Обсуждение пользователей: Клариософский

Страница пользователя Говорить
Активные обсуждения

Спасибо за помощь в написании армяно-американских статей, я очень признателен.

Привет, клариософский. Спасибо за ваш вклад в биографию Джозефа Генри Кибби . С уважением, Masterpiece2000 ( обсуждение ) 12:55, 30 декабря 2007 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за комментарий! Надеюсь, у меня не сложилось впечатление, что я бросаю проект англиканства: я буду следить за ним. Но я действительно собираюсь придерживаться узкого пути, чтобы избежать некоторых странностей, которые здесь происходят. На самом деле я считаю Википедию забавным хобби. Я полагаю, что Secisek  ( обсуждение  · вклад ) действительно ушел на пенсию навсегда. Я знаю, что он активен в политике в реальной жизни, поэтому, вероятно, не хочет играть в бессмысленную политику в свободное время. Ваше здоровье! Wassupwestcoast ( разговор ) 00:04, 5 января 2008 (UTC)

Я спрашиваю, должен ли WP: IE иметь барнстар для участников и обычных пользователей, которые вносят в него большой вклад. У меня есть дизайн для barnstar, если он создан на моем компьютере, поэтому все, что я спрашиваю, - должен ли я создать эту barnstar ? С уважением - Markreidyhp 12:35, 27 марта 2008 г. (UTC)

Сожалею, что слышал о твоей кошечке. У меня есть ситцевая, которую очень любят. С наилучшими пожеланиями, - Secisek ( разговор ) 22:44, 10 апреля 2008 г. (UTC)

Соболезнования вашей кошке. У меня есть друг, чей кот - точная копия вашей любимой Китти . Заботиться. Wassupwestcoast ( разговор ) 03:14, 11 апреля 2008 г. (UTC)

Где h произносится, например, урожай - используйте A, Где h молчит, например, честь - используйте AN, Где h произносится, но первый слог
безударен, например, исторический - используйте A Wikipeebee ( разговор ) 07:29, 5 августа 2008 (UTC)

Не так в Соединенных Штатах в Энциклопедический словарь Merriam-Webster, десятое издание , стр.1: «Перед безударных или слабо ударных слогов с начальными ч и и используются в письменной форме, исторический исторический , но в речи больше часто, независимо от того, произносится ли h или нет ". См. Также См. A и # Различие между a и an . Кроме того, в статьях на американскую тематику следует использовать американский английский, а не британский или канадский клариософский ( разговор ) 14:13, 5 августа 2008 г. (UTC)

Я исправляюсь; каждому свое. Должен признаться, я говорю исторический, и уж точно не стал бы менять ни одной страницы. С уважением,
Wikipeebee ( разговор ) 15:24, 5 августа 2008 (UTC)


(измененное название раздела)

Привет, Кларио, я только что продолжал очищать страницы-мазки, в том числе Первую объединенную методистскую церковь . В нем есть информативное вступление, которое следует удалить в соответствии с рекомендациями MOSDAB и / или практиками редакторов enforcer dab. Я не буду удалять его, но, скорее всего, это сделает кто-то другой. Я думаю, что вступление, которое интересно, следует переработать, чтобы создать статью для Первой объединенной методистской церкви (Даллас, Техас) . Интересно, хотите ли вы это сделать. Если вы это сделаете, пожалуйста, добавьте запись для Далласа в список мазков и, пожалуйста, замените вступление мазка просто: « Первая Объединенная методистская церковь может относиться к:». Надеюсь, ты в порядке. Ура, Донкрам ( разговор ) 08:14, 16 января 2009 г. (UTC)

Привет снова, рад, что ты отдыхал. :) Вы могли бы принять к сведению пользовательский разговор: Tassedethe # Переименование церквей и другие статьи, в которых я недавно упоминал вас .... Я не думаю, что Tassedethe обязательно входит в поле исправления dab в более общем плане, но на самом деле мне там одиноко. . :) Как уже говорилось, я разработал определенные принципы с редакторами dab, но затем страницы dab, над которыми я работал, имеют другие недостатки, например, неполные в местах, не относящихся к NRHP, где уже есть статьи в Википедии. Мой рабочий список находится в Категории: NRHP dab, нуждающийся в очистке . Не стесняйтесь добавлять в эту категорию и / или работать над отставанием. doncram ( разговор ) 23:29, 17 февраля 2009 (UTC)

Эта баптистская церковь в предгорьях (Эссекс, Нью-Йорк) , также известная как Церковь Назарянина, аккуратная, определенно хорошая готика Ричарда Апджона / плотника. Не уверен, есть ли он в вашем списке наблюдения, когда вы редактировали / разрабатывали его раньше. Недавно я добавил ссылки на документы и фотографии NRHP. К сожалению, фотографий HABS нет. Это заставляет меня хотеть добраться до этой части Нью-Йорка и сфотографировать ее, а также несколько соседних НХЛ. Ура, Донкрам ( разговор ) 04:30, 25 января 2009 г. (UTC)

Еще одна новая статья - United Methodist Church and Parsonage (Mount Kisco, New York) , чей документ NRHP описывает ее как Carpenter Gothic . Было бы здорово, если бы вы могли посетить эти две статьи и добавить соответствующие категории и / или разработать статьи в противном случае. doncram ( разговорное ) 20:27, 18 февраля 2009 (UTC)

Статья Спасательная эскадрилья

Я заметил, что вы являетесь участником Category: Inclusionist_Wikipedians . Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подумали о присоединении к Спасательной эскадрилье Статьи . Члены Спасательной эскадрильи сосредоточены на спасении статей для удаления, которые в противном случае могли бы быть потеряны навсегда. Я думаю, вы обнаружите, что наш проект соответствует вашему видению Википедии.

Икип ( разговор ) 00:53, 21 февраля 2009 (UTC)

Я пытаюсь сгруппировать статьи об объектах наследия в Канаде по более управляемым категориям, основываясь на том, кто говорит, что то-то и такое-то является объектом наследия (какой уровень правительства или какой другой орган). Вот почему я вместо этого создал Категория: Здания в Канаде по реестру наследия . Я думаю, что мы должны работать над выявлением тех, кто говорит, что что-то является объектом наследия, а не создавать большие всеобъемлющие категории, которые склонны к бустеризму и трудно поддаются контролю. Вы согласны? - Кевлар ( обсуждение • вклад ) 02:51, 9 марта 2009 г. (UTC)

Ответ: Спасибо за ваше сообщение. Я могу согласиться с вами в некоторых отношениях, но не согласиться с другими. Объекты наследия - это не обязательно здания. Это могут быть археологические памятники, поля сражений, геологические памятники (например, Айерс-Рок в Австралии и т. Д. Я представляю категорию: объекты наследия в Канаде как зонтичную категорию, которая включает созданную вами категорию и дополняет ее, а не конкурирует с ней. С наилучшими пожеланиями. Clariosophic ( разговор ) 19:08, 10 марта 2009 (UTC)

Вас приглашают зарегистрироваться в качестве члена-учредителя в Википедии: WikiProject Council / Proposals # WikiProject Historic Sites  ! :) doncram ( разговор ) 05:16, 15 марта 2009 (UTC)

Википедия: Открылись исторические сайты WikiProject . Я взял на себя смелость предположить, что ваша поддержка википроекта означает, что вы хотите присоединиться в качестве члена, и я скопировал вашу подпись в список участников на главной странице. Посетите и добавьте или удалите свое объявление там. Пожалуйста, исправьте там мое загадочное изложение ваших интересов! Было бы здорово услышать о том, чем вас интересует Википроект, в комментариях вашего члена и / или на странице обсуждения , ярлык wt: HSITES . Спасибо за вашу поддержку! doncram ( разговор ) 17:47, 18 марта 2009 (UTC)

Покажите мне список - я буду рад взглянуть на него. Не обязательно сегодня вечером, но когда-нибудь в ближайшие пару дней. - Пользователь: AlbertHerring Io son l'orecchio e tu la bocca: parla! 22:53, 15 марта 2009 г. (UTC)

Я заметил ваш комментарий по поводу списков Квебека и хотел сообщить вам, что вы всегда можете оставить мне не по этому поводу, так как я сам из Квебека и могу помочь с поиском «официальных» (не имеющих юридической силы) переводов законов. (а также «официальные названия» для различных обозначений сайта elgal) и т. д. Я работал над несколькими страницами ( Édifice Price , Clarendon Hotel ) и планировал сделать больше (в частности, историческое сохранение на странице Квебека ) когда я вошел в состояние бездействия википедии. Цирцей ( разговор ) 14:35, 16 марта 2009 (UTC)

Я заметил, что вы переместили церковь Святого Давидса из Рэднора в Уэйн. Я должен спросить, являетесь ли вы экспертом по этой церкви или местам в Пенсильвании. На самом деле это довольно сложно, и исторически это была церковь Святого Давида в Рэдноре. Границы трех уездов сходятся на церковной территории, отделяющей старую церковь от «часовни». Но церковь была здесь до границ, и название церкви Святого Давида в Рэдноре, вероятно, также предшествует границам. И стихотворение Лонгфелло ... Если у вас нет настоящей экспертной уверенности в том, что название должно быть именно таким, я предлагаю вернуть его обратно. Возможно, вы могли бы узнать у пользователя: Piledhigheranddeeper, что он думает. Смоллбоунс ( разговор ) 13:16, 12 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Пользователь: Piledhigheranddeeper, похоже, со мной согласен, и я поменяю название статьи обратно в течение нескольких дней, если вы не получите известие. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать: я думаю, что вы допустили ошибку в сложной области, но мне не нравится идея просто вернуть вас - я определенно не хочу войны редактирования. Спасибо за любую помощь. Смоллбоунс ( разговор ) 09:12, 14 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Обратите внимание на Википедию: Шаблоны для удаления / Журнал / 17 апреля 2009 г. # Шаблон: Church disambig и рассмотрите возможность комментирования. doncram ( разговор ) 14:46, 17 апреля 2009 (UTC)

Спасибо за комментарий. Теперь обсуждение переместилось в сторону переименования связанной категории из Категории: Страницы значений неоднозначности церковного строительства в нечто более общее, возможно, «Страницы значений неоднозначности церковных зданий ». Это поможет охватить конфессии и общины, но, похоже, исключит синагоги и мечети. Что вы думали о выборе места поклонения раньше? И мне интересно, как конкретно называлась ваша категория раньше. Надеюсь, ты все равно снова будешь там вмешиваться. Спасибо! doncram ( разговор ) 09:17, 24 апреля 2009 (UTC)

Я предложил переместить Первую Церковь Христа, Ученого (Бостон) в Первую Церковь Христа, Ученого, поскольку я считаю, что устранение неоднозначности в Бостоне необходимо. Я заметил, что вы прокомментировали последний ход, но на самом деле не привели никаких причин для возражения. Не могли бы вы прокомментировать новую дискуссию здесь: Talk: The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Boston) #Requested move . Я не собираюсь объединять какой-либо контент, просто уберите (Бостон) из названия, вы можете увидеть мои причины по этой ссылке на странице обсуждения. Обычно лучше всего подходит самый простой заголовок для статьи. LonelyMarble ( разговор ) 16:36, 17 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Эй, по какой причине вы только что переехали из Британской Колумбии (США) в Британскую Колумбию, не предложив переезда и не обсудив его сначала? Об этом говорили в Talk: Boston College (США) , где он не только поддерживался редакторами (включая меня, да), но и встречался с WP: UNIGUIDE . Должен признать, что мне немного любопытно, как / почему вы могли бы подумать об этом, не обсуждая это сначала (и, по-видимому, выполняете такую ​​дрянную работу, поскольку страница обсуждения не перенаправляет должным образом после вашего хода). - Aepoutre ( разговор ) 18:41, 17 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Ах, я не понимал, что это вы впервые подняли шум по этому поводу. Что ж, теперь я бы выразил еще большую обеспокоенность тем, что 1) вы сделаете шаг, когда разговор будет идти не так, как вам нужно, и 2) что вы сделаете это вопреки стандартам WP: UNI . Совсем не круто. - Aepoutre ( разговор ) 18:44, 17 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)
Это не его вина, что страница обсуждения не перенаправляется, потому что ее нельзя переместить, потому что в истории есть еще одно изменение, но я перечислил это в Википедии: Запрошенные ходы # Неоспоримые запросы, поэтому ее следует переместить в ближайшее время. И я думаю, что Бостонский колледж должен оставаться названием статьи для колледжа в США, поскольку он на порядок более примечателен, чем колледж в Англии, поэтому Бостон, штат Массачусетс, был переведен в Бостон по той же причине, по которой я думаю, Бостонский колледж тоже не должен быть переадресацией. LonelyMarble ( разговор ) 18:46, 17 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)
Если переезд должен был быть осуществлен законно, его следует обсудить в Talk: Boston College , а не ex post facto здесь, поскольку разговор уже был начат. Я особенно обеспокоен тем, что в сводке редактирования не было дано ни одной ссылки на консенсус, и не было оставлено никаких примечаний для меня, «виновника» первоначального шага в WP: UNIGUIDE . LonelyMarble, я продолжу этот разговор с вами на соответствующей странице обсуждения, если вы не против. Ваше здоровье! - Aepoutre ( разговор ) 18:53, 17 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Проверьте здание суда округа Берк (Джорджия) . doncram ( разговор ) 00:10, 19 апреля 2009 (UTC)

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В Историческом районе Ланкастера был размещен тег с просьбой о его скорейшем удалении из Википедии. Это было сделано по следующей причине:

Это страница значений для несуществующих статей. Тоже сирота.

Согласно критериям быстрого удаления статьи, не соответствующие основным критериям Википедии, могут быть удалены в любое время. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями по поводу того, что обычно считается подходящей статьей , и если вы можете указать, почему тема этой статьи уместна, вы можете оспорить пометку. Для этого добавьте вверху страницы и оставьте заметку на странице обсуждения статьи с объяснением вашей позиции. Не удаляйте тег быстрого удаления самостоятельно, но не стесняйтесь добавлять в статью информацию, которая подтвердила бы значимость ее темы в соответствии с руководящими принципами.{{hangon}}

Чтобы получить рекомендации по определенным типам статей, вы можете ознакомиться с нашими критериями для биографий , для веб-сайтов , для групп или для компаний . Не стесняйтесь оставлять заметку на моей странице обсуждения, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы по этому поводу. Кевин Ректор ( выступление ) 15:20, 22 апреля 2009 г. (UTC)

Я удалил быстрый тег и разработал неоднозначную страницу в соответствии с wp: MOSDAB. Я превратил одну красную ссылку в синюю, создав статью-заглушку, и продолжил разговор с пользователем: Кевин Ректор . Думаю, это сделано. Спасибо Clario за создание неоднозначной страницы в прошлом году! doncram ( разговор ) 15:56, 22 апреля 2009 (UTC)

Пожалуйста, прокомментируйте еще раз, теперь на TfD Wikipedia: Шаблоны для удаления / Журнал / 2 мая 2009 г. # шаблон: Church disambig . doncram ( разговор ) 02:45, 2 мая 2009 (UTC)

Спасибо! Не могли бы вы прокомментировать еще раз, в Википедии: Категории для обсуждения / Журнал / 2 мая 2009 г. # Категория: Страницы значений церковного строительства . Может быть, результатом будет восстановление шаблона и категории разрешения неоднозначности мест поклонения, я не знаю, волнует меня или нет, пока сохраняется какой-то шаблон и категория. Как бы то ни было, я устал, но я думаю, что нужно держаться, чтобы увидеть, что TfD и CfD не пойдут плохо из-за слишком небольшого информированного участия. doncram ( разговор ) 05:57, 3 мая 2009 (UTC)

Если это стандарт для этого элемента. Я исправлю все добавленные мной ссылки. EraserGirl ( разговор ) 03:07, 10 мая 2009 (UTC)

Я загрузил изображение Methuen MA, которое может вас заинтересовать. Файл: Methuen, MA Park St, смотрящий на юг .jpg Третье здание справа - это тыльная сторона Первой баптистской церкви (Метуэн, Массачусетс). Я еще не нашел старого изображения этого здания. EraserGirl ( разговор ) 19:30, 27 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за замечание - я просто форматирую эти верхние и нижние колонтитулы, чтобы они соответствовали подавляющему большинству других списков на уровне округа по всей стране. Я впервые увидел этот формат в представлении Дтборером списков округов Пенсильвании.

На мой взгляд, это не такая уж большая проблема: многие штаты были в этом формате, по крайней мере, с конца прошлого года, и хотя я смотрю каждый список NRHP для 28 разных штатов, я не помню, чтобы видел такую ​​проблему, как вы упомянули. в любом из списков, которые я смотрю. Если это произойдет, нетрудно объяснить, что это только NRHP. Одно различие между ситуацией сейчас и ситуацией, когда вы добавили эти заголовки, состоит в том, что мы больше не используем терминологию «RHP» (простите меня, если я просто говорю вам то, что вы знаете); поскольку мы специально используем «NRHP», должно быть легче объяснить несведущим редакторам, что это не просто какие-то исторические места, которые где-то зарегистрированы. Найттенд ( разговор ) 00:39, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Я не понимаю, почему нужно позволять идеям одного редактора противоречить стандартам всего проекта. Если бы это было так, то Mapits по-прежнему оставался бы внизу всех статей сообщества :-) Я восстановил список Framingham для перенаправления, и теперь он в моем списке наблюдения; если редактор снова откроется, я отнесу его в AFD, потому что нет четких критериев для включения любых сайтов, не относящихся к NRHP. Если мне понадобится поддержка, я скажу вам, и, вероятно, Донкраму и Санфранману59. Найттенд ( разговор ) 01:48, 31 мая 2009 (UTC)
Чтобы ответить на то, что вы сказали, в первую очередь - поскольку вилки контента не разрешены, я не понимаю, почему нам нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы они продолжали существовать. Большинство редакторов разумно относятся к подобным вещам, поэтому нетрудно объяснить точную цель списка. Я с трудом могу себе представить, чтобы несколько редакторов без носков и без мяса захотели поддержать какую-то маргинальную идею, такую ​​как список Фрамингема, поэтому мы, люди проекта NRHP, должны суметь продемонстрировать простым обсуждением, что это плохая идея. И если в этом случае возникнет проблема, мы всегда можем передать ее в AFD, где наши стандарты проекта должны облегчить ее решение. В любом случае: я думал, вы имели в виду, что люди будут добавлять на эти страницы сайты, не относящиеся к NRHP, и использование слова «NRHP» во вступлении, как я полагаю, предотвратит это или снизит вероятность того, что люди будут жаловаться, если они добавят прочее и мы его удалим. Ниттенд ( разговор ) 01:52, 31 мая 2009 (UTC)
Редактор Framingham отменил мое перенаправление, добавив сводку редактирования «Восстановление содержимого. Обсудите, если вы считаете, что у него нет оснований для включения», поэтому я ответил. Если он ответит больше, вы бы приняли участие? Я тоже попрошу помощи у Донкрама. Найттенд ( разговор ) 04:11, 1 июня 2009 (UTC)
Я прокомментировал в Talk: Исторические места в Фрамингеме, Массачусетс . Это не самая лучшая статья со списком местных исторических мест, но я поддержу, если местные редакторы захотят сделать статьи-списки о небольших местах, которые включают больше исторических мест, чем NRHP. Я бы не хотел, чтобы они взяли на себя и преобразовали наши основные статьи-списки NRHP, но здесь дело обстоит не так: NRHP во Фрамингеме освещаются в статье со списком для всего округа. Так что я не вижу проблемы в наличии статьи со списком местных исторических достопримечательностей. Опять же, дальше можно там обсудить. Ура, Донкрам ( разговор ) 06:13, 1 июня 2009 г. (UTC)

Я отменил удаление вами различных ветряных, водяных и хлопковых мельниц с этой страницы. Причины, указанные на странице обсуждения. Мджрутс ( разговор ) 09:23, 11 июня 2009 (UTC)

Привет, я заметил, что вы редактировали несколько статей, связанных с Северным Миннеаполисом, и я хотел рассказать вам о проекте, в котором я участвую, под названием InsideNorthside. По сути, это википедия для Северного Миннеаполиса, построенная на википространствах (которая немного более удобна для пользователя, чем mediawiki, хотя и не так надежна). В любом случае, хотел, чтобы вы знали. Я пытаюсь найти экспертов по вики, которые помогут создать первоначальную базу пользователей для сайта. Проверьте это и дайте мне знать, что вы думаете. http://insidenorthside.org - Ariahfine ( разговор ) 01:21, 29 июля 2009 г. (UTC)

Привет Clariosophic,

Я прошу Википедистов, интересующихся юридическими статьями в США, взглянуть на WP: Hornbook , новую «рабочую группу по учебной программе JD».

Наша миссия состоит в том, чтобы ассимилировать в Википедию все идеи, полученные в американской юридической школе, за счет сокращения справочников до сносок .

  • В течение семестра каждая подстраница будет смещать фокус, чтобы отслеживать развертывание учебных программ для классов, использующих этот журнал по всей стране.
  • Он также будет включать в себя обширный гиперссылочный «указатель» или «схему» этого журнала, указывающий на страницы, заголовки или {{ якоря }} в Википедии ( пример ).
  • Отдельные юридические школы могут свободно адаптировать структуру нашего сборника дел к индивидуальной учебной программе, разработанной каждым отдельным профессором.
  • Я призываю студентов юридических факультетов по всей стране создавать местные отделения клуба, который я начинаю в своей юридической школе, «Студент WP: редакторы Hornbook». Используя WP: Hornbook в качестве нашей штаб-квартиры, мы надеемся создать группу по изучению, настолько инклюзивную, что никто не осмелится к ней не присоединиться .

Что вы можете сделать сейчас:

1. Добавьте WP: Hornbook в свой список наблюдения, {{ User Hornbook }} на свою пользовательскую страницу и ~~~~ в Wikipedia: Hornbook / members .
2. Если вы студент юридического факультета,
  • Отправьте сообщение по адресу http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:Hornbook своим одноклассникам и попросите их сделать то же самое.
  • Свяжитесь со мной напрямую через страницу обсуждения или по электронной почте о координации главы "Student WP: Hornbook Editors" в вашей школе.
( Вам не обязательно создавать клуб или даже участвовать в нем; просто помогите направить меня к тому, кто может. )
3. Представьтесь мне. Редакторы законов в Википедии - редкость. Стучитесь на мою страницу обсуждения, если есть статья, по которой вам нужна помощь.

С уважением, Андрей Gradman  ток / WP: азбука 20:21, 31 июля 2009 (UTC)

Привет. Чтобы очистить шаблон Category: Coord, требующий ремонта , не могли бы вы, если бы я изменил пару экземпляров в User: Clariosophic / sandbox10 ? Их нужно перенести на еще одну минуту и ​​ноль секунд, например, с " " на " ". —WWoods ( обсуждение ) 18:38, 5 августа 2009 г. (UTC){{coord}}{{39|57|60|N...{{coord|39|58|0|N...

Извините за задержку. В любом случае мне больше не нужна эта песочница, поэтому я ее просто удалил. Если вы обнаружите, что другие координаты нуждаются в корректировке, постарайтесь это сделать. клариософский ( разговор ) 20:36, 19 августа 2009 (UTC)
Спасибо! —WWoods ( обсуждение ) 23:51, 19 августа 2009 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за то, что позаботились об улучшении категорий церквей в Мэриленде. Я создал большую часть заглушек к этим статьям и очень рад видеть, что они пересматриваются и обновляются! С наилучшими пожеланиями - Pubdog ( разговор ) 12:47, 10 октября 2009 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за заметку. Я ценю работу, которую вы проделали (и делаете) по написанию статей о них и фотографированию. Кстати, у вас есть фотография часовни Святого Петра на Соломоновых островах? Если да, опубликуйте, пожалуйста, в статье. С наилучшими пожеланиями. клариософский ( разговор ) 14:26, 10 октября 2009 (UTC)
Привет, Кларио ... спасибо за ваши добрые комментарии. Боюсь, у меня нет фотографии часовни Святого Петра . По иронии судьбы, я был там только в прошлые выходные на винном фестивале в Соттерли (Голливуд, штат Мэриленд), а затем поужинал на Соломоновых островах, штат Мэриленд . В следующий раз, когда я спущусь туда, я обязательно заеду - Pubdog ( разговор ) 14:33, 10 октября 2009 г. (UTC).

Сегодня в дороге и сфотографировал Троицкую церковь (Варшава, Нью-Йорк) специально для вас. Также изменена категория статьи на правильную ссылку Carpenter Gothic. Cheers! - Pubdog ( разговор ) 22:47, 25 октября 2009 г. (UTC)

Еще одна из ваших любимых готических церквей Плотника находится в церкви Искупителя (Аддисон, Нью-Йорк) . Я надеюсь, что скоро получу его фотографию. - Pubdog ( обсуждение ) 13:28, 28 октября 2009 г. (UTC) На самом деле нашел недавнее изображение на Flickr и загрузил его в общий доступ. - Pubdog ( разговор ) 14:48, 28 Октябрь 2009 г. (UTC)

Не могли бы вы взглянуть на Category talk: англиканские приходы в провинции Мэриленд ? Спасибо, . . . . Джим . . . . Джеймслвудвард ( обсуждение • вклад ) 11:06, 26 октября 2009 г. (UTC)

Birthday candles.jpg

Отсюда я понял, что прошло ровно три года с тех пор, как вы присоединились к проекту. С Днем Рождения! Следите за хорошую работу, г ʨ anaɢ  разговора / вклад 17:56, 7 ноября 2009 (UTC)

Я не уверен. Я был там вчера, и это не выглядело так, как будто оно в настоящее время используется UCC - на нем есть вывески крупного агентства по аренде и различные названия организаций, но нет, IIRC, каких-либо знаков UCC или названия выше. Его не показывают на национальных или массовых сайтах UCC, и это не одно из имен на большой новой вывеске, которую вы можете увидеть слева от двери (но не прочитать) здесь.Allston Congregational Church Boston MA 01.jpg. Я собираюсь предположить, что она сочеталась с Брайтонской евангелической конгрегационалистской церковью, которая теперь называет себя конгрегационалистской церковью Олстон Брайтон. Также см. Последнюю строчку здесь. и это. А также. наконец, телефон, указанный на церковном веб-сайте, не отвечает - никакой машины, просто звонит. Это очень не похоже на церковный телефон.

Мне, наверное, следовало все это проверить, прежде чем добавить в статью церковный веб-сайт - но я думаю, что это мертвый сайт. . . . . Джим . . . . Джеймслвудвард ( обсуждение • вклад ) 15:48, 12 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)

Поскольку вы создали заглушку для этого исторического места и запросили фотографию, вам может быть интересно узнать, что я сделал ее, но, к сожалению, она показывает, что этого сарая почти нет. Джонатандер ( разговор ) 06:20, 8 декабря 2009 г. (UTC)

знак равно

Привет Кларио: Посетил епископальную церковь Святой Марии (Вудлон, Мэриленд) и добавил рис. С Новым годом! - Pubdog ( разговор ) 02:54, 30 декабря 2009 (UTC)

... и еще один новый для вас здесь Церковь Святого Михаила (Рейстерстаун, Мэриленд) - Pubdog ( обсуждение ) 22:05, 30 декабря 2009 г. (UTC)

Привет. Файл: Honda Civic 1978 года, Стюарт, Флорида.jpg говорит, что это автомобиль 1987 года, сфотографированный в 1978 году. Я предполагаю, что там перепутались те или иные цифры, не так ли? :-) Пожалуйста, поправьте это. Если я могу чем-нибудь помочь, спросите. Спасибо за вашу работу! Ура, - Infrogutation ( разговор ) 19:19, 2 января 2010 г. (UTC)

  • Норуолк Джеймс ( разговор ) 21:51, 15 апреля 2010 г. (UTC)

Привет! Я купил очень недорогую копию « Путеводителя по исторической архитектуре Флориды» и добавил туда кое-что в свои списки, если их еще не было. В последнее время я фотографировал повсюду, хотя по понятным причинам я бы этого не хотел . В любом случае, для некоторых из них я создал скрытую категорию на Commons. Вот оно что . Это еще не все. Если у вас есть что-то, что вас особенно интересует, просто спросите или выполните поиск в Commons. Я назвал их примерно так же, как в Руководстве . Позже! - Эбябе ( разговор ) 14:24, 8 мая 2010 г. (UTC)

Redaktor Wikipedia 600px.png

Привет. Вашему аккаунту предоставлено право « рецензент », что позволяет вам просматривать правки других пользователей на определенных помеченных страницах. Незавершенные изменения, также известные как помеченная защита, в настоящее время проходят двухмесячную пробную версию, которая должна закончиться 15 августа 2010 года.

Рецензенты могут просматривать правки, внесенные пользователями, которые не подтвердили автоматически статьи, помещенные в список ожидающих изменений. Незавершенные изменения применяются только к небольшому количеству статей , аналогично тому, как применяется полузащита, но более контролируемым способом для испытания. Список статей с ожидающими изменениями, ожидающими рассмотрения, находится по адресу Special: OldReviewedPages .

При проверке правки должны приниматься, если они не являются очевидным вандализмом или нарушением BLP и не являются явно проблематичными в свете причины, указанной для защиты (см. Википедия: процесс проверки ). Более подробную документацию и инструкции можно найти здесь .

Если вам не нужны эти права пользователя, вы можете попросить любого администратора удалить его за вас в любое время. Курсель ( разговор ) 04:36, 17 июня 2010 (UTC)

Здравствуйте, я надеюсь, что у вас все в порядке, и я искренне извиняюсь за это вторжение. Я только что прочитал ваш профиль и увидел, что вы гордитесь тем, что являетесь ирландцем (я хотел бы в ближайшее время посетить вашу чудесную страну!), Поэтому вы понимаете, что такое второстепенный язык и культура, и, возможно, я вас не беспокою и вы поможете нам ... Я являюсь членом каталонской ассоциации "Amical de la Viquipèdia", которая пытается получить некоторое признание в качестве каталонского отделения, но на тот момент это не было одобрено. Мы будем признательны за вашу поддержку, если вы разместите это на своей первой странице: Wikimedia CAT . Поддержка нас будет равносильна предоставлению равных возможностей меньшинствам языков и культур в будущем! Еще раз спасибо, желаю отличного лета, береги себя! Картинка кота действительно хорошая и красивая, котик очень милый, извините! Продолжайте сохранять свою великую культуру, страну, музыку и язык, даже если вы живете в США, как и многие из моих ирландско-американских друзей! Slán agat! Capsot ( разговор ) 07:23, 18 июня 2010 (UTC)

Только что обнаружил и с большим интересом прочитал вашу недавнюю статью о здании суда округа Доусон (Небраска) .

Я живу в Кирни, штат Небраска , и фотографирую как объекты NRHP, так и здания судов в штате. Если вы обдумываете или работаете над статьей на сайте в Небраске и хотите ее проиллюстрировать, пожалуйста, оставьте сообщение на моей странице обсуждения. Я не могу обещать быстрых результатов, но много путешествую по штату и, вероятно, смогу сделать несколько снимков в течение года или около того после запроса ...

