Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Это список персонажей семейной драмы The WB / The CW (1996–2007) « Седьмое небо» . [1] [2]

Оригинальный состав семьи Камден

Обзор [ править ]

 = Основной состав (в титрах)
 = Повторяющийся актерский состав (4+)
 = Гость каст (1-3)

Семья Камден [ править ]

Камдены состоят из Эрика и Энни и их семерых детей: Мэтта, Мэри, Люси, Саймона, Рути, Сэма и Дэвида.

Эрик Камден [ править ]

Стивен Коллинз, как преподобный Эрик Камден

Преподобный Эрик Камден (которого играет Стивен Коллинз ) вырос в Бингемтоне, штат Нью-Йорк.его родители, полковник Джон Камден и Рут Линч. Основываясь на эпизоде ​​«Хэллоуин» (сезон 1), кажется, что Эрик родился в 1954 году (в то время ему было 42 года). Согласно эпизоду «Сотня» (5 сезон), его день рождения - в январе. Эрик проучился в колледже пять лет и окончил семинарию Кобелл. Вскоре после этого он женился и создал семью с Энни Джексон. У него есть сестра, Джули Камден-Гастингс, которая в итоге выходит замуж за доктора, который родил Эрика и Энни старших (Мэтт), а также младших (Сэм и Дэвид) детей. После операции по шунтированию сердца он решает оставить служение и даже перестать посещать церковь. Он обновляет свою веру и возвращается в церковь вовремя, чтобы жениться на Кевине и Люси (ближе к концу 7 сезона). У него было три проблемы с сердцем из 4 сезона,7 и 11 и выжили.

Энни Камден [ править ]

Кэтрин Хикс в роли Энни Камден

Энни Камден (урожденная Джексон) (играет Кэтрин Хикс ) - жена Эрика и мать Мэтта, Мэри, Люси, Саймона, Рути, Сэма и Дэвида. У нее есть сводная сестра по имени Лили от отца, Чарльза Джексона. Ее мать - Дженни Джексон. Во время учебы в колледже Энни изучала все, от искусства до бизнеса и экономики, а в более поздние сезоны вернулась в школу, чтобы получить степень в области дошкольного образования.

Хотя она предпочла быть домохозяйкой, Энни - мастер на все руки. Она уравновешивает семью из девяти человек на зарплату министра, работает водопроводчиком, строителем, швеей, поваром и многим другим. Время от времени она также выполняет обязанности казначея церкви.

Энни - основа ее семьи. Мать семерых детей, она часто та, с кем дети приходят поговорить, часто за молоком и печеньем. Вместе с мужем она пытается привить детям крепкую мораль. Отмечается, что она надеется, что Рути не пойдет по стопам ее или двух других дочерей и выйдет замуж слишком рано. Она надеется, что Рути сначала найдет время, чтобы отправиться в путешествие.

Энни - единственная дочь своих родителей. Ее мать, Дженни, умирает в начале первого сезона от рака, и эта смерть сильно поразила Энни. Еще сложнее ее отец быстро отказался от отношений с Джинджер. В одном из эпизодов Энни покидает церковь после того, как ее отец приводит Джинджер на службу. Мэри преследует ее и сбивает машину. Энни медленно принимает Джинджер, и Джинджер и ее отец поженились. Ее отец страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, и перед смертью Энни проводит с ним все больше и больше времени в Аризоне. В более поздних сезонах цитируют Энни, которая сказала, что ей намного больше нравится Джинджер, теперь, когда ее родители снова вместе. В начале сезона Энни узнала о внебрачной дочери, которую ее отец имел от своей школьной подруги. В конце концов она встречает эту сводную сестру, Лили, и со временем у них складываются отношения.

В 2009 году она была включена в Yahoo! «10 лучших телевизионных мам за шесть десятилетий телевидения за десятилетие 1996–2007 гг.». [3]

Мэтт Камден [ править ]

Мэтью «Мэтт» Камден (играет Барри Уотсон ) - первенец Энни и Эрика. В начале сериала Мэтт учится в средней школе, он родился в 1980 году. В первом сезоне ему было 16 лет. Мэтт жертвует школьным временем, чтобы помогать другим; если бы они пожелали остаться анонимными, он бы уважал это и даже не сказал бы своему отцу. Во время учебы в средней школе он скачет с работы на работу, включая репетитора и водителя-доставщика Dairy Shack. Он не всегда является звездным студентом, но ему удается закончить учебу с лучшими в своем классе и принять на стажировку в Белом доме в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, с первой леди Хиллари Клинтон.. Он возвращается в Гленоук для учебы в колледже, проживая в одной комнате с другом и товарищем по «PK» Джоном Гамильтоном. Новый дядя Мэтта, доктор Хэнк Гастингс (который на самом деле доставил его), помогает ему устроиться на работу в столовую больницы; во время пребывания там он решает стать врачом. Его дядя Хэнк был главным вдохновителем, почему он хотел стать врачом. Он заканчивает тем, что работает с Хэнком в женской клинике, сначала помогая спасти жизнь женщине, которая не могла заставить никого, кроме Мэтта, серьезно отнестись к своим симптомам внематочной беременности .

Он знакомится с Сарой Гласс (которую играет Сара Даниэль Мэдисон ), однокурсницей-медиком, как раз тогда, когда он действительно хотел встретить того, кто станет любовью всей его жизни. Их первое свидание заканчивается свадьбой. Потому что Сара - дочь раввина (играет Ричард Льюис), который хочет, чтобы его дочь вышла замуж за еврея, они изначально держат свой брак в секрете. В конце концов, у них была большая семейная свадьба, на которой совместно председательствовали их гордые отцы, которые почти отменили свадебную вражду из-за Мэтта, который планирует перейти в иудаизм. Мэтт и Сара переезжают в Нью-Йорк, чтобы поступить в медицинскую школу, и, хотя были проблемы, они остались счастливы вместе. Ближе к концу сериала они заканчивают медицинскую школу и объявляют, что ждут мальчиков-близнецов, которые родятся следующим летом. Их два мальчика родились в 2006 году. На протяжении всего сериала также показано, что он знает американский язык жестов , что является результатом его отношений с Хизер, что сделало его двуязычным.

Саймон Кэмден [ править ]

Дэвид Галлахер в роли Саймона Камдена

Саймон Кэмден (играет Дэвид Галлахер ) - четвертый ребенок и второй сын. В начале сериала он известен своим братьям и сестрам как «Банк Саймона», потому что у него всегда есть деньги, и он любит зарабатывать деньги. Его другие интересы включали гольф, магию и автомобили. Он родился в 1987 году и в первый год начал учебу, когда ему было 10 лет.

Во время пилотного эпизода Саймон страстно желает собаку. Когда его просят произнести благодать перед ужином, он даже включает просьбу о собаке в свою молитву. Хотя его родители не считают, что он достаточно зрел, чтобы взять на себя ответственность за домашнее животное, Энни идет на фунт «просто посмотреть» и влюбляется в собаку, которую должны были усыпить . Эта собака стала любимым «Хэппи» Камденсом.

Он встречает девочку по имени Дина в шестом классе и узнает, что Эрик консультировал ее семью много лет назад, когда ей поставили диагноз лейкемия . Они ходят на свидания в большей части средней школы, но расстаются в последний день восьмого класса, хотя остаются друзьями.

Средняя школа - тяжелый переходный период для Саймона, несмотря на помощь его веселой, популярной старшей сестры Люси. Он встречается с девушкой по имени Сесилия Смит ( Эшли Симпсон ), и они даже рассматривают возможность продолжения своих отношений в сексуальном плане, но отказываются от этого. Летом перед старшим классом Саймон случайно ударил и убил мальчика по имени Пол Смит, который был ровесником Рути. Поскольку Пол ехал на велосипеде без шлема, а позже выяснилось, что он находился под воздействием наркотиков, смерть признана несчастной, и Саймон не привлекался к уголовной ответственности. Тем не менее, Саймон не может перестать винить себя в аварии, а также опасается возмездия со стороны старшего брата Пола. Старший брат Пола также, вероятно, был виновен в нанесении распылением надписи «Не убий» на вывеске церкви преподобного Камдена.Он проходит ЧСПЭи рано бросает школу, чтобы поступить в колледж. Во время учебы в колледже, отчасти для того, чтобы справиться со своим чувством вины и низкой самооценкой, он нарушает семейный указ о воздержании от добрачного секса.

На протяжении шоу у Саймона есть три серьезные подруги: Дина, Сесилия и Роуз. Позже Саймон связывается с девушкой, которую он знал по колледжу, по имени Сэнди, у которой есть сын по имени Аарон, отцом которого стал Мартин Брюэр. Саймон оказывает эмоциональную и, возможно, даже физическую поддержку Сэнди и ее сыну.

