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Извините, сэр, в следующий раз не мешайте [ править ]

Только что добавил заглушку. Не знал, что это мешает. Извините, сэр.

Автор : Pakelectrical, добавлено 12:35, 9 сентября
Прости меня :( - Предыдущий неподписанный комментарий добавлен Pakelectrical ( обсуждение • вклад ) 16:12, 9 сентября 2015 г. (UTC)

Я не редактировал мобильные франшизы Пакистана [ править ]

Уважаемый сэр,
я могу вас понять, но последнее редактирование этой статьи было не мной, в котором неизвестный пользователь удаляет почти все содержимое моей статьи, однако у меня есть исходный код этой статьи.Автор : Pakelectrical —Предыдущий недатированный комментарий добавлен 12:35, 9 сентября 2015 г. (UTC)

KS [ править ]

Эй, где я могу найти это обсуждение? - Предшествующий неподписанный комментарий, добавленный Vulpicula ( обсуждение • вклад ) 23:41, 2 августа 2015 г. (UTC)

@ Vulpicula : Википедия: Статьи для удаления / .ks ; кажется, вы его уже нашли. (Почему-то это красная ссылка на вашей странице обсуждения, я тоже этого не понимаю ...) Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 07:30, 3 августа 2015 (UTC)
@ Qwertyus : Это может быть из-за моего незнания формата Википедии.

Священный сокол [ править ]

Привет. Я удалил ваше уведомление с просьбой о скорейшем удалении моей статьи NUST School of Chemical and Materials Engineering , поскольку я считаю, что она не подлежит удалению ни по одному из критериев удаления. Спасибо. -Священный сокол.

Виноградники семьи Босман [ править ]

Всем привет. Спасибо, что указали на проблемы с этой страницей. Я сделал пару правок и добавил цитаты и буду благодарен за ваш отзыв. -OnemanIan - Предшествующий неподписанный комментарий, добавленный OnemanIan ( обсуждение • вклад ) 04:25, 1 июля 2015 г. (UTC)

Священный сокол [ править ]

Извините, я все еще не совсем понимаю. Почему удаляется мой ящик пользователя? - Священный сокол ( разговор ) 14:09, 2 июля 2015 г. (UTC)

ОК. Значит, его не удаляли. Просто переехал. Хорошо. - Sacred Falcon ( разговор ) 14:12, 2 июля 2015 (UTC)

Уведомление Afd о свойствах премиум-класса Nucleus [ править ]

Могу ли я узнать причину, по которой уведомление Afd размещается на вики-странице Nucleus Premium Properties? Это известный бренд в строительной индустрии Кералы. Доступно множество связанных с ними новостных ссылок, и я не вижу сильных сторон, чтобы разместить там уведомление Afd ??? Пожалуйста, ответьте как можно скорее.

Спасибо - предыдущий неподписанный комментарий добавлен Johnabraham1 ( обсуждение • вклад )

@ Johnabraham1 : Я не размещал это. Я просто вставил его заново, потому что вы не должны удалять его, пока обсуждение не закончится. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 12:40, 23 июля 2015 (UTC)

Ахмед Аль-Кахтани [ править ]

Я назначил вышеупомянутую статью для удаления, не понимая, что вы ПРОДЕЛИ ее несколько дней назад. Шаблон PROD был удален с ложным утверждением о известности, но меня немного утешает то, что вы также придерживались мнения, что статья не заслуживает внимания. С уважением, Велелла Велелла Обсуждение 23:16, 20 июля 2015 г. (UTC)    

Кус Хейсен [ править ]

Добро пожаловать! К сожалению, я не умею читать по-голландски, поэтому у меня не было доступа к достаточному количеству источников, чтобы написать о нем что-то большее, чем действительно суперосновное резюме, - но как человек, который считает темы ЛГБТ среди своих приоритетов редактирования здесь, однажды я услышал о нем и его историческом притязании на значимость я чувствовал, что должен кое-что исправить. Хорошая сторона такого совместного проекта, как Википедия, заключается в том, что у других всегда есть возможность его расширить. Спасибо за реквизит. Bearcat ( разговор ) 18:01, 22 июля 2015 (UTC)

прогрессивный альянс [ править ]

Привет, я работаю на PA, и я отвечаю за исправление / корректировку этой страницы википедии. И мне только что сказали, что вы меняете мои перестановки. Было бы очень любезно, если бы вы могли оставить мою официальную версию ... потому что, например, ПА - это не политический интернационал, а глобальная сеть. Большое спасибо. Меларейтер ( разговор ) 13:04, 23 июля 2015 (UTC)

Уважаемый Меларойтер , если вы работаете в PA, вам настоятельно не рекомендуется редактировать эту страницу, согласно WP: COI (курсив в оригинале; вам рекомендуется прочитать это руководство). Я не собираюсь оставлять «официальную версию» на месте. Статьи в Википедии должны быть нейтральными резюме, основанными на надежных сторонних источниках, а не на собственных СМИ организаций. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 13:09, 23 июля 2015 (UTC)

