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В 2018 году летние юношеские Олимпийские игры ( Испанский : Juegos Olímpicos Хувентуд де +2018 ), официально известный как III летних юношеских Олимпийских игр , а также широко известный как Буэнос - Айрес в 2018 году , были международные спортивные , культурные и образовательные мероприятия проводятся в Буэнос - Айресе , Аргентина в период с 6 по 18 октября 2018 года. Это были первые юношеские Олимпийские игры, проведенные за пределами Евразии, и первые летние игры, проводившиеся за пределами Азии, и первые, которые проводились в Западном и Южном полушариях . Это вторые Олимпийские игры, проведенные в Южной Америке после летних Олимпийских игр 2016 года в г.Рио-де-Жанейро , Бразилия .

Ставки [ править ]

Первоначально было подано шесть заявок на участие в Летних юношеских Олимпийских играх 2018 года. Буэнос-Айрес подтвердил свою заявку в сентябре 2011 года. [2] 13 февраля 2013 года МОК выбрал Буэнос-Айрес в качестве одного из трех городов-кандидатов на проведение летних юношеских Олимпийских игр 2018 года. Двумя другими городами-кандидатами были Глазго и Медельин . Гвадалахара и Роттердам не смогли стать кандидатами. Познань отозвала свою заявку до того, как были выбраны города-кандидаты. [3]

Голосование на выборах в городе-организаторе было проведено на сессии МОК в Лозанне . Результаты были следующими: [4]

Разработка и подготовка [ править ]

Организация [ править ]

В октябре 2013 года Международный олимпийский комитет (МОК) президент Томас Бах назначил Намибийский спринтер и четырехкратный серебряный призер Олимпийских игр Франк Фредерикс , как председатель Координационной комиссии по 3 - й летних юношеских Олимпийских игр - Буэнос - Айрес 2018. [5] Фредерикс был возглавляя Координационная комиссия МОК в составе шести человек, состоящая из нескольких олимпийцев, включая Данку Бартекову , самого молодого члена МОК и молодого посла первых юношеских Олимпийских игр в Сингапуре в 2010 году . Эту комиссию выполнили два других члена МОК, китаец Ли Линвэй , победитель трех чемпионатов мира по бадминтону , иБарри Майстер , член хоккейной команды Новой Зеландии, выигравшей олимпийские золотые медали на летних Олимпийских играх 1976 года в Монреале ; и Адхам Шарара , канадский президент Международной федерации настольного тенниса , и Генри Нуньес, глава Национального олимпийского комитета Коста-Рики. [6] Вместе с ними работал Организационный комитет Юношеских Олимпийских игр в Буэнос-Айресе (BAYOGOC), в который входит член Олимпийского комитета Аргентины (AOC)., the local government and the national government, and which CEO was Leandro Larrosa. The local organising committee involves young people in all levels of the organization; including an 'Athlete Commission' and a newly established 'Youth Commission' – a group of young consultants chosen by the AOC from local schools and universities – and the employees within BAYOGOC from junior to director level.[7] The first Coordination Commission meeting took place in Buenos Aires on 27–28 September 2014.

Olympic Flag at Plaza de la República

During June 2015 a small delegation from Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee (NYOGOC) visited Buenos Aires for a series of debriefing workshops and seminars to pass on their expertise focusing on strategic decisions to be made in the early stages such as legacy, the use of the YOG to impact youth and sport, and benefits of the YOG to engage communities. The CEOs of Singapore 2010, Lillehammer 2016 and Innsbruck 2012 also took part of these meetings that were presided over by Frank Fredericks.[8]

Футболист и олимпийский чемпион Лионель Месси , родом не из Буэнос-Айреса, а из Росарио , был назначен послом ЮОИ 2018 в марте 2014 года [9], и он передал видео-приветствие для молодых спортсменов в Буэнос-Айрес во время Церемония закрытия Летних юношеских Олимпийских игр 2014 года . [10] В декабре 2015 года четырехкратная олимпийская чемпионка Лучиана Аймар была также назначена послом Буэнос-Айреса-2018. [11] В июле 2017 года олимпийский чемпион Луис Скола был назначен послом ЮОИ-2018. [12]

