List of Star Wars characters

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This incomplete list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014. Following its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company in 2012, Lucasfilm rebranded most of the novels, comics, video games and other works produced since the originating 1977 film Star Wars as Star Wars Legends and declared them non-canon to the rest of the franchise.[1][2][3] As such, the list contains only information from the Skywalker Saga films, the 2008 animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and works published after April 2014.

The list is organized in humans and various alien species. No droid characters are included, so for those, see the list of Star Wars droid characters. Some of the characters featured in this list have additional or alternate plotlines in the non-canonical Legends continuity. To see those or characters who do not exist at all in the current Star Wars canon, see the list of Star Wars Legends characters and list of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters.


Humans are a sentient, sapient species in the fictional Star Wars universe. They are the most numerous and dominant species, with apparently millions of major and minor colonies galaxy-wide. Humans are native to many different worlds, and they are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities that are both individual and unique. They are the only race accepted as pure by Emperor Palpatine.

By the time the hyperdrive was invented, humans were already present on a few scattered worlds throughout the galaxy; according to the New Essential Chronology, the humans of Coruscant managed to send out a number of 'sleeper ships' between the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the invention of the hyperdrive. Star Wars humans are mostly biologically identical to real-life humans.[citation needed]

The presence of ordinary humans in the story is important dramatically and the first movie establishes their vulnerability and weakness.[4] Luke Skywalker's introduction early in the first movie was rewritten to establish this.[5]

In the Star Wars mythology, the human homeworld, according to the New Essential Chronology, is generally believed to be Coruscant. However, there is actually no real consensus on the issue; according to releases from the official site, the ancient human home world has simply been lost to history.

Star Wars humans live on many different worlds throughout the galaxy, with many populations living together with several other species—something which is most common[citation needed] either on the cosmopolitan worlds at the core, such as on Coruscant, or on the frontier at the Outer Rim of the galaxy, such as on Tatooine.

Skywalker and Solo families

Extended family

  • Naberrie family - Padmé Amidala's family
  • Lars family - Luke's adoptive family
  • Organa family - Leia's adoptive family


Human Force-sensitive characters. They are divided into Jedi and those affiliated with the light side of the Force; and Sith and those affiliated with the dark side (such as Dark Jedi, who are former Jedi who have fallen to the dark side, and Inquisitors, who are Jedi hunters trained by Darth Vader and serving the Empire).

Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic is a democractic government, overseen by a Galactic Senate, that governed most of the known galaxy for thousands of years. With the help of the Jedi Order, it maintained intergalactic peace, but during its last years, it became highly corrupt, causing numerous planets and systems to abandon the Republic and form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The ensuing conflict between the two factions became known as the Clone Wars, which Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and the mastermind behind the war, took advantage of to manipulate the Republic's Senators and citizens into supporting his plans for the government's reorganization into the Galactic Empire for the purpose of intergalactic "peace". The Republic serves as the protagonist faction of the prequel trilogy, which depicts its downfall and conversion into the Empire.

Clone troopers

Clone troopers were the soldiers of the Galactic Republic's army during the Clone Wars. Created from Jango Fett's DNA, they were genetically modified to have accelerated growth and be predisposed toward unquestioning obedience to the chain of command, including being outfitted with mind-controlling biochips, which were put to use during Order 66, when the clone troopers were forced to execute their Jedi Generals. Following the Republic's reorganization into the Galactic Empire, clone troopers were slowly replaced by stormtroopers.

Confederacy of Independent Systems

The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) is an organization of multiple planets and systems formerly part of the Galactic Republic, who decided to secess after becoming annoyed with the corruption and injustice within the Galactic Senate. Formed by Count Dooku under the orders of his master, Darth Sidious, it is the main antagonistic faction of the prequel trilogy. Most of the planets that made up the Confederacy attempted to earn their freedom by force, engaging in the three year-long Clone Wars with the Republic using an army of battle droids. Once Sidious achieved his goal of scaring the people of the Republic into supporting his plans for the formation of a Galactic Empire, he ended the Clone Wars by having his new apprentice, Darth Vader, kill the Separatist Council leaders. The remaining systems of the Confederacy were subsequently reabsorbed into the newly formed Empire.

