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В австралийском футболе по правилам каждому из восемнадцати игроков команды назначается определенная позиция на игровом поле. Эти позиции описывают как основную роль игрока, так и косвенно его местоположение на земле. По мере развития игры менялись тактика и построение команд, а также менялись названия позиций и обязанностей. В австралийском футболе по правилам существует 18 позиций , не считая четырех (иногда 6–8) игроков обмена, которые могут заменить другого игрока на земле в любой момент во время игры.

Гибкий характер современной игры означает, что позиции в футболе не так формально определены, как в таких видах спорта, как регби или американский футбол . Даже в этом случае большинство игроков будут играть на ограниченном диапазоне позиций на протяжении всей своей карьеры, поскольку каждая позиция требует определенного набора навыков. Футболистов, которые могут комфортно играть на различных позициях, называют вспомогательными игроками .

Задняя линия [ править ]

Термин «задняя линия» может относиться либо к линии защитника, состоящей из двух задних карманов и защитника, либо к обеим линиям защитника и полузащитника, которые в совокупности также могут называться защитной , оборонительной единицей [1] или обратно шесть . [2]

Полный защитник [ править ]

Позиция крайнего защитника всегда была чисто защитной ролью с целью помешать полному форварду получить мяч и забить. Но в последнее время, когда способность быстро перемещать мяч из-за спины и вниз по полю стала более важной тактикой, защитник часто начинает цепочку передач через землю. Оборонительный аспект позиции остается важным, с возможностью быстрого ускорения и изменения направления. Очень важно испортить мяч. Защитник часто отправляет мяч обратно в игру после того, как набрано очко, хотя некоторые команды предпочитают для этой роли полузащитника или небольшие задние карманы, позволяя (обычно более высокому) игроку защитника попытаться отметить удар.

Известные защитники:

  • Джордж 'Jocka' Тодд
  • Джек Риган
  • Вик Торп
  • Фред Бэринг
  • Фред Хьюсон
  • Стивен Сильваньи
  • Крис Лэнгфорд
  • Джефф Саутби
  • Дэвид Денч
  • Кельвин Мур
  • Гэри Маларки
  • Род Картер
  • Гэри Перт
  • Майкл Бреннан
  • Эшли Макинтош
  • Даррен Гаспар
  • Бен Руттен
  • Саймон Престижакомо
  • Даррен Гласс
  • Брайан Лейк
  • Мэтью Скарлетт
  • Дастин Флетчер
  • Мал Майкл
  • Мик Мартин
  • Шейн Уэйклин
  • Том Джонас
  • Алекс Рэнс
  • Харрис Эндрюс
  • Том Лонерган
  • Зак Доусон

Задний карман [ править ]

Задний карман относится к позиции на поле глубоко в защите.

Игроки с задними карманами должны обладать хорошими навыками порчи, и обычно качественные задние карманы отличаются своей твердостью. Задние карманы обычно играют с меньшими, более быстрыми передовыми карманами и позволяют защитнику играть с более сильным полным нападающим.

Некоторые задние карманы - это маленькие и быстрые игроки, роль которых состоит в том, чтобы отбить свободный мяч от защиты или сыграть с нападающим аналогичного размера и скорости. Другие - «средние» защитники, с достаточным ростом и силой, чтобы бороться или портить оценки, и достаточной мобильностью для выполнения первой роли.

Задний карман - не исключительная позиция. Высокие защитники (например, полный защитник / центральный полузащитник) могут играть в заднем кармане, чтобы эффективно противостоять высокому нападающему, играющему в переднем кармане.

Многочисленные карманные игроки стали успешно тренироваться, в том числе Кевин Шиди , Мик Мальтхаус , Том Хафи , Денис Паган и Дэвид Паркин . [3]

Известные задние карманные игроки:

  • Уолли Дональд
  • Берни Смит
  • Брэд Харди
  • Гэри Эйрес
  • Чарли Саттон
  • Ян Нанкервис
  • Джон Рэнталл
  • Лори Фаулер
  • Марк Браунинг
  • Джефф Данн
  • Эндрю Коллинз
  • Гленн Арчер
  • Джеймс Клемент
  • Шейн Паркер
  • Дэвид Виррпанда
  • Майкл Грин
  • Крис Джонсон
  • Анг Кристу
  • Гэвин Ванганин
  • Даррен Милберн
  • Кэмпбелл Браун
  • Бен Харт
  • Дэниел Эдвардс
  • Джош Ботсма

