Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлено из Amaya Jiwe (Arrowverse) )
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Легенды завтрашнего дня - американский телесериал, разработанный Грегом Берланти , Марком Гуггенхаймом , Филом Клеммером и Эндрю Крейсбергом , основанный на нескольких персонажах из комиксов DC . Премьера сериала состоялась 21 января 2016 года в США длятелеканала CW , а первый сезон завершился 19 мая 2016 года. Премьера второго сезона состоялась в октябре 2016 года и завершилась в апреле 2017 года. Премьера третьего сезона состоялась в октябре. 2017 и завершился в апреле 2018 года, а премьера четвертого сезона состоялась в октябре 2018 года и завершилась в апреле 2019 года.

Легенды Tomorrow ' первого сезона s следует Time Master Rip Hunter ( Arthur Дарвилл ) в своей миссии , чтобы остановить вандалов Savage ( Каспер Крамп ) от убийства его жены и ребенка и уничтожить мир. Чтобы помочь ему, он формирует команду Легенд, состоящую из Мартина Штейна ( Виктор Гарбер ) и Джефферсона Джексона ( Франц Драме ) / Огненный шторм, Рэя Палмера / Атома ( Брэндон Рут ), Сары Лэнс / Белой Канарейки ( Кейти Лотц ), Кендры Сондерс. / Hawkgirl ( Сиара Рене ),Картер Холл / Человек-ястреб ( Фальк Хентшель ), Мик Рори / Тепловая волна ( Доминик Перселл ) и Леонард Снарт / Капитан Холод ( Вентворт Миллер ); с помощью ИИ Гидеона ( Эми Пембертон ). К концу сезона Снарт жертвует собой, чтобы спасти Легенд, а Кендра и Картер уходят после поражения Сэвиджа. Второй сезон посвящен оставшимся Легендам, исправляющим «аберрации» во времени, а также противостоянию Легиону Судьбы , состоящему из Эобарда Тоуна / Обратного Флэша ( Мэтт Летчер ), Дэмиена Дарка (Нил МакДонаф ), Малкольм Мерлин ( Джон Барроумен ) и смещенный во времени Снарт. По пути к ним присоединяются историк Нейт Хейвуд / Стил ( Ник Зано ) и член Общества справедливости Америки Амайя Дживе / Виксен ( Мэйси Ричардсон-Селлерс ). Хотя легенды побеждают Легион, они случайно уничтожают время, и Рип исчезает при загадочных обстоятельствах.

В третьем сезоне легенды исправляют анахронизмы во временном потоке. Кроме того, они также сталкиваются с противодействием со стороны Rip's Time Bureau и демонической сущности по имени Маллус ( Джон Нобл ), чья ученица Нора Дарк ( Кортни Форд ) воскресила своего отца Дэмиена и будущую внучку Амайи Куасу ( Трейси Ифичор ). Хотя команда теряет Штейна и Джексона, у них появляются новые союзники в лице компьютерного хакера Зари Томаз ( Тала Эш ), спидстера Уолли Уэста / Кида Флэша ( Кейинан Лонсдейл ) и агентов Бюро времени Ава Шарп (Джес Макаллан ) и Гэри Грин ( Адам Цехман ). В конце концов, Рип умирает, сражаясь с Маллусом, в то время как Амайя и Уолли уходят после поражения демона. В четвертом сезоне легенды должны захватить группу мифических существ, которые были освобождены, когда они освободили Маллуса. По пути они также должны помешать демону Нерону развязать ад на Земле. К команде присоединяются оккультный детектив Джон Константин ( Мэтт Райан ), беглец Чарли (Мэйси Ричардсон-Селлерс), Каупе Мона Ву ( Рамона Янг).), и реформированная Нора. После изменения временной шкалы во время победы над Нероном, Зари удаляется из команды и заменяется ее братом Бехрадом Тарази (Шаян Собхиан).

В пятом сезоне Легенды выслеживают и останавливают злобных исторических личностей, называемых «Энкорес», после того, как их воскрешает Астра Лог (Оливия Суонн), которую Константин случайно отправил в ад. По пути они обнаруживают, что Чарли на самом деле является Клото Судьбы, на которую охотятся ее сестры Лахезис ( Сара Стрэндж ) и Атропос ( Джоанна Вандерхэм ) за то, что они разрушили Ткацкий станок Судьбы. Хотя Мона уходит из Legends, чтобы начать писательскую карьеру, а Рэй и Нора тоже уходят после свадьбы, Ава и Гэри присоединяются к команде после закрытия Бюро времени, Зари присоединяется к ним, а Астра присоединяется к команде после того, как Судьба предала ее. . После победы над своими сестрами Чарли уходит, чтобы воссоединиться со своей старой группой.

Ниже приводится список персонажей, появившихся в телесериале. Многие названы в честь персонажей комиксов DC или основаны на них.

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  1. ^ Garber is credited through "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4".
  2. ^ Routh is credited through "Romeo v Juliet: Dawn of Justness".
  3. ^ Drameh is credited in the main cast through "Beebo the God of War", and as a special guest star in "The Good, the Bad and the Cuddly".
  4. ^ Hentschel is credited in the main cast through "Pilot, Part 2" but his subsequent appearances are as a recurring guest star.
  5. ^ Starting in season three, Pemberton is credited as Amy Louise Pemberton.
  6. ^ Miller portrays his character's Earth-X counterpart Leo Snart in season three.
  7. ^ Sellers is credited as a special guest star in her first appearance as Charlie then as a main cast member from "Wet Hot American Bummer" onward.
  8. ^ Lonsdale is first credited as a main actor in "The Curse of the Earth Totem" after previously making guest appearances in "Aruba-Con" and "Here I Go Again".
  9. ^ Ryan is listed among the main cast but credited in the opening titles as special appearance.
  10. ^ Ford is only credited in the episodes she appears in.
  11. ^ Garrett is only credited in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five."

Legends of Tomorrow membership by season[edit]

  1. ^ Earth-X Snart temporarily joined the team.

Main characters[edit]

Martin Stein / Firestorm[edit]

Victor Garber

Professor Martin Stein (portrayed by Victor Garber; seasons 1–3) is a faculty member from Hudson University and nuclear physicist focused on transmutation, who is also half of the character Firestorm with Jefferson Jackson.[2][3][4] Stein is also Ray Palmer's former college professor. Initially time travels for intellectual pursuits and adventures with his wife Clarissa's blessing; however, after accidentally altered his own history resulted in his fatherhood in season two and becoming a grandfather following his daughter's pregnancy in season three, Stein discovers happiness that he and Clarissa had never experienced in the previous timeline and desires to be with his family, ultimately seeks to separate himself from the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. matrix, with help from Jax, Ray, Harry Wells, Cisco Ramon, and Caitlin Snow. However, during the events of "Crisis on Earth-X", Stein is badly injured during the team's escape from Earth-X when he is shot by two Nazis and dies separating himself from the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. matrix. The Legends, Team Arrow, Team Flash, Supergirl, and Alex Danvers avenge Stein by defeating the Earth-X armies that are led by Overgirl and Dark Arrow and killing their leaders, though Eobard Thawne gets away.

Victor Garber also portrays Henry Stein, an ancestor of Martin living in London, 1895.

Graeme McComb portrays a young Stein in 1975, 1987, and 1992.[5] Following Stein's death, his younger 1992 self is accidentally displaced in the Norsemen era with a Beebo toy, reveals details of Stein's change to his past during Hanukkah after his last encounter with his younger self in 1987 in the process. After taking his future self's advice, young Stein leads a fulfilling marriage with Clarissa following the couple's daughter Lily's birth, with him being a devoted father, therefore young Stein and his wife are living a much happier lives than what would have been without interfering Stein's destiny. The Legends end up saving him and getting him back to his own time with a replacement Beebo for his daughter. Becoming aware of his fate in 2017, young Stein decides not to learn the details of his impending death and avert it, knowing that he would die in the age of 67 hence a senior; he gathers that he would already lived his life to the fullest by then and even if he alters the event it would only bought himself a little time anyway due to being elderly. He resolves to treasure the life he has as a husband and father, and advises Jefferson to move on from his future self's death.

The character was first introduced on The Flash. Garber left the series during season three, after his character's death during the "Crisis on Earth-X" crossover.[6]

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Ray Palmer / Atom[edit]

Brandon Routh

Dr. Raymond "Ray" Palmer (portrayed by Brandon Routh; seasons 1–5) is a scientist, inventor, businessman, and CEO of Palmer Technologies. After losing his fiancée Anna to the Starling City Siege, Ray developed a power-suit to protect the people of Starling City and became a member of Team Arrow. After a lab accident that saw him captive for 6 months and the world believing him dead, he is now capable of shrinking and growing to immense sizes whilst wearing the suit.[2][3] During the first season, he develops a relationship with Kendra Saunders, but this ends when Hawkman is reincarnated as Scythian Torvil. In later seasons, Ray forms a strong friendship with Nate Heywood and develops an attraction towards Nora Darhk. He later becomes the host of the demon Neron after surrendering his body in order to save Nate's life. He is eventually saved and resurrected by Constantine. During season five, he marries Nora and leaves the Legends so they can live their lives together.

The character was first introduced on Arrow. In August 2019, it was revealed that Routh would leaving as a series regular during the fifth season. He may potentially reappear as a guest in the future.[7]

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

  • Routh also portrayed the Superman of Earth-96, reprising the role from Superman Returns.

