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Испания ( испанский : España ,[esˈpaɲa] ( слушать )Об этом звуке ), официально Королевство Испания (исп. Reino de España ), это страна в Юго-Западной Европе с некоторыми участками территории через Гибралтарский пролив и Атлантический океан . Его континентальная европейская территория расположена на Пиренейском полуострове . На его территорию также входят два архипелага : Канарские острова у побережья Северной Африки и Балеарские острова в Средиземном море . Африканские эксклавы из Сеуты ,Мелилья и Пеньон де Велес де ла Гомера делают Испанию единственной европейской страной, имеющей физическую границу с африканской страной ( Марокко ). Несколько небольших островов в море Альборан также являются частью испанской территории. Материковая часть страны омывается на юге и востоке Средиземным морем; на север и северо-восток - Франция , Андорра и Бискайский залив ; и на запад и северо-запад Португалией и Атлантическим океаном соответственно.

С площадью 505 990 км 2 (195 360 квадратных миль) Испания является самой большой страной в Южной Европе , второй по величине страной в Западной Европе и Европейском Союзе и четвертой по площади страной на европейском континенте . Испания с населением более 47,3 миллиона человек является шестой по численности населения страной в Европе и четвертой по численности страной в Европейском союзе. Столица и крупнейший город Испании - Мадрид ; другие крупные городские районы включают Барселону , Валенсию , Севилью ,Сарагоса , Малага и Бильбао .

Современные люди впервые прибыли на Пиренейский полуостров около 35000 лет назад. Различные культуры развивались вместе с финикийскими , греческими , кельтскими и карфагенскими миграциями и поселениями. Римляне завоевали этот регион около 200 г. до н.э., назвав его Hispania в честь более раннего финикийского названия Sp (a) n или Spania . Испания оставалась под властью Рима до краха Западной Римской империи в четвертом веке, который положил начало германским племенным конфедерациям из Центральной Европы. В вестготов стал доминирующей фракции на пятом веке, с их королевстваохватывает большую часть полуострова. ( Полная статья ... )

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Это избранная статья , в которой представлены одни из лучших материалов английской Википедии.

  • 75-мм самоходная гаубица Verdeja на базе шасси прототипа Verdeja 1

    Verdeja - это название серии легких танков, разработанных в Испании в период с 1938 по 1954 год в попытке заменить немецкий Panzer I и советские танки Т-26 на вооружении Испании .

    Программу возглавил майор Феликс Вердея Бардалес, и она привела к разработке четырех прототипов машин, в том числе самоходной гаубицы.вооружен 75-миллиметровым (3-дюймовым) орудием. Он разрабатывался как перспективный легкий танк и был одной из первых программ разработки, в которой учитывалась живучесть экипажа, а не защита самого танка. На танк повлияли несколько легких танков, которые он должен был заменить, в том числе Panzer I и Т-26, которые изначально использовались во время гражданской войны в Испании . После длительных испытаний Verdeja считался танком, превосходящим Т-26, но в массовое производство так и не был запущен. ( Полная статья ... )
  • Muhammad III (Arabic: محمد الثالث‎) (15 August 1257 – 21 January 1314) was the ruler of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus on the Iberian Peninsula from 8 April 1302 until 14 March 1309, and a member of the Nasrid dynasty. He ascended the Granadan sultan's throne after the death of his father Muhammad II, which according to rumours was caused by Muhammad III poisoning him. He had the reputation of being both cultured and cruel. Later in his life, he became visually handicapped, which caused him to be absent from many government activities and to rely on high officials, especially the powerful Vizier Ibn al-Hakim al-Rundi.

    Muhammad III inherited an on-going war against Castile. He was able to build upon his father's recent military success and expand Granada's territory further when he captured Bedmar in 1303. He negotiated a treaty with Castile the following year, in which Granada's conquests were recognised in return for Muhammad making an oath of fealty to the King of Castille, Ferdinand IV, paying him tribute. Muhammad sought to extend his rule to Ceuta, North Africa. To achieve this, he first encouraged the city to rebel against its Marinid rulers in 1304, and then, two years later, he invaded and conquered the city himself. Consequently, Granada controlled both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. This alarmed Granada's three larger neighbours, Castile, the Marinids, and Aragon, who by the end of 1308 had formed a coalition against Granada. The three powers were in the midst of preparing for an all-out war against Granada when Muhammad III was deposed in a palace coup. His foreign policy was increasingly unpopular among his nobility, and Vizier Ibn al-Hakim—due to Muhammad's near-blindness by now the power behind the throne—was universally distrusted. Muhammad was replaced by his half-brother Nasr on 14 March 1309. Muhammad was allowed to live in Almuñécar, but—following an attempt by his followers to overthrow Nasr—was executed five years later in the Alhambra. (Full article...)
  • Battle of Chiclana, 5 March 1811, Louis-François Lejeune

    The Battle of Barrosa (Chiclana, 5 March 1811, also known as the Battle of Chiclana or Battle of Cerro del Puerco) was part of an unsuccessful manoeuvre by an Anglo-Iberian force to break the French siege of Cádiz during the Peninsular War. During the battle, a single British division defeated two French divisions and captured a regimental eagle.

    Cádiz had been invested by the French in early 1810, leaving it accessible from the sea, but in March of the following year a reduction in the besieging army gave its garrison of British and Spanish troops an opportunity to lift the siege. A large Allied strike force was shipped south from Cádiz to Tarifa, and moved to engage the siege lines from the rear. The French, under the command of Marshal Victor, were aware of the Allied movement and redeployed to prepare a trap. Victor placed one division on the road to Cádiz, blocking the Allied line of march, while his two remaining divisions fell on the single Anglo-Portuguese rearguard division under the command of Sir Thomas Graham. (Full article...)
  • Nasr (1 November 1287 – 16 November 1322), full name Abu al-Juyush Nasr ibn Muhammad (Arabic: أبو الجيوش نصر بن محمد‎), was the fourth Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada from 14 March 1309 until his abdication on 8 February 1314. He was the son of Muhammad II al-Faqih and Shams al-Duha. He ascended the throne after his brother Muhammad III was dethroned in a palace revolution. At the time of his accession, Granada faced a three-front war against Castile, Aragon and the Marinid Sultanate, triggered by his predecessor's foreign policy. He made peace with the Marinids in September 1309, ceding to them the African port of Ceuta, which had already been captured, as well as Algeciras and Ronda in Europe. Granada lost Gibraltar to a Castilian siege in September, but successfully defended Algeciras until it was given to the Marinids, who continued its defense until the siege was abandoned in January 1310. James II of Aragon sued for peace after Granadan defenders defeated the Aragonese siege of Almería in December 1309, withdrawing his forces and leaving the Emirate's territories by January. In the ensuing treaty, Nasr agreed to pay tributes and indemnities to Ferdinand IV of Castile and yield some border towns in exchange for seven years of peace.

    Despite achieving peace with relatively minimal losses, Nasr was unpopular at court as he was suspected of being pro-Christian and accused of devoting so much time to astronomy that he neglected his duties as ruler. A rebellion started by his brother-in-law Abu Said Faraj in 1311 was initially repulsed, but a second campaign by Abu Said's son Ismail ended in the capture of the Alhambra palace and Nasr's abdication on 8 February 1314 in favour of Ismail, now Ismail I. He was allowed to rule the eastern province of Guadix, styling himself "King of Guadix", and attempted to regain the throne with help from Castile. Ismail defeated the Castilian forces in the Battle of the Vega of Granada, resulting in a truce that ended their support for Nasr. Nasr died without an heir in 1322. (Full article...)
  • The Lince (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈlinθe], meaning "Lynx") was a Spanish development programme for a proposed main battle tank that unfolded during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The intention was to replace the M47 and M48 Patton tanks that the Spanish Army had received under the U.S. Mutual Defense Assistance Act between 1954 and 1975, and to complement the AMX-30E tanks manufactured for the army during the 1970s. Companies from several nations, such as German Krauss-Maffei, Spanish Santa Bárbara, and French GIAT, made bids for the development contract. The main priorities were mobility and firepower, with secondary priority placed on protection; the Lince tank was to have been lighter and faster than its competitors. The vehicle's size would also have been restricted by the Spanish rail and highway network. To achieve a sufficient level of firepower and protection, given the size requirements, the Lince was to use Rheinmetall's 120 mm L/44 tank-gun and German composite armour from the Leopard 2A4.

    The Spanish government decided to upgrade its fleet of AMX-30Es in the late 1980s. The focus on upgrading Spain's AMX-30E's distracted attention from the Lince plan, which was eventually shelved in 1990 after Spain acquired many M60 Patton tanks, which were no longer required by the U.S., in accordance with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. These tanks replaced the M47s and M48s, and fulfilled Spain's need to modernize its tank forces in the short term. No prototype of the planned Lince tank was manufactured, and no announcements were made on who would receive the contract. Four years later the Spanish government procured and locally manufactured the Leopard 2, fulfilling the long-term modernisation goal established in the Lince programme. (Full article...)
  • Spanish Leopard 2E in Zaragoza, June 2008

    The Leopardo 2E or Leopard 2A6E (E stands for España, Spanish for Spain) is a variant of the German Leopard 2 main battle tank, tailored to the requirements of the Spanish army, which acquired it as part of an armament modernization program named Programa Coraza, or Program Cuirass. The acquisition program for the Leopard 2E began in 1994, five years after the cancellation of the Lince tank program that culminated in an agreement to transfer 108 Leopard 2A4s to the Spanish army in 1998 and started the local production of the Leopard 2E in December 2003. Despite postponement of production owing to the 2003 merger between Santa Bárbara Sistemas and General Dynamics, and continued fabrication issues between 2006 and 2007, 219 Leopard 2Es have been delivered to the Spanish army.

    The Leopard 2E is a major improvement over the M60 Patton tank, which it replaced in Spain's mechanized and armored units. Its development represented a total of 2.6 million man-hours' worth of work, 9,600 of them in Germany, at a total cost of 2.4 billion euros. This makes it one of the most expensive Leopard 2s built. Indigenous production amounted to 60% and the vehicles were assembled locally at Sevilla by Santa Bárbara Sistemas. It has thicker armor on the turret and glacis plate than the German Leopard 2A6, and uses a Spanish-designed tank command and control system, similar to the one fitted in German Leopard 2s. The Leopard 2E is expected to remain in service until 2025. (Full article...)
  • Abu'l-Walid Ismail I ibn Faraj (Arabic: أبو الوليد إسماعيل الأول بن فرج‎, 3 March 1279 – 8 July 1325) was the fifth Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada on the Iberian Peninsula from 1314 to 1325. A grandson of Muhammad II on the side of his mother Fatima, he was the first of the lineage of sultans now known as the al-dawla al-isma'iliyya al-nasriyya (the Nasrid dynasty of Ismail). Historians characterise him as an effective ruler who improved the emirate's position with military victories during his reign.

    He claimed the throne during the reign of his maternal uncle, Sultan Nasr, after a rebellion started by his father Abu Said Faraj. Their forces defeated the unpopular Nasr and Ismail was proclaimed sultan in the Alhambra in February 1314. He spent the early years of his reign fighting Nasr, who attempted to regain the throne from his base in Guadix, where he was initially allowed to rule as governor. Nasr enlisted the help of Castile, which then secured a papal authorisation for a crusade against Ismail. The war continued with intermittent truces and reached its climax in the Battle of the Vega on 25 June 1319, which resulted in a complete victory for Ismail's forces, led by Uthman ibn Abi al-Ula, over Castile. The deaths in the battle of Infante Peter and Infante John, the two regents for the infant King Alfonso XI, left Castile leaderless and forced it to end support for Nasr. (Full article...)
  • The Western Mediterranean in 264 BC: Rome is shown in red, Carthage in purple, and Syracuse in green

    The First Punic War (264–241 BC) was the first of three wars fought between Carthage and Rome, the two main powers of the western Mediterranean in the early 3rd century BC. For 23 years, in the longest continuous conflict and greatest naval war of antiquity, the two powers struggled for supremacy. The wars were fought primarily on the Mediterranean island of Sicily and its surrounding waters, and also in North Africa. After immense material and human losses on both sides, the Carthaginians were defeated.

    The war began in 264 BC with the Romans gaining a foothold on Sicily at Messana (modern Messina). The Romans then pressed Syracuse, the only significant independent power on the island, into allying with them and laid siege to Carthage's main base at Akragas. A large Carthaginian army attempted to lift the siege in 262 BC, but was heavily defeated at the Battle of Akragas. The Romans then built a navy to challenge the Carthaginians', and using novel tactics inflicted several defeats. A Carthaginian base on Corsica was seized, but an attack on Sardinia was repulsed; the base on Corsica was then lost. Taking advantage of their naval victories the Romans launched an invasion of North Africa, which the Carthaginians intercepted. At the Battle of Cape Ecnomus the Carthaginians were again beaten; this was possibly the largest naval battle in history by the number of combatants involved. The invasion initially went well and in 255 BC the Carthaginians sued for peace; the proposed terms were so harsh they fought on, defeating the invaders. The Romans sent a fleet to evacuate their survivors and the Carthaginians opposed it at the Battle of Cape Hermaeum off Africa; the Carthaginians were heavily defeated. The Roman fleet, in turn, was devastated by a storm while returning to Italy, losing most of its ships and over 100,000 men. (Full article...)
  • The ruins of Santa María de Óvila in Spain, shown more than 75 years after the most striking architectural features were removed by agents of William Randolph Hearst

    Santa María de Óvila is a former Cistercian monastery built in Spain beginning in 1181 on the Tagus River near Trillo, Guadalajara, about 90 miles (140 km) northeast of Madrid. During prosperous times over the next four centuries, construction projects expanded and improved the small monastery. Its fortunes declined significantly in the 18th century, and in 1835 it was confiscated by the Spanish government and sold to private owners who used its buildings to shelter farm animals.