После паники, связанной с беременностью его подруги Джорджии (позже выясняется, что она сделала заявление только о том, чтобы Саймон остался с ней), он встречает Роуз. Роза и Саймон влюбляются друг в друга, обручаются и планируют свадьбу. Они наконец доживают до дня свадьбы, но решают не жениться, потому что ни один из них не готов к браку, а у Роуз все еще есть чувства к бывшему парню. Ближе к концу сериала Сэнди и ее сын Аарон появляются на вечеринке после того, как не свадьба, и Сэнди говорит, что ей нужно поговорить с ним. Однако не раскрывается, что Сэнди хотела сказать Саймону, но предполагается, что это касается отцовства Аарона; намекнули, что Саймон на самом деле был отцом Аарона. В 11 сезоне было подтверждено, что он не отец. В конце концов Саймон женится на ком-то другом или обручится (как намекнула Рути в 11 сезоне),но неизвестно кто, хотя выясняется, что он заканчивает училище.

Мэри Камден [ править ]

Джессика Бил в роли Мэри Камден

Мэри Кэмден (играет Джессика Бил ) - старшая дочь Эрика и Энни. Она вторая из 7-го члена семьи. Она родилась в 1982 году и начала свою карьеру, когда ей было 14 лет. В основном она - обычная черная овца в семье Камден. К 15 годам Мэри - начинающая спортсменка с огромной любовью к баскетболу. По прошествии нескольких месяцев ее способности и уверенность в себе растут (настолько, что она хочет играть в WNBA.когда-нибудь), пока она не попадает под машину до конца первого года обучения, серьезно травмируя колено. У нее много разных парней. Она встречается с Уилсоном Уэстом, парнем, которого она встречает в парке вместе с Рути, которая становится ее первой любовью. Позже он рассказывает Мэри, что у него был секс с шестнадцатилетней девушкой, и она забеременела. Девушка умерла при родах, оставив Уилсона с сыном Билли (на самом деле его звали Уилсон-младший). К старшему классу она и ее товарищи по баскетбольной команде позволяют своим оценкам понижаться, из-за чего тренер налагает на них локаут. После секретной встречи команда решает разыграть свое разочарование, разгромив школьный спортзал. Их ловят на месте преступления и арестовывают. Благодаря специальной программе для первых преступников Мэри может избежать серьезного наказания, выполняя общественные работы.где она встречает Робби Палмера. Когда она получает водительские права, она не может параллельно парковаться, но по совету Люси плачет об этом, и инструктор по вождению сочувственно ставит ей проходную оценку. Мэри мечтает сыграть профессионально за `` Лейкерс '' и думает, что, когда тренер звонит ей, это мечта, но на самом деле она готовит людей с ограниченными возможностями дляСпециальная Олимпиада .

Мэри решает не поступать в колледж, поскольку потеряла стипендию, а вместо этого работает. Она не может удержаться на работе, ее увольняют везде, от Бильярдного зала до Пиццы Пита. Работая у Пита, она встречает Фрэнки и Джонни, молодую наркозависимую супружескую пару, у которой есть девочка по имени Мерси. Эрик и Энни узнают, что Мэри была поймана за выпивкой, когда она сидела с кузиной Эрикой, остановлена ​​полицейским и получила предупреждение, и что у нее есть многочисленные долги перед компаниями, выпускающими кредитные карты, страховыми компаниями и своей семьей. Не желая, чтобы Мэри достигла дна, Эрик и Энни решили, что ей лучше поехать в Буффало, потому что они не могут уделить ей необходимое внимание. Она живет с бабушкой и дедушкой, осенью работает в приюте для бездомных, а зимой поступает в институт.Ее уход заставляет некоторых людей в церковном сообществе думать, что у Мэри незапланированная беременность, но Эрик быстро опровергает слухи. Она уходит из дома, рассерженная на всю свою семью, которая, по ее мнению, предает ее, и отказывается говорить с отцом. Со временем она успокаивается и планирует вернуться домой на лето, поскольку они с Робби снова начинают встречаться.

Находясь в Нью-Йорке, она обнаруживает, что Уилсон тоже живет там. Вместо того, чтобы остаться в Гленоаке на лето, как она изначально планировала, она расстается с Робби, переезжает обратно в Нью-Йорк и начинает встречаться с Уилсоном. Получив совет от полковника, она решает устроиться на государственную службу. Когда она не может стать офицером полиции, потому что она недостаточно взрослая, она подает заявку на должность пожарного, и, после того, как полковник дергает за ниточки, она попадает в программу пожарных. Когда она начинает тренироваться, она встречает Бена Кинкирка, который тоже тренируется. Он подходит к ней, и они целуются, после чего входит Уилсон. Они расстались, и она на время возвращается домой в Калифорнию, но во время поездки в Нью-Йорк с Люси она рассказывает, что возвращается в Нью-Йорк, чтобы обучаться на бортпроводника. Она начинает встречаться с пилотом, Джек,который ровесник ее отца, хотя это длится недолго. Она переезжает во Флориду на время, чтобы сбежать от семьи. Находясь во Флориде, Мэри сталкивается с Карлосом Риверой, человеком, которого она встретила, работая волонтером в приюте для бездомных несколько лет назад, и которого Кэмдены приняли во время курортного сезона. Карлос и Мэри женятся вскоре после Люси, и они рассказывают о ее беременности и браке ее семье в то время. Ее родители навещают ее, когда родился ее сын Чарльз Мигель «Чарли», названный в честь ее и покойных дедов Карлоса. В конце концов они разводятся, и Карлос забирает Чарли обратно ви кого Кэмдены приняли во время курортного сезона. Карлос и Мэри женятся вскоре после Люси, и они рассказывают о ее беременности и браке ее семье в то время. Ее родители навещают ее, когда родился ее сын Чарльз Мигель «Чарли», названный в честь ее и покойных дедов Карлоса. В конце концов они разводятся, и Карлос забирает Чарли обратно ви кого Кэмдены приняли во время курортного сезона. Карлос и Мэри женятся вскоре после Люси, и они рассказывают о ее беременности и браке ее семье в то время. Ее родители навещают ее, когда родился ее сын Чарльз Мигель «Чарли», названный в честь ее и покойных дедов Карлоса. В конце концов они разводятся, и Карлос забирает Чарли обратно вПуэрто-Рико, когда Мэри отказывается от родительских прав. Когда Карлос посещает свадьбу Саймона, Карлос объявляет, что они снова вместе и что Мэри ждет девочек-близнецов. Хотя Мэри не на свадьбе Саймона, она все еще может увидеть свою семью на следующий день, поскольку она, наконец, заканчивает колледж в тот же день, что и Мэтт и Сара. Следующим летом Мэри рожает дочерей-близнецов. Сын Мэри родился в 2004 году, а ее дочери-близнецы - в 2006 году.

Люси Камден-Кинкирк [ править ]

Люси Камден-Кинкирк (играет Беверли Митчелл) - третий ребенок Камдена и вторая дочь. Люси известна (в более ранних сезонах) своими бойфрендами, а также чрезмерно драматичностью. До 4 сезона ее часто считали «хуже», чем ее сестра Мэри, и ее эмоции часто доставляли ей неприятности. Однако к тому времени, когда она переходит в младший класс старшей школы, Люси становится более уравновешенной и меняет положение с Мэри, становясь хорошим ребенком. Ее первый парень - Джимми Мун. У нее с ним одни «нормальные» отношения, но они распадаются. В начале второго сезона она все лето плачет и говорит, что Джимми встречается с Эшли. В какой-то момент ее арестовывают за то, что она находится в районе, где Джимми торгует наркотиками. Позже Джимми показан, когда у него были проблемы с наркотиками,и в последний раз Люси была присяжным заседателем по делу (хотя ей никто не сказал, о чем идет речь; поскольку она знала подсудимого лично, ее уволили). В школе у ​​нее много друзей, и она популярна, в том числе ее номинировали на титул королевы возвращения на родину в старшем классе. У нее очень хорошие отношения со своим другом Майком, который помещен в психиатрическую больницу и подвергается остракизму. Хотя Майку нравится Люси, у него никогда не получается. Позже Люси обручилась с другом Майка, Джереми, но в конце концов они разорвали его.Хотя Майку нравится Люси, у него никогда не получается. Позже Люси обручилась с другом Майка, Джереми, но в конце концов они разорвали его.Хотя Майку нравится Люси, у него никогда не получается. Позже Люси обручилась с другом Майка, Джереми, но в конце концов они разорвали его.

