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Это хронологический список сюжетных арок из серии комиксов « Новые мстители», созданной Брайаном Майклом Бендисом и Дэвидом Финчем . Нарисованный Финчем, Лейнилом Фрэнсисом Ю , Билли Таном , Стюартом Иммоненом , Майком Деодато и Ховардом Чайкиным , « Новые Мстители» представляет приключения новой команды Мстителей после событий сюжетной линии « Мстители разобранные ».

Сюжетные линии [ править ]

Сюжетные события описаны ниже с использованием тона вселенной.

Vol. 1 [ править ]

Прорыв (вопросы № 1–6) [ править ]

Электро вызывает массовый побег суперзлодеев в Рафт, тюрьме суперзлодеев, выпуская суперзлодеев из их камер. Сорок два убегают, но оставшиеся преступники сдерживаются благодаря вмешательству Капитана Америки , Железного Человека , Люка Кейджа , Джессики Дрю , Человека-паука и Мэтта Мердока . Сделав вывод о том, что судьба свела эту новую команду вместе, как и первую команду Мстителей, Капитан Америка убеждает Железного Человека присоединиться к новой команде Мстителей, приглашая присоединиться к другим четырем героям, которые также присутствовали в бунте. Мэтт Мердокотказывается, не желая запятнать репутацию других героев из-за катастрофы, в которую превратилась его жизнь, но остальные трое соглашаются. Сдерживая Электро , Мстители обнаруживают, что ЩИТ скрывает что-то о загадочном человеке по имени Карл Ликос, которого Электро наняли специально, чтобы вырваться, в то время как другие заключенные просто воспользовались хаосом. Файлы Ликоса были ограничены даже Женщиной-пауком и Капитаном Америкой. Их поиски переносят их в Дикую Землю , где к ним присоединяется Росомаха , и вскоре они обнаруживают альтер-эго Карла Ликоса, Саурона.. Нечестивое подразделение SHIELD использовало коренные жители дикой земли для добычи вибраниума для создания супероружия. Их также чуть не застрелила вторая Черная Вдова .

Вариант обложки New Avengers # 1. Искусство Джо Кесада .
Обложка New Avengers # 7 Дэвида Финча .

Человек и машина (Новые Мстители / Трансформеры # 1-4) [ править ]

В этом каноне истории [1] Латверию находится в состоянии войны с соседней Symkaria и Мстители идут на помощь, но Spider-Man захватывается. Десептиконов лидер Megatron использует один из Доктор Дум устройств «s , чтобы контролировать человеческий разум. Оптимус Прайм и его автоботыатаковать Латверию с другими Мстителями. Десептиконы используют кровь Человека-паука, чтобы получить даже больше силы, чем то, что дает им Энергон, их обычный источник энергии. После того, как Автоботы освободили Человека-паука, он и Росомаха соглашаются сдать свои образцы крови автоботам, чтобы они могли быть на равных с десептиконами. Броня Железного человека разрушается в битве, но автоботы выигрывают войну. После того, как обе команды роботов уходят, Мстители раскрывают правительству, что произошло.

Часовой (вопросы № 7-10) [ править ]

Капитан Америка и Железный Человек пытаются выяснить происхождение Часового , человека, окутанного тайной, который много раз спасал свои жизни во время эпидемии на плоту. Он был добровольным заключенным, обезумевшим за убийство своей жены, хотя она, кажется, жива и здорова.

Тем временем Человек-Паук, Женщина-Паук, Люк Кейдж и Росомаха выслеживают Саботажника и после опасной битвы им удается подчинить его. После того, как выясняется, что им манипулировали его образ Бездны и умерший вдохновитель , психические проблемы Часового излечиваются, хотя он все еще не может справиться со стрессом от манипуляций своего заклятого врага. Эмма Фрост помогает Часому разблокировать ментальные блоки, наложенные на его воспоминания и силы, и он присоединяется к новым Мстителям, чтобы восстановить свой первоначальный героический статус, несмотря на то, что его прошлые воспоминания остались вне его досягаемости.

Эта сюжетная арка раскрывает существование иллюминатов , тайной ассоциации шести самых влиятельных супергероев мира. В его состав входят Железный Человек, лидер Фантастической четверки Рид Ричардс , монарх атлантов Намор , основатель Людей Икс Чарльз Ксавьер , мастер мистических искусств Доктор Стрэндж и Черный гром , лидер нелюдей.

