Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Джон Лири (1 ноября 1837 - 8 февраля 1905) был американским бизнесменом и политиком, который был ключевым общественным лидером в Сиэтле , штат Вашингтон. Он внес вклад практически во все гражданские и деловые мероприятия в первые годы существования города.

Лири начал свою карьеру продавцом пиломатериалов в Нью-Брансуике , Канада, в 17 лет. Успешный предприниматель, он накопил «скромное состояние» и в 1869 году отправился в Сиэтл в поисках больших возможностей. Лири умер одним из самых богатых людей Сиэтла с состоянием в 2 миллиона долларов, большая часть которого была приобретена в результате сделок с недвижимостью в Сиэтле и его окрестностях. Он участвовал во многих других проектах Сиэтла, включая железные дороги, горнодобывающую промышленность, банковское дело, водные и газовые работы, пароходные операции, право и другие. Многие из его действий были убыточными, но служили важной общественной цели. Он также был известен своими обширными благотворительными взносами.

В 1885 году Лири несколько раз был членом совета Сиэтла и один - мэром Сиэтла. Он стал соучредителем Торговой палаты Сиэтла , клуба Рейнира и Первого национального банка Сиэтла, первого банка Сиэтла. С 1878 по 1890 год Лири сыграл одну из самых выдающихся ролей в битве Сиэтла с Северной Тихоокеанской железной дорогой за независимое железнодорожное сообщение - ключевой элемент последующего коммерческого успеха Сиэтла и лидерства в штате Вашингтон.

Лири профинансировал строительство парохода Bailey Gatzert , лучшего корабля в Пьюджет-Саунд в то время. Его добыча полезных ископаемых привела к основанию Равенсдейла, Вашингтон (первоначально названного в его честь). Дом Лири, самая дорогая резиденция в городе того времени, был внесен в Национальный реестр исторических мест . Его имя носят две улицы Сиэтла, Лири-Уэй и Лири-авеню.

Карьера на восточном побережье [ править ]

Лири родился 1 ноября 1837 года в семье ирландского происхождения в Сент-Джоне, Нью-Брансуик , на восточном побережье Канады. [1] [20] [21] [2] Вскоре он продемонстрировал «необычные способности к ведению бизнеса» и в 17 лет начал успешный бизнес по торговле пиломатериалами в Сент-Джоне. Этот бизнес вскоре распространился на соседний город Вудсток . [22] [23] К 30 годам он накопил «скромное состояние» [24] и управлял своим лесным лагерем на берегу реки Медукснекеаг . [25]

Русло реки Медукснекеаг простирается от места слияния его Северного и Южного ответвлений возле Хоултона, штат Мэн, США, до Вудстока в Канаде. Истечение срока действия канадско-американского договора о взаимности в 1866 году привело к значительным потерям для бизнеса Лири. Первоначально он переехал в Хоултон, пытаясь вести свой бизнес из штата Мэн , но вскоре решил рискнуть на западной границе . [26] [1] [27] [28] Лири работал в лесозаготовке до 1867 года. [29]

Карьера на Западном побережье [ править ]

В 1869 году Лири прибыл в Сиэтл , в то время деревню с немощеными улицами, в которой проживало менее 1000 человек. [1] [27] В отличие от типичного предпринимателя с территории Вашингтона того времени, Лири не ограничивал себя какой-то конкретной сферой бизнеса, а занимался целым рядом видов деятельности. [30] По словам Сэмюэля Л. Кроуфорда, вашингтонского журналиста того времени, [31] «У мистера Лири был необычайно активный ум и он был великим промоутером. Его величайшим« трюком »было начать какое-то большое предприятие и после того, как оно началось, брось его сам. Таким образом, он стал отцом многих крупных планов того времени ». [6]

В результате в течение следующих 20 лет Лири одновременно выполнял несколько операций. Он «коснулся каждой линии общественного прогресса» Сиэтла, часто в ущерб себе. [32] [16] Тем не менее, к началу 20 века Лири накопил состояние, оцениваемое в 2 миллиона долларов (53 миллиона долларов [примечание 2] ), в основном за счет своих инвестиций в недвижимость Сиэтла. Он умер одним из самых богатых людей Сиэтла. [33] [34]

Юридическая практика [ править ]

Реклама юридической практики Лири в The Seattle Post-Intelligencer , 1878.

