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Геральдика Арбетнота [ править ]

Это может быть интересно; http://www.heraldry-online.org.uk/arbuthnot/arbuthnot-arms.htm - Геральдика ( разговор ) 09:16, 2 апреля 2008 г. (UTC)

Schloss Lütgenhof и Moritz von Paepcke [ править ]

Я изучаю историю семьи Дассов более пятнадцати лет. Я наткнулся на статью о Дассоу, Германия, и обновил ее содержание, основываясь на статье в немецкой Википедии. Я обновлял эту статью, пока не обнаружил, что это может рассматриваться как конфликт интересов. Независимо, Пользователь: Charles01 доработал Dassow , Германия . Когда я поблагодарил его за его усилия, он сказал мне, что он дальним родственником Морица фон Пепке, человека, который построил Schloss Lütgenhof .

Я надеюсь, что в конце концов напишу статью в Википедии о Морице фон Пепке , но пока, кажется, недостаточно информации, чтобы поддержать заметную статью. История Schloss Lütgenhof довольно интересна, и Мориц фон Пепке и его семья являются ключевыми фигурами . По странному совпадению, вы ( Пользователь: kittybrewster ) разместили сообщение в User_talk: Charles01 через восемь минут ( http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Charles01&action=history ) позже, чем я. Вы указали на User: Kittybrewster / About_me, что связаны с сайтом http://www.kittybrewster.com/ancestry/canning.htm , сайтом, о котором я только что сказал пользователю: Charles01 о.

Поскольку вы опытный редактор Википедии с большим опытом работы в области генеалогии, я был бы признателен за ваши отзывы о том, была ли статья о Морице фон Пепке или о замке Лютгенхоф.

- Дэн Дассов ( разговор ) 11:35, 11 сентября 2008 г. (UTC)

Я знаю замок и Морица фон Пепке. Но мне кажется, что нужные нам надежные источники написаны на немецком языке, на котором вы оба говорите Charles01, а я - нет. Я буду первым, кто прочтет статью, когда один из вас достаточно хорош, чтобы ее написать. Обе темы, безусловно, WP: NOTABLE. Киттибрюстер ☎ 12:36, 11 сентября 2008 г. (UTC)

Лесли Уорд [ править ]

Все они на Commons и правильно помечены. Это соответствующий тег: {{ PD-art-life-70 }}. Тай 22:28, 12 сентября 2008 г. (UTC)

Уведомление о награде [ править ]

Я наградил вас звездой за вашу работу по устранению хлама CFB. Stifle ( разговор ) 10:24, 22 сентября 2008 (UTC)

Барнстар для одного человека - проклятие для другого, - Пол Макдональд ( разговор ) 11:23, 22 сентября 2008 г. (UTC).

Жители Брюс Касл [ править ]

Я только что существенно расширил Брюс Касл ; однако это оставило ряд красных ссылок, которых не должно быть. Сможете ли вы (или любой, кто смотрит эту страницу с доступом к Бёрку) создать хотя бы минимальные заглушки для Хью Хейра, 1-го барона Колрейна , Генри Хейра, 2-го барона Колрейна и Генри Хейра, 3-го барона Колрейна и, в идеале, Джона Уилмота (депутат) (c.1749-1815) какие четыре наиболее ярких?

Большое спасибо…  -  аромат радужки  00:20, 3 октября 2008 г. (UTC)

По словам Берка, Джон Уилмот был адвокатом, который принял (1812) дополнительное имя Эрдли и был отцом сэра Джона Эрдли Эрдли-Уилмота, 1-го баронета . Никакого упоминания о его парламентской карьере. Согласно LeighRayment.com, депутатом был Джон Уилмот. Несомненно, они один и тот же парень? Киттибрюстер ☎ 14:26, 3 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
Это сбивает с толку, поскольку существует четыре поколения с одним и тем же именем, но с разными названиями; Джон Эрдли Уилмот , главный судья Общего права с 1766 по 1771 год; его сын Джон Уилмот (член парламента) (владелец замка), который позже принял имя Эрдли-Уилмот ( по крайней мере, некоторые подтверждения его существования см. в [1] ); его сын сэр Джон Эрдли Эрдли-Уилмот, первый баронет , член парламента от Северного Уорикшира; и его сын сэр Джон Эрдли-Уилмот, второй баронет , член парламента от Южного Уорикшира.
Второй (1749-1815), похоже, действительно сделал все, что я приписал ему в статье (член парламента от Тивертона и Ковентри; комиссар по проведению американской революции; основатель с Уилберфорсом и Берк из "Wilmot's" Комитет «помощи беженцам из революционной Франции»); есть его биография здесь, в «Грузинской эре» Кларка (1833);

УИЛМОТ (ДЖОН ЭРДЛИ), сын верховного судьи, родился в Дерби в 1748 году и получил образование в Вестминстере и Оксфорде, где он получил стипендию Колледжа Всех Душ. Сначала он учился у доктора (впоследствии епископа) Уорбертона для церкви; но потом, питая пристрастие к закону, он подошел к барной стойке; шаг, который его отец назвал «сойти с клумбы из роз ради тернового венца». В 1776 году, примерно через пять лет после своего призвания, он был возвращен в парламент Тивертона в Девоншире; и, участвуя в оппозиции, атаковал министерскую партию в брошюре, осуждая продолжение войны. В 1781 году он был назначен мастером канцелярии; и в 1782 году был введен в эксплуатацию вместе с другими,выяснить, как распределяются суммы, предназначенные для помощи американским лоялистам. В следующем году он выступил на эту тему в парламенте; и в ответ на осуждение мистера Фокса больших сумм, потраченных на американских больных, заявил, что «поделится с ними своим последним шиллингом и последней буханкой». В 1784 году и в парламенте, который последовал за ним в 1790 году, он был членом Ковентри и на каждой сессии поддерживал взгляды мистера Питта. Он был особенно враждебен французской революции; и своими усилиями добился распределения фонда с санкции парламента в пользу эмигрантов из этой страны. В 1804 году он полностью ушел из общественной жизни; и, посвятив себя литературным занятиям, вскоре после этого опубликовал жизнеописание своего отца, а также епископа Хоу.До этого он написал «Трактат о законах и обычаях Англии»; и в год его смерти, которая произошла в июне 1815 г., напечатал «Исторический обзор комиссии американских лоялистов». Он был человеком самого честного и безупречного характера, как общественного, так и частного; а в первом одинаково отличался ученостью и красноречием. Он был дважды женат: во-первых, на единственной дочери S. Sainthell, эсквайр, от которой у него были сын и четыре дочери, которые пережили его; и, во-вторых, в 1793 году мисс Хастам, от которой у него было двое детей, умерших в младенчестве.Он был человеком самого честного и безупречного характера, как общественного, так и частного; а в первом одинаково отличался ученостью и красноречием. Он был дважды женат: во-первых, на единственной дочери S. Sainthell, эсквайр, от которой у него были сын и четыре дочери, которые пережили его; и, во-вторых, в 1793 году мисс Хастам, от которой у него было двое детей, умерших в младенчестве.Он был человеком самого честного и безупречного характера, как общественного, так и частного; а в первом одинаково отличался ученостью и красноречием. Он был дважды женат: во-первых, на единственной дочери S. Sainthell, эсквайр, от которой у него были сын и четыре дочери, которые пережили его; и, во-вторых, в 1793 году мисс Хастам, от которой у него было двое детей, умерших в младенчестве.

Я признаю, что никогда раньше не слышал об этой книге и понятия не имею, насколько она надежный источник, но у меня нет причин сомневаться в этом; похоже, это подтверждает информацию, которую я уже использовал в статье из других источников. Если это правда, я удивлен отсутствием информации о тех, кто, кажется, был довольно значительной фигурой в тот период.  -  аромат ирида  15:55, 3 октября 2008 г. (UTC)

awb [ править ]

..у вас открыта сессия awb? Я могу рассказать вам о шагах Ling.Nut ( обсуждение - WP: 3IAR ) 13:03, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)

  1. Запустите awb и выберите «поиск вики» в раскрывающемся списке «Сделать из». Откроется текстовое поле (помечено WIki search "). Тип исчез в этом. Нажмите кнопку" Создать список ".
  2. Через несколько секунд список будет полным. Кажется, что в нем ровно 1000 предметов, но на самом деле они вам не нужны.
  3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши любой элемент в списке и выберите «фильтр». щелчок левой кнопкой мыши. Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:13, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  4. Появится большое всплывающее окно. В «сохраняемых пространствах имен» один раз щелкните переключатель «содержимое» (чтобы очистить все в столбце). Сделайте то же самое для поля «Обсуждение» (чтобы очистить и этот столбец). Затем щелкните поле с надписью (основной) прямо под «Содержимое». Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:16, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  5. Нажмите кнопку «Применить» в правом верхнем углу. Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:17, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  6. Хорошо, теперь в вашем списке 995 пунктов. Справа от списка созданных статей есть область с надписью «Найти и заменить». Установите переключатель "Включено". Затем нажмите кнопку «Обычные настройки».
  7. Появится новое большое всплывающее окно. В столбце «Найти» введите URL-адрес, который вы хотите найти, а в столбце «Заменить» введите новый. Вы можете сделать это для нескольких строк .. вы можете найти и заменить несколько вещей. Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:23, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  8. Нажмите кнопку «Готово» в правом верхнем углу. Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:27, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  9. Перейдите на вкладку с надписью "Пропустить". Щелкните поле с надписью «Изменения не вносятся». Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:29, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)
  10. Перейдите на вкладку с надписью "Пуск". Щелкните поле «Незначительное редактирование», а затем кнопку «Пуск». Вам будет предложено войти в систему. Сделайте это. Снова нажмите кнопку «Пуск». Вы готовы к работе ... Ling.Nut (разговор - WP: 3IAR) 13:31, 11 октября 2008 г. (UTC)

Спасибо! [ редактировать ]

Изображение [ править ]

Для каждой страницы обсуждения изображения было предоставлено разрешение, но не разрешение, требуемое Википедией, поэтому оно будет удалено. Предлагаю получить правильное разрешение. Тай 19:51, 22 октября 2008 г. (UTC)

Агнатический / когнатический [ править ]

Привет! :) Когда наследование по мужской линии, только самцы могут добиться успеха. Если у мужчины нет сыновей, его наследником становится его брат, или сын его брата, или его дядя и т. Д. Дочери не могут добиться успеха. Если бы британский престол наследовал по мужской линии, Вильгельму IV наследовал бы его брат, а не его племянница. Наследование на британский престол является родственным, в то время как наследование на ганноверский престол было родственным, поэтому Виктория получила Великобританию, а ее дядя - Ганновер. Япония и Ликтенштейн - одни из стран, в которых до сих пор практикуется первородство по прямой линии. Когнатическое первородство может быть первородством по мужской линии (женщины преуспевают, если у них нет братьев) или равным первородством (старший ребенок преуспевает независимо от пола). Легитимность обычно важна, поскольку незаконнорожденные дети обычно не могут добиться успеха (хотя бывают и исключения).Сурцична ( разговор ) 16:46, 21 февраля 2009 (UTC)

Вопрос о названии Ирландии [ править ]

Вы получили это сообщение, потому что ранее публиковали сообщения в обсуждении, посвященном именам в Ирландии. Согласно Википедии: Запросы об арбитраже / Названия статей в Ирландии # Резервная процедура , процедура была разработана в Википедии: WikiProject Ireland Collaboration , и сейчас проект принимает заявления. Прежде чем создавать заявление или отвечать на него, пожалуйста, рассмотрите процесс утверждения , проблемы и текущие утверждения . GnevinAWB ( разговор ) 18:04, 5 марта 2009 (UTC)

Кому ты позвонишь? Охотники за мистификациями! [ редактировать ]

Картина Арбетнота [ править ]

На моей странице Wikimedia Commons, которую я редко проверяю (извините), вы спросили, как я приписываю портрет Годфри Кнеллеру. На этом сайте есть картина, художник и натурщик. - Astrochemist ( разговор ) 12:52, 19 марта 2009 г. (UTC)

Барон Килмарнок [ править ]

Кто теперь унаследует главенство клана Бойд ? Применяется ли закон о супружестве на последующие этапы ? Choess ( разговор ) 02:32, 22 марта 2009 (UTC)

Не идет ли новый Лэрд? Киттибрюстер ☎ 09:33, 22 марта 2009 г. (UTC)
Новый барон - брат покойного 7-го барона; у последнего есть сын, родившийся до брака его родителей, который не смог получить титул в Великобритании, но, возможно, имеет право на получение шотландских почестей (например, оставшийся от графства Эрролл). Choess ( разговор ) 22:28, 22 марта 2009 (UTC)
Глава клана - это человек, имеющий право на безразличное оружие. Киттибрюстер ☎ 11:33, 23 марта 2009 г. (UTC)
Позволю себе не согласиться. См. Главу клана . Для вики- сайтов главный - это человек, который упоминается в списке ссылок как таковых, например: Burks , Постоянный совет или веб-сайт клана . Они дают Килмарнокку в качестве главного, особенно седьмого. Пожалуйста, дайте свои ссылки, если вы меняете шефа, я не думаю, что редакторы решают, как спуститься вождь. С уважением, Царь Броди ( разговор ) 13:58, 23 марта 2009 г. (UTC)
Седьмой барон недавно умер, я полагаю, что никто еще не подавал заявку на безразличное оружие. Киттибрюстер ☎ 14:19, 23 марта 2009 г. (UTC)
Вы не подаете заявку на «неразличимые руки», если они существуют и зачислены в школу в соответствии с правилом 3-го поколения или 100-летнего возраста, они передаются по наследству. Но это другое дело и не актуально. безразличное оружие не имеет ничего общего с вождями кланов . Кроме того, руки барона Килмарнока не являются неразличимыми руками Бойда, они являются ежеквартальными, 1-й Лазурный - это fess chequy Argent и Gules (для Бойда), 2-й Серебряный три inescutcheons Gules (для Хэя), 3-й Аргент - три жаберных цветков Gules в двойном цвете. counter flory Vert (для Ливингстона), 4-й Sable - изгиб между шестью заготовками или (для Callendar) . Неразличными руками Бойда были Лазурь, настоящая Арджент и Гулес.. Ни в одном источнике пока нет имени нового начальника, поэтому мы не можем назвать его и не должны строить догадки по этому поводу. С уважением, Царь Броди ( выступление ) 14:47, 23 марта 2009 г. (UTC)
В какой-то степени я согласен. Я думал, что оружие 7-го барона может достаться его сыну или его брату (8-му барону). Затем я прочитал Вождь клана № .22Главный_Имя_и_Оружия . 22 . Киттибрюстер ☎ 15:00, 23 марта 2009 г. (UTC)

re Барбара Эверард [ править ]

Спасибо за вашу помощь - я помогаю новому редактору (сыну художника) собрать статью, поскольку он изначально разместил ее в своем пользовательском пространстве вместе с мольбой о помощи. Пожелай мне удачи в дразнить из этих рефов;) EyeSerene ток 14:46, 6 мая 2009 (UTC)

Отличная работа. Киттибрюстер ☎ 14:47, 6 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Итальянское "дворянство" [ править ]

Есть ли для них WP: RS ? Как мне написать «привилегия» и «извинения»? Киттибрюстер ☎ 12:29, 9 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Действительно, есть Китти, она называется Libro d'Oro della Nobilta Italiana . Один либо внутри, либо снаружи, а если нет, другой остается. Никакое управление местным советом, профсоюзом, выигрыш в лотерее и / или передача его Лейбористской / Консервативной партии не изменит этого. Итальянское дворянство научилось бороться, чтобы выжить, они жесткие - атакуйте их осторожно. Что касается моей орфографии, когда вы говорите по-итальянски так же хорошо, как я по-английски, тогда вы можете прокомментировать. До того счастливого дня, закрой свой рот и оставь шутки мне. Джиано ( разговор ) 17:47, 10 мая 2009 (UTC)
Не в моей библиотеке. Вам придется оставить копию, если ваша спутниковая навигация снова заработает. Киттибрюстер ☎ 18:06, 10 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
  • Не думайте, что я буду беспокоиться, вы ведь вряд ли кого-нибудь знаете, не так ли? Джиано ( разговор ) 10:45, 11 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Я не понимал, что это требование для написания биографии. Киттибрюстер ☎ 11:09, 11 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Бесстыдный благодарственный спам [ править ]

FlyingToaster Barnstar Привет, Киттибрюстер! Большое вам спасибо за вашу поддержку в моем недавнем РФЕ , который проходил с биркой 126 / 32 / 5. Я действительно унижен доверием , оказанным мне, и будет стремиться жить до этого доверия. Летающий тостер

Вопросы [ править ]

Запрет на тему про баронетов и рыцарей

  1. Какие статьи не относятся к баронетам и рыцарям?
  2. Это карательное или превентивное?
  3. Продолжительность бана темы?
  4. Запрет наложен кем?
  5. Дата бана?
  6. Причина бана?
  7. Разница, оправдывающая запрет
  8. Цель бана?
  9. Какое другое поведение с моей стороны требуется?
  10. К кому я обращаюсь?
  11. Куда мне подать апелляцию?
  12. Как подать апелляцию?

