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Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлено из Вуди Вудворда (EastEnders) )
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Логотип EastEnders

Ниже приведен список символов , которые впервые появились в BBC мыльной оперы EastEnders в 2017 году, по приказу первого появления. Все персонажи представлены исполнительным продюсером шоу Шоном О'Коннором или, с 27 ноября, его преемником на посту исполнительного консультанта Джоном Йорком . [1] [2] Первым персонажем, который был представлен, был Киган Бейкер ( Зак Моррис ), друг Шакила Каземи ( Шахин Джафаргхоли ), за ним последовали Эмеральд Фокс ( Донья Кролл ), мать Дениз Фокс ( Дайан Пэриш ) иКим Фокс-Хаббард ( Тамека Эмпсон ). Мэдисон Дрейк (Серафина Бех), Александра Д'Коста (Сидней Крейвен) и Трэвис Лоу-Хьюз (Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс), три новых подростковых персонажа, также были представлены в январе, а также их школьный учитель г-н Гетин Прайс ( Керит Флинн ) и Хьюго Браунинг ( Саймон Уильямс ), председатель Weyland & Co. В следующем месяце Престон Купер (Мартин Анзор), студент, с которым Мишель Фаулер ( Дженна Рассел ) имела незаконные отношения в Соединенных Штатах, и Конрад Топольски(Петр Бауманн), любовный интерес Ширли Картер ( Линда Генри ), впервые появились.

Джош Хеммингс ( Эдди Эйр ), сын Джеймса Уилмотт-Брауна ( Уильям Бойд ) и любовный интерес к Лорен Браннинг ( Жаклин Джосса ) и Томми , друг Джея Брауна ( Джейми Бортвик ), оба дебютировали в марте. В апреле впервые появляется Вуди Вудворд ( Ли Райан ), друг Картеров. Тед Мюррей ( Кристофер Тимоти ) и Джойс Мюррей ( Мэгги Стид ), пожилая пара, впервые появились в мае. В следующем месяце Том Бейли( Дэниел Кейси ), любовный интерес для Мишель, семьи Тейлор - включая Карен Тейлор ( Лорейн Стэнли ), Киану Тейлор ( Дэнни Уолтерс ), Бернадетт Тейлор (Клер Норрис), Райли Тейлор (Том Джейкобс) и Чатем Тейлор (Алфи Джейкобс) - и были представлены Ингрид Сольберг (Пернилле Броч), няня, нанятая Джеком Брэннингом ( Скотт Маслен ). Феликс Мур ( Джордж Магуайр ), рыночный трейдер, дебютировал в июле. Хоуп Фаулер , дочь Мартина Фаулера (Джеймс Бай ) и Стейси Фаулер ( Лейси Тернер ) родились в октябре. Эйдан Магуайр ( Патрик Бергин ) прибыл в ноябре, в то время как Кэндис Тейлор ( Ханна Спирритт ), сестра Карен, и Эби Браннинг , дочь Эби Браннинг ( Лорна Фицджеральд ) и Стивена Бил ( Аарон Сидвелл ), впервые появились в декабре.

Киган Бейкер

Киган Батчер-Бейкер (также Бейкер ), которого играет Зак Моррис , является другом Шакила Каземи ( Шахин Джафаргхоли ), который также ходит в школу с Луизой Митчелл ( Тилли Кипер ), Бексом Фаулером ( Жасмин Армфилд ), Трэвисом Лоу-Хьюзом (Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс), Александра Д'Коста (Сидней Крейвен) и Мэдисон Дрейк (Серафина Бех). Впервые он появляется в передаче 9 января 2017 года. [3]

Киган впервые показан играющим в мяч с Шакилом, и он заставляет мяч приземлиться на мобильный телефон Луизы, разбивая его и заставляя ее в гневе называть его «ногтем на ноге». Позже он посещает вечеринку, организованную Шакилом, и показывает Шакилу видео, которое он снял с девочкой в ​​школе в раздевалке, без ее ведома и согласия, показывая, что он разослал его всем в школе, что, по словам Шакила, ужасно. [3] Когда Луиза назначает свидание с Трэвисом Лоу-Хьюзом (Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс), Трэвис не появляется, но приходят Шакил, Киган и их друзья, и Киган говорит Луизе, что она писала ему, и он дразнит Луизу тем, что она сказала в сообщениях. [4]Киган толкает Луизу в шкафчики в школе и оскорбляет Бекс. Киган сидит в автобусе, который врезается в рынок и виадук. [5] Киган выходит из автобуса, снимает инцидент, пользуется возможностью, чтобы украсть сигареты из местного магазина, и толкает Эмералд Фокс ( Донья Кролл ), когда она пытается его остановить. [6] Киган публикует видео об аварии автобуса в Интернете и дразнит Луизу. [7] Позже он раздражает Дениз Фокс ( Дайан Пэриш ), топчая цветы в садах и оскорбляя ее, в результате чего она бьет его. Киган сердито заявляет, что сообщит в полицию и что Дениз будет заключена в тюрьму за нападение. [8]В суде Дениз заставляют заплатить Кигану 50 фунтов стерлингов, которые, по его словам, она заплатила за его новых кроссовок, и он продолжает неуважительно относиться к Дениз и садам. [9]

Узнав, что Бекс занимался сексом с Престоном Купером (Мартин Анзор), Киган предлагает Шакилу отомстить Бексу [10], а Киган накладывает лицо Бекса на порно-видео и отправляет его Мэдисон Дрейк и Александре Д'Коста (Серафина). Бех и Сидней Крейвен). [11] Это приводит к вмешательству полиции, и обнаруживается обнаженная фотография Шакиля. Шакил и Бекс были опрошены полицией и получили предупреждения, и Бекс берет на себя вину, несмотря на свою невиновность. Шакил обвиняет Кигана во всех проблемах и борется с ним, что останавливает мать Шакила, Кармел Каземи ( Бонни Лэнгфорд ), которая запрещает Кигану посещать дом Каземи из-за того, что он сделал. [12]Находясь в местном супермаркете Minute Mart, Киган пытается украсть бутылку напитка, но Дерек Харкинсон ( Ян Лавендер ) угрожает вызвать полицию, и хотя Киган говорит, что система видеонаблюдения предназначена только для показа, Дерек говорит ему, что может, а может и нет. так и убеждает Кигана вернуть напиток. [13] Киган приходит в дом Луизы после того, как Мэдисон и Александра приглашают людей. Луиза по незнанию пьет напитки, которые добавили Мэдисон и Александра, в результате чего Луиза напивается и заболевает, что Киган снимает. Когда Луиза, шатаясь, выходит наружу, она падает в обморок, подняв кровь, запаниковав Кигана и остальных. [14] Позже он сталкивается с Дениз, он извиняется перед ней, но она говорит ему, чтобы он заблудился. [15]

После того, как Трэвис унижает Кигана перед своими одноклассниками, Киган говорит Луизе, что они занимались сексом на вечеринке, но Луиза говорит, что он лжет, но беспокоится после того, как Мэдисон и Александра говорят ей, что Киган рассказывает людям о родинке Луизы. [16] Луиза идет в клинику, чтобы пройти тестирование на венерические заболевания, и Луиза потрясена тем, что Киган - сын новой соседки Карен Тейлор ( Лоррейн Стэнли ). [17] Луиза разговаривает с полицией, и Киган, несмотря на то, что он признал, что спустил слух, потому что любит Луизу, арестован по подозрению в изнасиловании. [18]Расследование прекращено из-за отсутствия доказательств, но Киган получает предупреждение о несовершеннолетних, и Шэрон решает получить ответы от Кигана для Луизы. [19]

Киган рассказывает Луизе и ее мачехе Шэрон Митчелл ( Летиция Дин ), что Деннис Рикман ( Блю Ландау ), сын Шэрон, рассказал ему о родинке Луизы, и Киган приносит свои извинения. [20] Хани Митчелл ( Эмма Бартон ) видит, что Киган крадет журнал в Minute Mart, но боится противостоять ему. Дерек предупреждает Кигана и заявляет, что Хани его видела, поэтому Киган обвиняет Хани в расизме. Затем он противостоит Дереку и называет его «старым педиком», прежде чем покинуть магазин. [21] Когда Кигану сказали, что его 15-летняя сводная сестра Бернадетт Тейлор(Клер Норрис) беременна, он называет ее глупой. Позже Киган покупает плитку шоколада в Minute Mart, но Дерек говорит ему, что ему запрещено посещать магазин. Хани заставляет их обоих извиниться. Киган говорит Дереку, что это была шутка. [22]

Деннис и его друг Уилл Митчелл (Фредди Филлипс) планируют бросить яйца в Кигана, но случайно попали в Бернадетт. [23] Киган входит в дом Денниса и сообщает им, что Бернадетт беременна. Деннис и Уилл извиняются, и Киган пытается заставить Денниса выкурить сигарету, но его ловит и выбрасывает Мишель Фаулер ( Дженна Рассел ). [24] После того, как Мэдисон и Александру запретили посещать школьный выпускной бал, Александра просит Кигана помочь испортить мероприятие. [25] Однако во время спора на выпускном вечере между Мэдисон, Александрой и Луизой Александра подталкивает Луизу к зажженным свечам. [26]Кигану надоедают действия Мэдисон и Александры, и он тащит их на сцену, где Александра отрицает, что это их вина. [27] Когда у Бернадетт случается выкидыш, Карен решает сделать поминки после разговора с Ширли Картер ( Линда Генри ). Киган бьет Каллума (Шон Эйлуорд), когда понимает, что он отец, но Каллум присоединяется к семье для мемориала, и Бернадетт сообщает, что они собирались назвать свою дочь Белль. После первоначальной враждебности Кигана он признается Карен, что винит себя в выкидыше Бернадетт, поскольку его не было рядом с ней. [28] Позже Робби Джексон дал ему работу ( Дин Гаффни) на рынке подметает дороги. Киган разбивает окно машины миссис Робин Лунд (Полли Хайтон) за ее, казалось бы, саркастическую реакцию на то, что Киган пересматривал, но Бернадетт берет на себя вину и ее отстраняют. Когда Карен думает, что у Бернадетт должны быть друзья ее возраста, она платит Кигану, чтобы тот забрал Бернадетт, но Бернадетт обижается, когда он публикует смущающую ее фотографию. Киган извиняется и говорит, что он все еще проводил бы время с ней, если бы Карен не заплатила ему. Киган ревновал, когда видит, что Луиза обнимает Хантера Оуэна (Чарли Винтер). Отец Кигана, Митч Бейкер ( Роджер Гриффитс), прибывает на Альберт-сквер, и Киану предупреждает его, чтобы он держался подальше от семьи, но позже он возвращается и кричит Карен и Кигану в квартиру, но Киану бьет его кулаком. Митч соблазняет Карен в прачечной самообслуживания, пока она работает, и когда Карен приводит Митча домой, Киган, Киану и Бернадетт не хотят присутствия Митча, но позже Карен пробирается к нему в квартиру.

Киган крадет байк. Увидев опубликованные в Интернете изображения Кигана от тех, кто пытается найти байк, Шакил настаивает, чтобы он вернул его. Киган отказывается и скрывается, когда трио членов банды, которым принадлежит мотоцикл, входит в паб Королевы Виктории (Вик) и спрашивает его местонахождение. Позже его обманом заставили следовать за одним из них в переулок рядом с Виком и сразу же нанесли ему удар. Когда он падает в обморок от боли, Шакил падает рядом с ним, также получивший ножевое ранение. Как только Шакил уходит, чтобы найти помощь, Мик находит Кигана и срочно отправляет его в больницу. Придя в сознание, Киган спрашивает Шакила, которого также срочно отправляют в больницу, когда его обнаруживают со смертельными ранами. Киган встречается с другом, чтобы найти убийцу Шакила.

Кастинг Морриса в EastEnders был опубликован в Твиттере D&B Performing Arts, а инсайдер шоу сообщил Digital Spy, что «мы увидим больше Кигана в сюжетных линиях с Шакилом, Луизой и Бексом, поскольку он продолжает укреплять свою репутацию нарушителя спокойствия. . " [29] Дэниел Килкелли из Digital Spy сказал, что у Кигана была «довольно запоминающаяся первая сцена». [29] Дункан Линдсей из Metro сказал, что через молодых персонажей EastEnders «добивается представления различных молодых персонажей, которых можно встретить в школьной среде», и что Киган - полный хулиган. Он также сказал, что Моррис «восхитительно презрен, как Киган, персонаж, которого мы должны ненавидеть».[30]Килкелли позже назвал Морриса одной из «восходящих звезд Soapland», похвалил решение создать семью для Кигана и предположил, что это может быть использовано как «отличная возможность изучить Кигана и то, что его движет». Он назвал персонажа «грубым, агрессивным и очень раздражающим большую часть времени», но высказал мнение, что Моррис «присутствует на экране». [31] В феврале 2018 года Роджер Гриффитс получил роль Митча, отца Кигана. [32]

В марте 2018 года было объявлено, что Киган и Шакил будут вовлечены в «жестокую» сюжетную линию преступления с ножами, которая «поместит Каземиса и Тейлоров в центр шоу», после того, как Киган и Шакил подвергнутся нападению в «трагических сценах». "который видит, как их жизнь перевернута" с ног на голову ". [33] [34] [35] Сюжетная линия исследует «широкие разветвления преступления с ножом для всех, кто причастен к этому». [33] Что касается сюжетной линии, шоу работает вместе с фондом Ben Kinsella Trust, который был основан бывшей актрисой EastEnders Брук Кинселла , которая играла Келли Тейлор с 2001 по 2004 год после того, как ее брат был зарезан .[33][34] [35] Кинселла сказала, что она «хвалит [s]» EastEnders за то, что они выбрали «изобразить реалии преступления с применением ножа», и, поскольку он все еще растет, «люди [должны] понять его длительное воздействие», поскольку «оно просто разрушает живет вечно ". [33] [34] [35] Исполнительный консультант Джон Йорк добавил, что «жестокая реальность» преступления с ножом была «доведена до сознания » всем в EastEnders.через убийство брата Кинселлы. Он охарактеризовал преступления с использованием ножей, которые по-прежнему распространены сегодня, и сериал имеет «давнюю традицию решения серьезных общественных проблем» и описал сюжетную линию преступления с использованием ножа как «самое важное, что когда-либо начиналось в сериале», назвав эпизоды «мощными, душевными». - разрушение и драматизм, «а также надежды на то, чтобы дать понять», что преступление с ножом уничтожает жизни всех, кого касается ». [33] [34] [35]

Моррис был номинирован на «Лучшего новичка» на British Soap Awards 2017 за роль Кигана [36], но был побежден актером с улицы Коронации Робом Маллардом . [37]

Изумрудная лиса

Эмеральд Фокс , которую играет Донья Кролл , - мать Дениз Фокс ( Дайан Пэриш ) и Ким Фокс-Хаббард ( Тамека Эмпсон ). Ее введение в сериал было показано 1 января 2017 года в трейлере к предстоящим сюжетным линиям. Выяснилось, что персонаж появится в «нескольких эпизодах». Персонаж ранее упоминался в сериале как « Ада » [38], хотя в эпизоде ​​от 5 января 2017 года Дениз спрашивает, «по-прежнему ли ее мать называет себя [Изумруд]» [39], подразумевая, что это прозвище, вместо изменения имени персонажа.

Изумруд и Ким прибывают в больницу по случаю рождения сына Дениз, Раймонда. Ким узнает, что Дениз решила сохранить для него планы усыновления, и Изумруд, и Ким недовольны ею. Изумруд исследует усыновление и рад узнать, что Дениз разрешено передумать. [40] Изумруд рассказывает Патрику Труману ( Рудольф Уокер ), суррогатному отцу Дениз и Ким, о том, что ей нужно сделать, чтобы остановить усыновление, и он советует ей поддержать Дениз. [41] Ким решает разорвать все связи с Дениз в результате усыновления, и когда Изумруд поддерживает Дениз, Ким сердито бросает свою мать, не оставляя Изумруду другого выбора, кроме как переехать к Дениз, Либби и Патрику. [5]

Когда автобус врезался в рынок и виадук, Изумруд с облегчением узнал, что Дениз выжила в аварии с легкими травмами. Изумруд ловит Кигана Бейкера ( Зак Моррис ) за кражей в местном магазине, где работает Дениз, пока все в хаосе спасают раненых, и пытается остановить его, но он толкает ее к полкам. [6] Изумруд рассказывает мужу Ким, Винсенту Хаббарду ( Ричард Блэквуд), что поведение Ким необоснованно, и Ким бросает ее, поэтому она переезжает к Дениз. Перед тем, как Изумруд покидает Уолфорд, Дениз защищает Ким перед Изумрудом, и Ким говорит, что она благодарна своей сестре, на что Изумруд заявляет, что они не сестры. Когда Эмеральд требует дополнительной информации, он сообщает, что Дениз была принесена ей в детстве, и она чувствовала, что у нее нет другого выбора, кроме как растить ее как свою. Изумруд говорит, что она все еще мать Дениз, и уходит. [42] Более года спустя Ким и Дениз проходят тест ДНК, который показывает, что они биологические сестры и что Изумруд солгал. [43]

Раймонд Докинз

Рэймонд Докинз впервые появляется в трансляции эпизода 13 января 2017 года. Он сын Дениз Фокс ( Дайан Пэриш ) и Фила Митчелла ( Стив Макфадден ). В 2020 году Раймонд вернулся в сериал после гибели приемных родителей в автокатастрофе. [44] [45]

Рэймонд был зачат, когда Дениз пьяна на одну ночь с Филом, который боролся с циррозом печени из-за своей борьбы с алкоголизмом. Дениз отправляет его на усыновление сразу после его рождения, навещает его в его раскладушке и объясняет ему свои причины. [40] На следующий день Фил узнает, что он отец после того, как его жена Шэрон Митчелл ( Летиция Дин ) подслушала, как Дениз рассказывала бывшей девушке Фила Ширли Картер ( Линда Генри ). Дениз говорит ему, что их возраст и образ жизни сделают их плохими родителями, и что усыновление - лучшее для ребенка. Фил находит сына и держит его, но затем покидает больницу, приняв решение Дениз. [46]Социальный работник Триш Барнс ( Тесса Черчард ) посещает Дениз несколько недель спустя, чтобы сообщить ей, как ее сын живет со своей потенциальной приемной семьей и что его назвали Раймондом в честь Рэя Чарльза, поскольку родители его фанаты. [8] Дениз позже читает письмо от его приемных родителей, сообщающее ей, что Раймонд живет с ними счастливой жизнью. [47] Спустя несколько месяцев Дениз получает подтверждение, что усыновление было завершено. Дениз дает Филу письмо о продвижении Раймонда. [48] Когда Фил получает предложение о приобретении земли, которой он владеет, он говорит Шэрон, что хотел бы обеспечить Раймонда. [49] В июле старший сын Фила, Бен Митчелл.( Гарри Рид ) злится, когда узнает о Раймонде. Фил несколько раз упоминал Раймонда. [50] В сентябре 2020 года Раймонд попадает в автомобильную аварию вместе со своими приемными родителями и сестрой. Дениз навещает Раймонда в больнице и знакомится с приемной бабушкой Раймонда, Элли Никсон ( Мика Пэрис ). [51]

В рамках сюжетной линии Фила об алкоголизме в апреле 2016 года он провел одну ночь с Дениз после того, как разлучился со своей женой Шэрон; «маловероятную пару» сближают проблемы воспитания. [52] Секс на одну ночь приводит к «гораздо большему плану», когда Дениз узнает, что беременна ребенком Фила. Сообщалось, что это «зажжет большой сюжет» из-за «ненависти», выраженной между ними. [53] Когда сообщалось, что Дениз выберет усыновление, Ким сделала план «все более сложным», когда она предложила усыновить ребенка. [54] Фил обнаруживает, что он отец ребенка, потому что Шэрон чувствует, что у нее «не осталось иного выхода, кроме как сказать»Фил, поскольку она хочет дать ему возможность встретиться с его ребенком. [55]

Мэдисон Дрейк и Александра Д'Коста

Мэдисон Дрейк в исполнении Серафины Бех и Александра Д'Коста в исполнении Сидни Крейвен - школьные друзья Луизы Митчелл ( Тилли Хранитель ). Впервые они появились вместе в передаче 17 января 2017 года [41] и окончательно появились в передаче 21 июля 2017 года [27].