Лири был принят в коллегию адвокатов в 1871 году, став «юристом-пионером» на территории Вашингтона . [27] [35] В том же году он стал младшим партнером в юридической фирме McNaught & Leary. [36] [28] В 1872 году McNaught & Leary была одной из пяти юридических фирм Сиэтла [37] и одной из шести самых активных юридических фирм на территории Вашингтона. [38] Одним из самых постоянных занятий Лири в Сиэтле было право; он работал в этой области одиннадцать лет. [27] [39]

В 1878 году Джеймс Ф. Макнот стал поверенным компании Northern Pacific Railroad Company , и юридическая фирма распалась. [40] Лири сначала начал свою собственную юридическую практику, но затем вместе с Генрихом Струве основал другую фирму . Компания «Струве и Лири» была организована в 1878 году, а в 1880 году, когда к ней присоединился Дж. К. Хейнс, она была переименована в «Струве, Хейнс и Лири». Лири оставался в фирме до 1882 года, когда он ушел, чтобы посвятить себя бизнесу и общественной деятельности. [6] [41] [40] [42]

Горное дело [ править ]

В 1872 году Лири открыл угольную шахту Talbot (расположенную в современном Рентоне ) с партнерами Джоном Коллинзом и Джеймсом Ф. Макнотом. [43] [44] [28] [45] Позже Лири был избран одним из директоров предприятия. [46]

Эта операция была первой по доставке угля в Сиэтл. [44] Чтобы обнажить угольную жилу, компания построила туннель длиной 450 футов (140 м), шириной 16 футов (4,9 м) и высотой 11 футов (3,4 м). [47] Чтобы отправить уголь к пристани Йеслера в Сиэтле, они проложили одну милю (1600 м) железнодорожных путей к Черной реке . [47] Однако, поскольку кровать оказалась сильно поврежденной, шахта закрылась через несколько лет. [48]

Between 1878 and 1880, Leary financed several geological expeditions in Washington, which normally would have been financed by local governments, to develop the region. The parties explored the West Coast towards Cape Flattery, the Skagit and Similkameen rivers, and parts of Eastern Washington. The expeditions confirmed the presence of rich coal and iron deposits, and the reports were made available to the public.[12][43][49][50]

In 1884, together with J.M. Colman, Leary took part in the opening of the Cedar River mines. He was also an early stockholder in other mines around Renton.[51]

Leary's most substantial mining effort was the creation of the Leary Coal Company, which developed coal mines in Ravensdale. This mining town was founded by Leary, and initially bore his name. Its original output of 48,000 tons in 1900 increased to 185,000 tons by 1905. The large coal shipments were made possible by a dedicated railroad line financed by other railroad projects with Leary's involvement, and connected the mines to the Northern Pacific Railway. After Leary's death, the mine was sold to Northern Pacific, which maintained a yearly output of 120,000+ tons of coal through 1915, when an accident killed 31 miners and prompted the company to abandon the mines.[52][53]


Leary organized various ventures that helped build Seattle's infrastructure, often without regard for their potential profitability.[33]

In November 1881, Spring Hill Water Company (earlier purchased by Leary with Jacob Furth and Bailey Gatzert because of its insolvency) was the first to lay water pipes along Seattle streets, pumping water from Lake Washington. This created Seattle's first water system, and by 1886, its capacity reached 200,000 U.S. gallons (760,000 liters). At some point, Leary served as the president of the сompany. In 1890, he and his partners sold the company to the city for $352,000 ($9,000,000[note 2]).[16][54][55][21]

Leary also helped organize the city's first gas company, and served as its president until 1878.[43][44][49]


In September 1882, Leary participated in the founding of Seattle's first bank, the First National Bank of Seattle. (Before 1882, only a loan business founded by Dexter Horton operated in town.) Among Leary's partners in this enterprise were William S. Ladd, a famous banker from Oregon; Henry Yesler, Seattle's richest citizen, C.L. Dingley, G.W. Harris, and J.R. Lewis. The bank opened on November 15, 1882, with $150,000 ($4,000,000[note 2]) in capital.[56][57]

The bank's solvency and stability helped the city withstand the Panic of 1893.[57] Leary served as the president of the bank, but later "was obliged to resign … owing to the pressure of his other business interests."[12][28] First National later merged into Seafirst Bank, which was eventually acquired by the Bank of America.[57]

