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1988 Футбольная команда штата Орегон Бобры представлены в Университете штата Орегон в 1988 футбольного сезона NCAA Division IA . «Бобры» начали сезон 3–3–1, их лучший старт за 20 лет, но проиграли все, кроме одной из оставшихся игр, чтобы опубликовать свой 18-й проигрышный сезон подряд. Результат 4–6–1 у Бобров был их лучшим результатом в период с 1971 по 1998 год.

Расписание [ править ]

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Перед началом сезона [ править ]

Квотербек штата Орегон, Эрик Вильгельм, лидер Pac-10 по пасовым ярдам в 1987 году, вернулся в свой взрослый сезон. «Бобры» вошли в 1988 год с серией поражений с 6 играми и серией поражений на конференции с 11 играми. В последних 71 игре конференции штат Орегон установил рекорд 6-63-2, 0,099 процента побед. В 1987 году «Бобры» пробежали 518 ярдов. Атака штата Орегон не набирала 200 ярдов за одну игру почти четыре года, а защита штата Орегон не позволяла набрать менее 26 очков в одной игре с матча 1986 года против Бригама Янга. в Прово, штат Юта. В межсезонье «Бобры» реализовали защиту 3-4. Впервые с 1935 года Вашингтон не фигурировал в расписании штата Орегон. Только Бобры играли в Утки чаще, чем Хаски в этот период.

Аризона [ править ]

Аризона вошла в игру двумя фаворитами приземления. Штат Орегон бросился на два ярда против Wildcats в 1987 году, потеряв 14 очков. Стартовый защитник «Бобров» Кен Феликс получил травму в осеннем лагере и не играл. «Уайлдкэтс» повели 7-0 в первой четверти на квотербеке, шестиметровом забеге Рона Вила после неудачной попытки в штате Орегон. Трой Буссанич из «Бобров» сократил разницу до четырех, забив 25 ярдов с игры. Штат Орегон взял на себя инициативу, когда Эрик Вильгельм ударил Джейсона Кента для передачи приземления на 44 ярда на третьем и восьмом. Резервный защитник Бобби Уоттерс впоследствии заменил Телятина. Он привел «Аризону» к ничейному счету, забив с игры 31 ярд с 6:02 до конца первого тайма, отчасти благодаря грубому пасу с пенальти. После третьего штрафа за отсечение в первой половине они вернулись на свою 9-ярдовую линию,Бобры проехали 65 ярдов за 4:55. Следующая игра, двух ярдовая пробежка Брайана Тейлора, потеряла 37 секунд. После неполной передачи «Бобры» были вынуждены использовать последний тайм-аут, чтобы избежать штрафа за 23 секунды до конца. В следующей игре Эрик Вильгельм потерпел поражение в 11 ярдов. Последующая попытка Бусанича с игры на 51 ярд была далека от истечения первого тайма.

Буссанич пробил 20-ярдовую игру с 5:22 до конца третьей четверти. Уоттерс немедленно привел Аризону к 11 играм, 67-ярдовому приземлению, заняв большую часть остальной части третьей четверти. В последующем начальном ударе «Бобры» успешно вернули мяч при начальном ударе, впервые за всю игру не отсекая мяч. Штат Орегон проехал в красной зоне Wildcat в начале четвертой четверти, но Буссанич пропустил 38-ярдовую игру в нескольких дюймах слева. На следующей поездке «Бобров» они поехали на «Аризону 49», но хвостовой защитник Трей Николсон и защитник Брайан Суонсон не смогли на третьем и одном и четвертом и одном участках соответственно. Подпорка Феликса Пол Штеффен не сумел заблокировать Брэда Хинке, который отобрал у Суонсона четвертый вниз. Пятью играми спустя Уоттерс одержал победу, пробежав 25 ярдов до тачдауна за 2:24 до конца.Штат Орегон пробежал 200 ярдов впервые с начала 1984 года. «Бобры» нанесли удар только один раз, закончив с почти 17 минутами владения мячом, еще 180 ярдами и еще 13 первыми даунами.

