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Сарасватичандра - индийская мыльная опера, созданная Санджаем Лилой Бхансали , написанная Сабой Мумтазом, Шрути Вайдисом, Уткаршем Найтани, Вед Раджем и Абхиджитом Синха, и основана начетырехтомном романе Говардханрама Трипати 1887-1901 годов с таким же названием . [1] Он транслировался на Star Plus с 25 февраля 2013 года по 20 сентября 2014 года. [2] Шоу также шло вместе со Star Plus на Dd National . Он дублирован на малаяла , как Swayamvaram .

Из-за проблем, возникших с исходной производственной компанией, в августе 2013 года Сарасватичандра перешла на производство Sphere Origins . [3]

Сюжет [ править ]

Young aristocrat Saraswatichandra Laxminandan Vyas, a.k.a. Saras, who lives in Dubai is introverted due to his mother's suicide and rejects an arranged marriage by his father with his friend Vidyachatur Desai's daughter Kumud, informing her by letter. She challenges him to inform her father and so Saras travels to her village named Ratnanagri in Ahmedabad district, Gujarat, India, gains familiarity with her family and gradually falls in love with her. On his return to Dubai, Saras finds a letter from his mother Saraswati, explaining that she committed suicide due to his father having an affair with Gumaan. That letter was written by his step mother Gumaan. Saras disowns his father and decides not to marry Kumud because he cannot support her without his family's wealth.

To save her family's reputation, Kumud rushes into a marriage with Pramad, the son of a politician. Saras realizes his mistake and tries to stop the wedding, but is beaten by thugs. Kumud finds that her husband is an abusive alcoholic but resolves to change him. Kumud's sister Alak finds Saras and brings him to the family home to recover. Saras vows to change Pramad's ways. Pramad's father also wants Pramad to change, and hires Saras as his secretary which makes Pramad jealous.

Pramad pretends to be a changed man, but tries to kill Kumud with the help of maid Kalika. Saras rescues Kumud, who separates from Pramad and returns to her family home. However, Kalika enters the household by marrying Kumud's cousin Yash. Pramad attempts to abduct Kumud but his goons take her sister Kusum. Saras saves Kusum, who develops feelings for him but agrees to marry another. Pramad sends evidence of Kusum's kidnapping to the groom's family, who call off the wedding. To save the family's reputation, Kumud convinces her family to allow Saras to marry Kusum. Saras agrees, but plots to have Kusum married to his younger stepbrother Danny, who loves her. Kusum gradually recognizes Danny's love and returns his feelings. Pramad travels abroad for medical treatment, abandoning Kumud and facilitating her divorce. Kumud marries Saras, who reconciles with his father Laxminandan. Laxminandan meets with an accident with car of a man, Kabir.

After the wedding, Kabir helps the families when Laxminandan falls into a coma. Kabir is secretly working for Saras's stepmother Gumaan to create problems between Danny, Kusum, Saras in order to gain Laxminandan's wealth. Actually he is pretending to help Gumaan to take revenge from her. Kumud comes to know about Kabir's truth. Kumud comes to know about Gumaan's elder sister Menaka and Gumaan's secret. Kumud goes to that place where Gumaan used to work as a dancer before marrying Laxminandan. Kumud is kidnapped and again rescued by Saras. Gumaan's friend Sunanda reveals to Saras and Kumud that Gumaan had paid to governance to kill a baby 21 years earlier. Vidyachatur's younger sister Dubga who was Saraswati's friend tells Saras and Kumud after that Saraswati was second time pregnant but she suffered miscarriage and Laxminandan blamed her for miscarriage that's why she killed herself. Then she searches in that hospital in which Saraswati was admitted at the time of her delivery. She comes to know that her baby was alive and was swapped by a stillborn baby and Dubga tells this to Saras and Kumud. They doubt Gumaan. Saras and Kumud confront Menka for her and Gumaan's secret and Menka reveals Kabir's identity as Saras's younger brother, thought to have died in infancy, and that he is actually seeking vengeance on Gumaan for separating him from his family. He was risen by Menka because Menka wanted to take revenge from Gumaan and to take her property. Gumaan learns of this and has Kabir kidnapped in Лондон , где его спасут Сара и Кумуд. Тем временем Гумаан использует Калику, чтобы попытаться разделить Дэнни и Кусума. Калика раскрывает правду, и Яш развелся и отрекся от нее. Гуман пытается убить Сара, Кумуд и Кабира, но они спасены. Лаксминандан пробуждается и отрекается от арестованного Гумаана. Сара и Кабир примиряются со своим отцом.