- Аммодрамус ( разговор ) 00:24, 25 июля 2010 г. (UTC)

Спасибо за ответ. Насколько я помню, был довольно мрачный день, когда я фотографировал оперный театр Аллена. Я постараюсь вернуться в Козад солнечным днем.
Между прочим, если вас интересуют суды Небраски, вы можете взглянуть на Commons: Категория: Здание суда округа Тайер (Небраска) . Я был удивлен, обнаружив, что здания суда не было на NRHP; Небольшое исследование показало, что когда-то у него была остроконечная крыша и башня, которые были снесены торнадо 1953 года. Хотя это изменение явно делает его непригодным для участия в программе NRHP, мне кажется, что это только добавляет зданию примечательности.
- Аммодрамус ( разговор ) 00:49, 25 июля 2010 г. (UTC)
Я очень завидую тебе пантере. Я прожил в Аризоне 25 лет, много времени проводил на открытом воздухе и ни разу не видел горного льва. Ближе всего я подошел к возможному следу в засохшей грязи возле Надгробия.
Как и вы, я пытаюсь стать лучшим фотографом методом проб и ошибок. Конечно, часть его отказывается фотографировать при плохом освещении - как, например, было в Оперном театре Аллена. Но я решил на всякий случай сделать снимки; достаточное количество участков Небраски было потеряно из-за пожаров, торнадо и тому подобного. Я подумал, что было бы неплохо иметь несколько снимков в резерве, даже если их качество было невысоким.
- Аммодрамус ( разговор ) 17:59, 25 июля 2010 г. (UTC)
Недавно вернулся в Козад, штат Небраска, ясным ясным днем ​​и сфотографировал оперный театр Аллена и отель Hendee при лучшем освещении, чем во время моей последней поездки. Загрузили новые фото.
- Аммодрам ( разговор ) 06:36, 9 августа 2010 г. (UTC)

Только что заметил, что вы создавали и добавляли указанные выше категории вручную. Если вам нужна помощь, у меня есть полномочия AWB; просто дайте мне список сайтов в данном округе, и я могу добавить вам категорию полуавтоматически. Это избавит вас от износа. - Ser Amantio di Nicolao Che dicono a Signa? Lo dicono a Signa. 14:29, 2 августа 2010 г. (UTC)

Конечно - всегда рад помочь. - Ser Amantio di Nicolao Che dicono a Signa? Lo dicono a Signa. 01:01, 3 августа 2010 г. (UTC)

Я вижу, вы добавили Villa vizcaya в категорию: Историческая архитектура Флориды в 1989 году в списки опросов AIA в округе Майами-Дейд. Это кажется очень интересным, но я смотрю в GOOGLE и ничего не вижу об опросе AIA 1989 года. Не могли бы вы указать мне ссылку для этого? GroveGuy ( разговор ) 02:54, 7 августа 2010 (UTC)

Это книга под названием «Путеводитель по исторической архитектуре Флориды» . Должен быть доступен в большинстве библиотек. Смотрите результаты Google . - Эбябе ( разговор ) 12:20, 7 августа 2010 г. (UTC)

В прошлую субботу я побывал в Хэмптоне, Старке, Лоти и Ориндж-парке. Проверьте здесь для получения дополнительной информации. :) - Эбябе ( разговор ) 01:49, 26 августа 2010 (UTC)

В Европе или в Атлантике? Orlady и я , кажется (мягко) не согласен ... Я думаю , что мы оба смычка к консенсусу ... но нам нужно несколько больше мнений, чтобы знать , что консенсус есть . Поделитесь, пожалуйста, своим мнением на странице обсуждения. Blueboar ( разговор ) 22:01, 25 октября 2010 г. (UTC)

Если вы хотите прокомментировать

В эти выходные я буду у тебя на шее в лесу. Собираюсь завтра в Майами, а оттуда направляюсь на север, фотографирую свой путь через южную Флориду. Буду махать атчей, когда я прохожу через ваш округ. :) - Эбябе ( разговор ) 22:06, 24 ноября 2010 (UTC)

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 03:29, 4 января 2011 г. (UTC)

Добро пожаловать в проект !. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, комментарии или предложения - Кумиоко ( разговор ) 15:18, 4 января 2011 г. (UTC)

Приветствую, я некоторое время смотрю WikiProject South Carolina, и он, похоже, не очень активен, и у меня было предложение для участников. Я хотел бы в какой-то степени перетянуть WPUS под WikiProject United States. Я не обязательно говорю о полном слиянии, если только этого не хотят члены WPSC, но я имею в виду вот что.

  1. Проект останется таким, как есть, за исключением пары вещей. Я хотел бы заменить {{ WikiProject South Carolina }} на {{ WikiProject United States }} и добавить WPSC в список проектов, поддерживаемых WPUS. Это будет включать замену шаблона WPSC на страницах обсуждения статей на WPUS / Южная Каролина (если вы хотите увидеть, например, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия).
  2. Я бы также добавил его в список проектов, поддерживаемых WPUS, на главной целевой странице WPUS.

Я думаю, это принесет пользу обоим проектам.

  1. Это повысит видимость Южной Каролины и связанных статей для гораздо большей базы пользователей.
  2. Это позволит WPSC легче извлекать выгоду из ботов, работающих для WPUS. Это включает в себя бот оповещения о статьях, который предупреждает о статьях и изображениях для удаления или продвижения. Это обеспечит максимальную видимость, если статья, касающаяся Южной Каролины, будет отправлена ​​на удаление или продвижение.
  3. Это позволило бы статьям, относящимся к Южной Каролине, подпадать под действие WPUS и Южной Каролины.
  4. Это несколько снизило бы затраты на обслуживание за счет объединения шаблонов.
  5. Это уменьшит количество шаблонов, видимых в статьях.
  6. В дополнение к вышесказанному, я обычно просматриваю все статьи в рамках WPUS каждый месяц или 2 раза исправляю различные вещи (разделы, опечатки, персональные данные, категории и т. Д.), И это позволит статьям из Южной Каролины гораздо легче попасть под это. .

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, какие мысли или идеи у вас есть по этому поводу, и будут ли другие участники восприимчивы к этому. Я также добавил сообщение на страницу обсуждения WikiProject South Carolina. Заранее спасибо. - Кумиоко ( разговор ) 20:25, 11 января 2011 г. (UTC)

Первым из того, что, я надеюсь, будет ежемесячный информационный бюллетень, я снова хочу поприветствовать вас в проекте и надеюсь, что, работая вместе в течение года, мы сможем расширить проект, создать недостающие статьи и в целом улучшить взаимное сотрудничество и поддержку. . Теперь, когда у нас есть проект и солидный пул желающих участников, я хотел нанести удар, пока железо горячо, и попросить помощи в некоторых вещах, которые я считаю хорошим следующим шагом в укреплении проекта. Я изложил несколько предложений, с которыми вы можете помочь, на странице обсуждения проектов . Это включает, но не ограничивается, обновление Portal: United States , оценку оставшихся статей, связанных с США, которые не были оценены, удаление Unrefernced BLP и других. Если у вас есть другие предложения или вы заинтересованы в других делах, не стесняйтесь. Я просто хотел предложить несколько предложений, если потребуется дополнительная помощь. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, комментарии или предложения, или вы всегда можете опубликовать что-то на странице обсуждения проектов. Если вы не хотите получать ежемесячные сообщения, поставьте * перед своим именем на странице участников - Кумиоко ( разговор ) 02:51, 12 января 2011 г. (UTC)

Начиная с выпуска за февраль 2011 года, WikiProject United States создала информационный бюллетень, чтобы информировать всех, кто интересуется темами, связанными с США, о последних изменениях. В этом информационном бюллетене будут обсуждаться не только вопросы, касающиеся WikiProject United States, но также:

  1. Портал: США
  2. США википедианы обьявления
  3. сотрудничество США википедиана месяца - Совместная статья за февраль Девятнадцатой Поправка к Конституции Соединенных Штатов
  4. и изменения в Википолитике, событиях и других вещах, которые могут вас заинтересовать.

Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень или помочь в его написании, подписаться, отказаться от подписки или изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, перейдя по этой ссылке . Если у вас есть идея по улучшению информационного бюллетеня, оставьте сообщение на моей странице обсуждения или на странице обсуждения информационного бюллетеня . - Кумиоко ( разговор ) 20:37, 4 февраля 2011 г. (UTC)

Это редактирование и это удаляют ссылочный номер Национальной регистрационной информационной системы (NRIS) для этих двух сайтов, перечисленных в Национальном регистре исторических мест (NRHP). Я восстановил оба ссылочных номера, поскольку их удаление поместило статьи в категорию очистки. Была ли это причина удаления или это была ошибка? - Дудеманфеллабра ( разговор ) 19:33, 5 марта 2011 г. (UTC)

Я загружаю около 800 в Commons, уф. Пользуюсь по желанию, донча знаю. :) - Эбябе ( разговор ) 01:51, 7 марта 2011 (UTC)

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Апреля 2011 вопрос о WikiProject США бюллетеня был опубликован. Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень, изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, или отказаться от подписки на это уведомление, перейдя по ссылке. Спасибо.

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 17:31, 6 апреля 2011 г. (UTC)

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Мая 2011 вопрос о WikiProject США бюллетень был опубликован. Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень, изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, или отказаться от подписки на это уведомление, перейдя по ссылке. Спасибо.

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 02:03, 6 мая 2011 г. (UTC)

Пожалуйста, не помещайте ссылки, особенно в информационном окне, с новой строки. Согласно MoS не должно быть места. Vegaswikian ( разговорное ) 18:21, 6 мая 2011 (UTC)

Это автоматическое сообщение от CorenSearchBot . Я выполнил поиск в Интернете по содержанию здания суда округа Эсмеральда , и, похоже, он включает материалы, скопированные непосредственно с http://accessesmeralda.com/Courthouse.htm .

Возможно, бот запутался и обнаружил сходство там, где его на самом деле нет. В этом случае вы можете удалить тег из статьи. Статья будет рассмотрена, чтобы определить, есть ли какие-либо проблемы с авторскими правами.

Если существенный контент дублируется и не является общественным достоянием или доступен по совместимой лицензии, он будет удален. По юридическим причинам мы не можем принимать защищенный авторским правом текст или изображения, заимствованные с других веб-сайтов, или печатные материалы. Вы можете использовать такие публикации как источник информации, но не как источник предложений. См. Нашу политику в отношении авторских прав для получения дополнительной информации. (Если вам принадлежат авторские права на ранее опубликованный контент и вы хотите его пожертвовать, см. Википедию: Пожертвование материалов, защищенных авторским правом, для процедуры.) CorenSearchBot ( обсуждение ) 19:44, 6 мая 2011 г. (UTC)

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Июня 2011 вопрос о WikiProject США бюллетеня был опубликован. Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень, изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, или отказаться от подписки на это уведомление, перейдя по ссылке. Спасибо.

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 17:36, 12 июня 2011 г. (UTC)

Вы можете прокомментировать обсуждение, в котором вы были упомянуты на WT: NRHP # Комментарий к Straw Опросы, «решениям» и консенсусу . Спасибо. - SarekOfVulcan (разговор) 14:10, 13 июня 2011 г. (UTC)

Мне удалось получить фотографии 95% + NRHP Флориды, а также большинство материалов из «Путеводителя по исторической архитектуре Флориды» . Значит, много материала для создания статьи, донча в курсе. :) - Эбябе ( разговор ) 18:26, 16 июля 2011 (UTC)

Фу! Я не могу сейчас проехать всю дорогу до округа Палм-Бич. Я до сих пор считаю отстой, что этому грозит снос. ---- DanTD ( разговор ) 23:28, 26 июля 2011 г. (UTC)


Недавно было высказано предположение, что WikiProject Maryland может быть неактивным или полуактивным, и было бы полезно включить его в список проектов, поддерживаемых WikiProject United States . Я начал обсуждение на странице обсуждения проектов, чтобы узнать мнение участников проекта, будет ли этот проект заинтересован в поддержке WikiProject United States. Не стесняйтесь комментировать свое мнение об этом предложении. - Кумиоко ( разговор ) 03:06, 16 августа 2011 г. (UTC)

Вернулся из поездки в Саванну и на восточное побережье Джорджии. Нашел кое-что интересное, например, эту церковь на Мидуэе, построенную в 1792 году. На случай, если вы работаете над статьями о церквях в этом районе, а? :) - Эбябе ( разговор ) 03:47, 26 августа 2011 (UTC)

Привет, я заметил, что вы активно участвуете в проекте NRHP WikiProject, и я надеялся, что вы хотите прокомментировать происходящее там обсуждение. Вы не обязаны, но мы будем очень признательны. Обсуждение находится в WT: NRHP # Номера в списках округов NRHP . Спасибо. Theking 17825 16:08, 31 августа 2011 г. (UTC)

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Сентября 2011 вопрос о WikiProject США бюллетеня был опубликован. Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень, изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, или отказаться от подписки на это уведомление, перейдя по ссылке. Спасибо.

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 12:20, 5 сентября 2011 г. (UTC)

Как правильно использовать слово «епископальный» для описания человека, который является членом протестантской епископальной церкви? Помимо моего Кена ( выступление ) 02:13, 25 октября 2011 г. (UTC)

Епископальное это человек , который принадлежит к епископальной церкви . ИМХО, истинный епископалий никогда бы не назвал свою церковь "епископальной" церковью. Не-епископалы используют эту терминологию насмешливо или по незнанию. В любом случае, я считаю его использование оскорбительным как член епископальной церкви. Кстати, термин протестантская епископальная церковь или PE-церковь сегодня редко используется епископальными членами США, за исключением исторического контекста. С наилучшими пожеланиями. клариософский ( разговор ) 17:30, 25 октября 2011 г. (UTC)
Спасибо, всегда рад узнать что-то новое. Помимо моего Кена ( разговор ) 17:33, 25 октября 2011 (UTC)

Привет, клариософский,

Я учусь в Университете Клемсона и создаю проект википедии для одного из моих уроков английского языка. Я полагаю, что свяжусь с двумя википедистами с просьбой дать ответ на мою статью.

Это ссылка на мою песочницу: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Krondorx/Saluda_%28band%29_sandbox

Работа над ним продолжается, но если вы видите что-то, что выделяется, как больной палец, не стесняйтесь комментировать.


Krondorx - Предыдущий неподписанный комментарий, добавленный Krondorx ( обсуждение • вклад ) 22:25, 3 ноября 2011 г. (UTC)

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Декабря 2011 вопрос о WikiProject США бюллетеня был опубликован. Вы можете прочитать информационный бюллетень, изменить формат, в котором будут доставляться вам будущие выпуски, или отказаться от подписки на это уведомление, перейдя по ссылке. Спасибо.

- Кумиоко ( разговор ) 04:07, 12 декабря 2011 г. (UTC)

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- Куми-Таскбот ( разговор ) 18:51, 16 января 2012 г. (UTC)

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  • Новости и примечания: новости о глобальном развитии, День Википедии в Нью-Йорке прошел успешно, аудио JFK на Commons
  • В новостях: замбийские вики-убийцы, Foundation über alles , участие редакторов и плато инноваций
  • Недавние исследования: языковой анализ исследует структуру власти и политический уклон; Википедия по сравнению с коммерческими базами данных
  • Отчет WikiProject: Копаем WikiProject Palaeontology
  • Рекомендуемый контент: на этой неделе стремительный рост популярного контента
  • Отчет об арбитраже: пять открытых дел, голосование по предложенным решениям по двум делам
  • Технологический отчет: Почему «Lua» у всех на слуху и когда стоит ожидать MediaWiki 1.19
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 03:02, 31 января 2012 (UTC)

  • Новости и заметки: Фонд посещает Тунис, анализирует доноров.
  • В новостях: ведущий ученый приветствует Википедию, историки призывают внести свой вклад, в то время как пиарщики по-прежнему избегают
  • Отчет по обсуждению: обсуждения шаблонов для удаления и возвращения редакторов красочных прошлых тучны.
  • Отчет WikiProject: Глаз бури: тропические циклоны WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Обсуждение архитектуры с MrPanyGoff
  • Отчет об арбитраже: четыре открытых дела, окончательное решение в изображениях Мухаммеда, Betacommand 3 близка к закрытию
  • Технологический отчет: октябрьский вызов по кодированию: результаты уже получены; прогресс на 1,19 устойчивый; и почему какое-то время межвики-ссылок больше не было
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 23:21, 7 февраля 2012 (UTC)

  • Специальный отчет: предложения по сбору средств вызывают фурор среди глав
  • Новости и заметки: Фонд запускает отдел правовой и общественной защиты
  • В новостях: ученые и верблюды борются с появившимся википорядком
  • В фокусе: стычки в «великой межрелигиозной войне в Интернете»
  • Отчет WikiProject: Сортировка заглушек WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: лучшее за неделю
  • Отчет об арбитраже: Betacommand 3 закрыта, предложенное решение по обеспечению соблюдения Civility, объявлены кандидаты от AUSC
  • Технологический отчет: в январе появится прототип нового API геоданных; но февраль - время тестирования для ведущих разработчиков.
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 03:00, 15 февраля 2012 (UTC)

  • Спецрепортаж: Бедственное положение патрульных на новой странице
  • Новости и заметки: сбор средств продолжается, новый технический директор
  • Отчет по обсуждению: Обсуждение защищенных авторским правом файлов из неамериканских государств
  • Отчет WikiProject : WikiProject Poland
  • Рекомендуемый контент: лучшее за неделю
  • Арбитражный отчет: принудительное исполнение вежливости закрыто, решение в TimidGuy предложено, два дела остаются открытыми
  • Технологический отчет: основные этапы цикла разработки объединяются по мере развертывания версии 1.19 для первых вики-сайтов.
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 22:48, 20 февраля 2012 (UTC)

В этом выпуске...

  • От редактора
  • Что ты делаешь на пост?
  • Стартовал увлекательный и захватывающий конкурс
  • В центре внимания католицизм WikiProject

Ichthus публикуется WikiProject Christianity.
По вопросам подачи материалов и подписки обращайтесь в отдел новостей.

  • Новости и заметки: последствия финансового совещания, готовятся рекомендации Гарднера
  • Недавнее исследование: гендерный разрыв и неприятие конфликтов; сотрудничество по актуальным новостям; влияние лидерства на участие; наследие инициативы государственной политики
  • Отчет по обсуждению: акцент на поведении администратора и удержании редактора
  • Отчет WikiProject: Только не называйте это «научной фантастикой»: WikiProject Science Fiction
  • Рекомендуемый контент: на самолете, на корабле и в дилижансе: на этой неделе мы отправимся в поход по избранному контенту.
  • Отчет об арбитраже: окончательное решение по апелляции на запрет TimidGuy, одно дело остается открытым
  • Технологический отчет: стресс при развертывании 1.19, Мета обсуждает, следует ли применять SUL
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 01:09, 28 февраля 2012 (UTC)

  • Новости и примечания: места в совете директоров, выбранные главой, приглашение в чайный домик, патрулирование становится сортировкой, и эта неделя в истории
  • В новостях: достигнутые высоты в поисковом рейтинге, конфиденциальности и информации о психическом здоровье; облака остаются над контролем контента
  • Отчет по обсуждению: ИСП и НЕЦЕНЗУРИРОВАННЫЕ: обсуждаемые политики
  • Отчет WikiProject: Мы не кусаемся: WikiProject Амфибии и Рептилии
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Лучшее за неделю
  • Отчет об арбитраже: объявлены назначения AUSC, одно дело остается открытым
  • Технологический отчет: развертывание версии 1.19 (в основном) завершено, и разработчики рассматривают возможность «мини» развертывания в конце месяца.
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 15:49, 6 марта 2012 (UTC)

  • Интервью: связь с образовательной программой
  • Женщины и Википедия: женская история, что нам не хватает и почему это важно
  • Арбитражный анализ: взгляд на новых арбитров
  • Новости и примечания: Сью Гарднер занимается финансированием, и обновление условий использования приближается к реализации
  • В новостях: « Британника» перестает печататься, поскольку Джимми Уэльс назначил царем прозрачности Великобритании
  • Отчет по обсуждению: Ничего не меняется, пока продолжаются обсуждения.
  • Отчет WikiProject: Женская история WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: вымершие люди, птицы и Birdman
  • Отчет об арбитраже: предлагаемое решение в разделе «Заголовки статей», только одно открытое дело
  • Отчет об образовании: различные подходы к Википедии в образовании
  • Технологический отчет: кривая обучения Git крутая, но не непреодолимая, плюс стиль различий, с которым мы все можем согласиться?
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 11:30, 15 марта 2012 г. (UTC)

  • Новости и примечания: предложения Совета глав принимают форму в виде исследовательских приложений, приглашенных для учетных записей Wikipedia Academy и HighBeam.
  • Отчет о дискуссии: статья Спасательная эскадрилья снова нуждается в спасении
  • Отчет WikiProject: Уроки из другой Википедии: Чешские охраняемые территории WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: популярный контент на подъеме!
  • Арбитражный отчет: открыт «обзор» расы и интеллекта, заголовки статей при голосовании
  • Технологический отчет: Bugmeister уйдет в конце мая, но разработчики стремятся «наметить» дальнейший путь
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 13:25, 20 марта 2012 (UTC)

Я только что опубликовал статью о Театре Принцесс (Эдмонтон) . Он указан как провинциальный исторический ресурс в провинции Альберта, и поэтому я считаю, что он попадает в сферу охвата исторических сайтов WikiProject. Я также заметил, что вы берете статьи из Канады, и поэтому мне было интересно, готовы ли вы добавить страницу в проект, оценить ее в рамках проекта и, возможно, принять ее номинацию в GA.


- Rawlangs ( разговор ) 16:34, 22 марта 2012 г. (UTC)

  • Новости и примечания: Спорная сага о содержании продолжается, а Фонд пытается привлечь редакторов к мерчандайзингу и реструктуризации.
  • Отчет WikiProject: WikiProject Rock Music
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Неисправные акулы, зубные гребни и известная мать: избранный контент на неделю
  • Арбитражный отчет: обзор расы и разведданных в доказательствах, названия статей закрыты
  • Недавнее исследование: прогнозирование выборов администратора; изучение отмеченных дебатов о пересмотре; классификация взаимодействий редакторов; и сбор литературы из Википедии
  • Отчет об образовании: Университеты объединяются для GLAM; и средние школы получают должное.
  • Технологический отчет: напряженная неделя: переход на Git, обновление мобильного сайта и еще время для трех выпусков безопасности
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 23:53, 26 марта 2012 (UTC)

Здорово, что там ремонт. И фото получше. Я побывал в своем расширенном дорожном путешествии на День Благодарения в 2010 году, и погода была дрянной от округа Дейд до южного Мартина. Это было хорошо только после Hobe Sound. Если бы я знал о Доме мыльных пузырей, я бы сделал несколько фотографий, когда проходил через него. Надеюсь, вы получили немного, пока получали школьные. Cheerio! :) - ‖ Ebyabe talk - General Inspector ‖ 22:27, 31 марта 2012 г. (UTC)

  • Интервью: введение в роли движения
  • Арбитражный анализ: рассмотрение дела: апелляция о запрете TimidGuy
  • Новости и заметки: реформа структуры движений в Берлине, запуск Викиданных с помпой и день озорства Википедии
  • Отчет WikiProject: Указатель совпадает с указателем
  • Рекомендуемый контент: змеи, часовни с неправильным названием и пустота: избранный контент на этой неделе
  • Отчет об арбитраже: обзор гонок и разведданных за третью неделю, одно открытое дело
  • Технологический отчет: где-то среди бесконечных дискуссий о Геррите лежат подробности хакатонов, объяснения показателей производительности и многое другое.
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 06:35, 3 апреля 2012 (UTC)

Victuallers ( разговор ) 00:02, 9 апреля 2012 (UTC)

  • Викиданные: Что дальше? Интервью с Викиданными
  • Интервью: Фонды, доверительные управляющие и фонд: сложная динамика масштабирования
  • Новости и примечания: проекты, запущенные в Бразилии и на Ближнем Востоке в качестве консультантов для комитета по финансированию
  • Отчет WikiProject: Страна устойчивых привычек: WikiProject Connecticut
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Убийство, геноцид, интернирование, убийство и распятие: самые кровавые за неделю
  • Арбитражный отчет: Арбитражные ходатайства об ограничении доказательств, два открытых дела
  • Технологический отчет: следующее развертывание Викимедиа уже в стадии разработки и подробности недавних улучшений производительности
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 23:55, 9 апреля 2012 (UTC)

Сообщение доставлено Домиником в 08:31, 11 апреля 2012 г. (UTC). Примечание: Вы можете удалить свое имя из этого Meetup пригласить список здесь .

  • Арбитражный анализ: в списке рассылки Арбитражного комитета
  • Платное редактирование: платит ли Википедия? Фасилитатор: Silver Seren
  • Новости и заметки: охват французского языка, дебаты на WikiTravel и перезагрузка HighBeam
  • Отчет для обсуждения: будущее незавершенных изменений
  • Отчет WikiProject: Бабочки и мотыльки WikiProject Lepidoptera
  • Рекомендуемый контент: несколько хороших видов спорта: ассоциативный футбол, лига регби и Олимпийские игры соперничают за медали.
  • Арбитражный отчет: начинается представление доказательств по делу Рича Фармбро, предлагаемое решение в R&I Review
  • Технологический отчет: MediaWiki 1.20wmf01 попадает в первую вики-страницу WMF, понимая 20% времени и почему этот отчет еще не может быть черновиком
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 22:02, 16 апреля 2012 (UTC)

  • Следственный отчет: Спин-врачи раскручивают "светлую линию" Джимми
  • Новости и заметки: обновление справочного пространства, WikiTravel RfC, и Джастин Кнапп набрал миллион правок
  • Отчет WikiProject: Скептики и верующие: WikiProject The X-Files
  • Рекомендуемый контент: зеркало (или семнадцать) избранного контента на этой неделе.
  • Арбитражный отчет: завершение приема доказательств по делу Рича Фармбро, голосование по предложенному решению в R&I Review
  • Технологический отчет: Wikimedia Labs: скоро ли вы окажетесь на переднем крае разработки MediaWiki?
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 10:55, 24 апреля 2012 (UTC)

Панид Маффин не тонкий 00:04, 28 апреля 2012 (UTC)

От редактора

В этом месяце отмечается празднование Пятидесятницы , одного из самых важных праздников христианского литургического года. Мы надеемся, что все вы, независимо от вашей религиозной принадлежности (если таковая имеется), найдете этот праздник и сопутствующие ему мероприятия приятным и полезным опытом. Мы также надеемся, что этот «День Рождения Церкви» доставит вам такую ​​же радость, как день рождения вас или ваших близких.

Ichthus является преемником давно существующего информационного бюллетеня WikiProject Christianity, который ведется отделом WikiProject Christianity Outreach . Таким образом, вы по-прежнему будете видеть информацию о наших последних избранных и хороших статьях, DYK, а также о новых участниках, которые присоединились к нашему проекту. Вы также можете увидеть ссылки на новости, связанные с христианством, в основных СМИ!

На этом я желаю всем приятного чтения!

Джон Картер , ассистент. редактор

PS Нажмите здесь, чтобы добавить новую доску объявлений по темам, связанным с христианством, в свой список наблюдения, чтобы следить за последними обсуждениями, касающимися христианства и подпроектов WikiProject.

Помогите ввести Wikipe-tan "в лоно"

Wikipe-tan full length.svg

Как многие из вас, возможно, знают, наш неофициальный талисман, дорогой Википетан, еще не выразил никаких конкретных убеждений. Однако да, как мы все знаем, кхм, некоторые люди могут возражать против того, чтобы наш любимый талисман носился в наряде французской горничной . Знаете, люди действительно разговаривают. ;) Если кто-нибудь сможет развить образ дорогой девушки в образе больше, ну, "Кристиан", я бы хотел увидеть, возможно, голосование в следующем месяце по поводу того, какой образ дорогой девушки мы будем может сделать наш собственный неофициальный талисман. Пожалуйста, разместите здесь свои изображения .

По Джон Картер

Христианство в других вики

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg
Как и многие из вас, существует большое количество других проектов Фонда Викимедиа, включая WikiSource, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, WikiQuote и другие. Я определенно верю, что Викиучебники и Викицитатник могут быть одними из наиболее релевантных родственных проектов. Если кто-либо из вас может вспомнить какие-либо конкретные усилия в этих других проектах, которые, по вашему мнению, выиграют от большего вклада, сообщите нам об этом здесь, чтобы мы могли помочь распространить информацию.

По Джон Картер

В центре внимания информационный отдел

Handshake (Workshop Cologne '06).jpeg

Ихтус осветит другой подпроект или рабочую группу WikiProject Christianity. В этом выпуске мы расскажем о нашем жизненно важном информационном отделе . Это сравнительно небольшое, но жизненно важное подразделение проекта предназначено для приветствия новых редакторов Википедии и контента, связанного с христианством, а также для предоставления информации различным участникам проекта в таких формах, как этот информационный бюллетень.

Объем статей, которыми занимается эта группа, поистине огромен, и, учитывая большое разнообразие материалов, с которыми мы имеем дело, мы очень приветствовали бы вклад большего числа людей, особенно людей, которые особенно хорошо осведомлены о менее известных и реже отслеживаются статьи, связанные с христианством.

Говоря лично, я был бы очень, очень рад, если бы мы сделали это очень, очень большим и активным подразделением, в которое войдут представители широкого спектра христианских верований, практик и групп. Чем шире спектр и области знаний наших участников, тем лучше мы сможем помочь в управлении контентом. Пожалуйста, подумайте, можете ли вы внести свой вклад в этой жизненно важной области.

По Джон Картер

Ichthus - это информационный бюллетень христианства в Википедии • Он публикуется WikiProject Christianity.
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EdwardsBot ( обсуждение ) 20:21, 29 апреля 2012 г. (UTC)

  • Платное редактирование: платит ли Википедия? Консультант: Пит Форсайт
  • Новости и примечания: Showdown как автор избранных статей открыто ищет коммерческие возможности
  • Недавние исследования: работа Barnstars; Викисловарь оценен; подсчитываются теги очистки; поиск опытных админов; пики обсуждения; Цитаты из Википедии в научных публикациях; и больше
  • Отчет по обсуждению: "ReferenceTooltips" по умолчанию
  • Отчет WikiProject: Картографы карт WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Рекомендуемый контент расправляет крылья
  • Отчет об арбитраже: R&I Review продолжает голосование, два открытых дела
  • Технологический отчет: что Git означает для конечных пользователей, разногласия по поводу дизайна и соответствующие результаты опросов
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 04:15, 1 мая 2012 (UTC)

  • Платное редактирование: платит ли Википедия? Коммуникатор: Фил Гомес
  • Новости и примечания: Викимания 2013 пройдет в Гонконге
  • В новостях: Что Википедия называет экспертом; и неправда в биографиях ... снова.
  • Отчет WikiProject: Say What ?: Языки WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: На этой неделе в избранном контенте: Сколько дерева выколотила бы деревянная утка, если бы деревянная утка могла забить древесину?
  • Отчет об арбитраже: предлагаемое решение по делу Рич Фармбро, два открытых дела
  • Технологический отчет: поиск становится быстрее, GSoC получает больше деталей и развертывается 1.20wmf2
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 00:14, 8 мая 2012 (UTC)

  • Платное редактирование: платит ли Википедия? Коммуникатор: Фил Гомес
  • Новости и примечания: Викимания 2013 пройдет в Гонконге
  • В новостях: Что Википедия называет экспертом; и неправда в биографиях ... снова.
  • Отчет WikiProject: Say What ?: Языки WikiProject
  • Рекомендуемый контент: На этой неделе в избранном контенте: Сколько дерева выколотила бы деревянная утка, если бы деревянная утка могла забить древесину?
  • Отчет об арбитраже: предлагаемое решение по делу Рич Фармбро, два открытых дела
  • Технологический отчет: поиск становится быстрее, GSoC получает больше деталей и развертывается 1.20wmf2
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 00:14, 8 мая 2012 (UTC)

  • Специальный отчет: Викимедиа и «сейсмический сдвиг» в сторону исследовательской публикации с открытым доступом
  • Новости и примечания: Финансовые дебаты затягиваются, поскольку опрос редакторов считает Википедию слишком бюрократической
  • Отчет WikiProject: добро пожаловать в Википедию с чашкой чая и ответами на все ваши вопросы - в Чайхане
  • Рекомендуемый контент: на этой неделе популярный контент особенно популярен
  • Арбитражный отчет: R&I Review закрыт, Rich Farmbrough закрывается
  • Технологический отчет: разногласия по поводу списков наблюдения между вики; и действительно ли полезный ответ "иди и отправь сообщение об ошибке"?
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 22:28, 14 мая 2012 (UTC)

  • От редактора: Новый главный редактор
  • Новости и заметки: два новых сотрудника Викимедиа для разработки стратегий решения основных проблем.
  • Отчет WikiProject: Проблемы в далекой-далекой галактике ....
  • Рекомендуемый контент: Lemurbaby продвигает его вместе с Мадагаскаром: избранный контент на неделю
  • Отчет об арбитраже: открытых арбитражных дел нет
  • Технологический отчет: О неразрушимости контента Викимедиа
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  • EdwardsBot ( разговор ) 02:30, 22 мая 2012 (UTC)

Delivered by MessageDeliveryBot on behalf of Meetup/Boston at 19:52, 29 May 2012 (UTC).