- Киттибрюстер ☎ 15:28, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)

Запрет темы - это санкция сообщества. Чтобы определить его объем, вам нужно пойти и прочитать обсуждение. На большинство ваших вопросов, скорее всего, можно будет ответить, изучив его. В данном случае вас заблокировали за перемещение этой статьи в нарушение ограничений, установленных Арбитражным комитетом. Как вам уже сказали, чтобы подать апелляцию на запрет темы, вам нужно будет опубликовать сообщение на WP: ANI . Любое ограничение, наложенное Арбитражным комитетом, должно быть обжаловано в Arbcom. У вас есть какие-либо конкретные вопросы, связанные с уведомлением о движении, которое я разместил выше? Я хочу убедиться, что в будущем не возникнет путаницы по поводу его условий. KnightLago ( разговор ) 19:59, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Да. Какие статьи не относятся к баронетам и рыцарям? Киттибрюстер ☎ 20:24, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Любая статья относится к баронетам и рыцарям в широком смысле. KnightLago ( разговор ) 20:34, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Это включает Джеймса Хантера Блэра ? Почему? Киттибрюстер ☎ 20:53, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Да. Поскольку (1) это было у сэра Джеймса Хантера Блэра, 8-го баронета, хотя он и не баронет, и (2) поскольку он сын баронета, это связано в широком смысле. Манго сок говорить 19:21, 1 июня 2009 (UTC)
Это тоже кажется информативным. KnightLago ( разговор ) 20:06, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Единственные обвинения против меня - это (а) то, что я сообщил AN / I о массовых переездах Vk. Это было неправильно? Что еще я должен был сделать? И (б) что у меня есть ИСП. Что это? Может ли кто-нибудь процитировать соответствующую разницу, приводя пример, в котором мой предполагаемый COI вызвал проблему? Должен быть способ обжаловать это. Я попытался сделать это в AN, но апелляцию просто проигнорировали и подали. Если цель заключалась в том, чтобы дать людям остыть, я отвечаю, что я так и не заканчивал драму. Киттибрюстер ☎ 20:24, 31 мая 2009 г. (UTC)
Обращение в Арбком. Вы также можете напрямую написать Джимми Уэльсу по электронной почте, он зарезервировал право изменять решения Arbcom. Просто сделайте это, поднимите предложение, приведите лучший аргумент. Вам нужно будет объяснить, почему (1) запрет существенно мешает вам и (2) почему он неуместен. Критику вашего поведения можно найти в архивах на досках объявлений администратора; иди их ищи. Простой запрос доказательств (от ArbCom) не удастся. Или просто примите это и избегайте перемещения страниц: помните, запрет распространяется только на перемещение страниц. Манго сок говорить 19:21, 1 июня 2009 (UTC)
На самом деле это не так. Это полная годовая тематическая группа баронетов. Очевидно нет. Я также несколько озадачен масштабом. Если сыновья баронетов подпадают под запрет, также являются братьями, сестрами, матерями, внуками или бабушками и дедушками? Я имею в виду, действительно, где именно проводится линия? И как именно такое обильное толкование действительно помогает энциклопедии? Кб - по причинам, более известным ему самим - часто публикует статьи о великом и пользе британской классовой системы. В этой сцене почти все - всего лишь брак с кузеном вдали от баронета. Rockpock е т 1:11, 2 июня 2009 (UTC)
Да уж, странно, правда? Сообщество, по крайней мере, значительная его часть, пыталось запретить KB доступ ко всей теме, а не только к движениям. Был запрос о применении этого запрета, который, как я помню, отклонился, потому что я чувствовал, что перемещение страниц было основной проблемой. И часть продолжительности, которая была там с самого начала, была исключена ArbCom. Пожалуйста, сообщите мне, если кто-то сделает ходатайство / запрос о разъяснении / апелляцию в ArbCom; Я считаю, что ArbCom поленился не принять дело к полному слушанию, и хотел бы обнародовать это мнение. По крайней мере, срок запрета на КБ должен быть конечным. Манго сок говорить 1:22, 2 июня 2009 (UTC)
Девичья фамилия жены Клайва Грейнджера была Лавленд. Он был рыцарем, поэтому я не могу этого добавить. Насколько это весело? Киттибрюстер ☎ 12:58, 4 июня 2009 г. (UTC)
Вы можете, если не требуется перемещение страницы. Предложение ArbCom было совершенно ясно, что запрет распространяется только на перемещение страниц. Манго сок говорить 19:07, 8 июня 2009 (UTC)
Это не то, о чем спорили, это так . Если вы игнорируете ограничения, которые были наложены на Китти, я буду считать, что все ограничения недействительны, на что у вас нет полномочий - Vintagekits ( разговор ) 08:15, 9 июня 2009 г. (UTC)
Вы связались с правильным постановлением. Прочтите это; ArbCom заявляет, что «признает и подтверждает» запреты сообщества, но из контекста ясно, что он не признает полный запрет темы, потому что это была предложенная альтернатива, которая не проходит. В предложении конкретно говорится, что вам обоим запрещено перемещать страницы и назначать страницы, созданные друг другом, для удаления, но не описывает никаких дополнительных ограничений для вас. Я думаю, что для Википедии было бы полезно, если бы вы оба были более ясны по этому поводу; Я начну обсуждение в Википедии: Administrators'_noticeboard / Archive195 # Vintagekits_and_Kittybrewster, чтобы прояснить ситуацию. Манго сок говорить 12:13, 9 июня 2009 (UTC)

Почему Vintagekits публикует сообщения на этой странице? Ему это запрещено. Киттибрюстер ☎ 11:22, 11 июня 2009 г. (UTC)

Это стоило попробовать, Mangojuice, но ясно, что условия, обоснование и ограничения этого запрета имеют смысл для Цнкая. И как самозваный арбитр запретов сообщества, этого, по-видимому, достаточно, чтобы поддерживать его до тех пор, пока не изменится его интерпретация. К сожалению, сообщество по понятным причинам устало заниматься этим вопросом, и поэтому шансы оживить дискуссию, сосредоточив внимание на деталях, вряд ли будут успешными в настоящее время. Лично я не могу не видеть в этом свершившегося факта.спроектирован неким неназванным бывшим редактором. То, что Vk выглядит необычно довольным тем, что принимает запрет, согласуется с этим. Но ты сразу в него вошел, Кб, и теперь нужно разобраться с последствиями. Я предлагаю вам подождать какое-то время, держать нос в чистоте и по прошествии подходящего времени обратиться в ArbCom. Усложняющим фактором является то, что ArbCom, скорее всего, направит вас обратно в «сообщество». Так что я бы попытался остаться на хорошей стороне Цнкая, будь я на твоем месте. Rockpock e t 23:48, 11 июня 2009 г. (UTC)
Вовсе нет, но я не удивлен, что вы сказали что-то подобное. Меня это довольно раздражает, однако я уважаю то, что некоторые редакторы и администраторы сказали по этому поводу, и на данный момент принимаю это как решение проблемы. Также я рад, что у меня на одну головную боль меньше, - Vintagekits ( разговор ) 08:35, 12 июня 2009 г. (UTC)

Опрос по Ирландии (xxx) [ править ]

Опрос находится в Википедии: WikiProject_Ireland_Collaboration / Poll on Ireland (xxx) . Это голосование по поводу того, какой вариант или варианты могут быть добавлены в опрос относительно наименования страниц Ирландии и Республики Ирландия и, возможно, страниц Ирландии (значения) . Порядок, в котором варианты выбора появляются в списке, был сгенерирован случайным образом. Санкции за агитацию , шоппинг на форумах , вброс бюллетеней , кукольный театр в носках , кукольный театр из мясабудет состоять из одномесячного бана, который не позволит лицам, находящимся под санкциями, участвовать в основном голосовании, которое состоится после этого. Голосование завершится в 21:00 (UTC) вечера 1 июля 2009 г. (то есть в 22:00 IST и BST). - Эвертип · ✆ 18:15, 24 июня 2009 г. (UTC)

Опрос должен определять вариант «Ирландия (xxx)», представленный в основном опросе, а не сам основной опрос. DrKiernan ( разговор ) 14:57, 29 июня 2009 г. (UTC)
Могу я отослать вас к WP: CANVASS . Спасибо. Tfz 00:31, 30 июня 2009 г. (UTC) Заметьте это, мое неверное толкование и извинения перед доктором Кирнаном за это. Tfz 12:48, 30 июня 2009 г. (UTC)

Статья Филиппа де Ласло [ править ]

Привет! Изучая историю статьи Филиппа де Ласло , похоже, что вы были человеком, ответственным за включение длинного списка натурщиков-портретистов. Я столкнулся с проблемой в списке, когда убирал ссылки на перемещенную мной статью с ошибочным названием. Кто-то, кажется, пришел после того, как вы составили список и запутались с двумя «леди Каслри» из очень разных эпох.

Я объяснил проблему в Talk: Philip de László . Это включает проверку имени одного из ситтеров. А затем определить, можно ли связать имя в списке с существующей статьей о второй леди Каслри.

Похоже, что источником является книга, а не один из внешних веб-сайтов, перечисленных в статье. Если у вас все еще есть исходный код, возможно, вам удастся исправить список. Извините за беспокойство. Dunnettreader ( разговор ) 04:49, 7 июля 2009 г. (UTC)

Кажется, я нашел ее, поэтому исправил список и ссылку, как указано в Talk: Philip de László . Dunnettreader ( разговор ) 01:53, 8 июля 2009 (UTC)

AWB Task [ править ]

Привет. Была ли выполнена опубликованная вами задача ? В противном случае я был бы готов это сделать, хотя в вашем описании есть несколько вещей, которые меня смущают. С уважением, Alan16 ( разговор ) 14:15, 28 июля 2009 г. (UTC).

Опрос по названиям статей в Ирландии [ править ]

Сэр Генри Чемберлен, первый баронет [ править ]

Привет. Я надеюсь, что вы поможете мне найти любые источники, касающиеся воспитания сэра Генри Чемберлена, первого баронета ; в частности, тот, который мог подтвердить, что его отцом был член парламента Генри Фейн . Я подумал, что вам лучше всего спросить, так как вы добавили раздел в статью Чемберлена, и я изо всех сил пытаюсь найти какие-либо другие ссылки в другом месте, которые, похоже, не происходят из вашей редакции статьи Чемберлена. Мы будем очень благодарны за любую помощь, которую вы могли бы предложить!

Спасибо и привет,

- stdace ( обсуждение ) 00:48, 13 августа 2009 г. (UTC)

Пожалуйста, игнорируйте; из всего, что мне удалось упустить из виду, очевидная ссылка на Бэзила Холла Чемберлена Юзо Ота, добавленная после вашего редактирования, каким-то образом (черт знает как из названия), если предположить, что это был источник происхождения Фейна. Между прочим, в книге есть источники для чтения, которых должно хватить. Ваше здоровье. - stdace ( обсуждение ) 01:17, 13 августа 2009 г. (UTC)

Эйлсберийские баронеты [ править ]

Я только что создал сэра Томаса Эйлсбери, первого баронета , который, вероятно, нуждается в дополнительной проверке. Я прочитал скрытый комментарий в Aylesbury Baronets ; но было бы необычно перенаправить человека в баронетство с одним держателем, я думаю, а не наоборот. Чарльз Мэтьюз ( выступление ) 11:40, 21 августа 2009 г. (UTC)

NowCommons: Файл: JohnStewartEarlOfTraquir.jpg [ править ]

Файл: JohnStewartEarlOfTraquir.jpg теперь доступен на Wikimedia Commons как Commons: Файл: JohnStewartEarlOfTraquir.jpg . Это хранилище бесплатных медиафайлов, которое можно использовать на всех вики-сайтах Викимедиа. Изображение будет удалено из Википедии, но это не значит, что его больше нельзя использовать. Вы можете встроить изображение, загруженное в Commons, как изображение, загруженное в Википедию, в данном случае: [[File: JohnStewartEarlOfTraquir.jpg]]. Обратите внимание, что это автоматическое сообщение, информирующее вас о переезде. Этот бот не копировал само изображение. - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 08:52, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)

Файл: AndrewFletcher.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: Файл: AndrewFletcher.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 08:52, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)
Файл: LordAbbotshall.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: Файл: LordAbbotshall.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 08:53, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)
Файл: LordThirlestane.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: Файл: LordThirlestane.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( обсуждение ) 08:54, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)
Файл: LordFountainhall.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: File: LordFountainhall.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 08:56, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)
Файл: SirJohnLauder1stBt.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: Файл: SirJohnLauder1stBt.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 08:56, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)
Файл: Nutkins 002.jpg теперь доступен как Commons: Файл: Nutkins 002.jpg . - Erwin85Bot ( разговор ) 09:06, 9 ноября 2009 г. (UTC)

ВикиПроект Южная Африка [ править ]

Я недавно переработал WikiProject South Africa следующим образом:

  • Улучшение совместной работы участников за счет добавления раздела Открытые задачи с конкретными, а также общими задачами
    • Добавлена ​​ссылка на инструмент CatScan для поиска статей, требующих очистки, ссылки и расширения.
    • Добавлены общие задачи, которые следует выполнять на Portal: South Africa.
    • Добавлена ​​информация о том, как добавить Географические координаты.
    • Добавлены статьи без изображений
    • Добавлена ​​информация об оценке
  • Улучшение макета для облегчения доступа к информации
  • Добавлен простой "Чем могу помочь?" инструкции для новых участников проекта
  • Расширен раздел " Ресурсы", чтобы помочь участникам найти информацию по Южной Африке.
  • Добавлены сгенерированные ботом оповещения о статьях
  • Добавлен список очистки, созданный ботом
  • Добавлена ​​дополнительная информация об использовании шаблона
  • Добавлен раздел об использовании языка
  • Улучшен раздел категорий с деревьями для категории: администрация Википедии Южная Африка и категории: Южная Африка.
  • Добавлена ​​ссылка на книги Википедии
  • Отмечены неактивные разделы проекта как неактивные

Комментарии, конструктивная критика и предложения по его дальнейшему улучшению приветствуются - NJR_ZA ( обсуждение ) 07:28, 13 ноября 2009 (UTC)

Арбитражное дело о проблемах: поправка о дискреционных санкциях [ править ]

Как сторона в арбитражном деле The Troubles я уведомляю вас о том, что здесь размещен запрос на внесение поправок .

