
If "Warez" is considered a humanitarian distribution of intellectual material, especially to impoverished peoples, its "value" (in losses to the western economy) is many times greater than most sources of food and intellectual/medical aid. The current values by BSA for non-entertainment "Warez Piracy" are OVER HALF the global value of humanitarian aid from ALL SOURCES.

The global estimates for "Warez Piracy" by BSA.Org for non-entertainment software only are listed in the table at SHIP.BAYWORDS.COM with comparisons to global humanitarian aid, the western educational systems, and various other budgets which are all pegged to a standard increase for many years. The table is linked there, please include to the main page a section on this topic and the EU software patent issues and the International Criminal Court and World Court cases regarding human rights and intellectual freedoms versus these policy claims. Graph Image of Data ... FULL DATA SHEET and I'll hesitate at copying the source data table even though it is clean and public sources due to its size, fully referenced?

Though "Cracking" is defined as the process of analysis and analytic reverse or operative modeling of a system, typically an encryption or cypher, (where "hacking" is the modification resulting from such an understanding), the historical definitions, especially with regard to the economic or intellectual motivations, relate on legal basis to the derogatory terms "Cracker" as Cracker_(pejorative) and Pirate with significant adverse legal implications.

The American Department of Justice Civil Rights Division[1] and United States Secret Service[2] have determined that the reference to individuals related to the non-commerce distribution or economically unbiased dissemination of intellectual materials as "Software cracker" (Cracker_(pejorative)) or "pirate" is both bigotry and a slanderous reference to these individuals. These references, especially published or in court filings, to the distribution of warez, linguistically derived from "Wares" or marketable items typically pedaled by lesser merchants, has been found not only to be derogatory to the individuals, especially in the American Federal Court cases, but also a higher crime than the majority of claimed acts of economic sabotage purported by the various institutions or large corporations with distinctly commercial motivations.

I believe there should be a section talking about how nowadays most sites that are returned when someone tries to search for warez on Google will attempt to install malicious programs, or provide bogus files, or be paid sites (or is it not really like that?)--TiagoTiago (talk) 02:10, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

This page is the destination for the redirected word "Phaze". The word isn't contained in the body of the article that I could find, and I was actually looking for a discussion of the Piers Anthony science fiction/fantasy world of Phaze, from the book "Blue Adept". Thank You. (talk) 20:22, 4 February 2009 (UTC)