Штат Сан-Хосе [ править ]

В своих предыдущих 20 играх регулярного сезона единственное поражение спартанцев было поражением со счетом 36-34 от «Бобров» в Корваллисе в 1987 году. Сан-Хосе стремился вернуть деньги штату Орегон. Бобры совершили свою первую поездку в Сан-Хосе. На первом этапе игры Сан-Хосе Стэйт проехал на ярдовой линии штата Орегон, но перевернул мяч на даунах. Бивер бежит назад, Брайан Тейлор пробежал 70 ярдов, когда впервые коснулся футбольного мяча. Штат Орегон показал преимущество 24-19 в третьей четверти. На третьей и шестой позиции Вильгельм ударил Реджи Хаббарда, сделав тачдаун на 18 ярдов и отрыв Бивера 31-19. В своей первой игре Джон Джонсон спартанцев был раздет в штате Орегон. Андре Харрис из «Бобров» восстановился, чтобы создать 38-ярдовую полевую цель Буссанича и вести 34-19. Штат Сан-Хосе остановил следующую поездку штата Орегон, но,На четвертом проигрыше у Spartan 37 Вильгельм, который выстраивался как блокирующий защитник, воспользовался хваткой и ударил Ллойда Бейли для тачдауна и лидерства в четвертой четверти 41-19. Менее чем через две с половиной минуты Сан-Хосе Стэйт совершил тачдаун и двухочковую конверсию, чтобы вывести мяч в пределах 14. Харрис добавил два перехвата в четвертой четверти к своему восстановлению после неудач в третьей четверти. Тем не менее, победа Бобра не была обеспечена до тех пор, пока не появилась другая полоса и не удалось восстановить нащупывание на Oregon State 30 с оставшимся 1:22. «Бобры» завершили свою серию поражений из семи игр и выиграли свою первую выездную игру после победы со счетом 10-7 над Бригамом Янгом в Прово в 1986 году. Штат Орегон не вернулся в Сан-Хосе.Сан-Хосе Стэйт забил тачдаун и двухочковую конверсию, чтобы вытащить в пределах 14. Харрис добавил два перехвата в четвертой четверти к своему восстановлению после неудач в третьей четверти. Тем не менее, победа Бобра не была обеспечена до тех пор, пока не появилась другая полоса и не удалось восстановить нащупывание на Oregon State 30 с оставшимся 1:22. «Бобры» завершили свою серию поражений из семи игр и выиграли свою первую выездную игру после победы со счетом 10-7 над Бригамом Янгом в Прово в 1986 году. Штат Орегон не вернулся в Сан-Хосе.Сан-Хосе Стэйт забил тачдаун и двухочковую конверсию, чтобы вытащить в пределах 14. Харрис добавил два перехвата в четвертой четверти к своему восстановлению после неудач в третьей четверти. Тем не менее, победа Бобра не была обеспечена до тех пор, пока не появилась другая полоса и не удалось восстановить нащупывание на Oregon State 30 с оставшимся 1:22. «Бобры» завершили свою серию поражений из семи игр и выиграли свою первую выездную игру после победы со счетом 10-7 над Бригамом Янгом в Прово в 1986 году. Штат Орегон не вернулся в Сан-Хосе.«Бобры» завершили свою серию поражений из семи игр и выиграли свою первую выездную игру после победы со счетом 10-7 над Бригамом Янгом в Прово в 1986 году. Штат Орегон не вернулся в Сан-Хосе.«Бобры» завершили свою серию поражений из семи игр и выиграли свою первую выездную игру после победы со счетом 10-7 над Бригамом Янгом в Прово в 1986 году. Штат Орегон не вернулся в Сан-Хосе.


Oregon State entered the game on a 12-game conference losing streak but a three-game winning streak against California, as the two teams did not play in 1987. The game was the Beavers' first against long-time Pac-10 coach Bruce Snyder. The clock used in Beaver home games had a tendency to malfunction and in fact had malfunctioned in a high school game the night before the California-Oregon State game. The Beavers' Andre Harris recovered a first-quarter fumble at the Oregon State 35 and drove 63 yards in almost six minutes before settling for Bussanich's 23-yard field goal. California's Darrin Greer returned the following kickoff to the Beaver 40, setting up a 40-yard Bear touchdown drive. An 18-yard punt in the second quarter gave California the ball again at the Beaver 40. The Bears drove 30 yards before settling on kicker/punter Robbie Keen's 27-yard field goal.