За Арбитражный комитет

Seddon talk|WikimediaUK 16:41, 17 November 2009 (UTC)

Passed Away[edit]

Not nearly that many see [2].SADADS (talk) 15:22, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for getting rid of that awful "passed away" in the Evan Mackie article; people it for "died" all to often, presumably thinking it is more "sensative". All it does it adds a touch of mawkishness. Cheers Minorhistorian (talk) 21:48, 26 November 2009 (UTC)


Hi, may I remember you that you can use your sandbox/user space to start new articles, to wikify, format and categorise them, to add references and even to build a coherent text - before moving them to main space. This might help to avoid such a wreck as Richard Lloyd-Jones (Permanent secretary). May I refer you in this regard to Wikipedia:User_page#How_to_create_a_user_subpage and Wikipedia:Starting an article. By the way do you know Wikipedia:Article wizard 2.0, yet? Best wishes ~~ Phoe talk ~~ 01:55, 2 December 2009 (UTC)

James Shaw, 1st Baronet of Kilmarnock[edit]

Would you care to take a look over this one? I'm about to put it up for DYK, but not sure the article title is ideal- looking at Shaw Baronets, it seems this is the way to disambiguate,l but you have more experience of this than I. Cheers. Rodhullandemu 23:34, 11 December 2009 (UTC)

Christopher Ivor (diplomat)[edit]

A tag has been placed on Christopher Ivor (diplomat), requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under the criteria for speedy deletion, because it is a redirect to a nonexistent page.

If you can fix this redirect to point to an existing Wikipedia page, please do so and remove the speedy deletion tag. However, please do not remove the speedy deletion tag unless you also fix the redirect. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this. A Stop at Willoughby (talk) 17:39, 14 December 2009 (UTC)


Thank you very much for the barnstar! After I posted the note about the group of "passed away" pages which I completed, I've been working on a second group (of about 600). It's slow going as I have to look for quotes, titles, and other exceptions, but I'm plugging away at it. Anyways, thanks again; it is much appreciated. MANdARAX • XAЯAbИAM 20:46, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

Wilton Cezar Xavier[edit]

Dear Kittybrewster,

Let me point out the reasons that make me believe the article on Wilton Cezar Xavier should not be deleted. Please keep in mind that, although I've read Wikipedia's general notability guideline, I'm not familiar with how it is put to practice.

Reason #1: There is a plethora of articles on Brazilian players which, as a Brazilian citizen who is fairly knowledgeable in local football affairs, I can assure you are not as notable as Wilton. These are just a few examples: Nílton Coelho da Costa, Alfeu Martha de Freitas, Acácio Cordeiro Barreto, Toninho Almeida and Clesly Evandro Guimarães, most of which are completely unsourced.

Reason #2: Wilton was famous! Here are some links regarding his death (sorry, all of them are in Portuguese): http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/0,,GIM1175866-7759-MORRE+AOS+ANOS+WILTON+CESAR+XAVIER+EXFLUMINENSE+E+SAO+PAULO,00.html (video), http://terceirotempo.ig.com.br/noticia/Morre_Wilton_ex_ponta_do_Fluminense-15781, and http://www.espbr.com/noticias/morre-wilton-ex-ponta-fluminense, http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/cidades,morre-o-ex-jogador-do-fluminense-wilton-cezar-xavier,481610,0.htm.

Kind regards,

Pedrovsky (talk) 23:50, 15 December 2009 (UTC)


Hello. Although 'untimely' may be a bit overused, it remains grammatical usage, as far as I know. See [3]. Premature might be a tad better perhaps. Regards, MarmadukePercy (talk) 12:18, 22 December 2009 (UTC)

Grammatical yes. Encyclopedic no. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:30, 22 December 2009 (UTC)

John Ellerman[edit]

Hi Kittybrewster! A biographical article you have been edited or contributed to with has many issues and urgently needs improving. If you can help with these issues please see Talk:John Ellerman, address the different points if you can, and leave any comments there. Thanks.--Kudpung (talk) 11:04, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Malvern College[edit]

Hi Kittybrewster! The Old Malvernians/alumnae section that you contributed to in Malvern College finally got so long that it had to be split off into a separate list page. In doing so, it's been found that for many of those noble people there is no actual proof that they ever went to the school. However, they probably did, and the entries were made in good faith. Nevertheless, the rules require everything in the encyclopedia to be verifiably sourced. It would be great therefore, if you could take a look at the list and help out if you can with providing some references. The people all have their own Wiki articles, but it is no guarantee that the mentions of Malvern College (if any) are correctly cited. Thanks. --Kudpung (talk) 17:06, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

just a note on your previous post 'evocative' (AdjComp)[edit]

I recently argued with you about an adjective concept as to its relation in accompanying preposition, and it seems that my conclusion was not quite correct as I thought. It was an interesting point, but we could not get any further explanations. Have you come across any other explanations? As far as I know, only the verbal adjectives (‘ed’ participles) accompany prepositions. However, I was wrong in saying that adjectives in general cannot precede a preposition which accompanies a prepositional phrase or prepositional phrases (though the preposition ‘of’ is another problem on the question whether ‘of’ can follow an adjective in an adjective clause). So I thought that I should post this to you. —Mihkaw napéw (talk) 04:22, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

The answer to the old question raised is this: when a word (such as "evocative [of something]") requires some extra material to make it usable in a sentence, that is called its subcategorization features or subcategorization requirements. Subcategorization is usually used to refer to verbs (especially in compositional semantics, the study of how a sentence meaning is built out of relationships among its parts), but it can actually refer to any word. "Evocative", in the sense it was used in that RD/L question, has a subcategorization requirement that it must be followed by a prepositional phrase.
A good reference for this is the third chapter of David Adger's book Core Syntax (2003). rʨanaɢ talk/contribs 07:30, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
As a non-native speaker of English, the problem that I have sometimes is understanding the compositionality of constituents correctly within grammatical references. I cannot not take too much of this user space. So theses exemplify my problem:
  • He was amazed at the performance of the great hits at the newly built grammar school.
  • Matthew who also joined the team recently was amused by the performance.
  • ‘It is avocative of the sprit of exodus to revoke pedantry,’ said Matthew.
  • Matthew is preceded by Gail, but (honestly) I waved once my flag for Gail.
—Mihkaw napéw (talk) 17:45, 22 January 2010 (UTC)

My previous edit missed the proper WP page encoding; missing of prepositions or words alike.[edit]

I just correcet one error. —Mihkaw napéw (talk) 04:49, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

image of Lord M[edit]

Hi, you recently restored a non-neutral image of Lord Monckton at his bio, in contradiction to our BLP policy, without comment. William Connolley has recently admitted on his blog here that the picture has been chosen because it makes Lord M look like a "wacko". Would you care to explain why you did this, and preferrably, fix it up again for me, i.e. remove the image until a neutral one can be obtained. Thanks. Alex Harvey (talk) 01:14, 22 January 2010 (UTC)

You and some others think the image is non-neutral. I disagree; it is just a licensed image. The article benefits from an image. Connelley's view or admission (like yours and mine) is not the issue here. I do not prefer this image because it make Monckton look like a wacko (which I do not accept); I prefer it because it has a licence. I think Monckton is courageous, articulate and intelligent (which is also irelevant). Kittybrewster ☎ 10:53, 22 January 2010 (UTC)
You're misrepresenting WMC. He says that (in his opinion, which I don't share) "the picture makes Lord M look like a bit of a wacko". He does not say that the picture was chosen to make him look like a wacko. Please don't put words into other people's mouths. -- ChrisO (talk) 00:03, 23 January 2010 (UTC)
Kittybrewster, if you are cognizant of the fact that I am not alone in finding the image to be not neutral, tell me how it is that you're not able to understand that the BLP policy directs us to err conservatively in favour of those editors in these situations? Alex Harvey (talk) 14:06, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

Flight Time[edit]

Thank You Mlpearc (talk) 01:14, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

I see your edits and under stand but does not the article in main space (with the incressed body work) get sent back to my user space ? Never been here don't know how the process works, or am I jumping the gun ? Mlpearc (talk) 01:33, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
You can copy and keep it wherever you like as a subpage under your name. What you want is to have it somewhere so that all your work is not lost. Kittybrewster ☎ 07:20, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
Thank you Mlpearc (talk) 19:31, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

Eric Arbuthnot[edit]

On User talk:Bobo192, Kittybrewster said:

Hi there. As Eric Arbuthnot has played first-class cricket, he qualifies as notable by WP:CRIC and, by extension, WP:BIO guidelines. I keep a list of first-class and List A cricketers linked in various places from my user page, though I have not made a list of former Natal players as yet. As there are 611 first-class matches to draw names from, it seems like it would be a very long process. Bobo. 12:03, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Lionel Gough Arbuthnot[edit]

I'll take a look later. At work at present. We can add some cricket details, I'm sure. Johnlp (talk) 12:18, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

I've put in a few details of his cricket career, such as it was. Not, I suspect, an ornament to the game. How and why did he get the MBE? Johnlp (talk) 21:39, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
Will have a look, though I have busy weekend ahead, so probably won't be fast. BTW, LGA seems to have been an ADC on the "personal staff" of the Army general list in WW1; assuming he was ADC to one of the bigwig generals, he probably picked up his MBE then for services rendered. The MBE is mentioned in a London Gazette notice in 1921 but isn't in the one from 1919 when he leaves the regular army. He'd have been a bit old even by WW1 cannon fodder standards to have been a "regular soldier" (and he was a bit old to be merely a lieutenant or acting captain). So I suspect he was picked as an amiable cove to carry some general's briefcase around and be generally genial. Johnlp (talk) 00:35, 20 February 2010 (UTC)
"LGA seems to have been an ADC on the 'personal staff' of the Army general list in WW1" - yes, I supposed. Where did you get that from please? Kittybrewster ☎ 09:53, 20 February 2010 (UTC)
Here Johnlp (talk) 10:29, 20 February 2010 (UTC)
So how does this work, then? Was he a brigadier-general from his former service in the Lancashire Fusiliers and then called back in World War One as a "bag carrier" and given the notional rank of captain? I'm afraid these army shenanigans always confuse me rather. Anyway, he's obviously more distinguished than he appeared at first sight! Johnlp (talk) 22:43, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
Don't think so. Brig-Gen Royal Fusiliers. I don't understand it either. Kittybrewster ☎ 23:09, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

Some references in The Times:

  • The Times Monday, Mar 18, 1963; pg. 1; Issue 55652; col A
  • The Times Wednesday, Nov 26, 1913; pg. 3; Issue 40379; col G
  • The Times Wednesday, Jan 01, 1896; pg. 3; Issue 34775; col A
  • The Times, Monday, Oct 18, 1920; pg. 21; Issue 42544; col E
  • The Times, Saturday, Oct 13, 1906; pg. 7; Issue 38150; col D

Performing these searches also provide some results: [4] [5]

Rudolf Hess[edit]

Hello Kitty, perhaps you can shed some light onto this matter. In my old Tower of London guidebooks, they list Rudolf Hess as having been a former prisoner in the Tower of London; however, the Wikipedia article doesn't mention a sojourn in the Tower. Would you happen to know the truth? If he was indeed a prisoner, I will add the cat to his article. Thank you.--Jeanne Boleyn (talk) 10:37, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

Wikipedia is not concerned with truth. Just RS and V. I think your guidebook meets these provided the statement in the article refers to it. There are other statements to the same effect online. Go ahead and add it. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:17, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
I just added it, with the ref. Thanks once again.--Jeanne Boleyn (talk) 14:51, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
Peter Padfield's "Hess: the Führer's Disciple" mentions Hess being kept in the Tower of London immediately after arriving, until 'Camp Z' at Mytchett Place could be set up to hold him; he was thereforce at the Tower from 10-11 May to 20 May. Sam Blacketer (talk) 15:17, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

George Cross[edit]

Your entirely-deserved award to Rockpocket has been bashed on the rounds of not being a free image (or something). See: User talk:Rockpocket#Non Free Files in your User Space. You might want to replace. Trust you are well. --Major Bonkers (talk) 17:39, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

Can you do it for me? Kittybrewster ☎ 19:54, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

RE: What does it mean[edit]


I take it you're refering to my signature. It's a quote from the song "Invisible Universe" which is from "Ghost in the Shell" Anime (I'm an Anime Fan) Literally, it's latin for "Watch in Glory (Naljuboutes) Heavenly Glory (Aeria Gloris)". KoshVorlonNaluboutes,Aeria Gloris 13:20, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Mail fraud[edit]

Hi Kitty, not sure I agree 100% with your move of this to Mail fraud in the USA. Are you planning to do something with Mail fraud that requires the US federal offense stuff to be under its own disambiguated title (that's really what it is)? In that case shoudn't the moved title be Mail fraud (United States) as per similar disambiguations? If there is no plan to work on the generic Mail fraud article, I think the move should be undone until there is such a plan and the move is required. Thoughts? Thanks. – ukexpat (talk) 15:33, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

I agree that it should deal with the world-wide phenomenon. But at the moment it is very USA skewed. - Kittybrewster ☎ 16:35, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
Well yes, because (as I said at the Help desk) it is specifically about the offence under US Federal law. The concept/term is not really used anywhere else as far as I know, certainly not in Europe, where it's just part of the wider "fraud" and not a specific offence relating to fraud using the postal system; don't know about Canada or the rest of the English speaking world. The same goes for "wire fraud" which really is a US concept/term. – ukexpat (talk) 17:34, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
The phenomenon exists all over the place. I think USA has drawn various conning offences under the one term. I am unsure how to deal with it. - Kittybrewster ☎ 17:57, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

Discussion at Talk:Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom/Article title[edit]

You are invited to join the discussion at Talk:Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom/Article title. DrKiernan (talk) 09:11, 18 March 2010 (UTC) (Using {{Please see}})

Moore Baronets[edit]

Thanks for the Barnstar. At least that hoax was easy to find and remove. I and others have been fighting a persistent hoaxer on Barbaro family and associated pages. The problem dates back to May of 2007 and some more watchers wouldn't hurt. Edward321 (talk) 00:34, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

File:J d'Aguilar Samuda.jpg[edit]

Hi, I took the liberty to use the best fitting licenses and upload the original image from flick. Best Hekerui (talk) 12:39, 18 April 2010 (UTC)

Thank you. Good job. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:07, 18 April 2010 (UTC)

Vandalism of Malcolm Rifkind[edit]

Kitty pls 1) stop removing information/references and 2) placing completely innaccurate statements on the Malcolm Rifkind page. I was going to explain to you the ethos of wikipedia and what constitutes vandalism but judging by all these other violations you have made it seems you already know! If it persists I will escalate. --SteamedTreacle (talk) 14:58, 19 April 2010 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Be polite and civil. Assume good faith. Read up on vandalism. No personal attacks. Observe BLP and discuss on talk page. Kittybrewster ☎ 18:20, 19 April 2010 (UTC)


Hi. I appreciate your efforts to improve the article so that it is about the incident rather than the person. However wouldn't you agree that the incident in itself is still not noteworthy enough to have it's own article, and a section in another election related article would be more appropriate? Abc30 (talk) 15:45, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

Could well be. Meanwhile we must observe BLP. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:47, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

Hi. I have a question about this addition – was it copied from the deleted Bigoted woman incident? If so, attribution must be given to those contributors to satisfy Wikipedia's licensing requirements (see WP:Copying within Wikipedia). I'll help if a fix is necessary. Thanks. Flatscan (talk) 04:26, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Yes. I have no idea how to fix the history. Thank you. Kittybrewster ☎ 11:11, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Per comments below, now discussing the attribution issue at DRV (subpaged to WP:Deletion review/Bigoted woman incident). Flatscan (talk) 04:18, 30 April 2010 (UTC)
Since this is being discussed at Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/2010 April 29, please check it out. I have proposed a simple solution to the GFDL issue of a copy/paste, namely moving the deleted contents to an appropriate redirect name and subsequently creating a protected redirect. Please do provide your input. — Scientizzle 14:13, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
I agree with that suggestion and endorse your actions. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:53, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
I nominated this for AFD because I was removing the speedy delete tag. I felt the article breached BLP ONEEVENT BLP1E and NOTNEWS but that it merited more discussion than would occur under the SPEEDY DELETE tag. Scientizzle’s actions have been fine and Wikipedia has worked very well in this case. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:29, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback. People in the UK aren't actually calling this "Bigotgate" are they? Has the -gate moniker really migrated across the Atlantic? If so, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the USA for exporting our tired, needless noun modifiers... — Scientizzle 16:33, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
13,300 google entries for it. Twitter particularly seems to like abbreviations. Thank you for your gracious apology which I accept on behalf of the people of the UK. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:43, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Looks like it's made it onto List of scandals with "-gate" suffix...might need to put that on my watchlist for WP:BLP violations. — Scientizzle 16:46, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

