Cities and towns during the Syrian civil war

Syria is subdivided in a hierarchical manner into 14 Governorates (or G.) and 65 Districts. For each governorate, the first city in the table is the governorate capital (and capital city of its district at the same time). The following towns are the regional capitals (administrative centers) of the districts. The last item is the rural area outside the listed towns in each governorate. Each section details a brief summary of that city or town's history during the Syrian Civil War. The population figures are given according to the 2004 official census.

Aleppo Governorate:Aleppo .Afrin .Atarib .Ayn al-Arab (Kobanî) .Azaz .Al-Bab .Dayr Hafir .Jarabulus .Manbij .Al-Safira .Anadan .Aqiba .Darat Izza .Kafr Safra .Khan Tuman .Khanasir .Al-Muslimiyah .Sarrin .Tell Aran .Tell Rifaat .Tell Shughayb .Urum al-Kubrah .Urum al-Sughrah .Others .

Damascus & Rif Dimashq Governorates:Barzeh .Jobar .Kafr Sousa .Qaboun .Tadamon .Yarmouk camp .Other neighborhoods .Darayya .Douma .An-Nabk .Qatana .Qudsaya .Al-Qutayfah .Al-Tall .Yabrud .Al-Zabadani .Arbin .Assal al-Ward .Babbila .Beit Sahem .Beit Sawa . Deir Atiyah . Al-Hajar al-Aswad . Harasta . Jaramana . Kafr Batna . Muadamiyat al-Sham . Al-Sabinah . Sahnaya . Saidnaya . Saqba . Sayyidah Zaynab . Yalda . Zamalka . Others .

Daraa Governorate:Daraa . Izra . Al-Sanamayn . Adwan . Da'el . Jasim . Khabab . Muthabin . Nawa . Al-Shaykh Saad . Others .

Hama Governorate:Hama . Masyaf . Mahardah . Salamiyah . Al-Suqaylabiyah . Kafr Nabudah . Ma'an . Qastun . Tremseh . Others .

Al-Hasakah Governorate:Al-Hasakah . Al-Malikiyah . Qamishli . Qamishli border crossing . Ras al-Ayn . Al-Qahtaniya . Simalka border crossing . Others .

The military situation in and around the Aleppo as of 18 March 2018
  Syrian Army control
  SDF control
  Opposition control
Frontlines in the Qalamoun Mountains in April 2014
  Syrian Government control
  Opposition control
  Hezbollah Presence
Frontlines in the Hama Governorate during the 2013 Hama offensive.
  Syrian Government control
  Opposition control
Territories held by Kurdish forces, ISIL jihadists, by the Syrian Army or contested in the Al-Hasakah Province, as of 23 March 2016
Situation in Homs as of May 2014
Situation in the Latakia Governorate in December 2016
  Syrian Army control
  Opposition control