Это не рекламный материал, просто правдивая информация ... Я не понимаю, почему вы предпочитаете неверную информацию на странице википедии ?? Я сохранил в истории вашу информацию и еще несколько объявлений ... то же самое для участника! Но, как я сказал, прогрессивный альянс - это не ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛ, а ГЛОБАЛЬНАЯ СЕТЬ, может быть, если бы он мог изменить хотя бы это, было бы здорово. А в чем проблема добавлять информацию о конференциях и семинарах? Лучший

Уважаемый Qwertyus ... не могли бы вы изменить ложную информацию: ПА не является политическим интернационалом (что бы это ни значило ... ПА не является организацией, следовательно, у вас нет членских взносов, и поэтому мы говорим от «участники», а не члены). Если вы посмотрите на немецкий и французский сайт википедии, это «глобальная сеть», и я не был автором ... Вторая услуга, которую вы можете сделать для меня, это то, что Зигмар Габриэль не президент ... он президент от СДПГ да ... но не от ПА. Я был бы очень рад, если бы вы могли внести это изменение, потому что публиковать неверную информацию не в ваших интересах ... и копирование / вставка из статей не всегда лучший способ. Большое спасибо.Best - предшествующий неподписанный комментарий, добавленный Melareuter (говорить • вклад )

Я перенесу это на страницу обсуждения статьи; На самом деле я не писал этого. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 07:54, 29 июля 2015 (UTC)

Порядковая логистическая регрессия [ править ]

Я новичок в Википедии. Я видел, что вы редактируете порядковую регрессию. Я оставил заметку на той странице обсуждения, но не был уверен, оставить ли мне одну здесь, или здесь, или и то, и другое. В любом случае, если вам понадобится помощь в его редактировании, дайте мне знать. PeterLFlomPhD ( обсуждение ) 14:24, 23 июля 2015 (UTC)

Июль 2015 г. [ править ]

Здравствуйте, я BracketBot . Я автоматически обнаружить , что ваши изменения в C файл ввода / вывода может побили синтаксис , изменив 2 «{}» с. Если да, не волнуйтесь: просто отредактируйте страницу еще раз, чтобы исправить это. Если я неправильно понял, что произошло, или у вас есть вопросы, вы можете оставить сообщение на странице обсуждения моего оператора .

Это сообщение можно удалить. Кроме того, чтобы перестать получать эти сообщения, следуйте этим инструкциям по отказу от рассылки . Спасибо, BracketBot ( обсуждение ) 12:03, 25 июля 2015 (UTC)

Мохаммад Бурхануддин [ править ]

Смерть: остановка сердца, http: //www.first post.com/India/Mumbai....-1346697.html. ( разговорное ) 03:37, 1 августа 2015 (UTC)

Вроде ты прав, поменял статью. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 07:33, 1 августа 2015 (UTC)


[1] ; «.. Хузайма ... уехал ... в свою другую резиденцию .. Тане. ... сделал ... официальный адрес ..»

Надежный источник указывает это только в отношении занимаемых офисов. Подробности приведены в статье без цитирования. Заявление, опубликованное на личном веб-сайте или опубликованное самим собой из ненадежных источников, не имеет места в Wiki. ( разговорное ) 10:36, 1 августа 2015 (UTC)

Пожалуйста, разместите это на страницах обсуждения статей и включите актуальные URL-адреса. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 10:39, 1 августа 2015 (UTC)

http://www.mumbaimirror.com/Mumbai/others/Dawoodi-Bohra-faction-now-fight-over-custody-of-9-kids/articleshow/31860902.cms - Предыдущий неподписанный комментарий добавлен ( обсуждение ) 03:07, 5 августа 2015 (UTC)

Страница обсуждения статьи. Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 06:47, 5 августа 2015 (UTC)

Удаленная страница [ править ]

привет, ты удалил мою вики-страницу, Энди Маки 8 июня 2015 года в 1208, почему это было? пожалуйста, восстановите его как можно скорее Энди Маки - Предшествующий неподписанный комментарий, добавленный Макмотом ( обсуждение • вклад ) 21:17, 4 августа 2015 г. (UTC)

Похоже, это про Энди Маки . Q VVERTYVS ( хм? ) 07:19, 5 августа 2015 (UTC)

Нацисты и контроль над огнестрельным оружием перечислены в редиректах для обсуждения [ править ]

Редактор попросил обсудить вопрос перенаправления нацистов и контроля над огнестрельным оружием . Поскольку вы имели какое-то отношение к перенаправлению нацистов и контролю над оружием , вы можете принять участие в обсуждении перенаправления, если вы еще этого не сделали. - Godsy ( TALK CONT ) 3:25, 12 августа 2015 (UTC)

Август 2015 г. [ править ]

Здравствуйте, я BracketBot . Я автоматически обнаружить , что ваши изменения в Альмквист оболочки , возможно, нарушили синтаксис , изменяя 1 «()» с. Если да, не волнуйтесь: просто отредактируйте страницу еще раз, чтобы исправить это. Если я неправильно понял, что произошло, или у вас есть вопросы, вы можете оставить сообщение на странице обсуждения моего оператора .