В седьмом сезоне она выходит замуж за Кевина Кинкирка и имеет дочь по имени Саванна (9 сезон). Саванна родилась в 2005 году. Они живут в квартире над гаражом в доме Камденов, пока Саванне не исполнилось несколько месяцев. Она также беременеет от мальчиков-близнецов, которых она теряет в результате выкидыша, который глубоко расстраивает ее эмоциональное состояние, хотя в конце концов она выздоравливает. В конце лета она говорит Кевину, что больше не хочет иметь детей. Она работающая мать (работает младшим пастором), а ее муж Кевин - домработница.. Однако Кевину предлагают работу шерифом полиции в «Перекрестке». Позже Люси помогает молодой женщине по имени Сэнди с ее беременностью, и вскоре они становятся друзьями. Помощь Сэнди заставляет ее пересмотреть тот факт, что она не хочет больше детей. В финале сериала она и Кевин объявляют семье, что ждут мальчиков-близнецов. Люси продолжает свою жизнь как дочь, жена, мать и служитель церкви.

Рути Камден [ править ]

Рути Камден (играет Маккензи Росман ) - младшая дочь. Она названа в честь бабушки по отцовской линии .

В юности она изображается как довольно не по годам развитая семейная хитрость, любящая лошадей. Рути родилась в 1990 году, и в первом сезоне ей было около 6 лет. Она пошла в подготовительный класс в течение первого сезона и закончила сериал, окончив среднюю школу на год раньше, в 17 лет. Один из ее учителей пытается называть ее «Рут», поскольку она предполагает, что это ее настоящее имя, но Рути говорит, что ее настоящее имя - «Рути». В более поздних сезонах она говорит Робби, что у нее никогда не было прозвища. Они с Саймоном очень весело проводят время вместе в детстве и становятся очень близкими по мере приближения к зрелости.

Рути - единственная, кто ненадолго посещает частную школу, но бросает ее в знак протеста против того, что ее подруге Ясмин отказывают в приеме, потому что она мусульманка. На первом курсе она испытывает чувства к гостю в Камдене Мартину Брюеру и даже говорит ему, что любит его, но быстро отвечает, добавляя «как брат». На втором курсе средней школы она начинает краситься и встречается с мальчиками постарше в надежде, что это приведет к отношениям с Мартином. В десятом сезоне «Любовь и одержимость» ей снится все, начиная с того, как Мартин говорит ей, что тест на отцовство доказал, что Саймон, а не Мартин, является отцом Аарона; к тому, что Аарона вообще не было, потому что Мартин никогда не встречал Сэнди. Когда ее бывший парень и первая любовь Питер возвращается в это время, она понимает, что ушла от него.После игнорирования Сэнди на протяжении большей части ее беременности, Мартин присутствует при рождении Аарона, как и оба будущих дедушки Аарона. После рождения Аарона Мартин покидает Гленоак и поступает в колледж; сейчас он живет рядом с сыном. Это оставляет Рути убитым горем, но к тому времени, когда Мартин наконец признается ей, что любит ее, она влюблена в нового гостя в Кэмдене, Ти-Боуна. Рути и Ти-Боун очень любят друг друга и даже делают татуировки: Рути делает татуировку с именем Ти-Боуна, а Ти-Боун получает инициалы Рути. После ссоры они расходятся. Рути ненадолго встречается с Мартином. Мартин говорит, что хочет поработать с ней, но Рути выбирает Ти-Боуна, а затем Рути и Ти-Боун снова вместе. Рути решает досрочно закончить среднюю школу и что они с Ти-Боуном хотят вместе путешествовать по миру. После ее окончанияРути с Ти-Боуном присоединяются ко всей семье и другим нынешним гостям дома Кэмдена в поездке на автофургоне, которая включает остановку на выпускном у Саймона колледже, а после этого Рути и Ти-Боун планируют вместе путешествовать по миру.

Сэм и Дэвид Камден [ править ]

Сэмюэл «Сэм» и Дэвид Камден - разнояйцевые мальчики- близнецы и самые младшие из детей Камдена. Первоначально в них играли все четыре четверки Брино; Лоренцо, Миринда, Николас и Захари, но как только четверные начали стареть и показывать различия между ними, Лоренцо и Николас стали официальными актерами Сэма и Дэвида.

Сэм и Дэвид родились в четырнадцатом эпизоде ​​третьего сезона («Хвала женщинам»). Этот эпизод стал самым популярным часом WB. Частично они были названы в честь дуэта R&B Сэма и Дэйва . Они родились в 1999 году в третьем сезоне.

Хэппи [ править ]

Пёс Хэппи дебютирует в пилотном эпизоде ​​«Все, что хочешь», в котором Саймон умоляет своих родителей завести собаку, а также молится об этом Богу. Однажды он поднялся на чердак и слышит слабый лай. Затем он смотрит в окно, и во дворе дома сидит собака. Позже (в финале второго сезона, состоящего из двух частей) дочь предыдущих владельцев Хэппи видит свою собаку (они звали ее Уайти) по телевизору и хочет ее вернуть. Отец приходит к Камденсам, угрожая судебным иском, если "Хэппи" / "Уайти" не вернут. Саймон и Рути пытаются покрасить шерсть Хэппи пищевым красителем, чтобы она выглядела как другая собака. В конце (второй части) Хэппи убегает, чтобы вернуться к Кэмденсам, и семья Уайти соглашается, что после двух лет с Кэмденсами это любимое животное принадлежит им и не будет ».счастливы "где-нибудь еще.

Расширенная семья [ править ]

Семья Глассов [ править ]

Доктор Сара Гласс-Камден (изображается Сарой Даниэль Мэдисон) - единственный ребенок Ричарда и Розины Гласс и жены Мэтта Камдена. Впервые она появляется в эпизоде ​​шестого сезона «Я действительно делаю» как одна из сотрудников Мэтта в бесплатной женской клинике, где работают и Мэтт, и Хэнк. У Мэтта свидание вслепую, но его вызывают на работу в последнюю минуту, и в итоге он разговаривает с Сарой всю ночь. Сара просит Мэтта кофе, и они довольно близко подходят друг к другу. Она единственный ребенок, отец раввин. Сара показывает, что она независимо богата, наряду со многими другими "интимными" деталями. На следующую ночь они идут ужинать, познакомив друг друга со своими родителями. Они женятся в ту ночь, но когда они пытаются рассказать об этом ее родителям, они в конечном итоге только признают, что «обручились».Рути - единственный человек, который узнает о браке (и держит это в секрете до эпизода десятого сезона «Секреты»). Семья Камден всегда знала, что Мэтт женат и сбежал, но никогда ничего не говорили. Камдены ужинают в Гласс-хаусе, пытаясь Мэттом и Сарой сблизить семьи. После того, как оба отца делают все возможное, чтобы это остановить, Мэтт и Сара женятся во второй раз.

Мэтт и Сара посещают медицинскую школу Колумбийского университета в Нью-Йорке, возвращаясь в Гленоак, когда могут, иногда вместе, иногда по отдельности. В их браке есть шаткие моменты, особенно когда Мэтт продолжает встречаться со своей бывшей девушкой Хизер. Сначала Мэтт и Сара никому не рассказывают в больнице, что они женаты, и Сара решает, что даже в браке она будет профессионально известна как доктор Гласс. В финале десятого сезона выпускники Гласс-Камденс объявляют, что летом ждут мальчиков-близнецов. Их мальчики-близнецы родились в 2006 году.

Раввин Ричард Гласс ( Ричард Льюис ) - отец Сары. Сначала он не одобрял Мэтта, потому что он не еврей. Когда Кэмдены ужинают в его доме, он пытается заставить их чувствовать себя комфортно, шутя с ними. В то же время он очень серьезно относится к иудаизму и окружающим его законам. Несмотря на религиозные различия между ним и Эриком, они стали хорошими друзьями после свадьбы своих детей и начали принимать Мэтта.

Розина Гласс ( Ларэйн Ньюман ) - мать Сары. В отличие от мужа, Розина любила Мэтта и помогла Саре спланировать свадьбу с Мэттом. Она более спокойная и расслабленная, чем ее муж, такой как Энни.

Риверас [ править ]

Карлос Ривера ( Карлос Понсе ) становится мужем Мэри в восьмом сезоне после появления в качестве гостя пятью сезонами ранее в эпизоде ​​«А вот и Санта-Клаус». (В то время как Джессика Бил отсутствовала в сериале, ее персонаж Мэри продолжает с помощью Карлоса.) У Мэри и Карлоса даже есть сын, Чарльз «Чарли» Мигель. Хотя Мэри подает на развод с Карлосом и даже подписывает опеку над своим сыном (в финале девятого сезона, состоящего из двух частей), к финалу десятого сезона они снова вместе и ждут девочек-близнецов, а Мэри заканчивает колледж. В начале 11 сезона упоминается, что Мэри родила своих близнецов летом и преподает в средней школе и тренирует баскетбольную команду средней школы для девочек в Нью-Йорке, где они с Карлосом живут со своими тремя детьми.