Сарас и Кумуд переезжают в Мумбаи по бизнес-проекту на шесть месяцев. Их домовладелец Прашант Тьяги становится одержимым Кумудом, который является двойником его девушки, которую он убил. Хозяин похищает их обоих и пытается убить Сары, но они находят улики и арестовывают его.

During Kabir's wedding to Kusum's friend Anushka, a young man attempts to kill Saras and Kumud, extorting Anushka's cooperation because Rohit had kidnapped her younger brother Avinash and blackmailed her. Saras is hospitalized saving Kumud and Kabir breaks off the engagement. Kabir and Danny save Avinash,and Kabir forgives Anushka. Gumaan is revealed to be behind the plot.

Gumaan feigns mental illness and is transferred from jail to a mental asylum, where she finds her rival, Saras's mother Saraswati who is alive and suffering amnesia. Gumaan informs Kumud but still tries to take revenge. Kumud helps Saraswati regain her memory and mental health, and the family is reunited. Gumaan is returned to jail. Saras and Kumud have their first child.



  • Jennifer Winget as Kumud Desai: Guniyal and Vidyachatur's daughter; Yash, Kusum, and Kumari's sister; Saras' wife
  • Gautam Rode as Saraswatichandra "Saras" Vyas: Saraswati and Laxminandan's son; Danny and Kabir's brother; Kumud's husband


  • Varun Kapoor as Danny Vyas – Saras and Kabir's younger half-brother; Laxminandan and Gumaan's son, Kusum's husband (2013-2014)[4]
  • Shiny Doshi as Kusum Desai – Kumud and Yash's younger sister; Danny's wife (2013-2014)[5]
  • Ashish Kapoor as Kabir Vyas – Saras's younger and Danny's elder half-brother, Anushka's husband, Laxminandan and Saraswati's younger son (2014)[6]
  • Srishty Rode as Anushka Vyas – Kabir's wife (2014)[7]
  • Anshul Trivedi as Pramadan Dharmadhikari, Kumud's ex-husband (2013)[8]
  • Chetan Pandit as Laxminandan Vyas – Saras, Kabir and Danny's father, Vidyachatur's best friend, Saraswati and Gumaan's husband (2013–14)
  • Monica Bedi as Gumaan Kaur – Saras and Kabir's step-mother, Danny's mother, Laxminandan's second wife (2013–14)[9]
  • Yatin Karyekar / Aliraza Namdar as Vidyachatur Desai – Kumud and Kusum's father, Laxminandan's best friend, Guniyal's husband (2013–14)[10]
  • Alpana Buch as Guniyal Devi Desai – Kumud and Kusum's mother, Vidyachatur's wife (2013–14)
  • Ragini Shah as Dugba – Vidyachtur's younger sister, Kumari's mother, Sahastrar's wife, Saraswati's best friend (2013–14)
  • Vinita Mahesh as Kumari – Dugba and Sahastrar's daughter
  • Mehul Kajaria as Gyanchatur Desai – Vidyachatur's younger brother (2013–14)[11]
  • Mansi Jain as Chandrika Kaur Desai – Gyanchatur's wife (2013–14)
  • Surya Kanth / Winy Tripathi as Yash Desai – Vidyachatur Gyanchatur's elder brother's son, Vidyachatur and Gyanchatur's nephew, Kalika's ex-husband (2013–14)
  • Soni Singh as Kalika Desai – Yash's ex-wife (2013–14)
  • Sonia Shah as Menaka – Gumaan's elder sister
  • Sai Ballal as Buddhi Dhan Dharmadhikari – Pramad and Alak's father, Saubhagyawati Devi's husband (2013)
  • Pratichi Mishra as Saubhagyavati Devi Dharmadhikari – Pramad and Alak's mother, Buddhidhan's wife (2013)
  • Vahbbiz Dorabjee as Alak Kishori Dharmadhikari – Pramad's sister, Indresh's wife (2013)[12]
  • Vijay Badlani as Indresh – Alak's husband
  • Shahrukh Sadri as Murakh Das – Kalika's father, Dharmadhikari house's servant
  • Maleeka R Ghai as Saraswati Vyas – Saras and Kabir's mother,Danny's stepmother, Laxminandan's first wife (2014)
  • Rahul Ram as Prashant, Saras and Kumud's landlord in Mumbai
  • Mithil Jain as Sub-Inspector Umesh Solanki – Kumari's ex-lover
  • Smita Shetty as Sunder Baa – Vidyachatur and Gyanchatur's elder brother wife, Yash's mother
  • Varun Sharma as Mohan – Kusum's ex-fiancé
  • Shivani Gosain as Sunanda – Ghuman's friend-turned-rival
  • Menaka Lalwani as Aarti
  • Manasi Parekh as Karuna