Rebel Alliance

The Rebel Alliance is an organization of multiple planets and systems that oppose the rule of the Galactic Empire, with which it engages in the five year-long Galactic Civil War. It serves as the protagonist faction of the original trilogy. The Partisans are a faction or Rebels led by Saw Gerrera known for their extreme methods, who have distanced themselves from the rest of the Alliance. Rogue One is a squad of Rebel soldiers formed in the film of the same name that embarked on a suicide mission to steal the Death Star's schematics.

Erso and Gerrera family

Galactic Empire

The First Galactic Empire is an autocracy formed by Emperor Palpatine at the end of the Clone Wars, replacing the old Galactic Republic. Palpatine's rise to power and manipulation of the Galactic Senate into supporting his plans for the formation of an empire and extermination of the Jedi Order with the purpose of intergalactic "peace" are depicted in the prequel trilogy. In the original trilogy, the Empire serves as the main antagonistic faction. At its peak, the Empire sprawled most of the known Star Wars galaxy. The Empire was eventually defeated by the Rebel Alliance and collapsed, but some remnants continued to exist for 30 years and reunited to form the First Order.

The stormtroopers are the elite, faceless shock troops serving the Empire's military. Originally the clone troopers of the Republic's army, over time they became mostly human recruits.


The Resistance is a military organization founded and led by Leia Organa, and the successor of the Rebel Alliance. It fought against the First Order to defend the New Republic and maintain peace in the galaxy, 30 years after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. It is the protagonist faction of the sequel trilogy.

New Republic

The New Republic is a democractic government established in the aftermath of the Galactic Empire's defeat. Formed from the Rebel Alliance and meant to be a restoration of the old Galactic Republic, it governed most of the known galaxy, until it fell after the First Order destroyed its capital, the Hosnian Prime system. The New Republic is only briefly featured in the sequel trilogy, but has a more prominent presence in related works.

First Order

The First Order is an autocratic military dictatorship and the successor of the Galactic Empire, formed from its remnants. Its main goal is to overthrow the New Republic and destroy the Resistance and Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi. It is the central antagonistic faction of the sequel trilogy. Ruled by Supreme Leader Snoke, a Force-sensitive being created by the resurrected Sheev Palpatine to act as his puppet ruler, the First Order succeeded in destroying the New Republic and conquering much of the known galaxy, especially during Kylo Ren's reign, who killed Snoke and became the next Supreme Leader. Near the end of its one-year-long war with the Resistance, it allied itself with the Sith Eternal, a secret cult of Sith loyalists led by Palpatine on Exegol, though both were ultimately defeated by the remains of the Resistance and the civilians of the galaxy, who finally gathered the courage to rise against their oppressors.

Much like the Empire before it, the First Order uses stormtroopers as its main military. Most stormtroopers are children who had been abducted from their homes and brainwashed into serving the First Order.

Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers


Mandalorians are a culture of humans from the planet Mandalore with strong warrior traditions. Most of them wear armor and helmets, the strongest ones made from beskar, a blaster-resistant steel that is originally from Mandalore. The Mandalorian culture was carried on by humans from Mandalore around the galaxy. The name of their home planet, "Mandalore", is the same as the title given to their leader. The Mandalorians are also associated with the Darksaber, a black-bladed lightsaber built by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, which has since become a symbol of power for the Mandalorian people and is passed from a leader to the next.

Naboo humans

Humans who are native to the planet of Naboo.

Tatooine humans

Humans who are native to the planet of Tatooine.

Sorgan humans

Humans who are native to the planet of Sorgan.

Versio family

Uncategorized humans

Other sentient species

A mix of non-human characters from the Star Wars galaxy, organized by species, in alphabetical order.



Abednedos are a humanoid, sentient species native to the planet Abednedo. They have either brown or tan skin, mouth tendrils, long faces, and widely spaced fleshy nostrils. Abednedos are known for their ingenuity, and generally peaceful nature, being acceptant of other species.


Abyssins are a humanoid, cycloptic, sentient species native to Byss. They have green or blue skin, can regenerate missing limbs, and can live for up to 300 years.


The Aleena are a short, humanoid, sentient species native to Aleen. They have scaly skin, elongated skulls, and large mouths with tiny teeth.


Anacondans are a large, snake-like sentient species.


Anzellans are a diminutive sentient species native to Anzellan. Their eyes have corneal micro-lenses that can see microscopic details.


