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День сбора [ править ]

Привет. Просто чтобы сообщить вам, что я попросил команду по авторским правам проверить, что раздел «Обычаи и ритуалы» Дня собрания , который вы копируете, отредактирован сегодня, чтобы попросить их убедиться, что статья соответствует условиям авторского права на странице Хилэр Вуд . Тем не менее, я также предложил удалить День сбора, поскольку он, похоже, смешивает две разные вещи. Calan Awst проходит в августе, а День сбора - в июне (День летнего солнцестояния). - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 10:28, 4 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)

Stfg , спасибо, что держали меня в курсе о copyvio, но я не уверен, кто такой Хилэр Вуд. Я добавил информацию из книги Эллейн МакКой. Однако я не проверял наличие проблем с авторскими правами. ----
Это было просто, чтобы уведомить вас о том, что я сделал, потому что вы недавно внесли свой вклад в статью, и я подтолкнул ее. Я считаю, что ссылка на книгу Маккоя, которую вы добавили, правильна для Дня собрания. Хилэр Вуд является автором ссылки, обозначенной как FN1, которая была добавлена ​​автором статьи давно, а не вами. Я думаю, что это не имеет ничего общего с Днем собрания, и что автор статьи перепутал две вещи. Поскольку День Собрания может быть достойной темой для статьи, если вы захотите взять на себя ответственность за него, я был бы счастлив, если бы продукт ушел - и уведомление о копировании, если мы сможем избавиться от аспектов Calan Awst. С уважением, - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 08:19, 7 сентября 2012 (UTC)
Собственно, я понял, что могу решить проблему. Я депродировал и заглушил Gathering Day, используя предоставленный вами источник, но перефразируя его немного менее подробно. Я удалил из него все, что связано с Calan Awst, убрав этот бит copyvio. Calan Awst был перенаправлением на Gathering Day; Вместо этого я указал на Ламмас . Я закончил, теперь все твое. - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 12:50, 7 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)
Спасибо за это. Я не из Ирландии, поэтому не очень хорошо знаком с фестивалем. Расширю эту статью -
( Вклад • Обсуждение ) 22:00, 8 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)
Вы узнали об этом больше, чем я думал, и теперь это начинает выглядеть как хорошая статья. Я только что вставил знаки препинания перед тегами ref, что соответствует стилю Википедии. Надеюсь, что все в порядке. - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 09:06, 9 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)

Маушала Парва [ править ]

Привет еще раз. Это было довольно смелое предприятие! Я впечатлен тем, что вам удалось сократить статью, выбрав материал из того, что уже было, а не начинать с нуля. Я надеюсь, что это повысит вероятность того, что ваш подход будет принят. Тот факт, что двое других редакторов начали брать его отсюда, обнадеживает. Ваши записи на странице обсуждения и на странице индийского проекта тоже были хорошей идеей.

Сейчас я бы порекомендовал оставить статью в покое на некоторое время и посмотреть, что из этого выйдет. Через неделю или две должно стать ясно, рады ли заинтересованные редакторы позволить статье развиваться в ее нынешнем состоянии. Если хотите, теперь вы можете поместить статью в свой раздел на странице диска GOCE и пометить ее как «завершенную». По-моему, слов 2958. Это не мешает вам делать больше по статье, если хотите, но я думаю, что вы уже имеете право на это. Если вы это сделаете, я поставлю за это отметку «галочка».

Надеюсь, вы не будете возражать, но я собираюсь исправить несколько опечаток, настроить некоторые структуры предложений и удалить тег copyedit. Тег должен уйти сейчас, чтобы другие не взяли его. Надеюсь, что все в порядке. - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 10:48, 12 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за это. Я добавил эту статью в список дисков для устранения отставания, но меня не интересует этот диск всерьез из-за медленного подключения к Интернету и моих экзаменов, которые состоятся в следующем месяце. Я редактирую больше, чтобы отвлечься от учебы. Я пока оставлю эту статью в покое и посмотрю, как над ней работают другие редакторы. До свидания! -Wikishagnik 04:21, 13 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)
Справедливо. Шаблон {{ GOCEreviewed }} предназначен для случаев, когда мы удаляем тег {{ copyedit }} без редактирования копии, потому что статья по какой-то причине не подходит. Поскольку мы с вами оба работали над этим, его тоже не нужно было {{ GOCEreviewed }}. Удачи на предстоящих экзаменах. С уважением , - Stfg ( обсуждение ) 08:32, 13 сентября 2012 (UTC)