Чарльз Мигель «Чарли» Ривера - младенец Мэри и Карлоса, названный в честь умерших дедов Карлоса и Мэри.

Кинкирки [ править ]

Кевин Кинкирк ( Джордж Стултс) is first introduced as a police officer in a New York airport, and soon revealed to be Ben's older brother. Kevin and Lucy set up a date as soon as they met, and like each other so much they decide to pursue a long distance relationship. Kevin eventually transfers to the Glenoak police force, and moves in with the Camdens. Around season seven, he took over Matt's role as the big brother of the Camden family. He reveals to Lucy that he was once married before, when he and an ex-girlfriend had a pregnancy scare. They got married, because his ex-wife was pregnant and this is why they got married. They didn't and decide to divorce and still good friends. Kevin situation reminds me of Robbie and Cheryl back then. In the seventh season, he took over Matt's role as the big brother figure of the Camden family. Kevin and Lucy eventually get engaged and marry each other, living together in the apartment over the garage and then moving into the house directly behind the Camdens at the end of season nine "Kevin Loves Lucy." Kevin has a daughter with Lucy named Savannah. Kevin is almost shot at and decides to be a stay at home dad. He convinces Lucy to adopt a Great Dane named Sampson, but Lucy also makes the decision to adopt a tiny Yorkshire terrier named Delilah. It is revealed that Kevin and Lucy were expecting twin boys; however, Lucy has a miscarriage over the summer. In the series finale, Lucy tells him that she is pregnant again.

Savannah Kinkirk (Alyssa & Hannah Yadrick) (born in season nine episode "Paper or Plastic?") is Kevin and Lucy's first child. She is named after Savannah, Georgia, where Kevin and Lucy went on their honeymoon. Savannah was born in an elevator with Matt and Kevin helping with the delivery.

Ben Kinkirk (Geoff Stults) is Kevin's younger brother. They are two years apart. He is introduced as Mary's fellow firefighter trainee in Buffalo (in the season six episode "Relationships"). Ben becomes interested in Mary while she is pondering Wilson's marriage proposal. Ben attends Kevin and Lucy's wedding in the episode "We Do." The last time he appears is in season 11's "Pain in the Neck", where he attempts to flirt with Ms. Margo, the teacher who made a move on Eric.

Patty-Mary Kinkirk (Natalie Ramsey) is Ben and Kevin's younger sister. She first appears in season six's "Letting Go". She is introduced as a student in San Francisco.

The Jacksons[edit]

Jenny Jackson (Alice Hirson) is Annie's mother. She is introduced in the pilot episode, "Anything You Want," when she came to Glenoak to tell Annie that she had leukemia. In the episode, In the Blink of an Eye, after spending her final days living life to its fullest, (i.e. shopping for the family, drinking wine, flying first class, not watching her cholesterol) she dies in her sleep while staying with the Camdens. She tells Annie goodbye and disappears in her room. Her post-funeral and memorial occurred in No Funerals and a Wedding. While Annie is asleep before she gives birth to the twins, Jenny appears to her in a dream, encouraging and reassuring her (in season three, episode 14 "In Praise of Women"). Her final appearance was made in the season eleven episode "Christmas", where she tries to help Eric after he is suddenly transported to heaven. She shows Eric a pin that was given to her by Charles after Annie was born, and Annie ends up finding it in Eric's hand when he comes home.

Charles Jackson (Graham Jarvis) is Annie's father, who is introduced in the pilot episode, "Anything You Want." In the episode, "In the Blink of an Eye," he almost tells Simon that his moon rocks are not real, and then receives them later and declares that he is lucky to have them. He has another daughter named Lily, whom he fathered from a previous relationship before he met Jenny. He quickly takes off after Jenny's funeral, in "No Funerals and a Wedding," because he does not want to fall apart. He ends up turning back from the airport and sits at the cemetery for a few hours before finally returning to the Camdens' house to apologize to Annie. He later appears in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 1" where he introduces his new girlfriend, Ginger, to the Camdens. This angers Annie, but the problem is solved (in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 2"). He later marries Ginger, and is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease shortly afterwards. When Lily is getting married, Charles plans on walking her down the aisle, much to the dismay of Annie, but ends up having a heart attack and dying.

Ginger Jackson (Beverly Garland) is Charles Jackson's second wife, whom he meets three months after Jenny's death. She first appears in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 1" where she is introduced to the Camden family as his girlfriend. However, Annie quickly develops a hatred of her, and refuses to accept the relationship. She makes peace with Annie in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 2." She marries Charles in the season three episode "And the Home of the Brave", where they both acknowledge the so-called "baggage" of their past. She is the first person to tell Annie about her father's Alzheimer's, as well as the one to inform Eric of his death.

The Hastings[edit]

Julie Camden-Hastings (Deborah Raffin) is the younger sister of Eric. She flies in from New York to be with the Camdens for Thanksgiving. While she is there, she tries to hide the fact that she is an alcoholic. When Simon is playing "Batman", he takes the key to the liquor cabinet, pretending it is the key to Gotham City. Julie tries to get the key back, but when he would not give it to her, she attacks him. Annie runs in and throws her out of the house. Instead of sending her to a hospital, Eric locks her in his bedroom while she starts to go through detoxification. She eventually checks herself into a rehab center. After living in the center for a few months, she goes back to New York to live with her parents, the Colonel and Ruth. She returns to Glenoak two years later to get a fresh start. Back in New York, everyone knows that she used to be an alcoholic and she is fired as a principal because of her drinking.

While in Glenoak, she gets a job as a teacher and falls in love with Hank Hastings, the doctor who almost killed Matt during delivery. The two elope in Eric’s church. Julie becomes pregnant and wants to leave Hank because she feels that he was cheating on her with one of his female patients, which is not true. Julie goes into labor at the Camdens’ house and Hank delivers the child in Eric and Annie’s bedroom. She gives birth to a girl, whom she and Hank name Erica, after Eric and Annie. When Julie and Hank need a babysitter, they take the risk of allowing Mary, who had been quite irresponsible, to babysit. Later, when they cannot get a hold of Mary, they rush back and discover that their place is a mess, the phone is off the hook, a liquor bottle is on the table, and Mary's friends' baby, Mercy, was left with Mary while she was supposed to be babysitting Erica. Julie later wants to leave Hank again when she discovers that he had left his job at the hospital to be the head of a Women’s Clinic without discussing it with her first. Eric locks them in a room at the clinic and tells them that they could not come out until they had worked out their problems. They reconcile and Hank learns that Julie is pregnant again. She gives birth to a baby boy. Both she and Hank attend Lucy’s wedding.

Dr. Hank Hastings (Ed Begley Jr.) is Julie's husband. He was Annie's doctor when she was pregnant with Matt, which resulted in his premature delivery. Both Annie and Eric are upset that he never apologized for his actions, but he then explains that what happened with them made him go back to medical school in order to be a better doctor. Hank is the main reason why Matt wanted to be a doctor. He unexpectedly delivers Sam and David, and the family is shown to have forgiven him. He starts dating Eric's younger sister Julie, and they get married after discovering that she's pregnant.

Erica Hastings is Julie's daughter. She is born at the Camdens’ home, in Eric and Annie's bed, which was given to her parents because of that. Feeling that they want to thank Eric and Annie they name her after them: "Eric", and the "A" after Annie.

The Camdens (Eric, Julie, and George's Parents)[edit]

John "The Colonel" Camden (Peter Graves) is Eric, Julie, and George's father, who used to be in the Marines. Whenever he visits his son's home to visit the grandchildren, he expects military discipline, order and organization, even from his son. He was a Colonel in the Korean War and was evacuated for an unknown reason in 1953. The Colonel and Ruth had Eric out of wedlock before they were married. He met Ruth the same year and they were expecting Eric and had to get married. He first appears in "Seven Is Enough", when he and Ruth go on their annual visit to the Camdens, where they always bring candy that their grandkids dislike. During their visit, they go to a hardware store with Annie, Mary, and Lucy. The cashier, Emma, has rings that are a replica of Annie's stolen ones. She suspects this, but then excuses this thought. The Colonel visits Eric at the church and is forced to put a cigar away because of a church rule. He suspects someone is in the room, and sure enough, a homeless orphan named George was hiding there. The Colonel and Ruth adopt him after Eric lets them. He later appears in "It's About George", where George's biological father Will Grayson is found to be alive and wants his son back. He does not want this to happen, so he is willing to sue. Eric informs his father that he would lose and that Will legally has every right to take George with him, but George refuses to move in with Will and runs away. Eric later creates a compromise and he reluctantly accepts. He also meets Jimmy Moon in this episode, where he and Ruth scare him, but later apologize. He thought that Julie hated him and that he lost all of his children. Julie later confronts him and tells him that she loves him. He and Ruth buy Eric an RV the final episode, though he is not shown.

