве при Инкермане в ноябре 1854 года и осаде Севастополя. зимой 1854 года. [2] Он вернулся в Великобританию из Крыма 27 июня 1856 года, отправился в Индию 21 июля 1857 года и принял участие в кампании Амбелы в 1863 году. [2] В 1865 году он был в Ферозепоре . Он вернулся в Великобританию из Индии 27 декабря 1870 года. Он отправился в Гибралтар. in 1885, and in 1886 and 1887 was at Egypt. From 1888 'til 1901, it was posted to various locations in India, including Poona, Karachi (now in Pakistan), Mhow, Nusseerabad, Bombay, Quetta, Bengal, Neemuch, and Nusserabad.[38]

Вновь сформированный 2-й батальон, который находился в Престоне , отправился в Гибралтар 27 мая 1858 года (депо в тот момент находилось в Чатеме , двигаясь в Уолмер ). Он был переброшен с Мальты в Верхнюю Канаду в октябре 1866 года и помог подавить набеги фений, а затем отправился в Индию 1 октября 1873 года и участвовал в битве при Кандагаре в сентябре 1880 года во время Второй англо-афганской войны . [2] Впоследствии он был размещен в различных местах Индии, включая Каннанор , Мадрас , Веллингтон.до возвращения в Великобританию из Индии 29 марта 1889 г., когда он был отправлен в Дувр . В 1892 году он переехал в Вулидж . В 1894 г. он был отправлен на Гернси , а в 1896 г. - в Белфаст , Ирландия . В 1898 году он переехал в Карраг , Ирландия. [38]

Премьер-министр Австралии Билли Хьюз в униформе Royal Fusiliers.

На полк не повлияли фундаментально реформы Кардвелла 1870-х гг., Которые дали ему склад в казармах Хаунслоу с 1873 г., или реформы Чайлдерса 1881 г. - поскольку он уже имел два батальона, ему не было необходимости объединяться с другим. полк. [39] В соответствии с реформами, 1 июля 1881 года полк стал Королевскими стрелками (полк лондонского Сити) . [40] [41] В настоящее время полк был организован следующим образом: [42] [43] [44]


  • 1-й батальон, в 1881 г. базируется в оборонительных казармах, док Пембрук.
  • 2-й батальон, в 1881 г. базировался в Мадрасе.


  • 3rd (later 5th) (Militia) Battalion based in Brentford, formerly 3rd Royal Westminster Middlesex Militia
  • 4th (later 6th) (Militia) Battalion based in Finsbury, formerly Royal London Militia
  • 5th (later 7th) (Militia) Battalion based in Hounslow, formerly 4th Royal South Middlesex Militia

Volunteer Infantry

  • 10th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps based in Bloomsbury, formerly under command of The King's Royal Rifle Corps, but transferred in 1883, and subsequently renamed as 1st Volunteer Btn
  • 23rd Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps based in Westminster renamed 2nd Volunteer Btn in 1883

The regiment's 2nd regular battalion took part in the Second Boer War from 1899 to 1902.[45] The battalion, which had previously been stationed the Curragh in Ireland, embarked for South Africa on the 22 October 1899, and served there throughout the war, which ended with the Peace of Vereeniging in June 1902. Four months later 350 officers and men of the 2nd battalion left Cape Town on the SS Salamis in late September 1902, arriving at Southampton in late October, when the battalion was posted to Aldershot.[46]

In 1901 the 1st Battalion moved from India to Mandalay, Burma. A 3rd regular battalion was formed in 1898, and, having been in Dover, embarked for Malta on 1 December 1898, then moved to Crete, Gibraltar in 1900, and Egypt and Sudan in 1901. It was subsequently posted to the Bermuda Garrison, with 16 officers, 1 warrant officer, and 937 NCOs and men arriving under Lieutenant-Colonel R. B. Gaisford, CMG, from Egypt aboard the SS Dunera, and Majors CJ Stanton, FMF Scoones, Lieutenant F. Moore, and Second-Lieutenant GE Hawes arrived aboard the SS Dominion, in the week ending Saturday, 5 December 1903. the battalion replaced the Royal Warwickshire Regiment at Boaz Island, and departed Bermuda again for Cape Town, South Africa, aboard the HMT Soudan on the 18 December 1905 (minus Private David FW Dobson, absent without leave).[47][48][49][38] The battalion was in South Africa and Mauritius until the First World War.[50]

A 4th regular battalion was formed in February 1900,[51] and received colours from the Prince of Wales (Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment) in July 1902.[52] In 1903 it was at Woolwich.[38]