Университет Сен-Ла-Саль] [ править ]

Я вижу заметку на странице обсуждения Университета Сен-Ла-Саль, что вы скопировали некоторый материал в статью с этим редактированием . Я не проверял, есть ли у вас надлежащее разрешение на это, это не мой текущий вопрос, я просто информирую вас, что, поскольку большая часть статьи оказалась нарушением авторских прав, она была восстановлена ​​до более ранней версии с удаляет ваше редактирование. Если у вас есть соответствующее разрешение на использование добавленных вами материалов, вы можете добавить их снова. - SPhilbrick (Talk) 14:12, 19 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)

Поскольку я изменил предыдущие версии, чтобы скрыть copyvio, вам может быть нелегко увидеть ваше исходное редактирование. Я могу восстановить его для вас (я думаю), если вы хотите попробовать еще раз, просто дайте мне знать. - SPhilbrick (Talk) 14:17, 19 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)
Не могу поверить, что скопировал материал только для добавления ссылок. Кажется, это ошибка с моей стороны, так что спасибо. -Wikishagnik 23:36, 20 сентября 2012 г. (UTC)

Сентябрь 2012 г. копия редактировать отставание устранение диск barnstar! [ редактировать ]

Barnstar перенесен на мою страницу - Wikishagnik 00:16, 5 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Номинация на быстрое исключение Арта Эллисона [ править ]

Если это первая созданная вами статья, возможно, вы захотите прочитать руководство по написанию вашей первой статьи .

Вы можете рассмотреть возможность использования мастера статей, который поможет вам создавать статьи.

На Арта Эллисона был помещен тег с просьбой о его скорейшем удалении из Википедии. Это было сделано в соответствии с разделом A7 критериев быстрого удаления , поскольку статья кажется о человеке или группе людей, но в ней не указывается, как и почему эта тема важна или значима: то есть, почему статья о этот предмет должен быть включен в энциклопедию. Согласно критериям быстрого удаления , такие статьи могут быть удалены в любое время. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями по поводу того, что обычно считается примечательным .

Если вы считаете, что страница была номинирована по ошибке, оспорите номинацию, нажав кнопку с надписью «Щелкните здесь, чтобы оспорить это быстрое удаление» в теге быстрого удаления. Вы перейдете на страницу обсуждения, где сможете объяснить, почему, по вашему мнению, эту страницу не следует удалять. Вы также можете посетить страницу обсуждения страницы, чтобы указать свои причины, но имейте в виду, что если страница помечена для быстрого удаления, она может быть удалена без промедления. Пожалуйста, не удаляйте тег быстрого удаления самостоятельно, но не стесняйтесь добавлять информацию, которая соответствует политике и рекомендациям Википедии . Если страница удалена, вы можете связаться с одним из этих администраторов и попросить администратора userfyстраницу или отправьте вам копию по электронной почте. красный пес шесть ( разговор ) 06:55, 5 октября 2012 (UTC)

Теги-заглушки [ править ]

Пожалуйста, не добавляйте {{ заглушку }} к статье, такой как " Старый канал", в которой уже есть соответствующий шаблон-заглушка - это просто тратит время других редакторов. Спасибо. Пэм Д 08:53, 7 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Будем иметь это в виду - Wikishagnik ( разговор ) 22:23, 7 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Ответил на ваш вопрос [ редактировать ]

Думаю, я понимаю, откуда у вас замешательство в справочной службе. Я пытался на него ответить. Если вы хотите прочитать мой ответ и посмотреть, имеет ли он смысл, это будет здорово. Если у вас есть еще вопросы, я буду рад на них ответить. - Jayron 32, 04:52, 9 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Википедия: Статьи для удаления / Канал [ править ]

Привет, Викишагник. У вас есть новые сообщения в Википедии: Статьи для удаления / Канал .
Вы можете удалить это уведомление в любое время, удалив шаблон {{Talkback}} или {{Tb}}.