Apart from his annual visits he also makes occasional surprise visits. In "Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way", he arrives to help Eric with his major news coverage of his service and in the process helps Mary who is contemplating quitting basketball, Simon, who is training to be a magician (despite the Colonel's dislike for it), and Lucy who is slacking in school, and starts to connect with her.

Ruth Camden (Barbara Rush) is Eric, Julie, and George's mother. She first appears in "Seven Is Enough" on an annual trip to visit Eric and Annie. She gives Lucy the first letter that The Colonel gave to her and both Mary and Lucy read it. She and The Colonel later adopt George at the end of the episode. In "It's About George" she hears that George's biological father Will is alive and plans to legally take his son back. She gets upset and blames Julie for this, but then apologizes. She also meets Jimmy Moon in this episode, where she and The Colonel scare him, but later apologize.

George Grayson Camden (Sam Saletta) is a homeless orphan who went from one foster home to the next until he is found in Eric's office. George informs them that his parents are dead. At first, Eric and Annie want to adopt him, but The Colonel and Ruth become his adopted parents, thereby becoming Eric and Julie's brother. In "It's About George" he meets his real father Will Grayson. It turns out that Will faked his death and plans to legally take George with him. Ruth and The Colonel refuse to give George up and plan to take legal action to keep their son. Eric explains to them that the judge would grant custody of George to his biological father and because Will never signed the adoption papers he has every right to take George. He gets upset about being legally forced to live with Will. George refuses to leave his adopted family behind. He runs away and declares that would rather live at the orphanage. His dad later moves in with him, at The Colonel and Ruth's in Buffalo, New York. In "Tit for Tat", it is revealed that he followed in The Colonel's footsteps and joined the army, serving in Iraq. It was also revealed that he married Jane, who had stayed at the Camden's.

Other recurring characters[edit]

The Hamiltons[edit]

Reverend Morgan Hamilton (Dorian Harewood) is a minister at Trinity Church and a close friend of Eric's. He first appears in "No Funerals and a Wedding" where he attends Jenny Jackson's funeral. In "The Color of God", his church building is burnt to the ground by racists, and he and his family are invited to stay at the Camdens’. He speaks at Eric's church, where his entire congregation attends the week after the church was burnt. He is sad and angry, but is relieved when the Glenoak Community Church gives him funding to rebuild. He later appears in "America's Most Wanted", where he rounds up all of the athletes who had stole items from the Varsity Cafe and brings them to the courthouse. This causes the manager of the restaurant to drop the charges. He later appears in "Happy's Valentine", where he goes camping with his wife, Eric and Annie. He and Eric secretly call Sgt. Michaels to check the house and make sure everything is okay.

John Hamilton (1996–2001) (Chaz Lamar Shepherd) is the oldest of the Hamilton children. He first appears in "The Color of God." When his father's church is burned down, he stays in Matt's room. At first, the two are not very fond of each other, but this later changes. He later appears in the episode "America's Most Wanted" where he is an eyewitness to Mary stealing a glass from a restaurant as part of a team ritual. He appears in "Happy's Valentine", where he brings a date to the Camdens' while his parents and Eric and Annie are out of town, joining the wild party that Mary and Keesha's friends are throwing. He later becomes Matt's roommate. He later married to a woman named Priscilla Carter at the end of season five, his last appearance on the show.

Patricia Hamilton (Olivia Brown) first appears in "No Funerals and a Wedding" where she attends Jenny Jackson's funeral. Patricia is Morgan's wife, and she is in her second marriage. When her church is burnt down she feels scared until she finds out that the church would have a new security system with volunteer cops. They later have some marital problems, but it is quickly solved. She talks with Annie in "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" about the carjacking. She appears in "Happy's Valentine" where she goes camping with her husband, Eric, and Annie. During the camping trip, her ex-husband calls like usual, which drives Morgan crazy.

Keesha Hamilton (Gabrielle Union) is the second oldest Hamilton child. She first appears in "The Color of God" where she stays in Lucy and Mary's room after her family’s church is burnt down. She later appears in "America's Most Wanted", where she is an eye-witness of Mary stealing a glass from a restaurant as part of a team ritual. She appears in "Happy's Valentine", where she attends a party that she is partially responsible for. She is a friend of Mary and Lucy's in a few episodes.

Nigel Hamilton (David Netter) is the third Hamilton child. He is a friend of Simon’s, and first appears in "The Color of God." Someone makes a racist comment to him, in which Simon responds with violence, resulting in a suspension. He appears in "What Will People Say?", where he witnesses Simon's embarrassing moment, where his "love letter" was intercepted by a bully. He appears in "Happy's Valentine", where he goes to a movie with Simon, Ruthie, Lynn, Lucy, and Jimmy. He and Simon get in trouble for throwing popcorn.

Lynn Hamilton (Camille Winbush) is the youngest of the Hamiltons, and is Ruthie's friend who first appears in "The Color of God." In "Happy's Valentine," she attends a movie with Simon, Nigel, Ruthie, Lucy, and Jimmy. She and Ruthie fall asleep while the movie is going on.

Chandler Hampton[edit]

Chandler Hampton (Jeremy London) is the minister who fills in during Eric Camden’s heart bypass surgery and subsequent recovery. He is later asked to stay on as an associate to assist Eric with his busy schedule. Eric meets Chandler's twin brother in one episode and mistakes him for Chandler. In season 7, Chandler starts dating Roxanne Richardson (Rachel Blanchard) and they become engaged for a brief time. He was different than Eric was as a minister. He was more fun-loving and cool and relax. Chandler came from a wealthy family and his father cut him off when he chose to be a minister. He and Chandler finally reconciled before his father died. He has a twin brother Sid, who is a recovering drug and alcohol addict. He became a drug and alcohol counselor and help addicts to get clean. In the 8th season, Sid relapsed and went to rehab. His father left him his money, but he made Chandler the executioner of his will. Sid is not ready to inherit the money since he has a drug problem, and it is put in a trust and until he get his act together to earn it. Chandler and Roxanne break up in the beginning of season 8, but remain friends. He later takes in a young boy, and eventually moves to Pennsylvania with his newly-adopted son and new girlfriend.

Shana Sullivan[edit]

Shana Sullivan (1998–2002) (Maureen Flannigan) is one of Matt's major girlfriends, who eventually decides to go to New York University. The resulting long-distance relationship between Matt and Shana fails. Shana and Matt eventually break up because Shana meets somebody else named Brett and Matt admits that he is in love with Heather.

Robbie Palmer[edit]

Robbie Palmer (1999–2002) (Adam LaVorgna) is Mary's, and then later Lucy's, boyfriend. He had been with some friends who were drinking underage and they were all arrested. Being a first time offender, he is able to avoid serious punishment by doing community service. The alcohol wasn't his, but it was his brother's and he covered for him and took the blame. While doing community service, he meets Mary. The two have dates at the Camden house under Eric and Annie’s supervision, because they feel they cannot trust Robbie. After a while, Robbie convinces Eric and Annie to let him take Mary to the coffee shop, where his parents met, for Valentine’s Day. The coffee shop turns out to be a motel. Mary punches him and leaves. He comes back a few months later to try to win back Mary. The two get back together, get engaged, and plan to move in together. However, Robbie’s ex-girlfriend, Cheryl, sees him and Mary together and realizes that he had been two-timing her. She tells Mary and Mary breaks up with him because she needs to figure out her life.

Robbie comes back a few months later with Cheryl, asking if Eric would marry the two of them because she was pregnant, which is not true, and the two are living together in Cheryl’s apartment. Eric later finds Robbie living on the streets, and Robbie tells him that the only reason he was going to marry Cheryl was because she was pregnant, and when he found out she wasn’t, he left, but had nowhere to go. Eric invites Robbie to stay in the Camden house, which does not go over very well with the rest of the family. But in time, everyone came to treat Robbie like a member of the family. He and Mary started dating again and she planned to come home from New York for the summer to be with him. However, her old boyfriend, Wilson West, comes to beg Mary to stay in New York with him. She chooses to be with Wilson, and leaves Robbie heartbroken.

While on the rebound from Mary, Robbie starts to date Lucy, who is on the rebound from her ex-fiancé, Jeremy. They date only a short time before they realize that being together is awkward. Robbie then begins to date Joy Reyes. Mary and Lucy become jealous of Joy and each try to win him back. Joy breaks up with Robbie, and again, he is left heartbroken. He dates Roxanne Richardson, whom he had known since grade seven, for a short while before leaving the Camden house to live in Florida and take care of his sick mother. Robbie has an older brother, Ronald, and a younger brother, Rick.

