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The Amazing Race Canada 5 - пятый сезонреалити-шоу The Amazing Race Canada , основанного на американском сериале The Amazing Race . В нем участвуют десять команд по два человека, каждая из которых уже участвует в гонке по Канаде и по всему миру, и проводится Джоном Монтгомери . Главный приз включаетвыплату наличными в размере 250 000 канадских долларов , уникальную поездку на двоих по всему миру с проживанием в Азии, предоставленную новым спонсором Sinorama, и два внедорожника Chevrolet Equinox 2018 года выпуска True North Edition. [1]

Премьера сезона состоялась 4 июля 2017 года, а финал - 12 сентября 2017 года.

Встречающаяся пара Сэм Ламберт и Пол Мицкопулос стали победителями этого сезона.

Производство [ править ]

Разработка и съемка [ править ]

Батарея королевы на вершине Сигнал-Хилл с видом на город Сент-Джонс служила стартовой линией пятого сезона сериала «Удивительная гонка в Канаде» .

12 октября 2016 года телеканал CTV объявил о продлении шоу на пятый сезон. [2]

В этом сезоне во время трансляции каждого эпизода было добавлено несколько интерактивных функций в реальном времени, включая мелочи, опросы и национальную таблицу лидеров. Кроме того, зрители могли исследовать места, которые видели во время гонки, с помощью виртуальных обзоров на 360 градусов , в том числе Стартовая линия этого сезона: Национальное историческое место Сигнал-Хилл в Сент-Джонс , Ньюфаундленде и Лабрадоре . [3]

Среди видеороликов с обзором в 360 градусов на официальной странице CTV на YouTube была игра в подводный хоккей , проходившая в бассейне спортивного центра Гатино в Гатино, Квебек. [4] Это единственное место с обзором на 360 градусов, которое никогда не видели и не упоминали в эфире, поэтому неизвестно, планировалось ли это изначально как задание во время визита 6-го этапа в Гатино, или его просто не транслировали.

По случаю празднования в 2017 году 150-летия Конфедерации Канады на некоторых этапах было выполнено тематическое задание под названием 150 Challenge .

По словам исполнительного продюсера Джона Брантона, заграничный визит в Кению изначально планировался, но был отменен из соображений безопасности. [5]

Кастинг [ править ]

Кастинг начался 12 октября 2016 года, и, как и в предыдущие четыре сезона, онлайн-сайт использовался для подачи заявок и видео для прослушивания. Кастинг завершился 1 декабря 2016 года. В актерский состав входит бывшая участница 3-го цикла канадской Next Top Model Эбони Финли-Роберж, занявшая 8-е место. [2] [6]

Участник конкурса Кеннет Макальпайн погиб в результате несчастного случая в походе на горе Гимли в регионе Западный Кутеней в Британской Колумбии 26 августа 2019 года в возрасте 28 лет. [7] В финале 7-го сезона была фотография Макальпайна и краткое мемориальное послание.

Будущие выступления [ править ]

Сэм и Пол были местными встречающими Пит-стопа во время шестого этапа 6-го сезона в Ирландском парке в их родном городе Торонто. [8]

5 февраля 2020 года Карен и Берт соревновались со своей семьей в эпизоде Family Feud Canada, но не смогли добраться до Fast Money . [9] [10] 30 ноября 2020 года Сэм участвовал в том же шоу со своей семьей. [11]

Программирование [ править ]

Как и в предыдущих сезонах, специальное воссоединение / резюме в конце сезона снова под названием «После гонки», снова организованное актерами The Social , транслировалось сразу после финала сезона со всеми присутствующими командами - за исключением Эбони, которая не смогла присутствовать - для обзор сезона в целом.

Маркетинг [ править ]

Спонсор поездки Hotels.com , спонсор верхней одежды Mountain Equipment Co-op и Mentos прекратили спонсорство; Chevrolet продолжал спонсировать шоу вместе с несколькими спонсорами предыдущих сезонов, Bank of Montreal (BMO). Новыми спонсорами в этом сезоне являются спонсор поездки Sinorama Holidays, бренд Canadian Tire 's Woods в качестве спонсора верхней одежды / одежды и Campbell Soup Company . [1]

В качестве дополнительного маркетинга для спонсора Chevrolet после каждого эпизода в бонусных видеороликах была показана специальная серия победителей предыдущего сезона Стефа Леклера и Кристен Маккензи под названием Backseat Drivers (отсылка к подсказке Roadblock в шестом этапе их сезона). В этих клипах продолжительностью примерно две с половиной минуты Стеф и Кристен обсуждали события предыдущего эпизода, управляя другим автомобилем Chevrolet, иногда останавливаясь, чтобы подобрать команду из предыдущего сезона и обсудить, что изменилось в их жизни. с их соответствующего сезона. В состав художественных команд входили: Хэл и Джоанн и Холли и Бретт из 1 сезона , [12] [13] Рекс и Боб из 2 сезона , [14]Брент и Шон, Гамильтон и Михаэлия из 3 сезона , [15] [16] Фрэнки и Эми из 4 сезона , [17] и победители этого года Сэм и Пол в финальной части. [18]