- Northamerica1000 (разговор) 06:44, 9 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Talkback [ править ]

Привет, Викишагник. У вас есть новые сообщения в Википедии: Статьи для удаления / Бхикшу Сатьяпала .
Сообщение добавлено 18:54, 13 октября 2012 г. (UTC). Вы можете удалить это уведомление в любое время, удалив шаблон {{Talkback}} или {{Tb}}.

Sudo Ghost 18:54, 13 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Восстание зомби [ править ]

Поскольку « Восстание зомби » вышло в эфир и является получателем комментариев и анализа в надежных источниках, [1] [2] я расширил его и вернул статью в главное пространство. Конечно, можно проделать больше работы, но WP: NF выполняется. Шмидт, Майкл Кв. 22:13, 28 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

  • Шмидт, спасибо, что держали меня в курсе, да, я вижу, что требуется работа, и я постараюсь добавить как можно больше контента. С уважением, Wikishagnik ( разговор ) 22:26, ​​28 октября 2012 (UTC)
  • Я действительно смотрел эту вещь вчера вечером ... и это вдохновило меня вернуть ее к жизни. Не плохо. В нем действительно были приличные моменты, и он был определенно более кровавым, чем его предшественники. Совсем не удивительно, особенно учитывая сезон, что теперь он получает комментарии таких, как The New York Times . Шмидт, Майкл Кв. 22:46, 28 октября 2012 г. (UTC)

Комментарий DR / N [ править ]

DR / N, который вы прокомментировали, еще не был открыт. По этой причине ваш комментарий был перемещен в основную область статьи. маловероятно, что это дело будет продвигаться вперед, поскольку участие заинтересованных сторон еще не ожидается, за одним исключением - Amadscientist ( доклад ) 05:52, 3 января 2013 г. (UTC)

Могу ли я как волонтер открыть DR / N? - Wikishagnik ( разговор ) 06:14, 3 января 2013 г. (UTC)
Не тогда, когда нет участников. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с инструкциями по открытию обсуждения, прежде чем оставлять комментарии к открытию. Для хранения требуется более одного открытия от отдельного редактора. Вы можете уведомить каждого редактора о том, что дело находится под угрозой закрытия, если вы чувствуете, что есть шанс, что рассмотрение будет продолжено, но в этом случае очевидны проблемы и нарушения политики BLP, поэтому я решил, что не стоит делать это именно в этом конкретном случае. время. Однако вот ссылка на шаблоны «Ping», которые можно использовать в Futuer, если вы видите, что в подаче недостаточно участников: Шаблон: пинг участия в DRN. Это обычно может убедить редакторов, если они заинтересованы, и, как правило, они получат комментарий, если нет. Кроме того, если вы хотите сказать больше или один из шаблонов не охватывает ваш комментарий или проблемы, вы можете использовать{{subst:Dispute resolution noticeboard olive branch|1=Put your message here. ~~~~}} template and add you message inside it. (This can also be given to editors as a barnstar).
Also, always identify yourself with a friendly greeting and introduction and state clearly that you are a volunteer with something like: "Hello, I am "Username", a volunteer here at the Dispute Resolution Noticeboard. I am opening this section for discussion. (then layout your concerns in a brief statement)".--Amadscientist (talk) 09:18, 3 January 2013 (UTC)
Understood, Thanks for keeping me posted -Wikishagnik (talk) 23:03, 3 January 2013 (UTC)

Notice to DR/N volunteers! Dispute resolution discussions need attention[edit]

Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there are currently discussions at Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard which require the attention of a volunteer. Content disputes can hold up article development, therefore we are requesting your participation to help find a resolution. Below this message is the DR/N status update.