In 1908, the Volunteers and Militia were reorganised nationally, with the former becoming the Territorial Force and the latter the Special Reserve. The Royal Fusiliers' 1st to 4th Volunteer Battalions were transferred to the new all-territorial London Regiment, with the Royal Fusiliers itself now consisting of:[42][43]


  • 1st Battalion in 1908 based at Albany Barracks
  • 2nd Battalion in 1908 based in Jubbulpore
  • 3rd Battalion formed in 1891, in 1908 based in Mauritius and South Africa
  • 4th Battalion formed in 1900, in 1908 based at Columb Barracks

Special Reserve

  • 5th (Special Reserve) Battalion, based in Hounslow, former 5th (Militia) Battalion
  • 6th (Special Reserve) Battalion, based in Hounslow, former 7th (Militia) Battalion
  • 7th (Extra Reserve) Battalion, based in Finsbury, former 6th (Militia) Battalion

First World War[edit]

Regular Army[edit]

22 August 1914: Men of "A" Company of the 4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), resting in the town square at Mons.

The 1st Battalion landed at Saint-Nazaire as part of the 17th Brigade in the 6th Division in September 1914 for service on the Western Front;[53] major engagements involving the battalion included the Battle of the Somme in autumn 1916 and the Battle of Passchendaele in autumn 1917.[54]

The 2nd Battalion landed at Gallipoli as part of the 86th Brigade in the 29th Division in April 1915; after being evacuated in December 1915, it moved to Egypt in March 1916 and then landed in Marseille in March 1916 for service on the Western Front;[53] major engagements involving the battalion included the Battle of the Somme in autumn 1916 and the Battle of Arras in spring 1917.[54]

The 3rd Battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the 85th Brigade in the 28th Division in January 1915; major engagements involving the battalion included the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915 and the Battle of Loos in September 1915.[54] The battalion moved to Egypt in October 1915 and then to Salonika in July 1918,[53] before returning to the Western Front. The 3rd Battalion was disbanded in 1922.[55]

The 4th Battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the 9th Brigade in the 3rd Division in August 1914 for service on the Western Front;[53] major engagements involving the battalion included the Battle of Mons and the Battle of Le Cateau in August 1914, the First Battle of the Marne and the First Battle of the Aisne in September 1914 and the Battle of La Bassée, the Battle of Messines and the First Battle of Ypres in October 1914.[54] Members of the Battalion won the first two Victoria Crosses of the war near Mons in August 1914 (Lieutenant Maurice Dease[56] and Private Sidney Godley).[57]

New Armies[edit]

The Royal Fusiliers marching through the City of London in 1916
Men of the 10th (Service) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) marching to the trenches, St Pol (Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise), France, November 1916.

The 8th and 9th (Service) Battalions landed in France; they both saw action on the Western Front as part of the 36th Brigade of the 12th (Eastern) Division.[53] The 10th (Service) Battalion, better known as the Stock Exchange Battalion, was formed in August 1914 when 1,600 members of the London Stock Exchange and others from the area joined up: 742 were killed or missing in action on the Western Front.[58] The battalion was originally part of the 54th Brigade of the 18th (Eastern) Division, transferring to the 111th Brigade, 37th Division.[53] The 11th, 12th, 13th and 17th (Service) Battalions landed in France; all four battalions saw action on the Western Front: the 11th Battalion being part of the 54th Brigade, 18th (Eastern) Division, the 12th with the 73rd Brigade, later the 17th Brigade, 24th Division, the 13th with the 111th Brigade, 37th Division and the 17th with the 99th Brigade, 33rd Division, later transferring to the 5th and 6th Brigades of the 2nd Division.[53]

The 18th–21st (Service) Battalions (1st–4th Public Schools) of the regiment were recruited from public schools; all four battalions saw action on the Western Front, all originally serving with the 98th Brigade in the 33rd Division, the 18th and 20th Battalions transferring to the 19th Brigade in the same division.[53] The 22nd (Service) Battalion, which was recruited from the citizens of Kensington, also landed in France and saw action on the Western Front.[53] The 23rd and 24th (Service) Battalion, better known as the Sportsmen's Battalions, also landed in France and saw action on the Western Front:[53] they were among the Pals battalions and were both part of the 99th Brigade of the 33rd Division, later transferring to command of the 2nd Division, with the 24th Battalion joining the 5th Brigade in the same division.[59] The 25th (Frontiersmen) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, formed in February 1915, served in East Africa.[53]

