
The article Bitcoin, along with other pages relating to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, is designated by the community as a contentious topic. The current restrictions are:

Editors who repeatedly or seriously fail to adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, any expected standards of behaviour, or any normal editorial process may be sanctioned.

If you are unsure if your edit is appropriate, discuss it here on this talk page first. Remember: When in doubt, don't revert!

Example: "I installed bitcoin software, downloaded the bitcoin blockchain, and received 1 bitcoin after giving my bitcoin address to my employer. I received 0.03 bitcoins as a tip. Maybe I'll sell my bitcoins on a bitcoin exchange."

Shall we including this statement diff in the LEAD: "and was responsible for 0.2% of world greenhouse gas emissions."[1] (or similar)? Thanks! Jtbobwaysf (talk) 10:07, 8 January 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Note, the statement (and other similar and often cited statements related to are anchored by a group of mostly students that seem to promote themselves as climate activists and influencers related to this position.