You are receiving this notification to request assistance at the DR/N where you are listed as a volunteer. The number of cases has either become too large and/or there are many cases shaded with an alert status. Those shaded pink are marked as: "This request requires a volunteer's attention". Those shaded blue have had a volunteers attention recently

If you would like a regularly-updated copy of this status box on your user page or talk page, put {{DRN case status}} on your page. Click on that link for more options.
Last updated by FireflyBot (talk) at 10:30, 26 April 2021 (UTC)

  • Always use {{subst :DRN Volunteer-notice }} when using this template as notification.
  • If your replies are directed to the template talkpage, the template was used without subst.--Amadscientist (talk) 01:50, 15 January 2013 (UTC)

Formal mediation has been requested[edit]

as regards mediation/discussion on Dr. Proctor, seems very simple to solve expeditiously through an official &/or unofficial Wiki invitation to appropriate schools said to employ and grant alleged qualifications(that disagree with State Medical Board file btw) Here is all the contact info. Investigation of Masters Degree, PhD, Thesis adviser, M.D. Residency, Specialization Degree(s) in Pathology, Dermatology,Neuroscience, BioPsychiatry contacthttp://registrar.uth.tmc.edu/reg_contact.html Investigation of Faculty and/or Staff position at Baylor. http://www.bcm.edu/hr/contact Investigation of Faculty and/or Staff position at UTMB http://hr.utmb.edu/Inhouse expert (talk) 03:03, 24 January 2013 (UTC) seems they should have input in discussion & be concerned if or (if not) someone is going around claiming employment at their school.Inhouse expert (talk) 03:03, 24 January 2013 (UTC)

P.S. I just wanted to say that I think you don't get credit and take to much criticism for your efforts to move discussions forward, keep your chin up.Inhouse expert (talk) 15:28, 25 January 2013 (UTC)


Hello, Wikishagnik. You have new messages at Hasteur's talk page.
Message added 02:53, 23 January 2013 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Hasteur (talk) 02:53, 23 January 2013 (UTC)


Hello. You have a new message at Talk:Kashmir conflict's talk page. Mr T(Talk?) (New thread?) 10:18, 5 February 2013 (UTC)


Hello. There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. - The Bushranger One ping only 07:50, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

Hi. I am not an admin, but I saw the thread at ANI and thought I would take a look at it. I left you and the other editor a note at the article's talk page. I personally feel that shows like that are a total waste of space and time, and by extension, so are the Wikipedia articles on them. But the fact remains that waaaay too many people like that stuff and trying to get rid of the articles on here would be about as productive as trying to get rid of the Pokemon articles. Please don't be offended, but I really do agree that you PROD'd that article in error. Take a look at my note on the article talk page for details. Did the other editor make way too big a deal out of it? Heck, ya he did. But, he appears to be pretty much a WP:SPA editor on TV reality shows, and as I mentioned at the talk page, doesn't seem to grasp WP:N all that well. SPA editors are not always a problem. I edit a lot on high school articles and many of them are maintained almost completely by SPA's. Who else is going to care about a school in BF nowhere that graduates 15 kids a year except one of those 15 kids, ya know? I know I don't want to spend any time working on reality tv articles, and I doubt you do, so given that they are not going to go away, why don't you just do like I do and ignore them completely? You will run into many editors like the one you are in conflict with if you don't, IMHO. Anyway, I hope tomorrow is better for you and I wish you happy editing! Take care. Gtwfan52 (talk) 08:17, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