Joining the Olympic programme for the first time at Buenos Aires 2018 were BMX freestyle, kitesurfing, cross country running, beach handball, sport climbing, karate, breakdancing,[13] and roller sports;[14] and the event programme saw an increased gender balance.[15] FIFA also decided to replace football with futsal at the Buenos Aires Youth Olympics,[16] while other sports such as skateboarding were being considered for the programme.[17] Конькобежный спорт был добавлен в олимпийскую программу 17 марта 2017 года. [18] [14]

За три года до мероприятия опрос показал, что общественная поддержка Юношеских Олимпийских игр в Буэнос-Айресе достигла 82,3 процента. Во время второго визита Координационной комиссии Международного олимпийского комитета в город 13 и 14 августа 2015 года г-н Фредерикс подчеркнул выполнение BAYOGOC 13 рекомендаций Повестки дня на 2020 год. [19]

Площадки [ править ]

Parque Polideportivo Roca
Парк Полидепортиво Рока
Parque Tres de Febrero
Парк Трес-де-Фебреро
Argentine Equestrian Club
Аргентинский конный клуб
Urban Park
Городской парк
Roca Park Stadium
Стадион Рока Парк
Расположение площадок проведения ЮОИ-2018 в Буэнос-Айресе : Грин-парк, Олимпийский парк, Городской парк, Технопарк.
Подземный Буэнос-Айрес

The original plan was based on the bid for the 2004 Summer Olympics, in which a 15 km long Olympic Corridor would have worked instead of a more concentrated Olympic Park.[20] For the Buenos Aires bid for the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics the Olympic Corridor was adapted into a Green Corridor, one of the two main sports zones as the primary sites of the Games in Buenos Aires 2018, being the other one Parque Roca, to the south of the city.[21] The Green Corridor and the Olympic Corridor shared River Plate Stadium, Tiro Federal, Gimnasia y Esgrima de Buenos Aires, Parque Tres de Febrero, La Bombonera, La Rural and CeNARD as venues.

In order to group the sports in a more compact framework, in September 2014 a new four-clusters concept was revealed, dropping out venues such as La Rural.[7][22] It was announced then that each cluster will include an area called YOG FEST where sporting experiences, family entertainment and cultural activities will take place. But at the 129th IOC Session, in August 2016, a new venues masterplan was presented, including two new stand-alone venues, adding La Rural once again and replacing Parque Sarmiento with Tecnópolis.

The International Olympic Committee members stayed at the Sheraton Hotel, located in the district of Retiro and close to Retiro railway station, one of the most important transportation hubs in Buenos Aires.

After numerous changes, in February 2018, the definitive venues plan was presented.[23]

The Opening Ceremony was held at the Obelisco de Buenos Aires.[24]

A. Green Park[edit]

The Palermo Woods hosted the triathlon, beach volley and Cycling.

Adjacent to downtown Buenos Aires and stretching three kilometres along the scenic banks of the River Plate, this area was distinguished by swathes of parks. It included the barrios of Núñez and Palermo. The Palermo Woods, a highly popular retreat for porteños and visitors alike, was the triathlon and cycling venue.

Venues located in Núñez can be reached by Belgrano Norte Line (at Ciudad Universitaria railway station) or by nearby Mitre Line (at Núñez Station) or Buenos Aires underground Line D (at Congreso de Tucumán Station). Venues located in Palermo can be reached by Mitre Line (Tres de Febrero and Lisandro de la Torre station).

B. Olympic Park[edit]

Olympic Park for Buenos Aires 2018 seen from the Space Needle, May 2018.

Located to the South of Buenos Aires, Roca Park is a vast area of 200 hectares in the district of Villa Soldati, a neighborhood that has been targeted by the local Government in need of urban development.[25] One of the greenest areas in the metropolis, it is adjacent to the City Park and the Buenos Aires Automotive Racetrack. The Park, inaugurated in the 1980s, has many sports venues and recreational facilities, including the iconic Roca Park Athletics Stadium and the Roca Park Tennis Stadium. This area was also the site of the Youth Olympic Village (YOV), from where 65 percent of the athletes were able to walk to their competition venues,[26] and after the event it will become the new location for the CeNARD.