Линия полузащитника [ править ]

Линия полузащитников состоит из двух фланговых полузащитников и центрального полузащитника . Роль центрального полузащитника на протяжении многих лет оставалась практически неизменной. [4] Центральный полузащитник в значительной степени доминирует в игре и, следовательно, считается ключевой позицией в защите. [4]

В идеале центральный полузащитник должен быть крепким игроком, достаточно высоким и хорошо сложенным. [4] Наряду с их фланкерами-полузащитниками, центральные полузащитники являются первой линией защиты, но также и ключевыми игроками в отборе мяча, создании и помощи в атаке. [5]

Центральные полузащитники должны хорошо разбираться в структуре команды, особенно в стратегиях выполнения штрафных. [6] Они должны иметь возможность соревноваться и брать оспариваемые оценки, а также убегать от своего оппонента, чтобы выиграть неоспоримое владение мячом и вынудить своих противников преследовать их. [6]

Известные центральные полузащитники:

  • Рон Клегг
  • Альберт Кольер
  • Том Фицморис
  • Уолли Баттсворт
  • Гордон Стрэнг
  • Берт Дикон
  • Нил Робертс
  • Кол Остин
  • Гэри Хардеман
  • Питер Найтс
  • Билли Пикен
  • Росс Глендиннинг
  • Пол Роос
  • Крис Мью
  • Крис Грант
  • Майкл Секстон
  • Глен Якович
  • Sean Wellman
  • Justin Leppitsch
  • Trent Croad
  • Josh Gibson
  • Luke McPharlin
  • James Gwilt

The half-back flank is very similar to the back pocket position. However, a true half-back flanker is more attacking and concentrates on rebounding the ball out of the defensive 50. Sometimes half-back flankers even forgo their defensive duties in order to be more attacking. When a half-back flanker is attacking, they play like a wing-back in soccer (or an attacking full-back), and if they are more defensive then they play like a traditional full-back in soccer.

Notable half-back flankers:

  • Kevin Murray
  • Bruce Doull
  • Luke Hodge
  • Andrew McLeod
  • Trevor Barker
  • Ken Fletcher
  • Wayne Schimmelbusch
  • Guy McKenna
  • John Worsfold
  • Nigel Smart
  • Mark Bayes
  • Mervyn Keane
  • David O'Halloran
  • Ken Hinkley
  • Brett Lovett
  • David Grant
  • Dean Laidley
  • Mark Bickley
  • Grant Birchall
  • Brett Deledio
  • Shannon Hurn
  • Paul Seedsman

Half-forward line[edit]

Centre half-forward[edit]

The centre half-forward's role is usually the most demanding of any player on field, with a tall frame, good marking skills, strength and most importantly, athleticism, required.

A centre half-forward who is strongly built and specialises in charging packs is often categorised as a power forward.[7]

Notable centre half-forwards:

  • Wayne Carey
  • Royce Hart
  • Albert Thurgood
  • Barrie Robran
  • Bernie Quinlan
  • Ted Whitten
  • Darrel Baldock
  • Dermott Brereton
  • Stephen Kernahan
  • Garry Lyon
  • Terry Daniher
  • Ivor Warne-Smith
  • Laurie Nash
  • Ken Hands
  • Fred Flanagan
  • Horrie Clover
  • Ken Fraser
  • Nick Riewoldt
  • Matthew Pavlich
  • Warren Tredrea
  • Graham Cornes
  • Kelvin Templeton
  • Jonathan Brown
  • Matthew Richardson
  • Jarryd Roughead
  • Josh Kennedy
  • Travis Cloke
  • Lance Franklin
  • Taylor Walker
  • Tony Notte

Half-forward flank[edit]

Standing wide of the centre half-forward, the half-forward flankers provide an alternate target for balls coming from the midfield.

Half-forward flankers usually move the ball into the forward line along the flanks. They might kick the ball into the forward line, pass the ball to another running player, or have a shot at goal themselves. These days half-forward flankers usually push into the midfield and, rather than being a specialist position, half-forward flank can be played by centres, wingers, rovers/ruck-rovers, or even attacking half-back flankers.