  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation endorses open-access petition to the White House; pending changes RfC ends
  • Recent research: Supporting interlanguage collaboration; detecting reverts; Wikipedia's discourse, semantic and leadership networks, and Google's Knowledge Graph
  • WikiProject report: Experts and enthusiasts at WikiProject Geology
  • Featured content: Featured content cuts the cheese
  • Arbitration report: Fæ and GoodDay requests for arbitration, changes to evidence word limits
  • Technology report: Developer divide wrangles; plus Wikimedia Zero, MediaWiki 1.20wmf4, and IPv6
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:50, 30 May 2012 (UTC)

  • Special report: WikiWomenCamp: From women, for women
  • News and notes: Editors want most funding for technical areas, while widespread ignorance of WMF board elections and chapters persists; voting still live on Commons best picture
  • Discussion report: Watching Wikipedia change
  • WikiProject report: Views of WikiProject Visual Arts
  • Featured content: On the lochs
  • Arbitration report: Two motions for procedural reform, three open cases, Rich Farmbrough risks block and ban
  • Technology report: Report from the Berlin Hackathon
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 08:45, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

You're quite right – links on the dio page and the bishops list should match. I've determined (using Google Books) that Ousley should be at Todd Ousley, and I'm in the process of a long series of edits overhauling the bishops list, so they will match once I've got to him... DBD 18:51, 8 June 2012 (UTC)

Membership report

The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 331 active members. We would like to welcome User:Sanju87, User:Psalm84, User:Zegron, User:Jargon777, User:Calu2000, User:Gilderien, User:Ronallenus, Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor

Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. We have recently added some new sections to the newsletter. Please let us know what you think of the new departments, and if there are any other suggestions for departments you would like to see. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

Church of the month

by Berthold Werner
Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai

Vote for the project mascot

We had last month asked our members to help "bring into the fold" Wikipe-tan as the project's mascot. Voting will take place this month for which image we should adopt at Wikipedia:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/Wikipe-tan. Please take a moment to review the images and vote for whichever is your favorite, or, if you so prefer, suggest an additional one.

By John Carter


  • ...that Anna of Kashin, a Russian medieval princess, was twice canonized as a holy protectress of women who suffer the loss of relatives?


Thie coming month includes days dedicated to the honor of Beheading of John the Baptist, Saints Peter and Paul, the Nativity of John the Baptist, and Saint Barnabas.

Featured content and GA report

Alec Douglas-Home recently achieved FA status. This picture, in the Church of the Month section, was recently promoted to Featured Picture status. Our thanks and congratulations to all those involved.

Wikimedia Foundation report


Wikisource currently has many old texts available, most of them in the public domain. This is a potentially very valuable source for several things, including for instance links to Biblical verses, because we know that it will, basically, be around as long as we are.

By user:John Carter with inspiration from History2007

Christian art

This section would include a rather large image of a specific work of art, with a link to the most directly relevant article.

Suggestion: Resurrection of Christ, an English 15th century Nottingham alabaster. Groups of painted relief panels were sold via dealers to churches on a budget , who had wood frameworks made to hold them locally. From a huge new donation of images from the Walters Art Museum to Commons, see

By Johnbod


A new WikiProject relating directly to Christian history is being developed at Wikipedia:WikiProject Christian history. Also, a group specifically devoted to the Mennonites and other Anabaptists is now up and running at Wikipedia:WikiProject Christianity/Anabaptist work group. Anyone interested in assisting with the development of these groups and topics is more than welcome to do so.

By John Carter

I believe

... in the statements contained in the Nicene Creed. I believe that the Bible is one of the two defining bases for belief. The other is the Sacred tradition, which provides us with means of interpreting the Scriptures, as well as some teachings which have been handed on by God outside of the scriptures. I believe that the Magisterium has been empowered to fill this interpretative function. I believe that clerical celibacy is a rule that should generally be followed. I am a member of the Catholic Church.

By John Carter

Help requests

Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk) 02:42, 12 June 2012 (UTC)

  • Special report: Springer's misappropriation of Wikimedia content "the tip of the iceberg"
  • News and notes: Foundation finance reformers wrestle with CoI
  • WikiProject report: Counter-Vandalism Unit
  • Featured content: The cake is a pi
  • Arbitration report: Procedural reform enacted, Rich Farmbrough blocked, three open cases
  • Technology report: To support or not to support IPv6, and why knowing when this report was last updated might be getting easier
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 21:30, 12 June 2012 (UTC)

  • Investigative report: Is the requests for adminship process 'broken'?
  • News and notes: Ground shifts while chapters dither over new Association
  • Discussion report: Discussion Reports And Miscellaneous Articulations
  • WikiProject report: The Punks of Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Taken with a pinch of "salt"
  • Arbitration report: Three open cases, GoodDay case closed
  • Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 02:06, 20 June 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: A call for editorial input in developing new Creative Commons licensing
  • News and notes: "Mystical" Picture of the Year; run-up to Wikimania DC; RfA reform 2012
  • In the news: Wales enters extradition battle; Wikipedia's political bias
  • Recent research: Edit war patterns, deleters vs. the 1%, never used cleanup tags, authorship inequality, higher quality from central users, and mapping the wikimediasphere
  • WikiProject report: Summer Sports Series: WikiProject Athletics
  • Featured content: A good week for the Williams
  • Arbitration report: Three open cases
  • Technology report: Second Visual Editor prototype launches
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:03, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

  • Analysis: Uncovering scientific plagiarism
  • Op-ed: Representing knowledge – metadata, data and linked data
  • News and notes: RfC on joining lobby group; JSTOR accounts for Wikipedians and the article feedback tool
  • In the news: Public relations on Wikipedia: friend or foe?
  • Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: Burning rubber with WikiProject Motorsport
  • Featured content: Heads up
  • Arbitration report: Three open cases, motion for the removal of Carnildo's administrative tools
  • Technology report: Initialisms abound: QA and HTML5
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 11:01, 3 July 2012 (UTC)

  • Special report: Reforming the education programs: lessons from Cairo
  • News and notes: Russian Wikipedia shuts down to fight censorship threat; E3 team and new tools; Wikitravel proposal bogged down
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Football
  • Featured content: Keeps on chuggin'
  • Arbitration report: Three cases, Carnildo desysopped
  • Technology report: Optimism over LastModified and MoodBar, but change in clock time causes downtime
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:33, 10 July 2012 (UTC)

  • Special report: Chapters Association mired in controversy over new chair
  • Wikimania: Young chapter shows experience beyond its years
  • News and notes: WMF enacts reforms at Wikimania; main page redesign; 4 millionth article milestone
  • Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: French WikiProject Cycling
  • Featured content: Takes flight
  • Arbitration report: Fæ faces site-ban, proposed decisions posted
  • Technology report: Tech talks at Wikimania amid news of a mixed June
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:58, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 336 active members. We would like to welcome User:Emilymadcat, User:Toa Nidhiki05, User:DonutGuy, and User:RCNesland, Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. We have recently added some new sections to the newsletter. Please let us know what you think of the new departments, and if there are any other suggestions for departments you would like to see. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

Church of the month

by User:JaGa
Mission Santa Clara de Asis

Vote for the project mascot
We had last month asked our members to help "bring into the fold" Wikipe-tan as the project's mascot. Voting will take place this month for which image we should adopt at Wikipedia:WikiProject Christianity/Outreach/Wikipe-tan. Please take a moment to review the images and vote for whichever is your favorite, or, if you so prefer, suggest an additional one.

By John Carter

Thie coming month (mid-July through mid-September) includes days dedicated to the honor of Mary Magdalene, James, son of Zebedee, Ignatius Loyola, Saint Dominic, Joseph of Arimathea, and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Featured content and GA report
Grade I listed churches in Cheshire was recently promoted to Featured List status. This picture was recently promoted to Featured Picture status. Bartolome de las Casas and Edmund the Martyr were promoted to GA level this past month. Our thanks and congratulations to all those involved.

Wikimedia Foundation report


Wikibooks welcomes the development of textbooks of all kinds, children's books, recipes, and other material. It currently has just under 2500 books, including several Wikijunior books for the 12 and under population. There is, at present, not even a book on Christianity. Anyone interested in helping develop such a textbook is more than welcome to do so.

By John Carter

Christian art

The portrait of Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein the Younger.

By John Carter

A new WikiProject relating directly to Christian history is being developed at Wikipedia:WikiProject Christian history. Anyone interested in assisting with the development of these groups and topics is more than welcome to do so.

By John Carter

I believe
... in the tradition of Thomas the Apostle, Mar Addai, and Saint Bartholomew. I believe that Jesus had two essences (or natures), human and divine, unmingled, that are everlastingly united in one personality. I am a member of the Assyrian Church of the East.

By John Carter

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk) 15:36, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Signpost developments
  • Op-ed: The future of PR on Wikipedia
  • Paid editing: Does Wikipedia pay? The skeptic: Orange Mike
  • News and notes: Chapter head speaks about the aftermath of Russian Wikipedia shutdown
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Olympics
  • Featured content: When is an island not an island?
  • Arbitration report: Fæ and Michaeldsuarez banned; Kwamikagami desysopped; Falun Gong closes with mandated external reviews and topic bans
  • Technology report: Translating SVGs and making history bugs history
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 11:08, 24 July 2012 (UTC)

Hi there. I've moved Palm Beach Inlet back to Lake Worth Inlet as a check of sources seems to indicate that the latter is far and away the most commonly used name for the feature. If you still think it needs to be moved I believe the requested move process should be used so it can be discussed. Thanks. Face-smile.svg - The Bushranger One ping only 16:58, 24 July 2012 (UTC)

Hello, Clariosophic, and thanks for your contributions to Wikipedia!

I wanted to let you know that I’m proposing an article that you worked on, The Glebe (Arlington, Virginia), for renaming because I don't think the current name describes the subject well. Please come join the discussion here.

Thanks again for contributing! Argos'Dad 19:01, 25 July 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedians and London 2012; WMF budget – staffing, engineering, editor retention effort, and the global South
  • Recent research: Conflict dynamics, collaboration and emotions; digitization vs. copyright; WikiProject field notes; quality of medical articles; role of readers; best wiki paper award
  • Discussion report: Discussion reports and miscellaneous articulations
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Horse Racing
  • Featured content: One of a kind
  • Arbitration report: No pending or open arbitration cases
  • Technology report: Talking performance with CT Woo and Green Semantic MediaWiki with Nischay Nahata
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 11:30, 31 July 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: The Athena Project: being bold
  • News and notes: FDC portal launched
  • WikiProject report: Summer sports series: WikiProject Martial Arts
  • Featured content: Casliber's words take root
  • Arbitration report: No pending or open arbitration cases
  • Technology report: Wikidata nears first deployment but wikis go down in fibre cut calamity
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 09:11, 7 August 2012 (UTC)

Orlady (talk) 16:02, 11 August 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Small Wikipedias' burden
  • News and notes: Bangla-language survey suggests the challenges for small Wikipedias
  • Discussion report: Image placeholders, machine translations, Mediation Committee, de-adminship
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Dispute Resolution
  • Featured content: On the road again
  • Arbitration report: Youreallycan request for arbitration
  • Technology report: "Phabricating" a serious alternative to Gerrit
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:20, 14 August 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 341 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, User:David_FLXD, User:Alexsbecker, User:Penguin 236, User:Gugi001, User:John D. Rockerduck, and User:Margaret9mary. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. We have recently added some new sections to the newsletter. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

by User:Diliff
Frauenkirche (Church of Our Blessed Lady) in Munich, taken from the tower of St. Peter's Church

Contest of the month
We currently have a remarkable lack of Wikipedia:Wikipedia-Books. Right now, Category:Wikipedia books on Christianity contains only 12 books. We certainly could have at least one book on each major grouping within Christianity. One of the challenges for this month, then, is working to put together books on relevant topics. For this month, one contest is for editors to assemble the basic Wikipedia books for each of the main topics of the extant related projects. When finished, they should their creation of the books at the main Christianity noticeboard, and at the end of the month the project will award barnstars to those who have made a significant efforts in developing this underdeveloped content.

Also this month, we are going to have have a challenge to create and improve some of our more important missing or low-quality articles. As biographies are often a bit easier, this month we are choosing two biographies: Karl Behm, which has yet to be started, and the currently Stub-class article Nerses IV the Gracious. A barnstar will be awarded to any editor who can get these articles up to DYK quality level and ultimately selected for the DYK section of the main page.

Thie coming month (mid-August through mid-September) includes feasts dedicated to the honor of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bartholomew the Apostle, Nativity of Mary, and the Exaltation of the Cross.

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, William de Chesney (sheriff), Knights of Columbus, and Angelus Silesius were promoted to GA level. Our thanks and congratulations to all those involved.

Wikimedia Foundation report


Wikinews is our sister site for developing news stories. Several events relating to Christianity, like the installation of bishops for instance, do not necessarily merit extensive coverage in wikipedia encyclopedic articles, but can and easily could be covered at greater length in a news article format. Given the number of significant news events that relate to religion, including claims of miracles, assignment of bishops and other religious leaders, church conferences, and other events, this site provides an excellent opportunity to provide in-depth coverage of current events at greater length than wikipedia.

Christian art

Christ Crucified by Diego Velazquez.


John Wesley clipped.png

One of our newer editors, User:David_FLXD, has recently gone through much of our content related to Methodism and assessed it. We are very grateful for his efforts, and that of all the editors who have had a role in developing that content. We have every reason to believe that this will make it significantly easier for the Methodism work group to create and develop content relevant to Methodism. To help that along, we certainly encourage everyone to do what they can to help David and the other Methodism editors to bring the content relevant to their tradition to the highest possible level of quality.

I believe
... in the Holy Trinity, the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, the Arminian conception of free will through God's prevenient grace, and the regular renewal of the individual's covenant with God. I am a Methodist.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)

  • Op-ed: Wikimedians are rightfully wary
  • News and notes: Core content competition in full swing; Wikinews fork taken offline
  • In the news: American judges on citing Wikipedia
  • WikiProject report: Land of Calm and Contrast: WikiProject Korea
  • Featured content: Enough for a week – but I'm damned if I see how the helican.
  • Technology report: Lua onto test2wiki and news of a convention-al extension
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 08:24, 21 August 2012 (UTC)

Category:Egmont Key State Park, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you. The Bushranger One ping only 08:31, 23 August 2012 (UTC)

Category:Longboat Key, Florida, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you. The Bushranger One ping only 08:49, 23 August 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Tough journey for new travel guide
  • Recent research: New influence graph visualizations; NPOV and history; 'low-hanging fruit'
  • Discussion report: Sidebar and main page alterations; Recent Deaths; Education Program extension
  • WikiProject report: From sonic screwdrivers to jelly babies: WikiProject Doctor Who
  • Featured content: Wikipedia rivals The New Yorker: Mark Arsten
  • Technology report: Just how bad is the code review backlog?
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 05:24, 29 August 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Dispute resolution – where we're at, what we're doing well, and what needs fixing
  • News and notes: World's largest photo competition kicks off; WMF legal fees proposal
  • Featured content: Wikipedia's Seven Days of Terror
  • Technology report: Time for a MediaWiki Foundation?
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:59, 4 September 2012 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Signpost adapts as news consumption changes
  • Special report: Lawsuit filed against two Wikipedians
  • Op-ed: Fixing Wikipedia's help pages one key to editor retention
  • News and notes: Researchers find that Simple English Wikipedia has "lost its focus"
  • In the media: Author criticizes Wikipedia article; Wales attacks UK government proposal
  • Discussion report: Closing Wikiquette; Image Filter; Education Program and Memento extensions
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Fungi
  • Featured content: Not a "Gangsta's Paradise", but still rappin'
  • Technology report: Mmmm, milkshake...
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 04:44, 11 September 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 344 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, User:Floating Boat, User:Dewey420, and User:Jpacobb. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. We have recently added some new sections to the newsletter. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

by User:Diliff
The Chapel of Keble College, Oxford

Contest of the month
We currently have a remarkable lack of Wikipedia:Wikipedia-Books. Right now, Category:Wikipedia books on Christianity contains only 12 books. We certainly could have at least one book on each major grouping within Christianity. One of the challenges for this month, then, is working to put together books on relevant topics. For this month, one contest is for editors to assemble the basic Wikipedia books for each of the main topics of the extant related projects. When finished, they should their creation of the books at the main Christianity noticeboard, and at the end of the month the project will award barnstars to those who have made a significant efforts in developing this underdeveloped content.

Also this month, we are going to have have a challenge to create and improve some of our more important missing or low-quality articles. Last month's challenge articles were Karl Beth and Nerses IV the Gracious. Both articles are currently candidates for the DYK section of the main page. This month's challenge articles are the Stub-class article James Hastings and the not yet started Rudolf Sohm, A barnstar will be awarded to any editor who can get these articles up to DYK quality level and ultimately selected for the DYK section of the main page.

Thie coming month (mid-September through mid-October) includes feasts dedicated to the honor of the Martyrs of Korea, Saint Matthew, Vincent de Paul, Michaelmas, Saint Jerome, Theresa of Lisieux, the Feast of the Guardian Angels, Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of the Rosary, and Teresa of Avila.

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, Albertus Soegijapranata, and Reginald Heber were promoted to FA. Grade I listed churches in Greater Manchester was promoted to Featured List, and Jackie Hudson, Joyce Kilmer, Divine command theory, Bosa of York and Argument from morality were promoted to GA level. DYKs featured this past month include Church of Saint Benoit, Istanbul, All Saints Church, Hollingbourne, Neustädter Kirche, Hannover, St Mary's Church, Kirkby Lonsdale, Albert Ndongmo, If We Are the Body, List of places of worship in Tonbridge and Malling, Kulubnarti church, All Saints Church, Ulcombe, Val-Saint-Lambert Abbey, Igny Abbey, Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Brăila, Places of Worship Registration Act 1855, Collegiate Church of San Gimignano, and St Matthew's Church, Burnley. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Wikimedia Foundation report


As some of you may have seen, the Simple English Wikipedia has been experiencing some difficulties lately. This particular entity could be of great value to several individuals who are trying to learn English. As some of you who do speak foreign languages know, one of the most easily available, and, in general, useful learning aids for people is a text they know already, which allows them to focus on the specific words of the new language. Various recorded readings and translations of the Bible are among the best examples of this. Any efforts to try to enhance this vital means of informing a large segment of our readership is more than welcome. People interested in helping develop it are encouraged to leave a note regarding their specific articles of interest at the Christianity noticeboard. It would be wonderful if we could report some significant contributions to this sister site next month. And, of course, if we do have something to report, those involved would receive our greatest thanks.

Christian art

The Guardian Angel by Pietro da Cortona.


WikiProject Calvinism is one of our more important subprojects. It is specifically devoted to developing content relating to the Calvinist tradition, and the primary point for development of content relating to the Pilgrims, Presbyterians, Reformed churches, Congregational church, Reformed Baptists, and Low church. We definitely encourage everyone to do what they can to help this project develop the content relating to this extremely important Christian tradition.

I believe
... that human nature is insufficient for salvation, and the grace of God is required to do so. I believe that God has preordained who will and will not achieve salvation. I believe that Jesus's atonement was sufficient for the purposes for which it was done. I believe that God's grace is of such power that it can overcome any person's resistance. I believe that those whom God has chosen for salvation will, by the undeniable power of God, persevere in God's grace. I am a Calvinist.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)

  • From the editor: Signpost expands to Facebook
  • News and notes: Tens of thousands of monuments loved; members of new funding body announced
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 16:04, 18 September 2012 (UTC)

  • In the media: Editor's response to Roth draws internet attention
  • News and notes: UK chapter rocked by Gibraltar scandal
  • Recent research: "Rise and decline" of Wikipedia participation, new literature overviews, a look back at WikiSym 2012
  • Discussion report: Image filter; HotCat; Syntax highlighting; and more
  • WikiProject report: 01010010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100011 01110011
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 17:05, 26 September 2012 (UTC)

  • Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Founder: Jimmy Wales
  • News and notes: Independent review of UK chapter governance; editor files motion against Wikitravel owners
  • Technology report: WMF and the German chapter face up to Toolserver uncertainty
  • WikiProject report: The Name's Bond... WikiProject James Bond
  • Featured content: Mooned
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:20, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article List of Christian Science tenets, prayers, and statements is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of Christian Science tenets, prayers, and statements until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. IRWolfie- (talk) 22:02, 8 October 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Education Program faces community resistance
  • Discussion report: Closing RfAs: Stewards or Bureaucrats?; Redesign of Help:Contents
  • WikiProject report: Ten years and one million articles: WikiProject Biography
  • Featured content: A dash of Arsenikk
  • Technology report: The ups and downs of September and October, plus extension code review analysis
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:00, 9 October 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 347 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, User:Dplcrnj, User:Danmuz, User:Zigzig20s, and User:Jasonasosa. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. This newsletter is one of the ways we do try to help people keep up with the project. We would always welcome any input for things to be included in it or additional editors to keep it going. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

by User:Taxiarchos228, recently promoted to Featured Image
St. Paul's Church, Basel

Contest of the month
For the upcoming month, the contest will be to develop content related to the Christmas season, including Advent and other related topics. Please feel free to see and take part in the discussion at Wikipedia talk:Christianity noticeboard#Contest of the month - Advent/Christmas content.

One of last month's challenge articles, Rudolf Sohm, has been substantially developed by User:Jack1956 and User:StAnselm. Our deepest thanks to both of them!!

Thie coming month (mid-October through mid-November) includes All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day and major commemorations dedicated to the honor of the Ignatius of Antioch, Luke the Evangelist, Simon the Canaanite, Saint Jude, the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the beginning of the Nativity Fast, James of Jerusalem, Reformation Day, and others.

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, Augustinian theodicy by User:ItsZippy was promoted to FA. Grade I listed churches in Merseyside by User:Peter I. Vardy was promoted to Featured List. The images in the Church of the Month and Christian art sections of this newsletter were promoted to Featured Picture status. John Wheelwright by User:Sarnold17, Christmas Party (The Office) by User:Gen. Quon and If We Are the Body by User:Toa Nidhiki05, were promoted to GA level. DYKs featured this past month include Cathedral of Saint Demetrius, Craiova, by User:Biruitorul, Nerses IV the Gracious by User:John Carter, Church of St Candida and Holy Cross by User:BarretB, St Laurence's Church, Morland by User:Peter I. Vardy, St Mary's Church, Longfleet by User:Bermicourt, Chor von St. Bonifatius by User:Gerda Arendt, St Andrew's Church, Penrith by User:Peter I. Vardy, Holy Rosary Cathedral (Vancouver) by User:Bloom6132, Sacred Heart Cathedral (Kamloops) by User:Bloom6132, St Columba's Church, Warcop by User:Peter I. Vardy, St Oswald's Church, Ravenstonedale by User:Peter I. Vardy, and W. E. Biederwolf by User:John Foxe. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

Portrait of John Henry Newman by Sir John Everett Millais.
This image was promoted this past month to FM by the work of User:Spongie555. Thank you, Spongie!


Wikipe-tan in Santa Costume.png

WikiProject Holidays/Christmas task force is the group whose purpose is to help develop the content related to the Christmas season, including Advent, New Year's, and related holidays. As many of us know, in several parts of the world, including the United States, the Christmas season is not only the time of one of the greatest holidays of the Christian liturgical year, but it is also the "make or break" time for many retailers, whose profitability for the year often depends on their success in this time of the giving of sometimes significantly expensive gifts. In other parts of the world, the winter solstice period and sometimes specifically Christmas itself means something that might surprise many Christians, like the Christmas in Japan, where Christmas is one of the times hotels receive the greatest number of, often unmarried, couples staying there for the night. The solstice season is also significant to several other religions. Many of these days are also legal holidays in several places. In Belarus, for instance, both the Western and Eastern Christmas commemorations are legal holidays. We would certainly welcome the members of this project to donate some of their time and talents in the upcoming months to improving this significant content.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)

  • Op-ed: AdminCom: A proposal for changing the way we select admins
  • News and notes: Chapters ask for big bucks
  • In the media: Wikipedia's language nerds hit the front page
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Chemicals
  • Featured content: Second star to the left
  • Technology report: Wikidata is a go: well, almost
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:41, 16 October 2012 (UTC)

  • Special report: Adminship from the German perspective
  • News and notes: Wikimedians get serious about women in science
  • Arbitration report: Malleus Fatuorum accused of circumventing topic ban; motion to change "net four votes" rule
  • WikiProject report: Where in the world is Wikipedia?
  • Featured content: Is RfA Kafkaesque?
  • Discussion report: Good articles on the main page?; reforming dispute resolution
  • Technology report: Wikivoyage migration: technical strategy announced
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:17, 24 October 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: First chickens come home to roost for FDC funding applicants; WMF board discusses governance issues and scope of programs
  • WikiProject report: In recognition of... WikiProject Military History
  • Featured content: On the road again
  • Technology report: Improved video support imminent and Wikidata.org live
  • Recent research: WP governance informal; community as social network; efficiency of recruitment and content production; Rorschach news
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:32, 31 October 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: 2012 WikiCup comes to an end
  • News and notes: Wikimedian photographic talent on display in national submissions to Wiki Loves Monuments
  • In the media: Was climate change a factor in Hurricane Sandy?
  • Discussion report: Protected Page Editor right; Gibraltar hooks
  • WikiProject report: Listening to WikiProject Songs
  • Featured content: Jack-O'-Lanterns and Toads
  • Technology report: Hue, Sqoop, Oozie, Zookeeper, Hive, Pig and Kafka
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 23:13, 6 November 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Court ruling complicates the paid-editing debate
  • WikiProject report: Land of parrots, palm trees, and the Holy Cross: WikiProject Brazil
  • Featured content: The table has turned
  • Technology report: MediaWiki 1.20 and the prospects for getting 1.21 code reviewed promptly
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 11:52, 14 November 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 349 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, User:Hayayika and User:Pikachu Bros.. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. This newsletter is one of the ways we do try to help people keep up with the project. We would always welcome any input for things to be included in it or additional editors to keep it going. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

Saint-Augustin, Paris by User:Saffron Blaze

Recently promoted to Featured Image. Great work!

Contest of the month
For the upcoming month, the contest will continue with the Christmas theme, including Advent and other related topics. Please feel free to see and take part in discussion at the Christianity noticeboard.

This coming month (mid-November through mid-December) includes the Advent season. Other major feasts are those of Margaret of Scotland, Matthew the Evangelist, Hilda of Whitby, Elizabeth of Hungary, Edmund the Martyr, the Presentation of Mary, Saint Cecilia, Clement of Rome, Catherine of Alexandria, Andrew the Apostle, Francis Xavier, Saint Barbara, John Damascene, Nicholas of Myra, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lucy of Syracuse, and others.

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych by, among others, User:Truthkeeper88, User:Ceoil, and User:Kafka Liz and Mitt Romney by User:Wasted Time R were promoted to FA. List of 2000s Christian Songs number ones by User:Toa Nidhiki05 was promoted to Featured List. The two images in the Church of the Month and Christian art sections of this newsletter were promoted to Featured Picture status, as were these two images of Michelangelo's Pieta and of Giovanni Bellini's Saint Francis in the Desert . Derek Webb by User: Pepsi2786 and others, and Scipione Piattoli by User:Piotrus were promoted to GA level. DYKs featured this past month include Archdiocese of Râmnic, by User:Biruitorul, Diocese of Caransebeş by User:Biruitorul, Wythburn Church by User:Peter I. Vardy, St. Gumbertus, Ansbach by User:Gerda Arendt, User:Dr. Blofeld, and User:Nvvchar collectively, St. Johannis, Ansbach by User:Gerda Arendt, User:Dr. Blofeld, and User:Nvvchar collectively, Nikollë Bojaxhiu by User:ZjarriRrethues, All Saints Church, Lydd by User:Dr. Blofeld, User:Rosiestep, User:Gilderien, and User:Ipigott collectively, St Mary's Church, Acton Burnell by User:Peter I. Vardy, St Eata's Church, Atcham by User:Peter I. Vardy, Nativity of St. John the Baptist Church, Piatra Neamț by User:Biruitorul, Anna Schäffer by User:Shii, List of Archbishops of Vancouver by User: Bloom6132, James Francis Carney by User:Bloom6132, St Luke's Church, Chelsea by User:PKM and User:Johnbod, Gregory Orologas by User:Alexikoua, Ambrosios Pleianthidis by User:Alexikoua, and St Giles' Church, Barrow, by User:Peter I. Vardy. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

Three scenes of the legend of the Miraculous Sacrament, in which communion wafers were reported to bleed after being stabbed, in the St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral, Brussels by Jean-Baptiste Capronnier.
This image was promoted this past month to FM by the work of User:Alvesgaspar. Thank you, Alvesgaspar!


Gold Christian Cross no Red.svg

The core topics work group is the group whose specific purpose is to help identify and develop those articles which are of greatest importance to an overall understanding of the broad subject of Christianity, based on what is included in the core topics list. These articles include some of specific churches and individuals, history, philosophical and theological matters, and more. We have had some recent discussion regarding which articles should be included in this list, and it probably makes sense to revisit the selections, and try to figure out how best to work to make them high quality articles. Discussion is beginning at WT:X regarding these matters, and all input is welcome.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)

  • News and notes: FDC's financial muscle kicks in
  • Discussion report: GOOG, MSFT, WMT: the ticker symbol placement question
  • WikiProject report: No teenagers, mutants, or ninjas: WikiProject Turtles
  • Featured content: Wikipedia hit by the Streisand effect
  • Technology report: Structural reorganisation "not a done deal"
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 01:48, 21 November 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Toolserver finance remains uncertain
  • Recent research: Movie success predictions, readability, credentials and authority, geographical comparisons
  • WikiProject report: Directing Discussion: WikiProject Deletion Sorting
  • Featured content: Panoramic views, history, and a celestial constellation
  • Technology report: Wikidata reaches 100,000 entries
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:48, 28 November 2012 (UTC)

Hullo, fellow WikiProject-er. We're having a discussion about the colours of Anglicanism navboxes. Please do come along and weigh in. DBD 17:50, 30 November 2012 (UTC)

Would definitely be appreciated. Smallbones(smalltalk) 04:22, 4 December 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments announces 2012 winner
  • Discussion report: Concise Wikipedia; standardize version history tables
  • WikiProject report: The White Rose: WikiProject Yorkshire
  • Featured content: The play's the thing
  • Technology report: MediaWiki problems but good news for Toolserver stability
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:04, 5 December 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wobbly start to ArbCom election, but turnout beats last year's
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Human Rights
  • Featured content: Wikipedia goes to Hell
  • Technology report: The new Visual Editor gets a bit more visual
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 21:15, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Finding truth in Sandy Hook
  • News and notes: Arbitrator election: stewards release the results
  • Discussion report: Concise Wikipedia; section headings for navboxes
  • WikiProject report: WikiProjekt Computerspiel: Covering Computer Games in Germany
  • Featured content: Wikipedia's cute ass
  • Technology report: MediaWiki groups and why you might want to start snuggling newbie editors
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 23:32, 19 December 2012 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 350 active members. We would like to welcome our newest member, User:Harishrawat11. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. We would be able to achieve nothing here without the input of all of you. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. This newsletter is one of the ways we do try to help people keep up with the project. We would always welcome any input for things to be included in it or additional editors to keep it going. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

This image of The Baptistry of Saint John in Pisa by User:NotFromUtrecht

was recently promoted to Featured Image. Thank you and congratulations for the great image!

Contest of the month
As I imagine many of our editors will be editing at a greatly reduced level for the next few weeks, what with the Christmas and New Year's holidays coming, there is no specific content-related contest this month. The contest, if anything, is to make the most of the season, in whatever way, if any, you deem appropriate.

This coming month (mid-December through mid-January) includes the Advent season, and one of the two greatest holidays of the Christian year, Christmas. Other major feasts in the next month include those of the Feast of the Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord, Saint Stephen, Thomas the Apostle, Holy Innocents, John the Evangelist, Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil the Great, Saint Genevieve, Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Saint Sava.