Результаты [ править ]

В этом сезоне участвовали следующие команды, каждая из которых была указана вместе с указанием места в каждом этапе и взаимоотношений, определенных программой. Обратите внимание, что эта таблица не обязательно отражает весь контент, транслируемый по телевидению, из-за включения или исключения некоторых данных. Места размещения перечислены в порядке завершения:

  • A red team placement means the team was eliminated.
  • An underlined leg number indicates that there was no mandatory rest period at the Pit Stop and all teams were ordered to continue racing. The first place team was still awarded a prize on that leg. An underlined team placement indicates that the team came in last, was ordered to continue racing, and didn't have to perform a Speed Bump in the next leg.
  • A purple ε indicates that the team decided to use their Express Pass on that leg. A magenta ə indicates a team had previously been given an Express Pass by another team and used it on that leg; if next to a leg number, it indicates that a team with an Express Pass was eliminated on that leg without ever having used it.
  • A green ƒ indicates that the team won a Fast Forward.
  • An underlined blue team's placement indicates that the team came in last on a non-elimination leg and had to perform a Speed Bump during the next leg.
  • A brown ⊃ or a cyan ⋑ indicates that the team chose to use one of the two U-Turns in a Double U-Turn, respectively; or indicates the team who received it;
    indicates that the team was U-Turned, but they used the second U-Turn on another team.
  • An orange + next to a leg number indicates that there was a Face Off on that leg, while an orange − indicates the team that lost the Face Off and received a pre-determined time penalty.
  1. ^ Andrea & Ebonie initially arrived 2nd, but were issued a 2-hour penalty for failing to complete the morse code challenge. Five teams (Korey & Ivana, Adam & Andrea, Sam & Paul, Zed & Shabbir and Karen & Bert) checked-in during the penalty time, dropping Andrea & Ebonie to 7th.
  2. ^ Karen & Bert used the Express Pass given to them by Kenneth & Ryan to bypass the coffee delivery task at the Oso Negro Coffee Roastery.
  3. ^ Kenneth & Ryan used their Express Pass to bypass the Detour.

Episode title quotes[edit]

Episode titles are often taken from quotes made by the racers.[19]

  1. "Who Wants to Be the Python?" – Kenneth
  2. "You've Got to Leave My Hose Alone Dude!" – Ryan
  3. "It's Like Ducks In the Forest" – Korey
  4. "This Is a Butt Workout" – Ebonie
  5. "This Is a Real Cat and Mouse Chase" – Shabbir
  6. "We Just Saw Johnny Mustard" – Kenneth
  7. "Break Time For Korey" – Ivana
  8. "Can I See Your Kuna?" – Korey
  9. "It's Like Finding Waldo In a Bunch of Waldos" – Andrea (of Adam & Andrea)
  10. "They're Crawling On YOU!" – Ivana
  11. "Canada's Coming Together Like a Piece of Cake" – Kenneth


The prize for each leg is awarded to the first place team for that leg.

  • Leg 1 – A trip for two to Barcelona, Spain
  • Leg 2 – A trip for two to Auckland, New Zealand
  • Leg 3 – A trip for two to Chicago, Illinois
    • Energy Efficient Driving Challenge – $5,000 from Chevrolet. Awarded to Kenneth & Ryan.
  • Leg 4 – A trip for two to Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, and the Yangtze river in China, courtesy of Sinorama
  • Leg 5 – A trip for two to Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and the Golden Triangle of Thailand; and Yangzhou and Shanghai, China, courtesy of Sinorama
  • Leg 6 – A 5 city cross-Canada trip
  • Leg 7 – A trip for two to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Leg 8 – A trip for two to New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Leg 9 – A trip for two to Costa Rica
  • Leg 10 – A trip for two to Cape Town, South Africa
  • Leg 11 – A CA$250,000 cash payout, a "once-in-a-lifetime" trip for two around the world, and a 2018 Chevrolet Equinox "True North Edition" for each team member.

Race summary[edit]

Complete race route of the fifth season of The Amazing Race Canada

Leg 1 (Newfoundland and Labrador → British Columbia)[edit]

The first Roadblock paid a visit to one of Vancouver's first high-rise buildings, The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, where racers performed a tightrope walk.

Airdate: July 4, 2017

  • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada (Signal Hill National Historic Site – Queen's Battery) (Starting Line)
  • St. John's (Signal Hill National Historic Site – Cabot Tower)
  • St. John's (St. John's International Airport) to Vancouver, British Columbia (Vancouver International Airport)
  • District of North Vancouver (Capilano Suspension Bridge Park)
  • Vancouver (Gastown – "Gassy Jack" Deighton Statue)
  • Vancouver (The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver)
  • Vancouver (Sunset Beach or False Creek)
  • Vancouver (VanDusen Botanical Garden – Hedge Maze)

In this season's first Roadblock and 150 Challenge, one team member had to walk across a tightrope suspended 12 storeys across the front of the hotel to retrieve the next clue.