The Parque Polideportivo Roca was fully renovated before the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics in order to be used as main Olympic Park. Six pavilions were built: Asia Pavilion (judo and wrestling), Africa Pavilion (fencing and modern pentathlon), Europe Pavilion (karate and weightlifting), Oceania Pavilion (boxing and taekwondo), America Pavilion (gymnastics) and natatorium. The complex also includes hockey and athletics field.

Olympic Park can be reached by Premetro tram at Cecilia Grierson station, or by the southern Metrobus line.

Roca Park is next to the City Park, where the Youth Olympic Village was built, and where the 200 meters high Space Needle is located.
The Roca Park Tennis Stadium was fully covered

C. Urban Park[edit]

Located to the east of the city, this cluster occupies a significant portion of the Río de la Plata riverbank and includes the old Puerto Madero docks as venue for water sports. Rowing competitions were held over 500 metres rather than the usual 2,000 metres.[17]

This area can be reached by Buenos Aires Underground lines A, B, D and E.

Puerto Madero hosted events of three water sports

D. Techno Park[edit]

Tecnópolis hosted four sports

Located west of the city and next to the General Paz Avenue which marks the limit of Buenos Aires city, the 50 hectares science, technology, industry and art mega exhibition Tecnópolis was inaugurated in 2011 and was the venue for four sports competitions. This area can be access by Mitre Line Railway at Migueletes station or by Belgrano Norte Line at Saavedra or Padilla stations.

E. Stand Alone venues[edit]

The Games[edit]

Presentation of the Olympic Rings at the opening ceremony

Torch Relay[edit]

Athens (Greece) - La Plata (Buenos Aires) - Parana (Entre Rios) - Santa Fe (Santa Fe) - Iguazu (Misiones) - Corrientes (Corrientes) - Jujuy (Jujuy) - Salta (Salta) - Tucuman (Tucuman) - Catamarca (Catamarca) - La Rioja (La Rioja) - Mendoza (Mendoza) - San Juan (San Juan) - Cordoba (Cordoba) - Neuquen (Neuquen) - Bariloche (Rio Negro) - Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) - Buenos Aires (Federal Capital) (Argentina)

Opening ceremony[edit]

The opening ceremony of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics was held at the Obelisco de Buenos Aires on 6 October 2018 at 20:00 (8 PM) Argentina Time.


The 2018 Summer Youth Olympics featured 239 events in 32 sports. 239 events, there will be 12 mixed team events (Mixed-NOCs), 9 mixed team events (NOCs), 1 open event (Equestrian), 113 men's events, and 102 women's events.

  • Aquatics
    • Diving (4+1) (details)
    • Swimming (36) (details)
  • Archery (2+1) (details)
  • Athletics (36) (details)
  • Badminton (2+1) (details)
  • Basketball (4) (details)
  • Beach handball (2) (details)
  • Beach volleyball (2) (details)
  • Boxing (13) (details)
  • Breakdancing (2+1) (details)
  • Canoeing (8) (details)
  • Cycling (4) (details)
  • Equestrian (1+1) (details)
  • Fencing (6+1) (details)
  • Field hockey (2) (details)
  • Futsal (2) (details)
  • Golf (3) (details)
  • Gymnastics (details)
    • Acrobatic gymnastics (1)
    • Artistic gymnastics (12+1)
    • Rhythmic gymnastics (1)
    • Trampolining (2)
  • Judo (8+1) (details)
  • Karate (6) (details)
  • Modern pentathlon (2+1) (details)
  • Roller speed skating (2) (details)
  • Rowing (4) (details)
  • Rugby sevens (2) (details)
  • Sailing (5) (details)
  • Shooting (4+2) (details)
  • Sport climbing (2) (details)
  • Table tennis (3) (details)
  • Taekwondo (10) (details)
  • Tennis (5) (details)
  • Triathlon (2+1) (details)
  • Weightlifting (12) (details)
  • Wrestling (15) (details)

Demonstration sports[edit]

These were the demonstration sports in the games:[28][29]

  • Karting (details)
  • Polo (details)
  • Squash (details)

Participating National Olympic Committees[edit]

  • A total of 206 countries sent at least one athlete to compete in the Games.
  • Kosovo and South Sudan made their Youth Olympics debut.
  • It was the first participation of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland) under its new name in any Olympic event

Number of athletes by National Olympic Committee[edit]


The schedule for the 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games was released on 9 May 2018, exactly 150 days before the starting of the games on its official website.