Мэдисон и Александра вместе с Луизой посещают драматический кружок в средней школе Уолфорда. Они оба недружелюбны по отношению к ней, когда Луиза пытается с ними заговорить. [41] Когда Трэвис Лоу-Хьюз ( Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс ) приветствует Луизу, они дразнят ее, когда замечают, что она влюблена в него. [5] Они рассказывают подруге Луизы Бекс Фаулер ( Жасмин Армфилд ), что они обращались с Луизой лучше, чем она, после того, как она дразнила недавнюю аварию автобуса, и советуют Луизе вернуться к ней самостоятельно. [7] Александра и Мэдисон помогают Луизе придумать план отомстить Шакилу Каземи ( Шахин Джафаргхоли ) и Кигану Бейкеру.(Зак Моррис), которые подшучивали над Луизой по поводу того, как она была напугана во время аварии, и Луиза непреднамеренно показывает им обнаженное фото, которое Шакил отправил Бекс. [56] По указанию Мэдисон и Александры, Луиза получает телефон Бекса и отправляет им обнаженное фото Шакила, и Бекс очень расстроена, когда узнает, что сделала Луиза и что фотография была отправлена ​​другому человеку. [57]

Бекс получает анонимную валентинку и считает, что ее послал Шакил, однако понимает, что Мэдисон и Александра отправили ее в шутку. [58] Шакил говорит Луизе, что он видел Бекса и Трэвиса вместе, а Мэдисон и Александра говорят Луизе, что, по их мнению, Бекс уже давно преследует Трэвиса, в результате чего Луиза противостоит Бексу, но Бекс настаивает, что они просто друзья. [59] Узнав, что Бекс занималась сексом с Престоном Купером ( Мартин Анзор ), Мэдисон и Александра распространили это в Интернете. [60] Когда порно видео с лицом Бекс, наложенным на тело модели, рассылается по школе (созданное Киганом в отместку за распространение фотографии Шакиля), [61]вмешивается полиция, и обнаруживается явное фото Шакиля, и Бекс берет на себя вину. После того, как Бекс сказали, что ее допросят с осторожностью, она говорит Луизе, что признает правду, поэтому Луиза признается, что Мэдисон и Александра несут ответственность за отправку этого сообщения, и она должна подумать о том, чтобы привлечь их к этому. [62] После предупреждения Бекс говорит Мэдисон, Александре и Луизе, что она взяла на себя вину, несмотря на то, что она была единственным невиновным человеком, и они смеются над ней. [12]

Мэдисон и Александра подслушивают, как Бекс оскорбляет их, когда она противостоит Луизе из-за их дружбы. В туалете Мэдисон и Александра толкают Бекс, Мэдисон рвет рубашку, а Александра пишет на лице «грязно», в то время как Луиза стоит снаружи. Затем Бекс признается директору, миссис Робин Лунд ( Полли Хайтон ) и учителю мистеру Гетину Прайсу ( Керит Флинн ), что Луиза, Мэдисон и Александра были ответственны за отправку фотографии, [63] но они отрицают, что знали ни об одном из инцидентов. [64] Мэдисон и Александра идут к сводному брату Луизы, Бену Митчеллу ( Гарри Рид ), вечеринке по случаю 21-го дня рождения и Джею Брауну (Джейми Бортвик ) болтает с Мэдисон. Когда появляется бывшая девушка Джея, Стар Брэгг ( Эми-Ли Хикман ), он приказывает ей уйти, и она говорит ему, что Мэдисон и Александра несовершеннолетние. Мэдисон и Александра вынуждены уйти. [65] Когда Бекс работает вместе со своей тетей Мишель Фаулер ( Дженна Рассел ) в кафе, Мэдисон и Александра делают замечания о том, что они оба были с Престоном, и смеются, когда Бекс кричит на Мишель. [66] Когда Александра видит Бекс в местном магазине, она выбивает сахар, который покупает, из рук и засовывает жевательную резинку в волосы, когда идет за ней. Позже Бекс идет в кафе, где ее двоюродная бабушка Кэти Бил (Джиллиан Тейлфорт ) просит ее подать Александре и Мэдисон их напитки; они оскорбляют ее, и Александра сбивает Бекс, в результате чего Кэти проливает суп на Мэдисон. Они уходят и приказывают Луизе пойти с ними. Позже они находят Бекс в местной куриной лавке, и Мэдисон говорит Бекс, что она должна ей новую вершину, а Александра оскорбляет вес Бекс. Затем они говорят Бекс, что они всегда будут рядом, и она не может от них сбежать. Позже Луиза, Александра и Мэдисон прибывают в дом Бекса, и ее мачеха, Стейси Фаулер ( Лейси Тернер ), впускает их, где Александра угрожает разбить гитару Бекса. Луиза пытается помешать ей сделать это, но Александра наступает на гитару, оставляя Бекс на части. [67]

На следующий день Мэдисон извиняется перед Бекс, говоря, что она больше не связана с Александрой, и предупреждает ее, что Александра планирует подстричься. Позже в тот же день Александра и Луиза говорят Бекс, что они планируют отомстить Мэдисон, поэтому Бекс предупреждает Мэдисон об этом; Мэдисон благодарит ее, и они встречаются, где Мэдисон предлагает ей трюфели. Поскольку Бекс отвращается от вкуса, появляются Александра и Луиза, снимая реакцию Бекса, говоря, что это кошачьи фекалии. Позже Бекс смотрит размещенное в сети видео, в котором они делают фальшивый трюфель из грязи и демонстрируют реакцию Бекса. [68] Мать Бекс Соня Фаулер ( Натали Кэссиди ) сообщает в школу об издевательствах Бекс, но по просьбе Бекс не упоминает имя Луизы. [69]

Бекс и Луиза пытаются наладить свою дружбу после того, как Луиза соглашается больше не дружить с Мэдисон и Александрой, но позже они сталкиваются с Мэдисон и Александрой, и Луиза говорит, что она разговаривает только с Бексом, и они больше не друзья, поэтому Бекс уходит. огорчать. Мэдисон и Александра говорят Луизе, что они должны отчитываться перед миссис Лунд каждый день из-за нее, а затем соглашаются друг с другом в том, что она не уважает их и не должна сойти с рук. [70] Мэдисон и Александра берут школьные учебники Луизы и прячут их, но позже возвращают их ей, когда она получает заключение. Из-за этого Луиза пропускает репетицию драмы, и ей говорят, что она не может пропустить еще одну, иначе она не сможет принять участие в шоу талантов. [71]

Когда Мишель начинает общественные работы, Луиза, Мэдисон и Александра дразнят ее. Мэдисон и Александра граффити «кугуар» на стене, нацеленные на Мишель. Они говорят Луизе, что у нее может быть шанс встретиться с Трэвисом, и хотя она говорит, что Александра больше в его вкусе, они смеются над влюбленностью Луизы, когда она выходит из комнаты. Позже, когда мачеха Луизы, Шэрон Митчелл ( Летиция Дин ) и Мишель приходят домой пьяными, Александра и Мэдисон забавляются, когда Луиза ругает их и рассказывает им, как алкоголь повлиял на ее семью, поэтому они решают использовать его против нее. [72]Мэдисон и Александра говорят о вечеринке, которую они устроили у Мэдисона, но позже говорят Луизе, что Мэдисон не может ее устроить, и предлагают провести для них троих девичник в доме Луизы, на что Шэрон соглашается. Мэдисон и Александра приглашают Трэвиса на вечеринку, которую подслушивает Бекс. Бекс пытается предупредить Луизу, что Мэдисон и Александре нельзя доверять, но Луиза просто обвиняет ее в ревности. [73]Мэдисон и Александра приходят к Луизе с водкой, и позже начинают приходить люди, включая Кигана и Трэвиса, и Луизу беспокоит алкоголь в доме, но Мэдисон и Александра заверяют Луизу, что они сделают безалкогольные напитки для них троих. Луиза по незнанию пьет напитки, которые добавили Мэдисон и Александра, в результате чего Луиза напивается. Мэдисон и Александра делают селфи с Луизой, когда она слишком пьяна, чтобы знать об этом. Луиза больна и, шатаясь, выходит на улицу, она падает в обморок после того, как извергает кровь, запаниковав Мэдисон, Александру, Киган, Трэвис и Бекс. [14]

Луизу доставили в больницу с параличом, и когда ее отправили домой, появляются Мэдисон и Александра, и они говорят ей, что Киган снимал то, что произошло, и собирался опубликовать это в Интернете, но они остановили его, и они говорят Луизе, Шэрон и Бену, что Трэвис был ответственен за то, что она подкинула ей напиток. [74] Луиза считает, что Трэвиса могли подставить, но Мэдисон и Александра убеждают ее, что он лжет. [75] После разговора с сыном Шарон Деннисом Рикманом младшим ( Блю Ландау), о вечеринке от имени Трэвиса, Бекс говорит Луизе, что Александра последовала за Трэвисом на кухню, и Александра их прерывает. Александра спасается от неприятностей, говоря Луизе и Бекс, что Трэвис, возможно, не был ответственен за добавление ей напитка, и Луиза настаивает, что Мэдисон и Александра все еще ее друзья, но Бекс беспокоится, что они нацелены на Луизу. [76]

Шэрон хочет встретиться с Трэвисом, приглашая его на ужин, но Луиза отменяет это, когда Мэдисон и Александра сомневаются, что Трэвис - обманщик. [77] Киган говорит Луизе, что у них был секс на вечеринке, но Луиза говорит, что он лжет, но беспокоится после того, как Мэдисон и Александра рассказывают ей, что Киган рассказывает людям о родинке Луизы. [16] Мэдисон и Александра говорят Луизе, что Киган болен хламидиозом, и он передал его другому студенту. [78] Когда Трэвис расстается с Луизой, Мэдисон и Александра говорят ему, что он поступил правильно. [18]

Когда Луиза решает выйти из школьной витрины, Александра просит Трэвиса подписать ее, чтобы заменить Луизу в роли Джульетты в « Ромео и Джульетте» , [79] а позже Александра говорит Луизе, что теперь она играет эту роль, но только потому, что мистер Прайс был в отчаянии. и она не очень хотела этого. Бекс говорит Луизе, что Александра лжет, но Луиза верит Александре. [22] Во время репетиции Александра играет деревянно, но она конфиденциально целует Трэвиса, хотя мистер Прайс говорит ей, что она должна вести себя застенчиво. Александра подслушивает, как Бекс говорит Шакилу, что Александра испортит дело в витрине, поэтому решает отомстить. [80]

Перед выступлением Бекс на витрине Мэдисон и Александра рвут гитарную струну, и когда Бекс ищет такую ​​в классе, Мэдисон и Александра прижимают Бекса к стене. Шакил слышит издевательства через наушники и намеренно увеличивает громкость через дека, чтобы все могли слышать; разоблачая их. Александра и Мэдисон публично пристыжены и унижены после того, как Луиза самодовольно говорит им, что их поймали. Затем миссис Лунд гневно приглашает их в свой офис. [23] Луиза и Бекс делают заявления против Александры и Мэдисон миссис Лунд, и Луиза понимает, какие они на самом деле. [24] Мэдисон и Александра получают внешние исключения и не допускаются на школьный бал. Александра просит Кигана помочь испортить выпускной бал. [25]Мэдисон и Александра смотрят выпускной бал с балкона. Трэвис устраивает место за сценой со свечами для него и Луизы. Появляются Александра и Мэдисон, Луиза ругает их и их действия, а Александра подталкивает Луизу к зажженным свечам, включая пожарную сигнализацию и разбрызгиватели. [26] Луиза в агонии, поскольку мистер Прайс и другие студенты помогают ей, охлаждая ожоги водой. Кигану надоедают действия Мэдисон и Александры, и он тащит их на сцену, где Александра отрицает, что это их вина. Полиция прибывает, чтобы получить показания, в которых Мэдисон и Александра выступают друг против друга, поскольку Александра пытается обвинить Мэдисон. Мэдисон и Александра арестованы за ГБХ, и студенты оскорбляют пару, когда их выводят. [27]Мистер Прайс навещает Бекс и Соню и сообщает им, что Мэдисон и Александра будут привлечены к ответственности. [81] Через несколько дней Шэрон узнает, что их обоих исключили из школы. [82]


О кастинге Бех в EastEnders объявило в Твиттере ее руководство, Hero Talent Group. [83] Александр и Мэдисон были названы «подлыми девушками» сценаристом « Что по телевизору?» , [84] в то время как Дункан Линдси из метро сказал, что они не так "заслуживают доверия", как кажется. [85] Линдси также сказала, что с помощью молодых персонажей EastEnders «добивается представления различных молодых персонажей, которых вы найдете в школьной среде», и что Бех и Крейвен «проделывают похвальную работу с этими стервозными персонажами». [30] Их план мести Шакилу был назван «злобным».пользователя Софи Дейнти из Digital Spy .[86] Автор приложения The Sun 's TV Soap описал Александру и Мэдисон как «ужасную парочку», заявив, что с момента их появления у других молодых персонажей в сериале дела не пошли хорошо, и надеялся, что они получат возмездие. [87]

Лора-Джейн Тайлер из Inside Soap назвала Александру «самым мерзким злодеем в мыле прямо сейчас» и добавила: «Никто не заставляет нас кричать больше оскорблений по телевизору!» [88] Тайлер позже сказал, что Александра была «злой, злобной девушкой ... но в ней есть искра». Она сравнила персонажа с молодой Тиффани Митчелл ( Мартин МакКатчен ) и надеялась, что в будущем ее могут искупить. [89] Когда Мэдисон и Александра начали издеваться над Луизой, все еще притворяясь друзьями, они добавили Луизе напитки на вечеринке, в результате чего она потеряла сознание, их описали как «порочных» и «злых подростков». [90]Бех и Крэйвен намекнули, что предыстории их персонажей можно исследовать, сказав, что «есть причина, почему» их персонажи такие, какие они есть, поскольку «у большинства людей, ведущих такой образ жизни, есть причина». [91]

Трэвис Лоу-Хьюз

Трэвис Лоу-Хьюз, которого играет Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс, является другом Луизы Митчелл ( Тилли Хранитель ). Он впервые появляется в передаче 17 января 2017 года [41] и в последний раз появляется в передаче 2 ноября 2017 года [92].