    American publisher William Randolph Hearst bought parts of the monastery in 1931 with the intention of using its stones in the construction of a grand and fanciful castle at Wyntoon, California, but after some 10,000 stones were removed and shipped, they were abandoned in San Francisco for decades. These stones are now in various locations around California: the old church portal was erected at the University of San Francisco, and the chapter house was reassembled by Trappist monks at the Abbey of New Clairvaux in Vina, California. Other stones are serving as simple decorative elements in Golden Gate Park's botanical garden. To support the chapter house project, a line of Belgian-style beers was produced by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company under the Ovila Abbey brand. (Full article...)
  • An AMX-30E on display at the Museum of Armored Vehicles of El Goloso, in Spain

    The AMX-30E (E stands for España, Spanish for Spain) is a Spanish main battle tank based on France's AMX-30. Although originally the Spanish government sought to procure the German Leopard 1, the AMX-30 was ultimately awarded the contract due to its lower price and the ability to manufacture it in Spain. 280 units were manufactured by Santa Bárbara Sistemas for the Spanish Army, between 1974 and 1983.

    First acquired in 1970, the tank was to supplement Spain's fleet of M47 and M48 Patton United States tanks and to reduce Spain's reliance on American equipment in its army. The first 19 AMX-30 tanks were acquired from France in 1970, while another 280 were assembled in Spain. It was Spain's first mass-produced tank and developed the country's industry to the point where the government felt it could produce a tank on its own, leading to the development of the Lince tank project in 1985. It also offered Santa Bárbara Sistemas the experience which led to the production of the Leopard 2E in late 2003. Although final assembly was carried out by Santa Bárbara Sistemas, the production of the AMX-30E also included other companies in the country. Total production within Spain amounted to as much as 65% of the tank. (Full article...)
  • Same-sex marriage in Spain has been legal since July 3, 2005. A year prior, in 2004, the nation's newly elected government, led by Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of the Socialist Workers' Party, began a campaign to legalize same-sex marriage, including the right of adoption by same-sex couples. After much debate, a law permitting same-sex marriage was passed by the Cortes Generales (the Spanish Parliament, composed of the Senate and the Congress of Deputies) on 30 June 2005 and published on 2 July. The law took effect the next day, making Spain the third country in the world to allow same-sex couples to marry on a national level, after the Netherlands and Belgium, and 17 days ahead of the right being extended across all of Canada.

    The ratification of this law was not devoid of conflict, despite support from 66% of the population. Roman Catholic authorities in particular were adamantly opposed, criticising what they regarded as the weakening of the meaning of marriage. Other associations expressed concern over the possibility of lesbian and gay couples adopting children. Demonstrations for and against the law drew thousands of people from all parts of Spain. After its approval, the conservative People's Party challenged the law in the Constitutional Court. (Full article...)
  • Andalusian horse

    The Andalusian, also known as the Pure Spanish Horse or PRE (pura raza española), is a horse breed from the Iberian Peninsula, where its ancestors have lived for thousands of years. The Andalusian has been recognized as a distinct breed since the 15th century, and its conformation has changed very little over the centuries. Throughout its history, it has been known for its prowess as a war horse, and was prized by the nobility. The breed was used as a tool of diplomacy by the Spanish government, and kings across Europe rode and owned Spanish horses. During the 19th century, warfare, disease and crossbreeding reduced herd numbers dramatically, and despite some recovery in the late 19th century, the trend continued into the early 20th century. Exports of Andalusians from Spain were restricted until the 1960s, but the breed has since spread throughout the world, despite their low population. In 2010, there were more than 185,000 registered Andalusians worldwide.

    Strongly built, and compact yet elegant, Andalusians have long, thick manes and tails. Their most common coat color is gray, although they can be found in many other colors. They are known for their intelligence, sensitivity and docility. A sub-strain within the breed known as the Carthusian, is considered by breeders to be the purest strain of Andalusian, though there is no genetic evidence for this claim. The strain is still considered separate from the main breed however, and is preferred by breeders because buyers pay more for horses of Carthusian bloodlines. There are several competing registries keeping records of horses designated as Andalusian or PRE, but they differ on their definition of the Andalusian and PRE, the purity of various strains of the breed, and the legalities of stud book ownership. At least one lawsuit is in progress , to determine the ownership of the Spanish PRE stud book. (Full article...)
  • A Wehrmacht Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf. A light tank on display at the Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster in Munster, Germany.

    The Panzer I was a light tank produced in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The name is short for the German Panzerkampfwagen I ("armored fighting vehicle mark I"), abbreviated PzKpfw I. The tank's official German ordnance inventory designation was Sd.Kfz. 101 ("special purpose vehicle 101").

    Design of the Panzer I began in 1932 and mass production began in 1934. Intended only as a training tank to introduce the concept of armored warfare to the German Army, the Panzer I saw combat in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, in Poland, France, the Soviet Union and North Africa during the Second World War, and in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Experiences with the Panzer I during the Spanish Civil War helped shape the German Panzerwaffe's invasion of Poland in 1939 and France in 1940. By 1941, the Panzer I chassis design was used as the basis of tank destroyers and assault guns. There were attempts to upgrade the Panzer I throughout its service history, including by foreign nations, to extend the design's lifespan. It continued to serve in the Spanish Armed Forces until 1954. (Full article...)

  • Joseph Anton Lopez SJ (born José Antonio López; October 4, 1779 – October 5, 1841) was a Mexican Catholic priest and Jesuit. Born in Michoacán, he studied canon law at the Colegio de San Nicolás and the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico. He became acquainted with the future Empress consort Ana María Huarte and was made chaplain to the future imperial family. He was later put in charge of the education of all the princes in Mexico. Lopez was a close ally of Emperor Agustín de Iturbide, residing in Madrid for four years as his attorney and political informant, and accompanying him during his exile to Italy and England.

    Following Iturbide's execution in 1824, Lopez moved to the United States with the exiled Empress Ana María and her children and settled in Washington, D.C. He became the chaplain to the Georgetown Visitation Monastery and entered the Society of Jesus in 1833 working also as a novice and minister at Georgetown College. When the president of Georgetown College, William McSherry, died, Lopez became acting president in 1840, making him the first Latin American president of a university in the United States. As an educator, he garnered a reputation as a strict disciplinarian. Just several months into his presidency, he fell ill and was sent to recuperate in St. Inigoes, Maryland; he died there in 1841. (Full article...)

  • The Third of May 1808 (also known as El tres de mayo de 1808 en Madrid or Los fusilamientos de la montaña del Príncipe Pío, or Los fusilamientos del tres de mayo) is a painting completed in 1814 by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya, now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid. In the work, Goya sought to commemorate Spanish resistance to Napoleon's armies during the occupation of 1808 in the Peninsular War. Along with its companion piece of the same size, The Second of May 1808 (or The Charge of the Mamelukes), it was commissioned by the provisional government of Spain at Goya's suggestion.

    The painting's content, presentation, and emotional force secure its status as a groundbreaking, archetypal image of the horrors of war. Although it draws on many sources from both high and popular art, The Third of May 1808 marks a clear break from convention. Diverging from the traditions of Christian art and traditional depictions of war, it has no distinct precedent, and is acknowledged as one of the first paintings of the modern era. According to the art historian Kenneth Clark, The Third of May 1808 is "the first great picture which can be called revolutionary in every sense of the word, in style, in subject, and in intention". (Full article...)
  • The Oran fatwa was a responsum fatwa, or an Islamic legal opinion, issued in 1504 to address the crisis that occurred when Muslims in the Crown of Castile (in Spain) were forced to convert to Christianity in 1500–1502. The fatwa sets out detailed relaxations of the sharia (Islamic law) requirements, allowing the Muslims to conform outwardly to Christianity and perform acts that are ordinarily forbidden in Islamic law, when necessary to survive. It includes relaxed instructions for fulfilling the ritual prayers, the ritual charity, and the ritual ablution, and recommendations when obliged to violate Islamic law, such as worshipping as Christians, committing blasphemy, and consuming pork and wine.

    The fatwa enjoyed wide currency among Muslims and Moriscos (Muslims nominally converted to Christianity and their descendants) in Spain, and one of the surviving aljamiado translations was dated at 1564, 60 years after the original fatwa. The fatwa has been described as the "key theological document" to understand the practice of Spanish Muslims following the Reconquista up to the expulsion of the Moriscos. The author of the fatwa (mufti) was Ahmad ibn Abi Jum'ah, a North African scholar of Islamic law of the Maliki school. The fatwa was termed the "Oran fatwa" by modern scholars, due to the word "Al-Wahrani" ("of Oran") that appears in the text as part of the author's name. (Full article...)
  • Map of the 2015 Vuelta a España route, from Marbella to Madrid.
    (stage courses in red)

    The 2015 Vuelta a España was a three-week Grand Tour cycling race. The race was the 70th edition of the Vuelta a España and took place principally in Spain, although two stages took place partly or wholly in Andorra, and was the 22nd race in the 2015 UCI World Tour. The 3,358.1-kilometre (2,086.6 mi) race included 21 stages, beginning in Marbella on 22 August 2015 and finishing in Madrid on 13 September. It was won by Fabio Aru (Astana Pro Team), with Joaquim Rodríguez (Team Katusha) second and Rafał Majka (Tinkoff–Saxo) third.

    The early leaders of the race were Esteban Chaves (Orica–GreenEDGE) and Tom Dumoulin (Team Giant–Alpecin), who exchanged the leader's red jersey several times during the first ten days of racing, with both riders winning summit finishes in the first week. Aru took over the race lead following the mountainous Stage 11, which took place entirely within Andorra. He kept his lead for five stages as the race entered the mountains of northern Spain, but lost it to Rodríguez on Stage 16. Dumoulin took the lead back on Stage 17 – the race's only individual time trial – with Aru three seconds behind in second place. Aru attacked throughout the final stages and, on the penultimate day, finally dropped Dumoulin, who fell to sixth place overall. Aru therefore took the first Grand Tour victory of his career. (Full article...)
  • Muhammad II (Arabic: محمد الثاني‎) (also known by the epithet al-Faqih, "the canon-lawyer", c. 1235 – 8 April 1302; reigned from 1273 until his death) was the second Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus on the Iberian Peninsula, succeeding his father, Muhammad I. Already experienced in matters of state when he ascended the throne, he continued his father's policy of maintaining independence in the face of Granada's larger neighbours, the Christian kingdom of Castile and the Muslim Marinid state of Morocco, as well as an internal rebellion by his family's former allies, the Banu Ashqilula.

    After he took the throne, he negotiated a treaty with Alfonso X of Castile, in which Castile agreed to end support for the Banu Ashqilula in exchange for payments. When Castile took the money but maintained its support for the Banu Ashqilula, Muhammad turned towards Abu Yusuf of the Marinids. The Marinids sent a successful expedition against Castile, but relations soured when the Marinids treated the Banu Ashqilula as Muhammad's equals. In 1279, through diplomatic manoeuvring, Muhammad regained Málaga, formerly the centre of Banu Ashqilula power. In 1280, his diplomacy backfired when Granada faced simultaneous attacks from Castile, the Marinids and the Banu Ashqilula. Attacked by his more powerful neighbours, Muhammad exploited the rift between Alfonso and his son Sancho, as well as receiving help from Volunteers of the Faith, soldiers recruited from North Africa. The threat subsided when Alfonso died in 1284 and Abu Yusuf in 1286; their successors (Sancho and Abu Yaqub, respectively) were preoccupied with domestic matters. In 1288 the Banu Ashqilula emigrated to North Africa at Abu Yaqub's invitation, removing Muhammad's biggest domestic concern. In 1292, Granada helped Castile take Tarifa from the Marinids on the understanding that the town would be traded to Granada, but Sancho reneged on the promise. Muhammad II then switched to the Marinid side, but a Granadan–Marinid attempt to retake Tarifa in 1294 failed. In 1295, Sancho died and was succeeded by Ferdinand IV, a minor. Granada took advantage by conducting a successful campaign against Castile, taking Quesada and Alcaudete. Muhammad also planned a joint offensive with Aragon against Castile, but he died in 1302 before the operation took place. (Full article...)
  • Portrait of a Man (presumed self-portrait of El Greco, c. 1595–1600) in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

    Doménikos Theotokópoulos (Greek: Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος [ðoˈminikos θeotoˈkopulos]; 1 October 1541 – 7 April 1614), most widely known as El Greco ("The Greek"), was a Greek painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance. "El Greco" was a nickname, a reference to his Greek origin, and the artist normally signed his paintings with his full birth name in Greek letters, Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος, Doménikos Theotokópoulos, often adding the word Κρής Krēs, Cretan.