Medal table[edit]

  *   Host nation (Argentina)

Source: IOC

Closing ceremony[edit]

Athletes and sports functionaries watching the closing ceremony

The closing ceremony of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics was held at the Youth Olympic Village on 18 October 2018. The Olympic flag was handed over to the next host city, Senegalese capital Dakar for the 2022 Summer Youth Olympics.


Supatchanin Khamhaeng of Thailand originally won the gold medal at the Girls' +63 kg Weightlifting event, but was disqualified in 2019 after testing positive for a banned substance.[31]



Olympic Torch with emblem

The official emblem of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics was presented in July 2015, three years before the games. The emblem reflects the diversity of Buenos Aires and it is inspired by the city's vibrant colours, eclectic culture, iconic architecture and the many neighbourhoods that make up the Argentine capital. Each letter represents a famous landmark, including the Floralis Genérica, Space Tower, the Columbus Theatre, the National Library and the Obelisk. A short video produced by the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (BAYOGOC) shows what each letter on the emblem relates to.[32]


The slogan of these games is "Feel the Future" was unveiled on 8 April 2018.


The olympic mascot of these games was unveiled on 29 May 2018.[33] The mascot is a young Jaguar, its name "Pandi" is a combination of the scientific name of the species (Panthera onca) and the relationship of the mascot with the "digital world".[34] The president of the Buenos Aires 2018 Organising Committee, Gerardo Werthein, said that the mascot "seeks to inspire young people on the transformative power of Olympism and sport".[35]

The mascot was created by the Argentine agency Human Full Agency with direction of Peta Rivero y Hornos. While the animation short was made by the local production company Buda TV.[33]

Official song[edit]

The official song of Buenos Aires 2018 is Alive, performed by Candelaria Molfese and Fernando Dente. It was produced by Radio Disney. The name of the song in Spanish is "Vamos Juntos" ("Let's go together"), which was also the name of the governing coalition for the 2017 legislative elections in Buenos Aires city.[36]


See also[edit]

  • 1951 Pan American Games
  • 2006 South American Games
  • 125th IOC Session
  • 133rd IOC Session


