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Родная танцовщица (27 марта 1950 - 16 ноября 1967) по прозвищу Серый призрак , была одной из самых знаменитых и опытных чистокровных скаковых лошадей в американской истории и первой лошадью, прославившейся благодаря телевидению. Он был чемпионом в каждом из трех лет гонок, а в 1963 году был внесен в Национальный музей скачек и Зал славы . В списке 100 лучших скаковых лошадей ХХ века журнала Blood-Horse он занял седьмое место. .

В двухлетнем возрасте он не проиграл в своих девяти стартах и ​​был признан Лошадью года в двух из трех крупных отраслевых опросов - один граф выиграл другой. В возрасте трех лет он потерпел единственное поражение в своей карьере в Кентукки Дерби 1953 года , но восстановился и выиграл Преакнесс , Бельмонт и Ставки Трэверс . Он совершил всего три старта в возрасте четырех лет, прежде чем ушел на пенсию из-за травмы, но все же был назван американской лошадью года .

Выйдя на пенсию в 1955 году, он стал крупным производителем, чье потомство включало в себя чемпиона Raise A Native и двойного победителя Kauai King . Также влиятельный производитель племенных кобыл, Native Dancer теперь "почти универсален" в современных родословных. [2]

Фон [ править ]

Родной Танцор был выведен Альфредом Г. Вандербильтом-младшим и участвовал в гонках за него как доморощенный. Он был рожден на ферме Скотта недалеко от Лексингтона, Кентукки, но вырос на ферме Сагамор Вандербильта в Глиндоне , штат Мэриленд , и обычно считается рожденным в Мэриленде. [3] Native Dancer был отцом победителя Preakness Stakes 1945 года , полинезийца , который также был известен как спринтер. [4] Его мать Гейша выиграла только один раз из своих одиннадцати стартов и не произвела никаких других победителей по ставкам, хотя ее дочь Ориентация стала продюсером нескольких ставок. [5] [6] Гейша произошла от Discovery.Выдающаяся лошадь на дистанции и тяжеловес. Дискавери был также отцом ведущего отца Смелого Лайнера . [7]

Родной Танцор унаследовал свое серое пальто , которое тогда было довольно редко у чистокровных, по женской линии от своей четвертой матери, Ла Гризетт, дочери королевы Ирод. Roi Ирод был также родитель четвертовластника , в «пятнистой чудо». Большинство современных серых чистокровных собак могут проследить свою шерсть до Роя Ирод и его дедушки Ле Санси. [8]

С первых дней своего существования Native Dancer считался «чрезвычайно хорошим жеребенком». Ральф Керчаваль, менеджер фермы Сагамор, сказал, что «он был игривым, большим и грубым, но с ним можно было делать все». [3] В зрелом возрасте у Native Dancer было 16,3  руки (67 дюймов, 170 см) в холке. По словам Чарльза Хаттона из Daily Racing Form , Native Dancer выглядел как спринтер спереди и стайер сзади. Это была массивная лошадь с «подозрительно выглядящими лодыжками». Его пясти были короткими и несколько вертикальными, что делало его более уязвимым для травм. У него был очень длинный шаг, но его действия были жесткими и колотящими. [2] Тренер Билл Уинфрисказал, что жеребенок был «обычным Джекилом и Хайдом » - обычно тихим и послушным, но с игривой полосой, которая могла сделать его горсткой. [9]

Рекорд гонок [ править ]

1952: двухлетняя кампания [ править ]

В своем первом гоночном сезоне Native Dancer выиграл все девять стартов. Он был признан американским чемпионом двухлетнего кольта в 1952 году, причем два из трех основных опросов также назвали его Лошадью года .