Rip Hunter[edit]

Arthur Darvill

Rip Hunter (portrayed by Arthur Darvill; main seasons 1–2; recurring season 3) is a roguish time traveler and leader of the team as well as former Time Master, who hides the strains of being responsible for history itself behind a façade of charm and wit.[2][8] His goal is to defeat Vandal Savage in order to save the world and his family. He and Savage are archenemies throughout the timeline. Aiden Longworth portrays a young Rip Hunter.[9]

In season two, after giving himself false memories and identity for the sake of protecting the Spear of Destiny, Rip is captured and brainwashed into joining the Legion of Doom; he attempts to rewrite his and his family's fate with the Spear. He is also revealed to be an ally to a future variant of Barry Allen, whose younger self operates as the Flash in the present. By the end of the season, Rip regains his memories and leaves the Legends, feeling he has nothing left to teach them.

In season three, after leaving the Waverider for only 15 minutes in the Legends' time, Rip meets the team again in 2017. During the five years that have passed in Rip's time, he has set up the Time Bureau to replace the Time Masters and correct the anachronisms caused by the Legends. In the season finale, Rip sacrifices his life to stop Mallus. Darvill became a recurring actor for season three.[10]

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Sara Lance / White Canary[edit]

Caity Lotz

Sara Lance (portrayed by Caity Lotz) is a Star City vigilante and former League of Assassins member who initially suffered from rage issues after being resurrected by the mystical Lazarus Pit.[2][3][11] After Rip Hunter's disappearance, she takes over as captain of the Waverider, and maintained the role even when he returned and left again to found the Time Bureau. Emily Murden portrays a young Sara.

The character was first introduced on Arrow.

She is loosely based on the DC Comics characters Black Canary and White Canary.

Jefferson Jackson / Firestorm[edit]

Franz Drameh

Jefferson "Jax" Jackson (portrayed by Franz Drameh; seasons 1–3) was a high school athlete whose professional career was derailed by an injury who works as an auto mechanic.[2][12][13] He serves as the other half of the character Firestorm with Martin Stein.[4] The producers decided to create Jax as the other half of Firestorm to have him be someone in his early 20s and different from Ronnie Raymond, the previous Firestorm, bringing comedy and camaraderie with Stein.[14] In season three, it is revealed that with Martin's help, Jax has fulfilled his dream to enroll in college and finished it, and was admitted in a graduate program of engineering to earn his master's degree before he reunited with the Legends. The character was first introduced on The Flash. Drameh left the series as a main cast member in the middle of season three,[15] but returned for the season finale, where it is revealed that it had been five years for Jax since he left and during that time he had married and had a daughter.[16]

He is based on the DC Comics characters Jefferson Jackson and Firestorm.

Kendra Saunders / Hawkgirl[edit]

Ciara Renee

Kendra Saunders (portrayed by Ciara Renée; season 1) is a young woman who is just beginning to learn that she has been repeatedly reincarnated over the centuries as the Egyptian priestess Chay-Ara. When provoked, her ancient warrior persona manifests itself along with wings that grow out of her back.[2][17][18] She chooses to leave the team at the end of season one.[19] The character was first introduced on The Flash. Anna Deavere Smith portrays an older version in 1871,[20] known as Cinnamon.[21]

She is based on the DC Comics character Hawkgirl.

Carter Hall / Hawkman and Scythian Torvil / Hawkman[edit]

Falk Hentschel

Carter Hall (portrayed by Falk Hentschel; season 1) is the latest reincarnation of the Egyptian prince Khufu who is fated to reincarnate throughout time along with his soulmate Kendra, with powers similar to hers.[18][22][23][24] He chooses to leave the team at the end of season one.[19] The character was first introduced on The Flash. Hentschel received guest credit in his subsequent appearances in season one after the character's death in "Pilot, Part 2."[19][25] After being killed by Savage in 1975, Carter reincarnated into Scythian Torvil, a soldier under Savage's rule in 2166 unaware of his past lives. After remembering, Scythian turns on Savage and aids the team in defeating him.

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.


Gideon (voiced by Amy Louise Pemberton) is the artificial intelligence of the timeship Waverider.[26] Pemberton also portrays the physical representation of the character in the season two episode "Land of the Lost",[27] the season three episode "Here I Go Again",[28] and the season four episode "Legends of To-Meow-Meow".[29]

An alternate version of the character appears in The Flash (voiced by Morena Baccarin) which is the artificial intelligence created by a future version of Barry Allen, which later comes into Eobard Thawne's possession.

A second alternate iteration appears during the crossover event Crisis on Earth-X. The Earth-X equivalent is the artificial intelligence aboard the Nazi's own Waverider ship called Wellenreiter in German, and is voiced by Susanna Thompson.

Mick Rory / Heat Wave[edit]

Dominic Purcell

Mick Rory (portrayed by Dominic Purcell; Mitchell Kummen as a teen[30]) is an arsonist, career criminal, and accomplice of Leonard Snart who, in contrast to his partner, uses a heat gun capable of burning almost anything.[2][31] After being deserted in the past by Snart, he is recruited by the Time Masters and becomes the bounty hunter Chronos, who hunts the team for a brief period of time, eventually returning to the Legends team. Later, he is shown to have a talent in writing, and becomes a semi-popular romance novelist under the pen name "Rebecca Silver". In season 5, Mick reconnected with a high school girlfriend in 2004 and inadvertently conceived a daughter with her. By 2020, he discovered said daughter, Lita's, existence after she libeled his books and began making an effort to raise her so she turns out better than he did.

The character was first introduced on The Flash.

He is based on the DC Comics character Heat Wave, while the Chronos persona is based on the character of the same name.

Leonard Snart / Captain Cold[edit]

Wentworth Miller

Leonard Snart (portrayed by Wentworth Miller; main season 1; recurring seasons 2–3) is the son of a corrupt police officer who turns to the quick and easy life of crime, and uses a cryonic gun to freeze objects and people on contact and his ability to plan strategically. He sacrifices himself to destroy the Occulus so the Time Masters will not manipulate the entire timeline. He later reappears as the member of the Legion of Doom,[32][2][3] after his past self is recruited to the time-travelling Legion before he can join the Legends.[33][10]

During the crossover event Crisis on Earth-X, Miller portrayed Leonard "Leo" Snart, the Earth X version of Captain Cold. This version is a hero who always supports the greater good. He is in a relationship with Ray Terrill. Following the deaths of Dark Arrow and Overgirl, Snart remains on Earth-1 where he helps the Legends cope with the loss of Martin Stein and to help thwart Damien Darhk's plot to have Leif Erikson's Vikings turn North America into New Valhalla. He later returns to Earth-X to fulfill his promise to Ray to be together.

The character was first introduced on The Flash.

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash[edit]

Matt Letscher

Professor Eobard Thawne (portrayed by Matt Letscher; season 2) is a metahuman speedster from a future and the archenemy of Barry Allen / Flash. Once obsessed with the 21st-century superhero, Eobard replicated Barry's powers so he could become the Flash, only to learn through time travel that he was destined to become his greatest enemy. With this revelation, Eobard grew bitter with resentment and sought to prove his superiority as a speedster by killing the Flash, and became "Reverse-Flash". A temporal duplicate of the original villain inadvertently created by the Flash after he's brought into the "Flashpoint" timeline, this version travels through history and causes anomalies which the Legends must stop. Eobard is also being hunted by the Time Wraiths who send their undead black speedster to pursue him for his crimes against the Speed Force and status as a time remnant. Discovering that his ancestor Eddie Thawne killed himself upon learning Eobard's future existence and atrocious actions, he seeks to use the Spear of Destiny to cement his permanence in the timeline. He is a member of the Legion of Doom.[32]

The character was first introduced in The Flash.

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name and is the main antagonist of season two.

Amaya Jiwe / Vixen[edit]

Maisie Richardson-Sellers

Amaya Jiwe (portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers; season 2–3) is the grandmother of Mari McCabe and a member of the Justice Society of America, who is able to magically channel the abilities of the animal kingdom thanks to the Anansi Totem she wears around her neck.[34] After the death of her former teammate and lover, Rex Tyler, she decides to join the Legends in their search for the killer. She eventually becomes romantically involved with Nate Heywood, but is ultimately obligated to return to her time to ensure that her family line still comes into existence; this conflict strains the relationship and leads to a temporary departure from the Legends after the Legion of Doom's defeat. Following some solo vigilantism, Amaya returns to the team to help them combat Mallus and his followers – which becomes personal when her granddaughter, Kuasa is resurrected as one of Mallus' disciples. After defeating Mallus, and some alterations to the timeline that prevent the destruction of her village in the future (and ensure both Mari and Kuasa becomes heroic holders of the Zambesi totem), Amaya returns to her time period to live out her life.

While Amaya Jiwe is an original creation for the series, her Vixen alias is a reference to the DC Comics character of the same name.[35]

Nate Heywood / Steel[edit]

Nick Zano

Dr. Nathaniel "Nate" Heywood (portrayed by Nick Zano; season 2–present) is a historian whose grandfather was Henry Heywood, Sr. / Commander Steel, a member of the Justice Society of America.[36][37]

In the season four finale, Nate and Constantine come up with a plan to get Neron out of Ray's body by tricking him into killing Nate, therefore breaking his earlier promise to Ray not to hurt Nate. In the afterlife, Nate interacts with his father, before the Legends, through their love for Nate, manage to revive him using Tabitha's magical staff.