In 1889, Leary was a member of the board of trustees of the People's Savings Bank in Seattle.[58]


In 1878, Leary founded the Seattle Post journal. He was the principal owner of the journal from 1880 until 1882 when he engineered a merge with the Seattle Intelligencer. He built the Post building, a new modern office building for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer at a prime location.[59][49][50][21][49][60][5][note 3] By 1884, Leary had sold all interest in the combined paper.[16]

In 1890, together with several partners, Leary purchased the Seattle Trade Journal, which was established in 1888 by Edmond S. Meany and Alexander Begg. A year later, he sold it to The Seattle Telegraph.[61]

In 1890, Leary was one of the leading stockholders of the Morning Journal Publishing company. That year, the company made an unsuccessful attempt to publish a Democratic Morning Journal, which was absorbed by the Telegraph the following year.[62]

Real Estate[edit]

Yesler-Leary Building, 1888.

Leary's multiple investments in real estate were based on his firm belief in the future of Washington Territory, and in Seattle in particular. These convictions proved accurate, and his real estate investments became the main source of his accumulated fortune.[6]

For example, in 1883, together with Judge Thomas Burke and William R. Ballard, Leary purchased 700 acres (280 ha) of land on Salmon Bay. Around 1890, it was divided into individual plots and sold to new settlers, forming the city of Ballard (now a suburb of Seattle).[63][64][13]

Among Leary's other notable investments were the Cosmopolitan Hotel, the Seattle Post building, and the Yesler-Leary Block. The latter was built in 1883. It was considered the most prestigious piece of commercial real estate and the biggest office building in Seattle at the time. The Yesler-Leary Block had a 108-foot (33 m) long facade facing 1st Avenue and a 73-foot (22 m) facade facing Yesler Way. Constructed in a joint venture with Henry Yesler in 1883 at a cost of over $100,000 ($3,000,000[note 2]), this office building was destroyed in the Great Seattle Fire on June 6, 1889.[12][5][65][28][21][50]

Politics and civic activism[edit]

Like the majority of Washington Territory settlers of the time, Leary was a Republican.[17] His contemporaries described him as an "outstanding civic leader,"[17] a "natural leader,"[44] and "a pioneer among pioneers."[39]

Leary served three terms as Seattle councilman, in 1873, 1875, and 1876.[66][note 4]

In 1884, receiving 1311 votes, he was elected to serve as mayor of Seattle in 1884–1885. Seattle citizens cheered for him during one of the biggest political meetings ever held in Occidental Square.[11][67][13][68] Leary was elected mayor on a ticket created by businessmen in opposition to the Law and Order League. At the time, the League was led by the "moralistic elements," including recently enfranchised women activists who lobbied for liquor and gambling regulations. Later, Leary damaged the relationship with his conservative supporters by allowing raids on saloons and houses of prostitution in attempt to "placate women's and reform groups."[13]

At the time, the position of mayor wasn't salaried, but was regarded as a civic duty. Leary was the first mayor to hold regular office hours. He worked on improving downtown streets, and pleasantly surprised Seattleites by investing his own money to plank 1st Avenue—Seattle's first street-paving project.[44][69][13] Leary ran for re-election, but lost.[13]

In late 1885–early 1886, "anti-Chinese agitation" (a result of race antagonism, business depression, and poor enforcement of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882) occurred in many Western cities.[70][71] Many white Americans blamed the business depression of 1882–1885 on cheap Chinese labor, which was considered strong competition to white Americans.[72][73] The racism turned violent in September, when white laborers attacked Chinese workers causing the Rock Springs massacre followed by an attack in Squak Valley (now Issaquah, Washington).[74] As the agitation reached Seattle, Leary attempted to convince the Chinese to leave the city before any violence had occurred, but he was unsuccessful.[13] Intense anti-Chinese riots rocked Seattle (as many other places on the West Coast), and eventually an "anti-Chinese congress" held in Seattle issued a decree to expel all Chinese people from Western Washington.[75][76]

In 1890, Leary was an incorporating member of the board of trustees of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He served as the Chamber's president for two separate terms, the first being in 1890–1891.[77][9][28][78]

In 1892, during an economic downturn, Leary ran for mayor again on a Republican ticket, but lost to Democrat Judge James T. Ronald.[79][13]


Seattle's first railroads[edit]

Driving the first pile for Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad, 1874.