Hi Wikishagnik
Brief version: people are interested in different things; adding a WP:PROD to America's Next Top Model: All-Stars was WP:POINTy.
Long version: Remember the section in The Seagull where Chekhov satires the pretentiousness of Shamrayev, who somehow manages to mangle the Latin maxim De gustibus non est disputandum into "de gustibus aut bene, aut nihil"?
As you can see from see from my contributions, I'm interested in supposedly "high-brow" things and also completely sports mad.
My sports-mad friends simply accept that, while it is not their taste, I am also interested The Yartz
My high-brow culture friends simply accept that, while it is not their taste, I am also mad about sport, particularly about State of Origin series, arguably the greatest sports rivalry in the universe [dubious ] and most Bogan sports series in Australia[dubious ]
To put it simply: De gustibus non est disputandum. WP:IDONTLIKEIT. You don't like it. Tough luck for us.--Shirt58 (talk) 09:45, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Peter Proctor 19:30, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

Request for mediation accepted[edit]

DRN organisers[edit]

Hello. I am just letting you know that I've made a proposal to create a rotating DRN organiser-style role that would help with the day-to-day running of DRN. As you are a listed volunteer at DRN, I'd appreciate your thoughts on this, and the other open proposals at DRN. You can read more about it here. Thanks! Steven Zhang Help resolve disputes! 00:19, 12 April 2013 (UTC)

Request for mediation rejected[edit]

DRN needs your help![edit]

Hi there. I've noticed it's been a while since you've been active at DRN, and we could really use your help! DRN is going to undergo some changes soon, so it'd really be great if our backlog is cleared before the start of August and we have as many people on board to help with the changes (they include a move to subpages and the creation of a rotating "co-ordinator" role to help manage things day-to-day. Hope to see you soon! Steven Zhang Help resolve disputes! 11:43, 15 July 2013 (UTC)

The new face of DRN: Wikishagnik[edit]

Recently the Dispute Resolution Noticeboard underwent some changes in how it operates. Part of the change involved a new list of volunteers with a bit of information about the people behind the names.

You are listed as a volunteer at DRN currently, to update your profile is simple, just click here. Thanks, Cabe6403(Talk•Sign) 17:27, 7 August 2013 (UTC)

Your involvement with DRN[edit]

Hi there, I noticed that you haven't been as active at DRN as you was before. DRN has been a bit backlogged lately and we could use some extra hands. We have updated our volunteer list to a new format, Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard/Volunteers (your name is still there under the old format if you haven't updated it) and are looking into ways to make DRN more effective and more rewarding for volunteers (your input is appreciated!). If you don't have much time to volunteer at the moment, that's fine too, just move your name to the inactive list (you're free to add yourself back to active at any time). Hope to see you again soon :) Steven Zhang (talk) 13:41, 25 September 2013 (UTC)

Invitation to join WikiProject Freedom of speech[edit]

  • WP:WikiProject Freedom of speech

There is a WikiProject about Freedom of speech, called WP:WikiProject Freedom of speech. If you're interested, here are some easy things you can do:

  1. List yourself as a participant in the WikiProject, by adding your username here: Wikipedia:WikiProject_Freedom_of_speech#Participants.
  2. Add userbox {{User Freedom of speech}} to your userpage, which lists you as a member of the WikiProject.
  3. Tag relevant talk pages of articles and other relevant pages using {{WikiProject Freedom of speech}}.
  4. Join in discussion at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Freedom of speech.
  5. Notify others you think might be interested in Freedom of speech to join the WikiProject.

Thank you for your interest in Freedom of speech, — Cirt (talk) 02:26, 13 November 2013 (UTC)

Discussion at WP:ANI#Content manipulation on 2012 Italian Navy Marines shooting incident in the Laccadive Sea[edit]

You are invited to join the discussion at WP:ANI#Content manipulation on 2012 Italian Navy Marines shooting incident in the Laccadive Sea because we need fresh set of eyes with a view to resolve content related editorial differences. Onlyfactsnofiction (talk) 10:01, 13 March 2014 (UTC)


You've got mail. - TransporterMan (TALK) 14:25, 2 April 2014 (UTC)