Ронин (вопросы № 11-13) [ править ]

Поскольку Росомаха занят, команде требуется член с опытом противостояния Руке . Капитан Америка спрашивает Мэтта Мердока, который рекомендует Ронина , своего бывшего любовника и врага Майю Лопес (ранее известную как «Эхо»). Она присоединяется к команде в экспедиции в Японию, чтобы захватить Серебряного самурая . С тех пор Ронин не проводил много времени с командой, оставшись в Японии, чтобы следить за Рукой. Часовой по-прежнему страдает от проблем с личностью, что дает ему «хорошие и плохие дни».

Секреты и ложь (вопросы № 14-15) [ править ]

Террористическая организация HYDRA считает, что полностью контролирует женщину-паука. К счастью, она правильно поступает, разговаривая с Капитаном Америкой. Он правильно настроен противостоять Джессике из-за ее двуличия, и она храбро подвергает свою жизнь опасности, рассказывая свою историю.

Новые Мстители открывают миру свое существование и получают неоднозначный прием. Мисс Марвел возвращается, чтобы услышать, что она есть и всегда будет Мстителем, хотя она отклоняет приглашение Капитана Америки. Она предпочитает восстановить свою сольную карьеру в качестве супергероя после « Дома М », который показал ей весь потенциал, которым она обладала. Затем команде предстоит сразиться с другим противником, Дж. Джоном Джеймсоном .

Коллектив (выпуски №16-20) [ править ]

На Аляске Майкл Пойнтер поражен Коллективом , огромным количеством энергии от лишенных сил мутантов , что само по себе является результатом события «Дома М». Похоже, он убивает Полет Альфа, когда приближается к Америке, и когда Новые Мстители прибывают, чтобы остановить его, Человек-Паук и Видение обнаруживают, что Коллектив имеет сигнатуры силы бессильных мутантов.

Телепаты ЩИТА читают мысли Человека-паука и выясняют, что случилось с реальностью во время кризиса Дома М. Мстители прибывают, чтобы освободить его, когда он выходит из-под стражи. Тем временем Коллектив прибывает в Геношу, где проживает множество лишенных силы мутантов, включая Магнето . Узнав о местонахождении Коллектива, Новые Мстители вторгаются в Геношу, чтобы уничтожить теперь усиленного Магнето. Также стало известно, что сущность на самом деле была Ксорном , который стремился освободить мутантов и принял образ Магнето, зная, что мутанты будут его слушать. После боя тело Магнето исчезает, когда вертолет, который он перевозит, взрывается, и ЩИТ забирает Майкла.

Годовой № 1 [ править ]

Елена Белова , Черная Вдова, получила от агентов ГИДРЫ силы Супер-Адаптоида , чтобы она могла использовать их против Мстителей. Она устраивает засаду на встречу Мстителей, как Джессика Джонсобъявляет о своем согласии с предложением Люка Кейджа, поглощая сначала силы Часового, а затем остальных Мстителей, включая Люка Кейджа и мисс Марвел. Однако, после того, как Человек-паук понимает, что она может поглотить силы только одного конкретного героя одновременно, она терпит поражение от использования Железным Человеком автоматизированных версий своего костюма и очевидной команды Часового над персоной Бездны, чтобы сокрушить ее разум. Это приводит к тому, что ее контроллеры HYDRA затем задействуют устройство самоуничтожения, поэтому ее нельзя проследить до них. Брак Люка Кейджа и Джессики Джонс совершается кем-то, имеющим поразительное сходство со Стэном Ли .

Гражданская война : Новые Мстители: в разобранном виде (выпуски № 21-25) [ править ]

После инцидента в Стэмфорде, штат Коннектикут , во время которого безрассудные действия « Новых воинов» привели к гибели более 600 мирных жителей, Конгресс принимает Закон о регистрации сверхлюдей , который требует от всех сверхлюдей регистрироваться в федеральном правительстве. Многие супергерои соблюдают этот закон, но другие, возглавляемые Капитаном Америкой, выступают против закона на том основании, что он нарушает гражданские свободы. Это вызывает раскол как в сверхчеловеческом сообществе, так и в Новых Мстителях.

Люк Кейдж демонстративно отказывается регистрироваться, несмотря на последние мольбы Железного Человека и мисс Марвел. Спустя несколько мгновений после вступления Закона в силу, эскадрилья SHIELD « Cape-Killers » нападает на Люка в его доме. Он сбегает и присоединяется к Капитану Америке. Часовой регистрируется, но не выбирает конкретную сторону, хотя он чувствует себя более вынужденным присоединиться к Железному Человеку, чем к восставшему Капитану Америке. Железный Человек, не доверяя тройной жизни Женщины-паука, предает ее и сообщает директору SHIELD Марии Хилл о ее статусе. Джессика вынуждена бежать и позже присоединяется к Люку и остальным.

