Школа Святой Веры, Русапе

Миссия Святой Веры была основана англиканскими миссионерами примерно в 1903 году. С момента ее основания в ней работали люди из местных общин, таких как ферма Макони, деревни Мадзангве и Мадэтере. Бениа Тайсени Макони, один из самых видных обитателей фермы Миссии, работал у монахинь поваром. Бениа был сыном царя Ндапфунья Макони, сына Ньякуруквы. Ндапфунья был братом покойного короля Чингаиры Макони, который был обезглавлен белыми поселенцами в 1896 году во время войн поселенцев под предводительством Сесила Джона Родса с целью подчинить местные общины Британской южноафриканской компании (BSACompany). Бениа женился на Эдит (Эдеси) Рувоне, дочери Уилсона, местного жителя клана Мбире.

St Faith's Secondary School for Boys was established as a direct byproduct of the Mission. It started life as a primary school in the early 1920s, later becoming a boarding school for both boys and girls. The nuns ran the girls' dormitories for years.

In 1949 Molly and Guy Clutton-Brock arrived. They had been sent because the farm was not thriving and the charity anticipated that it might be taken over by the Rhodesian government. It was anticipated that strong management would be established, but instead a co-operative was formed. John Mutasa and Didymus Mutasa assisted the Clutton-Brocks in creating a radical agricultural settlement. The resulting community was known for its resistance to the Smith regime.[1]

The secondary school for boys was then established around 1965 on the site of the primary school. That meant St. Faith's ceased being a boarding school for primary school children. The Primary School moved across the Jordan River to the old Clutton Broke Farm. The Secondary School became one of the few non-government secondary schools in the country.

In 1961, the Mission was disbanded to make way for the boys' secondary school. The Mission Farm was cut into small parcels of land and distributed to the Mission workers. Smaller parcels of land were distributed free of charge and the bigger farms were sold to some of the Mission workers. Beniah Makoni bought Farm No 1 Mbobo Flats, as the land parcels became popularly known. Forms 5 and 6 were introduced in 1987.

Школу символизирует буйвол (тотем клана Макони (Ньяти)), под чьей традиционной юрисдикцией построена школа.