This season's first Detour was a choice between Pedal or Paddle. In Pedal, teams travelled to Sunset Beach where, riding bicycles, they had to complete two bike polo drills. First, each team member while riding a bicycle had to maneuver the ball using a plastic mallet through a series of cones. They then had to pass the ball back and forth to each other and score one goal to receive their next clue. In Paddle, teams joined a dragon boat racing crew. One team member helped paddle, while the other steered the boat with an oar through a course in False Creek using specific commands. Once they completed the course, teams received their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • At Cabot Tower, teams had to listen to a morse code message transmitted from the ham radio station inside the tower and try to decipher their first destination of the season. Once teams had deciphered the correct answer, "Vancouver Capilano Bridge", they would receive their next clue, which also contained a BMO credit card that would serve as the teams' source of money for the duration of the season.
  • Upon arrival in Vancouver, teams had to search the grounds of Capilano Suspension Bridge Park for a falconer who would give teams their next clue, instructing them to find the "Gassy Jack" Statue in Maple Tree Square, where their Roadblock clue was located.
  • After finishing the Detour, teams headed to VanDusen Botanical Garden where they had to locate the hedge maze and find the Pit Stop inside.
Additional note
  • Teams used a provided 2017 Chevrolet Trax to drive to St. John's International Airport.

Leg 2 (British Columbia → Alberta)[edit]

The leg in Fort McMurray featured tributes to emergency responders following the 2016 Fort McMurray Wildfire, the costliest disaster in Canadian history.

Airdate: July 11, 2017

  • Vancouver (Seawall Water Walk) (Pit Start)
  • Vancouver (Vancouver International Airport) to Fort McMurray, Alberta (Fort McMurray International Airport)
  • RM of Wood Buffalo (Vista Ridge – Wild Play Park)
  • RM of Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray Fish and Game Association)
  • RM of Wood Buffalo (Phoenix Heli-Flight) to Fort McMurray (MacDonald Island Park – SMS Stadium at Shell Place)
  • Fort McMurray (MacDonald Island Park – Miskanaw Golf Club 16th Hole)

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to search the Wild Play adventure park for three different coloured pieces of their next clue in pouches scattered among the park's 50 platforms. Additionally, three of the pouches contained an Express Pass. A team could claim more than one Express Pass, but they had to give any extra passes away by the end of the third leg.

This leg's Detour at the Fort McMurray Fish and Game Association was a choice between Pump It or Pull It, both had a limit of 5 stations. In Pump It (the 150 Challenge of the leg), teams had to suit up as firefighters and carry a 120-pound (54 kg) water pump to a nearby reservoir and figure out how to correctly operate the pump. After attaching a fire hose, teams then had to completely extinguish a controlled fire 50 feet (15 m) away to receive their next clue. In Pull It, teams had to shoot a total of 15 clay targets with a 20-gauge shotgun, alternating partners after every 3 shots, to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • Upon arrival in Fort McMurray, teams had to search outside the airport terminal for their 2017 Chevrolet Silverados with their clue inside. The provided vehicle would be their only means of transportation during the leg.
  • In the hangar at Phoenix Heli-Flight, teams had to use figures from a helicopter's previous trip to calculate the missing fuel weight fraction values needed to determine its centre of gravity. Once teams filled in the correct solution, they received their next clue.
  • After completing the previous task, teams were flown in a helicopter, over an area destroyed by the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire, to touch down in SMS Stadium in MacDonald Island Park. Once there, they searched for the 16th hole at Miskanaw Golf Club, the Pit Stop for this leg.

Leg 3 (Alberta → British Columbia)[edit]

The mountainous town of Nelson in the Kootenays region of southeastern British Columbia was visited in this leg.

Airdate: July 18, 2017

  • RM of Wood Buffalo (Syncrude Giants of Mining Exhibit) (Pit Start)
  • Fort McMurray (Fort McMurray International Airport) to Castlegar, British Columbia (West Kootenay Regional Airport)
  • Castlegar (Chances Casino) (Unaired)[20][21]
  • Castlegar (Columbia River – Zuckerberg Island)
  • Nelson (Oso Negro Coffee Roastery)
  • Nelson (Kootenay Lake – 'Big Orange Bridge')
  • Nelson (Selkirk College School of the Arts)
  • Kokanee Creek Provincial Park (Kootenay Lake)

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to put on a wetsuit and swing from a cord beneath the Nelson Bridge, known locally as the "Big Orange Bridge", letting go to land as close as possible to a buoy holding their clue. They then had to swim the rest of the way across Kootenay Lake to the dock where they would reunite with their partner.

Billed as the "Number One Small Town Arts Community in Canada", this leg's Detour paid tribute to Nelson's large and diverse artisan community, with a choice between Strike It or Throw It. In Strike It, teams had to use provided blacksmith tools to forge red-hot irons into two coat hooks matching a given example. Once both were approved, teams received their next clue. In Throw It, teams had to use a potter's wheel and provided tools to correctly "throw" two ceramic cups from clay. Once both were approved, teams received their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • Upon arrival in Castlegar, teams found a 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV outside Chances Casino that served as their transportation on this leg. Additionally, the team who drove the most efficiently using the car's regenerative braking feature would receive a $5,000 prize from Chevrolet at the Pit Stop.
  • At Zuckerberg Island, teams encountered a task from sponsor Woods. After inspecting an example campsite setup, teams had to locate nine other campsites in the vicinity and correctly identify the single difference from the example at each of them to receive their next clue.
  • At Oso Negro Coffee Roastery, teams had to make two deliveries of custom coffee blends on foot, then return to the roastery to receive the clue for the Roadblock. The locations varied for each team.