Поначалу Человек-паук находится на стороне Регистрации, но позже перестал работать после смерти Голиафа (Билл Фостер) от рук робота-клона Тора Тони.

Ястребиный глаз и Алая ведьма (Выпуск № 26) [ править ]

После окончания «Дома М» Ястребиный глаз просыпается, оживая во второй раз. Обнаружив заброшенный и полуразрушенный особняк Мстителей , он ищет Доктора Стрэнджа.чтобы узнать, было ли его возвращение из мертвых реальным. Он спрашивает, что стало с миром со времен Дома М и что стало с Алой Ведьмой. Узнав, что она исчезла, Соколиный глаз решает разыскать ее для того, что он называет «закрытием». В своих путешествиях он помогает женщине поймать воришку кошельков, и выясняется, что этой женщиной является Ванда Максимофф. После того, как он потерял сознание, он просыпается под ее опекой в ​​ее доме. Выясняется, что Ванда стерла свою старую жизнь, дав себе мир, которым она сейчас наслаждается. Впоследствии Клинт ломается перед Вандой, и они разделяют интимный момент. Ястребиный глаз просыпается на следующее утро и, вспомнив упоминание Вандой о своей «тете Агате», которая предположительно спала в соседней комнате, отправляется на разведку; но когда он касается дверной ручки, его пальцы обжигаются.

The Revolution (Issues #27-31)[edit]

The Hand uses magic to resurrect Maya Lopez, whose will is bent to serve Elektra. Following the Civil War, Jessica Drew reveals that Captain America was not dead,[2] a fact Dr. Strange believes to be true after investigating in his astral form. The New Avengers, divided over whether it is a trap, conclude that they cannot risk leaving Captain America behind. In the end, it proves false, as the team is ambushed by the Mighty Avengers.[2] They eventually escape, while the Mighty Avengers get to the Sanctum Sanctorum to find the New Avengers hidden with the help of Doctor Strange.[clarification needed]

The next day, the Mighty Avengers decide to interrogate Danny Rand about Iron Fist's involvement in the attempt to rescue Captain America. Dakota North also brings a package from Matt Murdock. Inside is the Ronin outfit and a letter from Echo addressed to Matt, asking him to save Ronin and, if she is dead, to avenge her.[3] The New Avengers then decide to accept Matt's request and help save Echo.[3] After deciding that Doctor Strange is hiding the New Avengers, The Mighty Avengers enlist the help of Brother Voodoo see if they still reside at Strange's old home. Clint Barton returns to let Doctor Strange know he is okay.[4] After some tension, Doctor Strange casts the Spell of Tartashi on them, to test for purity of intent, though this fails to detect Veranke, in Spider-Woman's guise. When they all are revealed to be pure, Clint agrees to join them as the new Ronin to Japan.[4]

The New Avengers arrive to rescue Maya, with Spider-Man carrying her to safety. Once the two are reunited with the group, Doctor Strange teleports them, and they seek out the Silver Samurai for refuge. Spider-Man's spider sense alerts them of Elektra accompanied by thousands of Hand Ninjas. Before a fight escalates, Luke Cage attempts to negotiate, but during the negotiations, Echo wakes up and wounds Dr. Strange with an enchanted sword.

Strange contacts his home telepathically for aid. While a nervous Jessica watches, Wong, Dr. Strange's servant, assists Strange in freeing himself. Strange then forcibly clears Echo's mind, who then kills Elektra. As the Hand retreats, Elektra's body transforms into that of a Skrull. Secure inside Dr. Strange's home, Jessica Jones receives news her husband is alive. A close up shows her baby's eyes have an unnaturally green tint.[5]

The Trust (Issues #32-37)[edit]

With the hero community divided, The Hood plans to form a supervillain community that relies on one another for help and with the identities of half of the hero community available, they realize that they can kill the heroes spirit, before actually killing the hero. They also decide to stop heroes from even attempting to harm them, and by threatening her mom, they get Tigra to cooperate.[6] Spider-Woman suggests taking the Skrull to Iron Man, but Luke Cage, in particular, points out that Tony Stark is a prime candidate for being a Skrull, given his actions over the last few months. After the plane loses power,[7][8] Spider-Woman takes the body to Tony Stark.