Peter Petrowski[edit]

Peter Petrowski (2002–2006) (Scotty Leavenworth) is a neighbor to the Camdens; the son of Vic and Paris. Peter is Ruthie's boyfriend in middle school. His father, Vic, was an alcoholic who left his mother when he was young. In the episode "Smoking" it is revealed that Peter smokes. He decides to stop smoking later in the episode because he knows Ruthie doesn't like that he smokes. His father returns sober in the episode "The Prodigal Father" and both Peter and his mother forgive him. When Peter is caught drinking, Vic is very upset with him and gives him a lecture on how he doesn't want Peter to make the same mistakes that he himself made. Eventually Peter's mother and father get back together, despite the fact that Peter had previously hoped that his mother would marry Chandler, who she had been dating before the return of her ex-husband. It is revealed (in the season nine premiere) that Peter moves away with his parents the summer before Ruthie starts high school. Ruthie isn't greatly upset about it as she was more upset with Martin for not driving her to school on her first day. He is not seen again until the episode "Leaps of Faith" when Peter's parents, who are having another baby, ask Reverend Camden to marry them. He appears one last time in the episode "Highway to Cell", when Reverend Camden gives Ruthie's cell number to Vic and Vic convinces Peter to call Ruthie. They communicate for a short while through cellphone and even planned to study in Scotland together, but Peter failed a class so his parents didn't allow him to. They once again drift apart.

Roxanne Richardson[edit]

Roxanne Richardson (2002–2004) (Rachel Blanchard) is Kevin's work partner at the local police station, the object of much of Lucy's jealousy but later become close friends with Lucy and they set up girls nights out where Lucy tells Roxanne what's going on in her life with her husband. She was an old crush of Robbie, and Chandler's girlfriend. Later, Roxanne reveals that she has enlisted in the Army and will be deploying to Iraq.

Cecilia Smith[edit]

Cecilia Smith (2002–2004) (Ashlee Simpson) is Simon's girlfriend, who then dates Martin. She later dumps Martin, who loved her but she was not sure she felt the same. Another reason (which is not very clearly shown) might be that she thought Simon was returning—whereas he only came for vacations—and they might get back together (because it would no longer be a long-distance relationship). When Simon comes home (at the end of season eight), it was vaguely revealed that their relationship did not work out, because over the summer Cecilia went away to college, and it was only when Simon begins dating and having sex with Georgia (in season nine) that it is revealed that they had broken up.

Cecilia becomes very close to the Camdens while dating Simon, and even when he leaves to go to college she still spends a lot of time with his family, babysitting the twins, helping out around the house and often being there for meals, this escalates when Annie is away looking after her sick father, she is there so often that Annie becomes jealous of her role in the family, with the twins loving her and saying she is "more fun than Mommy". Annie and Cecilia discuss this and Annie resolves her jealousy when she realizes Cecilia is just trying to help, and she continues to be part of the 'extended Camden family' until she leaves for college.

Martin Brewer[edit]

Martin Brewer (2003–2007) (Tyler Hoechlin) is the only son of the Marine, Beau Brewer. His mother died when he was young and, until he was 16, he lived with his Aunt Betsy, when his dad was deployed. During his sophomore year in high school, the Brewers moved to Glenoak.

Martin walks into the Camdens' life by chance and joins the already-growing over-glut of teen boys there. He follows Ruthie and her then-boyfriend Peter to the Camden house and everyone assumes that he is a friend of Simon's, except Simon thinks that he is there to see his dad. While Martin's aunt, an aspiring fashion designer, wants the two of them to move to New York, Eric manages to convince her to let Martin stay with them so as not to uproot him again.

Martin's favorite sport is baseball and has been scouted by both colleges and professional baseball teams. One team even offers him a contract during his sophomore year in high school (which he eventually turns down to complete his education). Martin lives with the Camdens for two years before his father's tour in Iraq finally ends and he returns home.

He also has fixed, rigid beliefs about sexuality and is staunchly conservative, which pleases most of the Camdens, except Simon. When Martin snoops into Simon's private affairs, Martin harps at Simon about the evils of non-marital sex when he finds out that Simon is sexually active.

Prior to his senior year in high school, while visiting Simon, Martin is not practicing what he preached about pre-marital sex, and has sex one time with a girl named Sandy Jameson. The event results in Sandy getting pregnant.

Martin graduates a semester early and, with the assistance of Eric and his high school baseball coach, starts college. He now lives near Sandy and their son. While Martin is not in the season ten finale, Sandy makes an appearance after the failed wedding of Simon and Rose. It ends with Sandy telling Simon she needs to speak with him (Much speculation surrounded this, that it was in fact Simon's baby). Ruthie falls in love with Martin in the meantime. Finally, near the end of the series, Martin declares his love for Ruthie, but then Ruthie had to choose between Martin and T-Bone. At the end, despite all they have been through, she decides to go with T-Bone, leaving Martin heartbroken.

Chief of Police Michaels[edit]

Chief of Police Michaels (Christopher Michael) first appears in "Saturday" as a Sergeant who assists lost Simon, Ruthie, and Happy; he takes them home, but when they find the house empty, he escorts them to Mary's basketball game, where most of the family converge despite Mary's initial wish. He returns in "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" to investigate the Camdens' carjacking. In "Happy's Valentine", Eric and Morgan call him from a camping trip to check on the kids at the house. He catches his son with beer and sends him home thereby ending the wild party. He then notifies Matt that Happy was hit by a car, and he takes her to Abbott Animal Hospital. He also informs Eric when Simon got in the car accident. He is Kevin's boss when he is a police officer. He is later promoted to detective, then to captain. In "Faith, Hope and the Bottom Line," he and Officer McGuire rush over to the Camdens' after Ruthie calls "911", because Simon was hiding in his room. Near the series' end he is promoted to Police Chief of Glenoak. He and Eric are friends and occasionally work together; he refers people to Eric for counseling, Eric accompanies him on death notifications, etc.

Meredith Davies[edit]

Meredith Davies (2004–2005) (Megan Henning) is Martin's ex-girlfriend, who ends their relationship after he told her about Sandy and the baby. Meredith and her siblings were taken in by Cecilia's parents, but were never legally adopted by them due to the meddling of their birth mother. After she and Martin breakup, Meredith's younger sister tells everyone at school that Martin got Ruthie pregnant. After discovering this, Meredith quickly denies the rumor, explaining to her sister that Martin got Sandy pregnant.

Sandy Jameson[edit]

Sandy Jameson (2005–2007) (Haylie Duff) was introduced in the season 10 premiere as Simon's fiancée Rose's best friend, to whom Martin lost his virginity the previous summer. In the season opener, Sandy reveals she might be pregnant. This is later confirmed, and she gives birth to a baby boy named Aaron (after Martin's grandfather). In the season 10 finale, she had to speak with Simon, possibly about the baby's paternity. In season 11, she meets Jonathan, a doctor, and he proposes. Together, they decide to get married, but having gone on the RV vacation, it is unknown whether or not they get married and stay together.

Rose Taylor[edit]

Rosanna "Rose" Taylor (2005–2006) (Sarah Thompson) was introduced (in the season nine finale "Mi Familia Part 1") as Simon's current girlfriend for season 9-10. The two are not necessarily serious but she seems eager to engage and marry, pressuring Simon into proposing. When at first he refuses, she takes it as disinterest in her and backs away, provoking him to commit to marrying her. By season ten they are engaged, and she makes wedding plans. The initial plan was for the two to engage at the end of their current school year and wed at the end of the following year, but she pressures him into moving the engagement date forward. During Rose's time on the show, she becomes a very disliked person by all except for Sandy Jameson, who was her one friend there. Rose is known for being selfish, rude, inconsiderate, and thoughtless, rubbing Eric and Annie the wrong way more than anyone.

By 2006, Simon and Rose change plans to marry in May, something they both wanted to be ready for, but still held insecurities and doubts. Annie, however, decides that they could not marry, and when an ex-boyfriend of Rose's surfaces in March, she sees an opportunity. Though most had come to accept Simon dating Rose, no one knew her at all, and it was this boyfriend who convinces Rose that she is not being a good person. In the episode Invitation to Disaster, she has a sit-down confession with Annie, explaining that she has been unaware of how she was acting and that her relationship with her parents and never really being disciplined or close to them at all is part of the reason. This provokes Annie to see her in a different light, and while she and Annie take on a mother/daughter relationship, no one else is crazy about them marrying. It is her ex-boyfriend Humberto who makes her realize that she is not ready to marry and that he still has feelings for her. So although they had gotten to the wedding day, they end up parting ways amicably. It is unknown whether they still keep in touch.