The Aqualish are a species of tusked humanoids from the planet Ando. They can have either two or four eyes, fur around their cheeks, and varying skin color and number of fingers. The Aqualish have a reputation of being nasty, crude, and aggressive.


Ardennians are a species of short, four-armed, monkey-like humanoids from the planet Ardennia.


Artiodacs are a hulking, humanoid, sentient species from Artiod Minor. They are distinguished by their broad, flat noses, bulging arms, and deep, rumbling voices.


Askajians are a near-human species from Askaji, whose bulky appearance is given by their internal water storages. They are also distinguished by their wrinkled foreheads and six breasts (present at females).


Bardottans are a humanoid, reptilian-like sentient species from Bardotta. They are distinguished by their long, curving necks, pointed snouts, and crested heads, and are a generally insular and secretive society.


Besalisks are a humanoid, four-armed, sentient species from Ojom. Often thick-set, they are also distinguished by their bony, three-pronged headcrests, inflatable wattles, and wide mouths, with large, pudgy lips. Besalisks are known to be industrious and hardworking.


The Bith are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Bith. They are distinguished by their bald, domed heads, black, glassy eyes, and skin flaps on their faces, which are used to smell because they lack noses. They are a generally intelligent and peaceful species, and are known to be good scientists, engineers, and musicians.


The Blarina are a species of short, pudgy, sentient humanoids from the planet Rina Major. They have snouts, tough skin, and small eyes. The Blarina are famously accomplished liars, and are known to be highly sociable and fond of words, often talking very quickly and incomprehensibly.


Cereans are a near-human species from the planet Cerea, distinguished by their coned skulls, which hold their binary brains. They are known to be an intelligent species, although their homeworld lacks most of the advanced technology found on other planets.


Chagrians are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from the planet Champala. They are distinguished by their long horns, head tentacles with additional horns, forked tongue, and varying skin color. Chagrians are known for their skills as military commanders.


The Chiss are a near-human species native to Csilla, distinguished by their blue skin, red eyes, and dark blue-black hair. Prior to Thrawn's rise within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, the Chiss had relatively very little contact with the rest of the galaxy, and some even considered their existence a myth.


Clawdites are a species of sentient, shape-shifting, reptilian humanoids from the planet Zolan. With their unique ability they can impersonate virtually any humanoid, although the shape-shifting requires great concentration and they return to their true, reptilian form if knocked unconscious or killed.


Cloddograns are a humanoid species with four arms and nose tendrils.


Cosians are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species native to Cosia. They are short in stature and have beaked mouths, four-fingered hands, and medium-length tails. A genetically-engineered subspecies called Nu-Cosians also exists.


Crolutes are a species of hulking, amphibian, sentient humanoids from the planet Crule, distinguished by their blobfish-like faces. They are all males, while their mates, called Gilliands, are exclusively female. Crolutes rarely travel beyond their homeworld and its moons.


Delphidians are a near-human species from the planet Delphidian Cluster, with dark gray, leathery, and striated skin.


Devaronians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Devaronian. They are distinguished by their two horns (present only at males), pointed ears, and sharp teeth. The males are known for their spirit of travel and are among the first species in the galaxy to develop interstellar travel, while the females usually remain on their homeworld to look after the children and govern the place.


The Dianoga are large, highly adaptable cephalopods from the planet Vodran. They live in semi-aquatic environments, like swamps and sewers, and are a sentient, but primitive species.


Dowutins are a species of large, sentient humanoids native to Dowut. They have a bulky build, brown-orange skin, and two chin horns. They are known for their strength, and can live for several centuries.


Dressellians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Dressel, distinguished by their round, hairless, wrinkled faces.


Dugs are a sentient species from the planet Malastare, distinguished by their elongated faces, and the fact that they walk on their arms. They are known to be very greedy.


Duros (or "Durosians") are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Duro, with large, ovular heads, red eyes and blue skin. They are known for their superior astronavigational skills, and were supposedly the first to discover and utilize hyperspace, resulting in the development of hyperdrives and other related technological advancements.


The Er'Kit are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Er'Kit. They have white-blue skin, long skinny legs, and elongated skulls.


Ewoks are a small, furry, sentient species who live in trees on the forest moon of Endor. While primitive, they have proven themselves to be loyal, skilled hunters, and ingenious in designing their traps.[190]



The Falleen are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species native to Falleen. They have green skin, ridged skulls, and long, black hair, usually worn in ponytails.