Notable half-forward flankers:

  • Darren Jarman
  • Alex Jesaulenko
  • Malcolm Blight
  • Gary Buckenara
  • Peter Daicos
  • Wayne Johnston
  • Michael Turner
  • Roger Dean
  • Graham Arthur
  • Paul Hudson
  • James Hird
  • Jason Akermanis
  • Nicky Winmar
  • Phil Krakouer
  • Mick Conlan
  • Mark Mercuri
  • Nathan Brown
  • Brad Johnson
  • Stevie Johnson
  • Brent Harvey
  • Cyril Rioli
  • Johann Wagner

Forward line[edit]

The forward line, similarly to the back line, can either refer to the full-forward line or both the full- and half-forward lines.

Full forward[edit]

Full forwards are good at one-on-one contests with the opposition and are the main target in the forward line when attacking. This means they can produce mass numbers of goals in a season or match. Contests in the goalsquare require the strength and weight to be able to jostle or wrestle opponents to front position and keep fullbacks at bay and not as much running is required as midfielders. As a result, full-forwards are typically both tall and powerfully built. A full-forward that is strongly built and specialises in charging packs is often categorised as a power forward.

As well as contesting marks with their strength, full forwards will try to run into space to shake off their defender and take an uncontested mark (this is known as "leading", "leading for the ball" or "leading into space"). This means that the full forward needs to be fast, but only in short bursts. In modern times, some teams have experimented by playing a smaller and faster player (possibly a former forward pocket or flanker) at full forward in order to beat the defender with speed rather than strength. In the case of Mark Williams (Hawthorn) and Brad Johnson (Western Bulldogs), this has been extremely successful.

Notable full forwards:

  • Peter Hudson
  • John Coleman
  • Gordon Coventry
  • Jason Dunstall
  • Tony Lockett
  • Doug Wade
  • Gary Ablett Sr
  • Bob Pratt
  • Jack Titus
  • Jack Moriarty
  • Bill Mohr
  • Harry Vallence
  • Dick Lee
  • Ken Farmer
  • George Doig
  • Fred Fanning
  • Peter McKenna
  • Geoff Blethyn
  • Alex Jesaulenko
  • Michael Moncrieff
  • Alastair Lynch
  • Matthew Lloyd
  • Tony Modra
  • Saverio Rocca
  • Brendan Fevola
  • Barry Hall

Forward pocket[edit]

The forward pocket is designed as either a role for a second full forward (also known as a third key forward) or for players who are smaller but faster and more agile and capable of kicking brilliantly on the run (this is the more traditional forward pocket). Many forward pockets, like rovers, are quick thinking and opportunistic "crumbing" players. This means that they need to be short enough to pick up the ball quickly after it hits the ground from a contest, think and move quickly to evade potential tackles, and kick or set up a goal.

Like some back pockets, some forward pockets are like medium-sized full forwards - tall and strong enough to contest marks, and mobile enough to crumb the ball. Some players in this mould, such as Russell Robertson, are capable of playing full forward outright.

Crumbing forward pockets do not exclusively crumb the ball. Sometimes, they lead for the ball like full forwards, so they have to be competent at marking the ball. Some forward pockets can even jump so high that they can contest marks, despite their lack of height.

Notable forward pocket players:

  • Jeff Farmer
  • Silvio Foschini
  • Vin Catoggio
  • Norm Goss
  • Brad Johnson
  • Brad Hardie
  • Leon Davis
  • Angus Monfries
  • Phillip Matera
  • Eddie Betts
  • Brett Ebert
  • Stephen Milne
  • Mark LeCras
  • Hayden Ballantyne
  • Michael Walters
  • Relton Roberts
  • Bryan Strauchan
  • Clive Waterhouse


The followers are three different roles, the "ruck", "rover" and "ruck-rover".

Also known as the on-ball division, the followers consist of three players: a ruckman, a ruck-rover and a rover. They are known as followers because they have traditionally been used as players that follow the ball all around the ground as opposed to playing in a set position. With modern Australian rules football there is a decreased emphasis on set positions, but followers generally cover much more ground than other players on the field.