Список непарных скобок, оставшихся на странице:
  • system, по сравнению с предыдущими версиями Debian и Ubuntu, которые использовали Bash для этой цели ) . Побочным эффектом использования Dash является снижение уязвимости к [[Shellshock уязвимость]]

Это сообщение можно удалить. Кроме того, чтобы перестать получать эти сообщения, следуйте этим инструкциям по отказу от рассылки . Спасибо, BracketBot ( обсуждение ) 18:38, 17 августа 2015 (UTC)

Джеймс Альбус [ править ]

Я заметил, что вы отредактировали страницу Джеймса Альбуса. Я посетил веб-сайт Джеймса Альбуса и веб- сайт http://www.peoplescapitalism.org/ и заметил, что, похоже, никого больше не волнует, и особенно сайт peoplescapitalism не работает, на нем много страниц, ведущих к 404. Вы хоть представляете, есть ли кто-нибудь это немного похоже на наследника этого, к кому я мог бы приблизиться? Вы можете написать мне, если хотите: victor (dot) onrust (at) xs4all (dot) nl. Я тоже буду смотреть эту страницу.

TIA Victor50 ( разговор ) 09:08, 1 сентября 2015 (UTC)

Erlton Condominium [ править ]

Привет! Спасибо за предложение проверить, примечательна ли эта квартира - я узнал об этом здесь . Ottawahitech ( обсуждение ) 12:17, 7 сентября 2015 (UTC)

Майкл Спир [ править ]

Привет, спасибо за рекламный тег. Подскажите, пожалуйста, какие разделы вас обидели, чтобы я мог их почистить? - Предыдущий неподписанный комментарий добавлен Jordanstjacques ( обсуждение • вклад ) 22:08, 7 сентября 2015 г. (UTC)

зачем удалять ?! [ редактировать ]

why deleted ru link for info about same articles ?! the heck ? --Zafer14ur8 (talk) 04:25, 9 September 2015 (UTC) r&s

Would you care to explain what this is about? QVVERTYVS (hm?) 07:48, 9 September 2015 (UTC)

Virtium Technology[edit]

I'm of a mind to move Virtium Technology to Draft: space. I looks very much like a work in progress. Thoughts? WikiDan61ChatMe!ReadMe!! 19:30, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

@WikiDan61: I wouldn't mind, although I think simply removing the author's notes-to-self would leave it a finished stub. The problem with the page is that it's written by someone who's probably a paid advocate, not its status as finished or unfinished. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 19:33, 10 September 2015 (UTC)


is it better now!? — Preceding unsigned comment added by TLGGG Gaming (talk • contribs) 14:34, 11 September 2015 (UTC)

File:Jose Mauri.png[edit]

Deleted. Thank you for the pointer; I'd completely overlooked the watermark. Nyttend (talk) 12:57, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

Speedy deletion tag[edit]

Speedy deletion nomination of CLASSICAL CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE

I want to keep this article anyhow . What can I do Surendra Nath Bora (talk) 09:22, 22 September 2015 (UTC)

Nothing. This kind of material doesn't belong on Wikipedia. See WP:OR for the relevant guideline. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 10:06, 22 September 2015 (UTC)

DYK for Hendrick Peter Godfried Quack[edit]

Gatoclass (talk) 17:49, 26 September 2015 (UTC)

Delisted merge proposal[edit]

I just wanted to be sure and drop you a quick note explaining why I removed the merge proposal on US federal recognition of a Native Hawaiian nation. The merge itself would be controversial. The two subjects are not the same. The article is about the attempt by the US government to classify Native Hawaiians as American Indians in order to allow some amount of Independence within the framework of the US constitution and applicable laws and statutes. But, it has become very controversial with many indigenous Hawaiians. There are actually a good deal of sources for this including a recent declaration by the US Department of the Interior. This is about a process that began in 1993 and went through several changes, proposals to the US congress and has culminated with a listing of Native Hawaiians verified on a Native Hawaiian Roll Commission list and the upcoming Constitutional Convention being funded by OHA (Office of Hawaiian Affairs) through a special group of participating ali'i families.--Mark Miller (talk) 17:03, 6 October 2015 (UTC)