The 26th (Service) Battalion was recruited from the banking community; it saw action on the Western Front as part of the 124th Brigade of the 41st Division.[53] The 32nd (Service) Battalion, which was recruited from the citizens of East Ham, also landed in France and saw action on the Western Front as part of the 124th Brigade of the 41st Division.[53] The 38th through 42nd Battalions of the regiment served as the Jewish Legion[60] in Palestine; many of its members went on to be part of the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.[53] The Royal Fusiliers War Memorial, stands on High Holborn, near Chancery Lane Underground station, surmounted by the lifesize statue of a First World War soldier, and its regimental chapel is at St Sepulchre-without-Newgate.[61]

Russian Civil War[edit]

The 45th and 46th Battalions of the Royal Fusiliers were part of the North Russia Relief Force, which landed in early 1919 to support the withdrawal of international forces assisting "White" (anti-Bolshevik) Russian forces during the Russian Civil War. The understrength 45th Battalion was composed mainly of former members of the Australian Imperial Force – many of them veterans of the Western Front – who had volunteered for service in Russia.[62]

Second World War[edit]

Infantrymen of the 1st Battalion, Royal Fusiliers reconstruct a street-fighting scene in a street in Caldari, Italy, 17 December 1943.

For most of the Second World War, the 1st Battalion was part of the 17th Indian Infantry Brigade, 8th Indian Infantry Division. It served with them in the Italian Campaign.[63]

The 2nd Battalion was attached to the 12th Infantry Brigade, 4th Infantry Division and was sent to France in 1939 after the outbreak of war to join the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). In May 1940, it fought in the Battle of France and was forced to retreat to Dunkirk, where it was then evacuated from France. With the brigade and division, the battalion spent the next two years in the United Kingdom, before being sent overseas to fight in the Tunisia Campaign, part of the final stages of the North African Campaign. Alongside the 1st, 8th and 9th battalions, the 2nd Battalion also saw active service in the Italian Campaign from March 1944, in particular during the Battle of Monte Cassino, fighting later on the Gothic Line before being airlifted to fight in the Greek Civil War.[64]

The 8th and 9th Battalions, the two Territorial Army (TA) units, were part of the 1st London Infantry Brigade, attached to 1st London Infantry Division. These later became the 167th (London) Infantry Brigade and 56th (London) Infantry Division. Both battalions saw service in the final stages of the Tunisia Campaign, where each suffered over 100 casualties in their first battle. In September 1943, both battalions were heavily involved in the landings at Salerno, as part of the Allied invasion of Italy, later crossing the Volturno Line, before, in December, being held up at the Winter Line.[65] Both battalions then fought in the Battle of Monte Cassino and were sent to the Anzio beachhead in February 1944.[66]

Two other TA battalions, the 11th and 12th, were both raised in 1939 when the Territorial Army was ordered to be doubled in size. Both were assigned to 4th London Infantry Brigade, part of 2nd London Infantry Division, later 140th (London) Infantry Brigade and 47th (London) Infantry Division respectively.[67] Both battalions remained in the United Kingdom on home defence duties. In 1943, the 12th Battalion was transferred to the 80th Infantry (Reserve) Division and later to the 47th Infantry (Reserve) Division.[68]

The regiment raised many other battalions during the war, although none of them saw active service overseas in their original roles, instead some were converted. The 21st Battalion, for example, formed soon after the Dunkirk evacuation, was sent to India in the summer of 1942 and later became part of the 52nd Infantry Brigade, acting in a training capacity to train British troops in jungle warfare for service in the Burma Campaign. The 23rd Battalion, also created in June/July 1940, was later converted into 46th Battalion, Reconnaissance Corps, assigned to the 46th Infantry Division, serving with it for the rest of the war.[69]

Korean War[edit]

In August 1952, the regiment, now reduced to a single Regular battalion, served in the Korean War as part of the 28th Commonwealth Infantry Brigade. A 19-year-old Michael Caine served with the battalion during the conflict; on several occasions his unit had to defend itself from Chinese human wave attacks.[70]


On 23 April 1968, the regiment was merged with the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers (5th Foot), the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers (6th Foot) and the Lancashire Fusiliers (20th Foot) to form the 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.[71]

Regimental museum[edit]

Royal Fusiliers Regimental Museum, August 2014

The Fusilier Museum is located in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Headquarters at HM Tower of London. It also represents World War One soldiers of six London Regiment battalions (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 29th and 30th) which had been attached to the Royal Fusiliers prior to 1908.[72]