Hi Wikishagnik, Thanks for your apology on my talk page after receiving an email from User:TransporterMan. I've left you a more complete message there if you care to read it. However, your continued presence and interference in the case in question, makes your apology a bit hollow. There are two cases awaiting moderation. Why don't you leave the case I am moderating,[3] and which you are undermining and disrupting, and take a case that needs a moderator? I don't get this. User:Steven Zhang (DRN volunteer coordinator) any comments on this issue? -- — Keithbob • Talk • 01:31, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Have to agree with Keithbob here. Sometimes more than one volunteer is needed when a dispute gets a bit out of hand, but I think Keithbob has this one down pat. I'd really encourage you to take on a case that needs another volunteer - drop me or one of the other DRN guys a line if you need some tips :). Steven Zhang Help resolve disputes! 11:12, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
Wow! I really like the way User:Keithbob was all polite and diplomatic on his own talk page and chose to go caustic on mine. And User:Steven Zhang, you may feel that Keithbob has it down pat! but that really does not explain why the DRN about this song says Needs Attention for so long? --Wikishagnik (talk) 19:41, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
"Needs attention" is a case status that happens by default when the case has been opened for longer than a pre-detemined time. It doesn't necessarily mean that it needs more volunteers, but it is a guide for volunteers to see if it has been abandoned. In this case, Keith is still working on it, and it might be a situation where he can manage on his own, as he has indicated. There are other cases that do need assistance, perhaps you could look at one of those? Steven Zhang Help resolve disputes! 23:49, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Wikishagnik, I have to disagree with your comment that Kiethbob was being "caustic". The volunteer was being frank and honest. But I am very sure it was not meant to be mean spirited in any way. Sometimes too many cooks can spoil the broth.--Mark Miller (talk) 23:56, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Steven Zhang (talk · contribs), from my own R&D I feel this is an issue with Earwig Bot and its settings need to be tweaked, so that it does not red-flag a discussion in progress (even ones that threaten to go stale). Mark Miller (talk · contribs), in view of your opinion it would help me a lot personally if you can explain why Keithbob (talk · contribs) on his own talk page says Thanks for coming by and I sincerely appreciate your apology and hopefully we have both learned something from this while his comments on my talk page are not so friendly.--Wikishagnik (talk) 08:37, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
Yes, as Steven explained this false status of Needs Attention is an issue that is currently being discussed on the DRN talk page. Meanwhile, If I sounded caustic, I apologize. Let me try again. What I am asking is if you could please leave the Hava Nagilla case and take up another case that has no moderator. That would diffuse this whole situation. Thanks, -- — Keithbob • Talk • 03:06, 6 April 2014 (UTC)
Oops, I just looked at the DRN page and it appears that is what you are doing. Thanks again, -- — Keithbob • Talk • 03:19, 6 April 2014 (UTC)

DRN redux[edit]

I really like your opening statement on Oscar López Rivera.

I'd been thinking about that case overnight, considering taking it, so let me pass on a couple of ideas that you've probably thought of them already. So FWIW:

  • They're throwing court cases and sentencing documents back and forth at one another. They need to be aware that those sources are not usable as reliable sources under BLPPRIMARY, which says in pertinent part:

    Do not use trial transcripts and other court records, or other public documents, to support assertions about a living person. ... Where primary-source material has been discussed by a reliable secondary source, it may be acceptable to rely on it to augment the secondary source, subject to the restrictions of this policy, no original research, and the other sourcing policies.

    (Emphasis added.)
  • Just because a crime is officially classified under the law as a "violent crime" does not mean that all possible acts that can constitute the crime are necessarily physically violent, any more than the fact that Florida is officially referred to as the Sunshine State means that there is 100% sunshine there. When used that way, the term is a classification, not a definition.
  • I was going to point them to the very specific language from SYN that:

    Do not combine material from multiple sources to reach or imply a conclusion not explicitly stated by any of the sources. If one reliable source says A, and another reliable source says B, do not join A and B together to imply a conclusion C that is not mentioned by either of the sources. This would be a synthesis of published material to advance a new position, which is original research. "A and B, therefore C" is acceptable only if a reliable source has published the same argument in relation to the topic of the article.

