
Hepatocystis is a genus of parasites transmitted by midges of the genus Culicoides. Hosts include Old World primates, bats, hippopotamus and squirrels. This genus is not found in the New World. The genus was erected by Levaditi and Schoen, 1932, as Hepatocystes.

The first observation of malaria in bats dates to the end of the 19th century when Dionisi described gametocytes in the blood of a bat in 1898. The type species of this genus (Hepatocystis kochi) was described by Laveran in 1899 from the blood of a primate and he named it Plasmodium kochi.

The protozoa are transmitted by the bite of the insect vector. The sporozoites migrate to the liver where they typically form merocysts within the liver parenchyma. These may also develop in the spleen and lungs. Macroscopically these may appear as white to gray nodular foci within the tissue. These lesions within these organs are characterized by well-circumscribed focal fibrosis, accumulation of eosinophils and histiocytes, hemorrhage or hemosiderosis with the loss of normal architecture.

The cystlike exoerythrocytic schizonts are found within the merocysts. These are found around the edges of the merocytes in huge numbers. The central core of the cyst consists of a non-cellular granular material.

Released merozoites either invade other hepatocytes or erythrocytes. Within the erythrocytes the merozoites first become ring forms, then trophozoites and finally gametocytes. The gametocytes are huge and fill the entire erythrocyte. Like those of Plasmodium and unlike those of Hepatozoon their nuclei are Feulgen negative. Haemozoin may be found within the erythrocytes.

Infected erythrocytes are then taken up when the insect vector feeds on the host. Within the vector the sporogonic cycle lasts between 5–6 days. The oocysts develop in the haemocoele chiefly in the head near the brain and eye.