When Iron Fist asks Doctor Strange for help with his "Iron Fist" powers (which others have been tapping into), Strange reveals that just as they obtained their positions from predecessors, there will inevitably be a new, younger Iron Fist and another Sorcerer Supreme, and to try to hold onto their positions would be folly.[9] After spending a day apart to reflect on recent events, the group reorganizes, trusting each other due to a revelation spell by Strange that shows the others their true self. The group decides to stop the Hood's plan to attack Stark Tower. This goes badly, with one of many symbiotes taking over all the New Avengers, except Luke Cage who immune due to his Titanium Skin.[9]

In Stark Tower, Spider-Woman attends a briefing with the Mighty Avengers, having apparently defected to their team. When she retires to her room, Wolverine confronts Jessica about the Skrull body; she convinces him that what she did was right with the argument that it is more important then their problems with Iron Man. Wolverine escapes Stark Tower and rejoins the rest of the New Avengers. The team seeks out and confronts The Hood at an abandoned warehouse. Dr. Strange creates illusions of many heroes to confuse the Hood's gang while the Avengers attack.[10] However, after he is confronted by Dr. Strange, the Hood transforms into his demonic form and escapes. Leaving the villains for the police, the Avengers celebrate their victory while Dr. Strange criticizes their foolish attack. Later, the Hood attacks the Raft and breaks out the rest of his syndicate, rallying them to take revenge against the New Avengers.[11]

Annual #2[edit]

Breaking into Tigra's home, The Hood learns that the team is hiding out in Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. The element of surprise is nearly lost when Spider-Man, having left, spots the Hood's crime syndicate across the rooftops and returns to the team in a panic. The New Avengers are caught off guard when they attack. Doctor Strange is easy prey for the villain, who shoots him several times before Wong intervenes.[12]

After the battle, Strange confesses that he has been calling upon darker forces than he normally would lately and has begun to lose control[clarification needed]. As he teleports away, the New Avengers are confronted by Ms. Marvel, who gives them an opportunity to escape. The only villain to escape is the Hood. Jessica Jones later arrives at Stark Tower with her baby, begging to be taken into safety in return for registering.[12]

Secret Invasion (Issues #38-47)[edit]

Luke goes to Avengers Tower to confront Jessica about her decision to comply with the Superhuman Registration Act; she tries to convince Luke to comply as well. When the Mighty Avengers arrive, Ms. Marvel lets Luke go, claiming that he is thinking about registering. During this conversation, Cage refers to Stark as a Skrull, causing Black Widow to question. Spider-Woman merely states that it is classified S.H.I.E.L.D. business. Iron Fist sets the New Avengers up in a large apartment.[13]

Echo is confronted by what appears to be Daredevil, who is quickly revealed to be a Skrull seeking to replace her. Echo and Wolverine manage to drive the Skrull off, although Wolverine is injured. Having returned to the building, Echo talks with Clint Barton, who assures her that even if she feels redundant, being an Avenger is about waiting for the right moment when you can make a difference and prove yourself. Recalling her walking in on him in the shower, and Clint mentioning that he was tempted to kiss her at the time, the two subsequently spend the night together.[14]

Issue #40 deals with the background of the Secret Invasion as the rise of the Skrull Queen Veranke and the beginning stages of the invasion plan.[15]

Issue #41 details Ka-Zar's discovery of the Skrulls in the Savage Land back during the time of the New Avengers' battle with Sauron and the Savage Land Mutates as told to Spider-Man when he encounters Ka-Zar while escaping the initial attack from the crashed 'Skrull' ship.[16]

Issue #42 details how the Queen became Spider-Woman and their plans for how to take out the major players, including Mutants, leading into the events of House of M.[17]

Issue #43 features Ka-Zar and Spider-Man confronting the Captain America from the Skrull ship, who is hit with a dart that causes him to turn back into a Skrull. It is revealed that he was brainwashed and programmed with false memories to create additional confusion. Spider-Man is also pricked with the dart, and his lack of reaction confirms him to be the real Spider-Man.[18]

Issue #44 affords a look into how the Skrull empire came up with a way to infiltrate earth. It is revealed that they cloned the Illuminati when they were captured by the Skrulls and interrogated them for information. During the course of these interrogations, they find out that Reed Richards has an idea that the Skrulls can use. They force the Reed Richards clone to give them the formula.[19]

Issue #45 deals with House of M and that Veranke & Criti both were well aware of what the real world was supposed to be like and that they planned on killing Wanda before she uttered her infamous phrase. It also showed the effects the Annihilation wave had on the Skrulls on earth.