Ruckman - their role is to contest with the opposing ruckman at centre-bounces which take place at the start of each quarter or after each goal and also at stoppages (i.e., boundary throw ins, ball ups). The ruckman usually uses his height (typically players are over 1.95 metres (6 ft 5 in) tall) to palm or tap the ball down so that a ruck-rover or rover can run onto it—similar to an NBA centre at the tip-off. Traditionally, ruckmen have simply been tall players with limited skill and speed, whose only job was to provide a contest in the ruck. In recent times, however, ruckmen have become faster and more skilled, so they can play as an extra midfielder in between ruck contests.

The tallest AFL players ever are ruckmen Mason Cox (Collingwood), Aaron Sandilands (Fremantle) and Peter Street (Western Bulldogs), all of whom measure 2.11 metres (6 ft 11 in). Before them the record was held by Matthew "Spider" Burton (Fremantle and North Melbourne) at 2.10 metres (6 ft 11 in). Gold Coast's Jarrod Witts also stands at 2.10 metres (6 ft 11 in).

Notable Ruckmen:

  • Syd Coventry
  • Jack Dyer
  • Roy Cazaly
  • Vic Cumberland
  • Percy Bentley
  • Roy Wright
  • Alan Gale
  • Jack Clarke
  • Denis Cordner
  • Polly Farmer
  • Sam Newman
  • Carl Ditterich
  • John Nicholls
  • John Schultz
  • Noel Teasdale
  • Mike Pyke
  • Len Thompson
  • Gary Dempsey
  • Don Scott
  • Stephen Michael
  • Rick Davies
  • Graham Moss
  • Peter Moore
  • Barry Round
  • Simon Madden
  • Peter Carey
  • Jim Stynes
  • Shaun Rehn
  • Greg Stafford
  • Scott Wynd
  • Jeff White
  • Paul Salmon
  • Brad Ottens
  • Peter Everitt
  • Dean Cox
  • Aaron Sandilands
  • Max Gawn
  • Matt Eagles
  • Nic Naitanui

Ruck-rover - their role is to be directly beneath the flight of the ball when a ruckman taps the ball down, allowing an easy take away, or clearance, from a stoppage. Typically, players are not as tall as the ruckman, ranging from 1.70–1.90 metres (5 ft 7 in–6 ft 3 in) in height.

Rover - their role is to lurk around centre bounces and stoppages to receive the ball from a ruckman or ruck-rover and complete a clearance. Rovers are typically the smallest player on the ground. In modern football, the rover, ruck-rover, centreman and wingmen are often grouped together as midfielders.

The traditional ruck-rover and rover positions are an anachronism in today's game. Along with the centre line players, the ruck-rover and rover form the midfield.


The traditional centreline consists of the centre and the wingmen. These three players are usually good at winning the ball and running with it.[5] They help turn defence into attack and set up attacking plays.[5] As their main role is to deliver the ball to the forwards, they are sometimes called link men.[5]

Physically, centre line players need to have good turning agility, above-average ability to read the play and, as they are involved in both attack and defence, a high level of stamina and teamwork.[5] Furthermore, they must possess very good kicking or handball skills, preferably on both sides of the body.

The centreline and on-ballers form what is known as the midfield. Midfielders are generally separated into two categories: inside midfielders and outside midfielders. The inside midfielders' main responsibility is to win the ball from the stoppages and feed it out to the outside midfielders, who are generally the quicker, more elusive players.

Notable midfielders:

  • Haydn Bunton
  • Jack Worrall
  • Allan La Fontaine
  • Dick Reynolds
  • Thorold Merrett
  • Stan Heal
  • Les Foote
  • Bill Hutchison
  • Bob Quinn
  • Des Fothergill
  • Allan Hopkins
  • Allan Ruthven
  • Allen Aylett
  • Bob Hank
  • Herbie Matthews
  • Marcus Whelan
  • Ron Barassi
  • Jack Clarke
  • Bob Skilton
  • Bob Rose
  • Ian Stewart
  • Des Tuddenham
  • John Murphy
  • Barry Cable
  • Kevin Bartlett
  • Peter Bedford
  • Leigh Matthews
  • Garry Wilson
  • Keith Greig
  • Robert Flower
  • Maurice Rioli
  • Wayne Schimmelbusch
  • Michael Tuck
  • Gerard Healy
  • Tim Watson
  • Dale Weightman
  • Jim Krakouer
  • John Platten
  • Craig Bradley
  • Greg Williams
  • Gavin Brown
  • Garry Hocking
  • Chris McDermott
  • Tony McGuinness
  • Peter Matera
  • Paul Kelly
  • Anthony Stevens
  • Robert Harvey
  • Michael Voss
  • Mark Ricciuto
  • Nathan Buckley
  • Shane Crawford
  • Scott West
  • Simon Black
  • Daniel Kerr
  • Nigel Lappin
  • Gary Ablett, Jr.
  • Chris Judd
  • Luke Hodge
  • Sam Mitchell
  • Jimmy Bartel
  • Dane Swan
  • Scott Pendlebury
  • Jobe Watson
  • Joel Selwood
  • Patrick Dangerfield
  • Ben Cousins
  • Nathan Fyfe
  • Dustin Martin
  • Trent Cotchin
  • Josh Kennedy