    El Greco was born in the Kingdom of Candia (modern Crete), which was at that time part of the Republic of Venice, and the center of Post-Byzantine art. He trained and became a master within that tradition before traveling at age 26 to Venice, as other Greek artists had done. In 1570, he moved to Rome, where he opened a workshop and executed a series of works. During his stay in Italy, El Greco enriched his style with elements of Mannerism and of the Venetian Renaissance taken from a number of great artists of the time, notably Tintoretto. In 1577, he moved to Toledo, Spain, where he lived and worked until his death. In Toledo, El Greco received several major commissions and produced his best-known paintings, such as View of Toledo and Opening of the Fifth Seal. (Full article...)
  • Rokeby Venus, c. 1647–51. 122 × 177 cm (48in × 49.7in). National Gallery, London.

    The Rokeby Venus (/ˈroʊkbi/; also known as The Toilet of Venus, Venus at her Mirror, Venus and Cupid, or La Venus del espejo) is a painting by Diego Velázquez, the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age. Completed between 1647 and 1651, and probably painted during the artist's visit to Italy, the work depicts the goddess Venus in a sensual pose, lying on a bed and looking into a mirror held by the Roman god of physical love, her son Cupid. The painting is in the National Gallery, London.

    Numerous works, from the ancient to the baroque, have been cited as sources of inspiration for Velázquez. The nude Venuses of the Italian painters, such as Giorgione's Sleeping Venus (c. 1510) and Titian's Venus of Urbino (1538), were the main precedents. In this work, Velázquez combined two established poses for Venus: recumbent on a couch or a bed, and gazing at a mirror. She is often described as looking at herself in the mirror, although this is physically impossible since viewers can see her face reflected in their direction. This phenomenon is known as the Venus effect. In a number of ways the painting represents a pictorial departure, through its central use of a mirror, and because it shows the body of Venus turned away from the observer of the painting. (Full article...)
  • Movements before the battle; the Imperial advance from Asti is shown in red and Enghien's march from Carignano in blue.

    The Battle of Ceresole (or Cérisoles) took place on 11 April 1544, during the Italian War of 1542–46, outside the village of Ceresole d'Alba in the Piedmont region of Italy. A French army, commanded by François de Bourbon, Count of Enghien, defeated the combined forces of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain, commanded by Alfonso d'Avalos d'Aquino, Marquis del Vasto. Despite having inflicted substantial casualties on the Imperial troops, the French subsequently failed to exploit their victory by taking Milan.

    Enghien and d'Avalos had arranged their armies along two parallel ridges; because of the topography of the battlefield, many of the individual actions of the battle were uncoordinated. The battle opened with several hours of skirmishing between opposing bands of arquebusiers and an ineffectual artillery exchange, after which d'Avalos ordered a general advance. In the center, Imperial landsknechts clashed with French and Swiss infantry, with both sides suffering terrific casualties. In the southern part of the battlefield, Italian infantry in Imperial service were harried by French cavalry attacks and withdrew after learning that the Imperial troops of the center had been defeated. In the north, meanwhile, the French infantry line crumbled, and Enghien led a series of ineffectual and costly cavalry charges against Spanish and German infantry before the latter were forced to surrender by the arrival of the victorious Swiss and French infantry from the center. (Full article...)
  • Northern Italy in 1494

    The War of the League of Cambrai, sometimes known as the War of the Holy League and several other names, was a major conflict in the Italian Wars of 1494–1559. The main participants of the war, fought from 1508 to 1516, were France, the Papal States, and the Republic of Venice, joined at various times by nearly every significant power in Western Europe, including Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, England, the Duchy of Milan, the Republic of Florence, the Duchy of Ferrara, and Swiss mercenaries.

    Pope Julius II, intending to curb Venetian influence in northern Italy, brought together the League of Cambrai—an anti-Venetian alliance consisting of him, Louis XII of France, Ferdinand II of Aragon, and Maximilian I, the Holy Roman Emperor—in December 1508. Although the League was initially successful, friction between Julius and Louis caused it to collapse by 1510; Julius then allied himself with Venice against France. (Full article...)
  • Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, oil on oak panels, 205.5 cm × 384.9 cm (81 in × 152 in), Museo del Prado, Madrid

    The Garden of Earthly Delights is the modern title given to a triptych oil painting on oak panel painted by the Early Netherlandish master Hieronymus Bosch, between 1490 and 1510, when Bosch was between 40 and 60 years old. It has been housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid since the year 1939.

    As so little is known of Bosch's life or intentions, interpretations of his intent have ranged from an admonition of worldly fleshy indulgence, to a dire warning on the perils of life's temptations, to an evocation of ultimate sexual joy. The intricacy of its symbolism, particularly that of the central panel, has led to a wide range of scholarly interpretations over the centuries. Twentieth-century art historians are divided as to whether the triptych's central panel is a moral warning or a panorama of paradise lost. (Full article...)
  • In Kruger National Park, South Africa

    The black stork (Ciconia nigra) is a large bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae. Measuring on average 95 to 100 cm (37 to 39 in) from beak tip to end of tail with a 145-to-155 cm (57-to-61 in) wingspan, the adult black stork has mainly black plumage, with white underparts, long red legs and a long pointed red beak. A widespread but uncommon species, it breeds in scattered locations across Europe (predominantly in Portugal and Spain, and central and eastern parts), and east across the Palearctic to the Pacific Ocean. It is a long-distance migrant, with European populations wintering in tropical Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asian populations in the Indian subcontinent. When migrating between Europe and Africa, it avoids crossing the Mediterranean Sea and detours via the Levant in the east or the Strait of Gibraltar in the west. An isolated, non-migratory, population occurs in Southern Africa.

    Unlike the closely related white stork, the black stork is a shy and wary species. It is seen singly or in pairs, usually in marshy areas, rivers or inland waters. It feeds on amphibians, small fish and insects, generally wading slowly in shallow water stalking its prey. Breeding pairs usually build nests in large forest trees—most commonly deciduous but also coniferous—which can be seen from long distances, as well as on large boulders, or under overhanging ledges in mountainous areas. The female lays two to five greyish-white eggs, which become soiled over time in the nest. Incubation takes 32 to 38 days, with both sexes sharing duties, and fledging takes 60 to 71 days. (Full article...)
  • Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail (Arabic: أبو عبد الله محمد الرابع‎), known as Muhammad IV, (14 April 1315 – 25 August 1333) was the ruler of the Emirate of Granada on the Iberian Peninsula from 1325 to 1333. He was the sixth sultan of the Nasrid dynasty, succeeding to the throne at ten years old when his father, Ismail I (r. 1314–1325), was assassinated.

    The initial years of his reign were marked by conflict among his ministers, who vied for control of the young sultan's government. This escalated into a civil war between the party of the vizier Muhammad ibn al-Mahruq and that of the powerful commander of the Volunteers of the Faith, Uthman ibn Abi al-Ula. Uthman declared Muhammad's uncle, Muhammad ibn Faraj, as a rival sultan and secured support from Alfonso XI of Castile (r. 1312–1350), Granada's Christian neighbour to the north. Muhammad IV requested help from Abu Said Uthman II (r. 1310–1331) of the Marinid Sultanate in Morocco and gave him territories in the Iberian Peninsula, including Ronda, Marbella, and Algeciras, probably in exchange for Marinid troops. The civil war ended in 1328 when Muhammad, who despite his youth had begun taking a more active role in government, reconciled with Uthman ibn Abi al-Ula, and ordered Ibn al-Mahruq assassinated; the pretender Muhammad ibn Faraj was sent to North Africa. In 1329 he appointed his childhood tutor Abu Nuaym Ridwan as the hajib (chamberlain), outranking his other ministers; this was the first time the title appeared in the Emirate of Granada. (Full article...)

Избранная биография

Анхель Санс Бриз ( Сарагоса , 28 сентября 1910 - 11 июня 1980) был испанским дипломатом во время Второй мировой войны, который помог спасти многих венгерских евреев от нацистских преследований. После изучения права его первая дипломатическая работа была в Каире . Он был отправлен в Будапешт в 1942 году , где он приписывает спасение жизни 5.200 евреев из Холокоста , используя свое влияние и средства испанского посольства. В 1944 году, когда Красная Армия подошла к Будапешту, ему было приказано бежать в Швейцарию. Джорджио Перласка, итальянский ветеран испанской войны, продолжил свой труд с поддельными документами.

После этих событий Бриз продолжил свою дипломатическую карьеру: его отправили в Сан-Франциско и Вашингтон, Лиму, Берн, Байонну, Гватемалу, Гаагу, Брюссель и Китай (1973, где он стал первым испанским послом). В 1976 году его отправили в Рим в качестве посла Испании перед Святым Престолом, где он умер 11 июня 1980 года. Сам Бриз Бриз рассказывает, как ему удалось спасти жизни стольких евреев в книге Федерико Исарта «Los judíos». en España "(1973). В 1991 году Бриз был признан Израильским музеем Холокоста Яд Вашем и присвоил своим наследникам звание Праведника народов мира . В 1994 году правительство Венгрии вручило ему Крест ордена За заслуги перед Венгерской Республикой.

Архивы Подробнее ...

Выбранное изображение

  • Кредит: Yummifruitbat

    Национальный парк Тиманфайя ( исп . Parque Nacional de Timanfaya) - национальный парк, охватывающий южную часть Тинахо, Лас-Пальмас, и северную часть Яйсы, Лас-Пальмас . Парк состоит из вулканической почвы, самые сильные извержения извержения произошли между 1730 и 1736 годами .
    Архивы Подробнее ...
  • Temple of Debod
    Credit: OsvaldoGago
    The Temple of Debod is an ancient Egyptian temple which has been rebuilt in Madrid, Spain. The temple was built in southern Egypt, very close to the first cataract of the Nile and to the great religious center dedicated to the goddess Isis, in Philae.
    • More selected pictures
  • Museo del Prado
    Credit: Fanghong
    The Museo del Prado is a museum and art gallery located in Madrid; the capital of Spain. It features one of the world's finest collections of European art, from the 12th century through the early 19th century, based on the former Spanish Royal Collection.
    • More selected pictures
  • Tagus River
    Photo credit: David Iliff

    The Tagus River, seen here passing through the World Heritage listed city of Toledo, Spain. It is the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula at 1,038 kilometres (645 mi). It begins its journey in the Albarracín mountains in Spain, and follows a very constricted course for much of its length before reaching the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal.

    More selected pictures

  • Credit: BuzzWoof

    The harbor entrance to Cala Figuera, a district of Mallorca in the Balearic Islands. The town is located approximately 60 kilometers north of Palma de Mallorca. The earliest records of the town date back to 1306, although houses were not built on the land until the early 19th century.

  • 2006 Madrid Barajas International Airport bombing
    Credit: dfbarrero
    Smoke coming from Madrid Barajas International Airport after the 2006 Madrid Barajas International Airport bombing. The terrorist incident occurred on the morning of December 30, 2006, when an explosion took place in the carpark building attached to Terminal 4 of the airport.
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  • Credit: Petronas

    Francisco de Paula Martinez de la Rosa (10 March 1789 — 1862) was a dramatist and statesman. Rosa was born in Granada, and educated at the University of Granada. Rosa became well known after epigrams he performed on celebrities.
  • Spanish ibex
    Photograph: J.Ligero & I.Barrios

    A three-month old Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in Sierra de Gredos, Spain. These ibexes are strong mountain animals characterized by their large and flexible hooves and short legs.
    The two sexes of adults form separate social groups; juveniles stay with the female groups from birth until the following birth season, when they leave. Yearling males then join male groups, while females eventually return to their mothers' groups and stay several years.

    More selected pictures

  • Credit: Ary Scheffer

    An artists portrayal of the Battle of Ravenna (1512). This artwork also shows the death of Gaston de Foix, as well as the general scene during the time of battle.