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, Anne Hutchinson nominated by User:Sarnold17 was promoted to FA. Grade I listed churches in Lancashire by User:Peter I. Vardy was promoted to Featured List. The image in the Church of the Month and Christian art sections of this newsletter were promoted to Featured Picture status. Come to the Well by User:Toa Nidhiki05 and others, and Dwight Christmas by User:Gen. Quon and others were promoted to GA level. DYKs featured this past month include King's Chapel, Gibraltar, by User:Prioryman, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Albany, New York) by User:Daniel Case, Tingsted Church by User:Ipigott and User:Rosiestep, St. Mary's Church (Albany, New York) by User:Daniel Case, Stubbekøbing Church by User:Ipigott and User:Rosiestep, Notre Dame Cathedral (Phnom Penh) by User:Bloom6132, and St. James' Church, Cardington by User:Peter I. Vardy. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

The nave of the Parish Church of Urtijëi. This image was created by User:Moroderen. Thank you, Moroderen!


In the spirit of Christmas, the spotlight for the coming month might actually best be on those people closest to you. We know that a lot of our editors here are associated in some way or another with schools, and many if not most of them are going on rather extended breaks for the holidays. This can give some of us a chance to meet up with old friends, spend time with our families and those close to us, and, in a sense, "recharge" for the new year. So, for all of you who are in some way part of that group, we wish you the very best of holidays. We hope you all return to editing after the holidays with your spirits lifted and with your energies at peak level. There are some small matters in development here as well, and it is our hope that some of them will be ready come the next newsletter. But, until then, we wish you all the happiest and holiest (if appropriate) holidays.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)
  • EdwardsBot (talk) 02:26, 20 December 2012 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Debates on Meta sparking along—grants, new entities, and conflicts of interest
  • WikiProject report: A Song of Ice and Fire
  • Featured content: Battlecruiser operational
  • Technology report: Efforts to "normalise" Toolserver relations stepped up
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:41, 26 December 2012 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Wikipedia, our Colosseum
  • Interview: Interview with Brion Vibber, the WMF's first employee
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation fundraiser a success; Czech parliament releases photographs to chapter
  • In the media: Is the Wikimedia movement too 'cash rich'?
  • Recent research: Wikipedia and Sandy Hook; SOPA blackout reexamined
  • Discussion report: Image policy and guidelines; resysopping policy
  • WikiProject report: New Year, New York
  • Featured content: Whoa Nelly! Featured content in review
  • Technology report: Looking back on a year of incremental changes
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:04, 2 January 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Meta, where innovative ideas die
  • News and notes: 2012—the big year
  • WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Episode IV: A New Year
  • Featured content: Featured content in review
  • Technology report: Looking ahead to 2013
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 12:50, 9 January 2013 (UTC)

  • Investigative report: Ship ahoy! New travel site finally afloat
  • News and notes: Launch of annual picture competition, new grant scheme
  • Special report: Loss of an Internet genius
  • Discussion report: Flag Manual of Style, accessibility and equality
  • WikiProject report: Reach for the Stars: WikiProject Astronomy
  • Featured content: Featured articles: Quality of reviews, quality of writing in 2012
  • Arbitration report: First arbitration case in almost six months
  • Technology report: Intermittent outages planned, first Wikidata client deployment
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 14:16, 16 January 2013 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 354 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, Alliereborn, Iselilja, Peterkp, and Sosthenes12. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. We would be able to achieve nothing here without the input of all of you. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor
Ichthus is one of the ways that the WikiProject Christianity’s Outreach department helps update our members. This newsletter is one of the ways we do try to help people keep up with the project. We would always welcome any input for things to be included in it or additional editors to keep it going. Please let us know if there are changes you would like to see in the format, or if there are any particular things you would like to see included. And if you have anything you would personally like to add, by all means let us know. The talk page of the current issue is probably the best place to post such comments.

With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By John Carter

Church of the month

This image of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallinn, Estonia by User:Poco a poco

was recently promoted to Featured Image. Thank you and congratulations for the great image!

Contest of the month
No particular contest this month. I am however getting rather close to getting together a more or less complete set of articles relating to different areas of Christianity which can be found in recent reference sources on the broad topic of Christianity, and about various subtopics, which I hope to have finished in the next few weeks. I wonder what the rest of you might think of, maybe, making the contests of future months be basically directed at filling in the gaps of our existing coverage of topics, like those topics given significant coverage in specialized reference works which we don't yet have content on, and giving the thanks, and rewards, whatever they might be, to those who create and develop such content. I am starting a discussion at Wikipedia talk:Christianity noticeboard#Future contests, and would very much welcome any input from interested parties in how to set it up, determine winners including how many winners, etc.

By John Carter

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report, the image in the "Church of the Month" section of this newsletter was promoted to Featured Image status.

Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, BWV 40 by Gerda Arendt and others, Teuruarii IV by Lemurbaby, KAVEBEAR and others, and Peace on Earth (Casting Crowns album) by Toa Nidhiki05 and others, were all promoted to GA status.

Also this past month, the DYKs on the main page included St James' Church, Cardington by Peter I. Vardy, Bishop's Palace, Kraków by Poeticbent, Kippinge Church by Ipigott and Rosiestep, Trinitatis Church, also by Ipigott and Rosiestep, Steindamm Church by Olessi, St Laurence's Church, Church Stretton by Peter I. Vardy, Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Meteora, by Peter I. Vardy, Sonrise Church, by Aboutmovies, St. Peter's Episcopal Church (Albany, New York), by Daniel Case, All Saints Church, Claverley, by Peter I. Vardy, and Church of the Holy Virgin Mary of Lourdes, by Poeticbent. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
This image was created by User:Dcoetzee. Thank you, Dcoetzee!


The Spotlight this month turns to the the Syriac Christianity work group. The scope of this project includes the various traditions of Syriac Christianity, including the Assyrian Church of the East, Ancient Church of the East, Church of the East, Syriac Orthodox Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, and Saint Thomas Christians. One of these groups, the Assyrian Church of the East, is considered by scholars to have probably been, for several hundred years, the largest Christian grouping in the planet, with its numerous members in Central Asia and Eastern Asia. Numerous texts, traditions, and practices unique to these groups exist, including the Jesus Sutras and the belief of the Assyrian Church of the East that the bread they use in the preparation of their Eucharist uses the same basic yeast as that used in the bread of the Last Supper itself. Sadly, given the linguistic barriers to much of the content relative to these groups, and the comparative lack of notoriety they have in the Western world, much of this content does receive less attenion, and thus less development, than much other content. There is a large amount of extremely valuable historical material here still waiting to be adequately developed by editors with an interest in the topic, and I personally very much hope that we can draw more attention to these topics, and the content related to them.

By John Carter

This coming month (mid-January through mid-February) includes The Presentation of Christ in the Temple or Candlemas and the Conversion of Paul. Other major feasts in the next month include those of Saint Agnes, Saint Francis de Sales, Saints Timothy and Titus, Thomas Aquinas, John Bosco, Saint Agatha, Paul Miki, [{Saint Scholastica]], and Saint Anskar.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)
  • EdwardsBot (talk) 03:36, 21 January 2013 (UTC)

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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 23:16, 28 March 2013 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 357 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, Thomas Cranmer, Mr.Oglesby, and Sneha Priscilla. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. We would be able to achieve nothing here without the input of all of you. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor

We apologise for the hiatus in the publication of this newsletter due to unforseen circumstances leading to the wikibreak of John Carter, and so I have taken over as acting editor, and have taken this opportunity to move the publication date to the start of each month as planned, to better reflect on the previous month and look ahead to the next. This issue covers the period of time from mid-January to the end of March.

Since the last issue we have seen the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis. This has received much coverage both in the world media and on Wikipedia. While there is still much work to do, several quality articles have been written and the editors involved are thanked for their efforts.

This month we look ahead to Easter and the celebration of God's love for mankind through the crucifixion and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ. With that, I wish you all happy reading!

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By Gilderien

Church of the month

This image of the Church of Saint Ildefonso, Portugal by Poco a poco was recently promoted to Featured Image. Thank you and congratulations for the great image!

Contest of the month
No particular contest this month. I am however getting rather close to getting together a more or less complete set of articles relating to different areas of Christianity which can be found in recent reference sources on the broad topic of Christianity, and about various subtopics, which I hope to have finished in the next few weeks. I wonder what the rest of you might think of, maybe, making the contests of future months be basically directed at filling in the gaps of our existing coverage of topics, like those topics given significant coverage in specialized reference works which we don't yet have content on, and giving the thanks, and rewards, whatever they might be, to those who create and develop such content. I am starting a discussion at Wikipedia talk:Christianity noticeboard#Future contests, and would very much welcome any input from interested parties in how to set it up, determine winners including how many winners, etc.

By John Carter

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report;

Grade I listed churches in Cumbria was promoted to Featured List status, thanks to Peter I. Vardy, and the image above of the Church of Saint Ildefonso was promoted to featured picture status.

Martin Luther King, Jr., by Khazar2, was promoted to GA status, as well Third Epistle of John by Cerebellum.

Also these past months, the DYKs on the main page included St Mary's Church, Cleobury Mortimer by Peter I. Vardy; Marion Irvine by Giants2008; Margaret McKenna by Guerillero; Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity by Epeefleche; St Edith's Church, Eaton-under-Heywood by Peter I. Vardy; Vester Egesborg Church by Ipigott, Rosiestep, Nvvchar, and Dr. Blofeld; Undløse Church by Ipigott, Rosiestep, Nvvchar, and Dr. Blofeld; St Martin's Church, Næstved by Ipigott, Rosiestep, Nvvchar, and Dr. Blofeld; St. Peter, Syburg by Gerda Arendt and Dr. Blofeld; Østre Porsgrunn Church by Strachkvas; Church of Our Saviour (Mechanicsburg, Ohio) by Nyttend; Dami Mission by Freikorp; Mechanicsburg Baptist Church by Nyttend; Acheiropoietos Monastery, by Proudbolsahye; T. Lawrason Riggs, by Gareth E Kegg; McColley's Chapel, by Mangoe; Oświęcim Chapel, by BurgererSF; Second Baptist Church (Mechanicsburg, Ohio), by Nyttend; Church of the Holy Ghost, Tallinn, by Yakikaki; Old Stone Congregational Church, by Orladyl Heath Chapel, by Peter I. Vardy; St. Joseph's Church, Beijing, by Bloom6132; Church of St Bartholomew, Yeovilton, by Rodw; and St. Michael's Catholic Church (Mechanicsburg, Ohio) also by Nyttend. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

Complete recording

Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe, BWV 22, a cantata by the German composer J.S. Bach, was promoted to GA this month and was written by Gerda Arendt. Many thanks for her continuing work in the area of early 18th Century Church music.


The Spotlight this month turns to the the Jesus work group. The scope of this project includes the life and teachings of the central figure of Christianity, Jesus Christ and aims to write about them in a non-denominational encylopædic style. Top-priority articles include Jesus, Christ, Resurrection of Jesus, and Holy Grail, whereas High-priority articles include Aramaic Language, a former FA, as well as Sermon on the Mount, Lamb of God, and Passion (Christianity). The workgroup has also published two books, covering Christ's final days and the Parables of Jesus. The workgroup has two GAs, Nativity scene, and Jesus in Islam, but unfortunately the flagship article, Jesus was delisted in 2009. It is also responsible for three WP:1.0 articles, and the WikiWork of the project is 4.56, which indicates the "average" article is between Start and C class.

By Gilderien

This coming month (end-March through end-April) includes Easter Sunday in Western Christianity and both Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday for the Eastern Orthodox Church. Other major feasts in the next month include those of Saint George, Saint Mark the Evangelist, Saint Stanislaus, James, son of Zebedee, and Benedict the Moor.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
EdwardsBot (talk) 12:18, 29 March 2013 (UTC)

  • Special report: Who reads which Wikipedia? The WMF's surprising stats
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 13:42, 5 April 2013 (UTC)

This is going out to all who are listed as active members of WikiProject:Freemasonry. We are attempting to determine the "consensus of the project" on an issue relating to categorization. Please see: WT:WikiProject Freemasonry#Dispute over instructions at Category:Freemasons and share your opinion. Thanks. Blueboar (talk) 12:23, 6 April 2013 (UTC)

  • Wikizine: Introducing Wikizine; WMF scales back feature after outcry
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:40, 10 April 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: How do we fix RfA inactivity?
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:44, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 13:03, 25 April 2013 (UTC)

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 363 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, Pleonic, MJWilliams1998, Iloilo Wanderer, Jkadavoor, Sir Ian and McBenjamin. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. We would be able to achieve nothing here without the input of all of you. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

From the Editor

This month we hear the news that the Bible is to be made into a film after outstanding success of a biblical miniseries on the History Channel, and we have seen the release of Iraqi Pastor Ali Hamzah from his confinement in Iraq.

After last month's spotlight on the Jesus work group, the flagship article, Jesus, was nominated for Good Article status after much work from FutureTrillionaire and History2007, and provisionally passed by the reviewer, although they have requested a second opinion. Our many thanks for the hard work that has gone into restoring this article to a quality piece of work.

This month the second largest denomination of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church, celebrates Easter and the death and resurrection of the Son of God Jesus Christ.

P.S. Please click here to add the new Christianity noticeboard to your watchlist to follow the latest discussions relevant to WikiProject Christianity and subprojects.

By Gilderien

Church of the month

Wells Cathedral was this month promoted to GA status. Rodw has appealed for any help project members can give to improve this article for a FA nomination.

Contest of the month
No particular contest this month. I am however getting rather close to getting together a more or less complete set of articles relating to different areas of Christianity which can be found in recent reference sources on the broad topic of Christianity, and about various subtopics, which I hope to have finished in the next few weeks. I wonder what the rest of you might think of, maybe, making the contests of future months be basically directed at filling in the gaps of our existing coverage of topics, like those topics given significant coverage in specialized reference works which we don't yet have content on, and giving the thanks, and rewards, whatever they might be, to those who create and develop such content. By John Carter

Featured content and GA report
Since the last report;

Featured report; Madonna in the Church, by Ceoil, Truthkeeper88, and Johnbod was promoted to Featured Article status. Crucifixion and Last Judgement was promoted to featured picture status, after nomination by Crisco 1492.

Wells Cathedral, by Rodw, Robert of Ghent, by User:Ealdgyth, Christianity in Medieval Scotland, by Sabrebd, and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, also by Sabrebd were promoted to GA status.

Also these past months, the DYKs on the main page included Lectionary 311, by Leszek Jańczuk; Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn, by Gerda Arendt; Whalsay Parish Church, by Ipigott, Rosiestep, Nvvchar, Dr. Blofeld; Interpretatio Christiana, by Altenmann; First Congregational Church, Salt Lake City, by Orlady; Church of King Charles the Martyr, Royal Tunbridge Wells, by The C of E; First Church in Albany (Reformed), by Daniel Case; Pope Anastasius II, by AbstractIllusions; Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Palma, by Dr. Blofeld, Ipigott, Rosiestep; Colan Church, by Rosiestep, Nvvchar, Ipigott; Notre Dame Cathedral, Papeete, Bloom6132, Church of St. Wenceslaus (New Prague, Minnesota), by Elkman; St. Joseph Catholic Church (San Antonio, Texas), by Gilliam; Doubting Thomas, by Johnbod; Robert of Ghent, by Ealdgyth; and Holy Trinity Church, Holdgate, by Peter I. Vardy. Our profoundest thanks and congratulations to all those involved!

Christian art

This depiction of the Crucifixion and Last Judgement was painted by Dutch artist Jan van Eyck and promoted to Featured Picture this month.



This month, we turn our attention to the Encyclopedic articles sub-group, which aims to provide "a collection point for lists of articles contained in other reference sources relating to Christianity, which could serve as a basis for developing our own content". Created by John Carter, it is primarily a list of links, red or otherwise, for subjects which have an article in the reference works listed therein. This serves as a very useful list if any project members are "stuck for what to do" and there remains lots of potential for articles developed from this list.

By Gilderien

This coming month (end-April through end-May) includes Easter Sunday for the Eastern Orthodox Church. Other major feasts in the next month include those of Matthias the Apostle, The Venerable Bede, and Empress Helena.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is the newsletter of Christianity on Wikipedia • It is published by WikiProject Christianity
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe remove yourself from the list here
EdwardsBot (talk)17:03, 28 April 2013 (UTC)

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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:40, 2 May 2013 (UTC)

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Thanks, BracketBot (talk) 18:17, 16 May 2013 (UTC)

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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 02:36, 16 May 2013 (UTC)

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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 08:04, 23 May 2013 (UTC)

  • Foundation elections: Candidates talk about the Meta problem, the nation-based chapter model, world languages, and value for money
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 08:02, 31 May 2013 (UTC)

From the Editor

Since its formation in 2006, WikiProject Christianity has come a long way. A significant number of new articles have appeared on a wide range of topics, and the quality of some key articles has seen dramatic improvement. Yet, by the very nature of the open, crowd-sourced development environment in which we operate, as the number of pages in the project has increased at times our attention has been naturally diluted. We should of course strive for quality everywhere, but we should remember that this newsletter is called Ichthus.

Starting this month we will start a "Focus on" series, where we will try to "bring Jesus back" and focus on him. For five consecutive issues we will focus on one aspect of the study of Jesus. The goal of this series is to inform our members of what the project contains and highlight those articles which have reached quality and stability.

From this month until November we will focus on the historical Jesus, a topic which has been the subject of much discussion on article talk pages, as well as the general media. This is an important topic, and we have a good set of well referenced articles on that now. Then, starting in December we will focus on Christ, and the spiritual and theological elements that the title entails. Following that the review of the life and ministry of Jesus in the New Testament, his miracles, and parables will take place. And each month the "Bookshelf" will mention a book that fits the theme of the month.

We hope you will enjoy this journey as we present a new aspect of Jesus each month. And given that as the number of project pages increases, the ratio of those watching the pages declines, we hope that more of you will watch some of these central pages that help define this project.

Church of the month

The current building of All Saints' Church, Winthorpe in Nottinghamshire, England which was completed in 1888, is at least the third version of the church, which dates back to at least the early 13th century.

Good articles and DYKs
The article Jesus received the good article mark last month, as did Cleeve Abbey. A number of churches were featured on the main page in the DYK section in May, namely St. Lamberti, Hildesheim, Karja church, Braaby Church, St Patrick's Liverpool, Vlah Church, Freerslev Church, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, Mata-Utu, St. Michael's Cathedral (Sitka, Alaska), St. Lamberti, Hildesheim, Karja church, Braaby Church, St. Pierre Cathedral, Saint-Pierre, Mont Saint Michel Abbey, St Patrick's Church, Liverpool, Vlah Church, St Catherine of Siena Church, Cocking, Catedral Nuestra Señora de La Asunción, Roholte Church, Notre Dame Cathedral, Taiohae, Leicester Abbey, Caracas Cathedral, Caldey Abbey, King's Mead Priory, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Hong Kong) andAll Saints' Church, Winthorpe, as well as the hymn What Wondrous Love Is This.

Focus on...


Did Jesus exist? Did he walk the streets of Jerusalem? The Historicity of Jesus article answers these questions with a firm affirmative. Historicity does not discuss if Jesus walked on water, but if he walked at all. The issue was the subject of scholarly debate before the end of last century, but the academic debate is almost over now. As the article discusses, virtually all academic opposition to the existence of Jesus has evaporated away now and scholars see it as a concluded issue. The discussion is now just among mostly self-published non-academics.

In 2011 John Dickson tweeted that if anyone finds a professor of history who denies that Jesus lived,he would eat a page of his Bible (Matthew 1 he said). Dickson's Bible is still safe.

The article discusses the ancient sources that relate to Jesus and how they fit together to establish that he existed. The evidence for Jesus is not just based on the Christian gospels, but by inter-relating them with non-Christian sources, and the fact that they all "fit together". Moreover, the existence of Jesus is not supported just by Christian scholars and in recent years the detailed knowledge of Jewish scholars and their discoveries (e.g. Shlomo Pines' discovery of the Syriac Josephus) has proven highly beneficial. We encourage you to read and follow the article, for the existence of Jesus is central to the existence of Christianity.

From the bookshelf

Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence by Robert Van Voorst, 2000 ISBN  0-8028-4368-9

Just a few years after its publication, Van Voorst's book has become the standard comprehensive text for the discussion of ancient sources that relate to Jesus and his historicity. This detailed yet really readable book has received wide ranging endorsements - Blomberg and Harris separately referring to it as the most comprehensive treatment of the subject.

Did you know...

A Handel manuscript
  • ... that Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the initials "S. D. G.", for Soli Deo Gloria, at the beginning and end of all his church compositions to give God credit for the work, and that Handel at times did the same?

The coming month includes days dedicated to the honor of Beheading of John the Baptist, Saints Peter and Paul, the Nativity of John the Baptist, and Saint Barnabas.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity.
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe remove yourself from the listhere

EdwardsBot (talk)


Seeing that you're a member of WikiProject University of Florida, I'm inviting to the North Central Florida 2013 Great American Wiknic that will be on Saturday June 22, 2013, commencing at 1:00 pm, ten blocks north of UF campus in Gainesville,.

If you're able and inclined to come, please RSVP at at this URL.

Type to you later, Vincent J. Lipsio (talk) 20:52, 1 June 2013 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Signpost developments
  • News and notes: "Cease and desist", World Trade Organization says to Wikivoyage; could WikiLang be the next WMF project?
  • In the media: China blocks secure version of Wikipedia
  • Discussion report: Return of the Discussion report
  • Featured content: A week of portraits
  • WikiProject report: Operation Normandy
  • Technology report: Developers accused of making Toolserver fight 'pointless'
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 23:05, 6 June 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: The tragedy of Wikipedia's commons
  • News and notes: How Wikimedia affiliates are spending $8.4 million; PRISM scandal
  • Traffic report: Who holds the throne?
  • In the media: VisualEditor will "change world history"
  • Discussion report: VisualEditor, elections, bots, and more
  • Featured content: Mixing Bowl Interchange
  • Arbitration report: Two cases suspended; proposed decision posted in Argentine History
  • WikiProject report: Processing WikiProject Computing
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:12, 14 June 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Two responses to "The Tragedy of Wikipedia's Commons"
  • News and notes: Swedish Wikipedia's millionth article leads to protests; WMF elections—where are all the voters?
  • In the media: South African learners want Wikipedia; Editing of Israel topics
  • Traffic report: Most popular Wikipedia articles of the last week
  • Discussion report: Citations, non-free content, and a MediaWiki meeting
  • Featured content: Cheaper by the dozen
  • WikiProject report: The Volunteer State: WikiProject Tennessee
  • Arbitration report: The Farmbrough amendment request—automation and arbitration enforcement
  • Technology report: May engineering report: Flow enters consultation phase and other headlines
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 21:52, 20 June 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Election results released
  • In the media: Daily Dot on Commons and porn; Jimmy Wales accused of breaking Wikipedia rules in hunt for Snowden
  • Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
  • Discussion report: Privacy policy, X!'s edit counter, old rangeblocks, and the Article Incubator
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Fashion
  • Featured content: Wikipedia in black + Adam Cuerden
  • Arbitration report: Argentine History closed; two cases remain suspended
  • Recent research: Controversial Wikipedia topics
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:54, 27 June 2013 (UTC)

From the Editor

Welcome to the July 2013 issue of Ichthus. We focus on the chronology of Jesus, as well as looking back at the project content improved over the last month.

WP:X has gained another Featured Article, Gospel of the Ebionites, by Ignocrates. The Gospel of the Ebionites is the name scholars give to an apocryphal gospel that supposedly belonged to a sect known as the Ebionites. It consists of seven short quotations discovered in a heresiology known as the Panarion, written by Epiphanius of Salamis, and its original title remains unknown. The text is a gospel harmony composed in Greek, and is believed to have been written during the middle of the 2nd century.

St Mihangel's Church, Llanfihangel yn Nhowyn was promoted to Good Article status, as was two other welsh churches, St Enghenedl's Church, Llanynghenedl, and St Peter's Church, Llanbedrgoch.

The main page also featured several DYK hooks for articles in our project, namely Bob Fu, List of places of worship in Tandridge (district), Catholic Press, Garendon Abbey, St. John's Episcopal Church (Jersey City, New Jersey), Pargev Martirosyan, Praskvica Monastery, Heather Preceptory, St. Augustin, Coburg, Longleat Priory, St Mihangel's Church, Llanfihangel yn Nhowyn, St Enghenedl's Church, Llanynghenedl, Christianization of Moravia, Christianization of Bohemia, Repton Abbey, St Peter's Church, Llanbedrgoch, Medingen Abbey, Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church, St. James on-the-Lines, and Leopold Karl von Kollonitsch.

Church of the month

St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery is part of Saint Sophia's Cathedral, Kiev in Ukraine. It is a functioning monastery that dates back to the Middle Ages.

Membership report
The parent Christianity WikiProject currently has 367 active members. We would like to welcome our newest members, Newchildrenofthealmighty, Evenssteven, Kerna96, and FutureTrillionaire. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

Focus on...


When did Jesus live? When did he die? How do we know? We do, in fact, have excellent information about the time intervals for the life and death of Jesus. As in other people who lived and died in the first century, this gives an approximate date range, but still, give or take 3-4 years and we have pretty good estimates confirmed by a number of really diverse sources, ranging from inscriptions in Delphi to Roman and Jewish sources. The Chronology of Jesus article discusses how a wide variety of Christian, Jewish and Roman sources are used to establish the time-frame for the life and death of Jesus.

And all of his data fits together. For instance, the chronology of Paul had been discussed based on the Book of Acts long ago, then the Delphi Inscription is found in the 20th century in the Temple of Apollo. And guess what.. it confirms it and totally dates his trial in Corinth, which helps reaffirm the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. The same date range is independently estimated from the writings of Josephus on the Baptist's death. And it fits Isaac Newton's astronomical models for the crucifixion date as well as the independent lunar calculations of Humphreys. As that article shows, all these dates just fit together.

From the bookshelf

Chronos, kairos, Christos: nativity and chronological studies edited by J. Vardaman, E. M. Yamauchi 1989 ISBN  0-931464-50-1

This two volume book (with a very apt title) is gem-filled with scholarly research. Paul Maier's article in the first volume is a classic study on the chronology of Jesus and provides a useful summary of a number of issues.

Did you know...

Hemis monastery
  • ... that the Russian journalist Nicolas Notovitch who in 1894 originated the story that there was evidence at the Hemis monastery that an adult Jesus had traveled to India, later confessed to fabricating his evidence?

This month (July) contains the feast days of Mary Magdalene, and James, son of Zebedee.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from a variety of other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity.
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe remove yourself from the list here

EdwardsBot (talk)20:27, 30 June 2013 (UTC)

This issue was distributed on behalf of Gilderien, current editor of the Ichthus, at 20:27, 30 June 2013 (UTC). Comments and other feedback are always welcome at his talk page.

  • News and notes: Wikipedia's medical collaborations gathering pace
  • In the media: Jimmy Wales is not an Internet billionaire; a mass shooter's alleged Wikipedia editing
  • Traffic report: Yahoo! crushes the competition ... in Wikipedia views
  • Discussion report: Snuggle, mainpage link to Wikinews, 3RR, and more
  • WikiProject report: Puppies!
  • Featured content: Queen of France
  • Arbitration report: Tea Party movement reopened, new AUSC appointments
  • Technology report: VisualEditor in midst of game-changing deployment series
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 22:48, 4 July 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation Board appoints world expert in women's issues, global south
  • Op-ed: It's time to stop pretending the English-language Wikinews is a viable project
  • Dispatch: Infoboxes: time for a fresh look?
  • Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
  • Discussion report: Featured article process governance, signature templates, and more
  • WikiProject report: Not Jimbo: WikiProject Wales
  • Featured content: The week of the birds
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 08:14, 12 July 2013 (UTC)

You are invited to the 2nd Annual Wikimedia New England General Meeting, on 20 July 2013 in Boston! We will be talking about the future of the chapter, including GLAM, Wiki Loves Monuments, and where we want to take our chapter in the future! EdwardsBot (talk) 09:53, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation's new plans announced
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Square Enix
  • Featured content: Documents and sports
  • Arbitration report: Kiefer.Wolfowitz and Ironholds case opens; July 22 deadline for checkuser and oversight applications
  • Traffic report: Most-viewed articles of the week
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 16:58, 18 July 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikivoyage turns ten, but where to now?; Wikipedia Zero expands into India
  • In the media: Wikipedia flamewars
  • Discussion report: Partially disambiguated page names, page protection policy, and more
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Religion
  • Featured content: Engineering and the arts
  • Arbitration report: Infoboxes case opens
  • Traffic report: Gleeless
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 20:39, 25 July 2013 (UTC)

From the Editor


Welcome to the August 2013 issue of the WikiProject Christianity newsletter. We focus on the historical Jesus and reflect on the last month.

The project has another featured picture, The ruins of Holyrood Chapel, a digitisation of an oil-on-canvas painting. Our top-importance article, Jesus, has been nominated for Featured Article status, the discussion can be seen here; Knights of Colombus has also been nominated as a FAC.

Ecgbert (bishop) and Church architecture in Scotland have both this month achieved Good Article status.

Our project had several of its articles featured in the main page DYK section, including Hinckley Priory, Little Chapel, St Peter's Church, Ropsley, Chip Ingram, St John the Evangelist's Church, Corby Glen, Great George Street Congregational Church, St Mary's Church, Walton-on-the-Hill and Bunge church.

Our thanks go to all of those who have worked to achieve these article milestones.

Church of the month

This image, of Maillezais Cathedral and created by Selbymay was this month promoted to featured picture status.

Membership report
We would like to welcome our newest members, Thechristophermorris, Psmidi and Jchthys. Thank you all for your interest in this effort. If any members, new or not, wish any assistance, they should feel free to leave a message at the Christianity noticeboard or with me or other individual editors to request it.

Focus on...


What was Jesus like? What did he preach? Did he claim to be the Messiah? Did he predict an apocalypse? What can we know about him outside a religious context? The Historical Jesus article discusses what can be known about Jesus with various degrees of probability. While scholars agree on the over all flow and outline of Jesus' life (his baptism by John, debated Jewish authorities, healings, and his crucifixion by Pilate) they have built various and diverging portraits of the rest of his life. These range from minimalist portraits that accept very little of the gospel accounts to maximalists who accept most of the accounts as historical.

The portraits of Jesus have at times been unwitting reflections of the researchers themselves, and Crossan once quipped that some authors "do autobiography and call it biography". However, the study of historical Jesus has made one thing clear: there is so much to learn about Jesus that the more one looks, the more there is to discover.

From the bookshelf

Jesus of Nazareth: An Independent Historian's Account of His Life and Teaching by Maurice Casey 2010 ISBN  0-567-64517-7

In this book Maurice Casey not only draws on his special expertise in the Aramaic traditions and the Q source, but provides a comprehensive review of the various approaches to the historical Jesus.

Did you know...

Christian Demographics
  • ... that in 1951 Christianity was the second largest religion in the world with 500 million followers, compared to 520 million Buddhists, but by 2013 it had gained the top spot with about 2.2 billion Christians?

This month we celebrate the feasts of St Lawrence, St Bernard, and St Augustine.

Help requests
Please let us know if there are any particular areas, either individual articles or topics, which you believe would benefit from outside help from other editors. We will try to include such requests in future issues.