  1. ^ ""Viví el futuro", el lema de Buenos Aires 2018". buenosaires2018.com (in Spanish). buenosaires2018.com. Archived from the original on 9 April 2018. Retrieved 9 April 2018.
  2. ^ "Buenos Aires, Argentina to bid for 2018 Youth Olympic Games". GamesBids.com. Archived from the original on 6 January 2012. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
  3. ^ "IOC shortlists three Candidate Cities for 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games". Olympic.org. 13 February 2013. Retrieved 29 May 2014.
  4. ^ "Buenos Aires elected as Host City for 2018 Youth Olympic Games". Olympic.org. Retrieved 29 May 2014.
  5. ^ "IOC announces composition of Tokyo 2020 and Buenos Aires 2018 Coordination Commissions". Olympic.org. Retrieved 16 October 2013.
  6. ^ "Fredericks appointed head of Buenos Aires 2018 IOC Coordination Commission". Duncan Mackay. Retrieved 16 October 2013.
  7. ^ a b "Buenos Aires 2018 vows to bring sport to the inner city". Olympic.org. Retrieved 28 September 2014.
  8. ^ "Nanjing 2014 hands over the baton to Buenos Aires 2018". Olympic.org. Retrieved 25 June 2015.
  9. ^ "Messi to be official face of 2018 Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires". Inside the Games. Retrieved 15 March 2014.
  10. ^ "Lionel Messi invitó al mundo para los próximos Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud en 2018". Canchallena.com. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
  11. ^ "Hockey legend Luciana Aymar announced as an Ambassador for Buenos Aires 2018". Olympic.org. 7 December 2015.
  12. ^ "Olympic basketball champion Scola named Buenos Aires 2018 ambassador".
  13. ^ "Three new sports to join Buenos Aires 2018 YOG programme". Olympic.org. Retrieved 7 December 2016.
  14. ^ a b "Roller speed added to the Buenos Aires 2018 event programme!". Olympic.org. 17 March 2017. Retrieved 18 March 2017.
  15. ^ "Innovation and increased gender balance at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games". Olympic.org. Retrieved 31 July 2015.
  16. ^ "FIFA executive vows to improve governance and boost female participation in football". FIFA.com. 25 September 2015.
  17. ^ a b Liam Morgan (21 February 2016). "Exclusive: Skateboarding among sports being considered for inclusion at Buenos Aires 2018". Inside the Games. Retrieved 18 November 2018.
  18. ^ "A new sport was added to Buenos Aires 2018 event programme: Roller Speed". Buenos Aires 2018 on Twitter. 17 March 2017.
  19. ^ "Youth engagement and innovation at the heart of Buenos Aires 2018 preparations". Olympic.org. Retrieved 14 August 2015.
  20. ^ Cesar R. Torres (1 January 2007). "Stymied Expectations Buenos Aires' Persistent Efforts to Host Olympic Games". State University of New York. Retrieved 1 June 2016.
  21. ^ Rodrigo Quiroga. "Buenos Aires Sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud 2018". Jojba2018.org. Archived from the original on 12 May 2014. Retrieved 29 May 2014.
  22. ^ "Venues". Guillermo Dietrich. Retrieved 28 September 2014.
  23. ^ "Twenty-nine sport venues for the Olympic dreams of almost 4,000 athlete". Buenos Aires 2018. 2 February 2018. Retrieved 2 February 2018.
  25. ^ Emily Goddard. "Buenos Aires 2018 vows to bring sport to 2.6 million young people in city". Inside the Games. Retrieved 28 September 2014.
  26. ^ Rodrigo Quiroga. "Buenos Aires Sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud 2018". Jojba2018.org. Archived from the original on 1 July 2013. Retrieved 29 May 2014.
  27. ^ Etchells, Daniel (13 July 2018). "Buenos Aires 2018 reveals details of "first inclusive" Opening Ceremony in Olympic history". Inside the Games.
  28. ^ "Squash and polo confirmed as showcased sports at Buenos Aires 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games". Inside the Games. 6 July 2017. Retrieved 13 October 2018.
  29. ^ Camps, Fefo (9 August 2018). "El karting será Olímpico en Buenos Aires 2018".
  30. ^ "Bhaker leads Indian contingent as Youth Olympic Games opens". timesofindia.indiatimes.com. TOI. Retrieved 12 October 2018.
  31. ^ "Exclusive: Thai weightlifter loses Youth Olympics gold medal for doping". inside the games. 28 November 2019. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  32. ^ "Buenos Aires 2018 launches official emblem". Olympic.org. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
  33. ^ a b "The mascot born in Argentina for the celebration of sport and equality". buenosaires2018.com. Archived from the original on 22 June 2018. Retrieved 29 May 2018.
  34. ^ "Buenos AIres 2018 on Twitter". Twitter (in Spanish). Retrieved 29 May 2018. La elección de #Pandi se debe a la combinación entre su nombre científico que es "Panthera Onca" y su relación con el mundo digital.
  35. ^ ""Pandi", el nombre de la mascota elegida para los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud Buenos Aires 2018" (in Spanish). La Nación. 29 May 2018. Retrieved 29 May 2018.
  36. ^ ""Vamos juntos", la canción oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud Buenos Aires 2018" (in Spanish). Infobae. 4 October 2018. Retrieved 4 October 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Buenos Aires 2018 Official Twitter account
  • Buenos Aires 2018 Official Facebook site