Coombe Boys' School

Coombe Boys' School and Sixth Form is a non-selective state secondary school and sixth form in New Malden, Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, England. The cohort comprises only boys from Years 7 – 11 and a joint sixth form facility is offered for Year 12 and 13 students. The school was founded in 1931 (as Beverley Central School) and celebrates its 90th Anniversary in 2021. In 2006, the school federated with Coombe Girls' School and Sixth Form forming part of the Coombe Academy Trust and has a long-standing educational partnership with the independent King's College School, Wimbledon. Coombe Boys' School is part of the Kingston Teaching School Alliance, a partnership of over twenty schools, Achieving for Children (AfC) and two HEIs; the UCL Institute of Education (University of London) and the University of Roehampton.

A local school for local boys, Coombe Boys' School is proud of its strong links with the community and continues its ethos of togetherness and community spirit in school. A network of former students exists in the Coombe Boys' Alumni.

The school was inspected by OFSTED in December 2013 and again, in a short inspection, in March 2018. The overall inspection rating for Coombe Boys' School on both occasions was 'Good with Outstanding Features'. In 2013, the school was rated 'Outstanding' for Leadership and Management and 'Good' in 'Achievement of Pupils', the 'Quality of Teaching' and the 'Behaviour and Safety of Pupils'.

In 2018, Ofsted commented that: "The latest GCSE results show that the school has maintained above-average attainment in English and mathematics" and: "In the sixth form, vocational results are exceptionally strong." The report also found that: "Warm, positive relationships have created a supportive environment in which pupils feel confident to ask questions and push themselves further".

In 2020, Coombe Boys' Drama Department was awarded the first ever 'National Outstanding School Drama Department' in the country at the Music & Drama Education Awards. Judges remarked that the Coombe Boys' Drama Team were "An exemplary department which goes above and beyond in the pursuit of excellence in drama provision".

Coombe Boys' School featured as a 'Hot Tip' in The Tatler State Schools Guide 2015 and listed as 'One of the Highest Achieving Schools for Sports' in the 100 Best State Sports Schools, School Sports Magazine April 2016.