Talk:IP Multimedia Subsystem

Could this page use some information on the differences between IMS/UMA(GAN) and how they compete, differ and complement each other?

UMA/GAN is about mobile devices, whereas IMS is about any device, fixed or mobile, connected to a big single network through SIP/IP.

I believe that in the article should be add some info related to ADAMANTIUM project, which is a european research project that aims at optimizing current IMS infrastructure with a Perceived Quality of Service aware adaptation management system. For more info please have a look at

ChrisBarronI would explain optimisation as follows. If you first of all just take the words as plain english 'optimisation' can be taken to mean make best use of. The IMS protocol suite will be capable of establishing a session between two devices with a minimum of interconnecting stages. In a telecom network, fixed, mobile or even VoIP, each stage generates a charge and therefore revenue to the carrier. There is something of a disincentive for networks to invest in such optimisation. The converse argument is that the network with the most effective IMS will cause users to migrate more and more devices and sessions towards it and therefore increase overall revenue. At this point we start to get into economics rather than technology - but see [| Hotellings law]-- Chris 00:33, 25 Dec 2005

Hi, I looked this page to learn what IMS is. The author obviously is well versed in IMS, but I found the article suffers from "expert writer core dump syndrome". It's very hard to follow if you don't already understand the material. I was thrown off by the first paragraph. In one sentence it says IMS is a VoIP implementation... and then the next says IMS is used to offer multimedia services; multimeda services encompass more than just Voip, so the first sentence is negated by the second. Also what does "network controlled" mean in the last sentence, first para? I think you are trying to pack too much info in for the overall good

Point taken, but these first sentences came out of a real "introductory text". Note that VOIP is more than voice, it's really multimedia-over-ip : audio, video, graphics, data, ... The phone operators really want to merge everything together (all Internet services), even in mobile packages. But it's still about communication, not an Internet terminal or something. "network controlled" means that they still want full control over everything what happens (read: you'll have to pay) -- Bluezy