Just some ideas. Use 'em or lose 'em, take 'em or leave 'em, it's completely your call. Best regards, TransporterMan (TALK) 13:48, 9 April 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for your ideas and yes, I will keep them, they are good. I will wait for the Wikiproject Criminal Biography to respond, as I will need some consensus about this. --Wikishagnik (talk) 14:21, 9 April 2014 (UTC)

A beer for you![edit]

Thanks a ton --Wikishagnik (talk) 16:12, 11 April 2014 (UTC)
-- — Keithbob • Talk • 12:19, 13 April 2014 (UTC)

Oscar Lopez Rivera[edit]

Thank you for the notice re the dispute resolution regarding Oscar Lopez Rivera. I have been researching the issue, and will be able to comment later tonight. Thanks again, Sarason (talk) 23:52, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

  • PLEASE NOTE: I have just provided my comment in the dispute resolution for Oscar Lopez Rivera. [4]
Thank you. Sarason (talk) 04:26, 12 April 2014 (UTC)


I understand that they maybe can't agree, but one possible solution could be that they all agree about not editing each others articles... that would be something, no? Before closing down... Hafspajen (talk) 19:17, 15 April 2014 (UTC)
That was a compromise solution offered, and it would have worked with good faith. I don't see that happening here.--Wikishagnik (talk) 01:23, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
I'm actually fine with that. Let me know if that includes the Talk page. I still think some of the statements within the article are poorly worded, unsupported, or questionably supported, but I'll leave the editing of those sections to others.Ss 051 (talk) 13:10, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for trying, Wikishagnik. Let's just hope everyone takes a step back and cools down. SagaciousPhil - Chat 06:37, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
You mean Ss 051 and Freedombulls, or we all? Hafspajen (talk) 07:28, 16 April 2014 (UTC)
Lets not go down the road to blaming individuals for the failure or success of a DRN. There is no rule or law that says all Wikipedia editors have to agree with consensus, and have to start editing the way others want them to edit. Remember, consensus does not mean a solution that makes everyone happy, it is simply something that everyone can live with. So, if editors stop themselves from making changes that go against the consensus, it's enough. Also understand that not agreeing to what is being said in a discussion, does not imply disruptive editing. All Wikipedia editors are entitled to their own opinions and I personally respect that. Admin blocks and such work best when there is a strong presence of disruptive editing such as 3RR, plagiarism etc. and simply sticking to your point of view in a discussion is not on that list. I hope I have been able to address all your concerns. For now, lets assume good faith and I wish happy editing to all Wikipedia editors (even those who don't agree with me).--Wikishagnik (talk) 09:58, 16 April 2014 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of Abdullah Abbas[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

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A tag has been placed on Abdullah Abbas requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please read more about what is generally accepted as notable.

If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Click here to contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, you can place a request here. Epeefleche (talk) 22:21, 24 May 2014 (UTC)

DRN needs assistance[edit]

You are receiving this message because you have listed yourself as a volunteer at the Dispute Resolution Noticeboard.

We have a backlog of cases there which need volunteer attention. If you have time available, please take one or more of these cases.

If you do not intend to take cases or help with the administration of DRN on a regular basis, or if you do not wish to receive further notices of this nature, please remove your username from the volunteer list. If you later decide to resume activities at DRN you may relist your name at that time.

Best regards, TransporterMan 15:52, 8 January 2015 (UTC) (current DRN coordinator)

Daisaku Ikeda DRN discussion[edit]

I saw your comments at the DRN discussion above. This comment isn't going to be much (if any) help, and I regret that. But particularly for a lot of topics of this nature, relating to current events and/or people that are subjects of contentious discussion in the few reliable sources we can find which do discuss them, sometimes the best thing to do at least in the short term might be to try to establish as much as possible what potential articles have the established notability to exist and see what encyclopedic content might be relevant enough for inclusion in them. This will still unfortunately lead to some questions regarding the amount of weight to give the potential subtopics in the main article, but where spinout can be achieved it tends to reduce the contentiousness of the discussion. Sometimes, anyway. And, particularly for topics like this which tend to be covered primarily in foreign language (in this case Japanese) sources, seeing if there is any way to find people who are comparatively expert in what are and are not so much reliable sources in those languages to take part in the discussion would probably help. I, of course, don't know a damn thing about Japan or Japanese culture, and I wish that weren't the case.