Taggers, also known as run-with players or stoppers, mark the opposition's best player (often a midfielder, although sometimes a half-back[8]) and restrict their impact on the game. Good taggers must be fit, disciplined and focused.[9] They must be strong enough to keep their position in stoppages (without conceding free kicks) and contested situations, yet fast enough to match their opponent's spread.[10] Notable taggers include Ryan Crowley, Steven Baker, Brett Kirk, Cameron Ling, Kane Cornes,[9] Ben Jacobs,[11] Brady Rawlings, Shane Heard and Matt de Boer.

Interchange bench[edit]

Players named as the interchange, also often known as the "bench", are not permitted to enter the field of play unless substituting for a player during the game. Up to four players can be named on the bench; this number has steadily increased from a single player in the 1930s. Representative teams (such as State of Origin teams or honorific teams such as the AFL Team of the Century), practise and exhibition matches often feature an extended interchange bench of up to six or eight players.

Until the 1970s, the single interchange player, known as the "nineteenth man" or the "reserve" acted only as a substitution for an injured or out of form player; the player substituted out of the game could take no further part. Since the 1970s, interchange has increased from two to three to four players, and substitutions may be made as often as the coach wishes, with players allowed to be moved onto and off from the ground for several rests during the game.

The four players named on the interchange bench in the teamsheet (which is submitted ninety minutes before the commencement of the game) must actually start on the bench, however they may be substituted immediately if the coach wishes.


From 2011 until 2015, the AFL level interchange rules provided that each team was permitted three interchange players (instead of four) and one substitute player.

The substitute sat on the bench and began the game wearing a green vest over his playing guernsey. He was not permitted to enter the field of play, nor be interchanged while wearing the green vest. At any time during the game, he could be substituted for one of the other players in the team - either on the ground or on the bench. He took off his green vest, and the player he substituted put on a red vest. The player in the red vest could take no further part in the game. Teams were limited to a single substitution per game. Players were substituted for tactical reasons or to replace an injured player.

At the start of the 2016 season the substitute rule was removed, returning to four available interchange players.

Utility players[edit]

There are very few players in the AFL league who possess the skill and poise to be able to consistently perform to a very high standard in many different positions. Some of these players do not receive the recognition they deserve, while others, such as Matthew Pavlich, Jimmy Bartel, and Adam Goodes, are praised for their versatility and ability to influence a game from any position.

Traditionally, a utility player is an unheralded but nonetheless important player. He does not dominate one position, instead he is like a "spare parts" player because he can fill in at a variety of positions and do a good job in each.

Nowadays, the need for more versatility in players has resulted in many players "doubling up" their roles. Practically every midfielder can play Forward Pocket, Back Pocket, Half-Forward Flank or Half-Back Flank. Most, if not all, starting ruckmen can play as tall forwards, or in rarer cases, tall defenders. Some tall defenders can play as tall forwards and vice versa. This means that most AFL players have a specialist position and one or two "fill-in" positions.

One exception to this would be a player who is actually a specialist at two positions, not just a fill-in (i.e. Adam Hunter, the Eagles' best Centre-Half Back, is also one of their most dominant Full Forwards). Another exception would be midfielders, such as James Hird and Anthony Koutoufides, who have the height and strength to play key positions. This requires an extremely rare blend of skills and abilities.

Below are a number of players who are notable for their ability to dominate various positions.