Native Dancer сделал свой первый старт 19 апреля 1952 года в первом забеге на ипподроме Ямайка на протяжении пяти стадий. Уйдя с коэффициентом 7-5 на поле из девяти, он занял четвертое место на обратном отрезке, а затем начал сильный рывок в середине поворота и выиграл со счетом 4.+1 / 2 длины. [10] Всего четыре дня спустя он вернулся в « Юношеские колья», где стал фаворитом по ставкам из двенадцати игроков. Он ускорился в быстром темпе, установленном Retrouve, затем отошел на отрезок и выиграл с преимуществом в шесть раз. [11] Победа сделала жеребенка первым лидером двухлетнего дивизиона. [12]

Затем Native Dancer был уволен, чтобы оправиться от болей в голенях. Он вернулся в гонки в день открытия ипподрома Саратога , 4 августа, во Flash Stakes более 5.+12 фарлонга. Снова фаворит по ставкам, он сильно проехал на повороте, прежде чем уйти в перерыве и выиграть со счетом 2.+14 длины. [12] 16 августа он принял участие в турнире Saratoga Special , который в то время был примечателен тем, что у него «победитель получает все» в размере 17 000 долларов. Он выиграл с разницей в 3+12 длины по грязной дороге. [13] 23 августаон выиграл Grand Union Hotel Stakes , победив двух ранее непобежденных жеребцов - Таитянского Кинга и Лафанго. Он выиграл с разницей в 3+12 длины при пробеге шести самых быстрых фарлонгов на встрече в Саратоге в том году, 1:11 15 . [14] Он завершил свое доминирование в Саратоге, выиграв Hopeful Stakes в последний день встречи, 31 августа. Жокей Эрик Герин сказал: «Я ни на секунду не волновался. Он ушел, когда я попросил его». [15]

Следующий старт Native Dancer состоялся 22 сентября в парке Бельмонт в гонке с шестью стадиями специальных весов. Он вырвался на пятое место из шести, затем неуклонно улучшал свою позицию и выигрывал на 1.+14 длины. [16] Всего пять дней спустя он вернулся в Belmont Futurity , в то время одной из самых престижных гонок для двухлетних детей в Соединенных Штатах. Он показал "превосходную производительность", чтобы выиграть, установив мировой рекорд на 6 очков.+12 фарлонга, 1:14 25 . Однако на него давили: Герин признался, что думал, что жеребенок был разбит за восьмую мили, когда его возглавлял таитянский король. Но Native Dancer ответила на последнем стадионе и открыла 2+Преимущество в 14 опережения. Он стал первым серым конем, выигравшим скачки. [17]

Native Dancer сделал свой последний старт в двухлетнем возрасте на East View Stakes на Ямайке 22 октября на дистанции 1 балл.+116 миль. Он выиграл с легкостью, «покачивая ушами и весело проводя время», когда пересек финишную черту 1.+1 / 2 длины впереди Laffango, которые ранее выиграли Champagne Stakes . Герин подтвердил, что Native Dancer расслабился после того, как возглавил группу. «Он не собирается делать больше, чем вы его заставляете», - сказал он. «Я никогда не бил его кнутом». [18]

Native Dancer закончил год с девятью победами, семь из которых в гонках по ставкам, и заработком в 230 245 долларов, что тогда стало рекордом для двухлетнего ребенка. Он был фаворитом во всех отношениях, кроме своего первого старта. [18] Он был назван чемпионом Америки в двухлетнем возрасте. Ассоциация чистокровных скачек также назвала его американской лошадью года, что является «разрывом с традициями», поскольку двухлетние лошади обычно не претендуют на награду, поскольку они обычно соревнуются только с лошадьми того же возраста. [19] Газетный и спортивный дайджест, опросивший 176 спортивных обозревателей, также присудил ему награду «Лошадь года». [20] Однако в Daily Racing Form вместо этого проголосовали за One Count , победителя Золотого кубка Belmont and Jockey Club. [21]

He was assigned 130 pounds in the Experimental Free Handicap, seven pounds ahead of Laffango and Tahitian King.[22]

1953: three-year-old campaign[edit]

In his three-year-old campaign, Native Dancer received a great deal of media attention leading up to the 1953 Kentucky Derby. He won the Gotham Stakes and the prestigious Wood Memorial, but in the 1953 Kentucky Derby, he lost for the only time in his career. Native Dancer subsequently won the Preakness, Belmont and Travers Stakes, a feat accomplished until then only by Duke of Magenta, Grenada, Man o' War and Whirlaway. Native Dancer finished the season with nine wins (all of them stakes races) from ten starts and was named Champion Three-Year-Old Colt.