California tacked on two third-quarter field goals and Bussanich responded with a 21-yard field goal early in the fourth quarter to cut the Bears' lead to 10. Then, it happened. Keen, lined up to punt with 10:12 left. By the time the play was over, the clock read 10:99. When Oregon State ran its first offensive play after the punt, the clock read 10:59. A few fans noticed the glitch but no one on California's coaching staff did. With seven-and-a-half minutes left, Wilhelm threw his first interception of the year to the Bears' John Hardy at the California one. Hardy returned the interception to the Beaver 49. The Bears drove into field goal range. Keen, having hit three field goals without a miss lined up for the kick. Dewey Tucker, a backup nose guard, managed to block the kick at the Oregon State 31 with 4:17 left to preserve a 10-point deficit. The Beavers drove to the California 26, but Brian Taylor was stopped at fourth-and-one. The fans began streaming towards the exits but Bruce Sanders forced a fumble on the next play, which Tom Vettrus recovered at the Bear 25 with 2:37 left. Oregon State drove to the three, and Wilhelm hit Brian Taylor for a three-yard touchdown pass with less than two minutes left that California cornerback Doug Parrish narrowly missed. Wilhelm again picked on Parrish, hitting Brian Swanson for the two-point conversion. The Beavers, with the wind and two timeouts, shunned an onside kick, opting to kick it deep. Sanders sacked Bear quarterback Troy Taylor at the 11 on third down, necessitating a California punt. Keen's punt against the wind only traveled 33 yards and Reggie Hubbard returned the punt to the California 37 with 45 seconds left. On third-and-six, Wilhelm hit Swanson for a 21-yard gain to the Bear six with 26 seconds left. Oregon State centered the ball and California called timeout. Bussanich, aided by the timeout, responded by kicking a 23-yard field goal with 16 seconds left to win the game. Dave Kragthorpe improved to 6-0 in games decided by four points or fewer. After the game ended, the Bears noticed that the fifth minute of the fourth quarter had been played twice. Snyder complained bitterly after the game. The 2004 California media guide still referred to the 17-16 Beaver win as the "Infamous 61-Minute Game." Many Oregon State fans refer to the game alternatively as "Beaver in the Sky."


Colorado entered 18-point favorites. In the first quarter, Colorado faced fourth-and-one on Oregon State's 45-yard line. Instead of a punt, the Buffaloes called an option play that Eric Bienemy turned into a 45-yard touchdown scamper. The Beavers responded with a nine-play, 80-yard touchdown drive, capped off by Wilhelm's 48-yard pass to Jason Kent, to knot the score at seven. Colorado's Sal Aunese only completed six passes all day, but five came in the first half, including his two longest, a 67-yard pass that set up a field goal and a 52-yard pass to set up a second Bienemy touchdown. The Buffaloes' two-point conversion attempt failed. Thus, the two scores only gave Colorado a 16-7 lead. Just before halftime, Oregon State seemed poised to cut into the Buffalo lead, but Bussanich's 36-yard field goal sailed wide right.

In the second half, an Aunese fumble set up Wilhelm's 24-yard touchdown pass to Robb Thomas. The Beavers' Brian Taylor finished six inches out of the end zone on a subsequent second half drive, but Brian Swanson ran in from one-yard out on a fourth quarter drive to give Oregon State a 21-16 lead with just over 11:04 left. Less than two minutes later, the Buffaloes retook the lead on Bienemy's third touchdown, a 66-yard touchdown run with 9:16 left. The Beavers' final drive petered out in Colorado territory, and Oregon State's punter, Mark Bennett pinned Colorado at their own five yard line. After the Buffaloes first two plays netted a single yard, Aunese completed his only second half pass for 19 yards to extend the drive. Aunese capped off Colorado's subsequent drive, rushing for an 11-yard touchdown with no time left, giving the Buffaloes a 28-21 win. Wilhelm completed 27 of 38 passes for 353 yards, two touchdowns, and no interceptions. Thomas caught ten of the passes for 147 yards.

Fresno State[edit]

In the 23 seasons from 1981–2003, Oregon State and Fresno State played 13 times, more than three times more often than any other nonconference opponent in the same period. The Beavers won the first meeting 31-28 in the largest comeback ever, at the time. The Bulldogs won the next two and Oregon State looked to even the series. Jim Sweeney, coach of Fresno State was no stranger to Oregon State, having coached Washington State from 1968–1975. Wilhelm threw for 215 yards and two touchdowns. The 215 yards gave Wilhelm 7,821 career passing yards, surpassing both Jack Thompson's and Jim Plunkett's career totals, leaving Wilhelm within striking distance of John Elway's 9,350 career passing yards, the most prolific passer in Pac-10 history at the time. The Beavers' 3-2 start was their best since 1970, their last winning season.


UCLA entered the game 27-point favorites. In the first 19 minutes, Oregon State failed to make a first down, while the Bruins scored touchdowns on their first three drives, two ending on Troy Aikman touchdown passes. Wilhelm responded by throwing a 69-yard touchdown pass of his own to Pat Chaffey. On an ensuing drive, Pellom McDaniels forced an Aikman fumble, which Oregon State's Ray Giacomelli recovers. Three plays later, Wilhelm threw his second touchdown pass, a 52-yard strike to Robb Thomas, with 2:19 left in the first half.