Трэвис - студент, который вместе с Луизой посещает драматический кружок в средней школе Уолфорд. Позже он помогает ей, когда ее банка с напитком застревает в торговом автомате. [41] Луизе он нравится, и он позже пишет Луизе о свидании. [93] Луиза ждет Трэвиса, однако оказывается, что она была создана Киганом Бейкером (Зак Моррис) и его друзьями. [4] Позже Трэвис здоровается с Луизой, но она ему не отвечает. [5] Подруга Луизы Бекс Фаулер ( Жасмин Армфилд ) приглашает его к себе домой на уроки игры на гитаре. Бывший парень Бекс Шакил Каземи ( Шахин Джафаргхоли ) убежден, что они пара.Мэдисон Дрейк и Александра Д'Коста (Серафина Бех и Сидней Крейвен) рассказывают Луизе, что Бекс уже давно преследует Трэвиса. Луиза противостоит Бекс, но она настаивает, что они просто друзья. [59] Луиза, Мэдисон и Александра видят, как Трэвис и Бекс проводят время вместе, и показывают Трэвису свои ногти. Трэвис и Бекс идут за едой, и Трэвис говорит Луизе, что увидит ее в школе. [72] Мэдисон и Александра приглашают Трэвиса на вечеринку в доме Луизы, и Трэвис соглашается пойти, не подозревая, что Бекс подслушал разговор. [73]Трэвис прибывает в дом Луизы на вечеринку, которую устроили Мэдисон и Александра, и Луиза, не зная, пьет напитки, которые добавили Мэдисон и Александра, в результате чего она напивается и заболевает. Обеспокоенный Трэвис говорит Бекс, что она нужна Луизе, и смотрит, как она падает в обморок. [14]

На следующий день Мэдисон и Александра рассказывают Луизе, ее мачехе Шэрон Митчелл ( Летиция Дин ) и сводному брату Бену Митчеллу ( Гарри Рид ), что Трэвис виноват в том, что она подбросила ей напиток. [74] Луиза верит Трэвису, когда он говорит, что его могли подставить, но Мэдисон и Александра убеждают Луизу, что он лжет. [75] Бекс говорит сводному брату Луизы, Деннису Рикману младшему ( Блю Ландау ), о вечеринке от имени Трэвиса. Когда Бекс говорит Луизе, что Александра последовала за Трэвисом на кухню, Александра признается Луизе, что Трэвис не добавлял ей напиток, не сказав, что это сделали она и Мэдисон. [76]Шэрон хочет встретиться с Трэвисом, приглашая его на ужин, но Луиза отменяет это, когда Мэдисон и Александра говорят ей, что его интересует только секс. [77] Позже Трэвис целует Луизу в парке, но она убегает. [94] Луиза встречает Трэвиса, и он спрашивает ее, не хочет ли она расстаться с ним. Она отрицает это, и он отрицает это, когда она задает тот же вопрос. Трэвис спрашивает Луизу, готова ли она к сексу, но они оба не уверены. [95] Трэвис унижает Кигана перед одноклассниками после того, как Киган высмеивает его. [16] Трэвис расстается с Луизой, веря слухам о том, что Луиза занималась сексом с Киганом. Мэдисон и Александра говорят ему, что он поступил правильно. [18]

Во время репетиции Александра конфиденциально целует Трэвиса, несмотря на то, что роль призывает ее вести себя застенчиво. После того, как Луиза говорит Бекс, что она обеспокоена тем, что Трэвис и Александра сближаются, Бекс и Шакил разговаривают с Трэвисом, который говорит, что видит в Александре только Джульетту, и задается вопросом, произвел ли он на нее неправильное впечатление, особенно когда он согласился отвести ее к выпускной как друзья. Он думает, что Луиза ненавидит его, но Бекс и Шакил убеждают его в обратном и просят извиниться перед ней. Он навещает ее и говорит, что ему следовало позволить ей рассказать о Кигане, вместо того, чтобы прекращать их отношения. [80] После того, как Александра и Мэдисон публично разоблачены как хулиганы Бекса, Трэвис просит Луизу пойти с ним на школьный выпускной бал. [24]На выпускном вечере Луиза и Трэвис выигрывают самую красивую пару, и Трэвис устраивает для них место за сценой со свечами. Появляются Александра и Мэдисон, Луиза ругает их и их действия, а Александра подталкивает Луизу к зажженным свечам, включая пожарную сигнализацию и разбрызгиватели. [26] Луиза находится в агонии, поскольку мистер Гетин Прайс (Керит Флинн) и другие студенты помогают ей, охлаждая ожоги водой. Трэвис винит себя в инциденте, и в больнице Шэрон неохотно позволяет ему увидеться с ней. Луиза приказывает ему выйти из комнаты. [27] Луиза огорчена, когда ее мать Лиза Фаулер ( Люси Бенджамин) и Бекс договариваются, чтобы Трэвис навестил ее, потому что она не хочет, чтобы он видел ее в таком состоянии, но он дает Луизе кольцо с обещанием , оставляя Луизу счастливой. [82] Киган выводит Луизу из себя, используя маску, покрытую шрамом, и защита Трэвиса подавляет Луизу. [96] Луиза решает прекратить отношения с Трэвисом. [92]

Кастинг Джеймса-Фелпса в EastEnders был объявлен компанией Beresford Management. [97] Дэниел Килкелли из Digital Spy писал о Трэвисе: «Доказав, что он не« полный ноготь », как другой недавно прибывший на Square Киган, Трэвис даже помог Луизе, когда у нее были проблемы с надоедливым автоматом по продаже напитков. парень!" [98]

Гетин Прайс

Гетин Прайс, которого играет Керит Флинн , учитель средней школы Уолфорда. Он впервые появляется в трансляции эпизода 23 января 2017 года. [5] В последний раз он появился 14 ноября. [99] Он появляется в 36 эпизодах.

Гетин - учитель драмы в средней школе Уолфорда, который советует Бекс Фаулер ( Жасмин Армфилд ) с умом использовать свое время дома, чтобы подготовиться к экзамену по музыке после того, как учеников отправят домой из-за неисправного бойлера. [5] Позже он разрывает драку между Шакилом Каземи ( Шахин Джафаргхоли ) и Заяном Скоттом ( Алекс Блейк ). [42] Когда Гетин и миссис Робин Лунд ( Полли Хайтон ) находят Бекс в туалете в состоянии, она признается им, что Мэдисон Дрейк и Александра Д'Коста (Серафина Бех и Сидней Крейвен) издевались над ней и что Луиза Митчелл (Тилли Кипер ) прислала откровенное фото Шакила, из-за которого Бекс раньше попал в беду. [63] Луиза, Мэдисон и Александра отрицают свою причастность. [64]

Гетин встречается с матерью Бекс, Соней Фаулер ( Натали Кэссиди ), и просит Соню побудить Бекс принять участие в предстоящей школьной витрине. [22] Гетин призывает Бекс спеть ее оригинальную песню "Boxed Up Broken Heart" на шоукейсе, и она соглашается. [80] На витрине Гетин вызывает Бекс на сцену, но когда она пропадает, он звонит Александре и Трэвису Лоу-Хьюз (Алекс Джеймс-Фелпс) для их исполнения Ромео и Джульетты . Александра также отсутствует, поэтому Гетин просит Луизу занять место. [23] На выпускном вечере Гетин представляет Луизе и Трэвису «Самую красивую пару». Спринклеры сработали из-за пожара, поэтому Гетин эвакуирует учеников из школы.[26] Луиза обожжена, и Гетин пытается заставить учеников охладить ее ожоги водой. Когда Трэвис винит себя в ожогах Луизы, Гетин уверяет его, что это не его вина. Гетин позже называет Мэдисон и Александру, когда их арестовывает полиция, но он не мешает другим студентам оскорблять их, когда их обоих выводят. [27] Гетин позже сообщает Бекс и Соню, что Мэдисон и Александра будут привлечены к ответственности. [81]

Гетин появляется в Уолфорде в поисках жилья, и Соня сообщает ему, что поговорит со своим дядей Джеком Браннингом ( Скотт Маслен ) о поиске собственности на Площади. [100] Гетин переезжает в одну из квартир Джека. Позже Соня встречает его на площади и предлагает постирать его одежду, когда он узнает, что прачечная закрыта. [49] Соня рассказывает Гетину о жильцах, а он рассказывает Соне о своем разрыве со своей бывшей девушкой. [50] Получив известие о том, что его бабушка умерла, Гетин идет на ее похороны и сообщает Соне, что его отец не пошел на похороны. [101]Бекс получает свои результаты GCSE и разочарована тем, что получила D по музыке, поэтому Соня связывается с Гетином по поводу результата Бекс, и Гетин соглашается обучать Бекс. [102]

После взрыва газа на площади Альберта Бекс помогает Гетину, и когда она ведет его к себе домой, чтобы очистить его раны, Бекс и Гетин целуются. [103] Гетин успокаивает Бекс, когда она извиняется за свои действия, но напоминает ему, что он не останавливал ее. [104] Гетин говорит Бекс, что он не может обучать ее музыке, но нашел нового учителя. [105] Гетин говорит Бекс, что отношения между ними незаконны, поскольку она несовершеннолетняя, о которой он обязан заботиться, и говорит ей, что у него нет к ней чувств. [106] Гетин предупреждает человека, который навещает Соню, чтобы тот держался подальше от нее, который был сыном пациента, который умер в Кеттеринге после того, как Соня унаследовала деньги его матери. [107]Бекс пытается заставить Гетина ревновать, флиртуя с Шакилом, и Гетин просит ее прекратить ее поведение. Соня спрашивает Гетина о возможности отношений, и Гетин целует Соню, за которой наблюдает Бекс. [108] Бекс пытается убедить Гетина, что он хочет ее, а не Соню, но Гетин говорит ей, что он может потерять работу или попасть в тюрьму, если у них будут отношения. Затем Соня говорит Гетину, что думает, что Бекс любит его. [109] Бекс говорит Гетину, что она уходит от того, что произошло между ними, утверждая, что у нее есть старший парень, и Гетин решает снова обучать Бекса. [110]

На 17-й день рождения Бекса дядя Бекса и сводный брат Сони Робби Джексон ( Дин Гаффни ) заставляет Гетина занять его место, чтобы дать Бекс урок вождения, и когда Бекс пытается преследовать Гетина, он снова говорит ей, что этого не может произойти. [111] Пока Гетин и Соня обедают в ее доме, Соню вызывают на работу, поэтому Бекс навещает Гетина и пытается заставить его признать, что она ему нравится. Когда Соня возвращается, он говорит ей, что Бекс поцеловала его. [112]Соня в ярости, но Гетин утверждает, что Бекс поцеловал его против его воли, однако, когда Бекс говорит, что он поцеловал ее в ответ, Соня выгоняет его. Она спрашивает Бекс всю правду, и Бекс настаивает, что это был просто поцелуй, и просит Соню не сообщать о Гетине. Гетин напивается и говорит Джеку, что его подставил студент, и когда Джек берет его за бумажником у Сони, Соня рассказывает Джеку о поцелуе, поэтому Джек немедленно выселяет Гетина из его квартиры и говорит ему уйти. Уолфорд, что и делает Гетин. На следующий день Бекс говорит Соне, что Гетин не был в школе, и Соня показывает, что он звонил ей, давая ей знать, что он ушел в отставку и не вернется в Уолфорд. [113]

In August 2017, Sophie Dainty of Digital Spy suggested that Gethin would be appearing more regularly and that he would be a love interest for Sonia, asking, "Could a new romance be on the cards for Sonia if they become neighbours?"[114]

Hugo Browning

Hugo Browning, (initially credited as Chairman, Weyland & Co), is the Chairman of a development company called Weyland & Co. He made his first appearance on 26 January 2017,[115] and departed on 28 December 2017 at the conclusion of his storyline.[116]

Hugo meets Max Branning (Jake Wood) at The Shard, talking about a plan to redevelop Albert Square as an act of revenge for Max's being falsely imprisoned for Lucy Beale's (Hetti Bywater) murder.[115] Hugo meets with Max and tells him that Max's former cellmate, later revealed to be Hugo's nephew, Luke Browning (Adam Astill), has requested a prison visit[117] and that Max needs to speed up his plans to take The Queen Victoria pub.[78] In September 2017 when Max collects Luke when he is released from prison, he takes him home to be reunited with his sister, Fi Browning (Lisa Faulkner) and half-brother, Josh Hemmings (Eddie Eyre). Hugo is revealed to be the brother-in-law of James Willmott-Brown (William Boyde).[118] When Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) and Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) have a meeting with Hugo and Fi, Hugo tells them they have five weeks to pay him £60,000 or else they lose the pub. Later, Fi gives Mick a document where the Carters would receive a payout if they left the Vic. Mick then signs the paperwork but he signs it as "Lady Di" which leaves Hugo furious. He then reveals that Fi had been sharing personal information about the Carters with him. Linda then throws a drink in Fi's face. Hugo and Fi then leave and Hugo threatens to evict the Carters if they do not pay the money.[119] Fi tricks the Carters into believing they can pay £50,000, which they raise, but as this was a lie, James, Luke and Hugo serve the Carters with an eviction notice. When James suffers a heart attack after Fi believes Kathy Beale's (Gillian Taylforth) side of the story about James raping her, Fi puts together a dossier containing incriminating evidence against Weyland & Co. Fi threatens to give it to the police, bringing down the entire company unless Hugo signs all the Walford properties over to her. In order to ensure the survival of the company, Hugo signs all the properties over to Fi so that she can sell them back to their owners, and the Walford redevelopment plan is abandoned.

Zayan Scott

Zayan Scott, played by Alex Blake, appears in the episode first broadcast on 6 February 2017.[42] He returns for two appearances in the episodes first broadcast on 29 May and 1 June 2018.

Zayan is a schoolboy who taunts Shakil Kazemi (Shaheen Jafargholi) over his explicit photo. Zayan's words anger Shakil and they end up fighting, and Zayan leaves Shakil with cuts to his face.[42] In May 2018, after Shakil is stabbed and killed, Keegan Baker (Zack Morris) meets Zayan in secret. Keegan's half-brother, Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) confronts Keegan over the meeting, saying that Zayan's half-brother, Lewis, stabbed someone the year before and is in prison, but Keegan reveals that Zayan is going to help track down the people who attacked Shakil so Keegan can take revenge. Zayan later gives Keegan information about Bruno (Josh Fraser), Shakil's killer.

Zayan's fight with Shakil was criticised by viewers as "too violent" for the time it was shown on television.[120]

Preston Cooper

Preston Cooper, played by Martin Anzor, is a former student of Michelle Fowler's (Jenna Russell), with whom she had an illegal relationship with in Florida. He appears in 16 episodes between 14 February[58] and 31 March 2017.[121]

When Michelle returns to Walford at Christmas 2016, she confides in her best friend, Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean) that she had a relationship with a 17-year-old student in the United States, meaning she had broken the law.[122] Preston arrives in Walford unexpectedly on Valentine's Day and he and Michelle kiss.[58] Michelle goes for a job interview at a teaching agency, but fails to get the job as they find out from her references about her relationship with Preston. Michelle insists that he should go home.[59] Preston tries to win Michelle back, but she is adamant their relationship is over. Michelle later sees Preston with her niece, Bex Fowler (Jasmine Armfield).[123] They later kiss, and Preston encourages Bex to truant from school. Preston then texts Michelle that he needs to see her, but when she arrives, he is in bed with Bex and he acts surprised to see her.[9] Michelle demands that Preston leave immediately but he ignores her, and she realises that he used Bex to make her jealous. Preston then leads Michelle upstairs; it is implied that they have sex.[60] Dennis Rickman Jnr (Bleu Landau), who Michelle is looking after while Sharon is on holiday, sees Michelle and Preston kissing and starts blackmailing Michelle.[124]

Preston goes to Manchester for a while to visit a friend and on his return, despite being pleased to see him, Michelle rejects him when she is turned down for a job interview for a teaching assistant (for being "overqualified"). Preston is rude towards Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) when he refuses to serve him for already being drunk and underage, and Michelle returns home to find the police there with Preston.[125] When Dennis calls Michelle a paedophile, she hits him, and his step-sister, Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper), witnesses Michelle shouting at Dennis.[126] Dennis tells Louise about Michelle and Preston, and Louise tells Bex. Bex, who has just made her relationship with Preston "official", does not believe her, but then sees Preston touching Michelle and Michelle flinching, so publicly asks Michelle if she is having sex with her boyfriend.[127] Michelle refuses to answer but Louise reveals the truth. Michelle's brother and Bex's father, Martin Fowler (James Bye) punches Preston and disowns Michelle. Preston admits to Bex he loves Michelle but then is forced to leave the pub. A drunk Michelle frantically searches for Preston and on hearing that he has headed for the tube station, she gets in Phil Mitchell's (Steve McFadden) car and speeds around the square. She narrowly avoids hitting Preston and crashes into the chip shop with Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) and Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami) inside.[128] Sharon returns from her holiday when she finds out that Michelle is in hospital and she convinces Preston that Michelle does not love him, that his presence is only hurting her and to return to the United States.[121]

Justin Harp from Digital Spy said "the romance is bound to cause trouble in Walford, since even Michelle's lifelong best friend Sharon reacted harshly when she first learned the truth".[129] Jonathon Hughes from Radio Times said, "despite the scandal surrounding their romance they're both ready to pick up where they left off".[130]

Konrad Topolski

Konrad Topolski,[131] played by Piotr Baumann,[132] is a Polish shopkeeper. He first appears in the episode broadcast on 16 February 2017.[59]

Konrad meets Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) outside his Polish delicatessen and she asks if he can help out with The Queen Victoria's Polish-themed night.[59] Konrad provides food for the Polish supper and helps Shirley and Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) prepare the meal. However, the kitchen is shut down by an environmental health officer, Agnes Novak (Margaréta Szabó), due to a rat being spotted in the kitchen. Konrad brings food from his shop, making the night a success. He tells Shirley that he will not charge them as the food is slightly out of date.[123] However, then someone spray paints "Poles go home" on the door of the pub but Konrad simply calls it "the Britain we live in now".[8] Konrad then offers to help fix the leaks in the pub at a discounted price.[60] However, due to court fines that Mick is due to pay, he is unable to pay Konrad, until Shirley decides to go to prison for not paying the fines and Mick then pays Konrad.[133] He later comes to Shirley's welcome party only to find out that her stay in prison has been extended.[134] When loan sharks cut off Karen Taylor's (Lorraine Stanley) electricity, Shirley asks him to put it back on, which he does, however, he does not appear on-screen.