Preparing for the Triple Crown[edit]

Native Dancer was given some time off at the end of his two-year-old campaign, then resumed training in California at Santa Anita Racetrack. He gave his connections a scare in late January when he threw his exercise rider after stumbling to his knees following a workout. He then bolted and was loose for five minutes, running into the paddock where he jumped some benches and ran through flower beds. When he tangled a leg in the reins, he finally slowed down enough to be recaptured. No serious damage was done.[23]

He was shipped to New York in mid-March[24] and made his first start of the year in the Gotham Stakes on April 18. As the race attracted 18 entries, it was run in two divisions, with Native Dancer the odds-on favorite is his division and Laffango the favorite in the second division.[25] He raced in mid-pack during the early part of the race, then "did a bit of hustling" turning into the stretch to take the lead. He won under a hand ride by two lengths.[4] Sportswriter George Ryall wrote, "Any question in your mind about Native Dancer is easy to answer; he's as good as you thought."[26]

Native Dancer extended his winning streak to eleven in the Wood Memorial on April 25. Going off as the 1-10 favorite, he was restrained until the top of the stretch, then "whizzed away" from his rivals to win by 4+12 lengths over Tahitian King.[27]

The Gotham and Wood Memorial were both televised by NBC. Native Dancer's gray coat helped him stand out on the black and white screens of the day, helping him to become the first TV star of the sport.[28]

Kentucky Derby[edit]

The 1953 Kentucky Derby, held on May 2, was the sole loss of Native Dancer's career.[29] He dominated news coverage leading up to the race and was the odds-on favorite.[30] His main rival was supposed to have been Correspondent, who had won three straight, including the Blue Grass Stakes in which he set a track record.[31] Dark Star won the Derby Trial a few days before the Derby but was largely dismissed by the bettors at odds of 25-1.[32]

Dark Star, starting from the next-to-outside post position, went to the early lead and moved over to the rail. Native Dancer was eighth as they went down the stretch for the first time and was then bumped by longshot Money Maker as they entered the first turn. He started to make up ground on the final turn while racing wide, then was moved to the inside as he entered the stretch in third place. Still nearly three lengths behind, Guerin went to the whip and Native Dancer gradually closed ground. Dark Star held his position on the rail so Native Dancer was swung to the outside. He continued to edge closer with each stride but fell just short, losing by a head.[32][33]

In addition to Native Dancer being fouled on the first turn, Guerin commented after the race that the colt had not cared for the track.[32] However, Guerin was given a large share of the blame for the loss because of his racing tactics. One reporter wrote, "he took that colt everywhere on the track except the ladies' room."[34] Native Dancer was farther back than usual in the early part of the race, which resulted in more traffic problems. Instead of mounting a single drive on the outside, Guerin changed position several times in the final quarter of a mile, costing the colt momentum. Guerin later explained, "He just didn't want to run early. And when he didn't want to run, he didn't run."[33]

Time magazine later reported, "When he lost the Kentucky Derby by a head, thousands turned from their TV screens in sorrow, a few in tears." As a measure of Native Dancer's growing fame, Time added, "Hundreds of people, old and young, have sent him letters and greeting cards. Little girls have organized fan clubs in his name."[35]

Native Dancer made his next start in the Withers Stakes on May 16 at Belmont Park. Facing only two other horses, he went off as the 1-20 favorite (the legal minimum) with win-only betting allowed. Native Dancer stumbled when leaving the starting gate but quickly recovered. He took a narrow lead about three furlongs from the finish and opened a significant margin around the eighth pole when Guerin flicked his whip. The final margin was four lengths.[36]

Preakness Stakes[edit]