In the second half, UCLA tacked on a field goal. The Beavers countered by driving into Bruin territory. Wilhelm threw a seven-yard pass to Phil Ross, but the pass was high and it deflected off of Ross' shoulder pads and was intercepted. Aikman responded by throwing an interception that was tipped by cornerback Calvin Nicholson to safety. On the ensuing Beaver drive, Brian Taylor fumbled. UCLA took the fumble and drove for a touchdown, another Aikman touchdown pass. The Beavers immediately responded by driving for a touchdown, capped by Wilhelm throwing another touchdown pass to Thomas with seven minutes left, but Aikman threw his fourth touchdown pass with 20 seconds left for a 38-21 Bruin win. Aikman finished completing 24 of 36 passes for 288 yards, four touchdowns, and two interceptions. Wilhelm finished completing 28 of 48 passes for 309 yards, three touchdowns, and an interception. Wilhelm also outrushed Aikman by 19 yards. Thomas finished catching nine passes for 161 yards and two touchdowns. The Trojans defeated the Bruins to claim the Pac-10's Rose Bowl berth. Aikman finished third in the Heisman balloting behind Barry Sanders and Southern California's Rodney Peete, but Aikman won the Davey O'Brien Trophy. UCLA wound up beating #8 Arkansas, the Southwest Conference champion, 17-3 in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas. The Dallas media championed Aikman as the Cowboys' next quarterback. Dallas subsequently made Aikman the first overall pick in the 1989 NFL Draft.


Oregon State and Stanford each entered the game 3-3. The Cardinal had held a fourth quarter lead over both the undefeated Trojans and the Ducks, whose only defeat was at the hands of the Trojans. However, Stanford lost both games by four points. The Cardinal's only other loss came at the hands of undefeated Notre Dame, on its way to a national championship. The Beavers built a 14-0 first half lead on a four-yard Brian Taylor touchdown scamper and a three-yard pass from Wilhelm to Bryant Hill. Stanford narrowed Oregon State's lead to 17-13 on John Hopkins' 28-yard field goal with 7:34 left in the game and took the lead on a 75-yard Jason Palumbis to John Pinckney strike with 2:33 left. The Beavers drove 65 yards to the Cardinal four, before being pushed back to the eight. On fourth down, with nine seconds left, Oregon State opted for a 26-yard field goal attempt, which Bussanich converted. The tie was the Beavers best result in Stanford, California in between 1968 and 1998. Oregon State's 3-3-1 record was the Beavers' best start in 20 years.

Southern California[edit]

Southern California was undefeated and ranked #3 in the nation, off to its best start in 13 years. The Trojans hopped out to a 14-0 lead in the first seven minutes, before Oregon State could manage a single first down. The Beavers drove into Trojan territory twice, but Oregon State failed to score on either drive. Brian Taylor fumbled on a pitchout at the Trojan 21 and Bussanich missed a 43-yard field goal. Southern California's Quin Rodriguez kicked a 42-yard field goal, but Wilhelm found Robb Thomas on a seven-yard touchdown pass to cut the Trojan lead to 10 just before halftime.

Rodriguez added a second field goal to open the second half. Wilhelm found Thomas again for a 53-yard pass on 2nd-and-25. Moments later, Lloyd Bailey made a diving catch for a three-yard touchdown to cut Southern California's lead to 20-14. Just before the third quarter ended, Wilhelm's pass to Thomas was intercepted at the Trojan 23. On the first play of the fourth quarter, Southern California's Rodney Peete was hit by blitzing safety as Peete was letting go of the ball. Oregon State's Mike Matthews made a diving interception to give the Beavers the ball at their own 32. However, Wilhelm subsequently threw his third interception. Four plays later, the Trojans' Leroy Holt broke four tackles on a 28-yard touchdown carry to put Southern California on top 26-14 with 13:41 left. A few minutes later, Oregon State's David Brannon appeared in position to make an interception, but Erik Affholter managed to tip the ball away from Brannon and make an acrobatic turned it into a 55-yard touchdown pass to put the Trojans up 34-14 with 11:09 left. After Affholter's third touchdown reception, the teams traded touchdowns, making the final a 41-20 Southern California win. Wilhelm finished throwing 37 for 62, both Pac-10 records for completions and attempts. The 62 pass attempts would remain a Pac-10 and Pac-12 record until 2011. The Beavers wound up with 470 yards, 145 yards more than any other team had managed against the Trojans. Wilhelm's 418 total yards gave him 8,482 total career yards, the second most ever in the Pac-10, behind John Elway's 9,070 with three games remaining.