Leg 4 (British Columbia → China)[edit]

While in China, teams visited the famous Great Wall of China at Jūyōng Pass where they had to act as tour guides speaking three languages.

Airdate: July 25, 2017

  • Nelson (Prestige Lakeside Resort) (Pit Start)
  • Castlegar (West Kootenay Regional Airport) to Vancouver (Vancouver International Airport)
  • Richmond (Sinorama Tours Office)
  • Vancouver (Vancouver International Airport) to Beijing, China (Beijing Capital International Airport)
  • Beijing (Great Wall of China – Jūyōng Pass)
  • Beijing (Canadian Embassy)
  • Beijing (Ying Tung Natatorium)
  • Beijing (Ren Yi Tang)
  • Beijing (Drum Tower Square)

This leg's Detour was a choice between In Sync or In Line, both taking place at the Ying Tung Natatorium, one of the 2008 Summer Olympics venues. In In Sync, teams had to synchronized dive from the 5-metre (16 ft) platform into the pool and earn a combined score of 20 or more from the three judges to receive their next clue. In In Line, teams had to dress in colourful costumes and correctly perform a dance routine on the terrace combining a flash mob and line dancing to receive their next clue.

In this leg's Roadblock at Ren Yi Tang, a traditional pharmacy, one team member was given a herbal remedy prescription with three ingredients, written in Chinese characters, and had to search among 800 drawers for the three drawers with corresponding characters. Once all three ingredients were found, they had to weigh the correct doses to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • Upon arrival in Vancouver, teams had to travel to the local office of Sinorama Holidays to receive a travel package consisting of a trip guidebook and plush toys of the company's panda bear mascot.
  • At Juyong Pass along the Great Wall of China, teams had to dress as Sinorama tour guides before memorizing and correctly reciting facts about the wall to a group of tourists in three languages – English, French, and Mandarin Chinese – to receive their next clue.
  • At the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, teams had to interrupt a game of ball hockey to receive the clue for the Detour.

Leg 5 (China → Thailand)[edit]

Teams ended this leg in Thailand at Wat Devarajkunchorn Temple in the heart of its capital Bangkok.

Airdate: August 1, 2017

  • Beijing (Beijing South Railway Station) to Shanghai (Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station)
  • Shanghai (Tock's Montreal Style Deli)
  • Shanghai (Shanghai Pudong International Airport) to Bangkok, Thailand (Suvarnabhumi Airport)
  • Bangkok (Caturday Café)
    • Bangkok (National Stadium)
  • Bangkok (Yodpiman Riverwalk – Pier 2 to Wat Khuha Sawan Pier – Artist's House)
  • Bangkok (Wat Ratchanatdaram, Amulet Market, and Khlong Thom Centre or Flow House)
  • Bangkok (Wat Thewarat Kunchorn Worawihan Temple)

Teams who chose to attempt the Fast Forward travelled to the grounds of the National Stadium, where they participated in the Thai sport of hoop takraw. The first team to kick the ball into the hoop once would win the Fast Forward award.

This leg's Detour was a choice between Bling It or Shred It. In Bling It, teams travelled to Wat Ratchanatdaram, where they would choose a tuk-tuk to decorate. Once chosen, they had to compare two decorated tuk-tuks to determine which decorations were identical on both, including one of the plush pandas and elephants they were given back at Vancouver and Beijing. They then had to search the nearby Amulet Market and Khlong Thom Center to buy the decorations to affix to their chosen tuk-tuk. Once all details were correct, teams would receive their next clue. In Shred It, teams travelled to Flow House, where each team member had to maintain their balance while surfing an artificially-generated wave, receiving their next clue once both team members successfully grabbed a flag hanging overhead.

Additional tasks
  • After receiving their clue and a pair of plush Sinorama-branded elephant toys from Jon, teams had to search in front of the Beijing South railway station for a Sinorama representative that would give them high-speed train tickets to Shanghai.
  • Upon arrival in Shanghai, teams had to travel to Tock's Montreal Style Deli, where they would repeat the Mandarin phrase they learned at the Great Wall on the previous leg ("xie xie ni") to a Sinorama representative that would give them their next clue.
  • Upon arrival in Bangkok, teams had to travel to the Caturday Café and search inside for their next clue.
  • Teams who didn't choose the Fast Forward had to travel by water taxi from Pier 2 at the Yodpiman Riverwalk to the Artist's House at Wat Khuha Sawan Pier. Here, they had to dress in black and, in complete silence, choreograph a traditional Thai puppet show with a hand-carved puppet depicting the mythical figure Hanuman, including specific interactions with audience members, to receive the clue for the Detour.

Leg 6 (Thailand → Ontario → Quebec)[edit]

After leaving the Canadian capital of Ottawa, teams visited The Hub inside the Canadian Museum of History to take the Citizenship Test.