On May 23, Native Dancer entered the Preakness Stakes as the 1-5 favorite. He again faced Dark Star, who set a fast early pace with Tahitian King to his outside. Native Dancer rated in fourth position on the rail, then started his move on the final turn, splitting between the two front runners. Tahitian King dropped back and eventually finished sixth. At the head of the stretch, Dark Star also gave way, leaving Native Dancer alone on the lead. However, longshot Jamie K then started to close ground rapidly. Guerin went to the whip and Native Dancer responded to win by a neck. Guerin admitted that he had been worried. "When Dark Star stopped, I found myself in the lead a little sooner than I wanted," he said.[37] It was later determined that Dark Star had bowed a tendon during the race: he never raced again.[38]

Besides being the odds-on favorite to win, Native Dancer was so heavily bet to show that it created a minus pool. A show bet pays if the horse finishes in the top three positions, and the legal minimum payout in Maryland at the time was $2.20 for a $2 bet. In order to cover the bets plus the associated taxes, the Maryland Jockey Club had to pay $46,012 (equivalent to $440,000 in 2019) into the pool.[37]

The trophy for the Preakness is the Woodlawn Vase, considered the most valuable trophy in sports with a value of roughly $4 million. Before 1954, the vase itself was given to the winning owner, who kept it for the following year. In 1954 though, Vanderbilt declined to take the original trophy home and instead was given a replica. This set a new tradition where the original Woodlawn Vase is displayed at Pimlico on Preakness day but otherwise resides at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Vanderbilt's replica trophy was sold at auction in 2018 for $100,000.[39]

Belmont Stakes[edit]

Native Dancer was shipped to Belmont Park on May 24. He was walked the next two days to recover from the Preakness, then resumed galloping in the morning. He had several timed workouts in the interval leading up to the Belmont: 58 mile in 1:04 on May 30, a mile in 1:4415 on June 1, 38 mile in 0:3535 on June 4, 1+14 miles in 2:07 on June 5, 1+12 miles in 2:3825 on June 9, and 34 mile in 1:1325 on June 12.[40] Training practices have since changed dramatically. For example, California Chrome had only one timed workout in the three weeks between the 2014 Preakness and Belmont.[41]

The Belmont Stakes, run on June 13, was a similar race to the Preakness. Native Dancer was again the heavy favorite, and the New York Racing Association did not allow show betting. Ram o' War set the early pace with Native Dancer biding his time in fourth place around the first turn. He was tracked closely by Jamie K and the two horses started their move together on the final turn. Jamie K briefly took the lead as they entered the stretch, but Native Dancer fought back. The two colts dueled for the final furlong, with Native Dancer again prevailing by a neck. He completed the 1+12 miles in 2:2835, then the third-fastest running of the race behind Count Fleet and Citation.[40]

"He doesn't win in a flashy sort of a way," said Winfrey, "but he keeps on winning. The Belmont is supposed to be 'the test of the champion' and if it is, he certainly answered the question."[42]

To date, Native Dancer is one of only two "dual Classic winners" to come from the state of Maryland (the other being his son Kauai King, who won the 1966 Kentucky Derby and Preakness).

Summer campaign[edit]

Winfrey planned a busy summer campaign to keep his "lazy so-and-so" active.[42] Native Dancer responded to the challenge, winning the Dwyer, Arlington Classic, Travers and American Derby in quick succession. On July 4, he went off as the 1-20 favorite in the Dwyer Stakes. He took the lead near the head of the stretch, "loafed for a while, exerted himself just a bit in the final yards," and won by 1+34 lengths. Carrying 126 pounds, he conceded 10 pounds to each of his four rivals. Even though win-only betting was allowed, Native Dancer still created a small minus pool with a mandatory minimum payout of $2.10 for a $2 bet.[43]

Native Dancer then traveled to Chicago for the Arlington Classic, run over a distance of a mile on a heavy track on July 18. His main rivals were expected to be Jamie K and Van Crosby, who had equaled the track record for seven furlongs in his previous start. Native Dancer carried 128 pounds, conceding six pounds to each of his seven rivals. As expected, Van Crosby set the pace, but was run down by Native Dancer turning into the stretch. Native Dancer continued to draw away and won by nine lengths, the biggest margin of victory of his career. Longshot Sir Mango closed late for second; Jamie K was never a factor.[44]

