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Ниже приведен список правителей Миланы с 13 - го века до 1814 года , после чего она была включена в Ломбардо-Венецианского королевства на Венском конгрессе .

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До 1259 года Милан был вольной коммуной , избиравшей свой подеста . Семья Торриани получила устойчивую власть в 1240 году, когда Пагано Делла Торре был избран подестой . [1] После смерти Пагано Бальдо Гирингелли был избран подеста в 1259 году, но в конце его правления Мартино делла Торре , племянник Пагано, совершил государственный переворот , захватив власть своей семьи над коммуной, основав первую Синьорию. (По-итальянски "светлость") Милана. [2]

Во время своего пребывания в должности семья Торриани, объединившаяся с французом Карлом Анжуйским , начала сильное соперничество с семьей Висконти , верной немецким Гогенштауфенам . [3] В 1262 г. папа Урбан IV назначил Ottone Висконти в качестве архиепископа Милана , к разочарованию Мартино делла Торре. [4] В 1273 г. между двумя семьями началась гражданская война, закончившаяся поражением Торриани в битве при Дезио 1277 г. [5]

В июне 1302 года Гвидо делла Торре сформировал коалицию с городами, выступающими против Висконти, и двинулся на Милан, свергнув Висконти. [6] Однако в 1308 году Гвидо начал ссору со своим двоюродным братом, архиепископом Кассоне делла Торре . После штурма Миланского собора Кассоне бежал в Болонью и потребовал имперского вмешательства. [7] Воспользовавшись хаотической ситуацией в Северной Италии, король Германии Генрих VII спустился в Италию с армией и осенью 1310 года двинулся на Милан, чтобы восстановить Кассоне и Висконти. После падения Милана он был коронован королем Италии в городском соборе. [8]

After elevation to duchy[edit]

House of Visconti[edit]

In 1395, Gian Galeazzo Visconti was titled Duke of Milan by King Wenceslaus,[9] who sold the title under the payment of circa 100,000 florins.[10] Since that moment, all the following rulers of Milan were styled as dukes.

House of Sforza (1st rule)[edit]

After the death of Filippo Maria in 1447, the main line of Visconti went extinct. Benefited by political chaos, a cabal of wealthy citizens, academics and clerics declared the Duchy dissolved and proclaimed the oligarchical Golden Ambrosian Republic.[11]The republic was never recognized and the neighboring states of Venice and Savoy tried to expand their fiefdoms in Lombardy, as well as France. Taking advantage of the state's weakness and the resurgent Guelph-Ghibelline conflict, the commander-in-chief of the Milanese forces, Francesco I Sforza, defected from Milan to Venice in 1448,[12] and two years later, after several side switches and cunning strategies, Sforza entered the city during Annunciation. He was then declared the new Duke of Milan,[13] using as a claim his marriage with Bianca Maria Visconti, illegitimate daughter of Filippo Maria.

House of Valois (1st rule)[edit]

In 1494, Ludovico Sforza usurped the throne of Milan, after probably poisoning his nephew Gian Galeazzo. After Venetian's threats, Ludovico solicited French king Charles VIII to descend into Italy,[14] starting the First Italian War. After Ludovico's betrayal and alliance with League of Venice in 1495, French were defeated in the Battle of Fornovo and unabled to expand in Italy. Charles VIII's top general and cousin, Louis II, Duke of Orléans (future Louis XII), was humiliated and due to his personal hate toward Ludovico Sforza,[15] started to claim the Duchy of Milan for himself, quoting his paternal descendance from Valentina Visconti and Gian Galeazzo's last will. After Louis XII's ascension to the French Throne in 1499, he started the Second Italian War to conquer Milan and Naples. With French armies near Pavia, Ludovico and his loyalists left Milan on 17 September 1499 to flee toward Germany.[16] This left Louis XII as only Duke of Milan, entering in city on 6 October 1499.[17]

House of Sforza (2nd rule)[edit]

Ludovico Sforza was captured on February 1500,[18] dying in hard prison in 1508. His son Massimiliano became the Sforza claimant to the Milanese Throne, finally re-gained in January 1513, six months after the Swiss army entrance in Milan.

House of Valois (2nd rule)[edit]

After their defeat in the Battle of Marignano in 1515, the Swiss retired from Milan and Massimiliano was imprisoned by the returning French troops. He waived his rights to Milan for the sum of 30,000 ducats and continued to live in France.[19]

House of Sforza (3rd rule)[edit]

By November 1521, the French situation had deteriorated considerably. Emperor Charles V, Henry VIII of England, and the Pope Leo X signed an alliance against Francis on 28 November.[20] Odet de Foix, Viscount of Lautrec, the French governor of Milan, was tasked with resisting the Imperial and Papal forces; he was outmatched by Prospero Colonna, however, and by late November had been forced out of Milan and had retreated to a ring of towns around the Adda River.[21] For the third time and last time, Sforza were restored to power.