Notable players:

  • Adam Goodes Centre Half-Back, Ruck Centre, Half-Forward
  • Bernie Quinlan Ruck-rover, Centre Half-Forward, Full-Forward
  • Malcolm Blight Ruck-rover, Wing, Half-Forward Flanker, Full-Forward
  • Barrie Robran Centre, Ruck-rover, Centre Half-Back, Centre Half-Forward, Full-Forward
  • Alex Jesaulenko Centre, Ruck-rover, Half-Back Flank, Half-Forward Flanker, Full-Forward
  • Gary Ablett Wing, Half-Forward Flanker, Half-Back Flank, Forward Pocket, Full-Forward
  • Peter Knights Centre Half-Back, Half-Back Flank, Centre Half-Forward, Half-Forward Flanker, Full-Forward
  • Phil Carman Centre, Ruck-rover, Centre Half-Forward, Half-Forward Flanker, Full-Forward
  • Francis Bourke Wing, Half-Back Flank, Full-Back, Full-Forward
  • Brent Crosswell Centre, Ruck-rover, Half-Forward Flanker, Centre Half-Forward, Centre Half-Back, Half-Back Flank
  • Terry Daniher Full-Forward, Centre Half-Forward, Half-Forward Flanker, Half-Back Flank, Centre Half-Back, Full Back
  • Neale Daniher Full-Forward, Centre Half-Forward, Half-Forward Flanker, Half-Back Flank, Centre Half-Back, Ruck-Rover
  • Anthony Koutoufides Wing, Centre, Ruck, Ruck-rover, Rover, Centre Half-Back, Centre Half-Forward, Full-forward.
  • Matthew Pavlich - Centre Half-Forward, Centre, Full-Forward, Centre Half-Back, Fullback
  • Luke Hodge - Centre, Ruck-Rover, Centre Half-Back, Half-Back Flank, Back Pocket, Wing, Half-Forward Flanker, Forward Pocket
  • James Hird Forward Pocket, Half-Forward Flank, Wing, Rover, Half-Back, Centre Half-Back, Centre Half-Forward
  • Chad Cornes Centre Half-Back, Half-Forward flank, Centre, Wing, Ruck-Rover, Back Pocket, Tagger
  • Matthew Richardson. Centre Half-Forward, Full-Forward, Wing
  • Brendon Goddard Half-Back Flank, Centre Half-Forward, Wing, Half-Forward Flanker, Forward Pocket, Back Pocket, Full-Forward, Centre Half-Back, Centre

Alternate position and grouping names[edit]

See also[edit]

  • List of Australian Rules footballers
  • Flooding
  • Captain (Australian rules football)


  1. ^ "How To Develop a Killer Backline: 5 Cutting Edge Strategies From Melbourne Football Club Assistant Coach, Mark "Bomber" Riley".
  2. ^ "Defence the cornerstone for Swans". The Sydney Morning Herald. 3 August 2012.
  3. ^ Pascoe 1995, p. 26.
  4. ^ a b c Pascoe 1995, p. 28
  5. ^ a b c d e McLeod and Jaques, 2006, p. 129
  6. ^ a b McCartney, Jason. "Jason McCartney – On Playing, Coaching And Life After The AFL". coachafl.com. Retrieved 8 August 2012.
  7. ^ Return of the power forward Rohan Connolly for realfooty.com.au 17 April 2010
  8. ^ Bolton, Jude (8 June 2017). "Jude Bolton: Tagging in the AFL should not be a dying art". ESPN. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  9. ^ a b O'Donoghue, Craig (11 April 2018). "The Centre Bounce: Why taggers still have a huge role in the AFL". The West Australian. Retrieved 25 September 2018.
  10. ^ "AFL Youth Coaching Manual" (PDF). AFL Community. Australian Football League. 2015. p. 92.
  11. ^ McGowan, Marc (5 May 2018). "Ballet and belief: How Roo became the game's best tagger". afl.com.au. Retrieved 26 September 2018.


  • AFL "Guide to Season 2005" (2004) p. 493


  • McLeod, Andrew; Jaques, Trevor (2006). Australian football : steps to success (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics. ISBN 0-7360-6005-7.
  • Pascoe, Robert (1995). The winter game : the complete history of Australian football. Port Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-85561-644-1.