Battle honours[edit]

The Garden of Remembrance at St Sepulchre's Church was originally meant as a memorial to Fusiliers killed in the two World Wars but is now dedicated to all Fusiliers killed in action since 1914

The regiment's battle honours included:[55]

  • Earlier Wars: Namur 1695, Martinique 1809, Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Orthes, Toulouse, Peninsula, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Kandahar 1880, Afghanistan 1879–80, Relief of Ladysmith, South Africa 1899–1902
  • The First World War (47 battalions): Mons, Le Cateau, Retreat from Mons, Marne 1914, Aisne 1914, La Bassée 1914, Messines 1914 '17, Armentières 1914, Ypres 1914 '15 '17 '18, Nonne Bosschen, Gravenstafel, St. Julien, Frezenberg, Bellewaarde, Hooge 1915, Loos, Somme 1916 '18, Albert 1916 '18, Bazentin, Delville Wood, Pozières, Flers-Courcelette, Thiepval, Le Transloy, Ancre Heights, Ancre 1916 '18, Arras 1917 '18, Vimy 1917, Scarpe 1917, Arleux, Pilckem, Langemarck 1917, Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, Cambrai 1917 '18, St. Quentin, Bapaume 1918, Rosières, Avre, Villers Bretonneux, Lys, Estaires, Hazebrouck, Béthune, Amiens, Drocourt-Quéant, Hindenburg Line, Havrincourt, Épéhy, Canal du Nord, St. Quentin Canal, Beaurevoir, Courtrai, Selle, Sambre, France and Flanders 1914–18, Italy 1917–18, Struma, Macedonia 1915–18, Helles, Landing at Helles, Krithia, Suvla, Scimitar Hill, Gallipoli 1915–16, Egypt 1916, Megiddo, Nablus, Palestine 1918, Troitsa, Archangel 1919, Kilimanjaro, Behobeho, Nyangao, East Africa 1915–17
  • The Second World War: Dunkirk 1940, North-West Europe 1940, Agordat, Keren, Syria 1941, Sidi Barrani, Djebel Tebaga, Peter's Corner, North Africa 1940 '43, Sangro, Mozzagrogna, Caldari, Salerno, St. Lucia, Battipaglia, Teano, Monte Camino, Garigliano Crossing, Damiano, Anzio, Cassino II, Ripa Ridge, Gabbiano, Advance to Florence, Monte Scalari, Gothic Line, Coriano, Croce, Casa Fortis, Savio Bridgehead, Valli di Commacchio, Senio, Argenta Gap, Italy 1943–45, Athens, Greece 1944–45
  • Korea 1952–53



Colonels-in-Chief have included:[55]

  • 1900–1937: King George V
  • 1937–1942: Prince George, Duke of Kent


The Royal Fusiliers War Memorial on Holborn, a memorial to Royal Fusiliers killed in both the First and Second World Wars.

The colonels of the regiment included:[73]

  • 1685–1689: Lieutenant-General George Legge, 1st Baron Dartmouth
  • 1689–1692: General John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough
  • January–July 1692 Field Marshal George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney
  • 1692–1696: Brigadier-General Edward Fitzpatrick
  • 1696–1713: General Charles O'Hara, 1st Baron Tyrawley
  • 1713–1739: Field Marshal James O'Hara, 2nd Baron Tyrawley
  • 1739–1751: Lieutenant-General William Hargrave
7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fuzileers) (1751)
  • 1751–1754: General John Mostyn
  • 1754–1776: Lord Robert Bertie
  • 1776–1788: Lieutenant-General Richard Prescott
7th (Derbyshire) Regiment of Foot (1782)
  • 1788–1789: General William Gordon
  • 1789–1801: Field Marshal Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
  • 1801–1832: Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke
  • 1832–1854: Field Marshal Sir Edward Blakeney
  • 1854–1855: General Sir George Brown
  • 1855–1868: General Sir Samuel Auchmuty[74]
  • 1868–1881: General Sir Richard Airey[75]
The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (1881)
  • 1881–1900: General Sir Richard Wilbraham
  • 1900–1922: Major-General Sir Geoffrey Barton
  • 1922–1924: Major-General Colin Donald
  • 1924–1933: Major-General Sir Reginald Pinney
  • 1933–1942: Major-General Walter Hill
  • July–October 1942 Brigadier Reginald Howlett
  • 1942–1947: General Sir Reginald May
  • 1947–1954: Major-General James Francis Harter
  • 1954–1963: Major-General Francis David Rome
  • 1963–1968: General Sir Kenneth Darling (to Royal Regiment of Fusiliers)
  • 1968: Amalgamated with the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers and Lancashire Fusiliers to form the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Victoria Cross[edit]