Airdate: August 8, 2017

  • Bangkok (Siam@Siam Design Hotel Bangkok)[22][23] (Pit Start)
  • Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi Airport) to Ottawa, Ontario , Canada (Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport)
  • Ottawa (Ottawa City Hall – Ottawa 2017 Cauldron)
  • Ottawa (Hog's Back Falls)
  • Ottawa (RCMP Stables)
  • Ottawa (Commissioners Park or Canada Council Art Bank)
  • Ottawa (ByWard Market – BeaverTails)
  • Gatineau, Quebec (Canadian Museum of History – Canadian History Hall (The Hub))
  • Gatineau (Canadian Museum of History – Upper Terrace overlooking the Ottawa River)

In this leg's Roadblock, teams travelled to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Division facility to find the RCMP Stables, where one team member had to suit up as an RCMP officer and properly groom a show horse from front to back. Next, they had to correctly attach tack and a saddle to the horse. Finally, once approved by the supervising officer, they had to ride the horse into the practice arena and join in the RCMP Musical Ride to receive their next clue.

This leg's Detour was a choice between Tiptoe through the Tulips or Get the Picture. In Tiptoe through the Tulips, teams travelled to Commissioners Park, where they had to assemble a vendor cart for the Canadian Tulip Festival. Once built, they had to search the park for 12 buckets containing tulip bouquets of matching colours and arrange them to match the display on a completed example cart to receive their next clue. In Get the Picture, teams travelled to the Canada Council Art Bank, where they had to use the computer database to find 20 specified artworks by matching serial numbers and, once found, photograph each. Teams then had to place the correct 20 photographs into a photo album binder to receive their next clue.

In this leg's 150 Challenge, teams had to study the exhibits before making their way to the Canadian History Hall, where both teams members had to take the Canadian Citizenship Test and score at least 15 out of 20 on the test to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • At Ottawa City Hall, teams had to search for the Ottawa 2017 Cauldron to receive their next clue from Mayor Jim Watson.
  • At Hog's Back Falls, each team had to operate and arrange five red or white next-generation 2018 Chevrolet Equinox "True North Edition" using the surround-vision technology so they spell out one of the six letters in the word C-A-N-A-D-A to receive the clue for the Roadblock.
  • After the Detour, teams travelled to Byward Market to find the Double U-Turn Board outside of the BeaverTails café.
  • After passing their Citizenship Test, teams had to make their way to the upper terrace, overlooking Parliament Hill on the Ontario side of the river, to find Jon and the Pit Stop for this leg. At the Pit Stop, their Canadian citizenship would be reaffirmed by taking the Oath of Citizenship in front of Senior Citizenship Judge Renata Brum.

Leg 7 (Ontario → Newfoundland and Labrador)[edit]

The Detour and Speed Bump on this leg had teams explore Gros Morne National Park, including Bonne Bay, on the western side of Newfoundland, where the Vikings first landed in the Americas.

Airdate: August 15, 2017

  • Ottawa (Major's Hill Park)[24] (Pit Start)
  • Ottawa (Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport) to Deer Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador (Deer Lake Regional Airport)
  • Corner Brook (Bank of Montreal Branch)
  • Woody Point (Gros Morne National Park – Discovery Centre)
  • Corner Brook (Corner Brook Centre Bowl)
  • Corner Brook (Swirsky's Theatre and Music Hall)
  • Corner Brook (Captain James Cook National Historic Site Lookout)

For their Speed Bump, Andrea & Ebonie had to shoot archers' arrows at a target until they earned a combined total of 25 points before they could continue racing.

This leg's Detour was a choice between Find Your Dory or Family Story, both taking place in the village of Woody Point within Gros Morne National Park. In Find Your Dory, teams had to use four oars (two oars each) to row a dory boat around Bonne Bay to spot a lobster trap along the shore containing their next clue. After retrieving the clue, they rowed back to the starting point. In Family Story, teams made their way to a mock Viking camp and dressed in period costume. They had to listen to impersonators of three Norse Gods – Loki, Odin, and Thor – describe their ancestry and descendants and then correctly fill in a family tree using stones carved with the given names (as well as some misleading names) to receive their next clue.

For the 150 Challenge and this season's first Face Off, teams travelled to Corner Brook Centre Bowl, where they competed against each other in a full 10-frame game of five-pin bowling, a game developed in Canada. At the end of the game, the team who scored higher won their next clue, while the loser had to wait for another opponent. The last team remaining at the Face Off had to turn over an hourglass and wait out a time penalty before moving on.

In this leg's Roadblock, teams travelled to Swirsky's Theatre and Music Hall, where one team member had to choose and memorize twelve jokes from a list of fifty and successfully perform a stand-up comedy act on stage to receive their next clue from comedian Trent McClellan. Some of the jokes were intentionally duds. If they failed, they would be pelted with fruits and vegetables by the audience.

Additional task
  • At the BMO branch in Corner Brook, teams received a tablet containing a video message from their loved ones informing them of their next destination: the Discovery Centre in Gros Morne National Park.
Additional note
  • Upon arrival in Deer Lake, teams found a 2017 Chevrolet Spark that served as their transportation on this leg.