The Northern Pacific Railroad was the first transcontinental railroad to reach Puget Sound. After a few years of surveying, in 1873 the railroad unexpectedly[80] decided that Tacoma, not Seattle, would be its western terminus. That decision would direct most commercial traffic to the Port of Tacoma, condemning Seattle to a subservient position in the region. Dependent on commerce, the Seattle population panicked and started planning to relocate their businesses and families to Tacoma.[6][81]

Leary managed to curtail the panic with a characteristic stunt. He sold one of his hotels for $600 ($16,000[note 2]) and used the proceedings to purchase a large quantity of piles, sinking them in straight lines along a potential railroad bed leading into Seattle. The resulting illusion of someone building a railroad into Seattle led to multiple rumors that stopped the initial panic, and thus the exodus of people from Seattle.[6]

To resolve the problem in the long term, however, Seattle desperately needed a railroad connection.[82] The situation was exacerbated by the fact that Northern Pacific Railroad had invested massively in Tacoma real estate and was actively luring Seattleites to relocate there.[83]

Leary's stunt led to the establishment of the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad,[6][44] which planned to connect Settle to Walla Walla via Snoqualmie Pass and direct at least some commercial traffic into the Port of Seattle. Several prominent citizens backed the project financially, including Arthur Denny, John Collins, Franklin Mathias, Angus Mackintosh, Henry Yesler, James McNaught, J. J. McGilvra, J. M. Colman, and Dexter Horton, but Leary wasn't among the investors. It soon became apparent that Walla Walla had little interest in the project, and Seattleites' resources alone were insufficient (the construction was estimated to cost $4 million ($106,000,000[note 2]). The construction of the railroad began in 1874, but never went beyond King County.[84][85]

In 1881, a temporarily leadership change at Northern Pacific led the company to build a connection to Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad at Black River. Service to Seattle began in 1884; however, Northern Pacific continued using its monopoly power in favor of its Tacoma business interests and discriminated against Seattle merchants.[82][86]

The problem wasn't resolved until Seattle commenced another railroad—Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railway (SLS&E)—which would connect Seattle via Snohomish, Sedro-Woolley, and Sumas to the Canadian Pacific Railway, thus circumventing Northern Pacific entirely. Leary was one of the organizers, incorporators, directors, and investors of SLS&E, but the bulk of the investment came from New York bankers.[87][88][89]

Leary played a part in the final battle for Seattle's independent railroad connection. As the construction of SLS&E proceeded in 1885 towards Snohomish, a Tacoma judge issued a writ on behalf of Northern Pacific, ordering Snohomish authorities to stop the construction of the essential Snohomish bridge. An ensuing legal battle would have resulted in a delay, leading to the violation of the financial agreement with New York bankers and thus endangering the entire operation. Along with Judge Thomas Burke, another principal investor in SLS&E, Leary commandeered a SLS&E railroad engine and rushed it to Snohomish. They arrived before the writ did, and convinced the local sheriff and deputies to "disappear for a couple of days" so no one could enforce the writ until the matter could be resolved in court. Putting all available personnel to work, SLS&E completed the bridge on time.[90][91]

In 1882, Leary was also one of the founders of the Baker City Railway.[3]

Maritime transportation[edit]

In 1877, Leary co-owned the Zephyr with George Harris and Captain William Ballard. In 1879, Leary and Harris sold their shares and Ballard became the sole owner.[92]

Construction of The Bailey Gatzert, 1890.

With Seattle railroad connections secured, the Port of Seattle experienced a boom of maritime transportation; about $1 million ($26,000,000[note 2]) worth of new steamers were added to the fleet of companies operating from Seattle in 1890.[93] Leary contributed by organizing the Seattle Steam Navigation & Transportation Company, incorporated with $500,000 ($13,000,000[note 2]) of capital stock. Leary served as the company's first president alongside other principal investors: Jacob Furth, Edward Neufelder, W.R. Ballard, and H.G. Struve.[94]

Leary built the steamer Bailey Gatzert for SSN&T.[94] One of the finest steamers of her time,[94][95] it was named after Leary's friend and close business associate Bailey Gatzert, and cost between $100,000 ($2,600,000[note 2])[96] and $125,000 ($3,300,000[note 2]).[94]