Of course "the subjects aren't the same", but everything that is said in the new stub concerns Native Hawaiians and can be covered in a section of that article. The fact that it's controversial doesn't change it, it makes it all the more relevant. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 17:11, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
That merge can be done boldly. I have no problem with adding the content to the other article. The two can exist simultaneously as a stand alone article (this does meet notability standards for a stand alone article) and a small section in the article Native Hawaiians but I do intend to expand this article today.--Mark Miller (talk) 17:49, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
Per WP:COMMONNAME I moved the article to US federal recognition of Native Hawaiians which is the far more searchable title the subject, which is the same but drops mention of a "Nation".--Mark Miller (talk) 17:55, 6 October 2015 (UTC)

DYK nomination of Levant Quartet[edit]

Hello! Your submission of Levant Quartet at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and some issues with it may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! CeeGee 10:55, 8 October 2015 (UTC)

Dawoodi Bohra FGM[edit]

Kindly explain why have you reverted my edit. for FGM. the Online petition was never presented to syedna mohammed burhadduin as the reference itself states.further the 350 people from a million strong Dawoodi bohra signing online petition sheds doubt on its validity.Rukn950 (talk) 12:45, 13 October 2015 (UTC)

The source states that the petition was to be presented, which is accurately reflected in the text as it is. Your personal opinion about the petition is not relevant to WP. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 12:58, 13 October 2015 (UTC)
Ok. please see that there are several sources that are misrepresented in this article, which I am trying to put it straight. feel free to correct me when I am wrong.Rukn950 (talk) 13:03, 13 October 2015 (UTC)

Reference errors on 14 October[edit]

Hello, I'm ReferenceBot. I have automatically detected that an edit performed by you may have introduced errors in referencing. It is as follows:

  • On the Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Boot File System page, your edit caused a broken reference name (help). (Fix | Ask for help)

Please check this page and fix the errors highlighted. If you think this is a false positive, you can report it to my operator. Thanks, ReferenceBot (talk) 00:19, 15 October 2015 (UTC)

Momin Rashid[edit]

you added the article Baba Payam ud Din Reshi in AFD but this article is a very good informative piece and requires assistance and maintenance. I hope this is article is better shaped in its current form than it was earlier. Kindly help remove the AFD template. This is a very Genuine article and an uncontroversial, neutrally written keeping in view Wikipedia guidelines and standards.

DYK for Levant Quartet[edit]

The DYK project (nominate) 12:02, 19 October 2015 (UTC)

October 2015[edit]

Please stop deliberately introducing incorrect information, as you did at Hindu American Foundation. VictoriaGraysonTalk 14:11, 21 October 2015 (UTC)

@VictoriaGrayson: It was possibly just a misunderstanding. So let it go please. - Kautilya3 (talk) 15:34, 21 October 2015 (UTC)

Recent edit[edit]

Re added your recent removal of picture ([2]) with source. Comments on sources welcome on Talk:Israeli settler violence.note: page falls under WP:1RR Gizmocorot (talk) 13:00, 28 October 2015 (UTC)

Reversions of My Edits[edit]


Regarding https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blue_Wonder_Power_Milk&oldid=688503185&diff=prev, what would satisfy you to remove the citation needed bit? I can confirm with my own eyes that the album artwork for Blue Wonder Power Milk is in fact an escalator inside of Atomium. I recalled the "citation needed" bit from an earlier read of the article; and then when I was last in Brussels, I visited the Atomium to show a friend. I checked the inside, and, yes, that scene from the album artwork, so I removed the citation needed. Unfortunately photos of Atomium require special license, so I can't just upload "proof" in public domain. FWIW, you can see a photo that is in the public domain of this elevator from a slightly different perspective here: http://www.brusselspictures.com/2008/05/21/atomium-expo-58.

Finally, regarding https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Go_(programming_language)&oldid=688503214&diff=prev, what would satisfy you to revert your deletion? The components I inventoried in the "runtime" section are objective facts that can be proven by linking to the relevant sections of the Go runtime's source code. If that would satisfy you, I can do that. Just let me know the required level of detail.

In the future, consider reaching out instead of arbitrarily deleting one's contributions and clarifying if further work is required. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Matttproud (talk • contribs) 15:55, 1 November 2015 (UTC)

Hi Matttproud,
In both cases, the guideline WP:RS applies:

Articles should be based on reliable, third-party, published sources with a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy. This means that we publish the opinions only of reliable authors, and not the opinions of Wikipedians who have read and interpreted primary source material for themselves.

This means that neither personal testimony nor source code are good enough. In the specific case of Go (programming language), your additions constitute both personal analysis and (IMHO) undue attention to implementation details that do not fit in an encyclopedic overview. Only if some third party source discusses these details because they are significant for some reason, should they be added to the article. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 16:18, 1 November 2015 (UTC)

November 2015[edit]

Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to Starbucks may have broken the syntax by modifying 2 "{}"s. If you have, don't worry: just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, BracketBot (talk) 09:52, 3 November 2015 (UTC)

Hello. You have a new message at Latosh Boris's talk page.