Leg 8 (Newfoundland and Labrador → Panama)[edit]

Paseo Esteban Huertas in old town Panama was the site of this leg's Roadblock, where racers had to remember molas, a traditional pattern used in Kuna women's folk dress.

Airdate: August 22, 2017

  • Corner Brook (Corner Brook City Hall) (Pit Start)
  • Deer Lake (Deer Lake Regional Airport) to Panama City, Panama (Tocumen International Airport)
  • Panama City (Biomuseo)
  • Panama City (Casco Viejo – Paseo Esteban Huertas)
  • Panama City (Hotel Las Clementinas or Boxing Gym)
  • Panama City (Sports Complex Escuela Dr. Belisario Porras)
  • Panama City (Cinta Costera – Parador Fotográfico (Panamá Sign))

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to choose and memorize an intricate mola pattern at a marked kiosk, then search the streets and plazas of Casco Viejo for the one Kuna woman among many who was wearing the matching pattern on their dress. Once they found the correct woman, they had to escort her back to the kiosk to receive their next clue.

This leg's Detour was a choice between Up for a Drink or Down for the Count. In Up for a Drink, teams travelled to Hotel Las Clementinas, where they would find beers from Casa Bruja Microbrewery. They then had to taste and identify five flavours of craft beer, from a selection of fourteen listed ingredients, to receive their next clue. In Down for the Count, teams travelled to a boxing gym, where both team members had to memorize six combinations of boxing moves, then each get into the ring and perform all six in succession against a professional to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • At the Biomuseo, designed by world-renowned Canadian architect Frank Gehry, teams had to search the exhibits for the white wolf, where they would find a clue box beneath with their next clue.
  • At Paseo Esteban Huertas, teams had to search along the seawall for their next clue.
  • At the Sports Complex Escuela Dr. Belisario Porras, teams had to dress as drum majors and correctly lead the world-renowned college marching band, Banda De Música Virgilio Escala Colegio Pedro Pablo Sánchez, with a choreographed mace routine to receive their next clue.
  • The clue teams received from the drum major task was a photograph of Jon in front of a "Panamá" sign. Teams had to figure out that this sign was located at Parador Fotográfico on Cinta Costera, the Pit Stop for this leg. However, there were two identical signs along the coast (the other one is located at the Causeway Islands), so they had to make note of the background details in the photograph to determine which location was the correct one.

Leg 9 (Panama → Saskatchewan)[edit]

Teams ended this leg, run mostly in rural southern Saskatchewan, at 15 Wing Moose Jaw, the home base of the RCAF Snowbirds.

Airdate: August 29, 2017

  • Panama City (Panama Canal – Miraflores Locks) (Pit Start)
  • Panama City (Tocumen International Airport) to Regina, Saskatchewan , Canada (Regina International Airport)
  • Regina (Douglas Park Elementary School)
  • R.M. of Redburn (Aulie Farms)
  • Rouleau (Dog River Hotel)
  • Moose Jaw (Crescent Park)
  • Caron (Grandpa's Garden)
  • Bushell Park (15 Wing Moose Jaw Canadian Armed Forces Base – Hangar 7)

For their Speed Bump, Karen & Bert had to use pitchforks to clean out manure-covered hay from a horse stall in the stable, then lay down fresh hay in its place before they could continue with the Detour.

This leg's Detour was a choice between The Cart or The Horse. In the 150 Challenge The Cart, teams had to maneuver a self-propelled grain auger to a grain cart, locate the auger's screw conveyor power switch, then shovel 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of Canadian-developed canola seed into the auger's mouth and convey it into the grain cart to receive their next clue. In The Horse, teams had to lead an auction for a Clydesdale horse. One team member was the auctioneer, who had to memorize and recite the horse's story to bidders and call out asking prices, and their partner was the bid catcher, who had to relay bids to their partner both verbally and with hand signals. After selling a horse for C$6,000, teams received their next clue.

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to dress as a beekeeper, search the honeycombs of a hive of 20,000 honey bees for the one queen bee, and correctly point her out to a judge to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks
  • At Douglas Park Elementary School, as part of BMO's Grant a Wish campaign, teams had to squeeze a full pitcher of orange juice from oranges and serve the juice to a lunchroom of children to receive their next clue from wish recipient Leanne, whose wish was for every child to receive a healthy breakfast.
  • At the Dog River Hotel in Rouleau, one of the filming locations from the CTV sitcom Corner Gas, which was filmed in and around the community, teams would find the Double U-Turn board.
  • At Moose Jaw's Crescent Park, teams had to correctly arrange, with graphics forward and cans right-side up, 250 cans of sponsor Campbell Soup Company's Chunky soup on a provided base into a maple leaf shape following an example photograph to receive their next clue from Christopher, the Amazing Race Canada Superfan Contest winner.
Additional note
  • Upon arrival in Regina, teams found 2017 Chevrolet Cruzes in the airport parking lot that would serve as their transportation for this leg, with a choice between either a sedan or a hatchback model.