The Faust are a species of tall, slender, gray or purple-skinned humanoids native to Adana. They are recognized by their narrow faces and two sets of eyelids.


Gabdorins are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species with large, round heads, ridged nostrils, and massive sweat glands.


Gamorreans are a humanoid, pig-like, sentient species native to Gamorr. They have green, thick, and hairless skin, large-nostriled snouts, and upturned tusks. Gamorreans are known for their low intelligence, strength, and love of conflict and violence.


The Gand are a humanoid, insectoid, sentient species native to Gand. They have three-fingered hands, two-toed feet, and large, silver-coloured eyes. They wear respiratory masks in oxygen-rich environments, because it is toxic to them.


Geonosians are a humanoid, winged, insectoid sentient species native to Geonosis. They live in large colonies like insects, and are generally regarded as a primitive species, but are skilled engineers and operated the Confederacy of Independent Systems' battle droid factories during the Clone Wars.


Gossams are a humanoid, sentient species native to Castell. They have wrinkled skin, squat bodies, and long, thin necks. They are known to care about status, power, and wealth, and most wear expensive jewelry for this reason, such as neck rings.


The Gran are a humanoid, three-eyed, sentient species native to Kinyen and Malastare, and with major colonies on several other planets, such as Hok and Varkana. They have brown-orange skin, goat-like snouts, bulky hands, and small antennae-like nubs. The Gran of Kinyen are known for their peaceful nature, pursuing simple careers like farmers, while others have more dangerous pastimes.


Gungans are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient and sapient species native to the swamps of Naboo. They have a very flexible skeletal structure, long necks and head tails, and muscular tongues. While usually regarded as clumsy and primitive, they have proven themselves to be very loyal and ingenious.[201]


Harches are a humanoid, spider-like, sentient species native to Secundus Ando. They have six arms, six red eyes, fangs, and brown or white hair that covers most of their body, and can supposedly live for centuries.


Hutts are a portly, grotesque, slug-like sentient species native to Nal Hutta. They are often depicted as being very greedy and very gluttonous. Some famous Hutts, such as Jabba the Hutt, are crime lords, and speak in their native language, Huttese.[204]


The Iktotchi are a near-human species from the planet Iktotch, recognizable by their large cranial horns.


Ithorians are a species of humanoids from the planet Ithor, with curved necks and two mouths, located on the sides of the neck. Their faces resemble those of hammerhead sharks, for which reason they were nicknamed "hammerheads".



The Kaleesh are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from the planet Kalee. They have red skin, elongated ears, and flat noses (which are rarely seen because they wear masks), and are known for being skilled and merciless warriors and hunters.


Kaminoans are a species of tall, thin, amphibian, sentient humanoids from the ocean planet Kamino. They have white skin, large eyes, and long necks and limbs. Kaminoans are skilled scientists specialized in cloning technology, and oversaw the creation and training of the Republic's Clone army during the Clone Wars.


The Karkarodon are a humanoid, shark-like, amphibian sentient species from the planet Karkaris. With their webbed feet and hands and sharp teeth, they are fast swimmers and skilled hunters.

Kel Dors

Kel Dors are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Dorin. Their body is covered by a leathery hide, which allows them to survive the vacuum of space for a brief time, and they wear respiratory masks and protective eye goggles on planets with oxygen-rich atmospheres, because it is toxic to them.


The Kiffar are a near-human species from the planets Kiffu and Kiffex, distinguished by their ceremonial tattoos and scarlet blood.


The Kitonak are a species native to Kirdo III, distinguished by their white-pink and tough skin, large hands and feet, and tiny eyes, ears and mouths. They are known to be slow and patient, but also skilled musicians.


Klatooinians are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from Klatooine. They are distinguished by their leathery skin, imposing brows, and toothy underbites.


The Koorivar are a near-human sentient species with reptilian-like skin and a large cranial horn that spirals upwards from their skull.

Kowakian monkey-lizards

Kowakian monkey-lizards are a small, semi-sentient species from Kowak. They have beak-like mouths, long ears, medium-length tails, and a distinct laughter, which is used to scare predators on their homeworld. Most are kept as pets by members of the underworld.


The Kubaz are a humanoid sentient species from Kubindi, distinguished by their long snouts, dark skin, protective eyewear, and unique manner of speech, consisting of a series of whirring syllables.