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  • ... что Долорес Кабрера-и-Эредиа , испанский поэт- романтик и писательница, была видным членом Hermandad Lírica (Лирическое сестричество)?
  • ... что, несмотря на закон, запрещающий публичные статуи Франсиско Франко , в Мелилье есть статуя , потому что она изображает его до гражданской войны в Испании ?
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  • Анимированный дисплей, показывающий территорию, контролируемую Римом и Карфагеном в период Пунических войн, и территориальные изменения во время них
      Карфагенские владения
      Римские владения

    В Пунических войнах были серией из трех войн между 264 и 146  г. до н.э. боролись со штатами Рима и Карфагена . Первая Пуническая война вспыхнула в Сицилии в 264  г. до н.э. в результате экспансионистской позиции Рима в сочетании с фирменным подходом Карфагена к острову. В начале войны Карфаген был доминирующей державой в западном Средиземноморье с обширной морской империей; в то время как Рим был быстро расширяющейся державой в Италии с сильной армией, но слабым флотом. Бои происходили в основном на острове Средиземного Сицилии и окружающих его вод, а также в Северной Африке ,Корсика и Сардиния . Это длилось 23 года, до 241 г.  до н.э., когда карфагеняне потерпели поражение с обеих сторон после огромных материальных и человеческих потерь. По условиям мирного договора Карфаген выплатил большие репарации, и Сицилия была аннексирована как римская провинция . Конец войны вызвал серьезное, но безуспешное восстание в Карфагенской империи, известное как Война наемников . Вторая Пуническая война началась в 218 г. до н.э. и стала свидетелем Ганнибал «s пересечения Альп и вторжения в материковой Италии

     . Эта экспедиция в начале имела значительный успех, но через 14 лет выжившие ушли. Были также обширные бои в Иберии (современные Испания и Португалия); на Сицилии; на Сардинии; и в Северной Африке. Успешное вторжение римлян на родину карфагенян в Африке в 204 году  до нашей эры привело к отзыву Ганнибала. Он потерпел поражение в битве при Заме в 202 г. до н.э., и Карфаген потребовал мира . В 201 г.  до н.э. был заключен договор, по которому Карфаген лишился заморских территорий и некоторых африканских территорий; наложено крупное возмещение, выплачиваемое более 50 лет; резко ограничили размер своих вооруженных сил; и запретил Карфагену вести войну без явного разрешения Рима. Карфаген перестал быть военной угрозой. (Полная статья ... )
  • Jonah ibn Janah or ibn Janach, born Abu al-Walīd Marwān ibn Janāḥ ( Arabic: أبو الوليد مروان بن جناح‎, Hebrew: ר׳ יוֺנָה אִבְּן גַּ֗נָאח,) (c. 990 – c. 1055), was a Jewish rabbi, physician and Hebrew grammarian active in Al-Andalus, or Islamic Spain. Born in Córdoba, ibn Janah was mentored there by Isaac ibn Gikatilla and Isaac ibn Mar Saul, before he moved around 1012, due to the sacking of the city. He then settled in Zaragoza, where he wrote Kitab al-Mustalhaq, which expanded on the research of Judah ben David Hayyuj and led to a series of controversial exchanges with Samuel ibn Naghrillah that remained unresolved during their lifetimes.

    His magnum opus, Kitab al-Anqih, contained both the first complete grammar for Hebrew and a dictionary of Classical Hebrew, and is considered "the most influential Hebrew grammar for centuries" and a foundational text in Hebrew scholarship. Ibn Janah is considered a very influential scholar in the field of Hebrew grammar; his works and theories were popular and cited by Hebrew scholars in Europe and the Middle East. (Full article...)
  • Cruz at the 2018 Goya Awards

    Penélope Cruz Sánchez (/kruːz/; Spanish: [peˈnelope ˈkɾuθ ˈsantʃeθ]; born 28 April 1974) is a Spanish actress and model. Signed by an agent at the age of 15, she made her acting debut at 16 on television, and her feature film debut the following year in Jamón Jamón (1992). Her subsequent roles in the 1990s and 2000s included Belle Époque (1992), Open Your Eyes (1997), The Hi-Lo Country (1999), The Girl of Your Dreams (2000), and Woman on Top (2000). Cruz achieved recognition for her lead roles in the 2001 films Vanilla Sky, All the Pretty Horses, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, and Blow. She has garnered numerous awards, including an Academy Award from three nominations.

    She has since appeared in a wide variety of films, including the comedy Waking Up in Reno (2002), the thriller Gothika (2003), the Christmas film Noel (2004), the action-adventure films Sahara (2005) and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), the romantic comedy To Rome with Love (2012), the crime drama The Counselor (2013), and the mystery film Murder on the Orient Express (2017). She was praised for her roles in Volver (2006) and Nine (2009), receiving Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations for each. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2008 for playing volatile painter María Elena in Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She is the first and only Spanish actress to both win and be nominated for an Academy Award, as well as the first Spanish actress to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2018, Cruz made her American television debut as Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace in the FX series The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, for which she was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie. (Full article...)
  • "Así Fue" is a song written and produced by Mexican singer-songwriter Juan Gabriel and performed by Spanish singer Isabel Pantoja. It was released in 1988 as the second single from her studio album Desde Andalucía. The song tells of the singer dealing with her ex-lover after she has a new fiancé. It reached number two on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart in the United States and was the fifth best-performing Latin single of 1989 in the country. Nine years later, Juan Gabriel performed a live cover version of the song at the Palacio de Bellas Artes which was recorded and released as a live album titled Celebrando 25 Años de Juan Gabriel: En Concierto en el Palacio de Bellas Artes (1998).

    Juan Gabriel's cover was released as a single from the record and reached number three on the Hot Latin Songs. It was the best-performing Latin single of 1998 in the US and won the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Latin Award for "Super Song of the Year" in 1999. The track was well-received by music critics who called it one of Juan Gabriel's best compositions. "Así Fue" was recorded by other artists including Toño Rosario, Playa Limbo, and Jenni Rivera. Rosario and Playa Limbo's version led to Juan Gabriel winning an ASCAP Latin Award for their renditions while Playa Limbo received a nomination for Pop Song of the Year at the 22nd Annual Lo Nuestro Awards in 2010. (Full article...)
  • Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 is a non-fiction book by Adam Hochschild that was first published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on March 29, 2016. The book is an account of the American volunteers who participated in the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939. The story centers around several American volunteer fighters and journalists, tracing their motivations for joining the war and their experiences during the war which left many disillusioned. The book explains the involvement of foreign leaders including Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin, and explains why the Republican faction ultimately lost.

    Hochschild knew several American volunteers personally, and was partly inspired by them to write the book. Most of Hochschild's archival research on the subject was carried out at the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Archives. (Full article...)
  • Pikes Hotel, now known as Pikes Ibiza, is a luxury hotel in Ibiza, in the Balearic Islands of Spain. It is located in the countryside, 1.6 miles (2.6 km) to the northeast of the town of Sant Antoni de Portmany, and 10.2 miles (16.4 km) to the northwest of Ibiza Town. A 15th-century stone mansion which was a finca (farm estate), it was converted into a hotel in 1978 by British-born Australian Anthony Pike.

    The hotel, cited as one of the most famous or infamous hotels on the island, developed a notorious reputation for hedonism in the 1980s, and is associated with being a playground for the rich and famous. It is best known for being the location of filming for Wham!'s 1983 hit "Club Tropicana" and for Freddie Mercury's 41st birthday bash in 1987, cited as one of the most lavish parties ever to be held on Ibiza. (Full article...)
  • The Valencia Street Circuit

    The 2010 European Grand Prix (formally the 2010 Formula 1 Telefónica Grand Prix of Europe) was a Formula One motor race held on 27 June at the Valencia Street Circuit in Valencia, Spain. It was the ninth round of the 2010 Formula One season. The 57-lap race was won by Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel who started from pole position. Lewis Hamilton finished second for the McLaren team and his teammate Jenson Button was third. It was Vettel's second win of the season, and the seventh of his Formula One career.

    Vettel maintained his leading heading into the first corner and resisted Hamilton's attempts to pass him. The safety car was deployed following a large accident involving Vettel's teammate Mark Webber and Heikki Kovalainen on the ninth lap. Hamilton passed the safety car and was later issued with a drive-through penalty for which he served on lap 27. Vettel remained the leader at the restart despite running deep in the track's final corner. Hamilton drew closer to Vettel but he was unable to get close and Vettel maintained the lead for the remainder of the race to win. (Full article...)
  • The Jiloca in Calamocha, Teruel

    The Jiloca (Spanish pronunciation: [xiˈloka]) is a river in Aragón, Spain, a tributary of the river Jalón, and part of the watershed of the Ebro basin. The course of the river runs through the provinces of Teruel and Zaragoza. It has a length of 126 kilometres (78 mi) and an average flow rate of 2.1 cubic metres per second (74 cu ft/s), although this varies between the seasons. The river flows in a generally north easterly direction from its source near Monreal del Campo.

    The valley was an historic route between the Meseta Central and the Mediterranean coast. Roman bridges remain in many pueblos and remains of watermills can be seen. The water is generally of good quality and supports a range of wildlife. Cleaning works by the regional government have been criticised by environmental organisations who claim that the ecology has been damaged. The watershed covers an area of 2,957 square kilometres (1,142 sq mi). (Full article...)
  • The Battle of Lepanto

    The Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War, also known as the War of Cyprus (Italian: Guerra di Cipro) was fought between 1570 and 1573. It was waged between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice, the latter joined by the Holy League, a coalition of Christian states formed under the auspices of the Pope, which included Spain (with Naples and Sicily), the Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Savoy, the Knights Hospitaller, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and other Italian states.

    The war, the pre-eminent episode of Sultan Selim II's reign, began with the Ottoman invasion of the Venetian-held island of Cyprus. The capital Nicosia and several other towns fell quickly to the considerably superior Ottoman army, leaving only Famagusta in Venetian hands. Christian reinforcements were delayed, and Famagusta eventually fell in August 1571 after a siege of 11 months. Two months later, at the Battle of Lepanto, the united Christian fleet destroyed the Ottoman fleet, but was unable to take advantage of this victory. The Ottomans quickly rebuilt their naval forces and Venice was forced to negotiate a separate peace, ceding Cyprus to the Ottomans and paying a tribute of 300,000 ducats. (Full article...)
  • A depiction of medieval naval combat from Jean Froissart's Chronicles, 14th century

    The Battle of Winchelsea or the Battle of Les Espagnols sur Mer ("the Spaniards on the Sea") was a naval battle that took place on 29 August 1350 and was a victory for an English fleet of 50 ships commanded by King Edward III over a Castilian fleet of 47 larger vessels commanded by Charles de La Cerda. Between 14 and 26 Castilian ships were captured, and several were sunk. Only two English vessels were sunk but there was significant loss of life. The battle was part of the Hundred Years' War between England and France.

    English trade, war finance and ability to bring force to bear against France was heavily reliant on seaborne transportation, especially to its territory in Gascony. With its own ability to raise and support a fleet much reduced by English activities, the French hired Castilian ships to blockade English ports. Frustrated by their effectiveness, Edward III himself led the fleet which intercepted them and inflicted heavy losses. In spite of this success, English trade and ports saw little relief from naval harassment by the French and their allies. (Full article...)
  • Torres with Atlético Madrid in 2017

    Fernando José Torres Sanz (Spanish pronunciation: [feɾˈnando ˈtores]; born 20 March 1984) is a Spanish former professional footballer who played as a striker.

    Torres started his career with Atlético Madrid, progressing through their youth system to the first-team squad. He made his first-team debut in 2001 and finished his time at the club with 75 goals in 174 La Liga appearances. Prior to his La Liga debut, Torres played two seasons in the Segunda División for Atlético, making 40 appearances and scoring seven goals. (Full article...)
  • Villa with Spain at the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup

    David Villa Sánchez (Spanish pronunciation: [daˈβið ˈbiʎa santʃeθ]; born 3 December 1981) is a Spanish retired professional footballer who played as a striker. Villa is regarded by pundits as one of the best forwards of his generation, and one of, if not the best Spanish striker of all time.

    Nicknamed El Guaje (The Kid in Asturian) due to a reputation of playing football with children much older than him, Villa sustained a serious injury as a child but managed to start his professional career with Sporting de Gijón in 2001. He moved to Real Zaragoza after two seasons, where he made his La Liga debut, and won the Copa del Rey and Supercopa de España. He joined Valencia in 2005 for a transfer fee of €12 million and captured another Copa del Rey title. At age 28, Villa registered 28 league goals and garnered a move to Barcelona for €40 million in 2010, where he won his first La Liga and UEFA Champions League titles, and scored in the 2011 final. He left the club in 2013 after concluding a €5.1 million transfer to Atlético Madrid, where he won another La Liga title. After a single season in the Spanish capital, Villa departed to join new MLS franchise New York City, where he became the club's record goalscorer and appearance maker, winning the MLS MVP Award for best player in 2016. In 2018, Villa announced his departure from New York, to join Vissel Kobe in Japan. (Full article...)
  • Illustration of the dreadnought España in 1912

    In the latter half of the 19th century, the Spanish Navy had built a series of ironclad warships that culminated in the barbette ship Pelayo in the 1880s. Following the destruction of much of the Spanish fleet in the Spanish–American War in 1898, Spain slowly began to rebuild its navy. In the early 20th century, the Spanish Navy built three battleships and planned several more; the three ships that were completed were the vessels of the España class. These ships were the smallest dreadnought-type battleships ever built. A further three ships of the Reina Victoria Eugenia class were authorized by the Navy Law of 1913, but the outbreak of World War I prevented these ships from being built, as Spain was heavily dependent on Great Britain for material and technical expertise. The three completed battleships all served in the Rif War in North Africa, where the lead ship, España, ran aground and was wrecked.