In 1891, steamboat operators consolidated into the Columbia River & Puget Sound Navigation Company. The president of the new company was Captain Uriah Bonsor Scott, and Leary became the vice-president. The company owned various steamers, including The Telephone, The Fleetwood, The Flyer and Leary's Bailey Gatzert. They operated between Puget Sound and Victoria, British Columbia.[12][5][94]

Leary also played a significant role in organizing the first mail route from Seattle to Alaska.[43][13][50]

Other activities[edit]

Leary organized and served as president of the West Coast Improvement Company, Seattle Land & Improvement Company, and the Seattle Warehouse & Elevator Company. He was one of the directors and promoters of the James Street & Broadway Cable & Electric line and of the West Street & North End Electric Railway Company.[43][13][50]

Leary was an Irish National League of America governing council member and a member of the University of Washington Board of Regents, lobbying for free education and textbooks for all students.[28][97]

Personal life[edit]


The old Leary family house, 208 Madison Street, Seattle.
The Leary new family house on Capitol Hill, 1551 10th Avenue East, Seattle.

John Leary was married twice, but had no children from either marriage.[6] He married his first wife, Mary Blanchard, on November 26, 1858, in Littleton, Maine.[28][21] She died on July 17, 1890 in San Francisco, "after a short illness."[18][98]

On April 21, 1892, Leary married Governor Elisha P. Ferry's daughter, Eliza P. Ferry.[19][99]

The family resided on the corner of 2nd Avenue and Madison Street. In 1903, Leary started the construction of a new family home at a prime location in Capitol Hill, overlooking Lake Washington. It was estimated to be the most expensive private residence in Seattle at the time. The architects were John Graham (the founder of John Graham & Company, later credited for many historic Seattle landmarks, including the Space Needle) and Arthur Bodley.[6][100][101][7]

The new house wasn't fully completed before Leary's death, but remained the residence of his widow and a famous place for social and charitable gatherings until Eliza Leary's death in 1935. In 1948, the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia purchased the house which remains its headquarters in 2020. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.[100][101]

At the time of his death, two of Leary's relatives were known to be still living: his sister Margaret (or Maggie) Leary Baker of Philadelphia, and Jane Leary of Fredericton, New Brunswick.[102]

Charitable activities[edit]

Leary was known for a broad spectrum of charitable activities.[103] His associate, Alfred Battle, described Leary as "...the most charitable man I ever knew. He gave money to everybody he thought needed it."[6]

Both of Leary's wives engaged in charitable activities and donated to notable causes. Mary B. Leary was the founder and president of the Ladies Relief Society of Seattle, organized in 1884 to help unfortunate families and individuals.[104] Eliza P. Leary was an active member of Seattle's Sunset Club and a member of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.[19]


Leary was among the original founders of the Rainier Club, one of Seattle's most prestigious organizations. He became its president in 1890 and served at least through 1891.[105][106][50]

In addition, Leary was an officer in Seattle's chapter of the Royal Arch Masons and a member of a local chapter of Odd Fellows.[107]

Death and legacy[edit]

Leary suffered from liver disease in the last three years of his life. He withdrew from most business activities and spent substantial time in Southern California. He also made two trips to Carlsbad, Germany.[6][108]

Leary died of heart failure in Riverside, California, on February 8, 1905. [3][4] [5][6][note 1] His body was transported to Seattle, and his funeral took place on February 15.[34][8] He was buried at Lake View Cemetery on Capitol Hill.[10]

Leary died one of the wealthiest person in Seattle,[34] leaving a fortune valued at $2 million ($53,000,000[note 2]).[16][99] It was left almost entirely to his wife, Eliza.[102] A Seattle street, Leary Way, was named after him.[109]

See also[edit]

  • Rainier Club
  • Ravensdale, Washington
  • Bailey Gatzert
  • Elisha P. Ferry


  1. ^ a b The majority of sources state that Leary died on February 8.[3][4][5][6] However, several state his date of death as February 9[7][8] or February 10.[9]
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l The approximate value converted to 2020 dollars, based on a standard adjustment of the 1913 dollar value using the Consumer Price Index as calculated by United States Department of Labor.[15]
  3. ^ Most sources agreed that the merge of the Seattle Post and the Seattle Intelligencer happened in 1882;[49][50][21][49][60][5] two later sources recorded 1881 as the year of the merge.[59][28]
  4. ^ One source erroneously stated that Leary served two terms as city councilman.[13]


