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The 18F was a demonstration that took place in Argentina on February 18, 2015, one month after the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman. Nisman was investigating the 1994 AMIA bombing, a terrorist attack, and accused the president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of covering up Iranian suspects. He was found dead at his home the day before he could address the Congress, and his death was still an unsolved case at the time of the demonstration. It was attended in Buenos Aires by 400,000 people, during a torrential storm.[1]


Альберто Нисман работал прокурором по делу о взрыве АМИА . Это был теракт против еврейского общинного центра в 1994 году, который до сих пор не раскрыт. Нисман подготовил уголовное дело против президента Кристины Фернандес де Киршнер , обвинив ее в сокрытии причастности иранских подозреваемых. Он был найден мертвым в своем доме 18 января, за день до того, как доложил о своих успехах Конгрессу. По состоянию на 18 февраля, дату демонстрации, расследование его смерти не установлено, было ли это самоубийством или убийством. [1]

The demonstration was organized by a group of prosecutors, and attended by Nisman's relatives, including his former wife, judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado.[1][2]

The event[edit]

The protest in Buenos Aires took place under a torrential storm. It was attended by thousands of people anyway, and the street was filled with umbrellas and Argentine flags. It started at 19:00 at the Congressional Plaza, continued through Avenida de Mayo with a stop at Nisman's working place, and ended at Plaza de Mayo. It was organized as a silent demonstration, only as an homage to Alberto Nisman, and devoid of political flags or banners. The rule was followed, with occasional exceptions for waves of spontaneous clapping or people singing the Argentine national anthem. The city police estimated that the demonstration was attended by 400,000 people.[1]

There were similar demonstrations at other populated places of Argentina, such as Mar del Plata, Córdoba and Rosario.[1]


President Kirchner led the opening of the Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant on the same day, with a speech delivered though the emergency population warning. Contrary to expectations, she did not mention the demonstration at all.[1] She stayed at her private home in El Calafate during the demonstration.[3]

Cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich considered that the demonstration was a coup d'état attempt by the judiciary.[1] He said that the government respected popular demonstrations, and then said that the people who called it were both supporters of baby theft during the National Reorganization Process and lawyers of drug dealers.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Uki Goñi (February 18, 2015). "Buenos Aires marches to honour deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman". The Guardian. Retrieved February 19, 2015. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  2. ^ Simon Romero (February 18, 2015). "March to Honor Dead Prosecutor Highlights Tensions Over Government in Argentina". The New York Times. Retrieved February 20, 2015. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  3. ^ a b "Cristina Fernandez to remain in Patagonia until after the 18F 'silent march'". Merco Press. February 14, 2015. Retrieved March 2, 2015. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)