    Following the end of the First World War, occasional plans for the construction of new battleships were proposed, including a small design deriving from Britain's powerful Nelson-class battleships. However, nothing had come of these efforts by the time of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Following the victory of Francisco Franco's Nationalists in that conflict, in which both of the surviving Spanish battleships—one serving on the side of the Nationalists, the other on that of the Republicans—had been destroyed, proposals for the construction of four fast battleships to an Italian design, as well as the construction of "large cruisers"—the only battlecruiser designs proposed for or by Spain—were made. However, the outbreak of the Second World War resulted in these plans being disrupted. (Full article...)
  • Location of Valencia within Spain

    Valencia (Valencian: València) is one of the 52 constituencies (Spanish: circunscripciones) represented in the Congress of Deputies, the lower chamber of the Spanish parliament, the Cortes Generales. The constituency currently elects 16 deputies. Its boundaries correspond to those of the Spanish province of Valencia. The electoral system uses the D'Hondt method and a closed-list proportional representation, with a minimum threshold of three percent. (Full article...)
  • Statue of Ibn Rushd in Córdoba, Spain

    Ibn Rushd (Arabic: ابن رشد‎; full name in Arabic: أبو الوليد محمد ابن احمد ابن رشد‎, romanized: Abū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rušd; 14 April 1126 – 11 December 1198), often Latinized as Averroes (English: /əˈvɛroʊiːz/), was a

    Muslim Andalusian polymath and jurist who wrote about many subjects, including philosophy, theology, medicine, astronomy, physics, psychology, mathematics, Islamic jurisprudence and law, and linguistics. The author of more than 100 books and treatises, his philosophical works include numerous commentaries on Aristotle, for which he was known in the western world as The Commentator and Father of rationalism. Ibn Rushd also served as a chief judge and a court physician for the Almohad Caliphate. (Full article...)
  • Abu Said Faraj ibn Ismail (أبو سعيد فرج بن إسماعيل, 1248 – 24 April 1320) was a member of the Nasrid dynasty of Granada, who was a close advisor to Sultan Muhammad II (r. 1273–1302) and Muhammad III (r. 1302–1309) and served as the governor of Málaga between 1279 and the early 1310s. He was born in 1248 to Ismail ibn Nasr, governor of Málaga and brother of Sultan Muhammad I. After Ismail's death, the Sultan brought the young Abu Said to court, where he became friends with his cousin, the future Muhammad II. When the latter became Sultan, Abu Said became his advisor on economic and military policies. He married Muhammad II's daughter Fatima, and in 1279 he was appointed as the royal governor in Málaga. The city—the realm's most important port—had just recently been recovered by the crown after a rebellion by the Banu Ashqilula since 1266 followed by a short occupation by the Marinids of Morocco since 1278. He implemented policies to pacify the population and improved the region's economic condition, as well as embarking on the construction of ships to strengthen the Granadan navy. As governor, he also led Málaga's troops in various campaigns on the Iberian Peninsula, including against rebels and against the Marinid Sultanate.

    He remained governor under the next Sultan, his brother-in-law Muhammad III, with whom he and his wife also enjoyed good relations. He led the Granadan campaign to conquer Ceuta in North Africa in 1306. His relations with the next Sultan, Nasr (r. 1309–1314), were poor and in 1311 he started a rebellion to enthrone his own son, Ismail, instead. His forces captured various castles and defeated the Sultan in battle, before being forced to return to Málaga after failing to besiege the capital. After this setback, he was deposed as governor of Málaga due to an attempt to yield the city to the Marinid Sultanate, and he was imprisoned by his son Ismail until his death in 1320. At some point after his imprisonment, Ismail restarted the rebellion and succeeded in taking the throne as Ismail I (r. 1314–1325). (Full article...)
  • Gasol in 2018

    Pau Gasol Sáez (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈpaw ɣəˈzɔl], Spanish pronunciation: [ˈpaw ɣaˈsol]; born July 6, 1980) is a Spanish professional basketball player FC Barcelona of Liga ACB. He is a six-time NBA All-Star and a four-time All-NBA team selection, twice on the second team and twice on the third team. Gasol has won two NBA championships, both with the Los Angeles Lakers back-to-back in 2009 and 2010. He was the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2002 with the Memphis Grizzlies, being the first non-American player to have won that award. He is the older brother of fellow NBA player Marc Gasol.

    Gasol was selected by the Atlanta Hawks with the third overall pick in the first round of the 2001 NBA draft, but his rights were traded to the Memphis Grizzlies. He holds the Grizzlies' franchise record for free throws made and attempted. Following more than six seasons with Memphis, Gasol played for the Los Angeles Lakers (from 2008 to 2014), the Chicago Bulls (from 2014 to 2016), the San Antonio Spurs (from 2016 to 2019), and the Milwaukee Bucks (2019). (Full article...)
  • 1858 map of Salamanca shows empty spaces in the southwest corner of the city where the forts were located

    The Siege of the Salamanca Forts (17–27 June 1812) saw an 800-man Imperial French garrison directed by Lieutenant Colonel Duchemin defend three fortified convents in the city of Salamanca against the 48,000-strong Anglo-Allied army led by Arthur Wellesley, Lord Wellington. During this time, the French commander Marshal Auguste de Marmont led a 40,000-man French army in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the garrison. An Allied failure to bring sufficient artillery ammunition caused the siege to be prolonged. The garrison repulsed a premature British attempt to storm the fortified convents on 23 June, but finally surrendered four days later after an artillery bombardment breached one fort and set another one on fire. During his maneuvering, Marmont formed the idea that Wellington was only willing to act on the defensive. This mistaken notion would contribute to Marmont's defeat at the Battle of Salamanca a month later. (Full article...)
  • Alonso training with Bayern Munich in 2017

    Xabier Alonso Olano (Basque: [ˈʃaβi aˈlons̺o oˈlano], Spanish: [ˈ(t)ʃaβj aˈlonso oˈlano]; born 25 November 1981) is a Spanish football manager and former professional player who played as a central midfielder. He is the manager of Segunda División B club Real Sociedad B.

    Alonso began his career at Real Sociedad, the main team of his home province Gipuzkoa. After a brief loan period at Eibar, he was appointed as team captain of Real Sociedad by then-manager John Toshack. He succeeded in the role, taking the club to second place in the 2002–03 season. He moved to Liverpool in August 2004 for £10.5 million and won the UEFA Champions League in his first season, under manager Rafael Benítez, scoring the equalising goal in the Final against Milan. The following season, he won the FA Cup and the FA Community Shield. (Full article...)
  • Remains of the Alconétar Bridge with its flattened arches

    The Alconétar Bridge (Spanish: Puente de Alconétar), also known as Puente de Mantible, was a Roman segmental arch bridge in the Extremadura region, Spain. The ancient structure, which featured flattened arches with a span-to-rise ratio of 4–5:1, is one of the earliest of its kind. Due to its design, it is assumed that the bridge was erected in the early 2nd century AD by the emperors Trajan or Hadrian, possibly under the guidance of Apollodorus of Damascus, the most famous architect of the time.

    The almost 300 m long Alconétar Bridge served as a crossing point for the Roman Via de la Plata, the most important north-south connection in western Hispania, over the Tagus, the longest river of the Iberian peninsula. It presumably remained in service until the Reconquista, after which numerous early modern reconstruction attempts by Spanish engineers failed. The ruins, which were mainly to be found on the right river bank, were relocated from their original position in 1970 when the Alcántara reservoir was created. (Full article...)
  • Onneca Fortúnez or Iñiga Fortúnez (c. 848 – after 890) was a Basque princess from the Kingdom of Pamplona, later known as the Kingdom of Navarre. She was the daughter of Fortún Garcés of Pamplona and his wife Auria. At the time of Onneca's birth, which occurred between 848 and 850, the Iberian Peninsula was largely under the domination of the Muslim Umayyad dynasty. Only the northern kingdoms of Asturias, Pamplona and the Pyrenean threshold remained under control of Christian rulers. Onneca was a member of the Íñiguez dynasty, named after her great-grandfather Íñigo Arista, who founded the Kingdom of Pamplona.

    Information about Onneca's life is limited. Biographical details about her come from two main sources: the Códice de Roda and the accounts of Muslim Andalusi historians, who refer to the grandmother of Abd al-Rahman III by the Arabic name Durr (در), meaning "pearl". Her marriage created family ties between the Christian and Muslim ruling families of the Iberian peninsula, initially leading to close collaboration between the Christian House of Íñiguez and the Muslim Umayyads. The political effects resulting from Onneca's marriages continued to be felt long after her death, which occurred at an unknown date. (Full article...)

  • The Siege of Almería was an unsuccessful attempt by Aragon to capture the city of Almería from the Emirate of Granada in 1309. Almería, a Mediterranean port in the southeast of the emirate, was the initial Aragonese target in a joint Aragonese-Castilian campaign aimed at conquering Granada. The Aragonese troops led by their King James II arrived on 11 August, blockading the city and employing siege engines. The city, led by governor Abu Maydan Shuayb and naval commander Abu al-Hasan al-Randahi, prepared for the siege by strengthening its defenses and stockpiling food. Throughout the siege, both sides exchanged shots from siege engines and engaged in fields battles and skirmishes with varying results. James ordered multiple unsuccessful assaults. A Granadan relief column under Uthman ibn Abi al-Ula arrived nearby in September and harassed the besiegers.

    The approach of winter and a shortage of supplies in the besiegers' camp led James II to agree to a truce at the end of December. The siege was lifted and the Aragonese began withdrawing from Granadan territories. As James II did not have sufficient ships to transport his troops at once, some men were left behind. Some of them pillaged Granadan territories and some were ambushed while trying to travel home without authorization, resulting in their temporary capture. The siege was viewed as a decisive victory for Granada and ended Aragonese military involvement in the emirate for the rest of James II's reign. Sultan Nasr of Granada made peace with Aragon and Castile in 1310. (Full article...)
  • D-AIPX, the aircraft involved, in May 2014

    Germanwings Flight 9525 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Barcelona–El Prat Airport in Spain to Düsseldorf Airport in Germany. The flight was operated by Germanwings, a low-cost carrier owned by the German airline Lufthansa. On 24 March 2015, the aircraft, an Airbus A320-211, crashed 100 km (62 mi; 54 nmi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps. All 144 passengers and six crew members were killed. It was Germanwings' first fatal crash in the 18-year history of the company.

    The crash was caused deliberately by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared "unfit to work" by his doctor. Lubitz kept this information from his employer and instead reported for duty. Shortly after reaching cruise altitude and while the captain was out of the cockpit, he locked the cockpit door and initiated a controlled descent that continued until the aircraft impacted a mountainside. (Full article...)
  • North Korean Embassy in Madrid

    The North Korean Embassy in Madrid incident is an event that occurred on 22 February 2019 at the North Korean embassy in Madrid, Spain. The political group Free Joseon, which is opposed to the incumbent Kim Jong-un government of North Korea, is alleged to have attacked and raided the embassy, while the group maintains that they were invited in to facilitate a high-level defection. A group of individuals stole mobile telephones, two pen drives and a hard drive from the embassy and handed them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States. The event took place after the Singapore summit between North Korea (DPRK) and the United States and prior to the approach of the Hanoi summit. As of early April 2019, one person had been arrested in connection with the incident and two international arrest warrants had been issued by the Spanish Audiencia Nacional. The suspected perpetrators are citizens of Mexico, the US and South Korea, although the latter two governments denied any connection with the incident.

    The incident is alleged to have been violent; the suspected perpetrators purportedly possessed knives and replica guns, and a number of embassy staff were treated for injuries. Another member of the embassy staff injured herself by leaping from an upper window before alerting police. The Spanish authorities' investigations were kept secret for the first month; when they released their findings—including the names of the suspected perpetrators—they were criticised for possibly endangering the named peoples' lives. The Spanish privately briefed the media that they suspected but could not prove Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement because the attack was professional in its precision. One former CIA agent, however, said the timing of the attack and its high-profile nature would have made it impossible for the CIA to have condoned it or taken part. The Government of North Korea described the incident as an act of terrorism and demanded an international investigation; the embassy and its attaché, however, did not report the attack or any injuries sustained by the staff to the Spanish police. (Full article...)
  • Domínguez playing for Atlético Madrid in 2009

    Álvaro Domínguez Soto (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalβaɾo ðoˈmiŋɡeθ ˈsoto]; born 16 May 1989) is a Spanish former professional footballer who played as a centre back and left back during the course of his career.

    He began playing professional football in 2008 when he made his debut with Atlético Madrid. Domínguez went on to play in 120 competitive games and won three major titles with the club, including two Europa League trophies. In 2012, he signed for Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach, where he made just over 100 appearances. His time in Germany was hampered by injuries, however, which ultimately forced him to retire in 2016, at the age of 27. (Full article...)