On August 15, Native Dancer made his next start in the prestigious Travers Stakes at Saratoga. He conceded six pounds to Dictar and twelve to the other three entrants. In the walking ring, he was surrounded by a throng of fans looking for photographs. "It's the way people act when the president goes by in a parade," commented one man. Native Dancer maintained his calm. At the break, Fly Wheel took the early lead but soon dropped back. Guardian II then took over the lead for a few lengths before Dictar took command on the backstretch. Native Dancer bided his time until the 316 pole, then powered away to win by 5+12 lengths ahead of Dictar. Native Dancer again created minus pools in the win and place betting – show betting was not allowed.[45]

Guerin was suspended for an incident in another race[46] and so missed Native Dancer's next start, the American Derby on August 22. Eddie Arcaro got the mount after the horse he had been scheduled to ride, Jamie K, was withdrawn from the race.[47] Arcaro had previously questioned Native Dancer's credentials, saying, "All the Dancer has done is go around beating the same horses, and most of the time carrying equal weight." He had also questioned the horse's soundness. After galloping him for the first time though, he said, "He's a big, powerful animal. He handled well and had a good disposition."[48]

Travelling back to Chicago, Native Dancer went off as the 1-10 favorite in a field of eight in the American Derby on August 22. He settled near the back of the pack behind a fast early pace set by Sir Mango. Entering the far turn, Native Dancer moved to the outside and into fourth place. Without any urging, he surged forward rounding the far turn and won by two lengths. He completed the 1+18-mile race in 1:4815, just one-fifth of a second off the track record.[49] Arcaro believed that the colt could have broken the record if urged. "But he was winning, so I didn't see any point in pressing him," he said. "I let him run his own race." Despite the easy win, Arcaro still believed that Native Dancer had something to prove. He rated Citation as the best horse he had ever ridden.[50]

While Native Dancer was having a noteworthy campaign in the three-year-old division, Tom Fool was enjoying an equally brilliant one as a four-year-old. Racetracks began to alter stakes schedules and purses in hopes of having the two champions face off. For example, Pimlico increased the purse for the Pimlico Special to $50,000. Belmont Park followed suit by increasing the purse and changing the date of the Sysonby Stakes.[51][52] The hopes for a race between the two died when several bruises were found on Native Dancer's left forefoot after the American Derby. He missed the rest of the year.[53]

Native Dancer was named champion three-year-old by all three major industry polls. However, in the Horse of the Year voting, he came second behind Tom Fool, who had won all ten of his starts.[54][55]

1954: four-year-old campaign[edit]

In 1954, Native Dancer won all three races he entered, including the Metropolitan Handicap. His connections hoped to complete the New York Handicap Triple, or perhaps race in Europe on the turf. However, Native Dancer was retired as a result of a recurring foot injury with a record of 21 wins out of 22 lifetime races.

At the beginning of the 1954, Native Dancer was in Maryland where he spent the winter at Sagamore Farm. By February, he was galloping three miles a day. He was then was shipped to New York in late March to resume training with Winfrey. He now faced a new challenge: as an older horse, he would be expected to carry high weight imposts in the handicap format pervasive at the time. His connections considered sending him to England to compete in the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes if the weights got too high.[56] Vanderbilt also discussed entering the colt in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in France.[57]

Native Dancer made his first start of the year in a six-furlong allowance race at Belmont Park on May 7. He went off at odds of 3-20 in a seven-horse field, with Laffango the second choice at 7-1. He raced in mid-pack for the first half-mile, then "took the lead in about three huge strides." After hitting the front near the top of the stretch, Native Dancer relaxed but still won by 1+14 lengths.[58]