Vertigo Bliss[edit]

Hey, just giving you a head's up. Vertigo Bliss did have a vague assertion of notability, so I've taken it to AfD. It wasn't much, but it was enough that someone could possibly cry foul over it at DRV if it came to that. I don't expect it to survive. Tokyogirl79 (。◕‿◕。) 10:42, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

Thanks! QVVERTYVS (hm?) 11:03, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

Marilyn Stablein[edit]

It is not a great article. It needs a massive pruning to say only what is said in the very few useful references. Unfortunately my view is that she passes WP:BIO and thus it should remain, though it most assuredly needs a radical edit. I think your nomination for deletion may well do the trick with that, and folk will, I hope race in to cut tranches of inadmissible material from it. Fiddle Faddle 20:00, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

What are your thoughts on returning to Draft: space as an outcome of the discussion? Fiddle Faddle 20:26, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

Hoax #2[edit]

Please see [3] and [4]. Anna Frodesiak (talk) 12:37, 7 November 2015 (UTC)

@Anna Frodesiak: I'm not entitled to see deleted contributions. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 12:41, 7 November 2015 (UTC)
My goodness. I thought you were an admin. A thousand pardons. Pinging Acroterion. Anna Frodesiak (talk) 12:43, 7 November 2015 (UTC)

inre Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Dirty Tennis[edit]

Sad that it sat neglected for so long, but through due diligence, I found multiple sources and improved the article. Schmidt, Michael Q. 01:26, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Does not credibly indicate the importance[edit]

[5] — no, probably not notable. Did you happen to notice the names of the band members? :-) I've blocked the user.[6] Bishonen | talk 13:43, 10 November 2015 (UTC).

I actually didn't read it very carefully, I just saw "band founded today" with no sources... QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:45, 10 November 2015 (UTC)
Compare my link to the block log. Bishonen | talk 13:46, 10 November 2015 (UTC).
Ah. Well, in all fairness, I know musical genres where those are not terribly unrealistic stage names... QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:55, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Binary Search Tree[edit]

Hi, you've undone my recent edit removing the redundant "return None" line from the Python recursive search code, citing the reason being that 'explicit is better than implicit'. Whilst I agree that an explicit "return None" is better than an implicit one in situations where an implicit return is possible, this particular code does not allow the possibility of implicit return as all code paths will have all explicitly returned already.

I believe that the redundant "return None" line actually makes the code less clear to understand as it suggests to the reader that it is possible for a code path to reach this line and so must be a necessary part of the algorithm, when in fact it is not part of the algorithm at all. (It certainly did to me anyway, which is why I removed it save future readers from going through the same mental exercise that I did.)

Peterc26 (talk) 20:09, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Ah, you're right, I misread the code. Sorry, reverted my revert! QVVERTYVS (hm?) 20:38, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Americans for Conservative Training[edit]

Please see the link to the old deletion discussion in the talk page heading and the extensive analysis of the sources on the talk page footer. I'm sorry to have to say this, but the community is incapable of making rational decisions. I nominated this for speedy years ago, but it was turned down. I nominated it for deletion, but it was closed as no consensus. How can a topic like this, which contains not a single reliable source that provides significant coverage, still be here? I'll tell you. This is because Wikipedia has always had a right-wing, conservative bias rooted in American libertarianism. Viriditas (talk) 21:14, 11 November 2015 (UTC)

@Viriditas: looks like it got speedied after all. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 09:27, 12 November 2015 (UTC)


Hello, Qwertyus. You have new messages at Imran Khan (web developer)'s talk page. Bharatiya29 (talk) 12:18, 16 November 2015 (UTC)


I have authority to offer you a free copy of Hamilton C shell to do with as you wish. Nothing is expected in return and no one will attempt to discover your identity, track your activity or determine whether you even accepted the offer. I am making (have made) the same offer by email to everyone who posts to that discussion, regardless of their position. But you don't accept email, so if this is of interest to you, you will need to email me and I'll reply with the URL. Msnicki (talk) 17:19, 21 November 2015 (UTC)

ArbCom elections are now open![edit]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:58, 23 November 2015 (UTC)

Banking Pages[edit]

Kindly delete the banks pages, you highlighted. No objection. sorry i could not spare time to improve that pages. Ameen Akbar (talk) 21:26, 24 November 2015 (UTC)

@امین اکبر: I can't delete them myself. Sorry for the massive amount of template cruft on your talk page, I should have turned the check off. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 09:46, 25 November 2015 (UTC)
These have been sitting on CAT:CSD for a day or two now. The problem with banks is they're not obvious A7s, as unless you're talking about Lucy's Psychiatric booth specialising in financial advice for a day, it's a major amount of effort to establish one. I've deleted a few country-specific branches as WP:CSD#A10 of the main one, and redirected one to a list article - but I'm happy to speedy the remainder via WP:CSD#G7 if you give me the nod. Ritchie333 (talk) (cont) 16:35, 25 November 2015 (UTC)

Could you delete two pages I created by mistake?[edit]