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Zari Tomaz / Zari Tarazi[edit]

Tala Ashe

Zari Tomaz (portrayed by Tala Ashe; season 3–present) is a Muslim American computer hacker from the year 2042 who lives a double life with powers from a mystical source.[38] Marc Guggenheim explained that part of the motivation for adding a Muslim superhero to the series was the "political climate" in the US after the 2016 elections. "Representation is a really powerful thing," said Ashe. "When I was growing up watching television, I didn't see anyone who looked like me. When I think of the kid version of myself, I think it broadens your perspective. What I think is so lovely about this show is that the Legends are this tapestry that represent America today."[39] Gracelyn Awad Rinke portrays a young Zari from 2019.[40]

Zari holds a magical amulet, which grants her elemental air powers. The amulet was originally owned by her younger brother Behrad, who was killed by A.R.G.U.S. in a dystopian 2042. Though initially hesitant to join the Legends, wanting only to avenge her brother, she eventually joins the team and enters a relationship with teammate Nate Heywood. In the season four finale, the Legends' actions results in the dystopian 2042 being erased from history and a living Behrad joining the team instead of Zari, with only Nate sensing that something has changed.

In season five, Zari becomes a trendsetter until Nate starts to remember her, so he and Behrad reluctantly bring her onto the Waverider. While she is against Behrad using their family's totem, she comes to understand why he took it after he uses it to save her. Behrad later helps her reconcile with the spirits within their totem, including her other timeline self. After Atropos kills Behrad, Zari rejoins with the Legends to undo Behrad's death. When the Fates reclaim the Loom of Fate, Clotho splits Zari between her current self and her previous timeline self to gain control of the Legends, but to no avail. To save Behrad following Atropos and Lachesis' defeat, the previous timeline Zari returns to the totem.

She is loosely based on the DC Comics character Adrianna Tomaz.[41]

Wally West / Kid Flash[edit]

Keiynan Lonsdale

Wally West (portrayed by Keiynan Lonsdale; season 3) is a speedster from Keystone City who recently connected with his long-lost father Joe West, and sister Iris West. After acquiring metahuman abilities, Wally trained under his foster brother (later brother-in-law) and fellow speedster Barry Allen, eventually taking over the full-time responsibility of protecting Central City when Barry was trapped in the Speed Force. Wally and H.R. Wells learn that Wally was initially faster than Barry was at his stage. Upon Barry's return, Wally decides to leave Central City in order to forge his own path as a person and hero.

Lonsdale starred as the character on The Flash, and was promoted to a series regular in season three, starting in "The Curse of the Earth Totem" after previously making a guest appearance in "Aruba-Con" and "Here I Go Again".[42][43]

He is based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Ava Sharpe[edit]

Jes Macallan

Ava Sharpe (portrayed by Jes Macallan; main season 4-present; recurring season 3) is the 12th in a line of clones from the year 2213, tricked into believing she was born in the late 20th century who became a former special agent working with the Time Bureau & initially had a strong dislike of the Legends. She later fell in love with Legends leader Sara Lance .,[44] and joined them after the fall of the Time Bureau as she became a legend fighting bad guys throughout time.[45] Macallan was promoted to series regular for the fourth season.[46] Vanessa Przada portrays a young Ava.

Charlie / Clotho[edit]

Charlie[47] (portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers in Amaya Jiwe's form, season 4–5) is a magical shapeshifting fugitive who escaped imprisonment along with Mallus and many others. Charlie is a non-human entity who is found while she is posing as the lead singer (portrayed by Anjli Mohindra, "Just saw this mug on a toothpaste ad... I liked her smile.") of a punk rock band in 1977 London. When cornered by the Legends, Charlie shifts into multiple members of the team before John Constantine disables her abilities, leaving her trapped in Amaya Jiwe's form. She is taken prisoner aboard the Waverider. After forming a bond with Mick Rory, Charlie sides with the Legends in their mission on the condition she not be imprisoned further. Charlie slowly starts regaining her shapeshifting powers and by the end of the season appears to have almost completely regained them, though she remains in her Amaya Jiwe form when not using her powers. Charlie tells Zari that being trapped in one mortal form is causing her to age for the first time in centuries, meaning that her virtual immortality is at risk. When Charlie takes part in a raid to save magical creatures from the Time Bureau, she is captured by Neron and Tabitha, who use her shapeshifting powers to scare the public into fearing the creatures. She is eventually saved by Mick and Sara.

In season five, Charlie reveals she is actually Clotho of the Moirai and that she hid the Loom of Fate from her sisters to give everyone free will. Originally, she scattered the pieces across the Multiverse. After the Crisis and the formation of Earth-Prime, the pieces were returned to said Earth and she is now being hunted by her sisters. Following the mission involving Genghis Khan, Charlie comes clean about her identity. After losing her friends to her sisters, Charlie rejoins them and uses the Loom of Fate to subjugate the world. Following this, Clotho revives the Legends and traps them in TV shows to keep them safe, only for them to escape. Lachesis imprisons Clotho for this and makes her believe that she is responsible for humanity's failings. After Mick's daughter, Lita, helps her see that was not the case, Clotho helps the Legends defeat her sister, whom she reconciles with before leaving the Legends and returning to her old band as Charlie.

Nora Darhk[edit]

Courtney Ford

Eleanor "Nora" Darhk (portrayed by Courtney Ford; main season 4–5; recurring season 3; Madeleine Arthur as young Nora) is the daughter of Damien Darhk who revives her father upon becoming a follower of Mallus.[48] She gains magical powers by channeling Mallus. During the third season she also temporarily gains the powers of Zari and Amaya's totems. Following the death of her father and the defeat of Mallus, Nora voluntarily surrenders to the Time Bureau. While imprisoned, she occasionally assists the Legends, and eventually develops a romantic relationship with Ray Palmer. Nora is eventually recruited as part of the Time Bureau.

During season four, Nora gains the powers of a fairy godmother when Tabitha tricks her into taking over her powers as well as the burden of having to obey human charges.

In season five, Nora and Ray get married and leave the Legends after helping them obtain the first piece of the Loom of Fate.

  • Ford also portrayed Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France who ruled from 1774 to 1792 before she was beheaded during the French Revolution. Astra gives her soul a second chance following this, reviving her. In addition, she gives Marie a neckpiece to keep her head attached and magical perfume to make anyone who smelled it attracted to her. She charmed several French revolutionaries and Napoleon before the Legends stop her by separating her head and body, though Astra recalls her to Hell. Lachesis encores her again to combat the Legends in the Museum of Bad Ideas, only to have her head knocked off.

Tuesday Hofmann previously portrayed the character on the fourth season of Arrow.

John Constantine[edit]

Matt Ryan

John Constantine (portrayed by Matt Ryan; main season 4-present; recurring season 3) is a chain-smoking, enigmatic and irreverent former con man who is now a reluctant supernatural detective, and an associate of Oliver Queen's who helps the Legends in their fight against Mallus. Ryan reprises the role from Constantine and Arrow.[49] Ryan was announced as being promoted to the main cast for the fourth season.[50] Following the fight against Mallus, Constantine joins the Legends to hunt down the magical creatures they unwittingly released throughout history, eventually discovering an old nemesis, the demon Neron, as the mastermind of a plot to take over the world. Constantine finally defeats Neron by tricking the demon into breaking his word, forcing him out of Ray's body, and then killing him.

Ryan also portrays King Kon-sten-tyn, Constantine's 1st century BCE ancestor and the progenitor of his magical bloodline.

Mona Wu / Wolfie[edit]

Mona Wu (portrayed by Ramona Young in human form and by Sisa Grey in Kaupe form;[51] main season 4, guest season 5) is initially a delivery girl, but is later hired by the Time Bureau due to her knowledge of magical creatures.[52]

During a struggle between two Time Bureau operatives and Konane, a Kaupe that she develops a burgeoning relationship with, Mona is accidentally slashed in the stomach. As a result, she gains the ability to turn into a Kaupe herself, with her new alter ego dubbed "Wolfie". After being fired from the Time Bureau, she is made an official member of the Legends team. She later leaves the Legends after Mick appoints her as his successor as "Rebecca Silver". After the Fates use the Loom of Fate to take control of the world, Mona returns to help Gary free the Legends from their control.

Behrad Tarazi[edit]

Behrad Tarazi (portrayed by Shayan Sobhian; main season 6; guest season 4, recurring season 5,) is Zari's younger brother who originally operated as a vigilante with a magical amulet before he was killed by A.R.G.U.S. in 2042. When the Legends accidentally change the timeline at the end of season four, Behrad is never killed by A.R.G.U.S. and Zari never gains possession of his amulet, resulting in Behrad becoming part of the team instead of her.[53]

In season five, Behrad assists the Legends in their fight against the Encores and helping Zari rejoin them. During her hunt for the Loom of Fate, Atropos kills Behrad, inspiring Zari to stay with Constantine and the Legends until they rebuild the Loom so she can save him. When the Fates regain control of the Loom, Behrad was revived in a Friends-type sitcom called Ultimate Buds. When the Legends regain their memories and get their shows cancelled, Behrad is temporarily reunited with Zari from the previous timeline until she returns to the wind totem after realizing her presence is killing him.

He is loosely based on the DC Comics character Amon Tomaz.

Astra Logue[edit]

Astra Logue (portrayed by Olivia Swann) was accidentally sentenced to hell as a young girl by Constantine during a botched exorcism. After being taken in by Lachesis, she was turned evil as she grew up. While she helps Constantine and Nora recover Ray's soul during season four, she secretly steals evil souls to give them a second chance at life and use them against the Legends during season five. When Astra tampers with Constantine's soul coin, he offers to use the Loom of Fate to change her mother's fate, so she relents. Astra later discovers that Lachesis and Atropos took her soul coins, so she convinces them to let her join them while secretly joining the Legends to get Constantine's coin back. However, Lachesis uncovers her treachery and kills her before she can help the Legends. When the Fates regain control of the Loom, Astra is revived and placed in a TV show before regaining her memories. Following Atropos and Lachesis' defeat, Astra moves in with Constantine and gives him his soul coin.