Minor recurring characters[edit]

  • Gladys Bink (Eileen Brennan) first appears in the pilot episode, where Eric pays her to pretend that she had lost a lung, breathing on an oxygen tank, and trying to still smoke cigarettes. This trick makes Matt quit smoking. Later, she appears in "With a Little Help from My Friends", where Matt helps her with a few things around the house. But because he does not come help her get her money down from a high shelf, she takes a hard fall and Matt and Eric visit her in the hospital. In "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 2" she visits Mary at the hospital and persuades Annie's father to solve the problem by using her "ways" (i.e. lying). She has been a member of the Glenoak Community Church for many years, and has a reputation of being an excellent fundraiser. At the end of season seven, she is diagnosed with cancer and Chandler moves into her guest house to help her out. Chandler is the minister who married Gladys to her third husband Fred, though without the blessing of Fred's mother. She is the show's most-recurring character.
  • Beau Brewer (Costas Mandylor) is Martin Brewer's father, who served 2 tours in Iraq. When he comes home for three days, he does not speak to Martin until the last day, uneasy because it might be their last conversation. The season ten premiere discloses that he started up a landscaping business.
  • Betsy Brewer (Keri Lynn Pratt) is Martin's aunt whom he stays with in Glenoak while his Marine dad is deployed in Iraq.
  • Heather Cain (Andrea Ferrell) is a deaf girl whom Matt sees at the airport (in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 1"). He goes over to her house and meets her and her mother, Donna (Meg Wittner). On their first date the next night, Heather runs out of the party after being teased. In "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 2," Eric "lures" Matt to a cafe where deaf people work and eat. Matt meets Heather there. They eventually apologize and say they want to get to know each other. In season two, she goes away to school in Philadelphia and breaks up with Matt in a "Dear John". In season three, she returns and says she's getting married, but in the finale she runs off with Matt on her wedding day after learning that her fiancé cheated on her. In season four, she transfers to Crawford College and sees that Matt is in a relationship with Shana Sullivan. In the season finale, she tells Matt she still loves him and he breaks up with Shana. Matt and Heather decide to elope, but (in the season five premiere) it's revealed that she did not say "I Do" at the altar. She has Annie tell Matt it's over. She later tells Matt she has another boyfriend, but they eventually break up and she moves to New York. In season eight, Matt bumps into her on a flight to Glenoak and she says she's divorced and going back to Glenoak to move back in with her mother and start over. Matt considers going back to Heather, but he decides he loves his wife and apologizes for misleading her. This time he will not try to rescue her so he can be with her. Heather does not wish for Matt to do so either. He runs off to go fix his marriage.
  • Cheryl (Barret Swatek) is Robbie's ex-girlfriend, whom he almost marries after they thought that Cheryl was pregnant but ended up not being pregnant. Cheryl also dates Matt for a short while.
  • Corey Conway (Alicia Leigh Willis) first appears in "Saturday" as Mary's basketball teammate. Mary is of the few people to stand by her friend when it is revealed that she left her last school because she had a baby at 14. Corey ended up dating Mary's longtime flame Wilson West, also a teenage single parent. In the season nine episode "Fathers," we learn that they have married and become a blended family.
  • Lou Dalton (Alan Fudge) works for Glenoak Community Church. He first appears in "Faith, Hope and the Bottom Line," objecting to Eric's plan to hire an ex-convict as the new organist when Mrs. Hinkle retires. At series' end he resigns as head deacon and moves away from Glenoak.
  • Daniel (Aaron Staton) is Sandy's school friend, introduced in "Turn, Turn, Turn," who later tells Sandy he's in love with her. Upset, Sandy calls Eric for advice. In "You Take the High Road," Sandy desperately tries to break up with him.
  • Frankie (Chyler Leigh) is Mary's friend and co-worker at Pete's Pizza. At Mary's age, she's already married to Johnny—who verbally and physically abuses her—and raising their daughter Mercy, but still drinking, smoking, and doing other drugs. After Frankie and Johnny get busted for marijuana, Eric forbids Mary to have anything to do with them outside of work, but she is unable to comply. Frankie eventually leaves town without her family.
  • Odile Hinkle (Peg Phillips) is Mrs. Bink's neighbor and best friend. In "We The People", Mrs. Hinkle provides a rest-stop for erstwhile newspaper-couriers Simon and Ruthie, then literally rides to their rescue. In "Says Who?", Mrs. Hinkle disappears, moving to a seniors' residence without informing anyone, leaving Mrs. Bink and Eric to investigate her disappearance. At one time, she was the organist for Glenoak Community Church, but eventually retires from that position, leaving Eric to find someone else as a replacement.
  • Georgia Huffington (Rheagan Wallace) is Simon's ex-girlfriend/lover. She is portrayed as the first girl that Simon had sex with. They almost get married when she tells Simon that she's pregnant, but it is quickly revealed to be a lie. Simon ends their relationship shortly afterwards.
  • Jane (Sarah Mason) is a homeless girl who stays at the Camdens'. After her father left her mother, her mother's new live-in boyfriend, whom she meets via the Internet, threatens to harm Jane, causing her to flee. Despite not actually being pregnant, she seeks refuge at the home for teenage mothers, but Lucy turns her down, but she and her friend Margaret are soon invited to move into the Camdens' garage apartment. In "Broken Hearts and Promises," she gets a job at the Dairy Shack. "You Take the High Road" reveals that she used to be married to a soldier, but left him after he started hitting her. In ( "And I'll Take the Low Road"), with help from Kevin when her first husband does not show up for their divorce hearing. She latter gets the divorce papers and In "Tit for Tat," she marries Eric's adopted brother George after the conflict of her first marriage fixed and her divorce goes through. While arguing with T-Bone about his mother coming to see him, she blurts out Eric's heart problems on the Promenade. In "Thanks and Giving," she and T-Bone insist that a salesman donates a bed for Eric and Annie. In the series finale, she announces that her mom is in rehab (her parents used to smoke pot) and her mom's boyfriend is in jail for breaking his probation.
  • Jeff (Ryan Bittle) first appears in the pilot episode. He is Matt's best friend since age six, and Mary's crush since age ten. While jogging with Lucy, Mary runs into him and he asks her if she wants help with her foul shot; Matt spies on him while the two shoot baskets. In "In the Blink of an Eye," Jeff asks Mary to go to a party, then an R-rated movie, neither of which she is allowed to attend. In "No Funerals and a Wedding," Jeff attends Mary's grandmother's memorial service at the Camdens'. Mary starts to dislike him as he has become clingy. Later, Lucy tells him that she is sorry that they broke up, even though Mary had not dumped him. When Jeff asks Mary to go steady she refuses as she would rather be his friend then date him. They then end up as friends.
  • Johnny (Nathan West) is Pete's nephew and Frankie's husband, who leaves his infant daughter, Mercy, at the Camden's doorstop after Frankie leaves him. He ends up deciding to be a single parent.
  • Jordan (Wade Carpenter) briefly dates both Mary and Lucy. He is first seen playing basketball with Mary before the show focuses on his relationship with Lucy. When a teacher catches Lucy slapping Jordan, Mary explains that they were rehearsing a scene from Gone With the Wind. When Lucy discovers that Jordan and Mary intend to attend a co-ed sleepover for the basketball teams, she gets jealous and tries to seduce Jordan, but Matt catches them kissing and escorts her home before anything more serious can happen. In the season three finale, Jordan says he still loves Mary but does not want to hurt Lucy (who overhears). Jordan and Mary's renewed relationship creates a sibling rift; later that day the girls and their boyfriends engage in a kissing contest until Aunt Julie orders the boys to leave; Jordan disappears after this. "We don't speak of him", Mary tells Simon in season four, but when the unpleasant subject does insist on coming up, he's referred to as "Big Lips", such as in "Simon's Home Video".
  • Mac (Kyle Searles) is Martin's best friend. Cecilia sets him up with Pam early on. Ruthie has a crush on him during season nine, but does little about it as he is two years older. In season 11, he rents an apartment with Jane and Margaret and falls in love with the latter. He and Margaret later begin dating.
  • Margaret (Andrea Morris) is Jane's very shy friend. She gets highly emotional when Annie calls the paramedics because she thinks something is wrong with Eric. She gets a job at the Dairy Shack in "Broken Hearts and Promises." She reveals to T-Bone (in "You Take the High Road") that Jane called his mother and she is coming to see him. She later reveals her past in "And I'll Take the Low Road": Her father abused her mother and she ended up going from home to home. Unwilling to be abused for saying the wrong thing, she became shy. In "Thanks and Giving," she helps Sam and David prepare the song "This Land is Our Land" for Eric, Annie, and Ruthie's homecoming, and reveals her ambition to teach Pre-K. In the series finale, she is offered a college scholarship, but she turns it down and goes on the Camdens' road trip.