Leg 10 (Saskatchewan → Ontario)[edit]

The final Face Off in this penultimate leg had teams participate in the game of Crokicurl, a combination of two iconic Canadian pastimes – crokinole and curling.

Airdate: September 5, 2017

  • Regina (Victoria Park) (Pit Start)
  • Regina (Regina International Airport) to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (Sault Ste. Marie Airport)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Agawa Canyon Railway)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Mockin'bird Hill Pioneer Farm or Kinsmen Park)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (John Rhodes Community Centre)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Mill Market – Entomica)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Bellevue Park – Topsail Island)

In this leg's 150 Challenge, teams travelled to a designated rail crossing and boarded the Agawa Canyon Tour train to ride it through the Algoma Highlands and Agawa Canyon. In one coach car, they found the titles and critiques of 14 works by the Canadian artists known as the Group of Seven, and prints of the corresponding works in the next coach car. They then had to memorize and, in the front baggage car, correctly identify all 14 to receive the clue for the Detour from the conductor. However, teams had to complete the task within the 30 minute travel time, otherwise they had to remain on the train and wait for the round trip to complete before they can try again.

This season's final Detour was a choice between Alpac-It or I'll Cast It. In Alpac-It, teams travelled to the Mockin'bird Hill Pioneer Farm, where they had to lead two alpacas through an obstacle course of nine obstacles, without knocking any down, in a time of three minutes or less to receive their next clue. In I'll Cast It, teams travelled to Kinsmen Park, donned hip waders, and entered Kinsmen Lake, where each team member had to cast their fly fishing rod to hit three floating targets to receive their next clue.

For this season's final Face Off, teams travelled to the John Rhodes Community Centre Pool. On a circular curling sheet, teams competed against each other in Crokicurl – a recently developed[25] game that is a cross between curling and the Canadian-created board game crokinole. The team who arrived earlier had the choice of taking their turn first or second. Each ring has a specific point value. Across from their partner, each team member took turns throwing six curling stones, attempting to knock out their opponent's stones while keeping theirs in place to score the most points. If the opposing stone is in play, it must be hit. If a stone lands in the direct centre, or "button", it is worth 20 points and the stone is removed from play. After all stones are thrown, the team with the higher score received the clue for the Roadblock. The last team remaining at the Face Off had to turn over an hourglass and wait out a time penalty before moving on.

In this leg's Roadblock, teams travelled to Entomica in Mill Market. The team member not performing the Roadblock had to insert their head into a plexiglass box, after which four species of live giant cockroaches were dropped on them. The team member who was performing the Roadblock then had to count the correct number of each species to receive their next clue.

Additional note
  • At the Sault Ste. Marie airport parking lot, teams found their next clue inside 2017 Chevrolet Colorado ZR-2s that would serve as their transportation for this leg.

Leg 11 (Ontario → Quebec)[edit]

The penultimate Roadblock in Quebec City had one team member climb down a cargo net suspended from the pedestrian bridge over Montmorency Falls.

Airdate: September 12, 2017

  • Sault Ste. Marie (Sault Ste. Marie Boardwalk) (Pit Start)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Sault Ste. Marie Airport) to Quebec City, Quebec (Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport)
  • Quebec City (Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport – Airport Control Tower)
  • Quebec City (Montmorency Falls)
  • Quebec City (Saint-Roch – Place de Bordeaux)
  • Quebec City (Carnaval de Québec Warehouse)
  • Quebec City (Le Musée du Chocolat Érico)
  • Quebec City (Édifice Marie-Guyart – Observatoire de la Capitale)
  • Quebec City (Morrin Centre)
  • Sainte-Famille, Île d'Orléans (Parc des Ancêtres)

In this leg's first Roadblock, one team member had to attach a harness and a climb down a cargo net suspended from the pedestrian bridge over the 275-foot (84 m) waterfall to retrieve their next clue, then climb back up to reunite with their partner.

In this season's final Roadblock, the team member who did not perform the previous Roadblock had to pull themselves up the side of the 31-storey Édifice Marie-Guyart, Quebec City's tallest building, to the rooftop. Once there, they had to search the city to spot a yellow and red Amazing Race flag on the roof of their next destination, the Morrin Centre, then take the elevator back down to reunite with their partner.

Additional tasks
  • Upon arrival in Quebec City, teams had to search outside the airport for their next clue, which was near the control tower.
  • At Place de Bordeaux plaza in the Saint-Roch neighbourhood of Old Quebec, teams had to chose a bike rickshaw with one team member becoming driver and the other the dispatcher. Using only a location list, map with street names and places written in French, and walkie-talkies, the dispatcher had to give the driver directions through the streets of Old Quebec to pick up three passengers carrying a card colour-coded to each team, and transport them to their proper destination, after which each would give the card to the driver. After returning to Place de Bordeaux with all three cards, teams received their next clue.
  • At the storage warehouse of the Quebec Winter Carnival to search among the many figures of Bonhomme, the famous snowman mascot of the festival, to find their next clue, which was a box of chocolates wrapped in yellow and red ribbon, from Érico Chocolatier, their next destination. Written on the bottom of the box was "trade in for the next clue". Once there, teams exchanged the box for a giant chocolate egg that they had to break open to find the second Roadblock clue.
  • At the Morrin Centre, teams would find a bag containing over 150 puzzle pieces forming a large map of Canada, and 10 cards referencing challenges throughout the season, 6 of which were the 150 Challenges. Once the puzzle was fully assembled in a tabletop frame, teams then had to place only the 6 correct 150 Challenge cards over the city in which the challenges took place to receive their final clue.