Astra was previously voiced by Bailey Tippen (who portrayed her in Constantine) in season three, while Melody Niemann portrayed her as a child in season four. Swann was upped to series regular for the fifth season.[54]

Mobius / Anti-Monitor[edit]

The Anti-Monitor (portrayed by LaMonica Garrett) is the polar opposite of the Monitor, an evil being dedicated to ending the multiverse.[55]

Gary Green[edit]

Gary Green (portrayed by Adam Tsekhman) is a Time Bureau agent and Ava Sharpe's subordinate. He is awkward, tentative and often the butt of jokes made by both the Legends and other workers at the Time Bureau. While he often remains cheerful, he also has a secret "crying spot" at the Time Bureau's bathroom. Eventually the impatience, carelessness and unkindness he faces leads to Gary being seduced by Neron into joining him in season four.[56] Gary eventually makes amends with the Legends and agrees to help them take down Neron before joining the team in season five. Tsekhman was promoted to the main cast in October 2020, ahead of the sixth season.[57]

In season 6, it is revealed that Gary is an alien of indeterminate species and that his glasses help cloak his true form.

Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz[edit]

Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz (portrayed by Lisseth Chavez) is a "tough and self-sufficient" woman who "lives off the grid, devising ingenious tech for the detection of – and defense against – space aliens [...] and while some might call her paranoid, she calls it being prepared. A survivor of a childhood alien encounter, Spooner now believes she has the ability to communicate telepathically with aliens".[58]

Esperanza was the survivor of an alien encounter and claims that a radio that they put in her head allows her to understand alien language. The Legends had to do different tactics to get Spooner to help them out.

Recurring characters[edit]

This is a list of recurring actors and the characters they portrayed in multiple episodes, which were significant roles. The characters are listed by the order in which they first appeared.

Introduced in season one[edit]

Oliver Queen / Green Arrow[edit]

Oliver Queen / Green Arrow (portrayed by Stephen Amell) is a former billionaire playboy and Star City politician who secretly operates as the vigilante "Green Arrow".[59] Amell also appears as the potential 2046 version of the character.[60]

  • Amell also portrays his character's Earth-X counterpart, Dark Arrow.

Vandal Savage[edit]

Hath-Set / Vandal Savage (portrayed by Casper Crump) is an ancient Egyptian immortal who has manipulated leaders throughout history in an attempt to gain dominion over the entire world.[61] Savage hunts the various incarnations of Hawkman and Hawkgirl to prolong his life. He is later targeted by time traveler Rip Hunter after killing Rip's family in 2166. He is killed for good by Mick Rory in 1958, by Sara Lance in 1975, and by Kendra Saunders and Rip Hunter in 2021.

In season four, Vandal Savage appears in hell. He was originally sent by the Triumvirate to torture Ray Palmer, but they started talking and became friends instead. Savage is portrayed as cheery, mentioning he loves the "groovy" Legends.

The character was first introduced on The Flash and is the main antagonist of season one. Based on the DC Comics characters Hath-Set and Vandal Savage.

Damien Darhk[edit]

Damien Darhk (portrayed by Neal McDonough) is a former member of the League of Assassins whom the Legends first encounter (from their point of view) at a weapons auction in 1975 during season one. McDonough appears as the character in 2016 on Arrow, during its fourth season, as the leader of the clandestine group, H.I.V.E.[62] In season two, Darhk forms an alliance with Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash as a Legion of Doom member when he learns that Sara will kill him in 1987 as retribution for the murder of her sister in 2016.[32] He is determined to find the Spear of Destiny and use its powers to avert the events that would lead to his death by the Green Arrow.

Though the events of his death remain unchanged, Darhk is eventually resurrected by his time-traveling daughter Nora and her master Mallus after his corpse has time displaced in Victorian London and he vows revenge against the Legends and their allies for his death. His resurrection and displacements also create a loophole that would allow Sara Lance to fulfill her vendetta against him without changing the timeline's course. However, horrified upon his daughter's actions Damien begins to feel remorse over his actions and eventually betrays Mallus. During the final battle, Damien sacrifices himself so that Mallus can possess him instead of his daughter.

In season five, Astra revives Damien to give him a second chance at life. He was supposed to cause misery, but he chose to see Nora instead. After learning she had become a fairy godmother and wanted to marry Ray, he was initially disappointed in her until Nora's charge wished the Darhks into her favorite TV show, Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac, to make them work out their issues. Following this, the Darhks reconcile and Damien allows Nora to marry Ray. After reconciling with Sara over him killing Laurel, he renounced his evil ways and borrowed Genghis Khan's hell sword to kill himself with it so Astra couldn't use him again.

Zaman Druce[edit]

Zaman Druce (portrayed by Martin Donovan) is a Time Master who is Rip Hunter's mentor. He reveals himself as an ally to Vandal Savage. Zaman dies after Snart destroys the Oculus that would manipulate time itself.[63]

Introduced in season two[edit]

Malcolm Merlyn[edit]

Malcolm Merlyn (portrayed by John Barrowman) is a wealthy businessman and the former Ra's al Ghul. He is a member of the Legion of Doom.[32] The character was first introduced in Arrow. Barrowman appears due to his deal that allows him to appear on all shows in the Arrowverse.[64] After the subsequent losses of his wife and son and his company, his daughter's alignment with the Green Arrow, and numerous defeats, Malcolm seeks to use the Spear of Destiny to rewrite details of his life to his own benefits.

Lily Stein[edit]

Lily Stein (portrayed by Christina Brucato) is Martin Stein's daughter who is conceived as a result of Stein encouraging his younger self from 1987 to show his wife Clarissa just how much he appreciates and loves her. Young Stein took his counterpart's advice and decided to focus on his family include impregnating Clarissa on her birthday, significantly changing his family history. Prior to the timeline change, Stein and his wife chose not to have a child due to Martin's fear of being a neglectful father; he had been focused on his work, and tended to neglect his wife. He is shocked to discover the alteration of his past and initially wants to restore the original timeline. After seeing Lily's scientific brilliance, Martin is proud to be her father. He discovers that he is actually a good father to Lily, and his life with Clarissa in the new timeline is much happier. Despite his mission to protect the timeline, Stein refuses to let Lily be erased. The Legends accept Lily out of their loyalty to Stein, and discover that her presence only causes minimal impacts in the timeline. Like her father, Lily is a scientist with an expertise in nanotechnology, having earned her degrees at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She occasionally aids the Legends. The character first appeared on The Flash during the "Invasion!" crossover.[65] In season three, she is revealed to be pregnant, by her boyfriend. After Lily's son is born, Stein names his grandson Ronald after Ronnie Raymond, his original partner as Firestorm. Winter Lily White portrays a young Lily from 1992.

Introduced in season three[edit]

Wilbur Bennett[edit]

Wilbur Bennett (portrayed by Hiro Kanagawa) is the director of the Time Bureau. After he is killed by Grodd, Sharpe replaces him as director.[66]


Kuasa (portrayed by Tracy Ifeachor) is the granddaughter of Amaya Jiwe, the sister of Mari McCabe and a follower of Mallus who once wielded the water totem of Zambezi which gave her the ability to control water. The water totem is eventually infused with Kuasa, allowing her to change her body into water for various purposes. Anika Noni Rose previously voiced Kuasa on the Vixen animated series.


Mallus (voiced by John Noble) is a mysterious entity that rises, exists, and dies throughout time and is an old enemy of Rip Hunter. He is the main antagonist of season three. To further its goals, Mallus has Eleanor revive her father while possessing her.[67] John Constantine identifies Mallus as a demon who can manipulate time and space. During the final battle in the Old West where Mallus uses Blackbeard, Freydís Eiríksdóttir, and Julius Caesar as pawns, Mallus is ultimately defeated and killed by the Legends using the Totems that cause them to turn into a gigantic Beebo.

  • Outside of voicing Mallus, Noble cameos as himself when Ray Palmer visits him on the set of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and has him record a fake rewrite to fool Nora Darhk.


Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) is a hyper-intelligent Gorilla with telepathic powers as a result of being experimented on and former ruler of Gorilla City. When the Legends break the timeline, Grodd is time displaced to the Vietnam War. He tries to take over the Waverider before being knocked out and falling into a napalm fire caused by an air strike. However he is saved by Damien Darhk who persuades him to join him in Mallus' campaign. He first appeared on The Flash.[68] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Introduced in season four[edit]

Hank Heywood[edit]

Henry "Hank" Heywood, Jr. (portrayed by Thomas F. Wilson in the present, Patrick Lubczyk in the 1970s) is the father of Nate Heywood and the son of Henry Heywood, Sr. He is the primary funder of the Time Bureau, but secretly is also involved with something called "Project Hades". When a group of unidentified men attempt to kidnap a creature from the Time Bureau, Hank alters the security footage to attempt to hide their existence. He has also been shown in the company of the demon Neron, disguised as Desmond. When Hank attempts to break off the relationship, Neron kills him. Following his death, Nate discovers that Hank was actually trying to train the magical creatures for a theme park named "Heyworld", based on a drawing Nate had made when he was nine years old, believing it could unify the country. The Legends go on to realize his dream. After Constantine tricks Neron into killing Nate, Hank's ghost meets up with Nate's ghost stating how proud he is of him starting Heyworld. While stating that he loves his son, Hank gives Nate the push needed to bring him back to life.

The 1970 version of the character is encountered by the Legends in season two.

Hank was originally designed as season four's "big bad", an unrepentant antagonist who would torture creatures and turn them into super soldiers, but when the show's writers saw Wilson's performance and got to know him as a person, the character was rewritten as more sympathetic and likable.[69]

Dorothy Heywood[edit]

Dorothy Heywood (portrayed by Susan Hogan) is the wife of Hank Heywood and mother of Nate Heywood.