On May 15, Native Dancer entered the Metropolitan Handicap, in which he was assigned 130 pounds – from 13 to 24 pounds more than his eight rivals. He raced further back than usual, trailing by ten lengths with a half mile remaining and still seven lengths back at the quarter pole. Down the stretch, Guerin hit him four times with the whip. Native Dancer "answered the question" and lengthened his stride. He closed steadily, getting his nose in front with just 30 yards remaining. He completed the mile in 1:3515, then the second-fastest running of the race in its history.[59]

Native Dancer was supposed to make his next start in the Suburban Handicap, then part of the New York Handicap Triple (consisting of the Metropolitan, Suburban and Brooklyn Handicaps). However, after a workout in late May, he showed signs of lameness. Heating was found in the coronet band on his right fore, though X-rays showed nothing. Winfrey originally gave the colt a 50% chance of being fit for the Suburban.[60] Native Dancer worked three furlongs on May 27 but pulled up lame. His connections ruled him out of the Suburban.[61]

Native Dancer finally returned to racing at Saratoga on August 16 in the Oneonta Handicap, run at a distance of seven furlongs over a sloppy track. He was assigned 137 pounds, conceding his rivals from 18 to 30 pounds. Even with the handicap, only two horses faced him so betting was not allowed. He won easily by nine lengths in 1:2445, just 1+45 seconds off the track record despite the track conditions.[62]

His next target was the Saratoga Cup but he showed signs of lameness after a 10-furlong workout on August 22, again in the right forefoot. Veterinarian William Wright diagnosed the problem as a "bruised digital cushion, with a secondary inflammation of the bursae between the navicular and coffin bone." He was retired with a record of 21 wins from 22 starts, and earnings of $785,420, then fourth all-time behind Citation, Stymie and Armed.[63]

Native Dancer was voted the United States Horse of the Year for 1954, beating High Gun by 19 votes to 11 in the Daily Racing Form poll[64] and winning the TRA award for the second time.[65] He appeared on the May 31 cover of Time magazine. Many consider the "Gray Ghost of Sagamore" to have been the first Thoroughbred television star and TV Guide ranked him as a top icon of the era".[34][66]


  1. ^ tied the world record
  2. ^ wagering was not allowed

Stud record[edit]

At stud, Native Dancer sired 43 stakes winners (or 44 according to one source) from 306 foals.[2] His male-line descendants, particularly through his grandson Mr. Prospector, have dominated the US Triple Crown races. He is also the damsire of Northern Dancer, arguably the most influential stallion of the 20th century.

Although Native Dancer never led the American sire list, he did finish second in 1966 and sixth in 1965. He was also second in the English sire list of 1963, and seventh in the French sire list of 1963.[2]

Among Native Dancer's notable offspring are:[2][67][68]

  • Atan - sire of major sire Sharpen Up
  • Dan Cupid – won Prix du Bois and other stakes races in France; sire of Sea-Bird (won Epsom Derby and Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe)
  • Dancer's Image - won 1968 Kentucky Derby (disqualified)
  • Exclusive Dancer - stakes winner and important broodmare[69]
  • Gala Performance - won Jim Dandy Stakes: sire of steeplechasers, including West Tip, the winner of the 1986 Aintree Grand National.
  • Good Move - won Selima Stakes etc.
  • Hula Dancer - raced in France and England where her wins included the 1,000 Guineas
  • Kauai King - won the 1966 Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes
  • Natalma - dam of Northern Dancer
  • Native Charger - won the 1965 Flamingo Stakes, Florida Derby
  • Native Prince – won Great American Stakes etc.
  • Native Street - multiple stakes wins including the 1966 Kentucky Oaks
  • Protanto - multiple stakes wins including the 1971 Whitney Stakes
  • Raise a Native - co-champion two-year-old colt of 1963. important sire of Majestic Prince, Alydar and leading sire Mr. Prospector, as well as Exclusive Native, who sired Affirmed and Genuine Risk
  • Secret Step – won King George Stakes and July Cup etc. in England
  • Shenanigans - 1975 Kentucky Broodmare of the Year. Dam of the champion filly Ruffian and influential sire Icecapade[70]
  • Street Dancer won Santa Ana Handicap etc.[71]