  • Ms. Margo (Rachel Boston) is Sam and David's teacher who first appears in "A Pain in the Neck." When she feels attracted to Eric, Sam and David tell her that he is their grandfather. This is soon resolved, and Ms. Margo asks Eric and the twins out to dinner; Eric resists her advances and starts homeschooling his sons. When Ben hits on her the same day, she turns up at the Camdens', to Eric's annoyance.
  • Mercy is Frankie and Johnny's daughter.
  • Jimmy Moon (Matthew Linville) (introduced in the episode, "Family Secrets") is Lucy's first boyfriend. In the episode, "In the Blink of an Eye", he and Lucy go on their first date by watching a French film in the Camdens' living room. However, Eric messes this up by playing country songs. In "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil", he wants to break up with Lucy because of a school class president election. He later withdraws, followed by Lucy, because they want to stay together. In "Happy's Valentine", he takes Lucy, Simon, Nigel, Ruthie, and Lynn to the movies. He and Lucy see a separate movie (a French film) for their first Valentine's together. His grades in science start to drop, and so Lucy told Mary to tutor him in "Faith, Hope and the Bottom Line". Lucy regrets this, because she thought that Mary was going to steal her boyfriend. The issue is resolved at the end of the episode. In "It's About George", he meets the Colonel and Grandma Ruth Camden, who he declares to be the scariest people he ever met. He breaks up with Lucy (in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 1") after she changes her hair color. The next year, Lucy gets jealous of anyone with Jimmy Moon. She finally gets to decide between her old boyfriend and her new one, but does not get either of them. He later gets caught up in marijuana, and eventually is the defendant in a crime that Lucy is assigned to have jury duty on. He is arrested for possession of marijuana (in season three's episode "Paranoia"), and Lucy is also arrested while observing him.
  • Andrew Nayloss (Will Estes) is the boy that Lucy does not like at first, but then his father sent him away to live in Paris for the summer because Andrew's dad does not like Lucy. When Andrew comes back he tells Lucy that he met a girl from Ohio, who lives in Paris, and that he's having a child and he is going to stay in Paris and live on his girlfriend's family's farm and Lucy is heartbroken when she heard he's moving back to Paris.
  • Renee Nicholson (Ashlee Levitch) is introduced (in the episode, "Family Secrets") as a girl that Matt meets at the library two weeks prior, and befriends her. She is expecting a daughter with Lou. When Matt goes over to her house to talk to her, he falls asleep on her couch and does not get back until 5:15 a.m., resulting in his being grounded for three weeks. She later joins the Glenoak Community Church choir, and sings a solo on Sunday. She goes into labor in "No Funerals and a Wedding".
  • Pete (James Keane) is Johnny's uncle and the owner of Pete's Pizza.
  • Paris Petrowski (Shannon Kenny) is Peter Petrowski's mother. Paris dated once Ben Kinkirk, Lucy's brother-in-law. Later she goes out with Chandler and it seems they will stay together, until her ex-husband appears. She decides to give him another chance and they move away. Later on it is told that she is pregnant and she and her ex are married again.
  • Mike Pierce (Jeremy Lelliott) is Lucy's ex-boyfriend who tries to commit suicide from a drug and alcohol combination and as a result, his mother becomes severely depressed and despondent until he helps talk her out of it with Lucy's help.
  • Dr. Jonathan Sanders (Nick Zano) is a doctor whom Sandy dates (in season 11). He then proposes to her, to which she says "yes." This causes a conflict between Sandy and Martin.
  • George Smith (Brad Maule) is Cecilia's father. He never marries his wife, and never tells Cecilia this fact. After twenty years, Eric marries them in his office. He and his wife eventually become foster parents to the Davis children. He owns a cleaning business, which Simon and Cecelia both work at.
  • Deena Stewart (Nicole Cherié Saletta) is Simon's first girlfriend. She eventually moves back east with her family. In the season five episode "Chances", she comes back, and she and Simon start dating again for a while.
  • Stanley Sunday (Keith David) is a homeless man seen in the promenade. He is first seen at the hospital, where he goes in for testing. Lucy is supposed to visit him, but she cannot make it, and Eric goes in her place. Stanley ends up convincing Eric to give him his coat, although Eric is hesitant. He appears in the next episode where Kevin goes to him to get some information about what Eric did at the hospital. Stanley convinces Kevin to give up his sweatshirt, shoes and pants. In "You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til He's Gone" Stanley encounters Eric just as he is leaving to go home and asks him if he asked God to let him live. In "Christmas!" it is revealed that Stanley is one of Eric's guardian angels. He is there when Eric was brought to heaven. In the series finale, he joins Eric and the family on their RV.
  • Theodore "T-Bone" Jr. (Colton James) is a 16-year-old who works as the ticket vendor at the movie theater in the promenade. He is introduced in And Tonight's Specials Are... when he had pizza with Lucy, which upset Kevin. Two months prior to his stay at the Camdens, T-Bone breaks into Glenoak Community Church to sleep and use the bathroom, since his father is dead, and his mother ran away. Upon staying at the Camdens, T-Bone told Eric that he vaguely knows about what is going on with his health. In "You Take the High Road" he stays at Kevin and Lucy's while Eric and Annie are on a trip to see Ruthie in Scotland. In "Thanks and Giving", he and Jane insist that a salesman donate a bed for Eric and Annie. They both like it, not knowing it was donated. In "You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til He's Gone", he reveals that he likes Ruthie and kisses her. Eric and Annie are glad that Ruthie has found a possible boyfriend, of whom they approve of. In "Can I Just Get Something to Eat" he works with Ruthie on a research project about Darfur. In "Deacon Blues," he and Ruthie discuss the topic of having sex. Kevin tells him not to do it, and when Annie finds out, they are stopped. In "Tit for Tat" Ruthie and T-Bone decided to get tattoos of each other's names and the do buthe only a small one on his ankle of Ruthies initials. He tells Ruthie that he has a fear of sharp objects and that's why he couldn't get more. Ruthie gets his name on her lower back. After an argument Ruthin and Ruthie and T-Bone love each other very much and even get tattoos of each other's names. Well Ruthie gets T-Bone name but T-Bone was scared of the needle so he just got Ruthie's initials R.C. After an argument they break up. Ruthie starts seeing Martin briefly. Martin says he wants to work things out with her but Ruthie chooses T-Bone and then Ruthie and T-Bone get back together. T-bone's earlier-mentioned father, who is supposedly dead, shows up (in Season 11) and convinces T-bone to go on a road trip with him. T-bone graduates from high school, and goes on the road trip with the Camden family to meet up with his dad. After the road trip with the family T-Bone and Ruthie plain on traveling the world together.
  • Umberto (Fidel Gomez) is Rose's ex-boyfriend who almost marries Rose. He keeps on trying to get Rose back while she is preparing to marry Simon.
  • George "Vic" Vickery (Bryan Callen) is Peter's father, who is a recovering alcoholic. He works as a college art teacher.
  • Vincent (Thomas Dekker) is Ruthie's boyfriend after Peter. He broke up with her twice.
  • Rick Palmer (Lance Bass) is Robbie's younger brother. He goes on a date with a Lucy and they end up making out on a street corner and Eric sees them.
  • Brett (Matt Farnsworth) is Shana's roommate and eventual boyfriend. He first appears in "Loves Me, Loves Me Not". He kisses her after Shana and Matt have a fight. He follows Shana out to Glenoak when she came back for the summer. In "Hot Pants" it is revealed that he and Shana are engaged.
  • Wilson West (Andrew Keegan) first appears in "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 1." He meets Mary when she is at the park with Ruthie, and asks her out. At first, Eric tries to do anything he can to prevent their date, but he later finds out that he knows his father. Wilson takes Mary to Eddie's Pool Hall, where they play pinball and pool. Michael Towner and a couple of his friends harass him, which ends his date with Mary. He comes to church the following Sunday where he apologizes to Mary. He has a son called Billy, whose mother died in childbirth before Mary met them both. In "Dangerous Liaisons, Part 2," Mary's parents find out about Wilson being a father. Mary dates Wilson a number of times, including when she is sent to Buffalo, to live with her grandparents, they are serious and for a time discuss marriage and Billy wants to call Mary mom, but they break up when Wilson catches her kissing Ben. Wilson eventually decides to move back to Glenoak after meeting and eventually marrying Corey Conway, one of Mary's old basketball teammates who has a daughter.


  1. ^ "Breaking News - The CW Gives Full Season Orders to New Comedy "The Game" and "7th Heaven"". TheFutonCritic.com. 2006-10-20. Retrieved 2016-07-16.
  2. ^ TV.com. "7th Heaven". Retrieved 16 July 2016.
  3. ^ Adair, Aly (February 27, 2009). "Top 10 Favorite TV Moms". Yahoo!. Archived from the original on October 21, 2012. Retrieved June 17, 2012.