Victoria Crosses awarded to members of the regiment were:

  • Private Thomas Elsdon Ashford, Second Afghan War (16 August 1880)
  • Lieutenant Maurice Dease, First World War (23 August 1914)
  • Temp. Lieutenant-Colonel Neville Elliott-Cooper, First World War (30 November 1917)
  • Captain Charles Fitzclarence, Second Boer War (14 October 1899)
  • Assistant Surgeon Thomas Egerton Hale, Crimean War (8 September 1855)
  • Lieutenant William Hope, Crimean War (18 June 1855)
  • Private Mathew Hughes, Crimean War (7 June 1855 and 18 June 1855)
  • Captain Henry Mitchell Jones, Crimean War (7 June 1855)
  • Temp. Captain Robert Gee, First World War (30 November 1917)
  • Private Sidney Frank Godley, First World War (23 August 1914)
  • Corporal George Jarratt, First World War (3 May 1917)
  • Sergeant John Molyneux, First World War (9 October 1917)
  • Private William Norman, Crimean War (19 December 1854)
  • Lance-Sergeant Frederick William Palmer, First World War (16/17 February 1917)
  • Sergeant Samuel George Pearse, North Russia Relief Force (29 August 1919)
  • Lance-Corporal Charles Graham Robertson, First World War (8/9 March 1918)
  • Acting Captain Walter Napleton Stone, First World War (30 November 1917)
  • Corporal Arthur Percy Sullivan, North Russia Relief Force (10 August 1919)


  • Band of the 3rd Battalion of The Royal Fusiliers in Bermuda circa 1903, while the battalion was part of the Bermuda Garrison

  • Officers of the 3rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers during Battalion Training at Tucker's Town, Bermuda, in 1904