Konane (portrayed by Darien Martin) is a Kaupe, a magical fugitive that is detained by the Time Bureau. He develops a mutual attraction to Mona Wu, who is kind to him, but still struggles with his innately aggressive nature. When a group of unidentified men attempt to kidnap him from the Time Bureau, Mona interferes and helps him escape to Mexico City in 1961, where he becomes a professional wrestler. He is eventually discovered by the Time Bureau with one of its agents shooting him dead. As a result of Mona getting accidentally slashed by Konane, she develops the ability to transform into a Kaupe.


Desmond (portrayed by Christian Keyes) is a barkeep who is the lover of John Constantine. Due to Desmond becoming possessed by Neron as part of a deal to keep him from taking Constantine's soul, Constantine has no choice but to send him to Hell. Neron continues using Desmond's body until being lured out by Constantine and Nora Darhk. With Neron gone, Desmond wakes up, but leaves Constantine, upset about what he reluctantly did to him.


Neron is a demon and enemy of John Constantine and the main antagonist in season four. Prior to the events of the season, Neron approached Constantine with the deed to his soul, looking for help in taking over Hell. However, when Constantine refused, Neron made a deal with his lover Desmond, who agreed to bind his soul to Neron's to protect Constantine. When Constantine sent Neron back to Hell, he was also forced to condemn his lover. Throughout the first half of the season, Neron torments Constantine and later begins appearing as Desmond, working alongside Hank Heywood. After killing Heywood, Neron is tricked out of Desmond by Constantine and Nora Darhk, which leads to him possessing Ray Palmer, who agrees to give him full control of his body in exchange for sparing Nate Heywood's life. Neron then forces Constantine to open a portal to hell, which he uses to bring back his lover Tabitha. Neron plans to open a larger portal, powered by fear, to unleash all of hell on Earth. However, Constantine and Nate trick him into breaking his word to Ray by killing Nate. Neron is ejected from Ray's body and killed by Constantine. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.


Tabitha (portrayed by Jane Carr) is a fairy godmother who is a magic fugitive hiding in Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem witch trials. Before being banished to Hell by John Constantine, the fairy godmother refuses his offer to become her new host, not wanting to anger the being that is after him. That being is later revealed as the demon Neron, while the fairy godmother is revealed as his lover whom the demon successfully frees from hell. She is forced to serve humans, granting them their wishes, until she manages to trick Nora Darhk into taking her place as the fairy godmother. Tabitha helps Neron in his plan to open a portal to hell and attacks the Legends with a dragon called Wickstable, which originally hatched in young Zari's possession. When young Zari regains control of Wickstable, the dragon eats Tabitha.

Introduced in season five[edit]


Lachesis (portrayed by Sarah Strange) is a member of the Moirai, or Fates, who made soul coins and took in Astra when she first came to Hell. After learning their sister, Clotho, joined forces with the Legends to retrieve the Loom of Fate, Lachesis and Atropos stole Astra's soul coins and sent Encores to stop them. They offered Astra a place in their ranks, and she seemingly agreed. However, Lachesis knew she intended to betray them, so she killed Astra before forcing Clotho to rejoin her and Atropos. After the Legends killed the latter and destroyed the Loom of Fate, Lachesis imprisoned Clotho in the Museum of Bad Ideas and used Gideon to create an app based on the Loom. Despite encoring several wax figures to help her combat the Legends, they were able to defeat them. Following the fight, Clotho forgave Lachesis and tells her to live her life after realizing she is effectively human without the Loom.


Lita (portrayed by Mina Sundwall as a teenager,[70] Emmerson Sadler at ages 5 and 7, Scarlett Jando at ages 8, 9, and 10) is a girl who wrote bad reviews of Mick's books. He and Zari confront her, only to learn that Lita is his and Ali's daughter. In an attempt to help Mick and Lita reconcile, Ava takes him to key moments in her childhood, but it fails to work.


Atropos (portrayed by Joanna Vanderham) is a member of the Moirai, or Fates, who control the destinies of every living being. After her sister, Clotho, took the Loom of Fate and scattered it across the multiverse to give everyone free will, she and Lachesis started a quest for vengeance against her. Atropos is described as “a ruthless killing machine with daggers made of bones. Wherever she goes, death follows.”[71]

Debuting in "Zari, Not Zari", after Atropos learned Clotho became Charlie and joined the Legends, she attacked them to steal their Loom of Fate fragments. Despite killing Behrad, Sara and Clotho fought Atropos off. Following this, she joined forces with Lachesis to steal Astra's soul coins and use her Encores to impede the Legends' efforts to rebuild the Loom. After several fights with the Legends, Sara killed Atropos by throwing her into the Loom of Fate.

Guest stars[edit]

The following is a supplementary list of guest stars, some recurring, who appear in lesser roles. The characters are listed in the order in which they first appeared.

Introduced in season one[edit]

  • Laurel Lance / Black Canary (portrayed by Katie Cassidy) – An attorney-turned-vigilante and the older sister of Sara. Cassidy stars as the character on Arrow.[72]
  • Dr. Aldus Boardman (portrayed by Peter Francis James) – A Classics professor at St. Roch University, who is an expert on the story of Chay-Ara / Hawkgirl, Prince Khufu / Hawkman, and Vandal Savage. He is also a son of Hawkman and Hawkgirl in one of their incarnations.[73]
  • Lewis Snart (portrayed by Jason Beaudoin) – A former police officer, career criminal, and the estranged abusive father of Leonard Snart / Captain Cold. An older version of the character portrayed by Michael Ironside previously appeared on The Flash.[74]
  • Valentina Vostok (portrayed by Stephanie Corneliussen) – An exceptional and vivacious Soviet physicist, who plays a crucial role in determining the fate of the Cold War.[75] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Mikhail Arkadin (portrayed by Voytek Skrzeta) – An officer of the Soviet Army. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Cisco Ramon / Vibe (portrayed by Carlos Valdes) – A member of the Flash's S.T.A.R. Labs team that gets "vibes" of certain people through the multiverse. Valdes stars as the character on The Flash.[76]
  • Earth-16 John Diggle, Jr. / Green Arrow (portrayed by Joseph David-Jones) – Taking on the alias of Connor Hawke, John Jr. takes up the Green Arrow mantle in the alternate Star City of Earth-16 after the supposed death of Earth-16 Oliver Queen.[77] In Arrow, Connor Hawke and John Diggle, Jr. are separate characters, with David-Jones portraying the former and Charlie Barnett the latter in flashforwards set in the 2040s.[78][79] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Grant Wilson / Deathstroke (Earth-16) (portrayed by Jamie Andrew Cutler) – The son of Slade Wilson / Deathstroke, who rules the alternate future Star City of Earth-16 after forming an uprising to take control of the city.[77] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Gilbert (voiced by Andrew Pifko) – The A.I. of another time ship.[80]
  • Lindsay Carlisle (portrayed by Ali Liebert) – A love interest for Sara Lance in the 1950s.[81]
  • Betty Seaver (portrayed by Melissa Roxburgh) – A love interest for Jefferson Jackson in the 1950s.[82]
  • Ra's al Ghul (portrayed by Matthew Nable) – The former leader of the League of Assassins and long-time nemesis of Damien Darhk and the H.I.V.E. organization. Nable appears as the character on Arrow.[83]
  • Talia al Ghul (portrayed by Milli Wilkinson) – The daughter of Ra's al Ghul.[84][85] An older version of the character (portrayed by Lexa Doig) appears on Arrow.[86] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Per Degaton (portrayed by Cory Grüter-Andrew[87]) – The apprentice of Vandal Savage in the future, which by the influence of him, will become a dictator in his adult age. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Rachel Turner (portrayed by Jewel Staite) – A tech genius and roboticist in the future.[88] She is the great-great-great-great granddaughter of Ray Palmer's twin brother Sydney.[89]
  • Jonah Hex (portrayed by Johnathon Schaech) – A former Confederate soldier and morally ambiguous gunslinger in the Old West with knowledge of time travel.[90] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • The Pilgrim (portrayed by Faye Kingslee) – An assassin for the Time Masters who hunts the team by targeting their younger selves in the timeline.[9]
  • Quentin Lance (portrayed by Paul Blackthorne) – A Starling City police officer in 2007 and father of Sara and Laurel. Blackthorne also appears as the character in 2016, where he is the captain of the Star City police, while also starring as the character on Arrow.[84][91] He now serves as Star City's deputy mayor. Based on the DC Comics character Larry Lance.
  • Mary Xavier (portrayed by Celia Imrie) – The adoptive mother of Rip Hunter, who raises orphaned children to become Time Masters.[9]
  • Cassandra Savage (portrayed by Jessica Sipos) – The daughter of Vandal Savage.[92]
  • Felicity Smoak (portrayed by Emily Bett Rickards) – An I.T. expert, and former love interest of Ray Palmer. Rickards stars as the character on Arrow.[84]
  • Anna Loring (portrayed by Barbara Kottmeier) – The fiancée of Ray Palmer. She was killed by Deathstroke's soldiers.
  • Clarissa Stein (portrayed by Isabella Hofmann as an adult, Chanelle Stevenson and Emily Tennant as a younger Clarissa) – Martin Stein's wife and Lily Stein's mother. The former in 1975, and the latter in 1987 and 1992. Hofmann appears as the character on The Flash.
  • Nyssa al Ghul (portrayed by Katrina Law) – The daughter of Ra's al Ghul and former lover of Sara Lance. Law appears as the character on Arrow.[84] Based on the DC Comics character Nyssa Raatko.
  • Rex Tyler / Hourman (portrayed by Patrick J. Adams) – A member of the Justice Society of America who warns the Legends of an impending threat before mysteriously fading away. The Legends later encounter a past version of Rex in 1942, later learning that he was murdered by the Reverse-Flash which erased the future version they encountered.[93] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.