It is a dreadful scandal, I can't imagine how any woman (bigoted or not) could bare to be seen on TV in such mundane attire. I don't think she had even been to the hairdresser let alone popped into Dior. Wretched woman has lost her self respect - far worse then being bigoted. Personally, I love all these delightful Eastern Europeans in London, I can't think where I would be without Stanislas my plumber who attends to all my needs. Forget that horrid, grisly Gordon Brown and that little Cleggy individual, I implore you all to vote for that nice Samantha Cameron - there's a woman who not only knows how to dress, but also sells handbags at £1,500 a time. Which I think is rather nice and shows a certain panache and disregard for the unkempt and mundane littering the London streets. Lady Catherine de Burgh (the Late) (talk) 17:30, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

I very much suspect you wouldn't be seen dead in Rochdale. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:41, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Of course I'm seen dead in Rochdale, I've hunted with the Holcombe since I was a mere slip of a girl, so much cheaper than the Quorn, especially as I have to pay Stanislas' cap too, not that I'm a mean person. Rochdale is a charming place, all those beautiful smokey chimneys and all those dear little factory and mill girls in national costume singing about Sallys in their Allies - quite delightful. On a more serious note, should we be doing more to support poor little David? (or "Dave" as he likes to be known - Oh shudder) I've no confidence in him at all, but compared to the rest....how low our once great empire has sunk - I shudder to think what Winston must be saying - I am quite despairing - it's not as though any of them have even run a bookies shop - which at least would be useful. The end must surely be nigh. Lady Catherine de Burgh (the Late) (talk) 23:18, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

List of life peerages[edit]

I split up the list, but left the decision on whether to split Brown from Blair until after the election. I hope you'll agree that breaking off 1958–79 and 1979–97 as okay regardless of who wins the election. If not, we can deal with that however you like. In any event, List of life peerages (1997–present) had former MPs marked with a double dagger, but only from 2001 on. I went ahead and added them to former MPs created life peers from 1997 to 2001, but I would appreciate someone casting an eye over the list to help assure that I haven't blundered along the way. Thanks. -Rrius (talk) 00:47, 2 May 2010 (UTC)


Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Favonian's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Please see my response to your comment on my talk page. Gandydancer (talk) 11:39, 6 May 2010 (UTC)


Thanks for splitting the Tariq Khan article in two.

FWIW, it looks like the nationalist who originally wrote over top of the article about the Guantanamo captive has returned. I have never requested page protection, or partial page protection. When I looked up the instructions I figured this individual's efforts weren't serious enough to merit a request for partial page protection. I do think it is likely they will try again.

Cheers! Geo Swan (talk) 15:59, 7 May 2010 (UTC)

Re: MPs and a funny[edit]

Thank you! Team effort though - you deserve thanks in similar proportions. All the articles now need checking to make sure they're in Category:UK MPs 2010-, and as Bearcat pointed out a fair amount of disambiguation still needs to be done. On that redirect - enough to make you cry sometimes! ninety:one (reply on my talk) 15:21, 9 May 2010 (UTC)

Guildford - boundary changes must have been thought to have moved Tory voters out of the constituency/LibDem voters in, which is why it was changed to a notional LibDem seat for swing purposes (don't get me started on our national obsession with swings). As this assumption is unsourced I would have no problems with returning it to a Tory seat and therefore a hold.
Quentin Davies (and others, such as Jim Knight) remain ministers until a new government is formed and a PM appointed. I shouldn't imagine they're doing anything official though (not that anyone is for that matter!). ninety:one (reply on my talk) 16:34, 10 May 2010 (UTC)

Italian fake parties on wikipedia[edit]

I think that these 2 pages should be deleted: Lega Padana Lombardia and Lombardy Project. As i've written in their "discussion" these parties don't exist actually and never existed in the past. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:27, 9 May 2010 (UTC)

Angela Smith[edit]

I suspect her expenses probably aren't very notable, but they seem to have attracted some press coverage: [6] and [7]. -- ChrisO (talk) 20:04, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

Kappa Sigma motto source[edit]

Hello, you added a translation for the Kappa Sigma motto, but did not provide a citation. Do you have a source for this? NYCRuss ☎ 12:23, 17 May 2010 (UTC)

Also, there is a discussion at Talk:Kappa Sigma#AEKDB and referencability. NYCRuss ☎ 12:49, 17 May 2010 (UTC)

I apologize for templating you before. My behavior was inappropriate, and you deserve to be treated in a dignified and respectful manner. NYCRuss ☎ 00:32, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

Tony Hayward[edit]

Was the "Who's who 2009" info you added to the talk page a direct quote from a copyrighted book? If so, it would seem to be a copyright violation, and not "fair use," and should be removed, although it makes a great reference and should be cited in the article for any facts which seem encyclopedic and which might be challenged. Also, you forgot to sign (four tildes and all), so I signed for you. Thanks.(sorry, forgot to sign) Edison (talk) 21:28, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

New Userright[edit]

Just a note that I've added "reviewer" to your userrights. I've seen you around the Help Desk and you seem trustworthy to me. Cheers! TNXMan 20:24, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

Feedback Page Remodeling[edit]

Hi, Kittybrewster - WP:RFF is being remodeled and your entry is going to be archived - no response as of yet has been given, so I'll re-enter it on the new page for you. Thanks! Qwerp (talk) 04:08, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your help![edit]

Thanks for your help on the table version of the honorary Knights and Dames page. If we keep plugging away a few names at a time for the next few days, we'll be done before we know it!--Jimbo Wales (talk) 22:34, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Further splitting the life peerages articles[edit]

Now that the election is done and gone and we have a decent number of peerage for Cameron that are either listed or about to be listed, do you think it would be appropriate to break him off from the Labour PMs? Size-wise, a 1997–2010 article would be the rough equivalent of the other two, and, thematically, a list covering the 13 years of Labour would nicely parallel the 18 Conservative years of Thatcher and Major. As I understand it, the current crop of 56 new peers are set to be joined by new Tory and Lib Dem peers in the near future, so it is not as though this is going to be a stubby list article. Let me know what you think. -Rrius (talk) 22:34, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

My preference would be to leave them together at least for the moment. IMHO Brown has added some dreadful names to the dissolution honours list and it seems sad to have to leave them under Cameron's name. - but that is the way it works. I don't feel strongly either way. Kittybrewster ☎ 22:40, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

Kenneth Guy Blaikie[edit]

Hi. In my (never-ending) quest to get something on everyone who ever played cricket for Somerset, I've just tackled Kenneth Guy Blaikie, and I see that he's popped up in your researches into the Arbuthnots. I wondered if you had any further information on him that might flesh the article out a bit: I've already lifted (and modified) part of the article about his son that mentions him. Was he, for example, known as Kenneth, Guy, or Bill? Kind regards. Johnlp (talk) 09:11, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

To me he was always Bill. Never Kenneth. Kittybrewster ☎ 10:27, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. I knew you'd know! KR. Johnlp (talk) 11:54, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Re George Arbuthnot Scott: I can't find an obit in Wisden, which in the 1920s was usually pretty good on amateur players and ex-public school cricketers, so I think as a cricketer you'd have to say that he's pretty obscure (though in WP terms still notable, because he played first-class cricket). Do you know if he was a relative of the main Arbuthnot(t) branches or just someone who acquired the name as a middle name with no visible antecedents? Presumably Tonbridge School would have some records: Dulwich I know (for instance) have all the people who went to Oxbridge between about 1890 and 1950 on vast painted boards in their main hall. Johnlp (talk) 13:36, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
I don't know whether he was or was not related. His father was Rev Avison Terry Scott and his brother Arthur Avison Scott (both first class cricketers). Nor do I know about Tonbridge School. I will hunt about. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:50, 3 July 2010 (UTC)

MPs' expenses[edit]

FYI: Wikipedia talk:Biographies of living persons#MPs' scandals covered up on Wikipedia (UK Telegraph). -- ChrisO (talk) 08:23, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Re: template needing your help please[edit]

Template:English barons DBD 09:58, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, what? What exactly do you think needs achieving? Explain in full sentences DBD 10:12, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
Okay. Template:English barons links to each Baron (where possible), whereas Template:Hereditary barons of England links to the page for each Barony. You see the issue? The latter, if it should exist, should be named Template:English baronies DBD 17:22, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
I don't understand what you mean by "need to be linked to something" DBD 22:02, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Lord Edgecombe[edit]

I've turned it into a redirect to George Edgcumbe, 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe - see talk page. PamD (talk) 18:53, 25 July 2010 (UTC)


Sorry, I don't agree with WP:DNTTR, but I appreciate you commenting on my talkpage on that matter. My personal view is that WP:TTR is more appropriate. Regards, GregJackP Boomer! 20:46, 25 July 2010 (UTC)

Request for your input[edit]

Kitty, as a BLP regular and general sensible person, could you possibly have a look at the proposals I've posted at Talk:Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley#Monckton-Abraham for resolving a BLP issue on that article? I will also be posting some more proposals later today on the House of Lords membership issue that was discussed at the RSN. -- ChrisO (talk) 12:45, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

I have been watching it and comment occasionally. I think you are doing a great job in upholding BLP, not losing your cool and resisting provocations, discourtesies and unconstructive twaddle. Some folk will insist on arguing the hind legs off a donkey. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:39, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
Thanks, that's very kind of you to say so. I've posted my proposals on the House of Lords issue at Talk:Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley‎#Monckton and Parliament. -- ChrisO (talk) 19:49, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of Gordon Duff

You may also wish to consider using a Wizard to help you create articles. See the Article Wizard.

Thank you.

A tag has been placed on Gordon Duff, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done because the page appears to have no meaningful content or history, and the text is unsalvageably incoherent.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion. To do this, add {{hangon}} on the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or "db" tag) and leave a note on the page's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself.

If the page you created was a test, please use the sandbox for any other experiments you would like to do. Feel free to leave a message on my talk page if you have any questions about this. Stonemason89 (talk) 02:44, 30 August 2010 (UTC)

Belated felicitations[edit]

On the various events of the past week or two—a sort of early, and, I trust, pleasant, climacteric year, or so it seems. Best, Choess (talk) 05:39, 7 September 2010 (UTC)


Kitty, thanks for your comment here. --RA (talk) 08:34, 15 September 2010 (UTC)

Help Desk request[edit]

Corrected version

I replied: how does this look? --->

 – ukexpat (talk) 17:22, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

Really good. Well done. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:43, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
Excellent - glad I could help. – ukexpat (talk) 18:43, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

U fixed Henry Hopwood Image[edit]

Thanks - I'm newish and didn't know how. MarkDask 18:21, 8 December 2010 (UTC)

Well done![edit]


Hi Kitty, which article? Victuallers (talk) 16:08, 13 December 2010 (UTC)

The error I think is in the image file. Reading the talk page there seems to be talk to have a whole new approach. I don't have an image editor here. I have left the file name for someone who has Paint Victuallers (talk) 16:41, 13 December 2010 (UTC)
I have paint. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:59, 13 December 2010 (UTC)

Ethan Russell[edit]

Hello, I am wondering if you could take a closer look at your AfD nomination, and consider either withdrawing it, or explaining your reasoning in greater detail? Thanks. Cullen328 (talk) 23:36, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

I've added 8 solid references to the article and rewritten it significantly. I think notability is now well-established. I've also removed spammy references from the body of the article, and will rework and trim the spammy external links in days to come. I hope you'll take another look, and comment again. Thank you. Cullen328 (talk) 04:49, 22 December 2010 (UTC)
Thank you very much. Cullen328 (talk) 15:42, 22 December 2010 (UTC)

Victimology categories CfD[edit]

Hi. You recently participated in the ongoing Partial list of victimology categories CfD. I recently posted a renaming proposal in that CfD and I would appreciate receiving your feedback at Partial list of victimology categories CfD. Thanks. -- Uzma Gamal (talk) 10:56, 21 December 2010 (UTC)

Victims of political repressions CFDs[edit]

You participated in a 2010 DEC 13 CFD about victims of political repression. A follow-up nomination to that discussion has begun here. Good Ol’factory (talk) 02:16, 22 December 2010 (UTC)

Template:Infobox & Template:Infobox country[edit]

Blasted, I was counting on your support. Just kidding. GoodDay (talk) 11:36, 2 January 2011 (UTC)

Ministry of silly walks[edit]

Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there currently is a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. LessHeard vanU (talk) 12:48, 9 January 2011 (UTC)


I confirm that I made a mistake in my recent postings regarding a sanction I alleged had involved you: The matter I was referring to was the unblock of Counter-revolutionary (talk · contribs), and I regret the subsequent inferences upon your conduct over the previous couple of years. LessHeard vanU (talk) 12:52, 10 January 2011 (UTC)

I'm not an admin[edit]

Just noticed your comment here. Feel it's best to point out that I'm not an admin but requested moves don't have to be closed by an admin, especially when they're not contentious. That's the reason I only closed this one out of several similar requests as this was the only one that was suitably non-contentious. (Given the backlog at RM I'm stretching the non-admin closures in some cases a bit but I don't even think this one was a stretch for a non-admin). Dpmuk (talk) 21:13, 10 January 2011 (UTC)

George Arbuthnot Scott, again[edit]

I'll certainly have a look. I hadn't realised he was related to Elliot Tillard, who also played cricket for Somerset and doesn't yet have an article (but is on my to-do list). Kind regards. Johnlp (talk) 18:51, 13 January 2011 (UTC)

I've had a go at both George and Elliot Tillard. Johnlp (talk) 20:33, 16 January 2011 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of Leigh Alexander[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.

A tag has been placed on Leigh Alexander requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding {{hang on}} to the top of the page that has been nominated for deletion (just below the existing speedy deletion, or "db", tag; if no such tag exists, then the page is no longer a speedy delete candidate and adding a hang-on tag is unnecessary), coupled with adding a note on the talk page explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, you can contact one of these administrators to request that the administrator userfy the page or email a copy to you. E. Fokker (talk) 20:04, 13 January 2011 (UTC)

First class cricketer. Kittybrewster ☎ 20:20, 13 January 2011 (UTC)

Lord Armaghdale[edit]

Armaghdale lived at a house in Sandwich Bay called The Dunes. I've found a photograph here -http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/996875 - do you know if the Creative Commons Licence allows it to be uploaded? Thanks, --Counter-revolutionary (talk) 09:14, 16 January 2011 (UTC)

Yes. Some rights reserved. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:53, 16 January 2011 (UTC)


;) Kayau HAPI B-DAY WP 12:40, 16 January 2011 (UTC)

Shakespeare authorship question[edit]

An Arbitration case in which you commented has been opened, and is located here. Please add any evidence you may wish the Arbitrators to consider to the evidence sub-page, Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Shakespeare authorship question/Evidence. Please submit your evidence within one week, if possible. You may also contribute to the case on the workshop sub-page, Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Shakespeare authorship question/Workshop.

