Bight of Sofala/Swamp Coast

The Bight of Sofala/Swamp Coast is a marine ecoregion along the eastern coast of Africa, characterized by extensive mangrove swamps and coastal wetlands. It extends along the coast of Mozambique, from Angoche (16°14' S) to the Bazaruto Archipelago (21°14’ S).[1] It adjoins the East African coral coast ecoregion to the north, and the Delagoa ecoregion to the south.[2]

The Bight of Sofala, also known as Sofala Bay, is a large indentation on the African coast. The continental shelf is wide in the region, reaching up to 140 km near Beira, in contrast with the narrower continental shelves to the north and south. The concave coastline and shallow seas create high-amplitude tides.

The Mozambique Current runs generally southward along the coast, and eddy currents form in coastal indentations like the Sofala Bight.

24 rivers empty into the ocean in this region, which supports extensive mangroves, coastal swamps, and tidal estuaries. The Zambezi, Pungwe, and Save rivers form large river deltas, and numerous smaller rivers support coastal estuaries, mangroves, and estuaries. The waters are turbid with fine river sediments. Salinity of coastal waters varies seasonally as river discharge rises and falls, from 20 ppt in the rainy season to 34 ppt in the dry season.[3]

The extensive mangrove forests and coastal wetlands are important habitat for waterbirds, with over 73 species present.[4]

The turbid waters of the region, along with occasional cold-water upwelling, limits the growth of corals in the region.[5]