Hi! I created two pages by accident, i.e.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorte_Slyngel and


Could you delete them for me, if you have the power to do so? Thanks in advance Your sleepy (that's why I didn't notice my error until too late :-) Sorte Slyngel (talk) 18:58, 28 November 2015 (UTC)

@Sorte Slyngel: I have no such power, but I tagged them so an admin can clean them up. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 19:00, 28 November 2015 (UTC)
Hi again! Thanks anyway. I saw one tag. This is a mistake I should not have made. I am an old fox here, but I was forced to change names earlier this year after it turned out that my previous user-name conflicted with somebody elses. Why that was only discovered now I don't know. Anyway, I haven't done much for quite a while, so I'm rusty. Cheers Sorte Slyngel (talk) 19:17, 28 November 2015 (UTC)
I think the talk page gets deleted along with the main page by default. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 20:43, 28 November 2015 (UTC)

Bottom up merge sort for linked lists[edit]

Several people asked for this. The HP / Microsoft Standard Template Library std::list::sort() and probably most versions of std::list::sort use this bottom up with array merge sort for list algorithm. I removed the merge() code, and referenced the merge() function from top down merge sort for lists. What's left is the main bottom up merge sort logic, which is fairly simple, once someone understands how the array is being used. Rcgldr (talk) 11:14, 29 November 2015 (UTC)

The changes from 0 to nil seem fine to me. Rcgldr (talk) 11:31, 29 November 2015 (UTC)

Multi-key quicksort pseudocode[edit]

Hi, in the recent edit [7] you have replaced an assignment symbol with := for variable p, but left the other one unchanged (for a pair of variables i,j). Was it deliberate? Did you mean to distinguish the two types of assignment? Or is it just an ordinary omission? --CiaPan (talk) 07:41, 30 November 2015 (UTC)

Nope, I just overlooked it. Thanks! QVVERTYVS (hm?) 08:18, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
Glad to help. :) CiaPan (talk)


Hi. I'm curious as to why you made this report. --Kudpung กุดผึ้ง (talk) 13:08, 5 December 2015 (UTC)

@Kudpung: because all this user produced was a lengthy piece of advertising, after posting a notice that they understand the COI guidelines, and their user page still states that

I’m here to ensure all articles related to Dutch Lady Malaysia and the dairy industry in Malaysia is accurate and comprehensive

giving the impression that WP condones this line of work. Blocking the user allows removal of this user page and signals that we take the WP:PROMOTION policy seriously. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:17, 5 December 2015 (UTC)
Did you miss the fact that the user hasn't edited for three years? (unless the tools are completely haywire today). --Kudpung กุดผึ้ง (talk) 13:22, 5 December 2015 (UTC)
No, I admit I saw that. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:28, 5 December 2015 (UTC)

Line Delimited JSON[edit]


It seems your nomination is without participants again. I advise you to start inviting participants via talk page messages. You should observe WP:CANVASS but I think you already know that, given how long you've been here.

Best regards,
04:48, 6 December 2015 (UTC)

Brown Clustering cats[edit]

Noticed you undid my edit - that's OK, but LM seems to be a subcat of NLP and CL, and neither NLP nor CL cat appear in the LM cat page as the edit summary suggested. Can you consider a more logical structure of categories, bearing in mind Brown is a pretty poor LM as described in the paper - which just uses interpolated bigram, nothing intrinsic to Brown - and also that Brown is often used for many non-LM purposes in machine learning, NLP and CL (e.g. as word representations cf. the Turian link on the page; and for normalisation).

Leondz (talk) 12:54, 11 December 2015 (UTC)

Category:Language modeling is a subcat of both Category:Computational linguistics and Category:Statistical natural language processing. But I guess you're right, it's not only a language model. Reverted my own edit, then changed NLP to statistical NLP. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:40, 11 December 2015 (UTC)

Good catch[edit]

I was too busy trying to correct all the inappropriate title capitalization's of "flood" that I overlooked an obvious (The) with 1867 flood of Chattanooga so thanks. Otr500 (talk) 07:26, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Unix philosophy page issues[edit]

Hello, just wanted to ask if you could keep an eye on Unix philosophy, because there is some questionable material that an editor has been attempting to keep in the article. It isn't clearly related to the Unix philosophy, but the editor in question doesn't seem interested in finding a more appropriate article for it. In any case, I think this page could benefit from more eyes on it, if you are willing. Best regards. Huihermit (talk) 12:33, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Season's Greetings[edit]

File:Xmas Ornament.jpg

To You and Yours!
FWiW Bzuk (talk) 21:48, 20 December 2015 (UTC)

Disambiguation link notification for January 4[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Gerrit Hendrik Kersten, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Cinema. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Please do not create WP:INCOMPDAB pages. They cause problems rather than solving them. Thanks! bd2412 T 12:50, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Ok, sorry. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 13:37, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Changes to Intertrust Group[edit]