On behalf of the Arbitration Committee, AGK [•] 15:15, 16 January 2011 (UTC)

Coworth House[edit]

I hesitate to edit pages after you and correct your errors, but I feel it needs to be made very clear that the house has not been demolished, and contrary to your edits is still very visible [8]. What has happend there is a complete redesign of the interior, however, the original external facades have been retained and are largely unchanged. However, a new 21st century roofline unites the juxtapositions created by the vaious stages of the house's 18th century evolution which were previously more apparent. The loss of the interiors is to be deplored, somehow the place has escaped listing (I would love to know how that hapened) especially as Nash was involved with the design at some stage. Anyway don't write off the recent alterations as all bad, they did included the demolition a hideous 20th century service wing built by the Americans when it was something to do with their embassy and this has restored something of the house's late 18th century appearance. Should you requite a refererence for the page (I note it currently has none) please don't hesitate to ask.  Giacomo  23:28, 17 January 2011 (UTC)

PS:If you want to namedrop (I see you already mention Fort Belvedere "en coincidence") you can say that Galen Weston who bought the place in the 80's lived at Fort Belvedere at the time. No ref for that though, just one of the useless pieces of information I have somehow acquired.  Giacomo  23:42, 17 January 2011 (UTC)
Thank you very much Giano. If as here I get it wrong, do please correct my error. Do please add references - particularly for 28 Park Crescent; which I thought was 26. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:54, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
I'll leave it to you to correct, it's not really the sort of house I do. You can attribute all of the above to: Page 543, Geoffrey Tyack, Simon Bradley & Nikolaus Pevsner, Buildings of England Berkshire, 2010, Yale University Press. ISBN 978 0 300 12662 4. Pevsner (same page) suspects that Nash had a hand in the design - I'm not so sure, it's all rather heavy and laborious for Nash and one bowed facade does not a summer make. Pevsner also think Wyatt was there because of the similarities between the house and the more famous Stanstead Park which Wyatt was building at the same time for Barwell's corrupt half brother, Richard. I don't know anything about Park Crescents is there a connection?  Giacomo  13:19, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
I wonder about the amount of responsibility that was dumped on Macfadyen, as opposed to Sir George Gough Arbuthnot. It is too easy to blame the dead. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:08, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

Rose Leslie[edit]

It isn't a big issue and perhaps I shouldn't have corrected the entry. It depends if nationality is based on place of birth. For example, my mother was born in Cardiff with English parents but if you want to annoy her, you call her Welsh. Eric Liddle was born in China and spent almost no time in Scotland when growing up, but there would be howls of protest if he was classified as anything but Scottish. I do not know enough about Rose Leslie's parents to be sure one way or the other. I suppose someone could contact her agent, but in the meantime I am happy to leave her as Scottish. JMcC (talk) 09:41, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

Lord Empey[edit]

Do you have a source for Sir Reg taking his seat in the Lords? I've searched, but haven't found anything to say it has happened yet. --Counter-revolutionary (talk) 15:50, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

Yes. Can you turn the red links blue on List of life peerages (2010–present) ? Kittybrewster ☎ 08:32, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

Stellenbosch to bid for Wikimania 2012![edit]

Hi Kitty!

The nascent South African Wikimedia chapter has decided to bid to host Wikimania in Stellenbosch, South Africa in 2012. This would be the first Wikimania in South Africa, and would be a great advertisement for our country. Please take a look at meta:Wikimania_2012/Bids/Stellenbosch. If you can add to the discussion, please do. If you feel that you are able to do anything to help, please join the Wikimedia South Africa mailing list and let us know. Even simple messages of support are valued!

Best regards,

David Richfield

Lennox Fyfe, Baron Fyfe of Fairfield[edit]

I think your recent entries for Baron Fyfe need a bit of tidying up? There are a few typos, and I do not know enough about him to clean in up myself. Shipsview (talk) 10:47, 4 February 2011 (UTC)

Categories for discussion nomination of Category:People from Uganda[edit]

Category:People from Uganda, which you created, has been nominated for deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you. BrownHairedGirl (talk) • (contribs) 18:15, 5 February 2011 (UTC)

ANI notice[edit]

Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there currently is a discussion at WP:ANI regarding the premature closing of the WP:RM discussion about David Gold. The thread is Premature close of RM proposal.The discussion is about the topic David Gold, Baron Gold. Thank you. —Born2cycle (talk) 21:50, 6 February 2011 (UTC)

I'm adding an additional notification (for Kittybrewster) of the comment I made here. I've raised this on the article talk page as well. Carcharoth (talk) 01:05, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Wow. Kittybrewster, could you explain why you have lifted wording verbatim from a website? Surely you're familar with WP:COPYVIO and WP:PLAGIARISM. Could you please check your other contributions for copyright violations, please? Fences&Windows 01:23, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
There appear to be plenty more. The first one I looked at, Stewart Wood, Baron Wood of Anfield, has copyvios from this Daily Mail article. Some explanation is needed.Griswaldo (talk) 01:51, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Notice of ongoing WP:CCI[edit]

Hello, Kittybrewster. This message is being sent to inform you that there currently is a discussion at Contributor copyright investigations concerning your contributions in relation to Wikipedia's copyrights policy. The discussion was initiated by User:Dpmuk, following an earlier discussion at WP:ANI#Copyvio by Kittybrewster, but it looks like no message was posted to your talk page here.

The CCI listing can be found here. For some suggestions on responding, please see Responding to a CCI case. Thank you.  — Amakuru (talk) 08:43, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Copying within Wikipedia[edit]

Hi. Translating content from one language of Wikipedia to another, or from one page on Wikipedia to another, is perfectly, but the content is not public domain, and in order to comply with the license under which content is placed on the project proper attribution must be provided. I see that you created the article Ettore Modigliani as a translation of the Italian Wikipedia article. While clearly there was no intentional wrongdoing, since you cited it as a reference, I'm afraid that citing it as a reference is inadequate attribution. You must provide a link to the source article in edit summary at minimum, noting that the content is copied or translated. There is also a template for talk pages. I've taken care of attribution in this instance, but if you've copied or translated content from other Wikis or Wikipedia pages before, please go back and address that. Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia provides guidance on how to do so.

Just as an aside, I've removed the Italian Wiki link from the list of references from this article. Wikipedia is not a reliable source, I'm afraid, no matter its language, and can't be used as verification. See WP:CIRCULAR. --Moonriddengirl (talk) 14:12, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

I'm afraid that cleanup here is going to take some time. Given the circumstances, that you were aware of our copyright policies at least since 2007, I believe you should assist. I've addressed this at the ANI listing, which is where conversation about this matter should be held to ensure that the community is able to participate. The CCI listing is not a community discussion board, but simply a page to facilitate cleanup. --Moonriddengirl (talk) 16:43, 7 February 2011 (UTC)
Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Moonriddengirl's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Cleanup, more[edit]

Hi. It's the article that needs the template ([9]), not the CCI page. Without the template, the article is in violation of Wikipedia:Plagiarism. Once you add the template to the article, all you need to do is note at the CCI page that the content was PD and that you've added the template. --Moonriddengirl (talk) 19:06, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Category:Persons convicted of fraud[edit]

Since you Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2011_January_26#Category:Persons_convicted_of_fraud participated in the recent CfD of Category:Persons convicted of fraud I wanted to inform you that the category was recently recreated and relisted. Here is a link to the current CfD should you wish to participate. Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2011_February_20#Category:Persons_convicted_of_fraud. Cheers.Griswaldo (talk) 03:50, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Dudley de Chair[edit]

This article needs rewriting, just to let you know. It's been tagged as copyvio and not long for the world unless fixed up. Yours, [email protected] (talk) 15:49, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Ghmyrtle's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

RefDesk Q on "Beckett to others"[edit]

Hi, Kitty. In case you're not watching the Language Reference Desk closely, I just posted my guess that "Beckett to others" might be the BlackBerry's attempt to understand "buck it to others," meaning refer or route it, as people would do with a buck slip. --- OtherDave (talk) 01:20, 11 April 2011 (UTC)

List of (convicted) Jewish criminals[edit]

I think the "convicted" is an important distinction and would save some bother. Bob19842 (talk) 13:08, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

Re: "What is an unconvicted Jewish criminal"
I'm sure there are many suspects (as with any group) that were never convicted (see for example List of Jewish American mobsters). But it would be more tightly sourced and defensible to keep it to the convicted cases (as with any group, such List of convicted Australian criminals. Bob19842 (talk) 13:21, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
As noted by that one editor on the undelete request page, there's a fundamental distinction between "List of Jewish Nobel laureates" and "List of convicted Jewish criminals". Namely, that the first list is a verifiable and fixed number, whereas there are no verifiable standards for the second list, which could expand into the thousands upon thousands if you listed every Jew that's ever been convicted of anything, clear down to jaywalking. (I would say the same problem exists with the list of Aussie criminals.) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 13:34, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
And is that a standard that is applied to all lists? Bob19842 (talk) 13:36, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I couldn't say, as there are many lists in wikipedia. But there's no point in introducing a new list that is almost certain to be deleted due to lack of notability and boundaries. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 13:39, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I think that is a daft argument as jaywalking by a notable person is unlikely to be notable. If Bob's list is notable convicted murderers, sex offenders, spies and fraudsters he should be fine. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:46, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I'm sure that the admin Fuhghettaboutit will be impressed that you called his point "daft". In any case, who sets the standard for such a list? Is there a verifiable source? If not, then it's "original synthesis" and can't be allowed. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 13:50, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Another point is that we've had this discussion before, where editors tried to label public figures "Jewish comedian", "Jewish actors", and the like. You can only justifiably call someone a "Jewish comedian" if Jewishness is a significant part of his act, hence Myron Cohen was a "Jewish comedian" but Jerry Seinfeld is not. Similarly, you can only label someone a "Jewish criminal" if his being Jewish was directly connected to the crime. Like if he murdered his rabbi, or burned down his temple or something. Madoff does not qualify as a "Jewish criminal". He's a criminal who happens to be Jewish. So Bob would have to retitle his article "Convicted criminals who happen to be Jewish." Yeh, that's useful. NOT. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 13:57, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Your point appears contradicted by Spanish artists, List of Hindus and List of Jewish actors. Bob19842 (talk) 14:05, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Lose the "other stuff exists" argument already. It doesn't fly. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:06, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I think it does. This would be a clear example of a "double standard". Bob19842 (talk) 14:08, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Feel free to nominate those articles for deletion. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:10, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
No, because I think they should exist, they do exist, as should List of convicted Jewish criminals. Bob19842 (talk) 14:13, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
It would be easy to find valid sources for the topic of "Jewish actors" and "Spanish painters". What is your source for the topic of "Jewish criminals"? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:15, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Multiple independent sources will be sufficient. Bob19842 (talk) 14:16, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Find even one that's usable, i.e. that isn't a hate-group source. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:21, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
http://www.justice.gov/usao/nys/madoff/20090629sentencingtranscriptcorrected.pdf Bob19842 (talk) 14:31, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
To save my having to read that megillah, tell me which page or pages it talks about Madoff being a Jewish criminal. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:40, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I think we should save it for the Deletion review. NawlinWiki has apparently blocked me from his talk page so I will start a discussion there. Bob19842 (talk) 14:52, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
You got nothin'. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 14:59, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

I don't see anything in either the protection log for NawlinWiki's page, nor his comments on the encyclopedia that block you from editing his page. Am I missing something? If not, would you like to retract that? Syrthiss (talk) 14:56, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

I will certainly retract that if it is not true. But my edits are being denied as "unconstructive". Bob19842 (talk) 14:57, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Oh it's working now. I retract my statement that he blocked me. Bob19842 (talk) 15:02, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Your edits were being erroneously blocked by an edit filter designed to stop a particularly abusive vandal[10]. Knowing very little about how they work, I have no idea why the edit filter started and stopped being triggered. —DoRD (talk) 15:32, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
Where's your source that defines Madoff as a "Jewish criminal"? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 15:03, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
[11] Bob19842 (talk) 15:05, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I don't know if that would pass reliable-source muster, but it's an interesting piece. He's being labeled as a Jew who has brought shame upon Judaism. Fair enough. Now, who else are you going to put on the list, and where are the sources? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 15:09, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
How about the Rosenbergs? Bob19842 (talk) 18:52, 12 April 2011 (UTC)[12] Bob19842 (talk) 19:44, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
  • To my surprise, this could have been a speedy delete g4 as well - see Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of Jewish criminals. NawlinWiki (talk) 01:52, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
    • Deja vu all over again. Any idea who created that attempted article 5 1/2 years ago? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 03:57, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
That seems to me to close the discussion. Kittybrewster ☎ 08:08, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Acually I think the arguments there have been addressed here so it would seem sensible to revisit the question and see what people think, which is reasonable after 5 years. Bob19842 (talk) 12:51, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
OK. Go for Deletion review. Good luck. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:57, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Already there [13] Bob19842 (talk) 12:59, 13 April 2011 (UTC)

Murray MacLehose, Baron MacLehose of Beoch[edit]

Hi. I shall be glad if you can join the discussion of the requested move of the article title of Murray MacLehose, of which you may be interested. --Clithering (talk) 14:08, 13 April 2011 (UTC)

Monckton of Brenchley[edit]

You sure? --Thepm (talk) 08:11, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Certain. Kittybrewster ☎ 08:15, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
OK, but it seems a bit inflammatory. I'm assuming that you can demonstrate;
  1. That Lord Monckton himself edited the page.
  2. That he pretended to be someone else while he did it.
No need to respond. If you're confident you can demonstrate those two points to be true to an impartial observer, then all is good. If you'e less than 100% confident that you can demonstrate both of those two points to be true then I recommend you amend your post. best --Thepm (talk) 08:23, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
From memory, the IP address was found to be from the area in which his house in Scotland is. Kittybrewster ☎ 08:28, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
That's hardly conclusive. --Thepm (talk) 08:37, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
On its own, no. I am searching the history. _ Paid hack!
See the talk archives. Kittybrewster ☎ 08:43, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Do you mean this? It still doesn't seem very conclusive to me. The comment at the time was that "the IP address geolocates to the Glasgow area, which is of course not far from Monckton's estate." Glasgow is also home to several other people. --Thepm (talk) 08:53, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Bottom item. [14]. He refers to himself as "he". Kittybrewster ☎ 15:36, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

List of fox hunts in the United Kingdom[edit]

Hi there,

I notice you removed a couple of hunts from the list at List of fox hunts in the United Kingdom, but without explanation, and they do both appear in the sources, so I have reverted the change. If you have alterative sources which indicate the closure of these packs, would you mind sharing them on the article talk page?

Regards, OwainDavies (about)(talk) edited at 08:11, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Sorry. they are both in scotland rather than england. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:16, 19 April 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for that, can see the duplication now, but it didn't have an edit summary, so it was hard to tell the reason. Thanks for clarifying. OwainDavies (about)(talk) edited at 14:39, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of John Nelson (banker)[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.