The character is a new love interest for Shirley.[132] Inside Soap called the character a "burly eastern European fella" and speculated on whether Shirley would see him as someone to depend on and who would become a soulmate.[135] The showing of graffiti reading "Poles go home" following the Polish-themed night was criticised by some viewers as showing anti-Brexit bias from the BBC, however, writer Leo Richardson defended his script, saying "That story was rooted in reality. That's how the main soaps generate a lot of their stories. A diverse array of writers, from all over the country get together with their story team and producers on a regular basis and they talk about what they're seeing. [...] Now, more than ever, in a divided world, it is the job of artists, of writers, of TV comedy and drama, not only to entrain us, but to reflect the things happening in our world, on screen. To show us not only what is familiar, but also wildly different. To reflect the lives of people who are underrepresented, so we can understand those who we didn't before. If getting a brief glimpse into the mind of a man [Konrad] struggling to find his place in the country he lives in makes you uncomfortable then perhaps you needed to see it."[136]

Josh Hemmings

Josh Hemmings, played by Eddie Eyre, is a worker of Weyland & Co and colleague of Max Branning (Jake Wood) introduced as a love interest for Max's daughter Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa). He first appears in the episode broadcast on 17 March 2017, where he was initially credited as "Photocopier guy".[64] Eyre finished filming with the serial in February 2018,[137] and he departed on 16 February 2018.[138]

When Lauren visits Max's office to check on him, she sees Josh having trouble with the photocopier and helps him solve the problem. Josh is attracted to her and leaves his phone number for Lauren with the receptionist (Kristen Obank). Lauren is pleased and goes to text him when she gets home but bins it when her boyfriend, Steven Beale (Aaron Sidwell) arrives.[64] Lauren tells her friend Whitney Carter (Shona McGarty) about Josh, who tries to put Lauren off because she has a boyfriend and a son, Louie Beale. Lauren invites Whitney out for drinks near to Max and Josh's office in the hope of seeing him again, because she has lost her phone. Lauren sees Josh and invites him in for drinks, where they flirt and she takes his number again, though Whitney continues to remind her of Steven and Louie.[125]

Lauren later meets Josh in a restaurant to tell him about the job she applied for at Weyland & Co.[139] A week later, Lauren goes to a nightclub with her sister Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) and Whitney and Josh goes to see Lauren. They are left alone, and Josh goes to kiss Lauren but she rejects him because she feels guilty about Steven and Louie.[140] When Lauren attends her job interview at Weyland & Co, Josh sees her waiting and compliments her, telling her she will get the job. Lauren is interviewed by Corrine Mandel (Laura Rogers) and is shocked when Josh joins the interview, as she assumed he was only a photocopier operator. After the interview, Josh tells her that she did well, and she slaps him for lying about his job. He says she lied too as she never told him her father works at the same company, and accuses her of liking him. She insults him but they kiss, and when she returns home, he texts her with the message, "Don't pretend you didn't feel it too."[70]

The following week, Max tells Josh not to give Lauren a job and makes sure another candidate is offered it, but Josh visits Lauren at home and offers her a job as a creative team assistant. He also meets Steven, who is wary of him, and realises that Lauren has a son. Outside, Josh meets Max and tells him that he has given Lauren a job, adding that Max has done well with The Queen Victoria pub, referring to Weyland's plan to develop the local area. Josh tells Max never to tell him what to do again as he is his boss, and reminds him of their mole in the pub.[141] On Lauren's first day, Josh does a presentation for two clients, Toby (Matt Jessup) and Nargis (Shanice Stewart-Jones) and asks Lauren to join him; he is impressed with her local knowledge.[75] Josh invites Lauren to a work event and she walks in on him, changing in his office.[142] Josh asks Lauren to stay for sushi afterwards and she agrees, despite having plans with Steven. Josh reveals he used to stutter as a child but overcame it with therapy. Josh takes Lauren home and Abi points out Josh's attractiveness to Steven when she sees them, making Steven worried about Lauren and Josh's relationship.[117] When Steven makes dinner for Lauren, she comes home early and Josh is with her. Steven invites Josh to stay for dinner. Abi arrives and joins them, and she flirts with Josh.[143] Josh suggests that Lauren should go home after she develops morning sickness as he thinks she has a stomach bug.[77]

Josh is surprised when Lauren returns to work later in the week. Josh and Corrine celebrate when they receive good news about one of the company's projects. Josh asks Lauren if she wants to celebrate with them but she tells him that she needs to go somewhere but she will not be long.[144] Josh tells Lauren that Abi has invited him to her 21st birthday party, realising that Lauren lied to Abi that he is unavailable. Max reveals to Lauren that Josh is engaged to Imogen (Alexandra Sinclair), and Josh apologises for not telling her, but she is upset and tells him she is busy.[17] Josh visits Lauren at home and explains that he did not tell her about Imogen because she had been travelling the world and is only with her to keep their parents happy, but they know their relationship is over. Steven sees Josh and Lauren together and threatens Josh.[20] At Abi's party, she kisses Josh, and a jealous Lauren states he is engaged. Later, Josh admits flirting with Abi to get a reaction from Lauren, but she insists she does not want to cheat on Steven and tells him not to go after Abi.[145] Steven gets a mobile charger with a hidden camera to spy on Lauren while she is at work, and watches her and Josh talking. Josh tries to get Lauren to admit that her relationship is not working but she refuses. The next day, Lauren tells Josh that she does not love Steven any more and she will end their relationship.[146] Steven learns from Josh that Lauren has resigned when Josh visits her.[23] Josh visits again and learns that she is planning to go to New Zealand to see Peter Beale (Ben Hardy), but he convinces her to stay. He declares his love for Lauren but she says she does not feel the same way.[24] Josh overhears Lauren talking to Max on the phone where she mentions that she is engaged to Steven. A disappointed Josh congratulates her.[147] Lauren later tells Josh that she has been selfish and being in the company has made her realise that she needs to be with Steven, so she resigns from Weyland & Co.[148] When Steven dies, Lauren contacts Josh and she tells him that she wants him to be with her at Steven's funeral. Josh is then revealed to be the brother of Fi Browning (Lisa Faulkner).[106] The following day, Fi is revealed as the daughter of James Willmott-Brown (William Boyde), also father to Josh, who reunite with him and brother Luke Browning (Adam Astill). They are joined by Max and their uncle Hugo Browning (Simon Williams).[118]

When Lauren returns to her job, Josh continues to pursue her but Imogen visits and belittles Lauren, which Josh tells her not to. When Imogen leaves, Josh flirts with Lauren and she kisses him. After being told by Imogen that Josh does not like children, Lauren asks if he would like to go with her and Louie to the zoo. He reluctantly accepts but implies they should go out together as a couple instead, which displeases Lauren.[149] Josh visits Lauren the following day and declares his love again. When he asks her why they cannot be together, she explains that they have very different lifestyles and asks him to leave.[150] However, after a heart-to-heart with Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth), Lauren decides to give Josh a chance and they start dating. Kathy's son Ben Mitchell (Harry Reid) finds a business card in his boyfriend Luke's wallet reading "Project Dagmar" and when Ben questions what it means, Luke chokes Ben when he refuses to drop the subject.[151] Ben tells Lauren about this, and Lauren asks Josh about Project Dagmar, but he has no knowledge of it, so questions Luke. Luke throttles him but Fi breaks them up and Josh is hurt that Fi is in on Project Dagmar whilst he is excluded. Lauren finds a Project Dagmar model, showing plans for Albert Square to be developed into luxury apartments.[152] Josh watches on when his family reveals in The Queen Victoria that they now own the business, serve an eviction notice to the Carter family and inform the locals that the pub will become flats, also revealing that they did it with Max's help. Lauren is angry with Josh for what his family has done and James tries to comfort a hurt Josh, telling him to earn his father's trust.[153] When Luke sacks Lauren for refusing to serve an eviction notice on Steven's father, Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt), Josh gives Lauren a copy of Max's contract that shows he is owed 20%, after Max's copy was destroyed by James.[154] With Luke missing, James asks Josh to serve the eviction notice on Ian.[155] Josh visits Lauren and tells her the development can be stopped, but he needs her help whilst he accesses James's computer that has documents to prove that James bribes council officials. Whilst James and Fi attend a press launch, Josh downloads the files and Lauren gets arrested when she stages a protest at the launch to hold James and Fi up. When James returns, Lauren contacts Josh and James demands the downloaded files. Josh decides to quit his job and at the police station, he tells Lauren what he did and Lauren kisses him.[156] Fi tries to get Josh to return, but he tells Fi that James has ruined and controls their lives just like with their mothers. When Fi attempts to question James over why he never allowed Wendy to get a job or why her mother Elizabeth committed suicide, James pushes her. Josh gets a job offer in Glasgow and when Ian catches Lauren and Josh kissing, he confronts them and Josh stands up to Ian, saying he is not like James and loves Lauren. Josh is offered a job in Glasgow and Lauren prepares to move there with him. However, their departure is delayed when Lauren and Abi are rushed to the hospital after falling from the Vic while trying to stop Max from committing suicide, though Lauren appears to be fine soon afterwards. Josh later visits Lauren in the hospital as she recovers from the fall, though is reluctant to tell her that Abi is brainstem dead. However, after Lauren finds out from a nurse and slaps Max for lying to her about Abi's condition, Max confronts Josh about their move to Glasgow and threatens him not to manipulate Lauren or he will have him beaten up. Abi later dies after her life support is withdrawn. On the day of her funeral, Whitney and Lauren talk about Josh and Whitney tells Lauren to think about whether Josh is right for her and if she can love him as much as she loved Peter. After Abi's funeral, Lauren takes Louie and walks past Josh implying that she leaves without him.

Tasha Hegarty of Digital Spy referred to Josh as a Clark Kent lookalike who also resembles Hollyoaks character Will Savage (James Atherton), adding "Will Savage's face isn't one you can trust, is it? So, that's the question: is the photocopier guy completely innocent? Or is he up to something far shadier? Like maybe he's actually involved with Max's revenge plot, which would make the whole Clark Kent look a brilliant way of tricking Lauren (and the viewers)".[157]


Tommy, also called Tom in the show, is played by Jordan Coulson. He appears in the first episode shown on 21 March 2017.[65] He is a friend of Jay Brown's (Jamie Borthwick) who helps Jay organise Ben Mitchell's (Harry Reid) 21st birthday party. He later kisses Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) but he upsets her when he forgets her name.[65]

Niomi Harris from OK! said that Ben and Jay's party was "overshadowed by newcomer Tom" and called him "hilarious", reporting that many viewers were "baffled at who he was and where he came from".[158] Cydney Yeates from the Daily Star called Tommy a "surprise new character", but said that he lacked a backstory, which also confused viewers.[159] Laura-Jane Tyler from Inside Soap said, "Walford newcomer Tommy should definitely move in with Ben and Jay. He's hilarious!"[160]

Woody Woodward

Lee Ryan plays Woody Woodward.

Harry "Woody" Woodward, played by singer Lee Ryan, made his first appearance on 18 April 2017.[69] Woody initially appeared for a guest stint between 18 April and 19 May. It was later announced that Woody would be promoted to a regular role and that Ryan had signed a one-year contract with the show. His return aired on 3 August.[161][162] Ryan made a temporary departure on 28 November.[163] It was announced on 16 March 2018 that Ryan would be leaving the show at the end of his contract.[164] He departed in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2018.[165]

Woody arrives at The Queen Victoria pub (The Vic) as Tina Carter (Luisa Bradshaw-White), Johnny Carter (Ted Reilly) and Whitney Carter (Shona McGarty), are looking after the pub in the absence of the landlords, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) and Mick Carter (Danny Dyer). Tina, Johnny and Whitney are surprised to see him there, but he explains to them and Shirley Carter (Linda Henry), that Linda sent him to help out.[69] Woody moves into The Vic, and when they are unable to buy more beer due to unpaid bills, Woody supplies cocktails and Shirley is impressed.[70] Woody arranges male strippers for a ladies' night at the pub where he attempts to set one of them up with Johnny and bets on the outcome. When Johnny finds out, he berates Woody.[166] Tina, who is upset over the death of her mother, seeks solace in Woody, which results in them having sex.[13]

When business consultant Fi Browning (Lisa Faulkner) tells the Carters that they must fire at least two of their employees, the Carters decide that Woody is the only one that should be fired. However, Woody refuses to go and Fi insists that the new freeholders, Grafton Hill, want him to stay, and Woody declares that until Linda tells him otherwise, he is the manager of the pub. Much to the disappointment of the Carters and Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean), Woody fires long-serving barmaid Tracey (Jane Slaughter) and Tina warns him to be careful.[141] Woody and Whitney later grow closer when Woody comforts her when she receives a letter from her husband Lee Carter (Danny-Boy Hatchard), asking for a divorce. Woody later catches Whitney shoplifting and he saves her from a man who is coming onto her. When they arrive back at The Vic, they kiss and have sex, only for Mick to return and find them in bed together.[167] Mick punches Woody and orders him to leave. After wishing the Carters good luck, Woody leaves Walford.[168]

Months later, Woody returns to Walford and he and Whitney are now engaged. However, Mick still dislikes him. It is revealed that Woody knows that Linda has had cancer, something she has been keeping from Mick. When Mick and Linda decide to go on holiday, Woody is put in charge of managing the pub. Woody is then offered a job in Malaga as a Bar Manager but would need to relocate there immediately. Woody realises Whitney is worried that he will leave her, so he asks her to go with him which she delightfully accepts. When Whitney says farewell to her family and friends, Woody realises she is better to remain in Walford and leaves her a note at the tube station, thus leaving Walford without her and ending their engagement.[169]

Woody returns to Walford after five months and seeks to resume his relationship with Whitney, although she does not want to and is now in a romance with Halfway (Tony Clay). Woody takes a job at the club as a barman, run by Mel Owen (Tamzin Outhwaite), competing with Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick). Much to Billy's dislike, Mel appoints Woody as the bar manager. When money is stolen from the club's safe, Mel's boyfriend, former police officer Jack Branning (Scott Maslen), finds out that Woody was in cahoots with Mo Harris (Laila Morse) and that he stole the money. Jack confronts Woody just before he is about to flee Walford with the money and succeeds in getting him to hand the money over. Before he leaves, Woody tells Jack that all he has ever done is run away after which, he departs Walford.

The character and Ryan's casting were announced on 15 February 2017, when it was said the character would "cause lots of trouble" upon his arrival.[170] Ryan expressed his delight at his casting, calling Woody "the best role [he] could have wished to play" and "a brilliant character". He found it obvious that he is living "a full and colourful life" and looked forward to the public reaction.[170] Sean O'Connor, the show's executive producer, also expressed his delight at Ryan's casting, branding him "a perfect casting" for the serial and revealing that producers decided immediately that they wanted Ryan for the role. O'Connor explained the character's backstory, which states he worked in several drinking establishments "around the world" before deciding to "put down some roots". He added that Woody would "ruffle some feathers and obviously break some hearts".[170] Ryan was offered the part the day after his audition. He was invited to audition by EastEnders' casting executive, Julia Crampsie, 18 years after she first approached him about him joining the show.[171] Ryan insisted that the character is not a "bad boy", despite being "a little bit manipulative" and explained that in his "sad" backstory, Woody has travelled and experienced the death of a relative. He said that there would be tension between Woody and Shirley after he is brought in as a bar manager at The Queen Vic pub, adding that "I think Shirley would quite like Woody to get lost!"[172] Woody departed the serial in the episode broadcast on 28 November 2017 after agreeing to manage a bar in Spain. It was confirmed that Ryan had not left the cast and would return following a temporary break.[163]

Daniel Kilkelly of entertainment website Digital Spy named Ryan one of "Soapland's rising stars", opining that despite heavy criticism following news of his casting, Ryan had "proved his doubters wrong". He praised Ryan's "easy chemistry" with his co-stars, noting that Woody's relationship with Whitney was eye-catching. He also commented, "In fact, in a pretty lacklustre year for the show, his scenes actually turned out to be one thing fans didn't have much to complain about."[31] In August 2017, Ryan was longlisted for Best Newcomer at the Inside Soap Awards.[173] He made the viewer-voted shortlist,[174] but lost out to Julia Goulding, who portrays Shona Ramsey in Coronation Street.[175]


Freda, played by Leila Hoffman, appears in two episodes on 22 May and 26 May 2017.[15][176]

Freda is an elderly woman whom Denise Fox (Diane Parish) meets when she is taking her English literature GCSE exam and she finds out Freda is taking five exams—English, English literature, French, history and maths. After the exam, Freda buys Denise a drink and says that although she found the exam tricky, she was enjoyed studying and that even if she fails, it was worth it as it is better than cleaning people's houses, which is her job.[15] Freda and Denise later sit their final exam and afterwards, Freda tells Denise that her mind went blank and asks how Denise did. Denise collapses and Freda tries to talk to her.[176]In 2019, Martin Fowler (James Bye) is sent to collect an outstanding debt from Freda by Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden). Martin takes pity on Freda, however, and instead uses takings from the fruit stall on the market to pay Ben.

Cydney Yeates of the Daily Star said that Freda stole the "soap limelight" and fans wanted her as a regular character.[177]

Ted Murray

Ted Murray, played by Christopher Timothy, first appears in the episode broadcast on 26 May 2017,[176] along with his wife Joyce Murray, played by Maggie Steed.[178] The character made a previously unannounced departure from the show on 27 September 2019.[179]

Actor Christopher Timothy was cast as Ted.

Ted and Joyce are a married couple, who arrive in Albert Square after being rehoused. They finish packing up their flat at Walford Towers and arrive at their new home. Ted tells Joyce that Dot Branning (June Brown) is their neighbour, who they already know, and Ted mentions that Dot's son Nick Cotton (John Altman) used to be friends with their son, Alan. Joyce is upset that Ted has brought a box with them after agreeing to "keep the past in the past". Joyce instructs Ted to keep it out of her way and he opens the box, which has a gun inside.[176] Ted and Joyce meet up with a friend, Joan Murfield (Eileen Davies), and talk about a family they describe as being "neighbours from hell" who nearly killed Joan.[143] Ted and Joyce decide they like their new home as it is peaceful but are then horrified to discover that Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and her children have moved in above them, as Karen is the woman who caused Joan's nervous breakdown.[17] Ted later applies for a vacancy at the local The Queen Victoria public house as a potman. Although the landlord Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) chooses Ted, he agrees that both Ted and Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker) should share the job on a part-time basis. Ted and Joyce find that they have been burgled and Ted blames the Taylors and the police question them. Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) insists to Ted and Joyce that they played no part in the break-in and Joyce is grateful when Keanu offers to board up their window.[180]

When a gas tank explodes outside the couple's flat, it smashes their windows and debris flies through. Ted panics, convinced that someone is trying to harm him and Joyce, who tries to calm him down. Ted arms himself with his gun and when someone checks on the couple, Ted accidentally shoots Johnny Carter (Ted Reilly).[103] Joyce calls the emergency services and she is arrested after taking the blame to protect Ted.[104] When Joyce visits Johnny in hospital and he realises Ted was the person who shot him,[181] Johnny's mother Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) decides to confront Joyce who promises Ted that she will still take the blame for him.[28] Joyce and Ted later receive community service and a suspended sentence respectively, thanks to Ted's psychiatric report and a letter Johnny wrote in their defence.

Joyce is supportive of Ted when he begins teaching Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris) how to play chess, but is frustrated when doing so consumes most of Ted's time. On Alan's birthday, Bernadette is scheduled to play in a chess tournament and asks Ted to support her. Joyce is upset that Ted intends to miss a Skype call with their son for the tournament and argues with him, berating him for giving Bernadette the time and affection that he never gave his own children. When Bernadette panics at the tournament, Joyce relents and allows Ted to go to her, realising the importance for both of them. Ted returns later that night to find Joyce in bed, but in the morning realises that Joyce has died in her sleep.

When Sheree Trueman (Suzette Llewellyn) sets Ted up with her mother Wanda Baptiste (Anni Domingo), Wanda announces that she has two tickets to travel the world for a year, and invites Ted. At first, he is reluctant due to Denise Fox (Diane Parish) making an effort to dissuade him, but he later comes round to the idea. After saying goodbye to his friends, he leaves with Wanda.