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity.
For submissions contact the Newsroom • To unsubscribe remove yourself from the list here

EdwardsBot (talk)21:52, 31 July 2013 (UTC)

--Gilderien Chat|What I've done 21:52, 31 July 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: The VisualEditor Beta and the path to change
  • News and notes: Gearing up for Wikimania 2013
  • Featured content: Caterpillars, warblers, and frogs—oh my!
  • Discussion report: Defining consensus; VisualEditor default state; expert and layperson terms in article titles
  • WikiProject report: Babel Series: Politics on the Turkish Wikipedia
  • Arbitration report: Race and politics case closes
  • Traffic report: Bouncing Baby Brouhaha
  • Recent research: Napoleon, Michael Jackson and Srebrenica across cultures, 90% of Wikipedia better than Britannica, WikiSym preview
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 02:51, 2 August 2013 (UTC)

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited George Hauptfuhrer, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Abington, Pennsylvania (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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  • News and notes: Chapters Association self-destructs
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Freedom of Speech
  • Featured content: The great Colorado River and the mysterious case of the grand duchess
  • Discussion report: Civility policy, geographic names, CheckUser and Oversighter candidates, and more
  • Arbitration report: Fourteen editors proposed for ban in Tea party movement case
  • Traffic report: Greetings from the graveyard
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 00:19, 10 August 2013 (UTC)

  • Special report: Jimmy Wales: media favors entertainment over raising public awareness
  • News and notes: "Beautifully smooth" Wikimania with few hitches
  • In the media: Chinese censorship
  • Discussion report: Wikivoyage, reliable sources, music bands, account creators, and OTRS
  • WikiProject report: For the love of stamps
  • Featured content: Wikipedia takes the cities
  • Arbitration report: Kiefer.Wolfowitz and Ironholds case closes; invitation to comment on applicants for checkuser and oversight ends 16 August
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:22, 16 August 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Looking ahead to Wiki Loves Monuments
  • In the media: Chelsea Manning, Box-office predictors, and 'Storming Wikipedia'
  • Traffic report: Reddit creep
  • WikiProject report: Loop-the-loop: Amusement Parks
  • Featured content: WikiCup update, and the gardens of Finland
  • Technology report: Gallery improvements launch on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: WikiSym 2013 retrospective
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:30, 26 August 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Looking ahead to Wiki Loves Monuments
  • In the media: Chelsea Manning, Box-office predictors, and 'Storming Wikipedia'
  • Traffic report: Reddit creep
  • WikiProject report: Loop-the-loop: Amusement Parks
  • Featured content: WikiCup update, and the gardens of Finland
  • Technology report: Gallery improvements launch on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: WikiSym 2013 retrospective
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 13:55, 31 August 2013 (UTC)

  • In the media: Manning "put back in the closet"; State involvement in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Privacy policy debate gears up
  • WikiProject report: Writing on the frontier: Psychology on Wikipedia
  • Traffic report: No accounting for the wisdom of crowds
  • Discussion report: Arbcom election procedures, Wiki Loves Monuments, Privacy policy, FDC, and more
  • Featured content: Bridging the way to a Peasants' Revolt
  • Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case opens; Tea Party case closes ; Infoboxes nears completion
  • Technology report: Making Wikipedia more accessible
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 22:08, 6 September 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: As deadline approaches, Individual Engagement Grants looks for ideas
  • In the media: Lawyer goes to court to discover Wikipedian's identity; Storming Wikipedia; Wikimedia UK Secretary in conflict-of-interest controversy; Does Wikipedia need a "right to reply" box?
  • WikiProject report: Traveling to Indonesia
  • Traffic report: Syria, celebrities, and association football: oh my!
  • Featured content: Tintin goes featured
  • Arbitration report: Workshop phase opens in Manning naming dispute ; Infoboxes case closes
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 05:35, 13 September 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Third time's the charm: the FDC's newest round of funding requests
  • Traffic report: Twerking, tragedy and TV
  • WikiProject report: 18,464 Good Articles on the wall
  • Featured content: Hurricane Diane and Van Gogh
  • Technology report: What can Wikidata do for Wikipedia?
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:08, 20 September 2013 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Q&A on Public Relations and Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Last call for Wiki Loves Monuments; Community–WMF tension over VisualEditor
  • Traffic report: Look on Walter's works
  • In the media: Fox News: Wikipedia abandons efforts to purge porn from online encyclopedia
  • WikiProject report: Babel Series: GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!
  • Featured content: Wikipedia takes the stage
  • Recent research: Automatic detection of "infiltrating" Wikipedia admins; Wiki, or 'pedia?
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:14, 27 September 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: WMF signals new grantmaking priorities
  • Op-ed: Commons medical diagnostic images under threat from unresolved ownership
  • Discussion report: References to individuals and groups, merging wikiprojects, portals on the Main page, and more
  • WikiProject report: U2 Too
  • Featured content: Bobby, Ben, Roger and a fantasia
  • Arbitration report: Infoboxes: After the war
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 02:07, 6 October 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Extensive network of clandestine paid advocacy exposed
  • Traffic report: Shutdown shenanigans
  • In the media: College credit for editing Wikipedia
  • WikiProject report: Australian Roads
  • Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute and Ebionites 3 cases continue; third arbitrator resigns
  • Featured content: Under the sea
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 14:31, 10 October 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Vice on Wiki-PR's paid advocacy; Featured list elections begin
  • WikiProject report: Heraldry and Vexillology
  • Traffic report: Peaceful potpourri
  • Discussion report: Ada Lovelace Day, paid advocacy on Wikipedia, sidebar update, and more
  • Featured content: That's a lot of pictures
  • Arbitration report: Manning naming dispute case closes
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 23:05, 18 October 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Grantmaking season—rumblings in the German-language community
  • In the media: The decline of Wikipedia; Sue Gardner releases statement on Wiki-PR; Australian minister relies on Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Your worst nightmare as a child is now featured on Wikipedia
  • Traffic report: Your average week ... and a fish
  • Discussion report: More discussion of paid advocacy, upcoming arbitrator elections, research hackathon, and more
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Elements
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 03:22, 27 October 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Sex and drug tourism—Wikivoyage's soft underbelly?
  • Traffic report: 200 miles in 200 years
  • In the media: Rand Paul plagiarizes Wikipedia?
  • WikiProject report: Special: Lessons from the dead and dying
  • Featured content: Wrestling with featured content
  • Recent research: User influence on site policies: Wikipedia vs. Facebook vs. Youtube
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 22:29, 2 November 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Alleged 'outing' of an editor's personal information leads to Wikipedia ban
  • Featured content: Five years of work leads to 63-article featured topic
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Accessibility
  • Traffic report: Danse Macabre
  • Discussion report: Sockpuppet investigations, VisualEditor, Wikidata's birthday, and more
  • Arbitration report: Ebionites 3 case closed
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:31, 9 November 2013 (UTC)

  • Special report: FDC staff raise the benchmarks for activities, impact, planning, and governance
  • News and notes: Trademark at issue again with the Italian Wikipedia and wikipedia.it
  • Traffic report: Google Doodlebugs bust the block
  • Discussion report: Commas, Draft namespace proposal, education updates, and more
  • WikiProject report: The world of soap operas
  • Featured content: 1244 Chinese handscroll leads nine-strong picture contingent
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:57, 16 November 2013 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
  • News and notes: Foundation to Wiki-PR: cease and desist; Arbitration Committee elections starting
  • Book review: Peter Burke's Social History of Knowledge—ambitious, fascinating, and exhaustive
  • Traffic report: Ill Winds
  • Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election opens; WMF opens the door for non-admin arbitrators
  • WikiProject report: Score! American football on Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Rockin' the featured pictures
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 12:28, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
  • News and notes: Foundation to Wiki-PR: cease and desist; Arbitration Committee elections starting
  • Book review: Peter Burke's Social History of Knowledge—ambitious, fascinating, and exhaustive
  • Traffic report: Ill Winds
  • Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election opens; WMF opens the door for non-admin arbitrators
  • WikiProject report: Score! American football on Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Rockin' the featured pictures
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 12:29, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: One decade of Wikisource; FDC recommendations raise serious questions
  • Discussion report: Musical scores, diversity conference, Module:Convert, and more
  • WikiProject report: Electronic Apple Pie
  • Traffic report: Kennedy shot Who
  • Featured content: F*&!
  • Arbitration report: Ottoman Empire–Turkey naming dispute case opens; New discretionary sanctions draft proposal available for review
  • Recent research: Reciprocity and reputation motivate contributions to Wikipedia; indigenous knowledge and "cultural imperialism"; how PR people see Wikipedia
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:54, 5 December 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments—winners announced
  • In the media: Edward Snowden a "hero"; German Wikipedia court ruling
  • Interview: Wikipedia's first Featured Article centurion
  • Traffic report: Deaths of Mandela, Walker top the list
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Wine
  • Featured content: Viewer discretion advised
  • Technology report: MediaWiki 1.22 released
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 04:31, 12 December 2013 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Nine new arbitrators announced
  • WikiProject report: Babel Series: Tunisia on the French Wikipedia
  • Discussion report: Usernames, template data and documentation, Main page, and more
  • Traffic report: Hopper to the top
  • Featured content: Triangulum, the world's most boring constellation
  • Technology report: Introducing the GLAMWikiToolset
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 06:46, 19 December 2013 (UTC)

  • Recent research: Cross-language editors, election predictions, vandalism experiments
  • News and notes: IEG round 2 funding rewards diverse ambitions
  • Discussion report: Draft namespace, VisualEditor meetings
  • WikiProject report: More Great WikiProject Logos
  • Featured content: Drunken birds and treasonous kings
  • Technology report: OAuth: future of user designed tools
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 05:30, 28 December 2013 (UTC)

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Boston-area events by removing your name from this list.)

  • News and notes: The year in review
  • In the media: Does Wikipedia need a medical disclaimer?
  • Book review: Common Knowledge: An Ethnography of Wikipedia
  • WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Fifth Edition
  • Traffic report: A year stuck in traffic
  • Arbitration report: Examining the Committee's year
  • Discussion report: Article incubator, dates and fractions, medical disclaimer
  • Featured content: 2013—the trends
  • Technology report: Looking back on 2013
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 05:11, 4 January 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: WMF employee forced out over "paid advocacy editing"
  • Public Domain Day: Why the year 2019 is so significant
  • Op-ed: WikiCup competition beginning a new year
  • WikiProject report: Jumping into the television universe
  • Traffic report: Tragedy and television
  • Featured content: A portal to the wonderful world of technology
  • Technology report: Gearing up for the Architecture Summit
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 07:54, 11 January 2014 (UTC)

Hello. I was wondering if you would consider expanding this wonderful page that you created, possibly by creating those red links and adding more info if possible? It looks like a great society.Zigzig20s (talk) 14:04, 14 January 2014 (UTC) Please reply on my talkpage btw--my watchlist is too long and hard to keep track of! Thanks.Zigzig20s (talk) 08:09, 15 January 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Licensed for reuse? Citing open-access sources in Wikipedia articles
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Germany asks for "reworking" of Funds Dissemination Committee; should MP4 be allowed on Wikimedia sites?
  • In the media: Is Google hurting Wikipedia traffic?; "Wikipedia-Mania" in the New York Times
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Sociology
  • Traffic report: The Hours are Ours
  • Technology report: Architecture Summit schedule published
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 22:24, 19 January 2014 (UTC)

  • Book review: Missing Links and Secret Histories: A Selection of Wikipedia Entries from Across the Known Multiverse
  • Special report: The few who write Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Modification of WMF protection brought to Arbcom
  • In the media: Wikipedia for robots; Wikipedia—a temperamental teenager
  • Featured content: Dr. Watson, I presume with the tramp
  • Traffic report: No show for the Globes
  • Technology report: Architecting the future of MediaWiki
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 01:19, 25 January 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
  • Traffic report: Six strikes out
  • WikiProject report: Special report: Contesting contests
  • Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
  • Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:25, 1 February 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
  • Traffic report: Six strikes out
  • WikiProject report: Special report: Contesting contests
  • Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
  • Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
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  • EdwardsBot (talk) 10:54, 3 February 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: WMF bites the bullet on affiliation and FDC funding, elevates Wikimedia user groups
  • In the media: WikiVIP; Art Feminism; Medical articles; PR manipulation; Azerbaijani Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Space selfie
  • Traffic report: Sports Day
  • WikiProject report: Game Time in Russia
  • Technology report: Left with no choice
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:59, 13 February 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Foundation takes aim at undisclosed paid editing; Greek Wikipedia editor faces down legal challenge
  • WikiProject report: Countering Systemic Bias
  • Featured content: Holotype
  • Traffic report: Chilly Valentines
  • Technology report: ULS Comeback
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:10, 21 February 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: Diary of a protester—Wikimedian perishes in Ukrainian unrest
  • Forum: Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
  • News and notes: Wikimedia chapters and communities challenge Commons' URAA policy
  • Traffic report: Snow big deal
  • WikiProject report: Racking brains with neuroscience
  • Featured content: Odin salutes you
  • Recent research: CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:27, 28 February 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikipedia Library finding success in matching contributors with sources
  • Traffic report: Brinksmen on the brink
  • Discussion report: Four paragraph lead, indefinitely blocked IPs, editor reviews broken?
  • WikiProject report: Article Rescue Squadron
  • Featured content: Full speed ahead for the WikiCup
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:49, 10 March 2014 (UTC)

  • Traffic report: War and awards
  • News and notes: Wikimedians celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month
  • WikiProject report: Examining the Russian Wikipedia's Entomology Project
  • Featured content: Ukraine burns
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:45, 15 March 2014 (UTC)

  • Interview: Nate Ott—the writer behind 71 articles in the largest-ever good topic
  • Forum: Wikimedia Commons mission: free media for the world or only Wikimedia projects?
  • News and notes: Foundation-supported Wikipedian in residence faces scrutiny
  • Traffic report: Into thin air
  • WikiProject report: We have history
  • Featured content: Spot the bulldozer
  • Technology report: Wikimedia engineering report
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:14, 23 March 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Why we're updating the default typography for Wikipedia
  • Comment: A foolish request
  • News and notes: Commons Picture of the Year—winners announced
  • Traffic report: Down to a simmer
  • WikiProject report: From the peak
  • Featured content: Winter hath a beauty that is all his own
  • Recent research: Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates; analysis of "In the news" discussions; user hierarchy mapped
  • Technology report: Why will Wikipedia look like the Signpost?
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:19, 29 March 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: On the cusp of the Wikimedia Conference
  • News and notes: Wikimedia conferences—soul-searching about costs, attendance, and future
  • Traffic report: Regressing to the mean
  • WikiProject report: Deutschland in English
  • Featured content: April Fools
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:02, 6 April 2014 (UTC)

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  • Special report: Community mourns passing of Adrianne Wadewitz
  • News and notes: Round 2 of FDC funding open to public comments
  • Traffic report: Conquest of the Couch Potatoes
  • WikiProject report: Law
  • Featured content: Snow heater and Ash sweep
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:06, 13 April 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: 2014 Wikimedia Conference—what is the impact?
  • Wikimania: Winning bid announced for 2015
  • Op-ed: Five things a Wikipedian in Residence can do
  • News and notes: Wikimedian passes away
  • WikiProject report: To the altar—Catholicism
  • Featured content: There was I, waiting at the church
  • Traffic report: Reflecting in Gethsemane
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:40, 23 April 2014 (UTC)

  • Breaking: Wikimedia Foundation selects new executive director
  • News and notes: WMF's draft annual plan turns indigestible as an FDC proposal
  • Interview: Wikipedia in the Peabody Essex Museum
  • Featured content: Browsing behaviours
  • WikiProject report: Genetics
  • Traffic report: Going to the Doggs
  • Recent research: Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google; 43% of academics have edited Wikipedia
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:23, 1 May 2014 (UTC)

  • In focus: Foundation announces long-awaited new executive director
  • News and notes: New system of discretionary sanctions; Buchenwald; is Pirelli 'Cracking Wikipedia'?
  • WikiCup: 2014 WikiCup enters round three
  • In the media: Google and the flu; Adrianne
  • WikiProject report: Singing with Eurovision
  • Featured content: Wikipedia at the Rijksmuseum
  • Traffic report: TMZedia
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:56, 9 May 2014 (UTC)

  • Investigative report: Hong Kong's Wikimania 2013—failure to produce financial statement raises questions of probity
  • News and notes: 'Ask a librarian'—connecting Wikimedians with the National Library of Australia; watch 'Cracking Wikipedia'
  • Featured content: On the rocks
  • Traffic report: Eurovision, Google Doodles, Mothers, and 5 May
  • WikiProject report: Relaxing in Puerto Rico
  • Technology report: Technology report needs editor; Media Viewer offers a new look
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:44, 17 May 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: "Crisis" over Wikimedia Germany's palace revolution
  • Traffic report: Doodles' dawn
  • Featured content: Staggering number of featured articles
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:03, 24 May 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: The English Wikipedia's second featured-article centurion; wiki inventor interviewed on video
  • Recent research: Predicting which article you will edit next; reader research
  • Featured content: Zombie fight in the saloon
  • Traffic report: Get fitted for flipflops and floppy hats
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:51, 1 June 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: IEG funding for women's stories—a new approach to the gender gap
  • Op-ed: "Hospitality, jerks, and what I learned"—the amazing keynote at WikiConference USA
  • News and notes: Two new affiliate-selected trustees
  • In the media: Reliable or not, doctors use Wikipedia
  • Traffic report: Autumn in summer
  • Featured content: Ye stately homes of England
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:01, 8 June 2014 (UTC)

Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to List of former Christian Science churches, societies and buildings may have broken the syntax by modifying 1 "[]"s. If you have, don't worry: just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.

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  • Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Moderator: William Beutler
  • Special report: Questions raised over secret voting for WMF trustees
  • News and notes: PR agencies commit to ethical interactions with Wikipedia
  • Traffic report: The week the wired went weird
  • Featured content: Politics, ships, art, and cyclones
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:26, 14 June 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: With paid advocacy in its sights, the Wikimedia Foundation amends their terms of use
  • Special report: Wikimedia Bangladesh—a chapter's five-year journey
  • Traffic report: You can't dethrone Thrones
  • WikiProject report: Visiting the city
  • Featured content: Worming our way to featured picture
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:58, 22 June 2014 (UTC)

  • Exclusive: "We need to be true to who we are"—Foundation's new executive director speaks to the Signpost
  • News and notes: US National Archives enshrines Wikipedia in Open Government Plan, plans to upload all holdings to Commons
  • Featured content: Showing our Wörth
  • WikiProject report: The world where dreams come true
  • Discussion report: Media Viewer, old HTML tags
  • Traffic report: Fake war, or real sport?
  • Recent research: Power users and diversity in WikiProjects; the "network of cultures" in multilingual Wikipedia biographies
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:51, 29 June 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedia Israel receives Roaring Lion award
  • In the media: Wiki Education; medical content; PR firms
  • WikiProject report: Indigenous peoples of North America
  • Traffic report: The Cup runneth over... and over.
  • Featured content: Ship-shape
  • Technology report: In memoriam: the Toolserver (2005–14)
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:23, 6 July 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: Wikimania 2014—what will it cost?
  • Wikimedia in education: Exploring the United States and Canada with LiAnna Davis
  • News and notes: Echoes of the past haunt new conflict over tech initiative
  • Wikicup: Wikicup's third round sees money, space, battleships and more
  • Featured content: Three cheers for featured pictures!
  • Traffic report: World Cup, Tim Howard rule the week
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:54, 13 July 2014 (UTC)

  • Special report: $10 million lawsuit against Wikipedia editors withdrawn, but plaintiff intends to refile
  • Wikimedia in education: Serbia takes the stage with Filip Maljkovic
  • News and notes: Bot-created Wikipedia articles covered in the Wall Street Journal, push Cebuano over one million articles
  • Traffic report: World Cup dominates for another week
  • Featured content: The Island with the Golden Gun
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:26, 18 July 2014 (UTC)

  • Forum: Did you know?—good idea, needs reform
  • Wikimedia in education: Education program gaining momentum in Israel
  • News and notes: Institutional media uploads to Commons get a bit easier
  • Traffic report: The World Cup hangs on, though tragedies seek to replace it
  • Featured content: Why, they're plum identical!
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:30, 26 July 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: How many more hoaxes will Wikipedia find?
  • Book review: Knowledge or unreality?
  • Wikimedia in education: Success in Egypt and the Arab world
  • Featured content: Skeletons and Skeltons
  • Traffic report: Doom and gloom vs. the power of Reddit
  • Recent research: Shifting values in the paid content debate; cross-language bot detection
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:06, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

  • Wikimedia in education: Leading universities educate with Wikipedia in Mexico
  • News and notes: "History is a human right"—first-ever transparency report released as Europe begins hiding Wikipedia in search results
  • Traffic report: Ebola drives reader interest
  • Featured content: Bottoms, asses, and the fairies that love them
  • Technology report: A technologist's Wikimania preview
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:51, 9 August 2014 (UTC)

  • Wikimania: Promised the moon, settled for the stars
  • Op-ed: Red links, blue links, and erythrophobia
  • Special report: Twitter bots catalogue government edits to Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Media Viewer controversy spreads to German Wikipedia
  • Wikimedia in education: Global Education—WMF's Perspective
  • In the media: Monkey selfie, net neutrality, and hoaxes
  • Featured content: Cambridge got a lot of attention this week
  • Traffic report: Disease, decimation and distraction
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:56, 18 August 2014 (UTC)

  • Interview: Improving the visibility of digital archival assets using Wikipedia
  • Op-ed: A new metric for Wikimedia
  • Traffic report: Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
  • WikiProject report: Bats and gloves
  • Featured content: English Wikipedia departs for Japan
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:09, 23 August 2014 (UTC)

  • Featured content: Cheats at Featured Pictures!
  • In the media: Plagiarism and vandalism dominate Wikipedia news
  • News and notes: Media Viewer—Wikimedia's emotional roller-coaster
  • Traffic report: Viral
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:37, 31 August 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Automated copy-and-paste detection under trial
  • WikiProject report: Gray's Anatomy (v. 2)
  • Traffic report: Holding Pattern
  • Featured content: 1882 × 6 in gold, and thruppence more
  • Arbitration report: Media viewer case is suspended
  • Recent research: A Wikipedia-based Pantheon; new Wikipedia analysis tool suite; how AfC hamstrings newbies
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:03, 6 September 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Media Viewer software is not ready
  • Featured content: The louse and the fish's tongue
  • WikiProject report: Checking that everything's all right
  • Traffic report: Refuge in celebrity
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:56, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of former Christian Science churches, societies and buildings, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Walter Arnold. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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  • News and notes: Wikipedia's traffic statistics are off by nearly one-third
  • In the media: Turkish Twitter outrage, medical translation, audience metrics
  • WikiProject report: A trip up north to Scotland
  • Featured content: Which is not like the others?
  • Traffic report: Tolstoy leads a varied pack
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:37, 18 September 2014 (UTC)

  • In the media: Indian political editing, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Congressional chelonii
  • Featured content: Oil paintings galore
  • Traffic report: Wikipedia watches the referendum in Scotland
  • WikiProject report: GAN reviewers take note: competition time
  • Arbitration report: Banning Policy, Gender Gap, and Waldorf education
  • Recent research: 99.25% of Wikipedia birthdates accurate; focused Wikipedians live longer; merging WordNet, Wikipedia and Wiktionary
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:50, 28 September 2014 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
  • News and notes: Wikipedia article published in peer-reviewed journal; Wikipedia in education
  • Dispatches: Let's get serious about plagiarism
  • Featured content: Brothers at War
  • Traffic report: Shanah Tovah
  • WikiProject report: Animals, farms, forests, USDA? It must be WikiProject Agriculture
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:25, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

  • In the media: Opposition research firm blocked; Australian brushfire
  • Featured content: From a wordless novel to a coat of arms via New York City
  • Traffic report: Panic and denial
  • Technology report: HHVM is the greatest thing since sliced bread
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:42, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Ships—sexist or sexy?
  • In the media: College player falsely linked to sports scandal by Wikipedia; the Nobel Prizes
  • Traffic report: Now introducing ... mobile data
  • Featured content: Bells ring out at the Temple of the Dragon at Peace
  • Arbitration report: One case closed and two opened
  • WikiProject report: Signpost reaches the Midwest
  • Technology report: Attempting to parse wikitext
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:48, 17 October 2014 (UTC)

  • In the media: The story of Wikipedia; Wikipedia reanimated and republished; UK government social media rules; death of Italian Wikipedia administrator
  • Featured content: Admiral on deck—a modern Ada Lovelace
  • Op-ed: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution—a wiki-protest
  • WikiProject report: De-orphanning articles - a huge task but with a huge team of volunteers to help
  • Traffic report: Death, War, Pestilence... Movies and TV
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:22, 24 October 2014 (UTC)

  • Featured content: Go West, young man (By the way, there is a monster at the end of this article)
  • In the media: Wikipedia a trusted source on Ebola; Wikipedia study labeled government waste; football biography goes viral
  • Maps tagathon: Find 10,000 digitised maps this weekend
  • Recent research: Informed consent and privacy; newsmaking on Wikipedia; Wikipedia and organizational theories
  • Traffic report: Ebola, Ultron, and Creepy Articles
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:30, 31 October 2014 (UTC)

  • In the media: Predicting the flu; MH17 conspiracy theories
  • Traffic report: Sweet dreams on Halloween
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:01, 6 November 2014 (UTC)

  • In the media: Amazon Echo; EU freedom of panorama; Bluebeard's Castle
  • Featured content: Wikipedia goes to church in Lithuania
  • WikiProject report: Talking hospitals
  • Traffic report: Holidays, anyone?
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:45, 17 November 2014 (UTC)

  • Featured content: Orbital Science: Now you're thinking with explosions
  • In the media: A Russian alternative Wikipedia; Who's your grandfather?; ArtAndFeminism
  • Recent research: Gender gap and skills gap; academic citations on the rise; European food cultures
  • Traffic report: Big in Japan
  • WikiProject report: Back with the military historians
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:22, 28 November 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Who edits health-related content on Wikipedia and why?
  • In the media: Embroidery and cheese
  • Featured content: ABCD: Any Body Can Dance!
  • Traffic report: Turkey and a movie
  • WikiProject report: Today on the island
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:30, 6 December 2014 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: It's GLAM up North!
  • In the media: Wikipedia is "a rancorous, sexist, elitist, stupidly bureaucratic mess"
  • Traffic report: Dead Black Men and Science Fiction
  • Featured content: Honour him, love and obey? Good idea with military leaders.
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:51, 13 December 2014 (UTC)

  • Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election results
  • Featured content: Tripping hither, tripping thither, Nobody knows why or whither; We must dance and we must sing, Round about our fairy ring!
  • In the media: Wikipedia's year in review video; Checking in with Wikipedia's founders
  • Traffic report: A December Lull
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:07, 19 December 2014 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Looking for new editors-in-chief
  • In the media: Wales on GamerGate
  • Featured content: Still quoting Iolanthe, apparently.
  • WikiProject report: Microsoft does The Signpost
  • Traffic report: North Korea is not pleased
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:26, 25 December 2014 (UTC)

  • News and notes: The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
  • Op-ed: My issues with the Wiki Education Foundation
  • In the media: Study tour controversy; class tackles the gender gap
  • Featured content: A bit fruity
  • Traffic report: Surfin' the Yuletide
  • Recent research: Wikipedia in higher education; gender-driven talk page conflicts; disease forecasting
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:10, 2 January 2015 (UTC)

  • Interview: Interview with Jakob, one of Wikipedia's more prolific waterway contributors
  • In the media: ISIL propaganda video; AirAsia complaints
  • Featured content: Kock up
  • Traffic report: Auld Lang Syne
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:39, 9 January 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Erasmus Prize recognizes the global Wikipedia community
  • Op-ed: Articles for creation needs you
  • WikiProject report: Articles for creation: the inside story
  • In the media: Wikipedia's birthday brings tributes, app, award; Castro death rumors
  • Featured content: Citations are needed
  • Traffic report: Wikipédia sommes Charlie
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:27, 16 January 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Introducing your new editors-in-chief
  • Anniversary: A decade of the Signpost
  • Interview: WWII veteran honors shipmates through Wikipedia editing
  • Op-ed: Let's make WikiProjects better
  • News and notes: Annual report released; Wikimania; steward elections
  • In the media: Johann Hari; bandishes and delicate flowers
  • Featured content: Yachts, marmots, boat races, and a rocket engineer who attempted to birth a goddess
  • Arbitration report: As one door closes, a (Gamer)Gate opens
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:13, 22 January 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: An editorial board that includes you
  • Special report: Traffic in the fog—2014's most popular articles include death, Facebook, and Ebola
  • In focus: Thirteen editors sanctioned in mammoth GamerGate arbitration case
  • Forum: Evaluating the Arbitration Committee's handling of GamerGate
  • In the media: A murderous week for Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Like Jack Kerouac's On The Road, this week's issue was written on amphetamines
  • Traffic report: A sea of faces
  • Recent research: Bot writes about theatre plays; "Renaissance editors" create better content
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:15, 29 January 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: No men beyond this point: the proposal to create a no-men space on Wikipedia
  • Op-ed: Is Wikipedia for sale?
  • In the media: Gamergate and Muhammad controversies continue
  • Traffic report: The American Heartland
  • Featured content: It's raining men!
  • Arbitration report: Slamming shut the GamerGate
  • WikiProject report: Dicing with death – on Wikipedia?
  • Technology report: Security issue fixed; VisualEditor changes
  • Gallery: Langston Hughes
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:42, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editors: We want to know what you think!
  • News and notes: One editor faces likely ban for work on Wikipedia; another awarded $1 million
  • In the media: Is Wikipedia eating itself?
  • Traffic report: Bowled over
  • WikiProject report: Brand new WikiProjects profiled
  • Featured content: A grizzly bear, Operation Mascot, Freedom Planet & Liberty Island, cosmic dust clouds, a cricket five-wicket list, more fine art, & a terrible, terrible opera...
  • Gallery: Feel the love
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:44, 12 February 2015 (UTC)

  • Editorial: Recent retirements typify problem of admin attrition
  • In the media: Students' use and perception of Wikipedia
  • Special report: Revision scoring as a service
  • Traffic report: February is for lovers
  • Gallery: Darwin Day
  • Featured content: A load of bull-sized breakfast behind the restaurant, Koi feeding, a moray eel, Spaghetti Nebula and other fishy, fishy fish
  • Arbitration report: We've built the nuclear reactor; now what colour should we paint the bikeshed?
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:24, 20 February 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Questions raised over WMF partnership with research firm
  • Op-ed: Text from Wikipedia good enough for Oxford University Press to claim as own
  • In the media: WikiGnomes and Bigfoot
  • Traffic report: Fifty Shades of... self-denial?
  • WikiProject report: Be prepared... Scouts in the spotlight
  • Featured content: The Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn, in no particular order. Also, Kaiser Kong.
  • Gallery: Far from home
  • Blog: Join the Wikimedia strategy consultation
  • Recent research: Gender bias, SOPA blackout, and a student assignment that backfired
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:38, 27 February 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Questions raised over WMF partnership with research firm
  • Op-ed: Text from Wikipedia good enough for Oxford University Press to claim as own
  • In the media: WikiGnomes and Bigfoot
  • Traffic report: Fifty Shades of... self-denial?
  • WikiProject report: Be prepared... Scouts in the spotlight
  • Featured content: The Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn, in no particular order. Also, Kaiser Kong.
  • Gallery: Far from home
  • Blog: Join the Wikimedia strategy consultation
  • Recent research: Gender bias, SOPA blackout, and a student assignment that backfired
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:00, 27 February 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: A sign of the times—the Signpost revamps its internal structure to make contributing easier
  • Editorial: Conspiracy theories distract from real questions about grantmaking report
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation and OTRS team both publish reports, indicate operating changes
  • Interview: Meet a paid editor
  • Traffic report: Attack of the movies
  • In the media: Kanye West rebranded; Wikipedia in court; editors for hire
  • Blog: Black History Month edit-a-thons tackle Wikipedia’s multicultural gaps
  • Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
  • Featured content: Ploughing fields and trading horses with Rosa Bonheur
  • Arbitration report: Bradspeaks—impact, regrets, and advice; current cases hinge on sex, religion, and ... infoboxes
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:43, 5 March 2015 (UTC)

  • Special report: An advance look at the WMF's fundraising survey
  • In focus: WMF to NSA: "stop spying on Wikipedia users"
  • News and notes: WikiWomen's History Month—meetups, blog posts, and "Inspire" grant-making campaign
  • In the media: Gamergate; a Wiki hoax; Kanye West
  • Traffic report: Wikipedia: handing knowledge to the world, one prank at a time
  • Featured content: Here they come, the couple plighted –
  • Op-ed: Why the Core Contest matters
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:26, 12 March 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: A salute to Pine
  • Op-ed: Does the Wikimedia fundraising survey address community concerns?
  • News and notes: SUL finalization imminent; executive office shake-ups at the Foundation
  • In the media: NYPD editing articles regarding allegations of police brutality and misconduct
  • Featured content: A woman who loved kings, a king who loved angels ...
  • Traffic report: It's not cricket
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:34, 21 March 2015 (UTC)


  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation adopts open-access research policy
  • Op-ed: How my father's railroad image collection now benefits the world: the value of digitization
  • Featured content: A carnival of animals, a river of dung, a wasteland of uncles, and some people with attitude
  • Special report: Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year 2014
  • Traffic report: Oddly familiar
  • Recent research: Most important people; respiratory reliability; academic attitudes
  • Blog: The Wikipedia Library Team reflects on its new Visiting Scholars program
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:24, 27 March 2015 (UTC)

  • In focus: WMF's latest strategy document shows successes, vagueness, and the need for better data
  • In the media: Wiki-PR duo bulldoze a piñata store; Wifione arbitration case; French parliamentary plagiarism
  • Traffic report: All over the place
  • News and notes: New edits-by-mail option will "revolutionize" Wikipedia and its editor base (April Fool's Day edition)
  • Special report: Pictures of the Year 2015 (April Fool's Day edition)
  • Featured content: Stop Press. Marie Celeste Mystery Solved. Crew Found Hiding In Wardrobe. (April Fool's Day edition)
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)

  • In focus: WMF's latest strategy document shows successes, vagueness, and the need for better data
  • In the media: Wiki-PR duo bulldoze a piñata store; Wifione arbitration case; French parliamentary plagiarism
  • Traffic report: All over the place
  • News and notes: New edits-by-mail option will "revolutionize" Wikipedia and its editor base (April Fool's Day edition)
  • Special report: Pictures of the Year 2015 (April Fool's Day edition)
  • Featured content: Stop Press. Marie Celeste Mystery Solved. Crew Found Hiding In Wardrobe. (April Fool's Day edition)
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:43, 3 April 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: We are drowning in promotional artspam
  • News and notes: Advancement department to be created at the Foundation, milestone fixes
  • In the media: Wikipedia on 60 Minutes, Kickstarter, and in the classroom
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Christianity
  • Featured content: Partisan arrangements, dodgy dollars, a mysterious union of strings, and a hole that became a monument
  • Traffic report: Resurrection week
  • Arbitration report: New Functionary appointments
  • Technology report: Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:37, 10 April 2015 (UTC)

Hello and good afternoon (at least it is afternoon where I am). I was looking at the Wikipedian firefighters category and noticed that you are one of the members of the Wikipedia community that lists yourself as being a firefighter. First and foremost let me say thank you for your service. While I myself am not a firefighter, I do work as a photographer with multiple local fire departments. I am honored to have firefighters as some of my closest friends.