The Kyuzo are a humanoid, sentient species from Phatrong. They have green skin, wrinkled faces, and yellow eyes, and are known for their exceptional combat abilities and fast reflexes. When not on their homeworld, Kyuzo always wear masks to filter the atmosphere, which conceal most of their faces.


Lanniks are a species of short humanoids from the planet Lannik, with long, droppy ears. They are known for their honor and bravery.


Lasats are a humanoid, sentient species native to Lira San, though they later settled on Lasan. They are very tall, strong, and agile, and possess superior sight and hearing thanks to their large eyes and ears, respectively. Lasats are distinguished by their prehensile feet, and varying fur patterns, which are unique for every individual. The species was nearly driven to extinction by the Empire.


The Latero are a short, four-armed, humanoid sentient species from Lateron. They have small, pointed ears, gray skin, and gray sideburns hair.


The Lepi are species of bipedal, humanoid, sentient rabbits.


The Lurmen are a species of diminutive, lemur-like humanoids from Mygeeto. They have brown and gray fur, large yellow eyes, and medium-length tails. Pacifists by nature, they have often found themselves oppressed for this reason.


The Mellito are a humanoid, insectoid, sentient species from Li-Torran. They lack eyes and mouths, and are capable of sensing their environment using super-sensitive hairs called cilia. They also wear masks and use breathing tubes to filter other planets' atmospheres, as most contain substances that are toxic to them.


The Miraluka are a species of near-humans, distinguished by their lack of eyes. The only known member of this species, Prosset Dibs, could use the Force to make up for his lack of eyesight and become familiar with his surroundings


Mirialans are a near-human species from Mirial. They are distinguished from humans by their skin color (yellow, green, pink, or purple), and geometric tattoos on their faces. Mirialans are known for their spirituality and strong connection with the world around them.

Mon Calamari

Mon Calamari are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species native to Mon Cala. They have salmon-coloured skin (though their skin may have other tones as well, including light blue, dark blue, green, and purple), a high-domed head with large, sideways eyes, and webbed hands. They are known for their swimming and engineering abilities.

Mortis Gods

The Mortis Gods are a family of three mythical, immortal, and god-like beings who are the sole inhabitants of the Force realm Mortis. They are believed to be the embodiments of the Force itself: the light side, the dark side, and the balance between the two.


Muuns are a tall, thin, humanoid sentient species with elongated skulls and flat noses. Known across the galaxy as greed-driven bankers, they ran the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Galactic Republic era.


The Mythrol are a humanoid, sentient species with blue skin and amphibious traits.


Nautolans are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from Glee Anselm. They are distinguished by their head tentacles, which allow them to detect chemicals, and large, black, pupil-less eyes. Nautolans are a generally peaceful species, but can be strong warriors when needed to.


Neimoidians are a humanoid large-eyed, amphibian, and reptilian-like sapient species native to Neimoidia.[229] They are known for their dishonesty, wealth, and cowardice, as well as for being in charge of the Trade Federation during the Galactic Republic era.


The Nikto are a humanoid sentient species native to Kintan. There are at least three known subspecies: the Red Nikto (Kajain'sa'Nikto), the Green Nikto (Kadas'sa'Nikto), and the Mountain Nikto (Esral'sa'Nikto); the former two have scaly, coarse skin and horns and spikes on their face, while the latter present no horns and have facial fins instead.


The Noghri are a humanoid, short, sentient species native to Honoghr. They have grey, leathery skin with a row of horns on their head, sharp teeth, and clawed fingers, and are known for their exceptional combat abilities and keen sense of smell.


Nosaurians are a humanoid sentient species from the planet New Plympto. They are distinguished by their six horns, red eyes, and orange, white, and yellow skin, and are considered to be ill-tempered.


Ongrees a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from Skustell. They are distinguished by sideways eyes, located underneath their mouths, four nostrils, and lipless mouths. Most Ongrees are considered to be even-minded individuals and are skilled diplomats and negotiators.


Ortolan are a species of squat, blue-skinned, sentient humanoids from Orto. They are distinguished by their large, floppy ears, trunk-like noses, and black eyes, and are known to consume large amounts of nutrients through their fingers. Some Ortolans have no arms.