Dear Qwertyus, first of all, many thanks for your valuable contributions. I would like to inform you that Intertrust Group has become a publicly listed company in October 2015. Therefore, I will make a number of changes to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intertrust_Group to reflect those changes. I'm reaching out to you as you have reverted some of my changes in the past, specifically on the description of Intertrust's activities. The description of "Tax avoidance" is not correct; Intertrust is described as a trust and corporate services provider - which indeed can come across as vague - but its speciality is (quite straight forward): "administration", as mentioned by Reuters on this recent article http://www.reuters.com/article/netherlands-intertrust-ipo-idUSL8N12F1BD20151015 - or in more detail legal and financial administrative services, as Bloomberg describes in this article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-20/blackstone-said-to-announce-intertrust-ipo-on-monday. Many thanks for your support.

Interhallglobal (talk) 13:05, 14 January 2016 (UTC)


This would be the one time you'll ever see that title on your userpage and not immediately need to report the user to AN/I.

In any case, would you please go to the AfD entry for that article and add your vote to get rid of it?

Thanks, J♯m (talk | contribs) 20:25, 19 January 2016 (UTC)

January 2016[edit]

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  • and disabling a job scheduler daemon, and status reports of the print system.{{r|Nemeth1985}} The {{mono|lp} command handled queue documents to be printed{{r|Nemeth1985}} and had over 20 different

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Reference errors on 25 January[edit]

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Reference errors on 28 January[edit]

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Disambiguation link notification for January 31[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Timaeus of Locri, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Croton. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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DYK for Timaeus of Locri[edit]

Cas Liber (talk · contribs) 00:02, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

DYK for Timaeus of Locri[edit]

Cas Liber (talk · contribs) 00:02, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

2010 budget of the municipal government of Toronto[edit]

You proposed deleting 1999 budget of the municipal government of Toronto and 2004 budget of the municipal government of Toronto. Should 2010 budget of the municipal government of Toronto also be removed? Then, presumably the category Category:Budgets of the municipal government of Toronto should be deleted.-- (talk) 04:06, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

The 2010 article has an independent source, so I wasn't sure about it. I guess it might need discussion at WP:AfD. (Note: I'm not deleting anything. I don't have admin powers, so I can't delete articles myself.) QVVERTYVS (hm?) 08:04, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Unblock request from User:Md iet[edit]

Please see Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard#Standard offer unblock request from Md iet. Since you have interacted with Md iet in the past (filing a couple of 3RR reports, at least) you may have an opinion on this request. Also you may have some knowledge of the subject matter. Thanks, EdJohnston (talk) 04:40, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

Thanks and a question[edit]

Hello Q. Thanks for your edit here. Do you think that this person should be reported to WP:UAA as a self promotional username? Thanks for your time. MarnetteD|Talk 17:08, 11 February 2016 (UTC)

I guess so. Will you do the honor? QVVERTYVS (hm?) 18:32, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
As you found the selfpromotion edit I'd be happy for you to do the report. Are we in an "After you" - "No, after you" situation :-) Let me know how you would like to proceed and cheers. MarnetteD|Talk 18:44, 11 February 2016 (UTC)


Hello, Qwertyus! I got that you placed an advertisement tag onto the article about ICRANet organization. I've made a PhD there 3 years ago, so I want to improve the article. Face-smile.svg Could you explain me, what section should I check first? Maybe my English is not so good, but I cannot get the idea where the advertisement exactly is in there. Thank you! --Melirius (talk) 02:30, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

@Melirius: you could start by having a look at phrases like "In order to promote this important collaboration between physics and mathematics, in celebration of that historic event". Also, pretty much all the sources are affiliated organisations. Sources for Wikipedia should be uninterested third parties or vetted by peer review to establish the importance of the material presented. QVVERTYVS (hm?) 10:13, 27 February 2016 (UTC)
Thanks a lot! Now I have a way to proceed. The sources present a big problem, yes, I try to find some. --Melirius (talk) 18:00, 27 February 2016 (UTC)
Could you check, is there something that I missed of the kind discussed? --Melirius (talk) 18:37, 27 February 2016 (UTC)

Disambiguation link notification for February 26[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Apache Spark, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Latency. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Disambiguation link notification for March 6[edit]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Mohegan people, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Mistick, Massachusetts. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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Neutral point of view?[edit]

"Please do not add commentary or your own personal analysis to Wikipedia articles, as you did to GroenLinks. Doing so violates Wikipedia's neutral point of view policy and breaches the formal tone expected in an encyclopedia. Thank you." QVVERTYVS (hm?) 11:16, 27 October 2015 (UTC)

Thank you. That brought a smile to my face. How I do wish that Wikipedia used, enforced, a "formal tone expected in an encyclopedia." Sadly, that is simply not the case, especially as it relates to an encyclopedic neutral point of view (Encyclopaedia Britannica being one of the better ones, though no longer quite what they were in the old days).