A tag has been placed on John Nelson (banker) requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, contest the deletion by clicking on the button that looks like this: Speedy delete contest button.png which appears inside of the speedy deletion ({{db-...}}) tag (if no such tag exists, the page is no longer a speedy delete candidate). Doing so will take you to the talk page where you will find a pre-formatted place for you to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. You can also visit the the page's talk page directly to give your reasons, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, you can contact one of these administrators to request that the administrator userfy the page or email a copy to you. GSσяву Chat with Me! 12:09, 19 April 2011 (UTC)


Can you remember the name of a house I edited a few months ago (I think you started the page), It was able to be drastically altered into a golf club or something because it had somehow slipped through the grading and listing net - I have a feeling it was somehow connected with your Arbuthnots. I'm sure it was "something Court", but I can't find any courts in my edits. Thanks. Giacomo Returned 10:11, 20 April 2011 (UTC)

Cowarth Park. Kittybrewster ☎ 10:30, 20 April 2011 (UTC)
Aha yes, Coworth House so it was. Thank you, I thoght that was a very mysterious thing how that was ungraded like that and allowed to be so altered and developed. I wanted to refer to it elsewhere. Thank you. Giacomo Returned 10:33, 20 April 2011 (UTC)

Paranormal places[edit]

Proposed merge of Category:Reportedly haunted locations into Category:Paranormal places. Please see Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/2011_April_24#Category:Reportedly_haunted_locations. Simply south...... trying to improve for 5 years 16:12, 24 April 2011 (UTC)

Alexander Leslie-Melville, 7th Earl of Leven[edit]

You listed the move of this article at WP:RM as uncontroversial and I queried how it was uncontroversial. I realise since then that an admin you'd previously asked to make the move has made it but I would still like to know why you think this was uncontroversial and so not deserving of a full discussion. It may simply be my lack of knowledge of the subject but the online references (the only references in the article) seem to suggest they are the 9th. I've already asked the movng admin and their arguement for moving, while sensible, doesn't convince me that this was uncontroversial and so not worthy of a full discussion, hence I thought I'd ask you. Dpmuk (talk) 08:20, 10 May 2011 (UTC)

The Alexander in question was the son of his father. To be consistent amongst the articles for his father, brother, heir, etc and the family Earl of Leven we need consistent numbering. Cracrofts is actually out of line and includes the de jure countesses as if they were Earls (very modern). Kittybrewster ☎ 08:30, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
I hadn't realised that when Choess said consistency they meant with father's etc rather than with other cases. In that case it's at the right title for now. Still think this needs something done about it as it's potentially confusing to readers that the only references given them as the 9th. Maybe reference the offline sources that give it as 7th and then have a footnote explaing the difference? Dpmuk (talk) 09:24, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
Happy that that be done but maybe in the talk page of Earl of Leven? The problem f..l..o..w..s. But to my mind the 9th Earl was John. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:27, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
Revoke, It is in the lede under Earl of Leven. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:29, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
Still think a footnote on the atual page would be useful as not everyone looking at the page and the references will look at Earl of Leven. Will add one later if I get the chance. Dpmuk (talk) 11:08, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
No problem. Kittybrewster ☎ 11:50, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
I have uploaded a draft. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:19, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
thanks for cleaning up that mess, as you saw i was confused by the sources, but punted on the solution. Slowking4 (talk) 19:47, 10 May 2011 (UTC)

Frank Mitchell (cricketer, born 1878)[edit]

Hi. I've seen you pop by WP:CRIC everynow and again enquiring about nobel cricketers, so I thought you might be able to help with this chap. Frank Mitchell was a member of the Order of the Garter, serving as secretary of it. I have no idea about that as a subject, maybe you do? Thanks. AssociateAffiliate (talk) 13:06, 11 May 2011 (UTC)


Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Avicennasis's talk page.
Message added 13:49, 14 May 2011 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.


Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Ravichandar84's talk page.
Message added 06:54, 26 May 2011 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Earl of Surrey[edit]

Thanks! Swanny18 (talk) 15:10, 2 June 2011 (UTC)


Wink.Tibetan Prayer 13:59, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Superb graphics. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:11, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

What, the signature or user page design? Thanks. I tried to get the maroon and gold of the robes worn by the Tibetan monks.. The gold talk page link looks mystical and eastern so what the heck! Of course Tibet is naturally stunning anyway! Don't know about you but bright colours and stunning scenery make me function better. Just like having nice photos in articles which would otherwise by rather bland...Tibetan Prayer 14:47, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Love your pictures. Never been to Tibet. i don't find your text is a good colour for my eyes. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:58, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, its probably a bit too bright and the gold not bold enough on my talk page. I'll look into something..Tibetan Prayer 15:10, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Good luck. If Tibetans use luck. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:13, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Autopatrolled#User:Kittybrewster[edit]

This request seems to have been initiated by a bot. It'd help if you commented personally.   Will Beback  talk  05:59, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

What is least bother for others? Kittybrewster ☎ 10:10, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
I suppose you could go to the listed page and say whether or not you support the bot's request. Or you could do nothing - at this point if nothing more is done the request will close without action.   Will Beback  talk  20:03, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

Quick question[edit]

Hi! This edit has me slightly puzzled. I see Lord McNally listed on the page you link to, but it is unclear to me what the relationship is to his biography.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 12:42, 26 June 2011 (UTC)

According to the person who referred me to it, it shows confused and muddled thinking on Lord McNally's part. It certainly show it on the MoJ's part but that may not be relevant. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:53, 26 June 2011 (UTC)

Amy Winehouse[edit]

Hi, I added it to the Arts and Culture section about five minutes ago. TheRetroGuy (talk) 16:56, 23 July 2011 (UTC)

No worries, somebody's done it. Will also add it to 2011 in the United Kingdom. Cheers TheRetroGuy (talk) 17:04, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
Please add Lucien Freud, artist, to both. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:08, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
 Done. Someone beat me to the Arts and Culture section, but I've added him to the other page. Cheers TheRetroGuy (talk) 17:14, 23 July 2011 (UTC)

Userfied pages[edit]

Per your email request, I have userfied the following (with the corresponding talk pages):

  • User:Kittybrewster/Alexander George Arbuthnot (British army officer) (born 1873)
  • User:Kittybrewster/George Alexander Arbuthnot (1830-1899)
  • User:Kittybrewster/George Bingham Arbuthnot (1803-1867)
  • User:Kittybrewster/William Arbuthnot (artillery officer) (died 1876)
  • User:Kittybrewster/William Arbuthnot (cavalry officer) (1838-1893)
  • User:Kittybrewster/Henry Thomas Arbuthnot see Familypedia

Favonian (talk) 17:25, 23 July 2011 (UTC)

First five have now been copied to Familypedia (as the user requested by email) with standard page names but little else changed. The sixth one is at http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Henry_Thomas_Arbuthnot_%281834-1919%29. Robin Patterson (talk) 05:07, 31 July 2011 (UTC)

Nomination of DrayTek Vigor 2710 Series for deletion[edit]

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article DrayTek Vigor 2710 Series is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/DrayTek Vigor 2710 Series until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on good quality evidence, and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. -- Alan Liefting (talk) - 08:39, 31 July 2011 (UTC)

Categories for discussion nomination of Category:Reportedly haunted locations in the United States[edit]

Category:Reportedly haunted locations in the United States, which you created, has been nominated for discussion. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you.
⋙–Berean–Hunter—► 15:08, 12 August 2011 (UTC)

Robert Arbuthnot[edit]

Hard to be sure, but I think the answer is "probably not". The claim that he had been was definitely widespread during his later life (1820s-1840s). However, it disappeared later, isn't in any of the more modern references, and isn't supported by the Waterloo-specific books - all point towards it being an early mistake. Shimgray | talk | 12:37, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

The ODNB has the author down as Sir Alexander John Arbuthnot (1822–1907), contributor of 30 articles to the DNB (though only two on his namesakes). They're the only contributor of that name recorded.
As to where RA was in 1815, as far as I can tell he had a captaincy in the 20th Light Dragoons, and they don't seem to have been present at Waterloo - he may well have been with them at the time. Shimgray | talk | 12:59, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

Rodney Harvey[edit]

Hi. I have reverted your edit to the Rodney Harvey article yet again because you keep removing the word "tragically" from the cite video template without giving an explanation as to why. I am assuming you have removed the word because it is POV in nature, but the word itself is not featured in the article to describe anything and as far as I know, we should not alter the names of sources to omit words even if they do not belong in the encyclopedia. If you have further issue with this, please let me know on my talk page or open up a discussion on the article talk page. Thanks. Pinkadelica 05:48, 23 August 2011 (UTC)

File source problem with File:HMS Defence.jpg[edit]

Thank you for uploading File:HMS Defence.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, please add a link to the page from which it was taken, together with a brief restatement of the website's terms of use of its content. If the original copyright holder is a party unaffiliated with the website, that author should also be credited. Please add this information by editing the image description page.

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Message added 18:24, 8 September 2011 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Magog the Ogre (talk) 18:24, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

Desmond FitzGerald, 29th Knight of Glin[edit]

I'm just posting this here because it seems like the sort of thing you'd know about, or be interested in. I posted as well to Wikiproject Peerage and Baronetage, and to the talk page of the article.

A few weeks ago, just as part of random work, I had posted on the talk page about some questionable claims about this title being recognized by the Irish government. As the Knight has regrettably passed away yesterday, and he is, as I understand it, the last of his line, the last Black Knight, it would be lovely if the article could be improved.

I don't know the rules of succession for these unusual traditional knighthoods ("created by the Earls of Desmond, acting as Earls Palatine, for their kinsmen"), but sources seem to suggest that it won't pass to some other branch of the family, though surely after 29 generations such branches do exist.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 14:13, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

Poll on ArbCom resolution - Ireland article names[edit]

There is a poll taking place here on whether or not to extend the ArbCom binding resolution, which says there may be no page move discussions for Ireland,Republic of Ireland or Ireland (disambiguation), for a further two years. Fmph (talk) 21:31, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

Edward Davenport (fraudster)[edit]

Hi Kitty, I noticed that you moved this page to its current title today. I'm concerned that the new title represents a breach of WP:BLP and WP:NPOV. The article contains only one, two-sentence paragraph concerning his fraud conviction, and devotes most of its bulk to his work as a property developer; the sources in the article also suggests that this (together with his hedonistic lifestyle) is the activity for which he is best-known. I strongly support moving it back, and have started a discussion on the talkpage to address the issue. Cheers, Yunshui (talk) 13:16, 5 October 2011 (UTC)

Would you like to maybe join the discussion before arbitrarily relocating the article back to a POV title? Yunshui (talk) 14:01, 5 October 2011 (UTC)
I have started a discussion at Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Rgds, --Trident13 (talk) 14:16, 5 October 2011 (UTC)

Lord Ned[edit]

Preferable doesn't come into it. Its about verifiability. The google search shows plenty of hits. If you don't like the Mirror then choose one of the others, Guardian, Metro, PropertyWeek, etc etc. Does anyone actually use his 'proper' name/title? Fmph (talk) 13:38, 11 October 2011 (UTC)

davenporttrust.com and 33portlandplace.com and "self-styled" don't count. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:33, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Plenty of others to choose from. Fmph (talk) 14:39, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Telegraph doesnt support the contentions.Kittybrewster ☎ 16:14, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Mirror does. Mail does. Guardian does. et al Fmph (talk) 17:00, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Mirror says "self-styled peer". Won't do. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:43, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Mail says "self-styled Lord". Won't do. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:43, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Guardian says "self-styled Lord". Won't do. Kittybrewster ☎ 17:43, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Yes they will. They're all fine. Fmph (talk) 21:57, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
[15] Kittybrewster ☎ 22:29, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Jimbo disagrees with you, Fmph. On BLP Noticeboard. Kittybrewster ☎ 23:18, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Aren't you perhaps paraphrasing what he actually said? He doesn't disagree with me because he hasn't discussed whether the sources support the content. He just doesn't like the content. Which is a very valid POV. Fmph (talk) 07:07, 12 October 2011 (UTC)

New Page Patrol survey[edit]

Baroness Trumpington Jewish?[edit]

Hello. You added a [[Category:English Jews]] entry to the Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington article on 7 February 2007. Someone has just removed that category. I did not restore it because I know nothing about her beliefs. Can you provide a citation to show she is Jewish? — O'Dea (talk) 21:59, 15 November 2011 (UTC)

it is correct; I will look for a citation. The Lord King stuff is trivia at best and fails BLP. Kittybrewster ☎ 11:21, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
There is nothing at the Desert Island Discs citation you have given to support the proposition that Trumpington is an English Jew, as the category addition claims. — O'Dea (talk) 19:33, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
I was listening on 25 Nov 1990. Kittybrewster ☎ 21:14, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
Wikipedia needs a proper citation. Your 21-year-old personal witness falls under the heading of original research which is forbidden by Wikipedia. I have found nothing online to indicate that the Baroness is Jewish. Can you provide a valid citation, please? — O'Dea (talk) 16:44, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
Normally, audio sources that have been broadcast by a reputable organisation are fine per Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources. You should provide date of transmission and other relevant details in the reference. For a claim about a living person, some people will prefer a source that they can check more easily, e.g. online or in print, and that should be provided where possible. But it is not a requirement. If the broadcast version of the programme includes mention of their religion, in the tightly timed and even tighter edited environment of Desert Island Discs (they don't even play the "discs" in full), you can definitely assume it's significant in their life, either to the positive or negative. Kittybrewster ☎ 18:34, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
But none of this can be confirmed. Anyone can claim anything at all about a broadcast from decades ago if no copy of the transmission is easily available for independent validation. I could just as easily claim I heard her say on Parkinson that she had converted to Buddhism, and stick a [[Category:English Buddhists]] in her article. — O'Dea (talk) 06:42, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
Why would you do that unless (1) it was true or (b) you are a vandal? Or I ... and me. WP:AGF. Incidentally she smokes too much but that is trivia and unencyclopedic. Once when she said Balls in the HofL, it appeared in Hansard as Nonsense. Kittybrewster ☎ 13:00, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
Kittybrewster, I have no idea of the noble lady is Jewish or not (personally, I think all these religious tags are rather unnecessary), however, as Wikipedia seems to love them, if it must have them, they must at least be correct. It's extremely unlikely that the "Jewishness" comes from the Campbell-Harris side of the family, so I sugest you trace the Robson side - I say this because I did once know a "Robson" whose grandfather was once once a Robowizxyski from Poland (or something similar from somewhere similar). I do have to say, that I don't like this - if she is Jewish, she's certainly not making a great song and dance about it, so what business is it of yours? My American great grandmother (I am told) belonged to some very odd and strange religion - and is doubtless buring in Hell because of it as we speak, but it does not have much bearing on me - does it? Giacomo Returned 19:03, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
She is. But I take most of your points. I imagine it is more difficult to research Robson genealogy than that of certain others; I myself had a great aunt who was a Christian Scientist and died on refusing a blood transfusion. I am looking in Hansard for confirmation but it isnt worth much of my time Kittybrewster ☎ 10:05, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Kittybrewster, your last response is not very clear and you have wandered off the point. It is hard to assume good faith if you dodge the issue. I am not concerned by her smoking or swearing, but her religion, if any. Can you supply a robust citation or not? That is all I am asking. — O'Dea (talk) 23:38, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
A segue. Not yet, but I will. Kittybrewster ☎ 10:10, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington[edit]

I have removed the category "English Jews" from this article for a reason: it is unverified and unsourced. Please do not add it back again without providing a reliable reference. Thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:57, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

FreeBMD wikia?[edit]

Kitty, may I ask what you were meaning by "FreeBMD wikia" in your reply to my post on the Irish genealogy query? I'm quite interested in family history and have a lot of contacts. --TammyMoet (talk) 19:10, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

freebmd.co.uk is terrific at providing certain info for BMD in England & Wales. Wouldn't it be great if there were a similar project which covered the records in Ireland before 1923? It would involve a lot of volunteers. Kittybrewster ☎ 19:54, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
OIC. Are you familiar with Rootsweb? --TammyMoet (talk) 13:36, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
Yes indeed. Love their SSDI and Surname noticeboards. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:29, 25 November 2011 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of Global Governance Group[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

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A tag has been placed on Global Governance Group requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A1 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because it is a very short article providing little or no context to the reader. Please see Wikipedia:Stub for our minimum information standards for short articles. Also please note that articles must be on notable subjects and should provide references to reliable sources that verify their content.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, contest the deletion by clicking on the button labelled "Click here to contest this speedy deletion". Doing so will take you to the talk page where you will find a pre-formatted place for you to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. You can also visit the page's talk page directly to give your reasons, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, you can contact one of these administrators to request that the administrator userfy the page or email a copy to you. —Tom Morris (talk) 20:36, 25 November 2011 (UTC)


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Message added 13:55, 8 December 2011 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Unilateral moves[edit]

Plaese can you stop moving articles where discussion has already resulted in a decision not to move. If you want to propose or re-propose controversial moves of articles, the place is WP:RM. Thanks, --Kotniski (talk) 10:59, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard#Richard Arthur Norton: Revisiting topic ban; Should it be removed or made indefinite?[edit]

Hi Kittybrewster. You participated in Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Archive228#Richard Arthur Norton copyright violations, in which a one-month topic ban on creating new articles and making page moves was imposed on Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ) (talk · contribs). The closing admin has asked for community input about whether to remove the topic ban or make it indefinite at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard#Richard Arthur Norton: Revisiting topic ban; Should it be removed or made indefinite?. Cunard (talk) 08:49, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of George William Marshall[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