  1. ^ Westlake, R. English and Welsh Infantry Regiments: An illustrated Record of Service (195) Stroud, GLS, UK (Spellmount) ISBN 1-873376-24-3
  2. ^ a b c d e "Royal Fusiliers". British Empire. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  3. ^ Cannon, p. 8
  4. ^ Cannon, p. 9
  5. ^ Cannon, p. 11
  6. ^ Cannon, p. 13
  7. ^ Cannon, p. 16
  8. ^ Cannon, p. 19
  9. ^ Cannon, p. 20
  10. ^ "Universal Register; London, Birth Day". The Times. Jun 6, 1785. p. 2. Orders are given for a camp to be formed on Ashford-Common, near Winsor, for the 7th regiment of foot, who are to be employed in making new roads, and repairing others; the private men are to have 1s. per day extra for their labour.
  11. ^ Cannon, p. 24
  12. ^ Cannon, p. 26
  13. ^ Cannon, p. 30
  14. ^ Cannon, p. 31
  15. ^ Cannon, p. 32
  16. ^ "The American Revolution in South Carolina". Retrieved 9 October 2017.
  17. ^ "The Battle of Cowpens" (PDF). The Florida Society of the Sons of the Revolution. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  18. ^ Graham, James (1856). The Life of General Daniel Morgan of the Virginia Line of the Army of the United States. Derby and Jackson. p. 310. cowpens.
  19. ^ "The Battle of Guilford Court House". The American Revolution in North Carolina. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  20. ^ "Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke GCB". British Empire. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  21. ^ Cannon, p. 34
  22. ^ Cannon, p. 37
  23. ^ Cannon, p. 38
  24. ^ Cannon, p. 46
  25. ^ Cannon, p. 50
  26. ^ Cannon, p. 54
  27. ^ "Lisbon Papers; Cadiz, May 7". The Times. 29 May 1811. p. 2. Lord Wellington has also sent two divisions of his army, the 3d and 7th, that way... Intelligence is just received that the battle is fought, and we are again victorious. The affair took place at Albuhera, on the 16th: Soult attacked, and was defeated with immense loss on both sides.
  28. ^ Cannon, p. 66
  29. ^ Cannon, p. 67
  30. ^ Cannon, p. 71
  31. ^ Cannon, p. 75
  32. ^ Cannon, p. 76
  33. ^ Cannon, p. 80
  34. ^ Cannon, p. 81
  35. ^ Cannon, p. 82
  36. ^ Cannon, p. 87
  37. ^ National Army Museum: The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)
  38. ^ a b c d Hart's New Annual Army Lists
  39. ^ "Training Depots 1873–1881". Regiments.org. Archived from the original on 10 February 2006. Retrieved 16 October 2016.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link) The depot was the 49th Brigade Depot from 1873 to 1881, and the 7th Regimental District depot thereafter
  40. ^ "House of Commons, Thursday, June 23". The Times. Jun 24, 1881. p. 6.
  41. ^ "No. 24992". The London Gazette. 1 July 1881. pp. 3300–3301.
  42. ^ a b "The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) [UK]". web.archive.org. 2007-10-13. Retrieved 2020-04-12.
  43. ^ a b Frederick, pp. 284–6.
  44. ^ Ray Westlake, Tracing the Rifle Volunteers, (Many pages)
  45. ^ "Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)". Anglo-Boer War. Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  46. ^ "The Army in South Africa - Troops returning Home". The Times (36890). London. 4 October 1902. p. 10.
  47. ^ The Royal Gazette, Hamilton, Bermuda. 5 December 1903
  48. ^ The Royal Gazette, Hamilton, Bermuda. 19 December 1903
  49. ^ The Royal Gazette, Hamilton, Bermuda. 23 December 1903
  50. ^ An Empire Building Battalion: Being a History, with Reminiscences, of the 3rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers. Formed 1898. Disbanded 1922. By Lieutenant-Colonel EC Packe, DSO, OBE. Privately printed for the author by Edgar Backus, Leicester.
  51. ^ "Increase in the Army". The Times (36067). London. 16 February 1900. p. 10.
  52. ^ "The Prince of Wales and the Royal Fusiliers". The Times (36812). London. 5 July 1902. p. 9.
  53. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment". The Long, Long Trail. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  54. ^ a b c d "Royal Fusiliers during the Great War". The Wartime Memories Project. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  55. ^ a b c "The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)". Regiments.org. Archived from the original on 3 January 2006. Retrieved 17 January 2016.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  56. ^ "No. 28985". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 November 1914. p. 9957. Original citation
  57. ^ "No. 28985". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 November 1914. p. 9957.
  58. ^ Carter, David, The Stockbrokers’ Battalion in the Great War: A History of the 10th (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers, Pen and Sword Books, Barnsley, 2014, p.266
  59. ^ Mullen, Peter, Tearing down religious standards Northern Echo 19 Mar 2002
  60. ^ EMAIL, Jewish Magazine. "the Jewish Legion and the Israeli Army". Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  61. ^ "Royal Fusiliers". St Sepulchre-without-Newgate. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  62. ^ "Aussies in the Russian Revolution". Digger History. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  63. ^ "17th Indian Infantry Brigade". Order of Battle. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  64. ^ "History of 12 Mech Bde HQ and Sig Sqn (228)" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-08-07.
  65. ^ "56th Division". 50megs.com. Retrieved 3 August 2015.
  66. ^ Paule, Edward D. "A History of the Royal Fusiliers Company Z". Retrieved 28 August 2016.
  67. ^ Joslen, pp. 235, 374
  68. ^ Joslen, p. 374
  69. ^ Doherty, Richard (2007). "The British Reconnaissance Corps in World War II" (PDF). Osprey. p. 52. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  70. ^ "Listen to Actor Michael Caine Talk About Fighting in Korea". www.military.com. Retrieved 4 February 2021.
  71. ^ "New Fusilier Regiment". The Times. Apr 17, 1968. p. 12. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a new regiment, with national rather than regional loyalties, is to be formed on St. George's Day, April 23, the Ministry of Defence announced yesterday.
  72. ^ "Raised at the Tower of London in 1685". The Fusilier Museum. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  73. ^ "Royal Fusiliers Colonels". British Empire. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  74. ^ "No. 21676". The London Gazette. 13 March 1855. p. 1054.
  75. ^ "No. 23379". The London Gazette. 15 May 1868. p. 2804.


  • Cannon, Richard (1847). "Historical Record of the Seventh Regiment, Or the Royal Fusiliers: Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1685, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1846". Parker, Furnivall and Parker.
  • Joslen, H. F. (2003) [1990]. Orders of Battle: Second World War, 1939–1945. Uckfield: Naval and Military Press. ISBN 978-1-84342-474-1.

External links[edit]

  • Historical records of the 7th or Royal regiment of Fusiliers 1685–1903 by Lt.Col. Percy Groves.
  • Fusilier Museum London
  • Fusiliers Association