Search For The Sorcerer Supreme (Issues #48-54)[edit]

Norman Osborn dismantles S.H.I.E.L.D. and assembles H.A.M.M.E.R. The roster for the New Avengers would consist of Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Mockingbird, Ronin, and Captain America. When the latter joins, the New Avengers team moves into Steve Rogers' old building. They begin searching for Danielle, Luke, and Jessica's lost daughter, with the aid of the Iron Fist and the Fantastic Four. They attack various villains such as A.I.M., HYDRA, and Electro for any information regarding the Skrull Jarvis. Eventually they find a Skrull pretending to be an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent at a bar. After a brief confrontation, the Skrull is about to reveal the location of Danielle, when another agent shoots him in the head. Jessica is then convinced Skrull Jarvis is going to kill Danielle. Meanwhile, the rest of the New Avengers are unaware Luke is asking Norman Osborn for help in their search.[20] However, when Luke gets his child back, he reneges on his deal with Osborn after Bullseye kills the Skrull Jarvis.[clarification needed]

The New Avengers later witness the announcement of Osborn's own Avengers.[21] After realizing who they really were, they send Spider-Woman to trick Osborn into leading his team into a trap, at the abandoned Hellfire Club Mansion, where they can de-power and fight them more fairly. However, Osborn realizes their plot and sends the Hood and his criminals to eliminate them. They manage to barely escape, with Spider-Woman focusing her power through Ms. Marvel. After this, Ronin addressing the country on live television, saying that they seem to have forgotten Osborn was a murderer.[22]

Bucky later organizes a meeting with the New Avengers at his home, offering it as a base of operations. Iron Fist announces his leave, while Ronin and Ms. Marvel become leader and second-in-command, respectively. Immediately thereafter, Spider-Man is convinced to reveal his secret identity to the team once again.[23] Dr. Strange then appears in the room, severely wounded, and pleads desperately for their help. He reveals to the team that he was attacked by the Hood while looking for Wiccan. After learning that the Hood is after the Eye of Agamotto, the team agrees to assist Strange in finding his replacement as Sorcerer Supreme. Luke Cage realizes they are being drawn to Daimon Hellstrom. However, the Hood reaches him first and attempts to kill him.[24] Upon finding the Hood and Hellstrom, the Avengers are attacked by Madame Masque, who is taken out by Spider-Woman. Strange confronts Hellstrom, who he thinks is the next wielder of the Eye of Agammato, but Brother Voodoo later appears with it.[25] Together, they are able to strip the Hood of all his powers and exorcise Dormammu from his body; however, after the battle, Osborn denounces Barton's claim. This infuriates him to the point that he plans on killing Osborn.[26]

Power Loss (Issues #55-60)[edit]

The now leaderless Hood's gang have gained access to the Stark tech-power drainer, which they plan to use to get even with Osborn. Chemistro, the villain who discovered the device, causes a commotion in Times Square, which the New Avengers respond to. All but Mockingbird are affected by the drainer. The Dark Avengers also arrive and are equally affected. The villains' representatives, the Wrecker and Jonas Harrow, demand that Osborn share the same deal he had with the Hood, in exchange for the power drainer and the New Avengers. Osborn accepts, but the New Avengers escape. Dr Strange's ex-girlfriend attempts to help Luke Cage, who is having heart problems, with the Dark Avengers surrounding the building. Cage realizes that the only way to save himself is to turn himself over.[27] After escaping and recuperating, the New Avengers are able to rescue him. A tracker, however, was placed on his heart during surgery. With the help of Doctor Strange and Hank Pym, they were able to remove the tracker, leaving it in Norman Osborn's home just before Osborn used it to target explosives.[28] Meanwhile, Loki brings the Hood and Madame Masque to Cuba, where she presents the former with the Asgardian Nord Stones, which he uses to restore his powers.[27]

Annual #3[edit]

When Barton is captured by the Dark Avengers during his attempt to assassinate Osborn, he is tortured by Mentallo to discover the location of the team's current headquarters and their identities, only to be rescued by members of the New Avengers. They then return to the team's back-up base. While Barton apologizes for his mistakes to the rest of the team, they are shocked to witness the arrival of the now-resurrected Steve Rogers, who assures them things were about to change.

Siege (Issues #61-64)[edit]

In Hell's Kitchen, thanks to the Norn Stones that were given to him, the Hood was able to power up his gang to hunt and kill the Avengers. At the hideout, which was destroyed by Norman and the Dark Avengers, Steve Rogers and Captain America initiate a recon of the old hideout, before being attacked by the Living Laser and the Corruptor, who is able to control Bucky and forces him to attack Steve. Steve is able to defeat the Corruptor, however, and free Bucky from his control. In Manhattan, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are attacked as well, by Mandrill and Griffin, who seemingly defeat Spider-Man and try to force Spider-Woman to tell them where the Avengers are hiding.

Spider-Man is able to return to the scene using his webs, but Spider-Woman, under the control of Mandrill, attacks him. He is unable to combat her aggressive side. Spider-Man ultimately manages to prevent his companion from defeating him by attacking Madrill and Griffin, before Spider-Woman punches and zaps them in fury. Spidey prevents Spider-Woman from killing the two villains, however, and tells them they must remain where they are, knowing the press and the police would later take care of them.