Introduced in season two[edit]

  • King Louis XIII (portrayed by Christiaan Westerveld) – The King of France.
  • Queen Anne (portrayed by Rebecca Eady) – The queen consort of King Louis XIII.
  • Albert Einstein (portrayed by John Rubinstein) – A Nobel Prize-winning physicist.
  • Mileva Marić (portrayed by Christina Jastrzembska) – A nuclear physicist and the ex-wife of Albert Einstein.
  • Henry Heywood, Sr. / Commander Steel (portrayed by Matthew MacCaull) – The grandfather of Nate Heywood and a member of the Justice Society of America.[94] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl (portrayed by Sarah Grey) – A member of the Justice Society of America.[95] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Charles McNider / Dr. Mid-Nite (portrayed by Kwesi Ameyaw) – A member of the Justice Society of America.[96] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Todd James Rice / Obsidian (portrayed by Dan Payne in the 1940s, Lance Henriksen in the 1980s) – A member of the Justice Society of America and the son of the Green Lantern Alan Scott.[97][98][99][100] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Baron Krieger (portrayed by André Eriksen) – A Nazi officer who acquired a super serum from the Reverse Flash and intended to replicate the formula to win World War II. Based on the DC Comics character Captain Nazi.
  • Masako Yamashiro (portrayed by Mei Melançon) – Ichiro's daughter and an ancestor of Tatsu Yamashiro from Feudal Japan.[101]
  • Ichiro Yamashiro (portrayed by Sab Shimono) – Masako's father and an ancestor of Tatsu Yamashiro from Feudal Japan.[101]
  • Ulysses S. Grant (portrayed by John Churchill) – A Union general during the American civil war who would later become the 18th President of the United States.
  • Barry Allen / Flash (portrayed by Grant Gustin) – A Central City assistant police forensic investigator who has superhuman speed. Gustin also voices an older version of Allen that leaves a message for Rip Hunter from the year 2056.[102] Gustin stars as the character on The Flash.
  • Quentin Turnbull (portrayed by Jeff Fahey) – Jonah Hex's enemy who creates a time aberration by mining large quantities of dwarf star alloy.[103] Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Agent Smith (portrayed by Jacob Richtor as a young man, Donnelly Rhodes as an old man) – A high-ranking NSA agent. In the 1980s, he is after a Dominator child. In the present, he is involved in the operations that involve contact with the Dominators. When his illegal activities are exposed by Supergirl, Smith is demoted by Susan Brayden and reassigned to Antarctica.
  • Susan Brayden (portrayed by Lucia Walters) – The Vice President of the United States who is sworn in as the new President of the United States after the death of her unnamed predecessor at the hands of the Dominators.
  • John Diggle / Spartan (portrayed by David Ramsey) – A former military officer and member of Oliver Queen's team. Ramsey stars as the character on Arrow.
  • Caitlin Snow (portrayed by Danielle Panabaker) – A member of the Flash's team at S.T.A.R. Labs. Panabaker stars as the character on The Flash.
  • Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers / Supergirl (portrayed by Melissa Benoist[104]) – Supergirl is a Kryptonian superhero and Barry Allen's friend and ally from Earth-38. Benoist reprises her role from Supergirl.
    • Benoist also portrays her Earth-X counterpart, Overgirl.
  • Al Capone (portrayed by Isaac Keoughan) – A crime boss who led the Chicago Outfit.
  • George Lucas (portrayed by Matt Angel) – An American filmmaker and entrepreneur who creates the Star Wars and Indiana Jones film franchises.[105]
  • George Washington (portrayed by Randall Batinkoff[106]) – A man who serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and destined to be one of the founders and first President of the United States.
  • Charles Cornwallis (portrayed by Noel Johansen) – A commanding officer of the British Army during the American Revolutionary War.
  • King Arthur (portrayed by Nils Hognestad) – The ruler of Camelot. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Guinevere (portrayed by Elyse Levesque) – The wife of King Arthur. She is based on both the Arthurian character and the character from the DC Comics story Camelot 3000.[107]
  • J. R. R. Tolkien (portrayed by Jack Turner) – A second lieutenant for the British Army during the First World War, who would go on to write The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.[108]

Introduced in season three[edit]

  • Julius Caesar (portrayed by Simon Merrells[109]) – A renowned general and dictator of the Roman Republic.
  • P. T. Barnum (portrayed by Billy Zane[110]) – A showman who would later be one of the founders of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
  • Sandy Palmer (portrayed by Susie Abromeit) – Ray Palmer's mother.[111]
  • Dominator Queen (voiced by Cissy Jones) – The leader of the Dominators that comes looking for her child in Ivy Town during the 1980s.
  • "Gumball" (vocal effects provided by Marc Graue) – A Dominator child that ended up in 1980s Ivy Town.
  • Curtis Holt / Mister Terrific (portrayed by Echo Kellum) - is a technological vigilante in Star City and part of Team Arrow. Kellum reprises his role from Arrow. Based on the DC Comics Character of the same name.
  • Helen of Troy (portrayed by Bar Paly) – A Greek princess during the Trojan War who is time-displaced in 1937 Hollywood.[112] Following the fight with Damien Darhk, Zari Tomaz drops Helen of Troy on the island of Themyscira while history is rewritten to state that Helen of Troy mysteriously disappeared during the Trojan War.
  • Cecil B. DeMille (portrayed by Andy Thompson) – A famed film director.
  • Hedy Lamarr (portrayed by Celia Massingham) – An inventor and actress who was active during the 1930s and 1940s.
  • Dick Rory (portrayed by Evan Jones) – The father of Mick Rory who fought in the Vietnam War.
  • Isaac Newton (portrayed by Lawrence Green) – A physicist who discovered gravity and is enlisted by Martin Stein to help him find a way to divide the Firestorm Matrix at the time when the Legends were fighting Gorilla Grodd in Vietnam.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson (portrayed by Peter Hall) – The 36th President of the United States who visited Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
  • Iris West-Allen (portrayed by Candice Patton) is a member of the S.T.A.R. Labs team and the wife of Barry Allen. Patton reprises her role from The Flash.
  • Harrison "Harry" Wells (portrayed by Tom Cavanagh) – A member of Team Flash from Earth-2. Cavanagh reprises his role from The Flash.
    • Harrison "Nash" Wells (portrayed by Cavanagh) - A counterpart of Harrison Wells from an unspecified Earth.
  • Alex Danvers (portrayed by Chyler Leigh) – Kara Danver's adoptive sister and former agent now head of the D.E.O. from Earth-38. Leigh reprises her role from Supergirl.
  • Rene Ramirez / Wild Dog (portrayed by Rick Gonzalez;) is a vigilante in Star City and part of Team Arrow. Gonzalez reprises his role from Arrow. Based on the DC Comics character Jack Wheeler / Wild Dog.
  • Dinah Drake / Black Canary (portrayed by Juliana Harkavy) - A meta-human and formerly detective of the Central City Police Department is how part of Team Arrow as the new Black Canary. Harkavy reprises her role from Arrow. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Ray Terrill / The Ray (portrayed by Russell Tovey) – A displaced hero on Earth-X. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
  • Wellenreiter's A.I. System (voiced by Susanna Thompson) – Gideon's Earth-X equivalent aboard a timeship owned by the Dark Arrow and designed by Eobard Thawne. Thompson previously starred as Moira Queen on Arrow.[113]
  • Leif Erikson (portrayed by Thor Knai) – The leader of the Vikings from Greenland who discovered Vinland.
  • Freydís Eiríksdóttir (portrayed by Katia Winter) – The sister of Leif Erikson who wanted to turn what would become North America into New Valhalla.
  • Beebo (voiced by Benjamin Diskin) – A toy that Leif Erikson's Vikings mistake as a god. The Legends later turn into a giant Beebo to battle Mallus.
  • Blackbeard (portrayed by Jonathan Cake) – A pirate captain that operates in the West Indies.
  • Jesse Wells / Jesse Quick (portrayed by Violett Beane) – A superheroine with superhuman speed from Earth-2, an associate of the Flash, daughter of Dr. Harrison "Harry" Wells, and Wally West's ex-girlfriend.[114] Beane recurs as the character on The Flash. Based on the DC Comics character Jesse Chambers.
  • Elvis Presley (portrayed by Luke Bilyk) – A singer who is the "King of Rock and Roll." His guitar somehow got the Death Totem into it which he is able to use to send the ghosts to the afterlife by leading everyone in singing "Amazing Grace".
  • Jesse Garon Presley (portrayed by Luke Bilyk) – The ghost of Elvis Presley's twin brother who was stillborn.
  • Lucious Presley (portrayed by Geoffrey Blake) – A preacher who is the uncle of Elvis Presley.
  • Barack Obama (portrayed by Lovell Adams-Gray) – The 44th President of the United States who is targeted in his college days by Gorilla Grodd.