Arizona State[edit]

In the first half, Oregon State's Billy Hughley blocked a 32-yard Arizona State field goal to preserve a 7-7 tie. In the second quarter, the Devils' starting quarterback, Paul Justin was knocked out of the game by Oregon State's Ray Giacomelli and was replaced by Daniel Ford. The Beavers built a 21-7 halftime lead on a one-yard Wilhelm run and an eight-yard pass from Wilhelm to Robb Thomas on a tipped pass with 12 seconds left in the first half.

In their first drive of the second half, Oregon State's Troy Bussanich kicked a 44-yard field goal to take a 24-7 lead with 9:44 left in the third quarter. 13 seconds into the fourth quarter, Ford threw a touchdown pass to pull Arizona State within 10. The Devils next drive lasted 15 seconds, a 65-yard Ford touchdown pass, but Ford's two-point conversion attempt fell incomplete, which kept the Beavers up by four. Brian Swanson fumbled with 7:06 left in the game, and Arizona State took the lead with a touchdown 10 seconds later. Wilhelm fumbled on Oregon State's next offensive play. The Devils converted the fumble into a 30-yard field goal to take a 30-24 lead. The Beavers responded by driving to the Arizona State 35, but, with 1:04 left, Wilhelm was intercepted to effectively end the game. Kragthorpe closed the locker room after the game for the first time since becoming coach.

Washington State[edit]

Washington State had not played in a bowl game since 1981 and had not won a bowl game since 1916. The Cougars started off the year winning their first three road games against Illinois by 37, Minnesota by 32, and Tennessee by 28. Two weeks before playing Oregon State, Washington State upset #1 UCLA by four in the Rose Bowl. Although the Cougars enjoyed success on the road, they had lost two of three at home to start the season. Despite that fact, Dennis Erickson and Washington State entered one game away from all-but wrapping up an Aloha Bowl bid. Oregon State had not faced an Erickson-coached team since splitting with Idaho in 1984 and 1985. During the game, the temperature never exceeded 50 degrees with a 15-20 mph breeze.

The Cougars led 26-6 at halftime and 36-14 in the fourth quarter. The Beavers managed two fourth-quarter touchdowns to pull within nine before the final gun sounded. Wilhelm finished 26 of 46 for 274 yards, pulling him within 13 yards of John Elway's Pac-10 passing record and 16 yards of John Elways' Pac-10 total yardage record. Wilhelm's 274 yards was his 30th 200-yard passing game, a Pac-10 record. Washington State secured the Aloha Bowl berth with a win over Washington to end the season. The Cougars won the Aloha Bowl over Houston 24-22. After the season ended, Erickson quit as Washington State's head coach to become the head coach of the Miami Hurricanes. After stints with the Hurricanes and Seattle Seahawks, Erickson became the head coach of Oregon State in 1999.


Oregon State had not beaten Oregon since 1974. The Ducks' coach, Rich Brooks, an Oregon State graduate, had amassed a 19-0-1 record in his 20 years as a player and coach. The Ducks' quarterback was Bob Brothers, son of the Beavers' former quarterback, Paul Brothers, who had led Oregon State to its last Rose Bowl. Oregon's last four wins in the Civil War had come by an average of almost four touchdowns. The game was played in a tremendous downpour. On their first possession, the Beavers' Brian Taylor ran 27 yards for a touchdown and a 7-0 lead. The Ducks scored a field goal and a touchdown to post a 10-7 halftime lead.

In the second half, Oregon did not pass the Oregon State 36-yard line. Wilhelm needed 14 yards to pass Elway, but he did not get those 14 yards until he hit Bryant Hill for a 32-yard pass in the fourth quarter. After converting a fourth down with a two-yard run earlier in the same drive, Pat Chaffey scored on a two-yard run with just over eight minutes left. Later in the fourth quarter, the Beavers' intercepted Bob Brothers' pass and returned it to the Duck 32 yard line to set up Chaffey's second touchdown to seal the win. Chaffey finished with 109 yards on 24 carries. Oregon State fans rushed the field to tear down both goal posts. Wilhelm's 57 yards passing gave him 9,393 career passing yards, most ever in the Pac-10. However, the Ducks sacked Wilhelm five times, leaving Wilhelm with eight total yards, eight yards short of John Elway's total yardage record.

After the Civil War[edit]

Oregon State's 4-6-1 record was their best between their 5-6 records in 1971 and 1998. The Pac-10 was particularly strong in 1988, finishing 29-7 (.806) against non-conference competition. Each loss was against a team that was ranked for a part of the year.

Team players drafted into the NFL[edit]



  1. ^ https://www.pro-football-reference.com/draft/1989.htm

External links[edit]

  • 1988 Oregon State University Football Media Guide, Oregon Digital7