Meanwhile, two H.A.M.M.E.R. agents at the former Avengers hideout debate on whether to call for reinforcements. One of them dies watching the battle, only to be decapitated by a stray laser. The second is punched in the face by Luke Cage, who then ambushes the Living Laser. Bucky seemingly destroys him. As they rejoice in their victory, Cage notices a red dot on Rogers' chest. They identify it as a targeting vector, directed by Nick Fury. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is assured they are not Life Model Decoys by Rogers, relieving tension. A H.A.M.M.E.R. assault squad subsequently arrives and begins an assault. The Avengers escape the battle to their safehouse, where Jessica Jones and Ms. Marvel are shocked to meet Rogers.

Asgard is shown to be under attack by Osborn, who had brought down Thor. The Avengers assemble to fight the threat.

Following the fall of Asgard, Norman Osborn's capture, and the deaths of Loki and the Sentry, the New Avengers track down the Hood and Madam Masque, capturing them along with Count Nefaria. They return to New York, where Rogers confirms Osborn had fallen, and that they were all free. Cage suggests they celebrate by going for a walk in the daylight with his teammates.

Vol. 2[edit]

Possession (Issues #1-6)[edit]

With Rogers in charge of coordinating the heroes, he and Tony Stark sell Avengers Mansion to Luke Cage for a dollar, explaining that they are giving Cage freedom to have his own Avengers team run his way. Just after recruiting various heroes to the team, the Eye of Agamotto appears alongside a possessed Doctor Strange and Daimon Hellstrom. Cage's efforts to tell them to depart resulted in him being mutated into a flaming monster when he comes in contact with the Eye.[29] During the fight, the demon possessing Cage 'jumps' into Iron Fist, who subsequently vanishes into a white void,[30] where he confronts the Ancient One- who claims to be responsible for the current events out of disgust at Strange's recent 'failures'- while the rest of the team face a demonic invasion.[31] As Strange deduces that their opponent must be new as nobody the teams have fought before would have anything to gain by the destruction of reality, Iron Fist returns, claiming that the Ancient One has told him that Strange stole the Eye,[32] but Strange realises that the entity Iron Fist encountered is not the Ancient One as his attempts to claim the Eye contradict everything Strange was taught about the Eye's history. A casual comment by Spider-Man prompts the New Avengers to realise that Agamatto himself is behind recent events as he tries to reclaim his Eye, inspiring Doctor Voodoo to challenge Agamatto to a duel, using Wolverine as a 'vessel' for the powers of the other New Avengers to fight Agamatto in his stead.[33] Despite their best efforts, Wolverine is unable to defeat Agamotto on his own, forcing Brother Voodoo to apparently sacrifice himself and destroy the Eye in order to contain Agamotto once and for all.[34]

Date Night (Issue #7-13)[edit]

After Agamotto's take over, the New Avengers (now made of Doctor Strange, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, Jessica Jones, Victoria Hand, and Iron Fist) discuss team structure, and Victoria Hand tells them that Steve Rogers is paying them. Luke is skeptical at first, until Jessica tells him that they are low on money. The only one unable to be paid is Spider-Man, who has not revealed his identity yet. Meanwhile, Jessica and Luke hire Squirrel Girl with their newfound money as their nanny, and Wong moves in with the New Avengers. While Luke Cage and Jessica Jones are out on a 'date' to discuss Jessica's future role in the team, they are attacked by a Doombot which the rest of the team only just manages to stop, Victoria Hand mentioning that the other Avengers teams are concerned about this development but unable to reveal more due to Spider-Man's unknown identity preventing her from sharing such confidential information with him.

When the group mount an assault on an arms base based on a tip-off from Victoria Hand, Mockingbird is shot, causing the group to take her to hospital while also sending their enemies to prison, prompting the shocked discovery that the base was owned by remnants of H.A.M.M.E.R. Although the New Avengers speculate that Hand set them up, she reveals to Steve Rogers that she was actually attempting to set up the H.A.M.M.E.R. agents after she was approached to join them.

The story is interspaced by flashbacks to Nick Fury assembling an early Avengers team in the 1950s- consisting of himself, Dominic Fortune I, Dum Dum Dugan, Namora, Silver Sable, Sabretooth, Kraven the Hunter and Ulysses Bloodstone- to hunt the remnants of the Red Skull's agents, culminating in them facing the Skull (presumably Albert Malik) before the fight is interrupted by Captain America.