House of Habsburg[edit]

In 1535, after the death of the heirless Francesco II Sforza, Emperor Charles V annexed the Duchy as a vacant imperial state in order to avoid other claims by the French or the collateral branches of Sforza.

House of Habsburg-Spain[edit]

In 1540, the Duchy was secretly given as a gift to Charles V's son Philip, Prince of Asturias. This was made official at the abdication of Charles V in 1555. In 1556, Philip became Philip II of Spain and Milan entered in personal union with the Spanish Crown.

House of Bourbon-Anjou[edit]

In September 1700, Charles became ill; by 28 September he was no longer able to eat and Portocarrero persuaded him to alter his Will in favour of Louis XIV's grandson, Philip of Anjou.[22] When Charles died on 1 November 1700, the throne was offered to Philip, who was proclaimed King of Spain on 16 November 1700. This was accepted by Britain and the Dutch Republic among others but disputes over division of territories and commercial rights led to the War of the Spanish Succession in 1701.[23]

House of Habsburg-Austria (then Habsburg-Lorraine)[edit]

After the Treaty of Rastatt of 1714, Emperor Charles VI officially gained the Duchy of Milan, a possession considered vital to the security of Austria's southern border.[24] Since that moment, Milan was a permanent possession of Austrian branch of Habsburg Monarchy.

See also[edit]

  • List of Governors of the Duchy of Milan
  • List of mayors of Milan
  • List of consorts of Milan
  • Timeline of Milan


  1. ^ Motta, Antonio (1931). Treccani (ed.). Della Torre. Enciclopedia Italiana (in Italian).
  2. ^ Fantoni, Giuliana L. (1989). Treccani (ed.). Della Torre, Martino. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (in Italian). 37.
  3. ^ Gallavresi, Giuseppe (1906). La riscossa dei guelfi in Lombardia dopo il 1260 e la politica di Filippo della Torre (in Italian). 6. Arch. stor. lombardo, 4th section.
  4. ^ Richard, Charles-Louis; Giraud, Jean-Joseph (1822). Méquignon Fils Ainé (ed.). Bibliothèque sacrée, ou, Dictionnaire universel [...] des sciences ecclésiastiques (in French). 13. p. 301.
  5. ^ Pugliese, Michela (2017). Youcanprint (ed.). All'ombra del castello (in Italian). p. 76. ISBN 9788892664630.
  6. ^ Treccani (ed.). "Della Tórre, Guido" (in Italian).
  7. ^ Fantoni, Giuliana L. (1989). Treccani (ed.). Della Torre, Cassone. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (in Italian). 37.
  8. ^ Jones, Michael (2000). Cambridge University Press (ed.). The New Cambridge Medieval History. 6. p. 533.
  9. ^ Bartoš, František M. (1937). Treccani (ed.). Venceslao IV re di Boemia e di Germania. Enciclopedia Italiana (in Italian).
  10. ^ Symonds, John A. (1888). Henry Holt and Co. (ed.). Renaissance in Italy: the Age of the Despots (in Italian).
  11. ^ Lucas, Henry S. (1960). Harper Bros (ed.). The Renaissance and the Reformation. p. 268.
  12. ^ Ady & Armstrong 1907, p. 47
  13. ^ Ady & Armstrong 1907, p. 60
  14. ^ Baumgartner 1996, p. 40
  15. ^ Baumgartner 1996, p. 105
  16. ^ Baumgartner 1996, p. 114
  17. ^ Baumgartner 1996, p. 117
  18. ^ Durant, Will (1953). Simon and Schuster (ed.). The Renaissance. The Story of Civilization. 5. p. 191.
  19. ^ Frieda, Leonie (2012). Weidenfeld & Nicolson (ed.). The Deadly Sisterhood: A Story of Women, Power and Intrigue in the Italian Renaissance. p. 333.
  20. ^ Konstam, Angus (1996). Osprey Publishing (ed.). Pavia 1525: The Climax of the Italian Wars. p. 88.
  21. ^ Blocksman, Wim (2002). Oxford University Press (ed.). Emperor Charles V, 1500–1558. p. 52.
  22. ^ Hargreaves- Mawdsley, HN (1979). Eighteenth-Century Spain 1700-1788: A Political, Diplomatic and Institutional History. Macmillan. pp. 15–16. ISBN 0333146123.
  23. ^ Falkner, James (2015). The War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1714 (Kindle ed.). 96: Pen and Sword. ISBN 9781473872905.CS1 maint: location (link)
  24. ^ Ward, William, Leathes, Stanley (1912). The Cambridge Modern History (2010 ed.). Nabu. p. 384. ISBN 1174382058.


  • Ady, Cecilia M.; Armstrong, Edward (1907). A History of Milan under the Sforza. Methuen & Co.
  • Adriano, Cappelli (1998). Cronologia Cronografia e Calendario Perpetuo. Hoepli. ISBN 88-203-2502-0.
  • Baumgartner, Frederic J. (1996). St.Martin's Press (ed.). Louis XII. ISBN 0-312-12072-9.