
The palpi of the male are minute, whereas those of the female project about the length of head and are downcurved at their extremity. Maxillary palpi filiform. Frons with a conical tuft. Antennae simple. Forewings of male with a large glandular swelling at base of costa below. Vein 3 from before angle of cell. Veins 4 and 5 from angle, which is much produced. Veins 8 and 9 stalked from vein 7. Veins 10 and 11 free. Female with vein 3 from angle of cell, which is not produced. Veins 4 and 5 stalked. Hindwings with open cell. Veins 2, 3, 4 and 5 at regular intervals. Vein 7 anastomosing (fusing) with vein 8.[4]