Talk:Car bomb

Perhaps there could be a 'target' field for the table? This would be especially useful for detailling assassinations, but I can see layout issues with the table becoming overly large. Comments?James D. Forrester 02:21 May 13, 2003 (UTC)

Am I the only one that think the table is bloody rediculous. Any potential terrorist could come on here and get ideas as to the best vehicle to use for a car bombing. There is no need for this table.

or maybe he could just use google and find 1 million other websites, security throught obscurity is no security, merelly misinformation

Why there is no citation of this: article seems prety one sided??

I'd disagree about putting location before target for assassinations, as, well, the 'important' part is the person, not where it occured. Also, locations should always specify the country, shouldn't they? Quite apart from anything else, specifying Beirut being in Lebannon, but not doing so for other countries makes it look like the only reason this policy is being implemented is to make exactly 2 location links for each event...James D. Forrester 03:03 May 13, 2003 (UTC)

The King David Hotel was not a car bombing. The explosives were hidden in milk cans that were placed in the basement of the hotel. They were delivered by truck. Danny