The character and Timothy's casting were announced on 1 April 2017.[182] Of his casting, Timothy said, "The most exciting thing about joining EastEnders is not only that I'll be back on the television, but I'll also be working with Maggie. I have admired her for a long time. She is one of my favourite actresses. Filming not just our first scenes but our first episode together will be like first night in the theatre—very exciting indeed. And of course, I'm looking forward to meeting all the cast who I've been used to seeing on TV over the year."[183] Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "delighted to welcome Maggie and Christopher to Albert Square. They are both already much-loved by audiences and it's wonderful to have attracted such esteemed and acclaimed actors to the EastEnders cast". He said that the Murrays "are a breath of fresh air to Walford having achieved a long–standing marriage. But it's not long before echoes of the past catch up with them. I'm very excited to see what these wonderful performers—and these fascinating characters—bring to Albert Square."[184] Timothy explained that Ted and Joyce were neighbours with Dot and "whether old animosities between Dot and the Murrays will resurface" and that "Joyce looks set to get annoyed with her husband when she discovers that he's broken a promise and brought a piece of their past with him."[185]

After their first appearance, where scenes showed Ted and Joyce having a gun, Jonathan Hughes from Radio Times said the Murrays "seemed like a harmless elderly couple, if slightly put out at being rehoused by the council due to the imminent demolition of the tower block they've lived in for 40 years."[186] He questioned why "two plucky pensioners" have a pistol and if it has "something to do with their previous links to Walford" as well as wondering if their son Alan is "another nasty Nick Cotton."[186]

Joyce Murray

Joyce Murray, played by Maggie Steed, first appears in the episode broadcast on 26 May 2017,[176] along with her husband, Ted Murray, played by Christopher Timothy.[178] On 22 March 2018, it was announced that Steed would be leaving the show.[187] Joyce was killed off on 29 March.[188]

Ted and Joyce are a married couple, who arrive in Albert Square after being rehoused. They finish packing up their flat at Walford Towers and arrive at their new home. Ted tells Joyce that Dot Branning (June Brown) is their neighbour, who they already know. Dot's son Nick Cotton (John Altman) used to be friends with their son, Alan, though Joyce says Nick was behind a break-in at their flat once and Dot was a busybody. Joyce is upset that Ted has brought a box with them after agreeing to "keep the past in the past". Joyce instructs Ted to keep it out of her way and he opens the box, which has a gun inside.[176] Ted and Joyce meet up with a friend, Joan Murfield (Eileen Davies), and talk about a family they describe as being "neighbours from hell" who nearly killed Joan.[143] Ted and Joyce decide they like their new home as it is peaceful but are then horrified to discover that Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and her children have moved in above them, as Karen is the woman who caused Joan's nervous breakdown.[17] Joyce is hurt but not surprised when her and Ted's daughter, Judith, cancels her visit on Father's Day.[19]

Ted and Joyce find that they have been burgled and Ted blames the Taylors and the police question them. Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) insists to Ted and Joyce that they played no part in the break-in and Joyce is grateful when Keanu offers to board up their window.[180] When a gas tank explodes outside the couple's flat, it smashes their windows and debris flies through. Ted panics, under the illusion someone is trying to harm him and Joyce, who tries to calm him down. Ted arms himself with his gun and when someone checks on the couple, Ted accidentally shoots Johnny Carter (Ted Reilly).[103] Joyce calls emergency services and the police. She takes the blame for Ted and is subsequently arrested.[104] Joyce visits Johnny in hospital and when he realises that Ted was the real person who shot him,[181] his mother Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) goes to confront them. Joyce tells Mick and Linda that Ted did not save his best friend during the war which is why Ted is in possession of the gun. Although Linda understands the emotions, she says she cannot forgive them for their treatment of Johnny. The police later arrive where they tell Joyce they have forensic evidence that proves Ted was the shooter and arrests Joyce for perverting the course of justice.[189] Joyce and Ted later receive community service and a suspended sentence respectively, thanks to Ted's psychiatric report and a letter Johnny wrote in their defence.

Joyce is supportive of Ted when he begins teaching Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris) how to play chess, but is frustrated when doing so consumes most of Ted's time. On Alan's birthday, Bernadette is scheduled to play in a chess tournament and asks Ted to support her. Joyce is upset that Ted intends to miss a Skype call with their son for the tournament and argues with him, berating him for giving Bernadette the time and affection that he never gave his own children. When Bernadette panics at the tournament, Joyce relents and allows Ted to go to her, realising the importance for both of them. Ted returns later that night to find Joyce in bed, but in the morning realises that Joyce has died in her sleep.

The character and Steed's casting were announced on 1 April 2017.[182] Of her casting, Steed said she is "very much looking forward to having Christopher as my on-screen husband, he is a terrific actor. We're going to have lots of fun. I'm incredibly excited to be joining what is such a well-established show."[183] Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "delighted to welcome Maggie and Christopher to Albert Square. They are both already much-loved by audiences and it's wonderful to have attracted such esteemed and acclaimed actors to the EastEnders cast". He said that the Murrays "are a breath of fresh air to Walford having achieved a long–standing marriage. But it's not long before echoes of the past catch up with them. I'm very excited to see what these wonderful performers—and these fascinating characters—bring to Albert Square."[184] Timothy explained that Ted and Joyce were neighbours with Dot and "whether old animosities between Dot and the Murrays will resurface" and that "Joyce looks set to get annoyed with her husband when she discovers that he's broken a promise and brought a piece of their past with him."[185]

After their first appearance, where scenes showed Ted and Joyce having a gun, Jonathan Hughes from Radio Times said the Murrays "seemed like a harmless elderly couple, if slightly put out at being rehoused by the council due to the imminent demolition of the tower block they've lived in for 40 years."[186] He questioned why "two plucky pensioners" have a pistol and if it has "something to do with their previous links to Walford" as well as wondering if their son Alan is "another nasty Nick Cotton."[186] Laura-Jayne Tyler of Inside Soap found Joyce and Ted dull and predicted that Joyce died after being "bored to death by her husband's chess obsession."[190]

Tom Bailey

Tom Bailey (initially credited as "nosebleed man"), played by Daniel Casey, first appears in the episode broadcast on 1 June 2017[143] and departs in the episode broadcast on 9 November 2017,[191] appearing in a total of 22 episodes.

Tom meets Michelle Fowler (Jenna Russell) on the London Underground after suffering a nosebleed and Michelle gives him a tissue.[143] They meet a few times later on the train[94] and Michelle tells her friend Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean) that she is interested in someone she met on the train, unaware that Tom is outside her home, looking at photos he covertly took of her.[16] Tom meets Michelle on the train again, this time when she is working late and he claims to have a day off from work. They finally introduce themselves and Tom says he is widowed.[78] Michelle invites Tom for a drink. They discuss Michelle's personal life but when she says her marriage went stale and someone younger showed interest, Tom assumes her husband cheated and not the other way around. Afterwards, Tom is aggressive to a stranger he accidentally bumps into.[192] Tom and Michelle meet for a drink again and despite her confession that she was the one who fell in love with a younger student, causing the ending of her marriage, Tom kisses her.[24]

After not hearing from Tom for a while, he returns and tells Michelle that he was scared because she is the first person he has dated since his wife's death and felt guilty. He invites Michelle for a drink and she says she will think about it.[102] The next day she agrees to a drink in the Vic and they kiss in public.[180] A few weeks later, he asks her out but she turns him down as she is babysitting. He turns up anyway, saying she sounded stressed, and asks her out for lunch the next day; Michelle says she will be in touch and walks away.[28] Michelle breaks up with Tom but he continues to stalk her. When Michelle starts internet dating, she meets a man called Doug (Trevor Murphy) and goes on a date with him at The Albert bar. Michelle is unaware that Tom is watching her from the outside. When the date ends, Tom threatens Doug on the train and tells him he is Michelle's husband, she has used a fake name and is using him, and not to see her again. He then texts Michelle, saying he needs to see her, but she tells him to leave her alone. Tom looks at a picture of his wife in his wallet and replaces it with a picture he took of Michelle.[193] Tom then sends Michelle a scarf and as it smells of a perfume he gave her, she guesses it is his wife's scarf. Michelle deletes Tom's text messages without replying, and Sharon tells her to return all his gifts.[108] Tom then starts troubling the Mitchell household, where Michelle lives, with persistent silent phone calls, prompting Michelle and Sharon to report him to the police.[194] Tom continues to follow her and she starts to get scared, locking herself in the house.[195] The next day, she sees him in Albert Square and grabs him by the throat, telling him to leave her alone. Later, Sharon says she has called the police again, and that they said they would call him directly as it usually puts people off.[196]

On Halloween night, Michelle sees Tom outside her home again, so Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) goes out and shouts at him, so Tom runs off. Michelle gets on the train to go to a party, but Tom follows her.[96] On an empty carriage, she tells him to stop following her, and he says he does not want to but she is forcing him. He touches her face and tells her not to pretend she does not want this. To get rid of him, she tells him they should talk about it another night, and invites him to dinner the following week, claiming she has been scared of commitment. She tells him to stay on the train while she gets off, and he asks her for a kiss, which she does after he accuses him of lying.[92] Michelle starts to research Tom online,[197] and at their dinner, he is unaware that she is filming everything on her phone. He claims that his actions were just to get her attention, as "some women need convincing". He admits that things got out of hand but he wanted her to realise that they are meant to be together. She says what he did was harassment, but he says he loves her and reveals he knows things about her private life that she has not told him. He tries to kiss her but she backs away, so he forces himself on her. At that moment, Sharon, Denise Fox (Diane Parish) and Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) walk in and Sharon hits him over the head with a vase, knocking him unconscious. When Tom wakes up, Michelle reveals that she had done research on his background, revealing that she knows his wife is not dead, merely divorced from him, and that he lied about his job to her. Michelle then reveals that everything has been recorded and says that if he comes near her again, she will show the video to his boss, clients and former wife. He agrees and leaves in shock.[191]

Despite being credited as "nosebleed man", following the character's first episode, Ben Lee from Digital Spy reported that the actor has an official cast shot and the character's name is Tom, speculating that he would appear again.[198] It was then reported that Tom would be a love interest for Michelle. Kate White from Inside Soap said there is a "spark" between them, and called him Michelle's "train crush". An EastEnders source said, "It's nothing short of a miracle to get someone to talk to you on the Tube in London, so Michelle should feel extremely flattered!"[199] However, White said that Tom is a stranger to Michelle and she knows nothing about him, she could be "playing with fire".[199] Duncan Lindsay from the Metro said Tom "has turned out to be a little bit unsettling as he has snapped pictures of [Michelle] and followed her home" and said that "many have poured scorn on the likelihood of two strangers regularly bumping into each other on packed London trains, [but] it seems that this was less accidental than we were led to believe".[200] Sophie Dainty from Digital Spy said that Tom "gets even darker" in his fifth episode, and said Michelle "could be heading for serious danger after her new love interest Tom showed another worrying side", calling him a "weirdo" and his behaviour "nasty", as he seems "more and more dangerous by the day".[201]

Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor, played by Lorraine Stanley, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017,[203][17] along with four of her children, Keanu (Danny Walters), Bernadette (Clair Norris), Riley (Tom Jacobs) and Chatham Taylor (Alfie Jacobs).[204] The family also have two pets, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog named Bronson and a Bearded lizard named Rooney.[205] Stanley appeared in the 2004 spin off Pat and Mo as a young Mo Harris, and in EastEnders in 2016 as Thelma Bragg, the mother of Linzi Bragg (Amy-Leigh Hickman).[206][205]

Karen, Keanu and Bernadette arrive on Albert Square and Karen introduces herself to some of the neighbours, who are horrified by their rowdy behaviour. Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper) is horrified to discover that Keegan Baker (Zack Morris), who claims to have had sex with Louise, is Karen's son and is moving in. Ted Murray (Christopher Timothy) and Joyce Murray (Maggie Steed) are also horrified to discover the Taylors are living above them, as Karen caused their friend to suffer a nervous breakdown when they were previously neighbours in Walford Towers.[17] Karen is revealed to be on benefits. She is annoyed when the Murrays' friend, Joan Murfield (Eileen Davies) visits, as Joan was Karen's former neighbours and regularly called the police about the Taylors. Denise Fox (Diane Parish) tries to make peace with Karen over her altercation with Keegan a few months previously, but Karen threatens violence against her if it happens again. When Louise tells her stepmother, Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean), that Keegan raped her, Sharon confronts Karen, so Karen punches Sharon in the face. Keegan, despite saying he made the rumour up because he likes Louise, is arrested on suspicion of rape and Karen is arrested for assault. Karen threatens Sharon with further violence.[18] Keegan is not charged but Karen tells him she is ashamed that he lied.[19] The family's dog, Bronson, ends up in the park's pond when he gets hold of Denise's handbag and Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami) pulls him off. Karen tries to get money out of Denise and Kush, but she backs down when Denise points out Bronson was off his lead.[192]

Karen looks for work and after befriending Jane Beale (Laurie Brett), Jane convinces her husband Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) to employ her as a cleaner at their restaurant. Bernadette complains of being ill and Karen realises she could be pregnant[207] so takes her to Dr. Natasha Black (Rachel Bavidge), who confirms she is pregnant. Karen asks Dr Black not to inform social services, and is against Bernadette keeping the baby. However, she later tells Bernadette is it her own choice, but Karen worries about how the family will afford to raise another child.[79] Karen tells her sons about Bernadette's pregnancy when they argue that she is not really ill. Karen starts work for Ian but her constant talking annoys him and he sacks her after she takes burgers that she assumes are being thrown out.[22] Karen pressures Keanu into talking to Bernadette about the father of her baby and then overhears Bernadette talking to Keanu, who Karen thinks may be the baby's father.[208] Karen confronts Keanu, asking if he is the father, and Keanu is hurt that Karen thinks that, but admits the father is in Bernadette's year.[146]

Karen and Bernadette clean the house for a social services visit and get some second-hand baby clothes. Bernadette steals some baby clothes from pregnant Stacey Fowler's (Lacey Turner) and Karen scolds Bernadette's action.[209] Karen ignores the bailiffs when they visit. Following a gas explosion, Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, devastating Bernadette, Karen and Keanu. Bernadette goes to see her daughter at the hospital and returns home with a box containing her daughter's footprints and is further angry with Karen for allowing the hospital to cremate her. Karen decides to do a memorial after speaking to Shirley Carter (Linda Henry). Keegan punches Callum (Shaun Aylward) when he realises he is the father, but Callum joins the family for the memorial and Bernadette reveals they were going to name their daughter Belle. After Keegan's initial hostility, he admits to Karen that he blames himself for Bernadette's miscarriage as he was not there for her. When Riley and Chatham return home, they ask questions about the baby and Shirley comforts Karen when she breaks down.[28]

After Keanu begins showing a romantic interest in Ingrid Solberg (Pernille Broch), Keanu agrees for Karen to meet her. When Ingrid is due to come round, Karen accidentally lets the bailiffs in.[111] When Janet Mitchell (Grace) is knocked over accidentally by Tina Carter (Luisa Bradshaw-White), Janet's father Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) wants to get Janet a dog. Karen agrees that Billy can have Bronson for a few nights for Janet.[210] Karen panics when Riley and Chatham have been collected from school by a loan shark called Lloyd that she has borrowed money from. He allows her time to get the cash within 24 hours and she manages to get money by selling Riley and Chatham's games console. However Lloyd claims she is still overdue from the first repayment; he orders bailiffs to remove her television set which upsets Karen. Desperate for the cash, Karen reluctantly decides to pawn a wedding ring that she has kept. However Keanu tries to convince her not to as it had belonged to his grandmother. When Karen decorates the flat for Christmas, she finds Stacey's phone that was taken and hidden by Riley and Chatham. Karen finds out that it was Riley and Chatham when she confronts her children and Karen later takes on the role of the angel in the Nativity. When the Taylors belongings are removed by bailiffs due to Karen failing to repay loans and they can get them back the next day if they can raise £1000, Karen and Bernadette go to visit Karen's sister, Kandice Taylor (Hannah Spearritt). Kandice agrees to loan them the money, but when Karen begins arguing with her, Kandice changes her mind. Bernadette meets up with Kandice and emotionally pleads with Kandice to help, but she apologetically refuses to and when the bailiffs are due to visit, Kandice turns up with the money. After bickering again and Karen throwing the money back, Karen and Kandice make up.

When Karen sees Apostolos Papadopolous (Tarrick Benham) in the launderette, she accuses him of being an asylum seeker, without realising he is the owner, and he ejects her when she asks for a job interview. However, she calls him and puts on a posh accent to secure an interview. When she attends it, he is angry but she manages to convince him that she is the right person for the job and he offers it to her. However, she is confused when she takes down the job advert and it reappears. She is furious when she learns Masood Ahmed (Nitin Ganatra) has been offered the job, so Apostolos says he will offer the job to whoever does the cleaning of the launderette the best, however, they argue and spill bleach, but later Masood says he was to blame so Apostolos offers Karen the job but only because an employment agency failed to send anyone. Karen then offers a personal ironing service to the customers in a bid to make more cash, but receives complaints when she mixes up people's clothes. Karen's ex-boyfriend and the father of Keegan and Chantelle, Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths), arrives on Albert Square and he is warned away from the family by Keanu, but he later returns and he shouts for Karen and Keegan at the flat, but Keanu punches him. Mitch flirts with Karen at the launderette whilst she is working and when Karen brings Mitch home, Keegan, Keanu and Bernadette do not want Mitch's presence, but Karen later sneaks him into the flat. Keanu is disgusted with Karen for letting Mitch stay the night and Mitch brings up Keanu's father. Karen attempts to reluctantly talk to Keanu about his father, but she fails and talks to Mitch about her being stabbed by Keanu's father. Karen considers re-conciliating with Mitch, however she discovers that he has a girlfriend and that his girlfriend is pregnant. Karen breaks up with Mitch and he leaves Walford.

Karen helps to contribute money to raise for Kat Moon's (Jessie Wallace) funeral and Karen is angry to discover that Kat is alive and her grandmother Mo Harris (Laila Morse) was behind Kat's "death". Karen tries to attack Mo, but Kat confronts her, causing a fight between the pair, which then leads to a bar fight. Karen and Kat continue their feud and when Kat advertises her cleaning business in the laundrette, another fight between the pair occur. However, both Karen and Kat make up and become friends. Karen is devastated to discover that Keegan has been stabbed. Keegan survives the attack but his best friend Shakil Kazemi (Shaheen Jafargholi) dies from his injuries. This causes Karen to remember when Keanu's dad tried to attack her with a knife whilst she was pregnant. Karen supports Keegan, who plans revenge against the boys behind the attack. Without Karen's knowledge, Keegan confronts some of the boys behind the attack and accidentally stabs one of them. Carmel Kazemi (Bonnie Langford) discovers the boy and lies to Keegan that he has killed him. Keegan discovers Carmel's lie and this leads to a confrontation between Karen and Carmel, but Karen understands Carmel's reasons behind the lie and forces Keegan to apologize to Carmel. Karen discovers that her son Keanu is having an affair with her married rival Sharon. She forces them to end the affair, but she learns that Keanu and Sharon are still sleeping together so she confronts Sharon. Keanu reveals to Karen that someone is blackmailing them and they discover that it is Louise, and so Karen threatens her.