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Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Избранные статьи

  • AMX-30E
  • Испанский линкор Альфонсо XIII
  • Андалузская лошадь
  • футбольный клуб Барселона
  • Битва при Барросе
  • Битва при Халмиросе
  • Битва при Бикокке
  • Boletus aereus
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  • Колосс Родосский (Дали)
  • Бедствия войны
  • Первая Пуническая война
  • Сад земных наслаждений
  • Битва при Геборе
  • Эль Греко
  • История Гибралтара
  • Исмаил I Гранады
  • Итальянская война 1521–1526 гг.
  • Война лиги Камбре
  • Леопард 2E
  • Линс (танк)
  • Джозеф А. Лопес
  • Las Meninas
  • Наемная война
  • Мухаммед I Гранадский
  • Мухаммад II Гранады
  • Мухаммед III Гранадский
  • Мухаммед IV Гранадский
  • Наср Гранады
  • Ньонская конференция
  • Оранская фетва
  • Panzer I
  • Рокби Венера
  • Однополые браки в Испании
  • Санта-Мария-де-Свила
  • Испанское завоевание Гватемалы
  • Испанское завоевание Петена
  • Танки в испанской армии
  • Третье мая 1808 г.
  • Вердея
  • 2015 Вуэльта Испания
  • Ведьмин шабаш (Великий Козел)
  • Юсуф I Гранады
  • Черный аист
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Избранные списки

  • Хавьер Бардем фильмография
  • Список международных голов, забитых Альфредо Ди Стефано
  • Список объектов всемирного наследия в Испании
  • Список президентов ФК Барселона
  • Список сезонов ФК Барселона
  • Список сезонов Реал Мадрид
  • Список чемпионов Испании по футболу
  • Список международных голов, забитых Давидом Вилья
  • Список осады Гибралтара
  • Список команд и велосипедистов Вуэльты Испании 2015 года
  • Список международных голов, забитых Фернандо Торресом
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Хорошие статьи

  • 1936 г. всеобщие выборы в Испании
  • 1986 расширение Европейских сообществ
  • Гран-при Европы 1997 года
  • 2000 Гран-при Испании
  • Гран-при Испании 2008
  • Гран-при Европы 2010
  • 2014 Гран-при Испании
  • 2015 Clásica de San Sebastián
  • Гран-при Испании 2015
  • 2015 Vuelta a España, этапы с 1 по 11
  • 2015 Vuelta a España, с 12 по 21 этап
  • Гран-при Испании 2016
  • 2016 Тур по Стране Басков
  • Вольта в Каталонии, 2016
  • Абу Саид Фарадж
  • Действия от 15 июля 1798 г.
  • Действия от 16 октября 1799 г.
  • Действия от 26 апреля 1797 г.
  • Агуа Дульсе, Агуа Сала
  • Дэвид Алькайд
  • Мост Алконетар
  • Кампания Альхесираса
  • Первая битва при Альхесирасе
  • Хаби Алонсо
  • Эсминец типа Альседо
  • Гомес де Альварадо
  • Аси Фуэ
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  • Аверроэс
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  • История гражданской войны в Испании
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  • Луис Бунюэль
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  • Битва при мысе Сент-Винсент (1606 г.)
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  • Каталонская всеобщая забастовка 2017 г.
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  • Пенелопа Круз
  • Опасность цунами на Кумбре Вьеха
  • Луис Даоиз и Торрес
  • Альваро Домингес (футболист, 1989 г.р.)
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  • Язык Erromintxela
  • Испанский линкор España
  • Европейский долговой кризис
  • Сезон Эускалтел – Эускади 2011 г.
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  • Пау Газоль
  • Антони Гауди
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  • Рейс 9525 Germanwings
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  • Пако де Люсия
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  • Ричард Уорсам Мид I
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  • Атака на отель Монбар
  • Ограбление денег
  • Мавританский Гибралтар
  • Мудехарское восстание 1264–1266 гг.
  • Мухаммед VII Гранадский
  • Невмешательство в гражданскую войну в Испании
  • Посольство Северной Кореи в Мадриде инцидент
  • Обрас Сон Аморес
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  • Оннека Фортунес
  • Битва при Орбетелло
  • Османско-венецианская война (1570–1573)
  • Взрыв в Пальма-Нова в 2009 году
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  • Филиппины
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  • Восстание Comuneros
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  • Осада фортов Саламанки
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  • Вторая Пуническая война
  • Шамбала (американские горки)
  • Осада Кастельнуово
  • Осада Альмерии (1309)
  • Испания в наших сердцах
  • Испания на конкурсе песни Евровидение 2013
  • Испано-американские войны за независимость
  • Испанский Техас
  • Испанское завоевание Чьяпаса
  • Испанское завоевание Сальвадора
  • Испанское завоевание Гондураса
  • Испанское завоевание майя
  • Испанский переворот июля 1936 г.
  • Болельщики ФК Барселона
  • Те Ло Аградеско, Перо Но.
  • Дом цветов (2 сезон)
  • Фернандо Торрес
  • Мануэль Торрес (дипломат)
  • Траян
  • Валенсия (округ Конгресса депутатов)
  • Давид Вилья
  • Юсуф II Гранады
  • Серая цапля
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Вы знали? статьи

