British NVC community OV13

British NVC community OV13 (Stellaria mediaCapsella bursa-pastoris community) is one of the open habitat communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system. It is one of eight arable weed and wasteland communities of fertile loams and clays.

This community is widespread throughout lowland Britain. It is commonly found as a weed vegetation among root and vegetable crops, but is also found among cereal crops and on disturbed ground. Because many of the constituent species are tolerant of commonly used herbicides, it is one of the commonest weed assemblages in intensively farms and market gardens.

Родвелл, Джон С., изд. (март 2000 г.). Морские сообщества и растительность открытых местообитаний . Британские растительные сообщества . Том. 5. Издательство Кембриджского университета . ISBN 978-0-521-39167-2.