I have been taking an active role in the Fire Service WikiProject and am trying to recruit more members to this cause. If this is something you have any interest in, please let me know? You can leave me a message on my talk page. Obviously there is zero obligation. An interest can be anything from helping out with a couple of pages in your local area to helping to overhaul major templates, and anything in between.

Once again, thank you for your service. Hope to hear from you soon. Stay safe! --Zackmann08 (talk) 17:50, 10 April 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Erik Möller leaving Foundation; annual plan grants under community review
  • In the media: Saving Wikipedia; Internet regulation; Thoreau quote hoax
  • Featured content: Au-delà des Alpes, la chienlit de Saint-Bernard. Sous les pavés, les trimes d'argent ! Mes enfants, suivez-moi !
  • Traffic report: Furious domination
  • Blog: Single-User Login provides access to all wikis
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:31, 17 April 2015 (UTC)

  • Special report: Sony emails reveal corporate practices and undisclosed advocacy editing
  • News and notes: Call for candidates as the movement approaches the Wikimedia Board elections
  • In the media: UK political editing; hoaxes; net neutrality
  • In focus: 2015 Wikimedia Foundation election preparations underway
  • Featured content: Vanguard on guard
  • Traffic report: A harvest of couch potatoes
  • Gallery: The bitter end
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:44, 23 April 2015 (UTC)

  • Wikimania: Choice of small village for Wikimania 2016 ruffles feathers
  • News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments evaluation sees diminishing returns and increasing cost
  • In the media: Scottish MEP blocked for edit warring; ranking articles by importance
  • Featured content: Apartheid and related topics, awards and accolades, and a bunch of tough journeys
  • Recent research: Military history, cricket, and Australia targeted in Wikipedia articles' popularity vs. quality; how copyright damages economy
  • Traffic report: Bruce, Nessie, and genocide
  • Technology report: VisualEditor and MediaWiki updates
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:11, 1 May 2015 (UTC)

  • Special report: FDC candidates respond to key issues
  • News and notes: "Inspire" grant-making campaign concludes, grantees announced
  • In the media: Guggenheim image donation; Wiki campaign gets advertising award
  • Featured content: The amorous android and the horsebreeder; WikiCup round two concludes
  • Traffic report: The grim ship reality
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:53, 8 May 2015 (UTC)

  • Foundation elections: WMF Board candidates share their views with the Signpost
  • Op-ed: What made Wikipedia lose its reputation?
  • In the media: Grant Shapps story continues; Wikipedia's "leftist ties"
  • News and notes: Swedish Wikimedia chapter organizes simultaneous Wikidata contests
  • Featured content: Four first-time featured article writers lead the way
  • Traffic report: Round Two
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:25, 16 May 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: A dark side of comedy: the Wikipedia volunteers cleaning up behind John Oliver's fowl jokes
  • In focus: The awful truth about Wikimedia's article counts
  • From the editor: Your voice is needed: strategic voting in the WMF election
  • In the media: Jimmy Wales accepts Dan David Prize
  • WikiProject report: Cell-ebrating molecular biology
  • Arbitration report: Editor conduct the subject of multiple cases
  • Featured content: Puppets, fungi, and waterfalls
  • Traffic report: Inner Core
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:49, 21 May 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Three new community-elected trustees announced, incumbents out
  • Blog: How Wikipedia covered Caitlyn Jenner’s transition
  • Discussion report: The deprecation of Persondata; RfA – A broken process; Complaints from users on Swedish Wikipedia
  • Special report: Towards "Health Information for All": Medical content on Wikipedia received 6.5 billion page views in 2013
  • In the media: Anonymous Australian editing targets football player, shooting victim
  • Traffic report: A rather ordinary week
  • Featured content: It's not over till the fat man sings
  • Technology report: Things are getting SPDYier
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:31, 6 June 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Chapter financial trends analyzed, news in brief
  • Traffic report: Two households, both alike in dignity
  • In the media: Arbitration case attracts media coverage; Wikipedia in Israel
  • Featured content: Just the bear facts, ma'am
  • Technology report: Wikimedia sites are going HTTPS only
  • Blog: Making Wikipedia’s medical articles accessible in Chinese
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:09, 13 June 2015 (UTC)

  • Arbitration report: An election has consequences
  • Discussion report: A quick way of becoming an admin
  • Featured content: Great Dane hits 150
  • In focus: Three weeks to save freedom of panorama in Europe
  • In the media: Wikipedia wins Asturias Prize; printing out Wikipedia; HTTPS switch
  • Interview: A veteran’s Wikipedia edits help him understand the brutality behind Yugoslavia’s wars
  • News and notes: Labs outage kills tools, self; news in brief
  • Op-ed: Making a difference in Wikipedia, one GA at a time
  • Technology report: HTTPS-only rollout completed, proposal to enable VisualEditor for new accounts
  • WikiProject report: We are back - Western Australia speaks
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:48, 19 June 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Signpost tagging initiative
  • Op-ed: Content Translation beta is coming to the English Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Board of Trustees propose bylaw amendments
  • In the media: Turkish Wikipedia censorship; "Can Wikipedia survive?"; PR editing
  • Special report: Small impact of the large Google Translation Project on Telugu Wikipedia
  • Recent research: How Wikipedia built governance capability; readability of plastic surgery articles
  • Featured content: One eye when begun, two when it's done
  • Blog: 7,473 volumes at 700 pages each: meet Print Wikipedia
  • Arbitration report: Politics by other means: The American politics 2 arbitration
  • Technology report: 2015 MediaWiki architecture focus and Multimedia roadmap announced
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:13, 25 June 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Training the Trainers; VP of Engineering leaves WMF
  • In the media: EU freedom of panorama; Nehru outrage; BBC apology
  • WikiProject report: Able to make a stand
  • Featured content: Viva V.E.R.D.I.
  • Traffic report: We're Baaaaack
  • Technology report: Technical updates and improvements
  • Blog: These Texans are on a quest to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of their state’s revolution
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:01, 3 July 2015 (UTC)

  • Editorial: So you want to get your message out. Where do you turn?
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation annual plan released, news in brief
  • In the media: Wikimania warning; Wikipedia "mystery" easily solved
  • Traffic report: The Empire lobs back
  • Featured content: Pyrénées, Playmates, parliament and a prison...
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:51, 11 July 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: On paid editing and advocacy: when the Bright Line fails to shine, and what we can do about it
  • News and notes: The Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania
  • In the media: Shapps requests WMUK data; professor's plagiarism demotion
  • Blog: Wikimedia Foundation releases third transparency report
  • Traffic report: Belles of the ball
  • WikiProject report: What happens when a country is no longer a country?
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Featured content: When angels and daemons interrupt the vicious and intemperate
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:43, 16 July 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Change the world
  • News and notes: Wikimanía 2015 in the books; Lightbreather ArbCom case
  • Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015 report, part 1, the plenaries
  • In the media: Novelists annotate Wikipedia; Wales promotes TPO; Working for free
  • Traffic report: The Nerds, They Are A-Changin'
  • WikiProject report: Some more politics
  • Featured content: The sleep of reason produces monsters
  • Gallery: "One small step..."
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:18, 23 July 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: BARC de-adminship proposal; Wikimania recordings debate
  • Op-ed: My life as an autistic Wikipedian
  • Recent research: Wikipedia and collective intelligence; how Wikipedia is tweeted
  • In the media: Is Wikipedia a battleground in the culture wars?
  • Featured content: Even mammoths get the Blues
  • Traffic report: Namaste again, Reddit
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:59, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

  • Editorial: Wikipedia better equipped to deal with systemic bias than traditional publishers
  • Op-ed: Je ne suis pas Google
  • News and notes: VisualEditor, endowment, science, and news in brief
  • WikiProject report: Meet the boilerplate makers
  • In the media: Probe into Nehru edits launched; dangers of the right to be forgotten
  • Traffic report: Mrityorma amritam gamaya...
  • Featured content: Maya, Michigan, Medici, Médée, and Moul n'ga
  • Blog: Get help editing Wikipedia with the new “Co-op” mentorship program
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:17, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Superprotect, one year later; a contentious RfA
  • In the media: Paid editing; traffic drop; Nicki Minaj
  • Forum: Community voices on paid editing
  • Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015, part 2, a community event
  • Traffic report: Fighting from top to bottom
  • Featured content: Fused lizards, giant mice, and Scottish demons
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Blog: The Hunt for Tirpitz
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:48, 14 August 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: WP:THREATENING2MEN: The English Wikipedia's misogynist infopolitics and the hegemony of the asshole consensus
  • In the media: Politically controversial science; "Wikipedia hates women"
  • Featured content: Dead parrots, live frogs, a symbolic kiss and what do we get? Enrique Iglesias!
  • Travelogue: Seeing is believing
  • Traffic report: Straight Outta Connecticut
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Blog: How Wikipedia responds to breaking news
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:01, 20 August 2015 (UTC)

Category:Local Historic Register places in Martin County, Florida, which you created, has been nominated for deletion. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you. RevelationDirect (talk) 00:31, 22 August 2015 (UTC)

  • In focus: An increase in active Wikipedia editors
  • Op-ed: Wikimania—can volunteers organize conferences?
  • News and notes: Re-imagining grants
  • In the media: Russia temporarily blocks Wikipedia
  • Recent research: OpenSym 2015 report; PageRank and wiki quality; news suggestions; the impact of open access
  • Featured content: Out to stud, please call later
  • Arbitration report: Reinforcing Arbitration
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:59, 28 August 2015 (UTC)

  • Special report: Massive paid editing network unearthed on the English Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Flow placed on ice
  • Discussion report: WMF's sudden reversal on Wiki Loves Monuments
  • Featured content: Brawny
  • In the media: Orangemoody sockpuppet case sparks widespread coverage
  • Traffic report: You didn't miss much
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:07, 3 September 2015 (UTC)

  • Gallery: Being Welsh
  • Op-ed: DYK, or proudly displaying incorrect information on the Main Page with alarming regularity
  • News and notes: The Swedish Wikipedia's controversial two-millionth article
  • In the media: Calling all scientists!; More Wikipedia editors in the Netherlands than all of Africa combined
  • Featured content: Killed by flying debris
  • Traffic report: Mass media production traffic
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:59, 11 September 2015 (UTC)

  • Editorial: No access is no answer to closed access
  • Traffic report: Another week
  • News and notes: Byrd and notifications leave, but page views stay; was a terror suspect editing Wikipedia?
  • In the media: Is there life on Mars?
  • Featured content: Why did the emu cross the road?
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:43, 19 September 2015 (UTC)

  • Featured content: Inside Duke Humfrey's Library
  • In the media: PETA makes "monkey selfie" a three-way copyright battle; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Op-ed: Can we please stop bashing Wikipedia?
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Traffic report: ¡Viva la Revolución! Kinda.
  • WikiProject report: Dancing to the beat of a... wikiproject?
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:24, 25 September 2015 (UTC)

  • In the media: Irish legislative editing; coffee quarrel; more sports vandalism
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation fundraising report, Montreal to host 2017 Wikimania
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia needs more administrators
  • Recent research: Wiktionary special; newbies, conflict and tolerance; Is Wikipedia's search function inferior?
  • Tech news: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:35, 3 October 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Walled gardens of corruption
  • In the media: Jailed Saudi blogger wins award; PR editing and Wiki-embarassment; Pakistan's third-richest person?
  • Traffic report: Reality is for losers
  • Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
  • Arbitration report: Warning: Contains GMOs
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Gallery: Winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 in Pakistan
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:20, 11 October 2015 (UTC)

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Northern New Mexico College, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page El Rito, New Mexico. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 10:38, 12 October 2015 (UTC)

You are invited to join the Women in Architecture edit-a-thon @ Cambridge, MA on October 16! (drop-in any time, 6-9pm)--Pharos (talk) 18:28, 14 October 2015 (UTC)

  • Blog: Third Wikimedia Spain conference takes place in Madrid
  • Editorial: Why the news media needs a Wikipedian in residence
  • Op-ed: WikiConference USA 2015: built on good faith
  • Traffic report: Screens, Sport, Reddit, and Death
  • WikiConference report: US gathering sees speeches from Andrew Lih, AfroCrowd, and the Archivist of the United States
  • News and notes: 2015–2016 Q1 fundraising update sparks mailing list debate
  • Featured content: A fistful of dollars
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:39, 18 October 2015 (UTC)

  • Editorial: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
  • News and notes: Wikimedia lawsuit against NSA dismissed; Affiliates mailing list launched
  • In the media: "Wikipedia's hostility to women"
  • Special report: One year of GamerGate, or how I learned to stop worrying and love bare rule-level consensus
  • Featured content: A more balanced week
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia is significantly amplifying the impact of Open Access publications
  • Arbitration report: Four ArbCom cases ongoing
  • Traffic report: Hiding under the covers of the Internet
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:01, 25 October 2015 (UTC)

Wikipedia-logo-v2-en 5m articles.png
We couldn't have done it without you Well, maybe. But the encyclopedia would not be as good.


Smallbones(smalltalk) 13:57, 1 November 2015 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Signpost‍'​s reorganization plan—we need your help
  • News and notes: English Wikipedia reaches five million articles
  • In the media: The world's Wikipedia gaps; Google and Wikipedia accused of tying Ben Carson to NAMBLA
  • Op-ed: It’s time to stop the bullying
  • Arbitration report: A second attempt at Arbitration enforcement
  • Traffic report: Canada, the most popular nation on Earth
  • Recent research: Student attitudes towards Wikipedia; Jesus, Napoleon and Obama top "Wikipedia social network"; featured article editing patterns in 12 languages
  • Featured content: Birds, turtles, and other things
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Community letter: Five million articles
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:11, 1 November 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: You are invited to participate in the Community Wishlist Survey
  • News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation finances; Superprotect is gone
  • In the media: Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov: propaganda myth or history?
  • Traffic report: Death, the Dead, and Spectres are abroad
  • Featured content: Christianity, music, and cricket
  • Gallery: Princess of Asturias Awards 2015 ceremony
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:28, 7 November 2015 (UTC)

Do you have any idea where File:Pleasant Ridge School Dake County, Ohio Feb 22 1895.jpg was located? Obviously in Darke County, but I can't find any more information; it's not in GNIS, and a Google search found nothing. If you respond here, please leave me a note at my talk. Nyttend (talk) 19:24, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: As one thousand of us requested, Superprotect has been removed
  • Arbitration report: Elections, redirections, and a resignation from the Committee
  • Discussion report: Compromise of two administrator accounts prompts security review
  • Featured content: Texas, film, and cycling
  • In the media: Sanger on Wikipedia; Silver on Vox; lawyers on monkeys
  • Traffic report: Doodles of popularity
  • Gallery: Paris
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:09, 15 November 2015 (UTC)

  • Special report: ArbCom election—candidates’ opinions analysed
  • In the media: Icelandic milestone; apolitical editing
  • Discussion report: BASC disbanded; other developments in the discussion world
  • Arbitration report: Ban Appeals Subcommittee goes up in smoke; 21 candidates running
  • Featured content: Fantasia on a Theme by Jimbo Wales
  • Traffic report: Darkness and light
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:27, 21 November 2015 (UTC)

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:30, 23 November 2015 (UTC)

  • Blog: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Deutschland urge Reiss Engelhorn Museum to reconsider suit over public domain works of art
  • Op-ed: Wikidata: the new Rosetta Stone
  • Traffic report: J'en ai ras le bol
  • News and notes: Fundraising update; FDC recommendations
  • In the media: Erasmus Prize awarded to Wikipedia; trouble on the Russian Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Do Wikipedia citations mirror scholarly impact?; co-star networks in silent films
  • Featured content: Caves and stuff
  • Arbitration report: Third Palestine-Israel case closes; Voting begins
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:27, 29 November 2015 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Whither Wikidata?
  • Traffic report: Jonesing for episodes
  • News and notes: Online harassment consultation; High voter turnout at ArbCom elections
  • In the media: Is Wikidata as transparent as it seems?; Wikimedia Fund-raising drive launches
  • Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:21, 6 December 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: ArbCom election results announced
  • Op-ed: Wikidata: Knowledge from different points of view
  • In the media: Political editing in the context of the US presidential primaries
  • Traffic report: So do you laugh, or does it cry?
  • Featured content: Sports, ships, arts... and some other things
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Gallery: Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 winners
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:38, 12 December 2015 (UTC)

  • In the media: Wales in China; #Edit2015
  • In focus: Drone photography: New possibilities and new challenges
  • Arbitration report: GMO case decided
  • WikiProject report: Women in Red—using teamwork and partnerships to elevate online and offline collaborations
  • Traffic report: A feast of Spam
  • Featured content: An unusually slow week
  • Gallery: WikiConference USA 2015: images, slide decks, and videos
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:57, 19 December 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: WMF Board dismisses community-elected trustee
  • Year in review: The top ten Wikipedia stories of 2015
  • Arbitration report: Second Arbitration Enforcement case concludes as another case is suspended
  • In the media: Wikipedia plagued by a "Basket of Deception"
  • Traffic report: The Force we expected
  • Featured content: The post-Christmas edition
  • Gallery: It's that time of year again
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:34, 30 December 2015 (UTC)

  • News and notes: The WMF's age of discontent
  • In the media: Impenetrable science; Jimmy Wales back in the UAE
  • Arbitration report: Catflap08 and Hijiri88 case been decided
  • Featured content: Featured menagerie
  • Recent research: Teaching Wikipedia, Does advertising the gender gap help or hurt Wikipedia?
  • WikiProject report: Try-ing to become informed - WikiProject Rugby League
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:47, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Community objections to new Board trustee
  • In focus: The Crisis at New Montgomery Street
  • Editorial: We need a culture of verification
  • Op-ed: Transparency (by James Heilman)
  • Blog: Inside the game of sports vandalism on Wikipedia
  • Community view: Battle for the soul of the WMF
  • In the media: War and peace; WMF board changes; Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedias
  • Traffic report: Pattern recognition: Third annual Traffic Report
  • Special report: Wikipedia community celebrates Public Domain Day 2016
  • Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
  • Arbitration report: Interview: outgoing and incumbent arbitrators 2016
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:17, 16 January 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Vote of no confidence; WMF trustee speaks out
  • Op-ed: Not a pretty picture: Thoughts on the "monkey selfie" debacle
  • In the media: 15th anniversary news round-up
  • Traffic report: Danse Macabre
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Blog: Fifteen years ago, Wikipedia was a very different place: Magnus Manske
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:21, 24 January 2016 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Lila Tretikov: the WMF needs your input in developing our strategy
  • Traffic report: Death and taxes
  • News and notes: Geshuri steps down from the Board
  • In the media: Media coverage of the Arnnon Geshuri no-confidence vote
  • Recent research: Bursty edits; how politics beat religion but then lost to sports; notability as a glass ceiling
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Read this Signpost in full
  • Single-page
  • Unsubscribe
  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:24, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

Hey Clariosophic!

I'm gathering a list of articles for a Black History Month edit-a-thon. I came upon the Masonic Temple Building (Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina), thanks to the stub template you added. I don't immediately see on the article or in quick research how it is African American-related. Do you have any tips?

I realize your edit was years ago, so appreciate anything you can recall.

Thanks! Verbistheword (talk) 17:29, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Help wanted
  • In focus: The Knight Foundation grant: a timeline and an email to the board
  • Op-ed: So, what’s a knowledge engine anyway?
  • Special report: Board chair and new trustee speak with the Signpost
  • Traffic report: Bowled
  • News and notes: Harassment survey 2015; Luis Villa to leave WMF; knowledge engine background
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Arbitration report: Catching up on arbitration
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:29, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

  • Special report: New internal documents raise questions about the origins of the Knowledge Engine
  • In focus: An in-depth look at the special report's newly revealed documents
  • News and notes: Another WMF departure
  • In the media: Jeb Bush swings at Wikipedia and connects
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Traffic report: A river of revilement
  • Blog: Wikimedia Foundation removes The Diary of Anne Frank due to copyright law requirements
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 05:28, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

  • Special report: Search and destroy: the Knowledge Engine and the undoing of Lila Tretikov
  • Op-ed: Shit I cannot believe we had to fucking write this month
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Traffic report: Super Bowling
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Blog: Antonin Scalia and the editor tracking his legacy
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:32, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

  • Special report: [UPDATED] WMF in limbo as decision on Tretikov nears
  • Op-ed: Backward the Foundation
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Traffic report: Of dead pools and dead judges
  • Arbitration report: Motion on CheckUser and Oversight inactivity
  • Technology report: Tech news in brief
  • Blog: Wiki Loves Africa brings the continent's fashion to the world
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 05:04, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Tretikov resigns, WMF in transition
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Recent research: Wikipedia and paid labour; Swedish gender gap; how verifiable is "verifiable"?
  • Traffic report: Brawling
  • Blog: Wikimedia Foundation details requests to alter or remove content in new transparency report
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:00, 8 March 2016 (UTC)

  • Blog: The new alchemy: turning online harassment into Wikipedia articles on women scientists
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • In the media: Wikipedian is break-out star of International Women's Day; dinosaur art; Wikipedia's new iOS app and its fight for market share
  • News and notes: Katherine Maher named interim head of WMF; Wales email re-sparks Heilman controversy; draft WMF strategy posted
  • Op-ed: A modest proposal for Wikimedia’s future
  • Systemic bias: Revenge of "I can’t believe we didn’t have an article on ..."
  • Technology report: Wikimedia wikis will temporarily go into read-only mode on several occasions in the coming weeks
  • Traffic report: All business like show business
  • WikiCup report: First round of the WikiCup finishes
  • Read this Signpost in full
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  • MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:53, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikipedia Zero: Orange mobile partnership in Africa ends; the evolution of privacy loss in Wikipedia
  • In the media: Wales at SXSW; lawsuit over Wikipedia PR editing
  • Op-ed: Hard work needed to address Wikimedia’s leadership challenges
  • Discussion report: Is an interim WMF executive director inherently notable?
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Traffic report: Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States
  • Technology report: Watchlists, watchlists, watchlists!
  • Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #119: The Foundation and the departure of Lila Tretikov
  • Blog: It “revolutionized the way German-speaking people inform themselves about the world”: Fifteen years of the German Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 21:13, 19 March 2016 (UTC)

  • Interview: WMF interim executive director Katherine Maher says the org is at an "interesting moment of change"
  • News and notes: Lila Tretikov a Young Global Leader; Wikipediocracy blog post sparks indefinite blocks
  • In the media: Angolan file sharers cause trouble for Wikipedia Zero; the 3D printer edit war; a culture based on change and turmoil
  • Editorial: "God damn it, you've got to be kind."
  • Traffic report: Be weary on the Ides of March
  • Featured content: Watch out! A slave trader, a live mascot, and a crested serpent await!
  • Arbitration report: Palestine-Israel article 3 case amended
  • Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #120—the status of Wikimania 2016
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:25, 27 March 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Trump/Wales 2016
  • In the media: Saskatoon police delete Wikipedia content about police brutality
  • WikiProject report: Why should the Devil have all the good music? An interview with WikiProject Christian music
  • Traffic report: Donald v Daredevil
  • Featured content: A slow, slow week
  • Technology report: Browse Wikipedia in safety? Use Telnet!

  • Recent research: "Employing Wikipedia for good not evil" in education, useing eyetracking to find out how readers read articles
  • Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #121: How April fools went down
  • Blog: Growing hashtags: Expanding outreach on Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 20:12, 1 April 2016 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Should prison inmates be permitted to edit Wikipedia?
  • News and notes: Denny Vrandečić resigns from Wikimedia Foundation board
  • In the media: Wikimedia Sweden loses copyright case; Tex Watson; AI assistants; David Jolly biography
  • Featured content: This week's featured content
  • Traffic report: A welcome return to pop culture and death
  • Arbitration report: The first case of 2016—Wikicology
  • Gallery: A history lesson
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 00:46, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Lunar project; steering group formed to search for next executive director
  • Op-ed: Knowledge Engine and the Wales–Heilman emails
  • Special report: Update on EranBot, our new copyright violation detection bot
  • Featured content: The double-sized edition
  • Traffic report: Two for the price of one
  • Arbitration report: Amendments made to the Race and intelligence case
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 22:42, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedia Switzerland's board and paid-editing firm; passing of Ed Dravecky
  • In the media: Wikipedia Zero piracy in Bangladesh; bureaucracy; chilling effects; too few cooks; translation gaps
  • Traffic report: Purple
  • Featured content: The best... from the past two weeks
  • Arbitration report: Two editors unbanned; Wikicology case enters workshop phase; Gamaliel restricted from Gamergate at his own request
  • Recent research: The eight roles of Wikipedians; do edit histories expose social relations among editors?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:08, 2 May 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Affiliates' nomination of WMF trustees announced; FDC's straight talking to WMF
  • Op-ed: Swiss chapter in turmoil
  • In the media: Wikimedia's Dario Taraborelli quoted on Google's Knowledge Graph in The Washington Post
  • Featured content: Two weeks for the prize of one
  • Traffic report: Oh behave, Beyhive / Underdogss
  • Arbitration report: "Wikicology" ends in site ban; evidence and workshop phases concluded for "Gamaliel and others"
  • Wikicup: That's it for WikiCup Round 2!
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:33, 17 May 2016 (UTC)

  • Special report: Compensation paid to Sue Gardner increased by almost 50 percent after she stepped down as executive director
  • News and notes: Upcoming Wikimedia conferences in the US and India; May Metrics and Activities Meeting
  • Op-ed: Journey of a Wikipedian
  • In the media: The perils of Wikipedia's monopoly; Wikipedians' fragility; Street Sharks hoax
  • Featured content: Eight articles, three lists and five pictures
  • Traffic report: Splitting (musical) airs / Slow Ride
  • Arbitration report: Gamaliel resigns from the committee
  • Blog: Freely licensed magic at Eurovision
  • Recent research: English as Wikipedia's Lingua Franca; deletion rationales; schizophrenia controversies
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 21:13, 28 May 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: WMF cuts budget for 2016-17 as scope tightens
  • In the media: Jimmy Wales on net neutrality—"It's complicated"—and his $100m fundraising challenge
  • Featured content: Overwhelmed ... by pictures
  • Traffic report: Pop goes the culture, again.
  • Arbitration report: ArbCom case "Gamaliel and others" concludes
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Video Games
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 20:13, 5 June 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Clarifications on status and compensation of outgoing executive directors Sue Gardner and Lila Tretikov
  • Special report: Wikiversity Journal—a new user group
  • Op-ed: Commons Picture of the Year; Wikidata licensing
  • In the media: Biography disputes; Craig Newmark donation; PR editing
  • Featured content: From the crème de la crème
  • Traffic report: Another one with sports; Knockout, brief candle
  • Blog: Why I proofread poetry at Wikisource
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 21:57, 15 June 2016 (UTC)

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Hello there! You are invited to attend the Great Buckeye Wiknic in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday, July 10th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM! Join us for a day in the park for food and socializing with others from the Wikimedia movement. We'll be meeting up at Fred Beekman Park, a park on Ohio State University's campus.

If you're interested, please take a look at our events page for more information, including parking info, food options, and available activities. If you plan on attending, please add your name to the attendees list. We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave one on my talk page. Thanks! ~SuperHamster Talk Contribs 05:39, 29 June 2016 (UTC)

(Note: If you would like to stop receiving notifications regarding Wikimedia events around Ohio, you may remove your username from this list.)