Introduced in season four[edit]

  • Paul Revere (portrayed by Bruce Crawford) – An American Revolution Patriot who was displaced at the start of Beatlemania until the Legends returned him to his own time after Nate had to cover for him in his Midnight Ride.
  • Magical Fugutives - The Magical Fugitives are magical creatures that have been scattered throughout the timeline when the legends defeat Mallus which also enabled them to escape from Mallus' Realm.
    • Unicorn – This particular Unicorn has a true demonic appearance and is the first magical fugitive seen where it attacked Woodstock. It takes a spell that is performed by John Constantine to banish it to Hell. In an alternate timeline caused by John Constantine, Sara is struck down by the Unicorn leading to the Legends killing the magical fugitives. Constantine uses the Waverider's lasers to destroy the Unicorn before it can do the job. This alternate timeline is undone when Constantine fixes it.
    • Plant Creature – An unnamed plant creature who is a magic fugitive that is hiding in prehistoric times and is brought to the Time Bureau by Nate Heywood and Gary Green. It causes trouble for the Time Bureau before being slain offscreen by Nate and Gary.
    • Shtriga – A swamp monster and magical fugitive that attacks children at Camp Ogawa in 1995. It poses as camp counselor named Chad Stephens (portrayed by Mason Trueblood). The Shtriga attacks inspired many films like Swamp Thaaaang. When the Legends arrive in 1995 and pose as camp counselors, they fight the Shtriga and kill it.
    • Baba Yaga (portrayed by Natalia Vasiluk) – A magical fugitive who appeared at the 2008 Summer Olympics before being apprehended by the Time Bureau.
    • Chupi the Chupacabra (portrayed by Anthony Moyer) – A magical fugitive that is detained by the Time Bureau.
    • Tagumo – A giant octopus monster who went on a rampage in 1951 Tokyo. The Tagumo is created when Ishirō Honda writes about it in Brigid's diary. It is defeated by Garima.
    • Minotaur (portrayed by Daniel Cudmore) – This Minotaur is a magical fugitive that is sighted in 1920s France. During the planning of Heyworld, the Minotaur is revealed to be a good guitar player.
    • Mike the Spike (voiced by Paul Reubens) – A Dybbuk who is a magical fugitive. He possesses dolls with one instance having Marie Laveau being framed for being a serial killer while taking the name of Mike the Spike. When his doll body is destroyed, he possesses a puppet of Martin Stein and attacks the Legends. By the time John Constantine fixes the timestream, the Legends defeat Mike and arrange for him to be remanded to the Time Bureau's headquarters.
    • Red (portrayed by Wesley MacInnes) – A leprechaun who is an old friend of Charlie. He is hiding out in Las Vegas. Due to Constantine having tampered with the timestream, Red is killed by Mick, Nate and Ray.
    • Sunjay (portrayed by Sachin Bhatt) – A man born thousands of years ago, who gathered Kamadeva's ashes after the Hindu god of love was immolated by Shiva.
    • Mummy (portrayed by Alexander J. Baxter) – A magical fugitve detained by the Legends.
    • Púca (portrayed by Devyn Dalton) – An innocent magical creature threatened by Constantine's ancestor King Kon-sten-tyn in 55 BCE.
    • Frederic (portrayed by John DeSantis) – An ogre and magical fugitive that is detained by the Legends. He is revealed to be a good singer when the Legends are coming up with the plans for Heyworld.
    • Cyclops - A one-eyed monster and magical fugitive that is detained by the Legends.
    • Gnome - An unnamed gnome and magical fugitive that is detained by the Legends.
    • Orc - An unnamed orc and magical fugitive that is detained by the Legends.
    • Sassy - A Bigfoot and magical fugitive that is detained by the Legends.
    • Wickstable / Mithra – A dragon that hatches from an egg that was accidentally left at a younger Zari's house in 2019. She names it "Mithra". When it is apprehended by Neron's forces, Tabitha ages it and uses it to attack Heyworld. When a younger Zari regains control of Wickstable, it eats Tabitha before regressing back to a baby dragon.
  • Jerry Garcia (portrayed by Rob McEachern) – The lead singer of Grateful Dead who performed at Woodstock. Nate had to take marijuana from him as one of the ingredients needed to banish a demonic unicorn back to Hell.
  • Jimi Hendrix (portrayed by Shane Symons) – A rock star and guitarist who performed at Woodstock. He owned a Shaman that the Legends had to take from him as one of the ingredients needed to banish a demonic unicorn back to Hell.
  • Janis Joplin (portrayed by Sara Rabey) – A female rock star who performed at Woodstock. She owned a lock that the Legends had to take from her as one of the ingredients needed to banish a demonic unicorn back to Hell.
  • Queen Elizabeth II (portrayed by Gwenda Lorenzetti) – The Queen of the United Kingdom who the Legends encounter in the 1970s. She is impersonated by Charlie.
  • Ishirō Honda (portrayed by Eijiro Ozaki) – A Japanese film director and screenwriter who is known for his work in projects that involve Kaiju and Tokusatsu characters. He wrote about the Tagumo in Brigid's diary that brought it to life. Honda witnessed the fight between the Legends, Tagumo, and Garima. Following the fight, Mick gave Honda the inspiration to pitch an idea for Godzilla by quoting that "lizards are kings."
  • Garima (portrayed by Vesna Ennis) – A swordswoman and Queen of Thanzanon who is a character in a story that Mick Rory is writing about. She is brought to life by Mick using Brigid's diary.
  • Ernest Hemingway (portrayed by Andrew Lees) – An American journalist, novelist, and short-story writer who the Legends encounter in a Salon in Paris during their search for the Minotaur.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald (portrayed by Jason McKinnon) – An American fiction writer during the Jazz Age who the Legends encounter in a Salon in Paris during their search for the Minotaur.
  • Zelda Fitzgerald (portrayed by Meganne Young) – American socialite, novelist, painter and wife of author F. Scott Fitzgerald who the Legends encounter in a Salon in Paris during their search for the Minotaur.
  • Marie Laveau (portrayed by Joyce Guy) – A Voodoo practitioner and the great-grandmother of Desmond.
  • Marilyn Monroe (portrayed by Jocelyn Panton) – An actress, model, and singer. Charlie poses as her when visiting Las Vegas in the 1960s.
  • El Cura (portrayed by Frank Gallegos) – A Mexican professional wrestler whose career is ruined when Konane begins wrestling as El Lobo. El Cura seems to be based on El Santo.[115]
  • Richard Nixon (portrayed by Paul Ganus) – The 37th President of the United States, who loses his ability to lie after a roach, an agent of Maat, enters him.
  • Triumvirate – A group of demons that rule Hell and are in competition with Neron.
    • Beelzebub (portrayed by Bill Croft) – Part of the Triumvirate.
    • Belial (portrayed by Mel Tuck) – Part of the Triumvirate.
    • Satan (portrayed by Beau Daniels) – Part of the Triumvirate.
  • Calibraxis (portrayed by Jason Simpson) – A demon with a personal vendetta against John Constantine. He is destroyed by Nora Darhk.
  • Mar Novu / Monitor (portrayed by LaMonica Garrett) - A Multiversal being testing different Earths in the multiverse in preparation for an impending "crisis". He was watching the Legends at Heyworld.[116]

Introduced in season five[edit]

  • Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman (portrayed by Tyler Hoechlin) - The cousin of Supergirl who defends Metropolis. Hoechlin stars as the character on Supergirl.
  • Lex Luthor (portrayed by Jon Cryer) - The enemy of Superman and Supergirl. Cryer stars as the character on Supergirl.
  • Nia Nal / Dreamer (portrayed by Nicole Maines) - A Naltorian ally of Supergirl's with precognition. Maines stars as the character on Supergirl.
  • J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter (portrayed by David Harewood) - A Green Martian and ally of Supergirl. Harewood stars as the character on Supergirl.
  • Lois Lane (portrayed by Elizabeth Tulloch) - The wife of Superman and reporter for the Daily Planet. Tulloch stars as the character on Supergirl.
  • Kate Kane / Batwoman (portrayed by Ruby Rose) - The cousin of Bruce Wayne who protects Gotham City after he and his alter-ego of Batman go missing. Rose stars as the title character on Batwoman.
  • Lyla Michaels (portrayed by Audrey Marie Anderson) - The director of A.R.G.U.S. who became the Harbinger while working for the Monitor. Anderson stars as the character on Arrow.
  • Ryan Choi (portrayed by Osric Chau) - A scientist from Ivy Town who was recruited to help avert the Crisis.
  • Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning (portrayed by Cress Williams) - A teacher with electrical powers originally from an unspecified Earth who was recruited to help avert Crisis before his Earth was merged with Earth-1 and Earth-38 to become Earth-Prime. Williams stars as the title character on Black Lightning.
  • Joslyn "Joss" Jackam / Weather Witch (portrayed by Reina Hardesty) - The estranged daughter of Weather Wizard who wields a meta-tech staff that enables her to control the weather and an enemy of the Flash. Hardesty reprises her role from The Flash.
  • Marv (portrayed by Marv Wolfman) - A man who gets an autograph from Supergirl and Flash.
  • Sargon the Sorcerer (portrayed by Raúl Herrera) - A magician who used an illusion of Beebo as a diversion while he robbed a bank before being confronted by Flash and Sara Lance.
  • President (portrayed by Eileen Pedde) - An unnamed President on Earth-Prime who addresses the nation about the Anti-Monitor's defeat and Green Arrow's sacrifice.
  • The Encores - The Encores are several evil historical figures who were granted second chances at life and cannot die by traditional means as a portion of their souls are bound to Hell. Mona Wu was the one who came up with their name.
    • Grigori Rasputin (portrayed by Michael Eklund) - A Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man who befriended Tsar Nicholas II's family and was killed by Dmitri Pavlovich. Astra encored him, enabling Rasputin to rise from the grave and lead his followers into getting revenge on Pavlovich. Though Ray used his suit to burst out of him and allow the Legends to bottle his remains, Astra later recalled him back to Hell.
    • Bugsy Siegel (portrayed by Jonathan Sadowski) - "The most infamous and feared gangster of the day" who was shot by an unknown assailant at his girlfriend, Virginia Hill's, home. Astra not only encored him, but also gave him a Hell gun with bullets capable of destroying his enemies' bodies and souls. Upon his revival, Bugsy quickly regained his power and got the police on his side. When the Legends detained him, Constantine brought Bugsy to Hell to kill him with his hell gun.
    • Kathy Meyers (portrayed by Beth Riesgraf) - The mother of Freddy Meyers who became the masked "Prom Night Slasher" in 1989 as she didn't want to lose her son and attacked Central City High, only for him to take the blame for her crimes. She later died of a heart attack when he was executed in 2004. After Astra encored her with telepathy and invulnerability, Kathy went about tying up loose ends by attacking the memorial reunion; especially the sole survivor of her initial attack, Tiffany. In 1989, past Kathy continued her rampage until Behrad knocked her out and left her for the police, causing her 2004 counterpart to vanish and undo the deaths she had caused.
    • Genghis Khan (portrayed by Terry Chen) - The founder and emperor of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. After Astra encored him, she gave him a special Hell sword capable of destroying anyone impaled by it. After Khan broke out of his tomb in the 1990s, he took control of the contemporary Triads to force Prince Charles to transfer control of Hong Kong to him before Charlie killed him with his own sword.
    • Jack the Ripper (portrayed by Timothy Lyle) - An infamous serial killer from the late 19th century. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance and a hell scalpel before sending him to a boarding house in 1918 England to find the final Loom of Fate fragment. During his search, he was knocked out by Constantine, who assumed his identity. Jack later regains conscious and tries to help Bonnie and Clyde, only to accidentally kill the latter with his hell knife before Constantine kills him with Black Caesar's Hell Gun.
    • Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (portrayed by Abby Ross and Ben Sullivan) - An infamous criminal duo and lovers from the early 20th century. Lachesis gave their souls a second chance at life and Hell guns before sending them to 1918 England to find the final Loom of Fate fragment. They took out fellow Encores Henry VIII, Marcus Jonius Brutus, and Black Caesar before confronting Constantine and Zari. After Clyde was accidentally killed, Bonnie tried to kill them, only for Zari to redirect the bullets back at her.
    • Henry VIII (portrayed by Chris Gauthier) - The King of England from 1509 to 1547 who was known for his six marriages. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and sent him to 1918 England to look for the final Loom of Fate fragment, only for him to be killed by Clyde Barrow.
    • Black Caesar (portrayed by Sean Millington) - An African pirate from the 18th century. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life as well as a Hell compass and Hell gun before sending him to 1918 England to look for the final Loom of Fate fragment. He was killed by Clyde Barrow, who confiscated his hell items.
    • Marcus Junius Brutus (portrayed by Peter Ciuffo) - A Roman senator and participant in assassinating Julius Caesar. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and sent him to 1918 England to look for the final Loom of Fate fragment, only for him to be killed by Bonnie Parker.
    • Caveman Criminal - An unidentified caveman. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
    • Caligula - One of the worst and most violent emperors of the Roman Empire who ruled from the year 37 to the year 41. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
    • George Armstrong Custer - A lieutenant colonel who led his soldiers against the Lakota, the Northern Cheyenne, and the Arapaho in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, where he died in battle. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
    • Vlad the Impaler - The Voivoide of Wallachia from 1448 to 1477. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
    • Joseph Stalin - The dictator of the Soviet Union from the 1920s to 1953. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
    • Charles Manson - The leader of the Manson Family cult who committed a series of murders. Lachesis gave his soul a second chance at life and brought him to life as a wax statue in the Museum of Bad Ideas to fight the Legends.
  • Nicholas II (portrayed by Ryan Elm) - The last known Tsar of Russia.
  • Alexandra Feodorovna (portrayed by Luisa Jojic) - The wife of Nicholas II who was the object of Rasputin's obsession.
  • Freddy Meyers (portrayed by Seth Meriwether as a teenager, Garrett Quirk as an adult) - The son of Kathy Meyers who took the blame for his mother's crimes as the Prom Night Slasher to protect her and was executed by electric chair in 2004. Three of the Legends went back to 1989 to set him right by fixing his prom night, procuring him a date with Tiffany, and stopping his mother. In the new timeline that followed, Freddy was never executed and had married Tiffany.
  • Tiffany Harper (portrayed by Jasmine Vega as a teenager, Veronika London as an adult) - A student of Central City High's Class of 1989, love interest of Freddy Meyers, and the sole survivor of the Prom Night Slasher's first attack before being killed during the 2004 memorial reunion. When the Legends went back to 1989 to save Freddy's prom night, they successfully convinced Tiffany to ask him out, stopped her from pulling a prank on him, and foiled the Prom Night Slasher. As a result, Tiffany's death was undone and she married Freddy.
  • Ali (portrayed by Pascal Lamothe-Kipness as a teenager, Lisa Marie DiGiacinto as an adult) - A student of Central City High's Class of 1989 and Mick's ex-girlfriend. She was originally one of the Prom Night Slasher's victims before the Legends stopped her, averting Ali's death. In 2004, Mick reconnected with her and inadvertently conceived a daughter with her.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte (portrayed by Kazz Leskard) - A French military leader who crowned himself the Emperor of France during the early 1800s. When Marie Antoinette was encored and granted magical perfume to make everyone attracted to her, a younger version of Napoleon from the 1790s was made part of her entourage before the Legends stopped her.
  • Pippa (portrayed by Madeline Hirvonen) - One of Nora's charges. She and Nora attempted to make Constantine feel better after Astra tampered with his soul coin. Ray later babysat Pippa when Nora's father, Damien Darhk, visited her. After the Darhks came to blows over her life, Pippa wished them into an episode of Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac so they could work out their issues. Following this, Pippa released Nora from her servitude.
  • Prince Charles (portrayed by Chris Robson) - The Prince of Wales who oversaw the handover of Hong Kong. He was targeted by Genghis Khan, who wanted Charles to give the city to him, but Charlie used her shapeshifting powers to fool Khan while the Legends kept the real Prince Charles safe.
  • Bulldog Cane (voiced by Robin Atkin Downes) - A bulldog-headed cane that Constantine briefly talks while Astra interferes with his life.
  • Mr. Parker (portrayed by Erik Gow) - The host of Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac (a parody of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood).
  • William Shakespeare (portrayed by Rowan Schlosberg) - An English playwright and actor. The Legends came to his time in search of a ring connected to the Loom of Fate while he was working on Romeo and Juliet's ending, only to become inspired by them to write a superhero version of the story after they failed to erase his memories correctly. At Sara's behest, the Legends undid their mistake and filled in for a performance of the play.
  • Enchantress (portrayed by Samantha Liane Cole) - An immortal magic-user and associate of Constantine's. In Ancient Egypt, Clotho visited Enchantress to solicit her help in hiding the final Loom of Fate fragment. In 1918 England, Enchantress posed as an old woman named Mrs. Hughes (portrayed by Marion Eisman) and ran a boarding house, which Constantine, Zari, and a group of Encores visited while in search of the fragment. After the Legends defeat the Encores and retrieve the fragment, Constantine alludes to Mrs. Hughes' true identity before he and Zari take their leave as Enchantress secretly hints at seeing him again.
  • Marchosias (voiced by Andrew Morgado) - A hellhound that Son of Sam claimed persuaded him to kill. Gary accidentally brought him on to the Waverider following a trip to Hell, believing he was a Jack Russel Terrier and adopted him as an emotional support animal. Marchosias manipulated the Legends into committing malicious acts before Sara, Constantine, and Astra confronted him and sent him back to Hell.
  • Dionysus (portrayed by Drew Tanner) - The god of wine from Greek mythology who operated at Hudson University under the alias of Dion. The Legends visited him to get the Chalice of Dionysus from him and succeeded despite his attempts to stop them.

Sisqó cameos as an animatronic of himself that sings "Thong Song" during the Legends' fight with the Encores in the Museum of Bad Ideas.

The following make uncredited cameos from their respective DC-based shows during the epilogue of "Crisis on Infinite Earths":

  • Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl, Anjelika Washington as Beth Chapel / Doctor Mid-Night, Yvette Monreal as Yolanda Montez / Wildcat, and Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler / Hourman appear from the then-upcoming TV series Stargirl (set on Earth-2).
  • Teagan Croft as Rachel Roth, Anna Diop as Koriand'r / Starfire, Alan Ritchson and Minka Kelly as Hank Hall / Hawk and Dawn Granger / Dove, and Curran Walters as Jason Todd / Robin appear from Titans (set on Earth-9).
  • April Bowlby as Rita Farr / Elasti-Girl, Diane Guerrero as Jane, Joivan Wade as Victor Stone / Cyborg, Riley Shanahan as Cliff Steele / Robotman, and Matthew Zuk as Larry Trainor / Negative Man appear from Doom Patrol (set on Earth-21).
  • Archival footage of Derek Mears as Swamp Thing is used from his self-titled TV series (set on Earth-19).

Introduced in season six[edit]

  • Kayla - An alien of indeterminate species who is Gary's boss and ex-fiancé. She was the one who abducted Sara since her kind needs a quintensential human. When Sara freed Spartacus, Kayla devoured him when he tried to attack. Thanks to a tactic by Sara and Gary, Kayla was kicked into a wormhole to Earth at the cost of some containment pods carrying some aliens getting displaced in time.
  • David Bowie (portrayed by Thomas Nicolson) - An English singer and songwriter who witnessed Sara's alien abduction. After giving the footage of the abductions to the Legends, they wiped his memory of that experience.
  • Spartacus (portrayed by Shawn Roberts) - A gladiator who led his fellow slaves in the Third Servile War. While history stated that Spartacus had perished and his body was never recovered, he was actually abducted by Kayla's kind and placed in a containment pod. After a brief fight with a dangerous alien that was accidentally freed, Sara and Spartacus find the main deck of the ship where the aliens are. Spartacus tried to attack Kayla only to be ensared and devoured.

See also[edit]

  • List of Arrow characters
  • List of The Flash characters
  • List of Supergirl characters
  • List of Arrowverse actors


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