Native Dancer's bloodline is credited with creating "precocious, speedy Thoroughbreds that dominate the Derby and other Triple Crown events." By 2008, every entrant in the Kentucky Derby was a descendant. However, he is also faulted for passing on his massive build and hard-pounding stride action, rendering many of his descendants vulnerable to injury. In the mid-2000s, there had been a troubling number of high profile breakdowns, including that of Barbaro (who was distantly related to Native Dancer through his dam.) As the grandsire of both Mr. Prospector and Northern Dancer, the two most important sires of the late twentieth century, a certain degree of inbreeding to Native Dancer became inevitable, potentially exacerbating the issue. "There's a lack of durability right now," said Ric Waldman, the former head of operations for Windfields Farm. "We're dealing with the law of diminishing returns."[66] Vanderbilt's son Alfred G. Vanderbilt defended the stallion's legacy. "All these great horses are not descended from him because he's fragile," he said. "They're descended because he was a champion and he was durable."[72]

Native Dancer died on November 16, 1967, following the surgical removal of a tumor on the wall of the small intestine. He was buried at Sagamore Farm.[73][74]


Native Dancer was inducted into the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in 1963.[75] He was inducted into the Maryland State Athletic Hall of Fame in 2014.[76]

In the Blood-Horse magazine ranking of the top 100 U.S. thoroughbred champions of the 20th century, Native Dancer was ranked #7.[77] In the Associated Press rankings of the greatest racehorses of the 20th century, he was ranked #3, tied with Citation, behind only Man o' War and Secretariat.[78]

In August 2015, a statue of Native Dancer by Gwen Reardon was unveiled at Centennial Park in Saratoga Springs. The statue was donated to the city by Marylou Whitney and John Hendrickson. Native Dancer was undefeated in his six starts at nearby Saratoga Race Course.[79]


Native Dancer is shown as descending from (family 5-f),[2][81] which traces back to the Bazajet Mare. However, the female descendants of his third-dam La Chica have a type of mitochondrial DNA that is inconsistent with other descendants of this family. As mitochondrial DNA is passed exclusively in the female line, this indicates a pedigree error occurred at some point between the Bazajet Mare's foaling in 1754 and La Chica's in 1930.[82]

See also[edit]

  • List of leading Thoroughbred racehorses


  1. ^ "Native Dancer Profile". www.equibase.com. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Hunter, Avalyn. "Native Dancer (horse)". American Classic Pedigrees. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  3. ^ a b "Everyone Wants to Get in the Act, But Native Dancer Is Maryland's". The New York Times. 5 April 1953. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
  4. ^ a b c Roach, James (19 April 1953). "38,201 AT JAMAICA SEE NATIVE DANCER WIN 10TH STRAIGHT; Undefeated Colt, Making 1953 Debut, Takes First Section of Gotham by 2 Lengths". The New York Times. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
  5. ^ Hunter, Avalyn (2003). American classic pedigrees (1914-2002) : a decade-by-decade review of Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont winners, plus Kentucky Oaks and Coaching Club American Oaks (1st ed.). Eclipse Press. pp. 278–280. ISBN 1-58150-095-5.
  6. ^ Ahnert (editor in chief), Rainer L. (1970). Thoroughbred Breeding of the World. Germany: Pozdun Publishing. pp. 426–7.
  7. ^ Hunter, Avalyn. "Discovery (horse)". American Classic Pedigrees. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
  8. ^ Daley, Arthur (9 May 1954). "Sports of The Times; A Matter of Color". The New York Times. Retrieved 27 July 2019.
  9. ^ Daley, Arthur (20 April 1953). "Sports of The Times; A Waltz for the Dancer". The New York Times. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
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  • Boyd, Eva Jolene (2000), Native Dancer, Lexington, KY: Eclipse Press, ISBN 1-58150-048-3.
  • Eisenberg, John (2003), Native Dancer: The Grey Ghost, Hero of a Golden Age, New York: Warner Books, ISBN 0-446-53070-0.