  • News and notes: Board unanimously appoints Katherine Maher as new WMF executive director; Wikimedia lawsuits in France and Germany
  • Op-ed: Two policies in conflict?
  • In the media: Terrorism database cites Wikipedia as a source
  • Featured content: Triple fun of featured content
  • Traffic report: Goalposts; Oy vexit
  • Blog: Jimmy Wales names Emily Temple-Wood and Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight as Wikipedians of the Year
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:47, 4 July 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Board faces diversity and skill-base issues in new FDC appointments
  • Discussion report: Busy month for discussions
  • In the media: Women-in-science editathon gets national press; Wikipedia "shockingly biased"
  • Featured content: A wide variety from the best
  • Traffic report: Sports and esports
  • Arbitration report: Script writers appointed for clerks
  • Recent research: Using deep learning to predict article quality; search engine helps schoolkids navigate Chinese Wikipedia; talk page sentiment
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 13:19, 21 July 2016 (UTC)

Please see my proposal to speedily rename Category:Christian Science branch churches in Massachusetts to Category:Christian Science churches in Massachusetts Hugo999 (talk) 23:10, 2 August 2016 (UTC)

  • Editorial: Wikipedia policy suppresses sharing of information
  • News and notes: Foundation presents results of harassment research, plans for automated identification; Wikiconference submissions open
  • In the media: Paid editing service announced; Commercial exploitation of free images; Wikipedia as a crystal ball; Librarians to counter systemic bias
  • Obituary: Kevin Gorman, who took on Wikipedia's gender gap and undisclosed paid advocacy, dies at 26
  • Traffic report: Summer of Pokémon, Trump, and Hillary
  • Featured content: Women and Hawaii
  • Recent research: Easier navigation via better wikilinks
  • Blog: All-new notifications page helps Wikimedians focus on what matters most
  • Technology report: User script report (January to July 2016, part 1)
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 23:32, 4 August 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Focus on India—WikiConference produces new apps; state government adopts free licenses
  • Special report: Engaging diverse communities to profile women of Antarctica
  • In the media: The ugly, the bad, the playful, and the promising
  • Featured content: Simply the best ... from the last two weeks
  • Traffic report: Olympic views
  • Technology report: User script report (January–July 2016, part 2)
  • Arbitration report: The Michael Hardy case
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 16:40, 18 August 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: AffCom still grappling with WMF Board's criteria for new chapters
  • Special report: Olympics readership depended on language
  • In the media: Librarians, Wikipedians, and a library of Wikipedia coverage
  • WikiProject report: Watching Wikipedia
  • Featured content: Entertainment, sport, and something else in-between
  • Traffic report: From Phelps to Bolt to Reddit
  • Technology report: Wikimedia mobile sites now don't load images if the user doesn't see them
  • Recent research: One study encounters critique of its ethics from Wikipedians; another critiques the ethics employed by Wikipedia
  • Blog: Upload of free photos from Swiss library underway
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 21:44, 6 September 2016 (UTC)

Category:Unitarian Universalist churches, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. A discussion is taking place to see if it abides with the categorization guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the categories for discussion page. Thank you. Pwolit iets (talk) 06:40, 20 September 2016 (UTC)

Hi, at Wikipedia:The 10,000 Challenge we're striving to bring about 10,000 article improvements and creations for the UK and Ireland and inspire others to create more content. In order to achieve this we need diversity of content, in all parts of the UK and Ireland on all topics. Eventually a regional contest will be held for all parts of the British Isles, like they were for Wales and the Wedt Country. We currently have just over 1900 articles and need contributors! If you think you'd be interested in collaborating on this and helping reach the target quicker, please sign up and begin listing your entries there as soon as possible! Thanks.♦ --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:41, 28 September 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Case study of Wikimedia Education Program published; remembrance of departed colleague Ray Saintonge (Eclecticology)
  • In the media: This edition's roundup of media coverage
  • Featured content: Three weeks in the land of featured content
  • Arbitration report: Arbcom looking for new checkusers and oversight appointees while another case opens
  • Traffic report: From Gene Wilder to JonBenét: Four weeks of traffic
  • Technology report: Category sorting and template parameters
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 04:21, 29 September 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Fundraising, flora and fauna
  • Discussion report: Cultivating leadership: Wikimedia Foundation seeks input
  • In the media: A news columnist on the frustrations of tweaking his Wikipedia bio
  • Technology report: Upcoming tech projects for 2017
  • Traffic report: Debates and escapes
  • Recent research: A 2011 study resurfaces in a media report
  • Featured content: Variety is the spice of life
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 19:28, 14 October 2016 (UTC)

Hi. The Wikipedia:WikiProject Asia/The 10,000 Challenge has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland Wikipedia:The 10,000 Challenge and Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/The 10,000 Challenge. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like South East Asia, Japan/China or India etc, much like Wikipedia:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic). For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. At some stage we hope to run some contests to benefit Asian content, a destubathon perhaps, aimed at reducing the stub count would be a good place to start, based on the current Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon which has produced near 200 articles in just three days. If you would like to see this happening for Asia, and see potential in this attracting more interest and editors for the country/countries you work on please sign up and being contributing to the challenge! This is a way we can target every country of Asia, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant! Thank you. --Ser Amantio di NicolaoChe dicono a Signa?Lo dicono a Signa. 01:29, 20 October 2016 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Finally, a new CTO; trustee joins Quora; copyright upgrade impending
  • In the media: Washington Post continues in-depth Wikipedia coverage
  • Wikicup: Winners announced
  • Discussion report: What's on your tech wishlist for the coming year?
  • Featured content: Cream of the crop
  • Technology report: New guideline for technical collaboration; citation templates now flag open access content
  • Arbitration report: Recapping October's activities
  • Traffic report: Un-presidential politics
  • Recent research: Why women edit less, and where they are overrepresented; article importance and quality; predicting elections from Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:51, 4 November 2016 (UTC)

--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:38, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

  • Special report: Taking stock of the Good Article backlog
  • News and notes: Arbitration Committee elections commence
  • In the media: Roundup of news related to U.S. presidential election and more
  • Op-ed: Fundraising data should be more transparent
  • Traffic report: President-elect Trump
  • Blog: The top fifteen winning photos from Wiki Loves Earth
  • Gallery: Around the world with Wiki Loves Monuments 2016
  • Featured content: Featured mix
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 09:06, 26 November 2016 (UTC)

  • Year in review: Looking back on Wikimedia's 2016
  • Special report: German Wikipedia ArbCom implodes amid revelation of member's far-right political role
  • In focus: Active user page filter prevents vandalism and harassment
  • News and notes: English Wikipedia ArbCom election results; strategic planning update
  • Op-ed: Operation successful, patient dead—outreach workshops in Namibia
  • In the media: In brief—coverage of gender gap initiatives, banner fundraising, and more
  • Traffic report: Post-election traffic blues
  • Featured content: The Christmas edition
  • Blog: Wiki Loves Monuments contest winners announced
  • Technology report: Labs improvements impact 2016 Tool Labs survey results
  • Recent research: One study and several abstracts
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:04, 22 December 2016 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Next steps for the Signpost
  • News and notes: Surge in RFA promotions—a sign of lasting change?
  • In the media: Year-end roundups, Wikipedia's 16th birthday, and more
  • Featured content: One year ends, and another begins
  • Arbitration report: Concluding 2016 and covering 2017's first two cases
  • Traffic report: Out with the old, in with the new
  • Technology report: Tech present, past, and future
  • Recent research: Female Wikipedians aren't more likely to edit women biographies; Black Lives Matter in Wikipedia
  • Interview: What is it like to edit Wikipedia when you're blind?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 10:39, 17 January 2017 (UTC)

  • Arbitration report: WMF Legal and ArbCom weigh in on tension between disclosure requirements and user privacy
  • Special report: Wolves nip at Wikipedia's heels: A perspective on the cost of paid editing
  • News and notes: Official WMF rebuke to Trump policy; WMF secures restricted funds
  • In focus: WMF strategy consultant brings background in crisis reputation management; Team behind popular WMF software put "on pause"
  • WikiProject report: For the birds!
  • Op-ed: How to make editing workshops useful, even if participants don't stick around
  • In the media: Presidential politics, periodic table, and our periodic roundup of updates
  • Technology report: Better PDFs, backup plans, and birthday wishes
  • Traffic report: Cool It Now
  • Featured content: Three weeks dominated by articles
  • Forum: Productive collaboration around coordinated protest marches; Media and political personalities comment on Wikipedia at its 16th birthday celebration
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 10:46, 6 February 2017 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Results from our poll on subscription and delivery, and a new RSS feed
  • Recent research: Special issue: Wikipedia in education
  • Technology report: Responsive content on desktop; Offline content in Android app
  • In the media: The Daily Mail does not run Wikipedia
  • Gallery: A Met montage
  • Special report: Peer review – a history and call for reviewers
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia has cancer
  • Featured content: The dominance of articles continues
  • Traffic report: Love, football, and politics
  • Blog: WikiIndaba 2017: A continent gathers to chart a path forward
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:20, 28 February 2017 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Signpost status: On reserve power, Help wanted!
  • News and notes: Global Elections
  • Arbitration report: Cases closed in the Pacific and with Magioladitis
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia's lead sentence problem
  • Featured content: Three months in the land of the featured
  • In the media: Did Wikipedia just assume Garfield's gender?
  • Recent research: Wikipedia bot wars capture the imagination of the popular press
  • Technology report: Tech news catch-up
  • Traffic report: Film on Top: Sampling the weekly top 10
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:18, 9 June 2017 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Departments reorganized at Wikimedia Foundation, and a month without new RfAs (so far)
  • In the media: Kalanick's nipples; Episode #138 of Drama on the Hill
  • Op-ed: Facto Post: a fresh take
  • Featured content: Will there ever be a break? The slew of featured content continues
  • Traffic report: Wonder Woman beats Batman, The Mummy, Darth Vader and the Earth
  • Recent research: Utopian bubbles: Can Wikipedians create value outside of the capitalist system?
  • Technology report: Improved search, and WMF data scientist tells all
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 07:32, 23 June 2017 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for Boston-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

  • News and notes: French chapter woes, new affiliates and more WMF team changes
  • Featured content: Spectacular animals, Pine Trees screens, and more
  • In the media: Concern about access and fairness, Foundation expenditures, and relationship to real-world politics and commerce
  • Recent research: The chilling effect of surveillance on Wikipedia readers
  • Op-ed: Why task forces are dying in 2017
  • Gallery: A mix of patterns
  • Humour: The infobox game
  • Traffic report: Film, television and Internet phenomena reign with some room left over for America's birthday
  • Technology report: New features in development; more breaking changes for scripts
  • Wikicup: 2017 WikiCup round 3 wrap-up
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:48, 15 July 2017 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Non-English special edition! 99% no news about English-based wiki communities!
  • Recent research: Wikipedia can increase local tourism by +9%; predicting article quality with deep learning; recent behavior predicts quality
  • WikiProject report: Comic relief
  • In the media: Wikipedia used to judge death penalty, arms smuggling, Indonesian governance, and HOTTEST celebrity
  • Traffic report: Swedish countess tops the list
  • Blog: Canadian Supreme Court rules against Google in favor of worldwide court orders
  • Special report: Sharing Wikipedia offline medical information in the Dominican Republic
  • Featured content: Everywhere in the lead
  • Technology report: Introducing TechCom
  • Humour: WWASOHs and ETCSSs
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 00:21, 5 August 2017 (UTC)

  • From the editors: What happened at Wikimania?
  • News and notes: Basselpedia; WMF Board of Trustees appointments
  • Featured content: Warfighters and their tools or trees and butterflies
  • Traffic report: A fortnight of conflicts
  • Special report: Biomedical content, and some thoughts on its future
  • Recent research: Discussion summarization; Twitter bots tracking government edits; extracting trivia from Wikipedia
  • In the media: Google's Ideological Echo Chamber; What makes someone successful?
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject YouTube
  • Technology report: Latest tech news
  • Wikicup: 2017 WikiCup round 4 wrap-up
  • Humour: Bots
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 03:44, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Chapter updates; ACTRIAL
  • In the media: Monkey settlement; Wikipedia used to give AI context clues
  • Humour: Chickenz
  • Recent research: Wikipedia articles vs. concepts; Wikipedia usage in Europe
  • Technology report: Flow restarted; Wikidata connection notifications
  • Gallery: Chicken mania
  • Special report: Two steps forward, one step backward: The Sustainability Initiative
  • Traffic report: Fights and frights
  • Featured content: Flying high
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:19, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Money! WMF fundraising, Wikimedia strategy, WMF new office!
  • Featured content: Don, Marcel, Emily, Jessica and other notables
  • Humour: Guys named Ralph
  • In focus: Offline Wikipedia developed at OFF.NETWORK Content Hackathon
  • Blog: The future of offline access to Wikipedia: The Kiwix example
  • In the media: Facebook and poetry
  • Special report: Working with GLAMs in the UK
  • Traffic report: Death, disaster, and entertainment
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:36, 23 October 2017 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Cons, cons, cons
  • Arbitration report: Administrator desysoped; How to deal with crosswiki issues; Mister Wiki case likely
  • Technology report: Searching and surveying
  • Interview: A featured article centurion
  • WikiProject report: Recommendations for WikiProjects
  • In the media: Open knowledge platform as a media institution
  • Traffic report: Strange and inappropriate
  • Featured content: We will remember them
  • Recent research: Who wrote this? New dataset on the provenance of Wikipedia text
  • Humour: Good faith (but still incomprehensible)
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:39, 24 November 2017 (UTC)

Hi. We're into the last five days of the Women in Red World Contest. There's a new bonus prize of $200 worth of books of your choice to win for creating the most new women biographies between 0:00 on the 26th and 23:59 on 30th November. If you've been contributing to the contest, thank you for your support, we've produced over 2000 articles. If you haven't contributed yet, we would appreciate you taking the time to add entries to our articles achievements list by the end of the month. Thank you, and if participating, good luck with the finale!

  • Special report: Women in Red World Contest wrap-up
  • Blog: Close encounters of the Wikipedia kind
  • Featured content: Featured content to finish 2017
  • In the media: Stolen seagulls, public domain primates and more
  • Arbitration report: Last case of 2017: Mister Wiki editors
  • Gallery: Wiki loving
  • Interview: Interview with Charlesjsharp, regular contributor of Wikipedia's Featured Pictures
  • Recent research: French medical articles have "high rate of veracity"
  • Technology report: Your wish lists and more Wikimedia tech
  • Traffic report: Notable heroes and bad guys
  • Humour: On their way to the WMF Incubator
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 06:28, 18 December 2017 (UTC)

Hi. I've worked on your article X. Henry Goodnough adding categories and infobox person (instead of the dam infobox). Please add more references to your article. -- Bbarmadillo (talk) 19:37, 2 January 2018 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Communication is key
  • In the media: The Paris Review, British Crown and British Media
  • Featured content: History, gaming and multifarious topics
  • Interview: Interview with Ser Amantio di Nicolao, the top contributor to English Wikipedia by edit count
  • Technology report: Dedicated Wikidata database servers
  • Humour: Why don't we have an article about _________?
  • Arbitration report: Mister Wiki is first arbitration committee decision of 2018
  • Traffic report: The best and worst of 2017
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 15:27, 16 January 2018 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Do editors have the right to be forgotten?
  • Featured content: Wars, sieges, disasters and everything black possible
  • Recent research: Automated Q&A from Wikipedia articles; Who succeeds in talk page discussions?
  • Blog: New monthly dataset shows where people fall into Wikipedia rabbit holes
  • Interview: Interview with The Rambling Man, Wikipedia's top contributor of Featured Lists
  • Traffic report: TV, death, sports, and doodles
  • Special report: Cochrane–Wikipedia Initiative
  • Arbitration report: New cases requested for inter-editor hostility and other collaboration issues
  • In the media: Solving crime; editing out violence allegations
  • Humour: You really are in Wonderland
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 05:12, 5 February 2018 (UTC)

  • News and notes: The future is Swedish with a lack of administrators
  • Recent research: Politically diverse editors write better articles; Reddit and Stack Overflow benefit from Wikipedia but don't give back
  • Arbitration report: Arbitration committee prepares to examine two new cases
  • Traffic report: Addicted to sports and pain
  • Featured content: Entertainment, sports and history
  • Technology report: Paragraph-based edit conflict screen; broken thanks
  • Humour: Impossible and unexplained traffic report
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:12, 20 February 2018 (UTC)

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Steve Bender (disambiguation) is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Steve Bender (disambiguation) until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. Clarityfiend (talk) 22:25, 22 February 2018 (UTC)

  • Op-ed: Death knell for The Signpost?
  • News and notes: Wiki Conference roundup and new appointments
  • Arbitration report: Ironing out issues in infoboxes; not sure yet about New Jersey; and an administrator who probably wasn't uncivil to a sockpuppet.
  • In the media: The media on Wikipedia's workings: the good and not-so-good
  • Traffic report: Real sports, real women and an imaginary country: what's on top for Wikipedia readers
  • Featured content: Animals, Ships, and Songs
  • Technology report: Timeless skin review by Force Radical
  • Special report: ACTRIAL wrap-up
  • Humour: WikiWorld Reruns
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:49, 29 March 2018 (UTC)

Project News
By Lionelt

Belated Happy Easter and Kalo Pascha! We're excited to announce the return of our newsletter Ichthus! Getting this issue out was touch-and-go for a while. Check out what's happening at the Project:

  • There was a lively discussion about the Easter Did You Know nomination Christ the Lord is Risen Today
  • RFC at Knights of Columbus regarding a question about having Prop 8 in the lead
  • In anticipation of being nominated for Featured article, Presbyterian Church in the United States of America was put up for Peer Review by Ltwin
  • The death of Billy Graham on February 21 was a profound loss for many. For the Wikipedia reaction see this discussion. Graham received a blurb.
  • And... Order of Friars Minor--nominated by Chicbyaccident--is still waiting for a GA reviewer. Please help out if you can.


Hedy Lamarr as Delilah

In March the Project saw four articles promoted to GA-Class. They were the oh-so-irresistible Delilah (nom. MagicatthemovieS) (pictured), Edict of Torda (nom. Borsoka), David Meade (author) (nom. LovelyGirl7) and last but not least Black Christmas (2006 film) (nom. Drown_Soda). Black Christmas? How did that get in there lol? Congratulations to all of the nominators for a job well done!

Did You Know
Nominated by The C of E

... that some people know Christ the Lord is risen today from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?"

Featured article
Nominated by FutureTrillionaire

Jesus (7–2 BC to 30–33 AD) is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God and the awaited Messiah of the Old Testament. Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that a historical Jesus existed, although there is little agreement on the reliability of the gospel narratives and how closely the biblical Jesus reflects the historical Jesus. Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Jewish preacher from Galilee, was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate. Christians generally believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, performed miracles, founded the Church, died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to achieve atonement, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, from which he will return. The great majority of Christians worship Jesus as the incarnation of God the Son, the second of three Persons of a Divine Trinity. A few Christian groups reject Trinitarianism, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural. In Islam, Jesus is considered one of God's important prophets and the Messiah. (Full article...)

Help wanted

We're looking for writers to contribute to Ichthus. Do you have a project that you'd like to highlight? An issue that you'd like to bring to light? Post your inquiries or submission here. And if the publication of this issue is any indication, you're in for the ride of a lifetime!

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom
To unsubscribe add yourself to the list here
Delivered: 00:13, 7 April 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editors: The Signpost's presses are rolling again...
  • Signpost: Future directions for The Signpost
  • News and notes: Photo of Kim Jong-un. Stephen Hawking death tops hits on many Wikipedias.
  • In the media: The rise of Wikipedia as a disinformation mop
  • In focus: Admin reports board under criticism
  • Special report: ACTRIAL results adopted by landslide
  • Opinion: Guideline for Organization Notability revised
  • Op-ed: World War II Myth-making and Wikipedia
  • Community view: It's time we look past Women in Red to counter systemic bias
  • Discussion report: The future of portals
  • Arbitration report: No new cases, and one motion on administrative misconduct
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Military History
  • Blog: Why the world reads Wikipedia
  • Humour: Our Favorite Places to Whine About Stuff
  • Traffic report: A quiet place to wrestle with the articles of March
  • Technology report: Coming soon: Books-to-PDF, interactive maps, rollback confirmation
  • Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
  • Gallery: A look at some famous and not as well-known border tripoints
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:50, 26 April 2018 (UTC)

Project News
By Lionelt

Last month's auspicious relaunch of our newsletter precipitated something of an uproar in the Wikipedia community. What started as a localized edit war over censorship spilled over onto the Administrator's Noticeboard finally ending up at Wikipedia's supreme judicial body ArbCom. Their ruling resulted in the admonishment of administrator Future Perfect at Sunrise for his involvement in the dispute. The story was reported by Wikipedia's venerable flagship newspaper The Signpost.

The question of whether to delete all portals--including the 27 Christianity-related portals--was put to the Wikipedia community. Approximately 400 editors have participated in the protracted discussion. Going by !votes, Oppose deletion has a distinct majority. The original Christianity Portal was created on November 5, 2005 by Brisvegas and the following year he successfully nominated the portal for Featured Portal. The Transhumanist has revived WikiProject Portals with hopes of revitalizing Wikipedia's system of 1,515 portals.

Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings at the Project Watch


Four articles in the Project were promoted to GA: Edict of Torda nom. by Borsoka, Jim Bakker nom. by LovelyGirl7, Ralph Abernathy nom. by Coffee and Psalm 84 nom. by Gerda_Arendt. The Psalm ends with "O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee." Words to live by. Please support our members and send some WikiLove to the nominators!

Featured article
Nominated by Spangineer

Operation Auca was an attempt by five Evangelical Christian missionaries from the United States to make contact with the Huaorani people of the rainforest of Ecuador. The Huaorani, also known as the Aucas, were an isolated tribe known for their violence, both against their own people and outsiders who entered their territory. With the intention of being the first Protestants to evangelize the Huaorani, the missionaries began making regular flights over Huaorani settlements in September 1955, dropping gifts. After several months of exchanging gifts, on January 2, 1956, the missionaries established a camp at "Palm Beach", a sandbar along the Curaray River, a few miles from Huaorani settlements. Their efforts culminated on January 8, 1956, when all five—Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian—were attacked and speared by a group of Huaorani warriors. The news of their deaths was broadcast around the world, and Life magazine covered the event with a photo essay. The deaths of the men galvanized the missionary effort in the United States, sparking an outpouring of funding for evangelization efforts around the world. Their work is still frequently remembered in evangelical publications, and in 2006, was the subject of the film production End of the Spear. (more...)

Did You Know
Nominated by Dahn

"... that, shortly after being sentenced to death for treason, Ioan C. Filitti became manager of the National Theatre Bucharest?"

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom• Unsubscribe here
Delivered: 19:15, 2 May 2018 (UTC)

Category:Historic Florida architecture 1989 AIA survey, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. A discussion is taking place to see if it abides with the categorization guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the categories for discussion page. Thank you. – TheGridExe (talk) 15:22, 10 May 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Another issue meets the deadline
  • Op-ed: Has the wind gone out of the AdminShip's sails?
  • Opinion: Integrating my many lives on Wikipedia
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Portals
  • Discussion report: User rights, infoboxes, and more discussion on portals
  • Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
  • Arbitration report: Managing difficult topics
  • News and notes: Lots of Wikimedia
  • In the media: Wikipedia in Turkish politics; COI politics in Wikipedia; most cited work
  • Traffic report: We love our superheroes
  • Technology report: A trove of contributor and developer goodies
  • Blog: Why I write about women on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Why people don't contribute to Wikipedia; using Wikipedia to teach statistics, technical writing, and controversial issues
  • Humour: Play with your food
  • Gallery: Wine not?
  • From the archives: The Signpost scoops The Signpost
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 15:18, 24 May 2018 (UTC)

Project news
By Lionelt

Here are discussions relevant to the Project:

  • Liberty University has an RFC regarding the university's relationship with President Trump; see discussion
  • Is Genesis History? has an RFC regarding acceptability of movie reviews for inclusion; see discussion
  • United States pro-life movement has a requested move to United States anti-abortion movement; see discussion

The following articles need reviewers for GA-class: Type of Constans nom. by Gog the Mild, Tian Feng (magazine) nom. by Finnusertop. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings at the Project Watch

Did You Know
Nominated by Gonzonoir

... that in 1636, Phineas Hodson, Chancellor of York Minster, lost his 38-year-old wife Jane during the birth of the couple's 24th child?

Featured article
Nominated by Cliftonian

The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara

The Mortara case was a controversy precipitated by the Papal States' seizure of Edgardo Mortara, a six-year-old Jewish child, from his family in Bologna, Italy, in 1858. The city's inquisitor, Father Pier Feletti, heard from a servant that she had administered emergency baptism to the boy when he fell sick as an infant, and the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition held that this made the child irrevocably a Catholic. Because the Papal States had forbidden the raising of Christians by members of other faiths, it was ordered that he be taken from his family and brought up by the Church. After visits from the child's father, international protests mounted, but Pope Pius IX would not be moved. The boy grew up as a Catholic with the Pope as a substitute father, trained for the priesthood in Rome until 1870, and was ordained in France three years later. In 1870 the Kingdom of Italy captured Rome during the unification of Italy, ending the pontifical state; opposition across Italy, Europe and the United States over Mortara's treatment may have contributed to its downfall. (Full article...)

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom • Unsubscribe here
Delivered: 11:58, 8 June 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The Admin Ship is still barely afloat, while a Foundation project risks sinking
  • Special report: NPR and AfC – The Marshall Plan: an engagement and a marriage?
  • Op-ed: What do admins do?
  • Opinion: Google isn't responsible for Wikipedia's mistakes
  • News and notes: Money, milestones, and Wikimania
  • In the media: Much wikilove from the Mayor of London, less from Paekākāriki or a certain candidate for U.S. Congress
  • Discussion report: Deletion, page moves, and an update to the main page
  • Featured content: New promotions
  • Arbitration report: WWII, UK politics, and a user deCrat'ed
  • Traffic report: Endgame
  • Technology report: Improvements piled on more improvements
  • Gallery: Wiki Loves Africa
  • Blog: Wikipedia should be open for editors in Turkey
  • Recent research: How censorship can backfire and conversations can go awry
  • Humour: Television plot lines
  • Wikipedia essays: This month's pick by The Signpost editors
  • From the archives: Wolves nip at Wikipedia's heels: A perspective on the cost of paid editing
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 01:29, 30 June 2018 (UTC)

The Top 7 report
By Lionelt

The big news was the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The Top 7 most popular articles in WikiProject Christianity were:

    1. Elizabeth I of England – legendary monarch who ushered in the Elizabethan Era over the dead body of her half-sister (#5)
    2. Henry VIII of England – on his deathbed the last words of the king who founded the English Reformation were "Monks! Monks! Monks!"
    3. Martin Luther King Jr. – can't wait to see the new US$5 bill featuring the "I Have a Dream" speech
    4. Seven deadly sins – surprisingly "original research" is not one of the Seven deadly sins
    5. Mary, Queen of Scots – arrested for Reigning While Catholic (RWC)
    6. Michael Curry (bishop) – our article says that he upstaged Meghan at her wedding. Did you see her wedding pictures? All I can say is {{dubious}}
    7. Robert F. Kennedy – when informed that missiles were being installed in Cuba he famously quipped, "Can they hit Oxford, Mississippi?"

Did you know
Nominated by The C of E

... that the little-known 1758 Methodist hymn "Sun of Unclouded Righteousness" asks God to send the doctrine of the "Unitarian fiend ... back to hell", referring to both Islam and Unitarianism?

Our newest Featured list
Nominated by Freikorp

The Last Judgment by painter Hans Memling.

List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events. Predictions of apocalyptic events that would result in the extinction of humanity, a collapse of civilization, or the destruction of the planet have been made since at least the beginning of the Christian Era. Most predictions are related to Abrahamic religions, often standing for or similar to the eschatological events described in their scriptures. Christian predictions typically refer to events like the Rapture, Great Tribulation, Last Judgment, and the Second Coming of Christ.

Polls conducted in 2012 across 20 countries found over 14% of people believe the world will end in their lifetime, with percentages raging from 6% of people in France to 22% in the US and Turkey. In the UK in 2015, the general public believed the likeliest cause would be nuclear war, while experts thought it would be artificial intelligence. Between one and three percent of people from both countries thought the apocalypse would be caused by zombies or alien invasion. (more...)

Help wanted

We're looking for writers to contribute to Ichthus. Do you have a project that you'd like to highlight? An issue that you'd like to bring to light? Post your inquiries or submission here.

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom • Unsubscribe here
Delivered: 06:39, 3 July 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: If only if
  • Op-ed: The last leg of the Admin Ship's current cruise
  • Opinion: Wrestling with Wikipedia reality
  • News and notes: Another newspaper for Wikipedia; Wikimania 2018 ends; changes at NPR
  • In the media: Blackouts in Europe; Wikipedia and capitalists; WMF Jet Set
  • Discussion report: Wikipedias take action against EU copyright proposal, plus new user right proposals
  • Featured content: Wikipedia's best content in images and prose
  • Arbitration report: Status quo processes retained in two disputes
  • Traffic report: Soccer, football, call it what you like – that and summer movies leave room for little else
  • Technology report: New bots, new prefs
  • Gallery: Independence days, national holidays, and football – all in July
  • Blog: Motivation of two editors
  • Recent research: Different Wikipedias use different images; editing contests more successful than edit-a-thons
  • Humour: It's all the same
  • Essay: Wikipedia does not need you
  • From the archives: The pending changes fiasco: how an attempt to answer one question turned into a quagmire
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 23:51, 31 July 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Today's young adults don't know a world without Wikipedia
  • Interview: 2018 Wikimedian of the Year, Farkhad Fatkullin
  • News and notes: Flying high; low practice from Wikipedia 'cleansing' agency; where do our donations go? RfA sees a new trend
  • In the media: Quicksilver AI writes articles
  • Discussion report: Drafting an interface administrator policy
  • Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
  • Special report: Wikimania 2018
  • Traffic report: Aretha dies – getting just 2,000 short of 5 million hits
  • Technology report: Technical enhancements and a request to prioritize upcoming work
  • Gallery: Leapfrog, historic Thai cave, and a rhythmic beat
  • Recent research: Wehrmacht on Wikipedia, neural networks writing biographies
  • Humour: Signpost editor censors herself
  • Essay: Principle of Some Astonishment
  • From the archives: Playing with Wikipedia words
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:03, 30 August 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Is this the new normal?
  • News and notes: European copyright law moves forward
  • In the media: Knowledge under fire
  • Discussion report: Interface Admin policy proposal, part 2
  • Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbcom
  • Traffic report: John McCain's death generates over 7 million hits, followed by historical low
  • Technology report: Paying attention to your mobile
  • Gallery: A pat on the back
  • Blog: After a catastrophic fire at the National Museum of Brazil, a drive to preserve what knowledge remains
  • Recent research: How talk page use has changed since 2005; censorship shocks lead to centralization; is vandalism caused by workplace boredom?
  • Humour: Signpost Crossword Puzzle
  • Essay: Expressing thanks
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 00:44, 1 October 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editors: The Signpost is still afloat, just barely
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia's Strickland affair
  • News and notes: WMF gets a million bucks
  • In the media: Bans, celebs, and bias
  • Discussion report: Mediation Committee and proposed deletion reform
  • Traffic report: Unsurprisingly, sport leads the field – or the ring
  • Technology report: Bots galore!
  • Special report: NPP needs you
  • Special report 2: Now Wikidata is six
  • In focus: Alexa
  • Gallery: Out of this world!
  • Recent research: Wikimedia Commons worth $28.9 billion
  • Humour: Talk page humour
  • Opinion: Strickland incident
  • From the archives: The Gardner Interview
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 19:09, 28 October 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Time for a truce
  • Op-ed: Looking back, looking forward: A beginner's experience on Wikipedia
  • Special report: The Christmas wishlist
  • Opinion: The blogosphere migrates to Galaxy WMF
  • News and notes: Reviewer of the year, WikiCup winner, and the 2019 Wikimedia Summit
  • Reflections: Wikipedia, history, and the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day
  • In the media: Court-ordered article redaction, paid editing, and rock stars
  • Discussion report: Farewell, Mediation Committee
  • Arbitration report: A long break ends
  • Traffic report: Queen reigns for four weeks straight
  • Gallery: Intersections
  • Recent research: Why do the most active Wikipedians burn out?; only 4% of students vandalize
  • Essay: No one cares about your garage band
  • Humour: The dark side of our favorite root vegetable
  • From the archives: Ars longa,vita brevis
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 04:46, 1 December 2018 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Where to draw the line in reporting?
  • Op-ed: Wikipedia not trumped by Trump appointee
  • Special report: The Signpost got 380,000+ views in 2018, sounds reasonable enough, right?
  • News and notes: Some wishes do come true
  • In the media: Political hijinks
  • Discussion report: A new record low for RfA
  • WikiProject report: Articlegenesis
  • Arbitration report: Year ends with one active case
  • Traffic report: Queen dethroned by U.S. presidents
  • Gallery: Sun and moon, water and stone
  • Blog: News from the WMF
  • Humour: I believe in Bigfoot
  • Essay: Requests for medication
  • From the archives: Compromised admin accounts – again
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 13:35, 24 December 2018 (UTC)

  • Op-Ed: Random Rewards Rejected
  • In focus: The Collective Consciousness of Admin Userpages
  • News and notes: WMF staff turntable continues to spin; Endowment gets more cash; RfA continues to be a pit of steely knives
  • In the media: The Signpost's investigative story recognized, Wikipedia turns 18 and gets a birthday gift from Google, and more editors are recognized
  • Discussion report: The future of the reference desk
  • Featured content: Don't miss your great opportunity
  • Arbitration report: An admin under the microscope
  • Traffic report: Death, royals and superheroes
  • Technology report: When broken is easily fixed
  • Gallery: Let us build a memorial fit for such pain and suffering
  • News from the WMF: News from WMF
  • Recent research: Ad revenue from reused Wikipedia articles; are Wikipedia researchers asking the right questions?
  • Essay: How
  • Humour: Village pump
  • From the archives: An editorial board that includes you
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 06:49, 31 January 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Help wanted (still)
  • News and notes: Front-page issues for the community
  • In focus: Wikimedia affiliate organizations seek community participation in 2019 board election
  • Discussion report: Talking about talk pages
  • Featured content: Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and more!
  • Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbitration Committee
  • Traffic report: Binge-watching
  • Technology report: Tool labs casters-up
  • Gallery: Signed with pride
  • Recent research: Research finds signs of cultural diversity and recreational habits of readers
  • Essay: Optimist's guide to Wikipedia
  • From the archives: New group aims to promote Wiki-Love
  • Humour: Pesky Pronouns
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 11:15, 28 February 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Getting serious about humor
  • News and notes: Blackouts fail to stop EU Copyright Directive
  • In the media: Women's history month
  • Discussion report: Portal debates continue, Prespa agreement aftermath, WMF seeks a rebranding
  • Featured content: Out of this world
  • Arbitration report: The Tides of March at ARBCOM
  • Traffic report: Exultations and tribulations
  • Technology report: New section suggestions and sitewide styles
  • News from the WMF: The WMF's take on the new EU Copyright Directive
  • Recent research: Barnstar-like awards increase new editor retention
  • From the archives: Esperanza organization disbanded after deletion discussion
  • Humour: The Epistolary of Arthur 37
  • Op-Ed: Pro and Con: Has gun violence been improperly excluded from gun articles?
  • In focus: The Wikipedia SourceWatch
  • Special report: Wiki Loves (50 Years of) Pride
  • Community view: Wikipedia's response to the New Zealand mosque shootings
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 15:02, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

Hello, given your userbox I thought you might be interested in helping Carl Malamud's case for the public domain, crucial also for Wikisource: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/25/happy-law-day.html . Best regards, Nemo 21:06, 25 April 2019 (UTC)

  • News and notes: An Action Packed April
  • In the media: Is Wikipedia just another social media site?
  • Discussion report: English Wikipedia community's conclusions on talk pages
  • Featured content: Anguish, accolades, animals, and art
  • Arbitration report: An Active Arbitration Committee
  • Traffic report: Mötley Crüe, Notre-Dame, a black hole, and Bonnie and Clyde
  • Technology report: A new special page, and other news
  • Gallery: Notre-Dame de Paris burns
  • News from the WMF: Can machine learning uncover Wikipedia’s missing “citation needed” tags?
  • Recent research: Female scholars underrepresented; whitepaper on Wikidata and libraries; undo patterns reveal editor hierarchy
  • From the archives: Portals revisited
  • Humour: Jimbo and Larry walk into a bar ...
  • Opinion: The gaps in our knowledge of our gaps
  • Interview: Katherine Maher marks 3 years as executive director
  • Community view: 2019 Wikimedia Summit gathers movement affiliate representatives to discuss movement strategy
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:36, 30 April 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Picture that
  • News and notes: Wikimania and trustee elections
  • In the media: Politics, lawsuits and baseball
  • Discussion report: Admin abuse leads to mass-desysop proposal on Azerbaijani Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Wikipedia more useful than academic journals, but is it stealing the news?
  • Arbitration report: ArbCom forges ahead
  • News from the WMF: Wikimedia Foundation petitions the European Court of Human Rights to lift the block of Wikipedia in Turkey
  • Traffic report: Dark marvels, thrones, a vile serial killer biopic, that's entertainment!
  • Technology report: Lots of Bots
  • Essay: Paid editing
  • From the archives: FORUM:Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:10, 31 May 2019 (UTC)

The Top 6 Articles
By Stalinsunnykvj

The sad news was the 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings. The Top 6 most popular articles about People in WikiProject Christianity were:

    1. Louis XIV of France – a monarch of the House of Bourbon who reigned as King of France. He did say, "Every time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful."
    2. Mary, Queen of Scots – arrested for Reigning While Catholic (RWC), Mary was found guilty of plotting to assassinate Elizabeth I of England in 1586, and was beheaded the following year.
    3. Elizabeth I of England – The Virgin Queen, Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor who ushered in the Elizabethan Era, reversed re-establishment of Roman Catholicism by her half-sister.
    4. Henry VIII of England – King of England, He was an accomplished musician, author, and poet; his known piece of music is "Pastime with Good Company". He is often reputed to have written "Greensleeves" but probably did not. He had six marriages.
    5. Martin Luther King Jr. –
      " There are three urgent and indeed great problems that we face not only in the United States of America but all over the world today. That is the problem of racism, the problem of poverty and the problem of war."
    6. Billy Ray Cyrus – Having released 12 studio albums and 44 singles since 1992, he is best known for his number one single "Achy Breaky Heart", which became the first single ever to achieve triple Platinum status in Australia.
Did You Know?
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj

... that the first attempt to build the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra resulted in the demolition of the nearly completed structure?