Mitch returns to Walford with his daughter Bailey Baker (Kara-Leah Fernandes) and he lies to Karen that Bailey is his friend's daughter. Karen later discovers that Bailey is his own biological daughter. Mitch wants Bailey to live with the Taylors as her terminally ill mother, Dinah Wilson (Anjela Lauren Smith), is due to die from multiple sclerosis. Karen cannot let Bailey live with her because she has no space, but agrees to help Bailey and her mother. However, she agrees to let Bailey live with her when her mother dies. Louise's father, Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), sends Keanu to Spain to help him look after his business, but Karen is worried that she has not spoken to Keanu for several weeks and blackmails Sharon to tell Phil to bring Keanu back to Walford; otherwise she will expose their affair. Karen sees a photo of Keanu being beaten up in Spain and Phil goes back to Spain to bring him back. Meanwhile, Keegan's drug addiction is exposed when he almost overdoses and Karen has an argument with Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) about her sister Tiffany Butcher (Maisie Smith) supplying Keegan with drugs. Karen calls the police on Tiffany who is arrested and questioned. However, Karen agrees to drop the charges when she discovers that Mitch knew about Keegan's drug addiction and that it has been going on for a while.


The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Of her casting, Stanley said "I’m chuffed to be cast in such an iconic show that I’ve grown up watching. Working with my new family is really quite special, and I’m proud to play their mum."[211] Karen is described comes as a "fierce woman who won't hear a bad word said about her family, but those close to her know that she's also kind-hearted and loyal."[204]

Executive producer Sean O'Connor said that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They’re noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…"[211] In an interview, O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the Jackson family did upon their arrival and like other established, popular EastEnders families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I [O'Connor] think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system [...] we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round – we’re going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that’s where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) and Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It’s the classic Scarlett O’Hara mantra; ‘tomorrow is another day."[212]

The Taylors "are thrown into a [...] crisis" when Karen makes a "shock discovery" about Bernadette and Karen figures out Bernadette is pregnant after Karen is "troubled by Bernadette's behaviour" coming to the "shocking realisation."[213] Bernadette "refuses initially to reveal the father of her unborn child", however Karen "remains determined to get to the truth."[214] Bernadette's refusal to name the father leaves Karen "more frustrated than ever."[214] Instead of being "the mouthy matriarch" and "gobby", Karen "surprisingly" opts to use "a softer approach" to the situation. Bernadette's silence will prompt Karen's "own suspicions", but she could have "the wrong end of the stick" or uncover a "worrying secret" about Bernadette.[215] Viewers drew similarities to a teenage pregnancy storyline involving the character of Demi Miller, played by Shana Swash, in 2004 as the Millers "were just as mouthy and controversial as the Taylors and at the time of their arrival, 13-year-old Demi was heavily pregnant".[216]


Stanley received Best Newcomer award at the 2018 British Soap Awards for her portrayal of Karen.[217] That year, she was also nominated at the Inside Soap Awards for Funniest Female.[218] She earned her second Funniest Female nomination and was nominated in the Best Actress category at the 2019 Inside Soap Awards, winning the former.[219][220] Stanley also received Best Actress nomination at the British Soap Awards and Best Soap Actress nomination at the TV Choice Awards, both in 2019.[221][222]

Keanu Taylor

Keanu Taylor, played by Danny Walters, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017,[203][17] along with his mother Karen (Lorraine Stanley) and siblings Bernadette (Clair Norris), Riley (Tom Jacobs) and Chatham (Alfie Jacobs).[204] The family also have two pets, a dog named Bronson and a Bearded lizard named Rooney.[205] On 1 November 2019, it was announced that Walters had decided to leave the series; and Keanu's last scenes aired on 3 January 2020. Not long after his departure, he was re-introduced for the 35th anniversary plans. He returned on 7 February and departed again on 21 February.

Karen, Keanu and Bernadette move into Albert Square, upsetting the residents with their rowdy behaviour.[17] Keanu shows support towards Bernadette when Karen tells him that she is pregnant.[22] Karen pressures Keanu into talking to Bernadette about the father of her baby. Karen overhears Bernadette talking to Keanu, who Karen thinks may be the baby's father.[208] Karen confronts Keanu, asking if he is the father, and Keanu is hurt that Karen thinks that, but admits the father is in Bernadette's year.[146] When Keanu sees fliers for Arthur Fowler's (Bill Treacher) memorial bench, he tells Bernadette that they need to return the bench without being caught.[223] A social worker who visits Bernadette realises that the Taylors stole the bench and later, PC Jaz Jones (Charlie De Melo) visits the family to arrest Karen, but Keanu stops him.[224] Keanu is given a warning for the bench theft and upset that he will not be taken on full-time after the mechanic firm he completed his apprenticeship at.[148] Keanu asks around for work and apologises to Arthur's children, Michelle Fowler (Jenna Russell) and Martin Fowler (James Bye), for the bench theft. Keanu is told by Ben Mitchell (Harry Reid) he is not looking for staff when he asks. Keanu tells his family he is determined to get a job and not resort to benefits.[100]

Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), the landlady of The Queen Victoria, advertises for bar staff and Keanu hands in his CV to her and her husband, Mick Carter (Danny Dyer). Linda offers Keanu a trial shift, but is upset when he is sent home by The Vic's business consultant, Fi Browning (Lisa Faulkner).[49] Keanu is taken on by an employment agency, but considers applying for benefits when the bailiffs try to visit their home. When Ted Murray (Christopher Timothy) and his wife, Joyce Murray (Maggie Steed), find that they have been burgled, Ted blames the Taylors and the police question them. Keanu insists to Ted and Joyce that they played no part in the break-in and Joyce is grateful when Keanu offers to board up their window. Keanu manages to convince Bernadette to go to teenage parenting classes and decides to go with her. Following a gas explosion, Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, devastating the family. Struggling to gain employment, Keanu goes for a job as a nude life model for an art class,[108] but he is shocked when his neighbour Ingrid Solberg (Pernille Broch) attends the class, and she is shocked to find he is a model.[109] Keanu considers joining an escort agency and is tempted by the money he could earn. Keanu receives a booking and asks Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) for advice on women. Keanu goes on a date with a client, Julie (Mazz Murray), and she invites Keanu to her room. Keanu finds Julie crying and they both admit it is their first time being and using an escort and Julie opens up about her ex-husband to Keanu.

Keanu catches the attention of Aidan Maguire (Patrick Bergin) with his physical strength and Keanu is recruited into helping with a robbery with Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), Mick and Vincent Hubbard (Richard Blackwood). Bernadette, who gets a job at The Albert glass collecting overhears, but agrees to keep quiet. Prior to the job, Keanu threatens to quit when he thinks he is only getting paid £1,000, but Aidan insists he will get more. The heist goes ahead but Mick is shot. The money then goes missing and Aidan instructs everyone involved to remain away for two weeks in case the police ask questions and when they meet, everyone wonders who has taken the money. Keanu is asked by Aidan to get rid of a box that contain teeth belonging to Luke Browning (Adam Astill), but they end up with Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden). Phil employs Keanu as a mechanic and on his first day, he is reunited with Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths), the father of his half-siblings Chantelle and Keegan Baker (Zack Morris). Keanu undertakes work on Mitch's van and warns him to keep away from his family, lying that they do not live on Albert Square. Mitch later returns and he shouts for Karen and Keegan at the flat, but Keanu punches him. When Karen brings Mitch home, Keegan, Keanu and Bernadette do not want Mitch's presence, but Karen later sneaks him into the flat. Keanu is disgusted with Karen for letting Mitch stay the night and Mitch brings up Keanu's father. Karen attempts to reluctantly talk to Keanu about his father, but she fails and talks to Mitch about her being stabbed by Keanu's father.

The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Of his casting, Walters said "Having only been filming EastEnders for a few weeks, I feel so privileged to already feel a part of the team. Everyone has been so friendly and kind and gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome and supported. There has been a huge buzz surrounding the new family and I am so excited to see what the future holds for The Taylors. Keanu is very grateful to live at No.23 Albert Square and will try his very best not to disturb the peace in the Square."[211] Keanu is described as a "charming and happy-go-lucky lad who sees himself as the man of the family and tries to protect his siblings wherever possible."[204] Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They’re noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…"[211]

In an interview, O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the Jackson family did upon their arrival and like other established, popular EastEnders families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I [O'Connor] think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system [...] we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round – we’re going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that’s where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) and Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It's the classic Scarlett O'Hara mantra; 'tomorrow is another day'."[212] In August 2017, Walters was longlisted for Best Newcomer and Sexiest Male at the Inside Soap Awards.[173] He did not progress to the viewer-voted shortlist.[225] In January 2018, Walters won in the Newcomer category at the 23rd National Television Awards.[226] In November 2018, Keanu's pairing with Sharon was nominated for Best Soap Couple at the 2018 Digital Spy Reader Awards; they came in ninth place with 4% of the total votes.[227]

Bernadette Taylor

Clair Norris portrays Bernadette Taylor.

Bernadette Taylor, played by Clair Norris, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017,[203][17] along with her mother Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and siblings Keanu (Danny Walters), Riley (Tom Jacobs) and Chatham (Alfie Jacobs).[204] The family also have two pets, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog named Bronson and a Bearded lizard named Rooney.[205]

Karen, Keanu and Bernadette move to Albert Square and upset the residents with their rowdy behaviour.[17] Bernadette bunks off school to the annoyance of Karen, pretending she is sick. Karen finds Bernadette eating packets of crisps in her room and when Bernadette does not eat her favourite food, Karen confronts Bernadette, working out she is pregnant.[207] Karen takes Bernadette to see Dr Natasha Black (Rachel Bavidge), who confirms the pregnancy. Bernadette cannot work out how far gone she is and Bernadette says she was not forced to have sex, but refuses to name the father. Karen and Bernadette are also told social services will be notified due to Bernadette being underage. Bernadette wants to keep the baby and Karen tries to talk her out of it, but allows Bernadette to make her own choice.[79] When her half-brother Keegan Baker (Zack Morris) and Keanu argue over whether Bernadette is really ill, Karen tells them that Bernadette is pregnant. Keegan calls her stupid whilst Keanu is supportive.[22]

Karen overhears Bernadette talking to Keanu, who Karen thinks may be the baby's father.[208] Bernadette meets up with a schoolfriend, Callum (Shaun Aylward), and tells him she is pregnant and he is the father. Callum becomes emotional and worries about his abusive father's reaction. Bernadette is touched when Callum offers her £16, all he has in his bank account, and laughs when he asks if they should get married.[146] When Ingrid Solberg (Pernille Broch) catches Bernadette destroying flowers in the square, she comforts her when she reveals she is pregnant and was being bullied. Ingrid makes her apologise to Jane Beale (Laurie Brett) for ruining the gardens and agrees to help fix it.[24] Bernadette steals baby clothes from Stacey Fowler (Lacey Turner) and Karen scolds her.[209] Bernadette is delighted that social services think she will be a good mother and when Keanu gives her a moses basket.[223] Keanu manages to convince Bernadette to go to teenage parenting classes and decides to go with her. Bernadette is anxious by the commotion caused by a gas explosion and she is in agony when she miscarries a daughter, which devastates Bernadette, Karen and Keanu. Bernadette is angry towards Karen when she visits her daughter at the hospital without her.[228] Bernadette goes to see her daughter at the hospital and returns home with a box containing her daughter's footprints and is further angry with Karen for allowing the hospital to cremate her.[181] Bernadette asks Callum to meet at the allotments, but Karen decides to do a memorial after speaking to Shirley Carter (Linda Henry). Keegan punches Callum when he realises he is the father, but Callum joins the family for the memorial and Bernadette reveals they were going to name their daughter Belle. When Riley and Chatham return home, they ask questions about the baby.[28]

After her first day back at school, Bernadette arrives home in tears after being bullied by girls saying Bernadette was not pregnant, just fat. Bernadette throws away her stuffed toys as she was going to give them to Belle. Karen then confides in Bernadette about a miscarriage she suffered after her older half-sister, Chantelle.[229] Bernadette arranges to see Callum, but he cancels and she makes a pass at Keegan's friend, Shakil Kazemi (Shaheen Jafargholi), and Keegan walks in on them.[230] Keegan believes Shakil did not make the pass and Bernadette confides in Keegan that she arranged to see Callum and wants another baby as she misses Belle.[193] When Bernadette complains about not having a good phone, Riley takes Stacey's phone from her car and gives it to Bernadette. Later, when Bernadette attempts to unlock the phone, Jane calls before a panic Bernadette puts the phone under the bed.[231] On Halloween, Bex Fowler (Jasmine Armfield) and Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper) are forced to include Bernadette in their plans. Bernadette wants to raise money to enable Riley and Chatham to go on a school trip and after helping Martin Fowler (James Bye) on his stall, Honey Mitchell (Emma Barton) offers Bernadette a paper round.[155] Bernadette fails to deliver the paper properly and Honey initially refuses to give Bernadette the full amount, but Bernadette blackmails it out of Honey, as well as extra money.[232] Bernadette impresses Vincent Hubbard (Richard Blackwood) when she asks for a job, but is disappointed that Vincent will not give her a job due to her age. When Bernadette stages a robbery with Riley and Chatham, Vincent offers her a job of glass collecting. On her first shift, she overhears Keanu who has been recruited by Aidan Maguire (Patrick Bergin) in an illegal job with Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), Vincent and Mick Carter (Danny Dyer), but agrees to keep quiet. When the Taylors belongings are removed by bailiffs due to Karen failing to repay loans and they can get them back the next day if they can raise £1000, Karen and Bernadette go to visit Karen's sister, Kandice Taylor (Hannah Spearritt). Kandice agrees to loan them the money, but when Karen begins arguing with her, Kandice changes her mind. Bernadette meets up with Kandice and emotionally pleads with Kandice to help, but she apologetically refuses to and when the bailiffs are due to visit, Kandice turns up with the money.

Bernadette is suspended from school takes the blame for Keegan when he smashes Mrs Robyn Lund's (Polly Highton) car window for her seemingly sarcastic reaction to Keegan revising. Bernadette befriends Ted Murray (Christopher Timothy) when she learns to play chess, and Tiffany Butcher (Maisie Smith). Karen and Keanu find one of Ted's chess pieces under Bernadette's bed so accusing him of having an illegal sexual relationship with her, but Bernadette shows them that they have been playing chess. Wanting Bernadette to have friends her own age, Karen pays Keegan to take Bernadette for some fun, but she is hurt when she discovers he posted an embarrassing photo of her online. Keegan apologises, saying that he would have spent time with her even if he was not paid, and tells her not to change. Karen then arranges for Bernadette to spend time with Bex, Louise and Tiffany, but Tiffany sneaks Bernadette away to play chess with Ted. Bernadette plays in a tournament, but is beaten, however, she is asked to join the chess club. Bernadette supports Ted when Joyce Murray (Maggie Steed) is found dead and Ted and Joyce's daughter, Judith Thompson (Emma Fielding), arrives in Walford and is jealous of and annoyed with Bernadette due to parental affection she receives from Ted. Following the death of Shakil Kazemi (Shaheen Jafargholi), Bernadette and the other teenagers play spin the bottle and Tiffany kisses both Bernadette and Keegan, which leads Bernadette to confusion about her feelings, though Tiffany says she likes Keegan.


The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Of her casting, Norris said "I’m so excited to go on a journey with my character Bernadette, and to be a part of the Taylor family. I never in a million years thought my first TV role would be in EastEnders. It’s surreal but I’m ever so grateful to be given the opportunity and I can’t wait to see the audience’s reaction to us."[211] Bernadette is described as having "little interest in anything other than sitting around the house and dreaming of being famous."[204] Norris added that her character is "quite young. She's always being forced by her mum to go to school, but she can't be bothered basically" and she is "a typical teenager. She doesn't want to go to school. She just wants to stay around at home and watch reality TV"[233]

Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They’re noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…"[211] In an interview, O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the Jackson family did upon their arrival and like other established, popular EastEnders families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I [O'Connor] think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system [...] we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round – we’re going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that’s where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) and Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It’s the classic Scarlett O’Hara mantra; ‘tomorrow is another day."[212]

The Taylors "are thrown into a [...] crisis" when Karen makes a "shock discovery" about Bernadette and Karen figures out Bernadette is pregnant after Karen is "troubled by Bernadette's behaviour" coming to the "shocking realisation."[234] Bernadette "refuses initially to reveal the father of her unborn child", however, Karen "remains determined to get to the truth."[214] Bernadette's refusal to name the father leaves Karen "more frustrated than ever."[214] Instead of being "the mouthy matriarch" and "gobby", Karen "surprisingly" opts to use "a softer approach" to the situation. Bernadette's silence will prompt Karen's "own suspicions", but she could have "the wrong end of the stick" or uncover a "worrying secret" about Bernadette.[215]

Viewers drew similarities to a teenage pregnancy storyline involving the character of Demi Miller, played by Shana Swash, in 2004 as the Millers "were just as mouthy and controversial as the Taylors and at the time of their arrival, 13-year-old Demi was heavily pregnant.[235] When Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Daniel Kilkelly from Digital Spy called it a "tragic" and "upsetting" turn.[236]


Bronson is a dog belonging to the Taylor family, Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley), Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters), Keegan Baker (Zack Morris), Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris), Riley Taylor (Tom Jacobs) and Chatham Taylor (Alfie Jacobs).[204] He first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017, and makes his last appearance in the episode broadcast on 15 March 2021.

The Taylor's arrive on Albert Square and upset the residents with their rowdy behaviour.[17] Bronson ends up in the park pond after Kush Kazemi (Davood Ghadami) stops him tugging on Denise Fox's (Diane Parish) bag, which angers Keegan. PC Jaz Jones (Charlie de Melo) arrives at Kush's flat to speak to him about the incident,[192] but Kush does not give a statement. Jaz visits Karen and Keegan, who also refuse to make a complaint.[145] Bronson goes missing during the gas explosion, but Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) finds him in the community centre. When Janet Mitchell (Grace) is knocked over accidentally by Tina Carter (Luisa Bradshaw-White), Janet's father Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) wants to get Janet a dog. Karen agrees that Billy can have Bronson for a few nights for Janet. When Karen fails to repay a loan shark, he comes to remove the family's belongings and takes Bronson, which distresses them. Keanu returns home with Bronson after finding him in the park. In March 2021 Bronson falls ill, and a vet recommends that he be put to sleep, as his body is failing in his old age.[237] Though Bailey Baker (Kara-Leah Fernandes) initially objects, they ultimately go ahead with it, and Bronson dies with the Taylors at his side.[238]

The character was announced on 10 May 2017.[204] Stanley called Bronson's portrayer Cyrus, a cross between a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff, "beautiful" and "gorgeous". A "specific dog" was chosen to work alongside child actors Alfie and Tom Jacobs.[239] Another dog took on the role of Bronson when Cyrus had a knee operation, but the decision to keep the replacement dog permanently was taken due to Cyrus' health and welfare.[240]

Riley Taylor

Riley Taylor, played by Tom Jacobs, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017,[203][17] along with his mother Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and siblings Keanu (Danny Walters), Bernadette (Clair Norris) and Chatham (Alfie Jacobs).[204] The family also have two pets, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog named Bronson and a Bearded lizard named Rooney.[205]

Riley and Chatham arrive at the new flat on Albert Square after spending time with their sister, Chantelle.[17] After Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Riley and Chatham return home from their father's and they ask questions about the baby. When Bernadette complains about not having a good phone, Riley takes Stacey Fowler's (Lacey Turner) from her car and gives it to Bernadette. During Halloween, Riley goes missing with Janet Mitchell (Grace) and Amy Mitchell (Abbie Knowles), but is found in the gardens. Karen panics when Riley and Chatham are not at school to pick up and she finds them at a home with a loan shark, who insults Riley and Chatham's learning difficulties. Chatham and Riley attempt to sell Stacey's phone but eventually return it to her.