Ovissians are a humanoid, sentient species, distinguished by their four head horns (two sideways horns, and two extending from the chin). They can have either green or orange skin, which matches the color of their blood.



Pa'lowicks are a sentient species from Lowick. They have bulbous bodies supported by long, reed-thin legs, small eyes located in stalks on the top of their heads, and long, thin, trunk-like mouths.


Palliduvans are a near-human species, with chalky white skin, and long, bony fingers, with which they can draw blood.


Pantorans are a near-human species from the moon of Pantora, distinguished by their blue skin.


Pau'ans are a species of gaunt, tall, and long-limbed humanoids from Utapau. They have white or gray skin, sunken eyes, and sharp, jugged teeth. Pau'ans are an intelligent and peaceful species, though they often seem afraid of outsiders.


Phindians are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from Phindar. They have green-yellow skin, long arms, and elongated skulls, and are known to be very cautious.


Pykes are a humanoid, sentient species from Oba Diah. They are distinguished by their elongated, tapered skulls with an undersized face. The Pykes are best known for running the Pyke Syndicate, an illegal spice-dealing group.


The Quarren are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from Mon Cala. They have four tentacles protruding from their jaws, for which reason they are nicknamed "squid heads" around the galaxy, as well as suction-cup tipped fingers, and the ability to spit ink in self-defense. They are more introverted than the Mon Calamari, with whom they share their homeworld, and rarely invite strangers to their planet.


Quermians are a species of gaunt, tall, long-necked and white-skinned humanoids from Quermia.


Rodians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Rodia. They have green skin, antennas, large pupil-less eyes, a row of spike on the back of their head, slender snouts, and fingers with suction cups at the end.

Shawda Ubb

The Shawda Ubb are a diminutive, amphibian, sentient species with green skin and small faces that sport heavy brow ridges.


Skakoans are a humanoid, sentient species native to Skakoa. They have crown-shaped skulls and are required to wear special suits with breathing masks to survive off their homeworld. Skakoans are best known for running the Techno Union during the Galacic Republic era.


The Skembo are a sentient species. They have short legs and long, prehensile tongues with which they could seize food.


Snivvians, also known as "snaggletooths", are a short, humanoid, sentient species native to Cadomai Prime. They have a protruding lower jaw with two small tusks, and large nostrils. Snivvians have great tracking skills, and are good scouts and trackers.


Sullustans are a humanoid, sentient species native to Sullust. They are mouse-eyed and have two flaps of jowls around their cheeks. Sullustans are a sophisticated species and experts at manufacturing, scientific and technological development, and economics.


The Tarsunt are a humanoid, sentient species from Tarsunt. They have long faces, widely spaced nostrils, and hair on various places of their body, including their faces, where it resembles a beard.


Teedos are a short, humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from Jakku. They have three-fingered hands and feet, and are almost always wrapped completely in clothing. All Teedos are identical, sharing the same name and a telepathic connection that allows one Teedo to recount events experienced by another.[252]

Terrelian Jango Jumpers

Terrelian Jango Jumpers are a humanoid, sentient species from Terrelia. They are tall, slender and very acrobatic, while having blue, gray, and white skin.


Thissipiasians are a humanoid, serpentine, sentient species from Thisspias. While the lower part of their bodies is snake-like, they have arms and can grow facial hair.


Tholothians are a near-human species from Tholoth, distinguished by their scaled craniums and head tendrils.


The Togruta are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Shili. They are distinguished by their twin montrals (broad-based horns) and three, rarely four, "head tails" called lekku (similar to those of Twi'leks), which are all striped to help them blend in with their natural surroundings. Togrutas are known for their solidarity and for possessing a form of passive echolocation by means of their hollow montrals, which allows them to sense space and the proximity and movement of physical objects around them.


The Toong are a humanoid, sentient species from Tund, with disproportionately large heads for their bodies.


Toydarians are a species of short, winged humanoids from Toydaria. They have long snouts, tusks, and webbed feet, and have been shown to be strong-willed, resisting Force mind tricks.


Trandoshans are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species from Trandosha, known for their hunting abilities and bad history with the Wookiees. They are tall and muscular and have a pointed skull, sharp teeth, long claws, and four fingers on their hands and three on their feet.


Triffians are a humanoid, sentient species recognized by their triangle-shaped appendages that extend from their shoulders to their heads.


The Trodatome are a slug-like sentient species that lack arms, but possess sensory antennas and flippers.