Featured article
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj
Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, Ireland

Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral is a Gothic Revival three-spire cathedral in the city of Cork, Ireland. It belongs to the Church of Ireland and was completed in 1879. The cathedral is located on the south side of the River Lee, on ground that has been a place of worship since the 7th century, and is dedicated to Finbarr of Cork, patron saint of the city. It was once in the Diocese of Cork; it is now one of the three cathedrals in the Church of Ireland Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, in the ecclesiastical province of Dublin. Christian use of the site dates back to a 7th-century AD monastery, which according to legend was founded by Finbarr of Cork. The entrances contain the figures of over a dozen biblical figures, capped by a tympanum showing a Resurrection scene. (more...)

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WikiProject Christianity

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom • Unsubscribe here
Delivered: 09:50, 12 June 2019 (UTC)

Sent by DannyS712 (talk) using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) at 09:50, 12 June 2019 (UTC)

  • Discussion report: A constitutional crisis hits English Wikipedia
  • News and notes: Mysterious ban, admin resignations, Wikimedia Thailand rising
  • In the media: The disinformation age
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Special report: Did Fram harass other editors? *(deleted – talk)
  • Traffic report: Juneteenth, Beauty Revealed, and more nuclear disasters
  • Technology report: Actors and Bots
  • Gallery: Unlike the North Face, Wiki Loves Earth
  • Recent research: What do editors do after being blocked?; the top mathematicians, universities and cancers according to Wikipedia
  • From the archives: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
  • Opinion: Why the Terms of Use change didn't curtail undisclosed paid editing—and what might
  • In focus: WikiJournals: A sister project proposal
  • Community view: A CEO biography, paid for with taxes
  • Op-Ed: 2019 Wikimedia Affiliate Selected Board Seats Election Results
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 15:52, 30 June 2019 (UTC)

The Top 6 Articles
By Stalinsunnykvj

A suicide attack on July 11th claimed by Islamic State (IS) near a church in the Syrian city of Qamishli shows that Christians remain a major target of the terror group. The Top 6 most popular articles about People in WikiProject Christianity were:

    1. Henry VIII of England – King of England, He was an accomplished musician, author, and poet; his known piece of music is "Pastime with Good Company". He is often reputed to have written "Greensleeves" but probably did not. He had six marriages.
    2. Elena Cornaro Piscopia – was a Venetian philosopher of noble descent who in 1678 became one of the first women to receive an academic degree from a university, and the first to receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree. In 1669, she translated the Colloquy of Christ by Carthusian monk Lanspergius from Spanish into Italian.
    3. Mary, Queen of Scots – arrested for Reigning While Catholic (RWC), Mary was found guilty of plotting to assassinate Elizabeth I of England in 1586, and was beheaded the following year.
    4. Bob Dylan – American singer-songwriter, author, and visual artist.
      " Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them."
    5. Elizabeth I of England – The Virgin Queen, Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor who ushered in the Elizabethan Era, reversed re-establishment of Roman Catholicism by her half-sister.
    6. Billy Ray Cyrus – Having released 12 studio albums and 44 singles since 1992, he is best known for his number one single "Achy Breaky Heart", which became the first single ever to achieve triple Platinum status in Australia.
Did You Know?
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj
... that The Vision of Dorotheus is one of the earliest examples of Christian hexametric poetry?
Featured article
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj
Eric and Leslie Ludy were 21 and 16 respectively when they first met, English professors suggest that older singles are unlikely to gather hope from their story.
Eric and Leslie Ludy were 21 and 16 respectively when they first met, English professors suggest that older singles are unlikely to gather hope from their story.

When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships is a 1999 book by Eric and Leslie Ludy, an American married couple. After becoming a bestseller on the Christian book market, the book was republished in 2004 and then revised and expanded in 2009. It tells the story of the authors' first meeting, courtship, and marriage. The authors advise single people not to be physically or emotionally intimate with others, but to wait for the spouse that God has planned for them.

The book is divided into five sections and sixteen chapters. Each chapter is written from the perspective of one of the two authors; nine are by Eric, while Leslie wrote seven, as well as the introduction. The Ludys argue that one's love life should be both guided by and subordinate to one's relationship with God. Leslie writes that God offers new beginnings to formerly unchaste or sexually abused individuals. (more...)

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WikiProject Christianity

Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity • Get answers to questions about Christianity here
Discuss any of the above stories here • For submissions contact the Newsroom • Unsubscribe here
Delivered: 12:31, 26 July 2019 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Wikimedia grants less accessible for travel, equipment, meetups, and India
  • In the media: Politics starts getting rough
  • Discussion report: New proposals in aftermath of Fram ban
  • Arbitration report: A month of reintegration
  • Gallery: Classic panoramas from Heinrich Berann
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Community view: Video based summaries of Wikipedia articles. How and why?
  • News from the WMF: Designing ethically with AI: How Wikimedia can harness machine learning in a responsible and human-centered way
  • Recent research: Most influential medical journals; detecting pages to protect
  • Special report: Administrator cadre continues to contract
  • Traffic report: World cups, presidential candidates, and stranger things
  • In focus: The French Wikipedia is overtaking the German
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 16:17, 31 July 2019 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Documenting Wikimania and our beginnings
  • In focus: Ryan Merkley joins WMF as Chief of Staff
  • In the media: Many layers of fake news: Fake fiction and fake news vandalism
  • Discussion report: Meta proposals on partial bans and IP users
  • Traffic report: Once upon a time in Greenland with Boris and cornflakes
  • Op-Ed: We couldn't have told you this, but Wikipedia was censored
  • Opinion: The Curious Case of Croatian Wikipedia
  • Community view: Chinese Wikipedia and the battle against extradition from Hong Kong
  • News from the WMF: Meet Emna Mizouni, the newly minted 2019 Wikimedian of the Year
  • Recent research: Special issue on gender gap and gender bias research
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 23:41, 30 August 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Where do we go from here?
  • Special report: Post-Framgate wrapup
  • In the media: A net loss: Wikipedia attacked, closing off Russia? welcoming back Turkey?
  • Traffic report: Varied and intriguing entries, less Luck, and some retreads
  • News from the WMF: How the Wikimedia Foundation is making efforts to go green
  • Recent research: Wikipedia's role in assessing credibility of news sources; using wikis against procrastination; OpenSym 2019 report
  • Gallery: Finding freely licensed photo collections
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • In focus: Wikidata & Wikibase for national libraries: the inaugural meeting
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 11:06, 30 September 2019 (UTC)

Sent by ZLEA at 23:30, 19 October 2019 (UTC) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk)

  • In the media: How to use or abuse Wikipedia for fun or profit
  • Special report: “Catch and Kill” on Wikipedia: Paid editing and the suppression of material on alleged sexual abuse
  • In focus: The BBC looks at Chinese government editing
  • Interview: Carl Miller on Wikipedia Wars
  • Community view: Observations from the mainland
  • Arbitration report: October actions
  • Traffic report: Wrestling with a couple of teenagers, a Nobelist, and a lot of jokers
  • Gallery: Wiki Loves Broadcast
  • Recent research: Research at Wikimania 2019: More communication doesn't make editors more productive; Tor users doing good work; harmful content rare on English Wikipedia
  • Essay: Wikipedia is in the real world
  • News from the WMF: Welcome to Wikipedia! Here's what we're doing to help you stick around
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 16:11, 31 October 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Put on your birthday best
  • News and notes: How soon for the next million articles?
  • In the media: You say you want a revolution
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Arbitration report: Two requests for arbitration cases
  • Traffic report: The queen and the princess meet the king and the joker
  • Technology report: Reference things, sister things, stranger things
  • Gallery: Winter and holidays
  • Recent research: Bot census; discussions differ on Spanish and English Wikipedia; how nature's seasons affect pageviews
  • Essay: Adminitis
  • From the archives: WikiProject Spam, revisited
  • In focus: An update on the Wikimedia Movement 2030 Strategy
  • Special report: How many people edit in your favorite language? Where are they from?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 22:23, 29 November 2019 (UTC)

The Top 3 Articles

By Stalinsunnykvj

The Top 3 most popular articles about People in WikiProject Christianity were:

    1. Dolly Parton - an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian, known primarily for her work in country music. Quotations related to Dolly Parton at Wikiquote: " I just depend on a lot of prayer and meditation. I believe that without God I am nobody, but that with God, I can do anything."
    2. Harriet Tubman - an American abolitionist and political activist. Born into slavery, she escaped and made some missions to rescue enslaved people, using the network of antislavery activists and Underground Railroads. During the American Civil War, she served as an armed scout, spy for the Union Army.
    3. Henry VIII of England – King of England, He was an accomplished musician, author, and poet; his known piece of music is "Pastime with Good Company". He is often reputed to have written "Greensleeves" but probably did not. He had six marriages.
Did You Know?
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj
  • ... that St. Charles College in Louisiana was the first Jesuit college established in the southern United States?
  • ... that the ancient Jewish text of Perek Shirah asserts that spiders and rats praise God using verses from Psalm 150?
Featured article
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj

Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech. The book is divided into five chapters, which Dickens titled "staves". A Christmas Carol recounts the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. After their visits, Scrooge is transformed into a kinder, gentler man. (more...)

Bible Verse

Romans 12:10 New King James Version (NKJV)

Help wanted

We're looking for writers to contribute to Ichthus. Do you have a project or an issue that you'd like to highlight? Post your inquiries or submission here.

" I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
Charles Dickens – British novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and social critic.

WikiProject Christianity
Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity © Copyleft 2019
Questions • Discussions • Newsroom • Unsubscribe
Delivered: 16:52, 5 December 2019 (UTC)

  • From the editors: Caught with their hands in the cookie jar, again
  • News and notes: What's up (and down) with administrators, articles and languages
  • Special report: Are reputation management operatives scrubbing Wikipedia articles?
  • In the media: "The fulfillment of the dream of humanity" or a nightmare of PR whitewashing on behalf of one-percenters?
  • Discussion report: December discussions around the wiki
  • Arbitration report: Announcement of 2020 Arbitration Committee
  • Traffic report: Queens and aliens, exactly alike, once upon a December
  • Technology report: User scripts and more
  • Gallery: Holiday wishes
  • Recent research: Acoustics and Wikipedia; Wiki Workshop 2019 summary
  • From the archives: The 2002 Spanish fork and ads revisited (re-revisited?)
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Op-Ed: Why we need to keep talking about Wikipedia's gender gap
  • WikiProject report: Wikiproject Tree of Life: A Wikiproject report
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 12:37, 27 December 2019 (UTC)

The Top 3 Articles

By Stalinsunnykvj

The Top 3 most-popular articles about People in WikiProject Christianity were:

    1. Pope Benedict XVI – retired prelate of the Catholic Church who served as head of the Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 2005 until his resignation.
    2. Pope Francis – the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere, and the first pope from outside Europe since the Syrian Gregory III, who reigned in the 8th century.
    3. Dolly Parton – an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian, known primarily for her work in country music. Quotations related to Dolly Parton at Wikiquote: "I just depend on a lot of prayer and meditation. I believe that without God I am nobody, but that with God, I can do anything."
Did You Know?
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj
  • ...that the All Saints Church, Henley Brook, the oldest church in Western Australia, held its first service almost eight years before it was consecrated?
  • ...that the Golden Madonna of Essen is the oldest preserved sculpture of the Virgin Mary?
  • ...that the parish church of James Parkinson, after whom Parkinson's disease is named, was St Leonard's, Shoreditch, a church just outside the City of London and most famous for being one of the churches mentioned in the nursery rhyme "Oranges and Lemons"?
  • ...that the Grand Chartophylax was considered the right arm of the Patriarch of Constantinople?
Featured article
Nominated by Stalinsunnykvj

A Song for Simeon, is a 37-line poem written in 1928 by American-English poet T. S. Eliot (1888–1965). It is one of five poems that Eliot contributed to the Ariel poems series of 38 pamphlets by several authors published by Faber and Gwyer. "A Song for Simeon" was the sixteenth in the series and included an illustration by avant garde artist Edward McKnight Kauffer. The poem's narrative echoes the text of the Nunc dimittis, a liturgical prayer for Compline from the Gospel passage. Eliot introduces literary allusions to earlier writers Lancelot Andrewes, Dante Alighieri and St. John of the Cross. Critics have debated whether Eliot's depiction of Simeon is a negative portrayal of a Jewish figure and evidence of anti-Semitism on Eliot's part. (more...)

Bible Verse

Psalm 20:4 New King James Version (NKJV)

Help wanted

We're looking for writers to contribute to Ichthus. Do you have a project or an issue that you'd like to highlight? Post your inquiries or submission here.

"Faith lived in the incognito is one which is located outside the criticism coming from society, from politics, from history, for the very reason that it has itself the vocation to be a source of criticism. It is faith (lived in the incognito) which triggers the issues for the others, which causes everything seemingly established to be placed in doubt, which drives a wedge into the world of false assurances."
~ Jacques Ellul
French philosopher, sociologist, and professor who was a noted Christian anarchist.
Quotations related to Jacques Ellul at Wikiquote

WikiProject Christianity
Ichthus is published by WikiProject Christianity © Copyleft 2020
Questions • Discussions • Newsroom • Unsubscribe
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:27, 4 January 2020 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Reaching six million articles is great, but we need a moratorium
  • News and notes: Six million articles on the English language Wikipedia
  • Special report: The limits of volunteerism and the gatekeepers of Team Encarta
  • In the media: Turkey's back up, but what's happening with Dot-org and a new visual identity?
  • Arbitration report: Three cases at ArbCom
  • Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2019
  • Gallery: Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, we're all winners
  • News from the WMF: Capacity Building: Top 5 Themes from Community Conversations
  • Community view: Our most important new article since November 1, 2015
  • In focus: Cryptos and bitcoins and blockchains, oh no!
  • Recent research: How useful is Wikipedia for novice programmers trying to learn computing concepts?
  • From the archives: A decade of The Signpost, 2005-2015
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Japan: a wikiProject Report
  • Humour: Predicting the 6,000,000th article
  • Obituary: Remembering Wikipedia contributor Brian Boulton
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 02:09, 27 January 2020 (UTC)

A tag has been placed on Category:Lutheran churches in Florida requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section C1 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the category has been empty for seven days or more and is not a disambiguation category, a category redirect, a featured topics category, under discussion at Categories for discussion, or a project category that by its nature may become empty on occasion.

If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. Liz Read! Talk! 16:15, 14 February 2020 (UTC)

  • From the editor: The ball is in your court
  • News and notes: Alexa ranking down to 13th worldwide
  • Special report: More participation, more conversation, more pageviews
  • In the media: Mapping IP editors, Smithsonian open-access, and coronavirus disinformation
  • Discussion report: Do you prefer M or P?
  • Arbitration report: Two prominent administrators removed
  • By the numbers: How many actions by administrators does it take to clean up spam?
  • Community view: The Incredible Invisible Woman
  • In focus: History of The Signpost, 2015–2019
  • Recent research: Wikipedia generates $50 billion/year consumer surplus in the US alone
  • From the archives: Is Wikipedia for sale?
  • Traffic report: February articles, floating in the dark
  • Gallery: Feel the love
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Op-Ed: What I learned as Wikimedia UK Communications Coordinator
  • Opinion: Wikipedia is another country
  • Humour: The Wilhelm scream
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:22, 1 March 2020 (UTC)

  • From the editors: The bad and the good
  • News and notes: 2018 Wikipedian of the year blocked
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject COVID-19: A WikiProject Report
  • Special report: Wikipedia on COVID-19: what we publish and why it matters
  • In the media: Blocked in Iran but still covering the big story
  • Discussion report: Rethinking draft space
  • Arbitration report: Unfinished business
  • In focus: "I have been asked by Jeffrey Epstein …"
  • Community view: Wikimedia community responds to COVID-19
  • Recent research: Disease outbreak uncertainties, AfD forecasting, auto-updating Wikipedia
  • From the archives: Text from Wikipedia good enough for Oxford University Press to claim as own
  • Traffic report: The only thing that matters in the world
  • Gallery: Visible Women on Wikipedia
  • News from the WMF: Amid COVID-19, Wikimedia Foundation offers full pay for reduced hours, mobilizes all staff to work remote, and waives sick time
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:42, 29 March 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Unbiased information from Ukraine's government?
  • In the media: Coronavirus, again and again
  • Discussion report: Redesigning Wikipedia, bit by bit
  • Featured content: Featured content returns
  • Arbitration report: Two difficult cases
  • Traffic report: Disease the Rhythm of the Night
  • Gallery: Roy is doing fine and sending more photos
  • Recent research: Trending topics across languages; auto-detecting bias
  • Essay: Wikipedia:An article about yourself isn't necessarily a good thing
  • By the numbers: Open data and COVID-19: Wikipedia as an informational resource during the pandemic
  • Opinion: Trusting Everybody to Work Together
  • On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
  • Interview: Health and RfA's: An interview with Guy Macon
  • In focus: Multilingual Wikipedia
  • WikiProject report: The Guild of Copy Editors
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:17, 26 April 2020 (UTC)

  • From the editor: Meltdown May?
  • News and notes: 2019 Picture of the Year, 200 French paid editing accounts blocked, 10 years of Guild Copyediting
  • In the media: CBS on COVID-19, Sanger on bias, false noses, and five prolific editors
  • Discussion report: WMF's Universal Code of Conduct
  • Special report: The sum of human knowledge? Not in one Wikipedia language edition
  • Featured content: Weathering the storm
  • Arbitration report: Board member receives editing restriction
  • Traffic report: Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
  • Op-Ed: Where Is Political Bias Taking Us?
  • Gallery: Wildlife photos by the book
  • News from the WMF: WMF Board announces Community Culture Statement
  • Recent research: Automatic detection of covert paid editing; Wiki Workshop 2020
  • Community view: Transit routes and mapping during stay-at-home order downtime
  • On video: COVID-19 spurs innovations in Wikimedia video and virtual programming
  • WikiProject report: Revitalizing good articles
  • On the bright side: 500,000 articles in the Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia
  • Obituaries: Dmitrismirnov, Kattenkruid, Muidlatif, Ronhjones, Tsirel
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 19:05, 31 May 2020 (UTC)

Information icon A discussion is taking place to address the redirect Wellesley Hills ((Boston and Albany station). The discussion will occur at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2020 June 7#Wellesley Hills ((Boston and Albany station) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. 1234qwer1234qwer4 (talk) 20:51, 7 June 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Progress at Wikipedia Library and Wikijournal of Medicine
  • Community view: Community open letter on renaming
  • Gallery: After the killing of George Floyd
  • In the media: Part collaboration and part combat
  • Discussion report: Community reacts to WMF rebranding proposals
  • Featured content: Sports are returning, with a rainbow
  • Arbitration report: Anti-harassment RfC and a checkuser revocation
  • Traffic report: The pandemic, alleged murder, a massacre, and other deaths
  • News from the WMF: We stand for racial justice
  • Recent research: Wikipedia and COVID-19; automated Wikipedia-based fact-checking
  • Interview: What is wrong with rebranding to "Wikipedia Foundation"?
  • Humour: Cherchez une femme
  • Opinion: Trying to find COI or paid editors? Just read the news
  • On the bright side: For what are you grateful this month?
  • In focus: Edit Loud, Edit Proud: LGBTIQ+ Wikimedians and Global Information Activism
  • WikiProject report: WikiProject Black Lives Matter
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:53, 28 June 2020 (UTC)

  • Special report: Wikipedia and the End of Open Collaboration?
  • COI and paid editing: Some strange people edit Wikipedia for money
  • News and notes: Abstract Wikipedia, a hoax, sex symbols, and a new admin
  • In the media: Dog days gone bad
  • Discussion report: Fox News, a flight of RfAs, and banning policy
  • Featured content: Remembering Art, Valor, and Freedom
  • Traffic report: Now for something completely different
  • Gallery: Photos of threatened species from iNaturalist
  • News from the WMF: New Chinese national security law in Hong Kong could limit the privacy of Wikipedia users
  • Recent research: Receiving thanks increases retention, but not the time contributed to Wikipedia
  • Essay: Not compatible with a collaborative project
  • Obituaries: Hasteur and Brian McNeil
  • In focus: WikiLoop DoubleCheck, reviewing edits made easy
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 18:24, 2 August 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: The high road and the low road
  • In the media: Storytelling large and small
  • Featured content: Going for the goal
  • Special report: Wikipedia's not so little sister is finding its own way
  • Op-Ed: The longest-running hoax
  • Traffic report: Heart, soul, umbrellas, and politics
  • News from the WMF: Fourteen things we’ve learned by moving Polish Wikimedia conference online
  • Recent research: Detecting spam, and pages to protect; non-anonymous editors signal their intelligence with high-quality articles
  • Arbitration report: A slow couple of months
  • From the archives: Wikipedia for promotional purposes?
  • Obituaries: Marcus Sherman, Jerome West, and Pauline van Till
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:32, 30 August 2020 (UTC)

  • Special report: Paid editing with political connections
  • News and notes: More large-scale errors at a "small" wiki
  • In the media: WIPO, Seigenthaler incident 15 years later
  • Featured content: Life finds a Way
  • Arbitration report: Clarifications and requests
  • Traffic report: Is there no justice?
  • Recent research: Wikipedia's flood biases
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 22:47, 27 September 2020 (UTC)

  • Special report: Paid editing with political connections
  • News and notes: More large-scale errors at a "small" wiki
  • In the media: WIPO, Seigenthaler incident 15 years later
  • Featured content: Life finds a Way
  • Arbitration report: Clarifications and requests
  • Traffic report: Is there no justice?
  • Recent research: Wikipedia's flood biases
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 22:53, 27 September 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Ban on IPs on ptwiki, paid editing for Tatarstan, IP masking
  • In the media: Murder, politics, religion, health and books
  • Book review: Review of Wikipedia @ 20
  • Op-Ed: Anti-vandalism with masked IPs: the steps forward
  • Discussion report: Proposal to change board composition, In The News dumps Trump story
  • Featured content: The "Green Terror" is neither green nor sufficiently terrifying. Worst Hallowe'en ever.
  • Traffic report: Jump back, what's that sound?
  • Interview: Joseph Reagle and Jackie Koerner
  • News from the WMF: Meet the 2020 Wikimedian of the Year
  • Recent research: OpenSym 2020: Deletions and gender, masses vs. elites, edit filters
  • In focus: The many (reported) deaths of Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 19:50, 1 November 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Jimmy Wales "shouldn't be kicked out before he's ready"
  • Op-Ed: Re-righting Wikipedia
  • Opinion: How billionaires re-write Wikipedia
  • In the media: Relying on Wikipedia: voters, scientists, and a Canadian border guard
  • Featured content: Frontonia sp. is thankful for delicious cyanobacteria
  • Traffic report: 007 with Borat, the Queen, and an election
  • News from Wiki Education: An assignment that changed a life: Kasey Baker
  • GLAM plus: West Coast New Zealand's Wikipedian at Large
  • Wikicup report: Lee Vilenski wins the 2020 WikiCup
  • Recent research: Wikipedia's Shoah coverage succeeds where libraries fail
  • Essay: Writing about women
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 17:45, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and Happy New year

Hello! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021 on the behalf of Christmas task force of WikiProject Holidays.

" Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas!"
- Calvin Coolidge
Quotations related to Calvin Coolidge at Wikiquote

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  • Christmas task force

--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:18, 24 December 2020 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Year-end legal surprises cause concern, but Public Domain Day is imminent
  • In the media: Concealment, data journalism, a non-pig farmer, and some Bluetick Hounds
  • Arbitration report: 2020 election results
  • Opinion: How to make your factory's safety and labor issues disappear
  • Featured content: Very nearly ringing in the New Year with "Blank Space" – but we got there in time.
  • Traffic report: 2020 wraps up
  • News from the WMF: What Wikipedia saw during election week in the U.S., and what we’re doing next
  • Recent research: Predicting the next move in Wikipedia discussions
  • Essay: Subjective importance
  • Op-Ed: An unforgettable year we might wish to forget
  • Gallery: Angels in the architecture
  • Humour: 'Twas the Night Before Wikimas
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 04:25, 28 December 2020 (UTC)

Information.svg A discussion is taking place to address the redirect Wellesley Hills ((Boston and Albany station). The discussion will occur at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2021 January 14#Wellesley Hills ((Boston and Albany station) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. 𝟙𝟤𝟯𝟺𝐪𝑤𝒆𝓇𝟷𝟮𝟥𝟜𝓺𝔴𝕖𝖗𝟰 (𝗍𝗮𝘭𝙠) 09:28, 14 January 2021 (UTC)

  • News and notes: 1,000,000,000 edits, board elections, virtual Wikimania 2021
  • Special report: Wiki reporting on the insurrection
  • In focus: From Anarchy to Wikiality, Glaring Bias to Good Cop: Press Coverage of Wikipedia's First Two Decades
  • Opinion: Wikipedia's war against scientific disinformation
  • In the media: The world's press says "Happy Birthday!" with a few twists
  • Technology report: The people who built Wikipedia, technically
  • Videos and podcasts: Celebrating 20 years
  • News from the WMF: Wikipedia celebrates 20 years of free, trusted information for the world
  • Recent research: Students still have a better opinion of Wikipedia than teachers
  • Humour: Dr. Seuss's Guide to Wikipedia
  • Featured content: New Year, same Featured Content report!
  • Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2020
  • Obituary: Flyer22 Frozen
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 20:10, 31 January 2021 (UTC)

  • News and notes: Maher stepping down
  • Disinformation report: A "billionaire battle" on Wikipedia: Sex, lies, and video
  • Opinion: The call for feedback on community seats is a distraction
  • In the media: Corporate influence at OSM, Fox watching the hen house
  • News from the WMF: Who tells your story on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Take an AI-generated flashcard quiz about Wikipedia; Wikipedia's anti-feudalism
  • Featured content: A Love of Knowledge, for Valentine's Day
  • Traffic report: Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
  • Gallery: What is Black history and culture?
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 21:28, 28 February 2021 (UTC)

  • News and notes: A future with a for-profit subsidiary?
  • Gallery: Wiki Loves Monuments
  • In the media: Wikimedia LLC and disinformation in Japan
  • News from the WMF: Project Rewrite: Tell the missing stories of women on Wikipedia and beyond
  • Recent research: 10%-30% of Wikipedia’s contributors have subject-matter expertise
  • From the archives: Google isn't responsible for Wikipedia's mistakes
  • Essay: Wikipedia:The Free Encyclopedia
  • Obituary: Yoninah
  • From the editor: What else can we say?
  • Arbitration report: Open letter to the Board of Trustees
  • Traffic report: Wanda, Meghan, Liz, Phil and Zack
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 20:43, 28 March 2021 (UTC)

  • From the editor: A change is gonna come
  • Disinformation report: The Trump Organization's paid editors
  • In the media: Fernando, governance, and rugby
  • Opinion: The (Universal) Code of Conduct
  • Op-Ed: A Little Fun Goes A Long Way
  • Changing the world: The reach of protest images on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Quality of aquatic and anatomical articles
  • Traffic report: The verdict is guilty, guilty, guilty
  • News from Wiki Education: Encouraging professional physicists to engage in outreach on Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 22:31, 25 April 2021 (UTC)

  • From the editor: A change is gonna come
  • Disinformation report: The Trump Organization's paid editors
  • In the media: Fernando, governance, and rugby
  • Opinion: The (Universal) Code of Conduct
  • Op-Ed: A Little Fun Goes A Long Way
  • Changing the world: The reach of protest images on Wikipedia
  • Recent research: Quality of aquatic and anatomical articles
  • Traffic report: The verdict is guilty, guilty, guilty
  • News from Wiki Education: Encouraging professional physicists to engage in outreach on Wikipedia
* Read this Signpost in full * Single-page * Unsubscribe * MediaWiki message delivery ( talk) 04:29, 26 April 2021 (UTC)