Miniseries and one-shots[edit]

New Avengers: Illuminati[edit]

Volume 1[edit]

New Avengers: Illuminati (Volume 1) is a special one-issue publication, released as part of the "Road to Civil War". It documents the founding of the Illuminati. Years later, the Illuminati meet to determine the fate of the Hulk. Deciding that there is no hope for Bruce Banner, all but Namor agree on exiling him, leading to the events of Planet Hulk. The final time the Illuminati meet is prior to the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act. The group becomes divided as to whether to support the act or not. Black Bolt declares war on the United States and humanity. With most of the members gone, it is implied that the team was over, with Mr. Fantastic telling Iron Man that it "was fun while it lasted".

Volume 2[edit]

New Avengers: Illuminati (Volume 2) is a five-issue series, detailing previously unknown activities of the Illuminati. Issue #1 recounts the group's ill-fated confrontation with the Skrull emperor Dorrek, shortly after the Kree-Skrull War. In issue #2, the group collects the six Infinity Gems, distributing one to each member for safekeeping. In issue #3, it is revealed the Beyonder is actually a mutant member of the Inhumans. In issue #4, the group coerces the Kree warrior Noh-Varr into ending his war against Earth. In issue #5, Iron Man brings the Elektra Skrull's corpse to the group. Subsequently, they are attacked by a group of Super-Skrulls, including one who had been impersonating Black Bolt.

Avengers: Free Comic Book Day 2009[edit]

Avengers: Free Comic Book Day 2009 was released on May 2, 2009,[35][36] as one of the one-shot publications offered by Marvel Comics on Free Comic Book Day. In this in-continuity tale taking place shortly after the events of Secret Invasion, the New Avengers must team up with Norman Osborn's government-sanctioned Dark Avengers to battle the Norse frost giant Ymir. After the teams successfully drive him away, Osborn tries to arrest the New Avengers, but Thor intervenes and warns him not to do so. Osborn and his team back down, letting them go for the time being.

Appearances outside The New Avengers[edit]

The New Avengers/Transformers[edit]

Taking place between the first two arcs of New Avengers, New Avengers/Transformers chronicles a mission to Latveria by Captain America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine to prevent a war between Latveria and the neighboring country of Symkaria. Former Avengers Ms. Marvel and the Falcon also make guest appearances. Along with Optimus Prime and other Autobots, the heroes must deal with Dr. Doom and the Decepticons led by Megatron.

House of M[edit]

The New Avengers and the Astonishing X-Men gather to decide the fate of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. She is being watched by Charles Xavier and Magneto on Genosha, but upon the two teams arriving she uses her powers to alter the world into an alternate timeline.


The CSA give the Thunderbolts a mission to defeat the, unsanctioned, New Avengers. The team defeat the New Avengers (sans Wolverine, Spider-Woman and Ronin who are absent) and Songbird claims they could do so whenever they wish. However, this was all a diversion so that Joystick could plant surveillance equipment in Stark Tower. She succeeded but was thoroughly beaten up by Spider-Woman.

Civil War[edit]

During Civil War, the New Avengers, along with a majority of other heroes, deal with the passing of the Registration Law.

Fallen Son[edit]

During the miniseries, Wolverine and Daredevil infiltrate the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier to confirm Captain America's death. The New Avengers are seen playing poker with the Thing. Another comic shows Clint Barton initially making contact with Tony Stark and agreeing to become the new Captain America, only to turn the offer down after a meeting with Kate Bishop, which shows him how disrespectful he is being to his friend's memory. Spider-Man and Wolverine later confront each other over their grief at Cap's death. The final issues shows the New Avengers watching the funeral from Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sancortum, none of them daring to actually attend the funeral in case they are captured.

World War Hulk[edit]

When Iron Man flies into space to sort out some satellites due to the approach of the Hulk and his allies, Doctor Strange appears to him in astral form offering the New Avengers' services. Iron Man accepts his offer and says he will give them amnesty if they assist and surrender afterwards. Luke Cage and Spider-Man are among the heroes who aid in the evacuation of New York as the Hulk returns on a mission of vengeance. They are later joined by Spider-Woman, but all three are defeated in a showdown with the Hulk's Warbound. Hulk had already confronted Wolverine during his "mission" to question Professor X about his role in the decision to exile the Hulk.[37] Later, Hulk's allies, Hiroim and Elloe, attempt to infiltrate the Sanctum Sanctorum, and are confronted by Iron Fist, Echo, and Ronin, who are all handily dispatched. Strange, however, invokes the power of the demon Zom, and defeats Hiroim before leaving to confront the Hulk. After a brutal match with the Hulk, Strange is defeated and taken to Madison Square, where he is pitted against the rest of the Illuminati.[38]