In virtually every article I have observed that relates even moderately to a political topic, the point of view is universally skewed to the Left. Perhaps you have noticed (or perhaps you have not) that every article about a subject that is to the right of center is always labeled with descriptive adjectives indicating such: far-right, hard-right, conservative, ultra-conservative, etc. However.....articles about groups left of center contain no such labels. Or, at the very most, something very blasé such as 'liberal.' This condition is so pervasive that perhaps you have become inured to it.

A neutral point of view in Wikipedia? Hardly. Despite the fact that the rules clearly state that neutrality is required. And attempts by me (and others) to improve the genuine neutrality of articles inevitably get reverted; by people like you who have not yet quite learned how to assess true neutrality.Hackercraft (talk) 00:20, 26 March 2016 (UTC)

3D Fax[edit]

Welcome to Wikipedia. It might not have been your intention, but your recent edit removed maintenance templates from 3D Fax. When removing maintenance templates, please be sure to either resolve the problem that the template refers to, or give a valid reason for the removal in the edit summary. If this was a mistake, don't worry, as your removal of this template has been reverted. Take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia, and if you would like to experiment, please use the sandbox. Thank you. — Smjg (talk) 20:42, 29 March 2016 (UTC)

Gender neutral title[edit]

Hey hey,

Your note on Talk:Gender neutral title indicates that you tagged the page with the disputes template, which is fair enough - we've not had a lot of info about Mx for quite some time. However, information about the title's origins have come to light since it was put forward for adding to the Oxford English Dictionary, so I've added as many citations as I can. Since it was me that did the thing and I'm quite a casual editor, I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to remove the tag(s). But I just wanted to draw it to your attention, since presumably as you added the template you have an interest in the article's accuracy and so on.

--Cassian (talk) 14:38, 4 April 2016 (UTC)


Why you didnt ask when you delete the merging proposal from Semiramis article? --FPP (talk) 18:52, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Nomination of ACivilian for deletion[edit]

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article ACivilian is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/ACivilian until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. CerealKillerYum (talk) 03:03, 10 May 2016 (UTC)

NPP / AfC[edit]

Hi. Just a reminder that in just over a week at Wikimania there's going to be a cross-Wiki discussion about the systems of control of new pages. This is a round-table rather than a presentation or a lecture. On the agenda are reforms to the new article reviewing systems and ways to help new users better understand our content policies. If you are going to Italy and would like to take part, please check out the conference schedule, and I look forward to seeing you there. --Kudpung กุดผึ้ง (talk) 18:11, 14 June 2016 (UTC)

Spark GraphX[edit]

Why did you revert my rewrite of Apache Spark#GraphX?

Ah, I see it now, "OR". Trouble is, just about the only source is my book [8] which I didn't want to cite due to conflict of interest. Perhaps you could give me support on the Spark talk page to self-cite, or perhaps you could just restore my changes and add some cn's. Michaelmalak (talk) 23:16, 10 July 2016 (UTC)
@Michaelmalak: I think re-adding the content with a {{cn}} template attached is the worst of all possible solutions. I haven't read your book, so I can't judge it, but in general experts are not forbidden from citing themselves and your addition seemed a fair criticism of GraphX. Maybe you could ask for comments on this situation over at WT:COMPUTING? QVVERTYVS (hm?) 17:19, 11 July 2016 (UTC)

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open![edit]

Merry, merry![edit]

From the icy Canajian north; to you and yours! FWiW Bzuk (talk) 22:30, 25 December 2016 (UTC)

Seasons' Greetings[edit]

...to you and yours, from the Great White North! FWiW Bzuk (talk) 04:41, 24 December 2017 (UTC)

Orphaned non-free image File:Scikit-learn logo.png[edit]


Thanks for uploading File:Scikit-learn logo.png. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in section F5 of the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 18:25, 12 August 2018 (UTC)

Holy fire and 'the plant' in Zoroastrianism[edit]


three years ago you have added a clarification request to this part:

The Indo-Iranians believed that fire was the essence of life and existence, and it is thought that there was a relationship between fire and the plant.

in Fire in ancient Iranian culture#Early history. I am not an expert, but I guess that might be the Zoroastrian divine plant Haoma.

But I may well be wrong, because our article about the holy fire Atar does not mention any plants, either transcendental, divine or real. However, it says in the lead:

[Atar] is considered to be the visible presence of Ahura Mazda and his aša.

and Asha in turn admits in section Asha#As "right working":

As (the hypostasis of) regularity and "right working", aša/arta- is present when Ahura Mazda fixed the course of the sun, the moon and the stars (Yasna 44.3), and it is through aša that plants grow (Yasna 48.6).

That, in turn, seems too remote association to explain the sentence in question.

Do you know any Wikipedian who might verify this and fix or expand the Fire in ancient Iranian culture article? --CiaPan (talk) 13:43, 13 February 2019 (UTC)