Anyway, like I said, it probably isn't much help, if any, but maybe it might be of some. John Carter (talk) 00:25, 5 March 2015 (UTC)

John Carter (talk · contribs) seems to know an awful lot about this dispute for someone who yesterday (JST) was accusing me of being involved with it and forum-shopping it to ANI, going so far as to pretend to confuse Daisaku Ikeda with Kenji Miyazawa... was it really just an accident, I wonder... Hijiri 88 (聖やや) 10:16, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Thank you both for your views. We as DRN volunteers take every dispute seriously and address issues as they are presented. Yes, the article does pose a challenge but articles are edited for long periods of time (sometimes by hundreds of editors) and issues like article size, reliable sources etc. get addressed and resolved by more than one individual. Its important to stay calm and focused on what we do best all times. --Wikishagnik (talk) 17:30, 8 March 2015 (UTC)

A barnstar for you![edit]

TY for your effort at Hava Nagila[edit]

I think you could largely redact and summarize the use of the song at football matches, because this section extends far beyond the importance of the matter. If you have good sources for the article, it is also still lacking in that regard. (Though I added some today, the article and two sections still demanded "ref improve" tags.) Cheers. Le Prof (talk) 02:50, 4 September 2015 (UTC)

Help needed at DRN[edit]

You are receiving this message because you are signed up as a volunteer at the Dispute Resolution Noticeboard. We have a number of pending requests which need a volunteer to address them. Unless you are an inexperienced volunteer who is currently just watching DRN to learn our processes, please take a case. If you do not see yourself taking cases in the foreseeable future, please remove yourself from the volunteer list so that we can have a better idea of the size of our pool of volunteers; if you do see yourself taking cases, please watchlist the DRN page and keep an eye out to see if there are cases which are ready for a volunteer. We have recently had to refuse a number of cases because they were listed for days with no volunteer willing to take them, despite there being almost 150 volunteers listed on the volunteer page. Regards, TransporterMan (talk · contribs) (Current DRN coordinator) (Not watching this page) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:48, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

ArbCom elections are now open![edit]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:49, 24 November 2015 (UTC)

DRN help needed and volunteer roll call[edit]

You are receiving this message because you have listed yourself on the list of volunteers at Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard/Volunteering#List of the DRN volunteers.

First, assistance is needed at DRN. We have recently closed a number of cases without any services being provided for lack of a volunteer willing to take the case. There are at least three cases awaiting a volunteer at this moment. Please consider taking one.

Second, this is a volunteer roll call. If you remain interested in helping at DRN and are willing to actively do so by taking at least one case (and seeing it through) or helping with administrative matters at least once per calendar month, please add your name to this roll call list. Individuals currently on the principal volunteer list who do not add their name on the roll call list will be removed from the principal volunteer list after June 30, 2016 unless the DRN Coordinator chooses to retain their name for the best interest of DRN or the encyclopedia. Individuals whose names are removed after June 30, 2016, should feel free to re-add their names to the principal volunteer list, but are respectfully requested not to do so unless they are willing to take part at DRN at least one time per month as noted above. No one is going to be monitoring to see if you live up to that commitment, but we respectfully ask that you either live up to it or remove your name from the principal volunteer list.

Best regards, TransporterMan (talk · contribs) (Current DRN coordinator) (Not watching this page) Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:05, 12 April 2016 (UTC)

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open![edit]

Creating User Space for myself[edit]

User:wikishagnik/(Non Encyclopedic) Personal User Space
Note: The above link is for a user space article and as per WP:USERPAGE is not subject to Wikipedia policy for articles

ArbCom 2017 election voter message[edit]

ArbCom 2018 election voter message[edit]