
Satakentia liukiuensis (satake palm, yaeyama-yashi [Japanese ヤエヤマヤシ], satakentia palm, yaeyama palm), is a species of palm tree. They are endemic to Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island in the Yaeyama Islands, the south-westernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.[1] It is the only species in the genus Satakentia.[2][3]

The genus and the species were both circumscribed by Harold 'Hal' Emery Moore in Principes vol.13 on page 5 in 1969.[2]

The genus name of Satakentia is in honour of Toshihiko Satake (1910–1998), who was a Japanese factory owner (the 2nd President of Satake Corporation), producer of rice-processing equipment and also an expert in Arecaceae.[4]