  • 1428 г., землетрясение в Каталонии
  • 1492 легкий прицельный
  • 1826 г., шторм на Канарских островах
  • 1833 г. территориальное деление Испании
  • 1936 г. всеобщие выборы в Испании
  • 1978 выборы испанского представителя профсоюзов
  • 1986 расширение Европейских сообществ
  • 2015 La Madrid Challenge от La Vuelta
  • Гран-при Испании 2015
  • Барса
  • AMX-30E
  • Абадиньо
  • Альянс Аббасидов и Каролингов
  • Абу Саид Фарадж
  • Тодрос бен Иуда Галеви Абулафия
  • Случайность и катастрофизм
  • Действия от 16 октября 1799 г.
  • Действия от 26 апреля 1797 г.
  • Актер (живопись)
  • Росарио де Акунья
  • Педро де Агуадо
  • Сиксто Агудо
  • Миссия Аячана
  • Алаварафидия
  • Библия Альбы
  • Хосе Альби
  • Нурия Альбо
  • Алькабала
  • Дэвид Алькайд
  • Альканар
  • Алькасаба в Малаге
  • Алькасар-де-лос-Рейес-Кристианос
  • Плотина Альдеадавила
  • Алекс, Хорхе и Лена
  • Альферес
  • Алжирская экспедиция (1541 г.)
  • Омар Аллибхой
  • Алмазан
  • Альмендралехо
  • Восстание Альпухаррас (1499–1501)
  • Альтернативный лагерь
  • Амаранторафидия
  • Saint Amaro
  • Хуан де Амескета
  • Аморебьета-Эчано
  • Джорджина Аморос
  • Древняя синагога (Барселона)
  • Андалусия
  • Рохелио Берналь Андрео
  • Ането
  • Дворец архиепископа, Севилья
  • Диего де Аргумоса
  • Франсиско Аритменди
  • Армия Фландрии
  • Арнау Мир де Тост
  • Хуан де Арфе-и-Вильяфанье
  • Аррано Бельца
  • Лас-Аррас
  • Арсенал де ла Каррака
  • Игнасио де Артеага-и-Базан
  • Джоан Гарди Артигас
  • Аси Фуэ
  • Asociación Obrera Asambleista
  • Педро де Атарес
  • Политика подписания Athletic Bilbao
  • Auditorio Monte do Gozo
  • Аверроэс
  • Avinguda Diagonal
  • Абель Аскона
  • Феликс Аснар
  • Взятие Бахараха
  • История гражданской войны в Испании
  • Бадахос
  • Университет Баэса
  • Кармен Бальселлс
  • Испанский крейсер Балеарские острова
  • Bandido (песня)
  • Барселона Серии
  • Хавьер Бардем фильмография
  • Базилика Бегонья
  • Война викуньясов и басков
  • Суды над баскскими ведьмами
  • Битва при Халмиросе
  • Битва при Матасиете
  • Битва при Сале
  • Байонский статут
  • Сильвия Белло
  • Бендинат
  • Мартин Берасатеги
  • Беренгария Кастильская
  • Berenguier de Palazol
  • Алемайеху Безабех
  • Bienmesabe
  • Хоакин Бильбао
  • Проект Черный лебедь
  • Гортензия Бланш Пита
  • BOAC, рейс 777
  • Андрес Бойра
  • Bombus cerdanyensis
  • Костры Святого Иоанна
  • Франсиско де Борха
  • Отношения Боснии и Герцеговины и Испании
  • Принцесса Мария Тереза ​​Бурбон-Пармская
  • Луис Браво де Акунья
  • Мануэль Бросета
  • Паласио-де-Буэнависта
  • Омар Банди
  • Кармен де Бургос
  • Бургосские испытания
  • Эль-Бускон
  • Бюст Абд аль-Рахмана III, Кадрет
  • C-9 (Cercanías Madrid)
  • Природный парк Кабо-де-Гата-Нихар
  • Долорес Кабрера и Эредиа
  • Арнау Каделл
  • Caganer
  • Битва при Кахамарке
  • Кала Аренас
  • Дело Кальяо
  • Джованни Баттиста Кальви
  • Клара Кампоамор
  • Кантаброрафидия
  • Рамон Вила Капдевила
  • Капитуляции Санта-Фе
  • Взятие Пеньона Алжирского (1529 г.)
  • Захват шлюпа Энн
  • Хуан Хосе Карбо
  • Ласка птицы
  • Натали Карпанедо
  • Раймонд Карр
  • Carteia
  • Casa Fuerte de Adeje
  • Каско де Лейро
  • Замок Кастельдефельс
  • Кастильская гражданская война
  • Кастильо-де-Кока
  • Кастильо-де-Санта-Каталина (Ла-Пальма)
  • Замок Зафра (Гвадалахара)
  • Каталонская гражданская война
  • Каталонский Talgo
  • Каталонское вино
  • Собор-базилика Богоматери Колонны
  • Эль Селлер де Кан Рока
  • Хулио Сервера Бавьера
  • Карл V Wall
  • Чиклана-де-ла-Фронтера
  • Чикуэло (гитарист)
  • Провинция Сьюдад-Реаль
  • Герб Астурии
  • Герб Страны Басков (автономное сообщество)
  • Герб Каталонии
  • Кодекс Каликстина
  • Джудит Р. Коэн
  • Анна Кохи
  • Луис Колл
  • Мария Хосеп Коломер и Луке
  • Колосс Родосский (Дали)
  • Памятник Колумбу, Барселона
  • Клятва Колумба
  • Комильяс
  • Коммунистическая партия Андалусии
  • Конка де Барбера
  • Confederación Xeral de Traballadores Galegos-Intersindical Nacional
  • Confederación de Sindicatos Unitarios de Trabajadores
  • Конилл (Таррега)
  • Завоевание Туниса (1574 г.)
  • Завоевание Мерсии (1265–1266 гг.)
  • Конституционный суд Испании
  • Монастырь Санто-Доминго (Валенсия)
  • Лондонская конвенция (1786 г.)
  • Лондонская конвенция (1861 г.)
  • Мэтью Кук (регби-союз)
  • Мигель Анхель Кориа
  • Corral de Comedias
  • Corral de Comedias de Almagro
  • Corta Atalaya
  • Corts Valencianes
  • Диего Коста
  • Costumbrismo
  • Графство Бесалу
  • Кова Форада
  • Сальвадор Кристау Колль
  • Croscat
  • Хосе Крус Эррера
  • Сильвия Перес Крус
  • Ирен Куэста
  • Куэва-де-Боломор
  • Карлос Куэвас
  • Опасность цунами на Кумбре Вьеха
  • Cursa de Bombers
  • Луис Даоиз и Торрес
  • Энрике Давила Пачеко
  • Деприса, Деприса
  • Дескубиерта и Атревида
  • Список международных голов, забитых Альфредо Ди Стефано
  • Фруэла Диас
  • Хосе и Франсиско Диас
  • Dioscorea chouardii
  • Люк Андре Диуф
  • Спорт для инвалидов в Испании
  • Бедствия войны
  • Отвлеченный парень мем
  • Альваро Домингес (футболист, 1989 г.р.)
  • Доминик де ла Кальсада
  • Доминио де Пингус
  • Дон Хуан Матеос
  • Дон Винсенте
  • Дона и Оцелл
  • Дудум сикидем
  • Испанский броненосец Дуке де Тетуан
  • Голландская экспедиция в Вальдивию
  • Эль Драго Миленарио
  • Эль Соль
  • Элевадор-де-Агуас-де-Гордехуэла
  • Элизальде (автомобиль)
  • Туннель Энганья
  • Беатрис Энрикес де Арана
  • Эрмуа
  • Бернардино де Эскаланте
  • Оскар Эспалларгас
  • Эускади Роя
  • Эуско Лангиллен Алькартасуна (Аскатута) - Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos (Independiente)
  • События 6 октября
  • Экспедиция на Мостаганем (1558 г.)
  • Exposición Nacional de Minería (1883 г.)
  • Музей футбольного клуба Барселона
  • Фолклендский кризис 1770 года
  • Фатима бинт аль-Ахмар
  • Фернандо Ансурес II
  • Арнау Феррер
  • Мария Тереза ​​Феррер и Маллол
  • Пятая осада Гибралтара
  • Первый двухлетний период
  • Первая осада Гибралтара
  • Флора и Мария
  • Отель Флорида (Мадрид)
  • Эль-Фонолл
  • Fontanilla
  • Пешеходные дорожки Гибралтара
  • Принудительное обращение мусульман в Испанию
  • Ева Форест
  • Форт Гихаррос
  • Фонтан каналов грушевого дерева
  • Четвертая осада Гибралтара
  • Джован Джакомо Палеари Фратино
  • Фуэрте-де-Исла-Верде
  • Марина де Габараин
  • Мост Гальцеран
  • Мигель Галиндо Гарсес
  • Рамиро Гарсес, лорд Калаорры
  • Карме Гарсия
  • Диего Гарсиа де Могуэр
  • Нахикари Гарсия
  • Игнасио Гаррига
  • Битва при Геборе
  • Общий архив Индии
  • Тино ди Джеральдо
  • Участие Германии в гражданской войне в Испании
  • Бомбардировка Getxo в 2008 году
  • Двенадцатая осада Гибралтара
  • Тринадцатая осада Гибралтара
  • Тереза ​​Хиль де Видаур
  • Ginés de la Jara
  • Игорь Гонсалес де Гальдеано
  • Маурисио Гонсалес-Гордон-и-Диес
  • Висенте Гонсалес Лисондо
  • Педро Хавьер Гонсалес
  • Габриэль Горце
  • Ратонеро Валенсиано
  • Grabaciones Accidentales
  • Диего де Гевара
  • Гимера
  • Карлос де Хаэс
  • Чарльз Фредерик Хеннингсен
  • Hermandad Lírica
  • Эрмитаж Эль Росио
  • Карла Эрреро
  • Высокий суд Андалусии
  • Бомбардировка Hipercor
  • История шоколада в Испании
  • Рамон Хомс
  • Дом цветов (сериал)
  • Аль-Хурр ибн Абд аль-Рахман аль-Сакафи
  • Иберийский пиритовый пояс
  • Иберийский ребристый тритон
  • Иберийская каменная ящерица
  • Иберорафидия
  • Церковь Нуэстра-Сеньора-де-ла-Пальма, Альхесирас
  • Ильдефонсус
  • Непорочное зачатие Los Venerables
  • HMS Imperieuse (1805 г.)
  • Международная социологическая ассоциация
  • Мария Соледад Ипаррагирре
  • Антонио Иранцо
  • Мануэль де Ирухо
  • Уильям Изарн
  • Исмаил I Гранады
  • Атака Испастера 1980 г.
  • Рафаэль Искьердо-и-Гутьеррес
  • Jesé
  • Thomas á Jesu
  • Иона ибн Джана
  • Уильям Б. Джордан
  • Иньяки де Хуана Хаос
  • Conxita Julià
  • Юлиан Куэнка
  • Juliobriga
  • Юрский музей Астурии
  • Кассиа Мария Жюст
  • Коллекция испанских металлических изделий Халили
  • Коллекции Халили
  • Корейцы в Испании
  • L'Encobert
  • Ла Кава Библия
  • Ла Масия
  • Мануэль Лапенья
  • Ла Йеса
  • Фернандо Нуньес де Лара
  • Педро Манрике де Лара
  • Последнее применение смертной казни в Испании
  • Джереми Лоуренс
  • Хосе Ласаро Гальдиано
  • Джон Лими (торговец)
  • Леопард 2E
  • Сэм Лессер
  • Либертас Испания
  • Libro de los Epítomes
  • Хавьер Лимон
  • Битва при Липпе
  • Список линкоров Испании
  • Список осады Гибралтара
  • Живая объединенная социалистическая партия Каталонии
  • Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
  • Крест за высшую военную службу (Испания)
  • Белен Лопес (актриса)
  • Джозеф А. Лопес
  • Лорка, Испания
  • Луиза Элизабет из Франции
  • Лугарес Коломбинос
  • Тристан де Луна и Арельяно
  • Алехандро Маклин
  • 1993 взрывы в Мадриде
  • Маэстразго
  • Волшебный фонтан Монжуика
  • Майоркская овчарка
  • Картографическая школа Майорки
  • Фелип де Мальла
  • Manchones
  • Рейд на Манилу
  • Мануэль Осорио Манрике де Суньига
  • Manx2 Flight 7100
  • Маоистский союз молодежи
  • Пепе Марчена
  • MareNostrum
  • Инфанта Мария де ла Пас из Испании
  • Мария Наваррская
  • Диего Марин Агилера
  • Хосе Мануэль Марин
  • Марина Агуас Сантас
  • Хосе Мануэль Мартин
  • Мануэль Мартинес Гутьеррес
  • Мария Хосе Мартинес-Патиньо
  • Ана Мария Мартинес Саги
  • Джоан Марторелл
  • Алонсо Мартинес де Эспинар
  • Андреу Мас-Колелл
  • Битва при Матакито
  • Хуан Матеос
  • Хуан Матеос (придворный)
  • Диего Маскиаран
  • Ричард Уорсам Мид I
  • Ракель Меллер
  • Мелодия (испанская певица)
  • Наемная война
  • Мексиканская инквизиция
  • Энрик Мираллес
  • Мухаммед I Гранадский
  • Рейнхард Мон
  • Монастырь Сан-Исидро-де-Лориана
  • Атака на отель Монбар
  • Пустыня Монегрос
  • Монте-ду-Гозо
  • Роза Монтеро
  • Мавританский Гибралтар
  • Морелла, Кастельон
  • Дипломатический конфликт между Марокко и Испанией в 2007 г.
  • Гильермо Морфи
  • Габриэлла Морреале де Эскобар
  • Мудехарское восстание 1264–1266 гг.
  • Тематический парк Мудехар
  • Мухаммад II Гранады
  • Мухаммед III Гранадский
  • Мухаммед VII Гранадский
  • Мухаммад аль-Рикти
  • Мухаммед IV Гранадский
  • Muixeranga
  • Муниципальный музей Альхесираса
  • Мунио Пелаэс
  • Глория Муньос
  • Анна Муриа
  • Хуан Браво Мурильо
  • Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas
  • Музей искусств и народных обычаев Севильи
  • Мятеж в Сукро
  • Хосе Наранхо (разведчик)
  • Наср Гранады
  • Национальный монетный двор Ксувии
  • Некрорафидия
  • Негр из баньолеса
  • Пещеры Нерхи
  • Ньюфаундлендская экспедиция
  • Энрике Ньето (архитектор)
  • Альгамбра Ниевас
  • Невмешательство в гражданскую войну в Испании
  • Нуткинский кризис
  • Эль-Норте-де-Кастилья
  • Монахиня Жеронима де ла Фуэнте
  • Ньонская конференция
  • Обрас Сон Аморес
  • Лола Очоа Рибес
  • Олегариус
  • Битва при Ольянтайтамбо
  • Онятский договор
  • Оннека Фортунес
  • Оппас
  • Оранская фетва
  • Османское вторжение на Балеарские острова (1558 г.)
  • Османско-венецианская война (1570–1573)
  • Кристобаль Удрид
  • Оренсийский собор
  • Фидель Пагес
  • Лойола де Паласио
  • Паласио де Веласкес
  • Паласио де ла Адуана
  • Паласио-де-лас-Дуэньяс
  • Palau del Parlament de Catalunya
  • Пальмераль Эльче
  • Париас
  • Парижский мир (1783 г.)
  • Парк дель Драго
  • Мария Паррадо
  • Партии и фракции в Isabelline Испания
  • Педренья
  • Педро Перете
  • Эдгар Эллисон Пирс
  • Хоан Пейро
  • Пелагиус Овьедский
  • Замок Пенискола
  • Тереза ​​Пералес
  • Эстебан де Переа
  • Родриго Перес де Траба
  • Марсель Перес
  • Хуан Антонио Перес Симон
  • Питер Перре
  • Petrocoptis pseudoviscosa
  • Петромочо
  • Филипп III Наваррский
  • Филипп V из Франции
  • Пи-де-ле-Трес-Бранк
  • Museo Picasso Málaga
  • Picón Bejes-Tresviso
  • Pima Revolt
  • Pinacoteca Eduardo rculo
  • Эль-Пиньяль
  • Договор Пинкни
  • Братья Пинсон
  • Мартин Алонсо Пинсон
  • Педро Писарро
  • Дэвид Пла Марин
  • Plaza Alta (Альхесирас)
  • Plaza Mayor, Саламанка
  • Plaza de Isabel II
  • Podarcis hispanicus
  • Польско-испанские отношения
  • Эдуард Понс Прадес
  • Понте Велла
  • Педро де Портокарреро (конкистадор)
  • Франсиско Мартинес Портусах
  • Принц Бальтасар Карлос в школе верховой езды
  • Прорафидия
  • Протофеодализм
  • Proyecto Dos
  • Пуэнте-Вьесго
  • Пуэрто Банус
  • Сабина Пуэртолас
  • Урсула Пуэйо
  • Круизы Pullmantur
  • Пунические войны
  • La púrpura de la rosa
  • Пиренейская выхухоль
  • Диего Рамирес де Арельяно
  • Рамон де Бонифас
  • Мигель Рамон Искьердо
  • Бартоломе Рамос де Пареха
  • Ратон
  • Майк Рэйвен
  • Хосе Антонио Раон-и-Гутьеррес
  • Real Fábrica de Cristales de La Granja
  • Real Fábrica del Buen Retiro
  • Настоящий монастырь Санто-Томас
  • Хуан Мартинес де Рекальде
  • Реккополис
  • Дарио де Регойос
  • Линкор типа Reina Victoria Eugenia
  • Reinosa
  • Сентябрь 1982 г., нападение Рентерия
  • Восстание Барретин
  • Восстание Comuneros
  • Битва при Роатане
  • Тереза ​​Родриго
  • Хуан Родригес де ла Камара
  • Себастьян Родригес Велозу
  • Хуан Луис Родригес-Виджил
  • Вальтер Роман
  • Федерико Ромеро
  • Королевская охота в Кальпе
  • Королевская фабрика Ла Монклоа
  • Королевская ярмарка Альхесираса
  • Королевская табачная фабрика
  • Сагардотеги
  • Замок Сагунто
  • Церковь Сен-Бернар де Клерво
  • Святой Доминик в Сориано
  • Диего де Салинас
  • Фермин Сальвочеа
  • Сан-Андрес-дель-Рабанедо
  • Сан-Хуан-де-Сицилия
  • Битва при Сан-Марсьяле
  • Маноло Санчес (сотрудник Nixon)
  • Санчо Майорки
  • Сандуго
  • Санкофа (оогенус)
  • Санта-Колома-де-Керальт
  • Монастырь Санта-Мария-де-Гуадалупе
  • Санта-Мария-де-Свила
  • Джон Сантакана Майстеги
  • Субботняя ночь волокна
  • Побег из тюрьмы в Сеговии
  • Педро Сегура-и-Саенс
  • Эдуардо Серра Рексач
  • Серра-де-На-Бургеса
  • Северус Барселонский
  • Сиам Парк (Тенерифе)
  • Осада Алькасара
  • Осада Альхесираса (1342–1344)
  • Осада Альмерии (1309)
  • Осада Капуи (1734 г.)
  • Осада Кориа (1138)
  • Сьерра-дель-Суэве
  • Сьеррас-де-Касорла, природный парк Сегура и Лас-Вильяс
  • Тереза ​​Сильва
  • Синдикато Обреро Канарио
  • Sindicato Unitario
  • Хосе Систо
  • Sociedad Gestora de Televisión Net TV
  • Хуан Солано
  • Тоти Солер
  • Solidaridad Obrera (периодическое издание)
  • Солидаридад Обрера (исторический союз)
  • Сын Феррер
  • Убийство Кармело Сориа
  • Южный бастион, Гибралтар
  • Образцы лунного света Испании
  • Мужская сборная Испании по хоккею с шайбой
  • Испанская архитектура барокко
  • Демократическая социалистическая партия Испании
  • Испанская федерация спорта для слепых
  • Гран-при Испании
  • Национальная система здравоохранения Испании
  • Испанский Паралимпийский комитет
  • Испано-таинская война Сан-Хуана-Борикена
  • Испанский флот сокровищ
  • Испанское завоевание Чьяпаса
  • Испанское завоевание Сальвадора
  • Испанское завоевание Гватемалы
  • Испанское завоевание Гондураса
  • Испанское завоевание Никарагуа
  • Испанское завоевание Петена
  • Испанское завоевание майя
  • Испанская экспедиция на Формозу
  • Испанская опера
  • Тибурсио Спаннокки
  • Spantax
  • Статуя Альманзора, Альхесирас
  • Статуя Франсиско Франко, Мелилья
  • Su canción
  • Альберто Суарес Ласо
  • Aleix Suñé
  • Бартоломе Суреда и Мизероль
  • Симон Сусарте
  • Символы франкизма
  • Тадео Джонс
  • Танки в испанской армии
  • Список танков в гражданской войне в Испании
  • Провинция Таррагона
  • Teatro Español (Мадрид)
  • Театр Лопе де Вега (Севилья)
  • Хавьер Тебас
  • Канатная дорога Тейде
  • Marquesa del Ter
  • Terreña
  • Теодемир (вестгот)
  • Риа Тиле
  • Торре дель Оро
  • Жозефина де ла Торре
  • Торре-де-лос-Адалидес
  • Мануэль Торрес (дипломат)
  • Педро Фроилас де Траба
  • Traje de flamenca
  • Tranvía Villasegura
  • Сокровище Эль Карамболо
  • Трактат Гарсии Толедского
  • Антверпенский договор (1609 г.)
  • Орлеанский договор
  • Формирование тремпа
  • Les Tres Torres
  • Анклав Тревиньо
  • Убийство Аугусто Унчета Барренечеа
  • Unión General de Trabajadores (сектор истории)
  • Единство за социализм
  • Университет Осуны
  • Уррака Кастильская, королева Наварры
  • 1957 Наводнение в Валенсии
  • Vall de Boí
  • Валле-де-Вильяверде
  • Валле-де-Трапага-Трапагаран
  • Карлос Г. Валлес
  • Валлс
  • Экспедиция Антонио де Веа
  • Венецианские башни
  • Объекты летних Олимпийских игр 1992 года
  • Вердея
  • Суэро Вермудес
  • Веррако моста
  • Через Крусис до Крус-дель-Кампо
  • Липкая вики
  • Доминго де Вико
  • Франсиско Видаль-и-Барракер
  • Рейд викингов на Севилью
  • Vilallonga del Camp
  • Ирен Вилла
  • Виллаблино
  • Villaquilambre
  • Хосе Вильегас Кордеро
  • Педро Вирджили
  • Богородица Эль Росио
  • Валлада бинт аль-Мустакфи
  • Война за кастильское наследство
  • Война двух петров
  • Путь в рай (спектакль)
  • Добро пожаловать в семью (сериал, 2018)
  • Причал Каравелл
  • Когда мы ели из одного блюда?
  • Дикая природа Испании
  • Xiker
  • Ю. (альбом Bebe)
  • Томас Йепес
  • Молодой человек из Аревало
  • Викториано Дж. Де Исаси
  • Юкатан (фильм)
  • Юсуф I Гранады
  • Юсуф II Гранады
  • Провинция Замора
  • Педро Сарагоса
  • Взрыв казарм Сарагосы
  • Заратеана арганика
  • Алехандро Сарсуэла
  • Даниэль Сулоага
  • Пласидо Сулоага
  • Серая цапля
  • Черный аист
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Избранные изображения