  1. ^ a b c d Hanford 1924, v.II, p. 30.
  2. ^ a b The National cyclopædia 1936, v.XXV, p. 277.
  3. ^ a b c d LeWarne 1999, v.XIII, pp. 333-334.
  4. ^ a b c Spokane Chronicle; Feb 8, 1905.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g The Seattle Star; Feb 8, 1905.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Feb 9, 1905, p. 1.
  7. ^ a b Seattle Daily Times; Feb 10, 1905.
  8. ^ a b c Seattle Daily Times; Feb 14, 1905, p. 1.
  9. ^ a b Seattle Daily Times; Feb 13, 1905.
  10. ^ a b Duncon 1980.
  11. ^ a b Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Jul 25, 1884.
  12. ^ a b c d e Hanford 1924, v.II, p. 34.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m LeWarne 1999, v.XIII, p. 334.
  14. ^ Hanford 1924, v.II, pp. 34-35.
  15. ^ Bureau of Labor Statistics 2020.
  16. ^ a b c d e Tate 2004.
  17. ^ a b c Conover 1960.
  18. ^ a b Victoria Daily Times; Jul 19, 1890.
  19. ^ a b c Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 727.
  20. ^ Conover 1949.
  21. ^ a b c d e f LeWarne 1999, v.XIII, p. 333.
  22. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.II, p. 33.
  23. ^ The National cyclopædia 1936, v.XXV, pp. 277-278.
  24. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.II, pp. 33-34.
  25. ^ Morning Freeman; Feb 13, 1868.
  26. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p.725.
  27. ^ a b c d Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.II, p. 34.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i The National cyclopædia 1936, v.XXV, p. 278.
  29. ^ Grant 1891, p. 457.
  30. ^ McDonald 1959, p. 7.
  31. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.II, p. 475.
  32. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 726-727.
  33. ^ a b Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Feb 9, 1905, p. 1, 9.
  34. ^ a b c Seattle Daily Times; Feb 15, 1905.
  35. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 724.
  36. ^ Hanford 1924, v.II, pp. 30,33.
  37. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.I, p. 250.
  38. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 294.
  39. ^ a b Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 725.
  40. ^ a b Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 303.
  41. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.II, pp. 34, 246.
  42. ^ Grant 1891, pp. 409, 458.
  43. ^ a b c d e Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 726.
  44. ^ a b c d e f Hanford 1924, v.II, p. 33.
  45. ^ Grant 1891, pp. 124, 458.
  46. ^ Grant 1891, p. 160.
  47. ^ a b Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 130.
  48. ^ Evans 1912, p. 13.
  49. ^ a b c d e f Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Feb 9, 1905, p. 9.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g Grant 1891, p. 459.
  51. ^ Snowden 1909, v.IV, p. 134.
  52. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 133.
  53. ^ Benton 1964, p. 69-70.
  54. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 266.
  55. ^ Stein 2000.
  56. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 480.
  57. ^ a b c Conover 1958.
  58. ^ Grant 1891, p. 350.
  59. ^ a b Tate 2009.
  60. ^ a b Bagley 1916, v.I, pp. 191-192; v.II, p. 726.
  61. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 202.
  62. ^ Grant 1891, p. 369.
  63. ^ Bagley 1916, v.III, p. 693.
  64. ^ Hines 1893, p. 784.
  65. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 636, 688.
  66. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 560.
  67. ^ Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Jul 13, 1884.
  68. ^ Grant 1891, p. 458.
  69. ^ Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Feb 9, 1905, p. 1,9.
  70. ^ Grant 1891, pp. 187, 190.
  71. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 456.
  72. ^ Grant 1891, p. 188.
  73. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 457, 460.
  74. ^ Grant 1891, p. 189.
  75. ^ Grant 1891, pp. 189-190.
  76. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 458.
  77. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, p. 574.
  78. ^ Grant 1891, p. 286.
  79. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.III, p. 249.
  80. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 244.
  81. ^ Jones 1972, p. 109.
  82. ^ a b Benton 1964, p. 66.
  83. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 243.
  84. ^ Jones 1972, p. 110-114.
  85. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 245.
  86. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 248.
  87. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 249.
  88. ^ Seattle Post-Intelligencer; May 8, 1900.
  89. ^ Grant 1891, pp. 276, 459.
  90. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, pp. 246-251.
  91. ^ Hunt & Kaylor 1917, v.I, pp. 391-392.
  92. ^ Grant 1891, p. 479.
  93. ^ Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 119.
  94. ^ a b c d e Bagley 1916, v.I, p. 120.
  95. ^ Schwantes 1999, p. 364.
  96. ^ Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Aug 24, 1890.
  97. ^ Grant 1891, p. 324.
  98. ^ San Francisco Call; Jul 19, 1890.
  99. ^ a b Seattle Republican; Feb 17, 1905.
  100. ^ a b Brown 1984.
  101. ^ a b Haigh 1964.
  102. ^ a b Seattle Daily Times; Feb 25, 1905.
  103. ^ Hanford 1924, v.II, p. 35.
  104. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 488-489.
  105. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 577, 727.
  106. ^ Brazier 1963.
  107. ^ Bagley 1916, v.II, pp. 581-582.
  108. ^ Seattle Daily Times; Feb 14, 1905, p. 1, 15.
  109. ^ Wright 1967.