Luke Cage and Spider-Man, accompanied by the Thing, face off with Hiroim, Brood, and Elloe once again. The New Avengers gain the upper hand but abandon the fight when they realize the Warbound do not wish to continue. While the Warbound leave, the New Avengers continue to aid in the relief efforts.[39]

Secret Invasion[edit]

Iron Man receives notification from S.H.I.E.L.D. that a Skrull ship is about to crash in the Savage Land. He immediately orders the Mighty Avengers to intercept it, but Spider-Woman contacts her former teammates to give them a head start. With help from Cloak, they are transported to a landing pad where Black Widow is preparing a Quinjet. Spider-Man and Ronin quickly incapacitate her and then remove the devices that would allow Iron Man to shut down the aircraft remotely. The Quinjet is destroyed by a Dinosaur upon arrival in the Savage Land. The New Avengers find the crashed Skrull ship just as the Mighty Avengers arrive. Cage refuses to acknowledge Iron Man's authority when he tries to arrest him and forces open the crashed ship. This throws the Skrulls' plan into motion, as Skrulls in disguise cripple Stark Industries, S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.O.R.D., and the Baxter Building, incapacitate Reed Richards, and release the supervillain prisoners held in the Raft and the Cube.[40]

Shockingly, it is also revealed that Spider-Woman was replaced by the Skrull queen Veranke, prior to the prison break at the Raft which led to the formation of the New Avengers. Thus, the real Spider-Woman was never a member of the team.

During the run of the main Secret Invasion title, the New Avengers played a major role in the main series of the event while their book shifted to portray supplementary material of the event, including the background information on the motivations of the Skrulls. In the aftermath of Secret Invasion, the new team roster will consist of Captain America, Spider-Man, Ronin, Mockingbird, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Wolverine and the true Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), who was revealed to be alive and well in Secret Invasion #8.[1]

Dark Reign[edit]

Following Ms Marvel's demise at the hands of Norman Osborn's agents, she is recorporated by various baby M.O.D.O.C.s with the aid of the New Avengers, despite the efforts of the new Ms Marvel to stop them.

The Incredible Hercules: Assault on New Olympus[edit]

Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Spider-Woman are amongst the New Avengers members who answer Hercules' call in his plan to attack his mother Hera on Mount Olympus.

External links[edit]

  • New Avengers at the Grand Comics Database
  • New Avengers at Avengers InfoCenter
  • New Avengers at marveldatabase.com


  1. ^ http://comicnewsi.com/article.php?catid=99&itemid=9440%7CStuart
  2. ^ a b New Avengers #28
  3. ^ a b New Avengers #29
  4. ^ a b New Avengers #30
  5. ^ "BRIAN BENDIS SUPER HAPPY FUN HOUR". Archived from the original on 2007-10-20. Retrieved 2008-04-17.
  6. ^ New Avengers #35
  7. ^ New Avengers #32
  8. ^ Mighty Avengers #1-6
  9. ^ a b New Avengers #34
  10. ^ New Avengers #36
  11. ^ New Avengers #37
  12. ^ a b New Avengers Annual #2
  13. ^ New Avengers #38
  14. ^ New Avengers #39
  15. ^ New Avengers #40
  16. ^ New Avengers #41
  17. ^ New Avengers #42
  18. ^ New Avengers #43
  19. ^ New Avengers #44
  20. ^ New Avengers #48
  21. ^ New Avengers #49
  22. ^ New Avengers #50
  23. ^ New Avengers #51 (May 2009). While Spider-Man had previously exposed his identity to the world in compliance with the Superhuman Registration Act in Civil War #2 (August 2006), this revelation was erased from the collective memory of the world's population by the demon Mephisto in The Amazing Spider-Man #545 (November 2007).
  24. ^ New Avengers #52
  25. ^ New Avengers #53
  26. ^ New Avengers #54
  27. ^ a b New Avengers #55-57
  28. ^ New Avengers #59
  29. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #1
  30. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #2
  31. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #3
  32. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #4
  33. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #5
  34. ^ New Avengers (vol. 2) #6
  35. ^ George, Richard (April 28, 2009). "Avengers (Free Comic Book Day) Preview". IGN Comics. Retrieved July 26, 2010. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  36. ^ Colton, David (April 30, 2009). "A comic free-for-all on Free Comic Book Day". USA Today. Retrieved July 26, 2010. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  37. ^ World War Hulk: X-Men #1-3
  38. ^ World War Hulk #1-6
  39. ^ World War Hulk: Aftersmash
  40. ^ Secret Invasion #1