The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Jacobs and his real-life brother, Alfie Jacobs, play the roles of Riley and Chatham, "who can often be a challenge" for Karen as they both have learning difficulties, as they do in real life.[204][239] Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They’re noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…"[211]

In an interview, Sean O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the Jackson family did upon their arrival and like other established, popular EastEnders families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I [O'Connor] think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system [...] we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round – we’re going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that’s where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) and Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It’s the classic Scarlett O’Hara mantra; ‘tomorrow is another day."[212]

Walters described working with Jacobs and his brother as "incredible" by "seeing the development of them as they grow." Walters said the brothers "were so nervous" on their first day with "all these lights, cameras everything, all the people", but as they began to settle in, they started "to become themselves in the scenes which is beautiful to see."[239]

Chatham Taylor

Chatham Taylor, played by Alfie Jacobs, first appears in the episode broadcast on 15 June 2017,[203][17] along with his mother Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and siblings Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters), Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris) and Riley Taylor (Tom Jacobs).[204] The family also have two pets, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog named Bronson and a Bearded lizard named Rooney.[205]

Chatham and Riley arrive at the new flat on Albert Square after spending time with their sister, Chantelle.[17] After Bernadette suffers a miscarriage, Chatham and Riley return home from their father's and they ask questions about the baby. Karen panics when Chatham and Riley are not at school to pick up and she finds them at a home with a loan shark, who insults Riley and Chatham's learning difficulties. After Riley takes Stacey Fowler's (Lacey Turner) phone to give to Bernadette, they try to sell it, but eventually return it to Stacey.

The characters and castings were announced on 10 May 2017. Jacobs and his real-life brother, Tom Jacobs, play the roles of Chatham and Riley, "who can often be a challenge" for Karen as they both have learning difficulties, as they do in real life.[204][239] Executive producer Sean O'Connor added that he is "hugely excited at the arrival of Karen and her family in Albert Square. They’re noisy, brash and not-to-be-messed-with. Karen is a twenty-a-day lioness, bringing up her kids with no support, no money and a very loud mouth. But though they may lack cash, the Taylors have love and warmth in spades. This summer is going to be explosive as the Taylors settle in Walford. The Square will never be quite the same again…"[211]

In an interview, Sean O'Connor added that The Taylor family "feel very different to the other characters" they have, calling them "a big messy brood." He said the Taylors will "bring the breath of fresh air that" the Jackson family did upon their arrival and like other established, popular EastEnders families, they "will divide opinion, but within six months, I [O'Connor] think the audience will love them" and "will help re-calibrate what the show is." O'Connor also said that the family experience "the reality of the benefits system [...] we're not going to see these characters suddenly flashing cash round – we’re going to see them struggling to make ends meet, because that’s where the best stories are- ordinary characters facing adversity." O'Connor compared the characters to Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) and Coronation Street's Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix), saying "whatever fate throws at them, they pick themselves up and face the next day. It’s the classic Scarlett O’Hara mantra; ‘tomorrow is another day."[212]

Walters described working with Jacobs and his brother as "incredible" by "seeing the development of them as they grow." Walters said the brothers "were so nervous" on their first day with "all these lights, cameras everything, all the people", but as they began to settle in, they started "to become themselves in the scenes which is beautiful to see."[239]

Ingrid Solberg

Ingrid Solberg, played by Pernille Broch, first appears in the episode broadcast on 22 June 2017.[192] On 1 May 2018, it was announced that Ingrid would be departing the series with her final scenes airing on 7 May 2018.[241]

After Jack Branning (Scott Maslen) places an advert for an au pair, Ingrid arrives at his house to inquire about the job, although she has the wrong day. Jack lets her in after his daughter, Amy Mitchell (Abbie Knowles) soaks her, and she tells Jack that she lives in Walthamstow, but is from Oslo, and Jack is reluctant to hire her, wanting someone with experience of the area. When Ingrid helps remove chewing gum from Amy's hair without the need to cut it, he offers her a trial.[192] She tries to connect with Amy and Ricky Mitchell (Henri Charles) by cooking a Norwegian meal but fails. They end up bonding when they order a pizza and she tells them a story about Norway.[207] Jack almost misses a meeting when Ingrid is almost late.[79] When Ingrid catches Bernadette Taylor (Clair Morris) destroying flowers, she comforts her when she reveals she is pregnant and is being bullied for her physical appearance, and Ingrid makes her apologise to Jane Beale (Laurie Brett) for ruining her garden. After repeated lateness, Jack asks Ingrid to move in with him and the children, which she happily accepts.[24]

Honey Mitchell (Emma Barton) talks to Ingrid about her upcoming camping trip with her husband Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) and their children Janet Mitchell (Grace) and Will Mitchell (Freddie Phillips), which was overheard by Amy and Ricky. Ingrid tells them that they can come camping too, but Jack is unsure about the idea.[242] However, he later agrees.[48] Ingrid comforts Jack when he is reminded that it is the first family trip without his dead wife Ronnie Mitchell (Samantha Womack).[101] When they begin to grow closer, Ingrid and Jack share a passionate kiss.[102] When Amy and Ricky ask questions about Ingrid and Jack's relationship, she insists that she has no feelings for Jack. Realising that she may have feelings for him, Ingrid decides to leave Walford[243] Jack persuades her to return as the au pair.[244] Ingrid is shocked when she attends an art class to find that her neighbour Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) is a nude life model.[108][109] Ingrid and Keanu later begin a relationship. Ingrid is excited when Keanu plans to move in with Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick), so that they have their own space without being disturbed by Keanu's mother, Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley), and is disappointed after Keanu decides not to move because Karen and his siblings need him.

Following the character's introduction, fans of the series believed that there was "an ulterior motive" to her appearance, suggesting that she could be involved in Max Branning's (Jake Wood) revenge plot. Other fans speculated that she could begin a relationship with Jack due to his reputation as a womaniser.[245] Laura-Jayne Tyler of Inside Soap called Ingrid the "demented new nanny", commenting, "Ingrid is the stuff of nightmares. Like when fairy tales used to be genuinely terrifying."[246] Following Ingrid's departure, Tyler voiced her suspicion that there was a storyline planned for Ingrid, but it was cancelled.[247]

Felix Moore

Felix Moore, played by George Maguire, first appears in the episode broadcast on 6 July 2017. He is a customer in Bridge Street Café and asks Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) whom to speak to about renting a stall on the market.[22] He then has drinks in The Queen Victoria with his friends and the pub's staff call them "hipsters".[208] When Donna Yates (Lisa Hammond) is late paying her pitch fees, Robbie Jackson (Dean Gaffney) gives Felix her stall on the market, on which he plans to sell "vintage goods". This leads to the other market traders throwing Robbie in a bin.[146] However Felix is annoyed when Robbie has a change of heart and decides to return the pitch to Donna.[248]Felix continues to appear in Walford however and has since appeared to have obtained a permanent pitch in the market. In October 2017, Felix attends the Halloween party at The Queen Vic and also helps in the search for the children when they disappear from a party at Jack Branning's house. After a customer from the market smashes a 1950s vintage vase worth £100, Robbie insists that the customer does not pay as he is worried that the customer may be a mystery shopper inspecting the market and deciding whether to close it or not. Later, Felix calls Mr. Lister and announces to him and Robbie that he will be leaving the market.

Maguire's casting in EastEnders was reported on 24 June 2017, when it was said that Maguire had signed a £200,000 contract to help increase the show's ratings. However, the Metro said that Maguire would play a "minor character who is part of a small community based storyline", that the actor would be in around three episodes and had already filmed his scenes, and that his casting was nothing to do with the change of executive producer.[249] A different EastEnders source told the Daily Mirror that "George will join the soap for a few episodes early in July".[250]

Hope Fowler

Hope Fowler first appears in the episode broadcast on 16 October 2017.[253] She is the daughter of Martin Fowler (James Bye) and Stacey Fowler (Lacey Turner).

In early 2017, after Stacey finds out she is pregnant, she and Martin agree to seek medical advice because she is worried about her postpartum psychosis returning that she suffered after the birth of her son, Arthur Fowler. In October 2017, after Arthur's grandmother, Carmel Kazemi (Bonnie Langford), phones social services about bruises on Arthur, suspecting a stressed Stacey of hurting him, Stacey suffers an eclamptic seizure when she learns what Carmel did and is taken to hospital. In between her seizures, Stacey and Martin are told the baby will have to be delivered via Caesarean section. Martin is overjoyed when he learns that he has another daughter, but is told she has complications.[254] Stacey goes to see her daughter, but changes her mind, however, she later sees her. Stacey and Martin's daughter is put on a ventilator.[255] Stacey grows annoyed at Martin suggesting baby names, but confides in Max Branning (Jake Wood) about her feelings. Stacey apologises to Martin and they name their daughter Hope.[195] Martin and Stacey bring Hope home and Stacey decides to make amends with Carmel. When Stacey cheats on Martin with Max in December 2017, she leaves Walford with Arthur, Hope and her daughter, Lily Fowler (Aine Garvey). Stacey returns in January 2018 and when Stacey is out, Martin accuses her of being with Max, so Stacey decides Martin should leave, but he angrily throws her out and exposes her affair. Martin keeps Lily, Arthur and Hope inside, away from Stacey, though he and Stacey support each other briefly when Lily holds Hope by the upstairs window, asking for Stacey. Martin rejects Stacey when she says Lily, Arthur and Hope need her and he decides he will not let Stacey near Lily, Arthur and Hope. Martin decides to go for custody, although his friends advise them to resolve their problems. Martin is not happy when Stacey seemingly changes her mind about Martin looking after Lily, Arthur and Hope for the night, but he refuses to look after Hope when Stacey offers as he suspects she will see Max. Stacey's cousin, Hayley Slater (Katie Jarvis), gets involved by pretending to be interested in Martin and encouraging him to keep the children for longer than agreed, resulting in him being visited by the police.

Turner said that Stacey's ultimate fear is her baby not surviving after Stacey suffers pre-eclampsia, bringing on a seizure, which puts Stacey and her baby's life at risk.[256] The character being named Hope drew similarities to the introduction of Coronation Street's Hope Stape, the daughter of Fiz Brown (Jennie McAlpine), who was born prematurely and fought for her life in December 2010.[257]

Aidan Maguire

Aidan Joseph Patrick "JP" Maguire, played by Patrick Bergin made his first appearance on 27 November 2017. He is part of a robbery storyline.[258] Aidan departed the series on 9 March 2018 at the conclusion of his storyline.[259]

Aidan arrives in Albert Square and sees Keegan Baker (Zack Morris) arguing with his half-sister Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris) over money and he advises Keegan not to display his anger as it shows weakness. Aidan visits Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), his former prison cellmate, and later Phil sees him shaking hands with Vincent Hubbard (Richard Blackwood). The next day, Aidan tells Phil about his criminal plan with Vincent and Phil asks to be involved; Aidan says he will be in touch.[169] Aidan, Phil and Vincent meet to discuss Aidan's plan, but Phil does not want to work with Vincent; Aidan says the team is his choice and later Phil tells Aidan he is still interested. When Aidan is mugged for his phone and injured, Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) helps him and as they talk. Aidan mentions the planned robbery and Mick is interested as he needs money. Keegan then hands Aidan his phone, revealing the mugging was a scam to get Mick and Aidan talking.[155] Aidan then recruits Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) into his team; Aidan, Phil, Vincent, Mick and Keanu then have a meeting in Vincent's bar, the Albert, but Bernadette walks in as they are discussing the plan; she insists she has heard nothing, but Max Branning (Jake Wood) sees them leaving together and is suspicious. When Phil's son Ben Mitchell (Harry Reid) is beaten up by Luke Browning (Adam Astill), Phil asks Aidan for help; Luke is bundled into the back of a van and not seen again.[260] Vincent is angry about Aidan's meetings being in the Albert so he tells Aidan he does not want to be involved; Aidan convinces him that he is the right person for the job while also making a threat, so Vincent agrees to come back on board. Mick misses a meeting with Aidan because of his family, and later Aidan tells him one thing has changed and gives him a gun. Mick hides the gun from his wife, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), but she finds it and he is forced to reveal that Aidan is planning a robbery; she tells him to return the gun or she will leave him. Mick returns the gun to Aidan, saying he will not take part in the plan, and Aidan meets Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) and thinks he could be a good replacement for Mick. Aidan gives Whitney Carter (Shona McGarty) a present for Mick, which she puts under Mick's Christmas tree, and Aidan tells Mick there is a gun in the Vic and he has called the police; Mick manages to find it under the tree and gives it to Billy to give to Phil as the police arrive, but Aidan only reported a fight so the police leave. Aidan later tells Mick he needs him back on his team and he could make £150,000.[261] The day before the heist, Mick asks Aidan to rejoin the gang but Aidan makes him beg, so Mick refuses, however, when the others get drunk, Aidan agrees to have Mick back.[262]

Aidan talks Phil, Mick, Vincent and Keanu through his heist plan and tells them to be ready; when Aidan signals for everyone to take their positions, Mick's mother, Shirley Carter (Linda Henry), locks him in the cellar after reading his text messages. Keegan helps Mick escape the cellar so Shirley gets Linda and they track his phone. Mick joins Keanu and they successfully stop a van and divert it to Albert Square. The van stops outside the garage owned by Ben, and Mick, Keanu, Vincent and Phil use fake guns to hold up the van; the men in the back open the van and Mick is shot as Linda and Shirley look on. Bernadette calls the police, while Aidan sends Keanu home and then threatens Vincent because when he was a police informant, he had Aidan's brother sent to prison and Aidan blames Vincent for his brother's suicide; Phil stops Aidan shooting Vincent and Vincent promises to sell his bar, the Albert, and give Aidan the proceeds. Aidan's former wife, Ciara Maguire (Denise McCormack), arrives and tells the police that she owns the van involved and she staged a robbery as part of security training, so convinces the police to leave; Ciara realises Aidan was involved and makes a phone call to someone. Two days later, Vincent worries that nobody will receive their share of the money so Aidan assures him that if they are patient they will get it. Ciara meets Aidan, accusing him or arranging the robbery, but he denies being involved; Phil recognises her and confronts Aidan; Aidan says they are taking back his money that she took from him, and tells Phil where the money is.[263]

Aidan offers to share the money with Ciara, and later meets with Vincent, Keanu, Mick, Phil and Billy, who is hiding the money in a coffin; when they open the coffin, the money is missing.[264] Billy realises there has been a mix-up and the money has been buried in another coffin; Aidan makes them dig up the coffin. Ciara goes to meet Aidan as agreed but he is not there, so she goes to Billy's funeral home where Aidan has been conducting his business but Billy's fiancée, Honey Mitchell (Emma Barton), assumes she is a customer and takes her to the Vic; Ciara overhears Honey on the phone to Billy and realises Aidan is at a church, so calls him, interrupting a confrontation between Vincent and Aidan; Ciara lies that she knows exactly where Aidan is; the men open the coffin but the money is not there; sirens approach and Aidan tells everyone to run.[265] Ben and Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick) find a bracelet at the garage and a police officer visits, so they realise Phil has done something illegal; they confront Phil's wife, Sharon Mitchell (Letitia Dean), and Ben demands a share of any money as he is now involved but Sharon says Phil was double-crossed, however, Ben later hides the bracelet along with other jewellery and a large amount of cash, revealing that he has stolen it.[266] Ben sells the jewellery but gives one necklace to his mother, Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth). Ben tells Jay that he will give the cash to Phil.

Everyone goes into hiding for a few weeks and when they return, Phil sees Kathy's necklace and thinks Ben and Jay took the money. The men gather at Phil's and accuse each other of the theft, while Aidan says the woman they robbed does not have the money as her "blonde bombshell" is looking for it; Aidan then offers to help Mick get his money to buy The Queen Victoria pub back, but Mick calls Aidan a liar and wants nothing more to do with him; Billy then tells Phil that the "blonde bombshell" is Mel Owen (Tamzin Outhwaite) and Phil says they need to find Ben. Mick is able to keep the pub when Halfway (Tony Clay), who was the person who shot Mick, gives him a ring he stole during the robbery, which is worth £200,000. Aidan finds out Mick has bought the Vic and Mick's son, Johnny Carter (Ted Reilly) tells Aidan that they sold a family member's war medal; Aidan believes the story but Mel speaks to Halfway who says they won the money on a scratchcard, so when Mel tells Aidan this, he is furious. Phil sees Vincent being friendly with a police officer after a break-in at the Albert that was staged by Aidan and notices how on-edge he is all day, while Aidan sees Mick celebrating and that the Vic is suddenly running smoothly after the Carters faced eviction, so Phil and Aidan agree that Vincent or Mick are guilty of taking the money; Mick is then bundled into a van by two men. Mick is taken to the garage where Phil, Aidan, Vincent, Keanu and Billy confront him; he convinces Aidan that the Vic was returned to them for nothing, so Aidan turns his attention to Vincent; Vincent accuses Ben, while Phil accuses Mel. Aidan gives Phil ten days to find out the truth; Mel then overhears Phil telling Sharon that if Aidan knew who had the money, there would be a "bloodbath". Mel discovers that Sharon took the money and it is returned to Ciara.