Troigs are a two-headed and four-armed humanoid sentient species from Pollillus.

Tusken Raiders

Tusken Raiders, also known as Sand People or simply Tuskens, are a culture of nomadic, primitive, sentient indigenous native to Tatooine. They are almost always wrapped completely in clothing, concealing their identity. Tuskens are known for their aggressivity towards strangers, whom they consider a threat, and unique manner of speech, which combines vocal sounds (mostly screams) with sign language.


Twi'leks are a humanoid, sentient species native to Ryloth. They are distinguished by their "head-tails" called lekku that extend from the back of their head, and varying skin color. Twi'leks have a history of being oppressed by other species, with females often being sold as slaves to members of the criminal underworld.



Ugnaughts are a short, humanoid, sentient species from the planet Gentes, with pig-like faces. They are considered to be one of the hardest-working species in the galaxy.


Umbarans are a near-human species from Umbara, distinguished by their pale skin and colorless eyes, with which they can see in the ultraviolet spectrum. They have developed technology much more advanced than that found in the rest of the galaxy.


Veknoids are a humanoid, sentient species from Moonus Mandel, distinguished by their large under-bites, sharp teeth, slender tails, and fleshy ears.


Vulptereens are a species of stocky humanoids, recognizable by their shovel-like snouts which sport six tusks and a single long feeler.


The Vurk are a humanoid, sentient species native to Sembla. They are distinguished by their bony crests on the top of their heads (similar to those of the parasaurolophus), and three-fingered hands. While regarded as a primitive species, the Vurk are highly empathetic and skilled mediators.


Weequays are a humanoid, sentient species native to Sriluur. They are distinguished by their though, leathery skin, which helped them survive the harsh life conditions of their homeworld. Most of them are pirates, mercenaries, and bounty hunters, as a result of the Hutts' takeover of Sriluur.


Wookiees are a large, hairy, primate-like sentient species native to Kashyyyk, that slightly resemble the modern-day depictions of Sasquatch. They are known for their strength, loyalty, unique manner of speech (depicted as a series of growls and purrs), and bad history with the Trandoshans.


The Xexto are a species of short, four-armed humanoids from the planet Troiken. They have white skin, glassy eyes, and long necks and fingers.


The Yakura (also known as Yakorans) are a humanoid, sentient species, with yak-like faces.

Yoda's species

"Yoda's species" is the name given to a species of diminutive, green-skinned, sentient creatures, of which the popular character Yoda is a member. The species is characterised by their pointy ears, strong connection to the Force, and slow aging, for which reason they can live for several centuries. Much about the species, including its name and origins, has been deliberately left vague.[285][286][287]


Yuzzums are a humanoid, round-bodied, furred, sentient species from the forest moon of Endor. They have long limbs compared to the rest of their body, medium-length antennae, big mouths, and no neck. Yuzzums are considered a primitive and unintelligent species.


Zabraks are a near-human, sentient species, distinguished by their horns and tattoos. Most originate from Iridonia (in which case they are also referred to as Iridonians), though some males also lived on Dathomir (in which case they are referred to as Dathomirians), as part of the warrior clan called the Nightbrothers, who served the witches known as the Nightsisters.


Zygerrians are a humanoid, feline-like sentient species from Zygerria, who had built and run the biggest slave empire in the galaxy, until the Jedi overthrew them and outlawed slavery. Attempts to rebuild the empire were made during the Clone Wars and the Imperial Era, but were thwarted.

Unknown species

See also

  • List of The Mandalorian characters
  • List of Star Wars creatures
  • List of Star Wars droid characters
  • List of Star Wars Legends characters
  • List of Star Wars Rebels characters
  • List of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters
  • List of Star Wars cast members
  • List of Star Wars: The Clone Wars cast members
  • List of Star Wars books


  1. ^ In The Rise of Skywalker (2019), Palpatine attributes his return to "abilities some consider to be unnatural".[32] The novelization of The Rise of Skywalker expands on Palpatine's method of return.[33]
  2. ^ A character using the alias "Dengar Roth" appears in Dark Force Rising.
  3. ^ Bossk's reptilian mask was also originally used for a different character in the Mos Eisley cantina from A New Hope, while his yellow and white spacesuit, also seen in the cantina, is a real RAF pressure suit from the 1960s.[255][256]


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