Literature cited[edit]

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  • Revels Cayton, Susie, ed. (February 17, 1905), "John Leary's demise", Seattle Republican, Seattle: Republican Pub. Co., p. 4, ISSN 2157-3271, LCCN sn84025811, OCLC 10328970, retrieved September 9, 2020
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  • Grant, Frederic James (1891), History of Seattle, Washington with Illustration and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers, Western Americana, New York: American Publishing and Engraving Co, LCCN 05016865, OCLC 2617374
  • Haigh, John (November 15, 1964), "Joshua Green's first hill home", Seattle Daily Times, Seattle: The Seattle Times Company, pp. 193, 194, ISSN 2639-4898, LCCN sn86072007, OCLC 1765328, retrieved June 3, 2020
  • Hanford, Cornelius (1924), Seattle and Environs 1852-1924, 1, Chicago: Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, OCLC 3494902
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  • Hunt, Herbert; Kaylor, Floyd C. (1917), Washington, west of the Cascades; historical and descriptive; the explorers, the Indians, the pioneers, the modern, Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, LCCN 18015511, OCLC 10086413
  • Jones, Nard (1972), Seattle, Garden City: Doubleday, ISBN 0385018754, LCCN 72079397, OCLC 988183419
  • LeWarne, Charles P. (1999), Garraty, John A.; Carnes, Mark C. (eds.), "John Leary", American National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 13, pp. 333–334, ISBN 0195206355, LCCN 98020826, OCLC 468280018
  • McDonald, Norbert (January 1, 1959), Gates, Charles M. (ed.), "The Business Leaders of Seattle, 1880–1910", Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Seattle: University of Washington, 50 (1): 1–13, ISSN 0030-8803, JSTOR 40487337, LCCN 08030966, OCLC 2392232, retrieved June 3, 2020
  • Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo (1999), Long day's journey: the steamboat & stagecoach era in the northern West, Seattle: University of Washington Press, ISBN 0295976918, LCCN 99029316, OCLC 466655517
  • Snowden, Clinton A. (1909), Hanford, Cornelius; Moore, Miles Conway; Tyler, William D.; Chadwick, Stephen J. (eds.), History of Washington: The Rise and Progress of an American State, New York: The Century History Company, LCCN 09028416, OCLC 2827985
  • Stein, Alan J. (January 1, 2000), Rousso, Nick (ed.), "Spring Hill Water Company is incorporated in Seattle on August 20, 1881", historylink.org, Seattle: HistoryLink, OCLC 124224498, retrieved June 5, 2020
  • Tate, Cassandra (September 2, 2004), Rousso, Nick (ed.), "Voters elect businessman John Leary as mayor of the City of Seattle on July 14, 1884", historylink.org, Seattle: HistoryLink, OCLC 124224498, retrieved June 3, 2020
  • Tate, Cassandra (March 5, 2009), Rousso, Nick (ed.), "Weekly Intelligencer, a precursor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, publishes its first edition on August 5, 1867", historylink.org, Seattle: HistoryLink, OCLC 124224498, retrieved June 6, 2020
  • Wright, Don (February 2, 1967), "Times Troubleshooter", Seattle Daily Times, Seattle: The Seattle Times Company, p. 52, ISSN 2639-4898, LCCN sn86072007, OCLC 1765328, retrieved June 8, 2020

External links[edit]

  • HistoryLink Essay
  • John Leary at Find a Grave

This article is based on the text donated by the Wenard Institute under CC-BY-4.0 license.