Vincent tries to hurry through the sale of the Albert and tells Aidan that he will have his money in four weeks but Aidan demands an immediate bank transfer and has Vincent beaten up when he refuses.[267] Eventually, Aidan buys the bar himself for £1. Aidan then has a drug dealer, Cal (Jesse Rutherford) installed at the Vic. Mick tries to stop the drug dealing but Aidan threatens to take the Vic from the Carters and to harm members of his family. When Linda discovers the drug dealing, Mick explains that Aidan is behind it and he took the Albert from Vincent so they have no choice but to allow it. Linda wants to report Aidan to the police but Mick says it would endanger their lives; Aidan then gives Mick money for his silence, but Linda returns it, however, Aidan has conned a supplier meaning Mick needs the money to pay them; Mick nearly goes to the police but changes his mind after finding out Aidan contacted his daughter, Nancy Carter (Maddy Hill); Linda then calls the police. Aidan gives Keanu a box to hide in a coffin at the funeral home while he is fixing the electricity there.[268] The following day the pub is raided and Cal is arrested, but Aidan pretends not to know anything. He later confronts the Carters, knowing one of them called the police. Shirley and Mick both try to take the blame, but Linda admits it was her so Aidan threatens her. Mick defends her and refuses to give in to him. Aidan warns him he has a week to get him the robbery money or else he is a dead man.[43] Aidan later covers Mick's son Ollie with petrol as a warning. Jay gives the box Aidan gave Keanu to Phil. Upon opening it, Phil discovers some removed teeth.

The following week, Mick and the Carters prepare to flee Walford to escape Aidan and his gang, but Mick returns to the Vic at the last minute to confront Aidan, who viciously beats him until he apologises and allows drug dealing to resume in the Vic. Jack, Linda, and several others quickly arrive to aid Mick, only to find themselves surrounded by an even larger group of thugs called in by Aidan, who then threatens to burn the pub down. Mick finally apologises after seeing no way out, but Aidan is quickly attacked by Phil, who insists he has gone too far with his actions. Knowing that the teeth in the box belong to Luke, who Aidan had killed despite Phil only requesting to scare him off, Phil threatens to hand them over to the police unless Aidan ceases his actions and leaves. Heartbroken at Phil's betrayal, and feeling helpless entirely, Aidan finally calls off his gang and quietly leaves for good.[269]

The character is described as a charismatic old school villain and is an old friend of Phil Mitchell, having shared a cell together while Phil was in prison in 2005. Speaking of joining the show, Bergin said: "I am delighted to be joining EastEnders as I have watched and admired it since the days of Dirty Den. It is an iconic show that has the ability to shape the way people think, while also telling big explosive stories that keep the audience gripped. I am really looking forward to seeing what they have in store for Aidan as it's bound to be dramatic." Executive consultant John Yorke added: "EastEnders deserves the very best and in Patrick we are absolutely privileged to have a truly great actor join the show. It's a huge honour to have him on board, where he'll be working hand in hand with Phil Mitchell and Mick Carter to carry a truly explosive storyline for Christmas and New Year. We can't wait to get started."[258]

Kandice Taylor

Kandice Taylor, played by Hannah Spearritt, first appears in the two episodes first broadcast on 28 December 2017.[261][270] She then appears in the episodes first broadcast between 16 and 20 July,[271] and returns again in December 2018. She is the younger sister of established character Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley).

Hannah Spearritt appeared across two guest stints as Kandice Taylor.

When the Taylors belongings are removed by bailiffs due to Karen failing to repay loans and they can get them back the next day if they can raise £1,000, Karen and her daughter, Bernadette Taylor (Clair Norris), go to visit Kandice. Kandice agrees to lend them the money, but when Karen begins arguing with her, Kandice changes her mind.[261] Bernadette meets up with Kandice and emotionally pleads with her to help, but she apologetically refuses to but when the bailiffs are due to visit, Kandice turns up with the money. After bickering again and Karen throwing the money back, Kandice and Karen make up.[270]

Kandice arrives in Walford in July 2018 and asks Karen for help to get out of climbing Mont Blanc for charity by allowing her to stay for a few days. Karen, Bernadette and Karen's son, Keegan Baker (Zack Morris), agree to help her by pretending she is ill. After successfully fooling her supporters with fake photos, the golf club director, Ellie James (Helen Masters), asks Kandice for a video call to show her supporters. Kandice and Karen set up a tent in Karen's flat for the call and Ellie believes Kandice until Keegan accidentally interrupts. Ellie visits Karen and Kandice the next day, and Kandice shows her a cheque for the golf club, which Ellie accepts in exchange for keeping quiet about the scam and giving Kandice's husband a gold membership to the golf club.

The character and Spearritt's casting was announced on 25 October 2017. Kandice was billed as the "outspoken" younger sister of Karen. She initially appeared for a stint, with the possibility of reintroducing the character if she proved popular. The following day, promotional images of Kandice and behind-the-scenes images of Spearritt filming with Stanley and Norris were released. It was also reported that Kandice would make her first appearance at Christmas 2017.[272]

On 24 April 2018, it was announced that Spearritt would reprise the role for another guest appearance later in 2018.[273] The character's July 2018 return was described as a "comedy plot". A third stint over Christmas 2018 was announced on 4 December 2018.[274]

Abi Branning

Abi Branning first appears in the episode broadcast on 29 December 2017.[262] She is the daughter of Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) and Steven Beale (Aaron Sidwell).

Abi and Steven's baby is conceived during their affair, while Steven is in a relationship with her mother's sister, Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa). Shortly afterwards, Steven dies after being injured in a fire caused by Abi's father Max Branning (Jake Wood). The baby is delivered via caesarean section after her mother becomes brainstem dead following a fall with Lauren from the roof of The Queen Victoria public house. She is held by Max after being born.[262] Max and Lauren visit her and discuss naming her.[263] Max later visits her in the hospital and takes a photograph of her, but is told that she is not strong enough to go to her mother's funeral.[267] Her mother's uncle, Jack Branning (Scott Maslen), visits the hospital after her mother's grandmother, Cora Cross (Ann Mitchell), suggests that Max would kidnap the baby as punishment for being banned from the funeral. Jack arrives at the hospital and finds the incubator is empty. He presumes that Max has taken her, although Max returns with her and explains that he has registered her birth, naming her Abi in memory of her mother, and that he wants to do things right.[275] After Max returns to Walford after a break away, he and his new wife, Abi's great-aunt Rainie Branning (Tanya Franks), visit Abi, who is being cared for by Cora, and vows to get her back. Max and Rainie meet with Abi's social worker, Calvin Hoskins (Colin Tierney), and use Jack's house to convince him they are suitable to raise Abi and after the meeting, Rainie and Max row about Rainie potentially ruining Max's plan to raise Abi. Abi's social worker visits Max and Rainie again to discuss their marriage, which could be considered unstable due to the short time they have been married, about Max's contemplated suicide, though Max insists he is stronger and promised to bring up Abi. Max and Rainie are asked for three references and although Jack agrees to be the family referee, other residents are unwilling to support Max, but Max's former daughter-in-law Stacey Fowler (Lacey Turner) and her husband Martin Fowler (James Bye) agree to be referees. Cora visits Rainie and Max and offers Rainie the chance to leave Max, relocate to Exeter, run a tearoom and be part of Abi's upbringing with her and Abi's maternal grandmother, Tanya Cross (Jo Joyner). Rainie accepts the offer for £30,000, but contacts Calvin and when social services visit, Max and Rainie inform them of Cora's bribe.

When Cora visits Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt), Abi's step-grandfather, Cora puts Ian on the spot by claiming he is supporting custody application to Max and Rainie. When Max takes Abi from Cora whilst Rainie attempts to resolve their feud, Abi is removed to a place of safety by the police. AFter Cora hits Rainie, Rainie blackmails Cora into withdrawing her custody application and Abi is placed into Max and Rainie's care.

Abi and Steven begin their affair when Steven suspects Abi's sister and Steven's girlfriend Lauren of having an affair with her employer, Josh Hemmings (Eddie Eyre), that has led to "tension" between the characters, especially with the discovery that Lauren terminated her pregnancy.[276] In the climax of Steven's lie of having an inoperable brain tumour with just a few months to live, Steven's stepmother Jane Beale (Laurie Brett) discovers his affair with Abi.[277] Abi's pregnancy puts a "massive spanner in the works of this slow-burning epic plot, which is quite literally about to blow up" as it provides a "new crisis" for Steven.[277][278] With Abi being "even more hateful" towards Lauren after Steven's death, Abi receives a "world of hate" from Lauren upon admitting to the affair.[279] Fitzgerald said that Abi is "just so happy" to be having a baby so she can receive "unconditional love", which Abi longs for as she "keeps losing that" within her family and with the death of Steven."[279] Although Lauren is "fuming" in the aftermath of learning about Abi's baby, Fitzgerald states that Abi regards it as a "relief [...] she's got this massive weight off her chest."[279] The hatred between Abi and Lauren comes out in an "explosive" manner, with the anger coming from Abi's betrayal and not Steven's and the fact the baby "will be too much as it means Steven will be around forever."[279]



  1. ^ "EastEnders executive producer leaves programme after one year". BBC News. 24 June 2017. Retrieved 24 June 2017.
  2. ^ Kilkelly, Damiel (27 November 2017). "EastEnders enters a new era as John Yorke's storylines begin tonight". Digital Spy. Retrieved 27 November 2017.
  3. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Greening; Writer: Julia Honour (9 January 2017). "Episode dated 09/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Daran Little (20 January 2017). "Episode dated 20/01/2017 (part 2/2)". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: Daran Little (23 January 2017). "Episode dated 23/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: Daran Little (24 January 2017). "Episode dated 24/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Katie Douglas (30 January 2017). "Episode dated 30/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  8. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Leo Richardson (21 February 2017). "Episode dated 21/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (23 February 2017). "Episode dated 23/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  10. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Pete Lawson (27 February 2017). "Episode dated 27/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  11. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Pete Lawson (28 February 2017). "Episode dated 28/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  12. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (9 March 2017). "Episode dated 09/03/2017 (part 1/2)". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  13. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Greening; Writer: Julia Honour (27 April 2017). "Episode dated 27/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  14. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Lauren Klee (4 May 2017). "Episode dated 04/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  15. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Gillian Richmond (22 May 2017). "Episode dated 22/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  16. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (12 June 2017). "Episode dated 12/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Daran Little (15 June 2017). "Episode dated 15/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  18. ^ a b c d e f g Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Daran Little (16 June 2017). "Episode dated 16/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  19. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Richard Davidson (19 June 2017). "Episode dated 19/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  20. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Richard Davidson (20 June 2017). "Episode dated 20/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  21. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Katie Douglas (27 June 2017). "Episode dated 27/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Colin Wyatt (6 July 2017). "Episode dated 06/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  23. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (13 July 2017). "Episode dated 13/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (14 July 2017). "Episode dated 14/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  25. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (17 July 2017). "Episode dated 17/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  26. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Rob Gittins (20 July 2017). "Episode dated 20/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  27. ^ a b c d e f g h i Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Rob Gittins (21 July 2017). "Episode dated 21/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Lynne Dallow (14 September 2017). "Episode dated 14/09/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  29. ^ a b Kilkelly, Daniel (10 January 2017). "Who's Keegan? EastEnders sneaked in a brand new character last night". Digital Spy. Retrieved 11 January 2017.
  30. ^ a b Lindsay, Duncan (3 March 2017). "No, EastEnders isn't turning into Grange Hill – why we should be commending the teen storyline". Metro. Retrieved 2 May 2017.
  31. ^ a b Kilkelly, Daniel (29 June 2017). "8 more of Soapland's rising stars, from EastEnders' Keegan to Hollyoaks' Lily". Digital Spy. Retrieved 6 July 2017.
  32. ^ Davies, Megan (26 February 2018). "EastEnders confirms Holby City star Roger Griffiths for a guest role as Keegan's dad Mitch Baker". Digital Spy. Retrieved 26 February 2018.
  33. ^ a b c d e Dainty, Sophie (22 March 2018). "EastEnders is lining up a harrowing knife crime storyline involving Keegan and Shakil". Digital Spy. Retrieved 23 March 2018.
  34. ^ a b c d Hughes, Jonathon (22 March 2018). "EastEnders to tackle knife crime in hard-hitting new storyline". Radio Times. Retrieved 23 March 2018.
  35. ^ a b c d Lindsay, Duncan (22 March 2018). "EastEnders spoilers: Double stabbing horror as soap tackles knife crime storyline". Metro. Retrieved 23 March 2018.
  36. ^ Dainty, Sophie (9 May 2017). "Emmerdale, Coronation Street and Hollyoaks top the shortlist for the British Soap Awards 2017". Digital Spy. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
  37. ^ Dainty, Sophie (3 June 2017). "British Soap Awards 2017 winners: Find out which of your favourite shows and stars won a trophy". Digital Spy. Retrieved 3 June 2017.
  38. ^ Kilkelly, Daniel (1 January 2017). "EastEnders reveals 5 new storyline spoilers after Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell's tragic deaths". Digital Spy. Retrieved 2 January 2017.
  39. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Alex Straker, Robert Butler (5 January 2017). "Episode dated 05/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  40. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (13 January 2017). "Episode dated 13/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  41. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Kathrine Smith (17 January 2017). "Episode dated 17/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  42. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jessica Lea (6 February 2017). "Episode dated 06/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  43. ^ a b Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Simon Norman (2 March 2018). "Episode dated 02/03/2018". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  44. ^ Paul, Anna (25 September 2020). "Who is Raymond in EastEnders?". Metro. Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  45. ^ Patterson, Stephen. "Who dies in Fatal car crash in EastEnders?". Metro. Retrieved 25 September 2020.
  46. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Rob Gittins (16 January 2017). "Episode dated 16/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  47. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Colin Wyatt (3 March 2017). "Episode dated 03/03/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  48. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Lauren Klee (11 August 2017). "Episode dated 11/08/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  49. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Richard Davidson (14 August 2017). "Episode dated 14/08/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  50. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Richard Davidson (15 August 2017). "Episode dated 15/08/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  51. ^ Harp, Justin (25 September 2020). "EastEnders' Mica Paris character revealed as Walford car crash revisits Denise Fox secret". Digital Spy.
  52. ^ Kilkelly, Daniel (19 April 2016). "Shock EastEnders spoilers: Denise Fox sleeps with Phil Mitchell after hearing a baby bombshell". Digital Spy. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
  53. ^ Kilkelly, Daniel (2 September 2016). "EastEnders baby bombshell! Phil Mitchell is the father of Denise Fox's baby". Digital Spy. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
  54. ^ Brown, David (16 September 2016). "EastEnders: Kim wants to adopt Denise's baby!". Radio Times. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
  55. ^ Lindsay, Duncan (13 January 2017). "EastEnders spoilers: Sharon Mitchell to tell Phil that he is the father of Denise Fox's baby". Metro. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
  56. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Katie Douglas (31 January 2017). "Episode dated 31/01/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  57. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (2 February 2017). "Episode dated 02/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  58. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Ian White; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (14 February 2017). "Episode dated 14/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  59. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Vito Rocco, Ian White; Writer: Jaden Clark, Sarah Hooper (16 February 2017). "Episode dated 16/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  60. ^ a b c d e f g h i Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (24 February 2017). "Episode dated 24/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  61. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Laura Poliakoff (2 March 2017). "Episode dated 02/03/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  62. ^ a b c d e f g h Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Carey Andrews (7 March 2017). "Episode dated 07/03/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  63. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Kate Saxon; Writer: Rob Gittins (17 March 2017). "Episode dated 17/03/2017 (part 1/2)". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  64. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Kate Saxon; Writer: Rob Gittins (17 March 2017). "Episode dated 17/03/2017 (part 2/2)". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  65. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (21 March 2017). "Episode dated 21/03/2017 (part 1/2)". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  66. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Jessica Lea (10 April 2017). "Episode dated 10/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  67. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Robert Butler (11 April 2017). "Episode dated 11/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  68. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Richard Davidson (13 April 2017). "Episode dated 13/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  69. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Rob Gittins (18 April 2017). "Episode dated 18/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  70. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Matt Evans (21 April 2017). "Episode dated 21/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  71. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Greening; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (24 April 2017). "Episode dated 24/04/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  72. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Wendy Granditer (1 May 2017). "Episode dated 01/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  73. ^ a b c d Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Joanna Toye (2 May 2017). "Episode dated 02/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  74. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Lauren Klee (5 May 2017). "Episode dated 05/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  75. ^ a b c d e f g Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Jaden Clark (8 May 2017). "Episode dated 08/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  76. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Rob Gittins (12 May 2017). "Episode dated 12/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  77. ^ a b c d e f Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Tim Stimpson (5 June 2017). "Episode dated 05/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  78. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Davey Jones (13 June 2017). "Episode dated 13/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  79. ^ a b c d e f g h Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Katie Douglas (4 July 2017). "Episode dated 04/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  80. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: David Moor; Writer: Jaden Clark (11 July 2017). "Episode dated 11/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  81. ^ a b c d e Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (25 July 2017). "Episode dated 25/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  82. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Carey Andrews (28 July 2017). "Episode dated 28/07/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  83. ^ Hero Talent Group [@herotalentgroup] (16 January 2017). "Catch Seraphina Beh in her first episode as new regular, Maddison, in EASTENDERS tomorrow at 7.30pm on BBC 1" (Tweet). Retrieved 3 February 2017 – via Twitter.
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  244. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: Jaden Clark (29 August 2017). "Episode dated 29/08/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  255. ^ a b c Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: John Dower; Writer: Christopher Reason (17 October 2017). "Episode dated 17/10/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  263. ^ a b c Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: John Howlett; Writers: Mark Catley and Simon Norman (2 January 2018). "Episode dated 02/01/2018". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  285. ^ Executive Producer: Jon Sen; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (17 October 2019). "Episode dated 17/10/2019". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  287. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Ian White; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (13 February 2017). "Episode dated 13/02/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  288. ^ a b Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Kate Saxon; Writer: Davey Jones (14 March 2017). "Episode dated 14/03/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  292. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Colin Wyatt (15 May 2017). "Episode dated 15/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  293. ^ a b c d e f g Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Liz Lake (16 May 2017). "Episode dated 16/05/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  295. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (29 June 2017). "Episode dated 29/06/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  298. ^ Executive Producer: Sean O'Connor; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Kim Revill (16 November 2017). "Episode dated 16/11/2017 Part One". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  299. ^ Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Madeleine Clifford (12 March 2018). "Episode dated 12/03/2018". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  300. ^ a b Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: John Greening; Writer: Pete Lawson (3 April 2018). "Episode dated 03/04/2018". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  301. ^ Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Jeff Povey (30 April 2018). "Episode dated 30/04/2018". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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  308. ^ a b c d Executive Consultant: John Yorke; Director: Karl Neilson; Writer: Lauren Klee (26 December 2017). "Episode dated 26/12/2017". EastEnders. BBC. BBC One. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
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