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A tag has been placed on George William Marshall requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, contest the deletion by clicking on the button labelled "Click here to contest this speedy deletion". Doing so will take you to the talk page where you will find a pre-formatted place for you to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. You can also visit the page's talk page directly to give your reasons, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, you can contact one of these administrators to request that the administrator userfy the page or email a copy to you. -- ɑηsuмaη ʈ ᶏ ɭ Ϟ 00:17, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

"Tragic death" &c.[edit]

Do you have (or could you make) a list of all the flowery death phrases you've run across? I dunno if you'll get consensus to add them to the typos list, but I'd be happy to add them to the list of search-and-replace phrases in my AWB, for what it's worth...—Chowbok ☠ 22:58, 20 December 2011 (UTC)

passed away > died; sadly died > died; tragically died > died; unfortunately died > died; currently lives/living > lives Kittybrewster ☎ 08:29, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
Added, thanks!—Chowbok ☠ 13:31, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

A baronet and a hereditary knight[edit]

I'm fairly sure that Sir George FitzGerald (Knight of Kerry) is wrongly named (came across him while stub-sorting)... as a baronets geek perhaps you could sort him out? (Or tell me he's just fine.) Thanks. PamD 09:03, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

Wrong how? I would accept it as is. Kittybrewster ☎ 11:20, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
Well he doesn't seem to match any pattern at Knight of Kerry, and the other two who are also baronets are Adrian FitzGerald (no need to disambiguate, I suppose) and Peter George Fitzgerald, 19th Knight of Kerry ( no "sir", ordinal and no brackets, so they can't both be right). Isn't the "sir" only used when the full baronetal title is given? PamD 18:02, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
He wasn't included in the dab page at George FitzGerald (disambiguation), but is now! PamD 18:11, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
I am persuaded by your logic. Kittybrewster ☎ 18:14, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
But my logic only goes as far as "one of them is wrong", not how to fix it! I've added some missing links to the list at FitzGerald_Baronets#FitzGerald_Baronets.2C_of_Valencia_.281880.29, but I hope you can sort out the article title. PamD 18:28, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
They are now consistent with each other; notwithstanding that some are baronets, some are hereditary knights and some do not require disambiguation. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:17, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
Thanks. I expanded a note re the succession at Sir George FitzGerald, 23rd Knight of Kerry, and hope I got the terminology right. Stub-sorting can lead me off in all sorts of interesting directions, though titles of baronets etc is an area I know to steer clear of! PamD 13:51, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
  • Hereditary knights do not get "Sir", they simply get "Knight of Kerry" - Adrian is a baronet, so has the prefix. --Counter-revolutionary (talk) 14:42, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
Adrian is the only one I know. I stand corrected. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:42, 23 December 2011 (UTC)

Baronet categories[edit]

Hallo my expert on all things baronet: an editor has removed Beckett, Edmund, 5th Baronet from Edmund Beckett, 1st Baron Grimthorpe, and I'm not sure whether they were right to do so. He was 5th baronet before he was Baron, so I'd have thought he should stay in the category? What do you think?

But then I note that his papa Sir Edmund Beckett, 4th Baronet hasn't got a baronet category either, though perhaps that's just because he's rather a stub. The 3rd baronet is merely a redlink: the 1st and 2nd appear neatly in the Baronets category where one would expect to see them (though the 1st is an un-disambiguated Gervase Beckett). PamD 17:09, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Yes Tryde does that. I wouldn't enter into a battle with him. I think the "rule" would be "under what category would a reader be looking him up and why"? And Proteus has more knowledge than I do. The fact that an article is a stub is no excuse for them not being categorised Bart of UK. Kittybrewster ☎ 20:00, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

New cfds regarding "Old Fooians"[edit]

Two new cfds propose the renaming of some twenty categories. Most of those who took part in last year's cfd "Former pupils by school in the United Kingdom" seem unaware of them, so I am notifying all those who took part in that discussion, to improve the quality of the discussion by broadening participation to more fully achieve consensus. Please consider contributing here and here. Moonraker (talk) 13:23, 26 February 2012 (UTC)

Disambiguation link notification for March 5[edit]

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It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:59, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Sir Henry Arthur Blake[edit]

In calling Sir Henry Arthur Blake, Sir Arthur, I was following one of the sources - The Telegraph? He seems to be called Sir Artur in a few sources. I've no idea why the confusion exists Rjm at sleepers (talk) 20:53, 5 March 2012 (UTC)


No luck in Who's Who in Australia, Kitty. It just says she has children of those names, but does not give their dates of birth (which I now realise Who's Who never does anyway, unless any of those children have entries in thier own right, which they don't). Sorry. -- ♬ Jack of Oz ♬ [your turn] 02:46, 12 June 2012 (UTC)


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Message added 16:17, 11 August 2012 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

ww2censor (talk) 16:17, 11 August 2012 (UTC)

Replaceable fair use File:Matthew Kirk.jpg[edit]

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Orphaned non-free image File:Sir Peter Kirk.jpg[edit]


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File source problem with File:Horatio Bottomley.jpg[edit]

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Stefan2 (talk) 11:24, 12 August 2012 (UTC)

And again. --Stefan2 (talk) 12:29, 12 August 2012 (UTC)


Hi Kittybrewster. I notice that Template:Notabilityquestioned, which you created, is unused. Is the template still required? Thanks. DH85868993 (talk) 15:20, 19 August 2012 (UTC)

Not fussed. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:44, 19 August 2012 (UTC)
OK, I've nominated it for speedy deletion ({{db-g7}}). Thanks. DH85868993 (talk) 01:25, 20 August 2012 (UTC)

James Sassoon[edit]

Hi Kitty, regarding your request in May 2010 to have James Sassoon added to the Sassoon family tree, I've done that now.

Regards, — Hex (❝?!❞) 16:34, 8 September 2012 (UTC)

Well done. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:58, 8 September 2012 (UTC)


Can you help? User has made changes to numerous pages stating that 'Peers aren't styled "Sir"'. You can see the list here [[16]].

I reverted those on a Douglas page before I saw this complete list. I am not at all sure that he is correct in what he is doing, but need some help in reviewing this. Shipsview (talk) 15:13, 10 September 2012 (UTC)

Before mass-changes are made to pages, consensus should be sought and received on an appropriate project talk page. In this case I would suggest Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Peerage_and_Baronetage. Failure to do this causes chaos and is WRONG. To take an example Sir Geoffrey Howe was definitely known as Sir Geoffrey before he became Lord Howe. He doesn't lose his knighthood because he is promoted, although he no longer uses it. To take another, Julian Aylmer inherited his baronetcy simultaneously with his Barony. But he is both, notwithstanding he is known by one only. So you have my support in reverting 94.65. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:08, 10 September 2012 (UTC)

1st two by-elections[edit]

I can't find anything on the two first by-elections in the House of Lords. It seems that no by-election happened on the deaths of Myrtle Robertson, 11th Baroness Wharton and Henry Herbert, 7th Earl of Carnarvon. The only solution I can think of, is that David Lytton-Cobbold, 2nd Baron Cobbold and Roger Chorley, 2nd Baron Chorley were sole candidates. Any help would be appreciated.-- (talk) 19:56, 24 September 2012 (UTC)

User:BrownHairedGirl will know. Kittybrewster ☎ 20:02, 24 September 2012 (UTC)
Thanks!-- (talk) 20:07, 24 September 2012 (UTC)

I understand that you want to contact TrogWoolley[edit]

Hi there! I understand that you want to contact me off wiki. You can contact me via http://s4.zetaboards.com/Radio4forum/index/ where I post as AmosBurke. ATB Trog --TrogWoolley (talk) 16:23, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Edward Poynter[edit]

Is File:Court and Ceremonial (PRA).jpg appropriate for Edward Poynter? I mean, is it him, or just a demonstration of the dress?-- (talk) 20:11, 20 October 2012 (UTC)

Possibly. Kittybrewster ☎ 21:32, 20 October 2012 (UTC)

A barnstar for you![edit]

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FoCuSandLeArN (talk) 19:50, 8 January 2013 (UTC)

A cheeseburger for you![edit]

File permission problem with File:Herwald Ramsbotham, 1st Viscount Soulbury.jpg[edit]

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File permission problem with File:James Ramsbotham, 2nd Viscount Soulbury.jpg[edit]

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Hello, Kittybrewster. You have new messages at Stefan2's talk page.
Message added 10:11, 26 January 2013 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Stefan2 (talk) 10:11, 26 January 2013 (UTC)

Possibly unfree File:Herwald Ramsbotham, 1st Viscount Soulbury.jpg[edit]

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Possibly unfree File:James Ramsbotham, 2nd Viscount Soulbury.jpg[edit]

A file that you uploaded or altered, File:James Ramsbotham, 2nd Viscount Soulbury.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree files because its copyright status is unclear or disputed. If the file's copyright status cannot be verified, it may be deleted. You may find more information on the file description page. You are welcome to add comments to its entry at the discussion if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you.  Ronhjones  (Talk) 22:39, 17 May 2013 (UTC)

Lists of British officers[edit]

Greetings. I feel compelled to say that the new article you have started (List of Royal Navy rear admirals) is a particularly ambitious undertaking. You may know that I am slowly working on List of British Army full generals (help gratefully appreciated) and that comments have been made about the size of that task. I have no proper idea how many Royal Navy rear admirals there have been. Over 5,000 (possibly over 10,000) do you think? Greenshed (talk) 20:06, 27 May 2013 (UTC)

Nothing wrong with ambitious; wikpedia itself was an ambitious undertaking. I don't think the numbers of those who merit a place in a list is important. (1) The rank has to be noteable and (2) the individual has to have come to the attention of a wikipedia contributor and (3) the chap has to have a wikipedia page or an independant ref. Kittybrewster ☎ 21:55, 27 May 2013 (UTC)
I was just a bid surprised that you did not pick off full admirals first. Greenshed (talk) 22:06, 27 May 2013 (UTC)
Fair comment. Kittybrewster ☎ 22:17, 27 May 2013 (UTC)

Presumably you are limiting the list to those who retire at Rear Admiral - not those who go on to greater things? Shipsview (talk) 08:46, 28 May 2013 (UTC)

Indeed. Kittybrewster ☎ 09:22, 28 May 2013 (UTC)
In the fullness of time might it not be a good idea to expand the list to include those who went on to higher rank? This would/will of course be a good deal easier once the Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral, and Vice-Admiral lists are complete. I assume at some point we will want to include dates of promotion to rear admirals in the article. If so adding in those who were subsequently promoted again would allow the reader to work out how many serving rear admirals there were at any one point in time. It is also worth noting that the List of British Army full generals includes those who made it to field marshal and the List of Royal Air Force air chief marshals includes those who went on to serve as marshals of the RAF. Greenshed (talk) 16:48, 28 May 2013 (UTC)
That would be for the community to decide. Kittybrewster ☎ 18:06, 28 May 2013 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of List of Royal Navy full admirals[edit]

Hello Kittybrewster,

I wanted to let you know that I just tagged List of Royal Navy full admirals for deletion, because it appears to duplicate an existing Wikipedia article, [[:{{{article}}}]].

If you feel that the article shouldn't be deleted, you can contest this deletion, but please don't remove the speedy deletion tag from the top.

You can leave a note on my talk page if you have questions. Gbawden (talk) 09:02, 30 May 2013 (UTC)

Hi. Take a look at List of senior officers of the Royal Navy - this already has most of the full admirals in it. I suggest you add your VADM and RADM lists to this page as see also's. Gbawden (talk) 09:04, 30 May 2013 (UTC)
I would support the re-creation of the List of Royal Navy full admirals article. The List of senior officers of the Royal Navy article is not a complete list of full admirals and as it focuses on appointments and not rank, it does not enable the reader to see how many full admirals were serving or in retirement at any one time. Also, we have a List of British Army full generals, a List of Royal Marines full generals and a List of Royal Air Force air chief marshals and so a List of Royal Navy full admirals would complete the set. Greenshed (talk) 20:45, 2 February 2015 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of List of British Army Major-generals[edit]

Hello Kittybrewster,

I wanted to let you know that I just tagged List of British Army Major-generals for deletion, because it appears to duplicate an existing Wikipedia article, [[:{{{article}}}]].

If you feel that the article shouldn't be deleted, you can contest this deletion, but please don't remove the speedy deletion tag from the top.

You can leave a note on my talk page if you have questions. Matty.007 (talk) 09:48, 30 May 2013 (UTC)

Your contributed article, List of British Army Major-generals[edit]

If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.

You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.

Hello, I noticed that you recently created a new page, List of British Army Major-generals. First, thank you for your contribution; Wikipedia relies solely on the efforts of volunteers such as you. Unfortunately, the page you created covers a topic on which we already have a page – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_generals_and_brigadiers. Because of the duplication, your article has been tagged for speedy deletion. Please note that this is not a comment on you personally and we hope you will continue helping to improve Wikipedia. If the topic of the article you created is one that interests you, then perhaps you would like to help out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_generals_and_brigadiers – you might like to discuss new information at the article's talk page.

If you think the article you created should remain separate, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Click here to contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be removed without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, you can place a request here. Additionally if you would like to have someone review articles you create before they go live so they are not nominated for deletion shortly after you post them, allow me to suggest the article creation process and using our search feature to find related information we already have in the encyclopedia. Try not to be discouraged. Wikipedia looks forward to your future contributions. Matty.007 (talk) 09:49, 30 May 2013 (UTC)

The duplicated page is at List of British generals and brigadiers

Matty.007 (talk) 09:51, 30 May 2013 (UTC)

Speedy deletion nomination of List of British Army Lt-generals[edit]

Hello Kittybrewster,

I wanted to let you know that I just tagged List of British Army Lt-generals for deletion, because it appears to duplicate an existing Wikipedia article, [[:{{{article}}}]].

If you feel that the article shouldn't be deleted, you can contest this deletion, but please don't remove the speedy deletion tag from the top.

You can leave a note on my talk page if you have questions. Gbawden (talk) 12:37, 30 May 2013 (UTC)

Disambiguation link notification for July 4[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of Moderators of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Free Church of Scotland (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Category:Gateway ancestors[edit]

Category:Gateway ancestors, which you created, has been nominated for possible deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you. DexDor (talk) 05:05, 11 September 2013 (UTC)

Title/style confusion help[edit]

I don't know how to deal with this one: Talk:Andrew Lloyd Webber#Title/style confusion DBD 23:06, 22 October 2013 (UTC)

Alexander Montgomerie, 9th Earl of Eglinton‎[edit]

I was a little confused by your edits today to Alexander Montgomerie, 9th Earl of Eglinton‎. According to William Cochrane, 1st Earl of Dundonald, Margaret who married the 9th Earl was daughter, not grand-daughter, of William Cochrane, 1st Earl of Dundonald. Which article is wrong? (It would have been much less confusing if the Scottish nobility had not been in the habit of using the same name for numerous succeeding generations; this certainly caused some of the earlier errors on Alexander Montgomerie, 9th Earl of Eglinton‎.) - David Biddulph (talk) 12:12, 16 December 2013 (UTC)

I agree your second point. burke's Peerage 107th Ed says Margt was dau of Wm C Lord C and granddaughter of Wm 1st e of D. Kittybrewster ☎ 12:18, 16 December 2013 (UTC)

Notification of automated file description generation[edit]

Your upload of File:ArbuthnotRoad.jpg or contribution to its description is noted, and thanks (even if belatedly) for your contribution. In order to help make better use of the media, an attempt has been made by an automated process to identify and add certain information to the media's description page.