Viewership includes initial date of viewing plus seven day DVR playback.


  1. ^ a b "CTV's THE AMAZING RACE CANADA Welcomes Season 5 Sponsors". Bell Media. May 31, 2017. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
  2. ^ a b "CTV Renews THE AMAZING RACE CANADA for a Fifth Season". CTV. October 12, 2016. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
  3. ^ "Ready, Set, RACE PLAY! New THE AMAZING RACE CANADA In-Show Game Brings all the Action to Viewers". Newswire.ca. June 28, 2017. Retrieved June 28, 2017.
  4. ^ "The Amazing Race Canada - VR 360° Underwater Hockey in Gatineau, Quebec". Facebook. August 12, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  5. ^ "Amazing Race Canada Goes On the Road to China". Times Colonist. Victoria. The Canadian Press. July 21, 2017. Archived from the original on July 22, 2017. Retrieved July 21, 2017.
  6. ^ Brioux, Bill (June 22, 2017). "A look at this year's 'Amazing Race Canada' contestants". 680 News. Retrieved June 22, 2017.
  7. ^ "Former Amazing Race star dies in Kootenay hiking accident". Kelowna Capital News. August 28, 2019. Retrieved August 28, 2019.
  8. ^ "The Fourth Team Is Eliminated on Tonight's Episode of CTV's THE AMAZING RACE CANADA: HEROES EDITION". Bell Media. August 7, 2018. Retrieved January 13, 2020.
  9. ^ "Tonight! The Richards and Lui families face off for the chance to play "Fast Money" and win $10,000! Watch at 7:30 on CBC and CBC Gem!". Facebook. February 5, 2020. Retrieved June 16, 2020.
  10. ^ Vega, Natalia (February 11, 2020). "Local Family Feud contestants go the full three games". Blackburn News. Retrieved June 16, 2020.
  11. ^ "Tonight on a NEW EPISODE of Family Feud Canada, the KUSIEWICZ family returns to face the ROSS family! New season, new families, new laughs. Watch Family Feud Canada every Mon-Thurs 7:30 (8NT) on CBC". Facebook. November 30, 2020. Retrieved December 22, 2020.
  12. ^ "Steph and Kristen take a break with Hal and Joanne!". Facebook. August 24, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  13. ^ "So great catching up with these special guests!". Facebook. September 14, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  14. ^ "Love catching up with these special guests!". Facebook. August 3, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  15. ^ "So great to see Brent and Sean!". Facebook. July 13, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  16. ^ "So good to see these surprise guests!". Facebook. August 10, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  17. ^ "Love catching up with Frankie and Amy!". Facebook. July 20, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  18. ^ "Steph and Kristen catch up with Sam and Paul!". Facebook. September 14, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  19. ^ "The Amazing Race Canada". epguides. Retrieved October 8, 2020.
  20. ^ "Selkirk College Featured In Amazing Race Canada". Selkirk College. July 13, 2017. Retrieved July 23, 2017.
  21. ^ Kline, Betsy (May 1, 2017). "The Amazing Race Canada hits Castlegar". Castlegar News. Retrieved January 20, 2020.
  22. ^ "This Is a Real Cat and Mouse Chase". The Amazing Race Canada. Season 5. Episode 5. August 1, 2017. Event occurs at 43:12. CTV. Accommodation provided by Siam@Siam Design Hotel Bangkok.
  23. ^ Brioux, Bill (August 29, 2019). "Kenneth McAlpine 1991 – 2019". brioux.tv. Retrieved February 21, 2021.
  24. ^ "Location Spotlight: Major's Hill Park". Ottawa Film Office. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  25. ^ "Hurry hard! New ice game crokicurl debuts in Winnipeg". CBC News. 28 January 2017. Retrieved 7 September 2017.
  26. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) July 3 - July 9, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 18 July 2017. Retrieved 18 July 2017.
  27. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) July 10 - July 16, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 25 July 2017. Retrieved 25 July 2017.
  28. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) July 17 - July 23, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 1 August 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
  29. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) July 24 - July 30, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 9 August 2017. Retrieved 9 August 2017.
  30. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) July 31 - August 6, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 15 August 2017. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  31. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) August 7 - August 13, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 22 August 2017. Retrieved 22 August 2017.
  32. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) August 14 - August 20, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 29 August 2017. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
  33. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) August 21 - August 27, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 7 September 2017. Retrieved 7 September 2017.
  34. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) August 28 - September 3, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 12 September 2017. Retrieved 12 September 2017.
  35. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) September 4 - September 10, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 19 September 2017. Retrieved 19 September 2017.
  36. ^ "Top Programs – Total Canada (English) September 11 - September 17, 2017" (PDF). Numeris. 26 September 2017. Retrieved 26 September 2017.

External links[edit]

  • Official website