  • 1 толедо испания вечерний закат 2014

  • 1000 испанских песет

  • Акведукто, Сеговия править

  • Алькасар Севилья Апрель 2019-11

  • Амалия де Льяно-и-Дотрес, кондеса де Вильчес (Федерико де Мадрасо)

  • Ana Santos Aramburo en la sede de Recoletos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (культура 2)

  • Кастильо-де-Сан-Хуан-Баутиста

  • Castillo de Zafra, Campillo de Dueñas, Гвадалахара, Испания, 2017-01-04, DD 41-46 PAN

  • Кристо эн ла крус (Гойя)

  • Смерть короля Испании Альфонсо XII

  • Эль-дос-де-Майо 1808 в Мадриде

  • Франсиско Гойя - Портрет Фердинанда VII Испании в его государственной мантии (1815) - Прадо

  • Франсиско Гойя - Портрет герцога Веллингтона

  • Гойя - Desgracias acaecidas en el tenido de la plaza de Madrid, y muerte del alcalde de Torrejón

  • Гюстав Доре - Мигель де Сервантес - Дон Кихот - Часть 1 - Глава 1 - Таблица 1 «Мир беспорядочных представлений, взятых из его книг, заполонил его воображение»

  • Hacha grande от papagayo Pano

  • Античная карта Пиренейского полуострова

  • Иксион Хусепе де Рибера (1632)

  • Кумкват из Испании

  • La Familia de Carlos IV

  • Лас Менинас, Диего Веласкес, из Прадо в Google Планета Земля

  • Мария Изабель из Португалии перед Прадо в 1829 году - Бернардо Лопес и пикер

  • Мишель Ситтоу - Портрет Диего де Гевары (?) - Google Art Project

  • Ортоланская овсянка в Сьерра-де-Гуара, Арагон, Испания

  • Портрет мужчины, которого называют Христофором Колумбом

  • Сеговия - Алькасар-де-Сеговия 22 2017-10-24

  • Крушение корабля SS American Star на берегу Фуэртевентуры

  • Squilla mantis (l'Ametlla) ярче и качественнее

  • Веласкес - Пабло де Вальядолид (Музей Прадо, 1636–1637)

  • Висенте Лопес Портанья - эль-пинтор Франсиско де Гойя

  • Westfaelischer Friede в Мюнстере (Герард Терборх, 1648)

Избранные порталы

  • Портал: Испания
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

В новостных статьях

  • 2008–2009 Volvo Ocean Race
  • Первомайские протесты 2009 г.
  • 2010 протест автономии Каталонии
  • Финал чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 года
  • 2010 Вуэльта Испании
  • 2011 всеобщие выборы в Испании
  • Демонстрация независимости Каталонии в 2012 г.
  • Чемпионат мира по гандболу среди мужчин 2013
  • 2015 всеобщие выборы в Испании
  • Гран-при Испании 2016
  • Всеобщие выборы в Испании 2016 г.
  • 2017–2018 гг. Конституционный кризис в Испании
  • Референдум о независимости Каталонии 2017 г.
  • Региональные выборы в Каталонии 2017 г.
  • 2018 вотум недоверия правительству Мариано Рахоя
  • Апрель 2019 всеобщие выборы в Испании
  • Рейс 5017 авиакомпании Air Algérie
  • Хулио Ангита
  • Движение против жесткой экономии в Испании
  • Далянь Аткинсон
  • Bankia
  • Барселона
  • Атаки Барселоны (2017)
  • Селия Баркин Арозамена
  • Дорис Бенегас
  • Гойо Бенито
  • Принцесса Мария Тереза ​​Бурбон-Пармская
  • Коррида
  • Бомбардировка Бургоса, 2009 г.
  • Монтсеррат Кабалье
  • Кастельдефельс железнодорожная авария
  • Каталонское движение за независимость
  • Каталонская Республика (2017)
  • Каталонский путь
  • Карме Чакон
  • Альберто Контадор
  • Кубок Испании 2011 года, финал
  • Альберто Корасон
  • Циклон Клаус
  • Циклон Ксинтия
  • Альфредо Ди Стефано
  • Pau Donés
  • ЭТА (сепаратистская группировка)
  • Европейский долговой кризис
  • Европейский миграционный кризис
  • Королева Бельгии Фабиола
  • Фелипе VI
  • Карлос Фуэнтес
  • Бальтасар Гарсон
  • Рейс 9525 Germanwings
  • Андрес Химено
  • Gran Telescopio Canarias
  • Генрих IV Франции
  • Иоанн Авила
  • Хуан Карлос I
  • 2010–11 Ла Лига
  • 2013–14 Ла Лига
  • 2014–15 Ла Лига
  • Алисия де Ларроча
  • Ланделино Лавилла
  • Ураган Лесли (2018)
  • Землетрясение 2011 года на Лорке
  • Хорхе Лоренцо
  • Пако де Люсия
  • 2004 г. взрывы поездов в Мадриде
  • Розалия Мера
  • Фернандо Моран (политик)
  • Энрике Мухика
  • Гарбинье Мугуруса
  • Рафаэль Надаль
  • Адольфо Николас
  • Альберто Олиарт
  • Мануэль Оливенсия
  • Взрыв в Пальма-Нова в 2009 году
  • Хосе Педро Перес-Льорка
  • Филиппины
  • Инфанта Пилар, герцогиня Бадахос
  • Пинито-дель-Оро
  • Премьер-министр Испании
  • Quini
  • Мариано Рахой
  • Реакция на взрывы в поезде в Мадриде в 2004 году
  • Red Eléctrica de España
  • Хосе Антонио Рейес
  • Майкл Робинсон (футболист)
  • Франсиско Родригес Адрадос
  • Хосе Луис Родригес Сапатеро
  • Саграда Фамилия
  • Маргарита Салас
  • Хуан Антонио Самаранч
  • Педро Санчес
  • Елена Сантьяго
  • Крушение в Сантьяго-де-Компостела
  • Роза Мария Сарда
  • Камило Сесто
  • Рейс 5022 Spanair
  • Плавание на чемпионате мира по водным видам спорта 2013 г.
  • Суд над лидерами независимости Каталонии
  • Карлос Г. Валлес
  • Марио Варгас Льоса
  • 2015 Вуэльта Испания
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Главная страница избранных статей

  • AMX-30E
  • Андалузская лошадь
  • футбольный клуб Барселона
  • Битва при Барросе
  • Битва при Альжубарроте
  • Битва при Бикокке
  • Boletus aereus
  • Коррида
  • Битва при Церезоле
  • Сальвадор Дали
  • Бедствия войны
  • Сад земных наслаждений
  • Битва при Геборе
  • Эль Греко
  • Габсбурги Испания
  • История Гибралтара
  • Исмаил I Гранады
  • Итальянская война 1521–1526 гг.
  • Война лиги Камбре
  • Леопард 2E
  • Линс (танк)
  • Джозеф А. Лопес
  • Фердинанд Магеллан
  • Мария I Англии
  • Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Las Meninas
  • Наемная война
  • Мухаммед I Гранадский
  • Мухаммад II Гранады
  • Мухаммед III Гранадский
  • Ньонская конференция
  • Оранская фетва
  • Panzer I
  • Рокби Венера
  • Однополые браки в Испании
  • Санта-Мария-де-Свила
  • Война за испанское наследство
  • Испанское завоевание Гватемалы
  • Испанское завоевание Петена
  • Т-26
  • Танки в испанской армии
  • Третье мая 1808 г.
  • Марио Варгас Льоса
  • Диего Веласкес
  • Вердея
  • 2015 Вуэльта Испания
  • Ведьмин шабаш (Великий Козел)
  • Черный аист
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Избранные списки на главной странице

  • Список объектов всемирного наследия в Испании
  • Список сезонов ФК Барселона
  • Список осады Гибралтара
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Картинка дня картинки

  • 1 толедо испания вечерний закат 2014

  • 1000 испанских песет

  • Акведукто, Сеговия править

  • Амалия де Льяно-и-Дотрес, кондеса де Вильчес (Федерико де Мадрасо)

  • Ana Santos Aramburo en la sede de Recoletos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (культура 2)

  • Кастильо-де-Сан-Хуан-Баутиста

  • Castillo de Zafra, Campillo de Dueñas, Гвадалахара, Испания, 2017-01-04, DD 41-46 PAN

  • Кристо эн ла крус (Гойя)

  • Смерть короля Испании Альфонсо XII

  • Эль-дос-де-Майо 1808 в Мадриде

  • Франсиско Гойя - Портрет Фердинанда VII Испании в его государственной мантии (1815) - Прадо

  • Франсиско Гойя - Портрет герцога Веллингтона

  • Гойя - Desgracias acaecidas en el tenido de la plaza de Madrid, y muerte del alcalde de Torrejón

  • Гюстав Доре - Мигель де Сервантес - Дон Кихот - Часть 1 - Глава 1 - Таблица 1 «Мир беспорядочных представлений, взятых из его книг, заполонил его воображение»

  • Hacha grande от papagayo Pano

  • Античная карта Пиренейского полуострова

  • Иксион Хусепе де Рибера (1632)

  • La Familia de Carlos IV

  • Лас Менинас, Диего Веласкес, из Прадо в Google Планета Земля

  • Мария Изабель из Португалии перед Прадо в 1829 году - Бернардо Лопес и пикер

  • Мишель Ситтоу - Портрет Диего де Гевары (?) - Google Art Project

  • Портрет мужчины, которого называют Христофором Колумбом

  • Крушение корабля SS American Star на берегу Фуэртевентуры

  • Squilla mantis (l'Ametlla) ярче и качественнее

  • Веласкес - Пабло де Вальядолид (Музей Прадо, 1636–1637)

  • Висенте Лопес Портанья - эль-пинтор Франсиско де Гойя

  • Westfaelischer Friede в Мюнстере (Герард Терборх, 1648)

Избранные темы

  • 2015 Вуэльта Испания
Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

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Списки, связанные с Испанией
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испанская культура
Экономика Испании
Образование в Испании
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Правительство Испании
Здоровье в Испании
История Испании
Организации из Испании
Политика Испании
Государственное управление Испании
Испанское общество
Изображения Испании
Заготовки Испании

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

    Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

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  • Оценка : неоцененные статьи, связанные с Испанией
  • Предложите : избранные статьи, биографии, фотографии, знаете ли вы? и цитаты для этого портала

Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

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Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло. Время, отведенное для запуска скриптов, истекло.

  • Что такое порталы ?
  • Список порталов
  • Подстраницы портала: Испания
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