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Help wanted, please[edit]

A comment via OTRS:

David Dundas (disambiguation)
There is a horrible error in Wikipedia.
The baronet was the distinguished surgeon (1749-1826) who is written up at http://www.elliottdundas.freeserve.co.uk/internet/Dundas%20of%20Richmond,%20Surrey.htm
He was not the army general (1735?-1820) who was a Knight of the Bath and who has an entry in the Oxford DNB and whose biographical details are quite wrongly given at Sir David Dundas, 1st Baronet.
The entry for this army general can remain on a page of its own, after removal of any reference to him being a baronet and after removing the link from Dundas baronets at Dundas Baronets.

It probably needs a quick skim of the articles to make sure no facts have been accidentally placed in the wrong article. I'm sorry to trespass on your goodwill, but I can' think of anyone ore likely to have the sources to do the job properly and accurately. Guy (Help!) 16:02, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

Looks like you have dealt with this? Or are there outstanding issues? Shipsview (talk) 17:41, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

Issues are the Baronet's talk page, the picture copyright and the source. Thanks. Kittybrewster ☎ 18:13, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

It looks like some pages meant to link to the General, actually link to te surgeon. I am going to fix that right now.--The Theosophist (talk) 10:49, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

Gordon Duff[edit]

I'd like to see this article come to fruition, as he's just been appointed Principal of St Hilda's College, Oxford. Deb (talk) 14:51, 13 March 2014 (UTC)

I agree. Over to you. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:49, 13 March 2014 (UTC)

John Frederick Nelson photograph[edit]

Hi Kittybrewster,

My name is Bennett, and I work at Weber Shandwick UK on behalf of Lloyd's of London.

I noticed that you've uploaded the most recent photograph of John Frederick Nelson. Lloyd's is able to provide an image of John Frederick Nelson that is a bit less blurry and might look a bit better for the article. The photograph is courtesy of Lloyd's and they are happy for it to be used for this purpose.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you've any questions or concerns.

Best, Bennett

http://s12.postimg.org/6lts26f2l/Lloyds_John_Nelson_510x640.jpg --Btgolder (talk) 14:59, 21 March 2014 (UTC)

Hi Kitty, Many thanks for your speedy response! My company operates a strict policy whereby we are not to edit any Wikipedia pages in which we have a conflict, and as I'm working on behalf of Lloyd's, I was wondering if you could add in the new photograph on my behalf. Best, Bennett --Btgolder (talk) 15:15, 21 March 2014 (UTC)

I hate uploading photos I haven't taken. So I have asked User:JzG to do it. Kittybrewster ☎ 15:23, 21 March 2014 (UTC)

Gotcha -- thanks Kittybrewster (and User:JzG)! -Bennett --Btgolder (talk) 15:59, 21 March 2014 (UTC)

Bennett, could you please email the picture (or the link to it) to [email protected] with confirmation that you have authority from the rights owner to release it under the Creative Commons CC-By-SA 3.0 license (text here) or another compatible license as per this page? I know why Kittybrewster is reluctant to email images not his own, our image copyright rules are a constant source of puzzlement to article subjects - people always think that "I release this for Wikipedia" should be enough, but it's not, because of the way we permit our content to be re-used in turn. Guy (Help!) 18:53, 21 March 2014 (UTC)

Hi JzG, thanks for the advice. I've submitted the photograph and confirmation to [email protected]. Thanks for your help. -- (talk) 12:01, 24 March 2014 (UTC)

Evelyn baronets[edit]

Hello! It's been a while. Could you clarify the identities of the portraits you added to Evelyn baronets? Your caption on the last of them says that the portrait is mislabeled but in fact none of the labels on the portraits match the captions you've given them.

Thanks, Choess (talk) 01:55, 28 May 2014 (UTC)

greetings indeed. The captions I have given them are correct according to Philip Mould regardless of the plates on the portraits. Kittybrewster ☎ 06:17, 28 May 2014 (UTC)

Thomas Burdett (disambiguation)[edit]

Hello Kittybrewster, I am puzzled as to the difference between Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Baronet of Bramcote and Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Baronet of Dunmore. When you created the page Thomas Burdett (disambiguation), you added them as 2 separate people. However, when creating the page Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Baronet of Dunmore (which I have since redirected), you just copied and pasted the content of Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Baronet of Bramcote to the article. ??? ~ Anastasia (talk) 23:52, 1 June 2014 (UTC)

tomorrow I will revise both. Kittybrewster ☎ 23:58, 1 June 2014 (UTC)
I've already fixed the problem, I was just wondering about your reasons :) Thanks for all the work you do! ~ Anastasia (talk) 19:18, 2 June 2014 (UTC)

Merge discussion for LBC[edit]

An article that you have been involved in editing, LBC, has been proposed for a merge with another article. If you are interested in the merge discussion, please participate by going here, and adding your comments on the discussion page. Thank you. Khairul Islam 00:38, 3 June 2014 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Khairul Islam (talk • contribs)

Disambiguation link notification for June 3[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Baronet of Bramcote, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page English (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Clarification motion[edit]

A case (The Troubles) in which you were involved has been modified by motion which changed the wording of the discretionary sanctions section to clarify that the scope applies to pages, not just articles. For the arbitration committee --S Philbrick(Talk) 21:04, 27 October 2014 (UTC)

Self-styled non-British noblemen in the "Armorial Register"[edit]

Would you be so kind to have a look over there?


Thank you :) — Preceding unsigned comment added by SR-7v (talk • contribs) 11:00, 29 October 2014 (UTC)

Colin Campbell (colonial governor)[edit]

Some years ago I wrote an article on the Pettah of Ahmednagar. In checking the source in the article I noticed it mentioned a Colin Campbell who accompanied Wellington all the way to Waterloo.

Clearly the article Colin Campbell (colonial governor) is a biography on the man. I was going to copy edit it to put in a link to Pettah of Ahmednagar when I noticed that the dates were in the form "dd mmm. year" this is an unusual format and is usually an indication that the text is copied from somewhere.

On checking I found that much of the text is identical to the biography article "Campbell, Sir Colin" on page 142 of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 1836-1850.

This can also be found online:

  • Buckner, Phillip (1988). "Campbell, Sir Colin". Dictionary of Canadian Biography. 7. University of Toronto/Université Laval.

The archive history shows that the article was created by you 22 September 2006 did you copy the text from an older source, or mistakenly from the 1988 copyright source? -- PBS (talk) 22:09, 10 November 2014 (UTC)

no idea', memory fades. Kittybrewster ☎ 23:01, 10 November 2014 (UTC)

You may be interested[edit]

Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Robert Young (longevity claims researcher) (2nd nomination) EEng (talk) 01:49, 4 March 2015 (UTC)

British Generals[edit]

Are you still compiling a comprehensive list of British Generals? --Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ) (talk) 23:39, 17 March 2015 (UTC)

There is a nice tranche of WWI images of British Generals at the Library of Congress Flickr Commons page. --Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ) (talk) 15:56, 18 March 2015 (UTC)

I am working on Edward Cecil Bethune

Can you find more biographical information on these two people:

General Scanlin circa 1915
General Sir H. B. Watkins in 1915

Miller v Miller[edit]

I noticed that this article (which you created a few years ago) contains no sources to establish the significance of the two cases discussed therein. Can you provide any? --Metropolitan90 (talk) 08:12, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

Sir Leonard Holliday[edit]

I was at a talk yesterday during which the speaker (from the Courtauld Institute) included in her PowerPoint the fine portrait of Sir Leonard Holliday (Lord Mayor of London 1605) that you uploaded to Wiki and linked on 2 July 2010. She admitted that neither she nor her Courtauld colleagues know where the portrait is or any more about it. Can you enlighten us, please? John O'London (talk) 08:19, 6 June 2015 (UTC)

Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer has it. Kittybrewster ☎ 16:35, 8 July 2015 (UTC)
Thank you! John O'London (talk) 17:05, 8 July 2015 (UTC)

A kitten for you![edit]

A cute kitten for you, just because you're an awesome user!

- Minionlover2015 (talk) 22:20, 26 August 2015 (UTC)

Arbuthnot arms[edit]


It looks like the file was deleted from Commons. The reason given doesn't seem to have anything to do with Commons deletion policy, so I think an undeletion request would get it quickly restored for you. I'm not an admin there, so I can't do it myself. Best to you and the family, Choess (talk) 01:16, 9 November 2015 (UTC)

ArbCom elections are now open![edit]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:37, 23 November 2015 (UTC)

May 2016[edit]

Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher may have broken the syntax by modifying 1 "[]"s and 2 "{}"s. If you have, don't worry: just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.

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Viscount Fisher[edit]

What evidence have you got that Fisher was made a Viscount and not a Baron? I recently corresponded with the fourth Lord Fisher, and I dare say he would be interested to know that he's a Viscount. Regards' —Simon Harley (Talk | Library). 13:41, 3 May 2016 (UTC)

all online reference take me back to [[ http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/14164.html ]]. So I must apologise for having got it wrong. Kittybrewster ☎ 14:22, 3 May 2016 (UTC)


User:Dr. Blofeld has created Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/Contests. The idea is to run a series of contests/editathons focusing on each region of Africa. He has spoken to Wikimedia about it and $1000-1500 is possible for prize money. As someone who has previously expressed interest in African topics, would you be interested in contributing to one or assisting draw up core article/missing article lists? He says he's thinking of North Africa for an inaugural one in October. If interested please sign up in the participants section of the Contest page, thanks.♦ --Ser Amantio di NicolaoChe dicono a Signa?Lo dicono a Signa. 01:29, 21 July 2016 (UTC)

Birds of Prey Edits[edit]

Hi. So, I had recently edited two Wikipedia pages, and you decided to take what I had written away from the article. The information that I had posted on Dorothy Gale and Glinda the Good Witch were completely accurate, as the book I was referring to does - in fact - exist. Here is the link. It is a self-published book, and therefore, not extremely popular. However, this book, Birds of Prey: an Oz novella, is credible and actually very well-written. Thanks so much. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Farmerjacob79 (talk • contribs) 01:06, 28 July 2016 (UTC)

Didn't touch them. Kittybrewster ☎ 07:22, 28 July 2016 (UTC)

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open![edit]

File source problem with File:Benedictus Arbuthnot.jpg[edit]

Thank you for uploading File:Benedictus Arbuthnot.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, please add a link to the page from which it was taken, together with a brief restatement of the website's terms of use of its content. If the original copyright holder is a party unaffiliated with the website, that author should also be credited. Please add this information by editing the image description page.

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File:Benedictus Arbuthnot.jpg listed for discussion[edit]

A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Benedictus Arbuthnot.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. czar 18:17, 1 February 2017 (UTC)

WikiProject Genealogy - newsletter No.1[edit]

WikiProject Genealogy - newsletter No.2[edit]

Genealogy project need your vote for creation of an email list[edit]

Proposed deletion of Gordon Duff[edit]

Ambox warning yellow.svg

The article Gordon Duff has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

This man's resume should be available at Veteran's Today where he works, and not on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a free advertisement for obscure commentators and writers.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. I like to saw logs! (talk) 04:39, 19 March 2017 (UTC)

WikiProject Genealogy - newsletter No.4: Mail list created![edit]

Orphaned non-free image File:Guy Burgess.jpg[edit]


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WikiProject Genealogy - newsletter No.5 -2017[edit]

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I'm working on a study of political motivations and how they affect editing. I'd like to ask you to take a survey. The survey should take no more than 1-2 minutes. Your survey responses will be kept private. Our project is documented at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Wikipedia_%2B_Politics.

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I am asking you to participate in this study because you are a frequent editor of pages on Wikipedia that are of political interest. We would like to learn about your experiences in dealing with editors of different political orientations.

Sincere thanks for your help! Porteclefs (talk) 12:42, 13 April 2018 (UTC)

I just noticed...[edit]

One of the portraits of you online looks strikingly like my late friend David Money-Coutts, which might account for the uncanny feeling that I must have met you before :-) Guy (Help!) 12:58, 24 April 2018 (UTC)

Sadly I dont have his self-discipline or half his brains. Happily I am not yet "the late". Kittybrewster ☎ 15:29, 26 April 2018 (UTC)

Proposed deletion of Hamilton House (dance)[edit]


The article Hamilton House (dance) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Fails WP:N

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Ed [talk] [majestic titan] 13:13, 23 May 2018 (UTC)

Replaceable fair use File:Euan Wallace.jpg[edit]

Thanks for uploading File:Euan Wallace.jpg. I noticed that this file is being used under a claim of fair use. However, I think that the way it is being used fails the first non-free content criterion. This criterion states that files used under claims of fair use may have no free equivalent; in other words, if the file could be adequately covered by a freely-licensed file or by text alone, then it may not be used on Wikipedia. If you believe this file is not replaceable, please:

  1. Go to the file description page and add the text {{Di-replaceable fair use disputed|<your reason>}} below the original replaceable fair use template, replacing <your reason> with a short explanation of why the file is not replaceable.
  2. On the file discussion page, write a full explanation of why you believe the file is not replaceable.

Alternatively, you can also choose to replace this non-free media item by finding freely licensed media of the same subject, requesting that the copyright holder release this (or similar) media under a free license, or by creating new media yourself (for example, by taking your own photograph of the subject).

If you have uploaded other non-free media, consider checking that you have specified how these media fully satisfy our non-free content criteria. You can find a list of description pages you have edited by clicking on this link. Note that even if you follow steps 1 and 2 above, non-free media which could be replaced by freely licensed alternatives will be deleted 2 days after this notification (7 days if uploaded before 13 July 2006), per the non-free content policy. If you have any questions, please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Magog the Ogre (tc) 02:44, 23 June 2018 (UTC)

Charles Arbuthnot (abbot) and EB1911[edit]

There is a category called Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with no article parameter, the first one on the list is Charles Arbuthnot (abbot) which 1911 article did you copy text from? I would add the article name myself but I can not find the name in EB1911. -- PBS (talk) 17:26, 6 July 2018 (UTC)

Hi Kittybrewster, did you have a chance to look at Charles Arbuthnot (abbot) yet? Just wondering if you could add the title of the EB1911 article to the template. Or, if the template was used by mistake, just delete the EB1911 template on Charles Arbuthnot, thanks. DivermanAU (talk) 22:15, 2 August 2018 (UTC)

Sir Montgomery Cecil listed at Redirects for discussion[edit]

An editor has asked for a discussion to address the redirect Sir Montgomery Cecil. Since you had some involvement with the Sir Montgomery Cecil redirect, you might want to participate in the redirect discussion if you have not already done so. Lord Belbury (talk) 10:57, 14 November 2018 (UTC)

ArbCom 2018 election voter message[edit]

WikiProject Genealogy - newsletter No.6[edit]

AfroCine: Join the Months of African Cinema this October![edit]

Nomination for deletion of Template:WikiProject Baronetcies[edit]

Ambox warning blue.svgTemplate:WikiProject Baronetcies has been nominated for deletion. You are invited to comment on the discussion at the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page. --Trialpears (talk) 09:18, 3 October 2019 (UTC)

Good luck[edit]

It's snacktime![edit]

Join the Months of African Cinema Global Contest![edit]

Ýou can opt-out of this annual reminder from The Afrocine Project by removing your username from this list

The Months of African Cinema Contest Continues in November![edit]

You can opt-out of this annual reminder from The Afrocine Project by removing your username from this list

ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message[edit]

"Operation Freedom Falcon" listed at Redirects for discussion[edit]

A discussion is taking place to address the redirect Operation Freedom Falcon. The discussion will occur at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2021 February 18#Operation Freedom Falcon until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. Shhhnotsoloud (talk) 09:27, 18 February 2021 (UTC)

MfD nomination of Template:User outlier=she[edit]

Template:User outlier=she, a page which you created or substantially contributed to, has been nominated for deletion. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; you may participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Template:User outlier=she and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You are free to edit the content of Template:User outlier=she during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such a removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you. 𝟙𝟤𝟯𝟺𝐪𝑤𝒆𝓇𝟷𝟮𝟥𝟜𝓺𝔴𝕖𝖗𝟰 (𝗍𝗮𝘭𝙠) 20:59, 8 March 2021 (UTC)