The production of the series began in May 2012.[13]

The grand set of the series and the production cost ₹5.5 crore (55 million rupees).[14] Initial scenes were shot in Dubai and Rajkot.[15] In August 2013, Sphere Origins took over the production of the series from Sanjay Leela Bhansali Films Pvt Ltd,[16] after which, in January 2014, the storyline deviated from the novel as Saras and Kumud marry.[17][18]



Hindustan Times said, "Style is good but substance is better."[19]


The series garnered an average rating of 2.5 TVR in its first episode and 2.1 TVR in the premiere week.[20] However, the following weeks it improved.[21]

Awards and nominations[edit]


  1. ^ "Saraswatichandra not a love story". Live Mint. Archived from the original on 28 March 2020.
  2. ^ "Saraswatichandra to go off air, Gautam Rode tweets last day pics with Jennifer Winget and crew". daily.bhaskar.com. Archived from the original on 7 March 2017. Retrieved 16 November 2014.
  3. ^ "Change is constant: Sanjay Leela Bhansali out of Saraswatichandra". Hindustan Times.
  4. ^ "Varun Kapoor to enter Saraswatichandra". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 10 October 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  5. ^ "I have never worked so hard in my life: Shiny Doshi". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 5 December 2015. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  6. ^ "Ashish Kapoor to play Gautam Rode's brother in Saraswatichandra". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 10 October 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  7. ^ "Saras to die in Star Plus' Saraswatichandra!". Archived from the original on 28 March 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  8. ^ "Vijay Badlani back; Shahrukh Sadri in Saraswatichandra". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 10 October 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  9. ^ "Never felt sidelined by Jennifer Winget in 'Saraswatichandra': Monica Bedi". The Indian Express. 26 January 2014. Archived from the original on 30 March 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  10. ^ "Bhansali turns to TV, with Saraswatichandra". Rediff. 16 May 2012. Archived from the original on 30 March 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  11. ^ "Mehul Kajaria in Bhansali's Saraswati Chandra". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 10 October 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  12. ^ "Vahbbiz Dorabjee in 'Saraswatichandra'". dna. 11 July 2013. Archived from the original on 12 October 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  13. ^ "Bhansali turns to TV, with Saraswatichandra". Rediff. Archived from the original on 30 March 2019.
  14. ^ "The super soaps". Archived from the original on 28 March 2020.
  15. ^ "Saraswatichandra: A lavish love story". The Times of India.
  16. ^ "Sphereorigins takes over 'Saraswatichandra'". India TV News. Archived from the original on 28 March 2020.
  17. ^ "Saraswatichandra to go off air in May end?". DNA India. Archived from the original on 28 March 2020.
  18. ^ "Saras, Kumud to tie the knot on 'Saraswatichandra'". The Indian Express. Archived from the original on 28 March 2020.
  19. ^ "Game-changers in television: from saas-bahu sagas to controversial reality shows". Hindustan Times.
  20. ^ "Bhansali's TV debut 'Saraswatichandra' opens with 2.5 TVR on Star Plus". Indian Television dot com.
  21. ^ "Steady but now". The Indian Express.
  22. ^ "Indian Television Academy Awards". awardsbyindianshows.weebly.com. Archived from the original on 17 April 2015. Retrieved 7 October 2019.
  23. ^ Narayan, Girija (20 May 2014). "Zee Gold Awards 2014 Complete List Of Winners". filmibeat. Archived from the original on 7 October 2019. Retrieved 7 October 2019.
  24. ^ "Gautam Rode claims Indian Telly Award - Times of India". The Times of India. Archived from the original on 30 September 2018. Retrieved 7 October 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Official Website
  • Saraswatichandra at IMDb
  • Saraswatichandra on Facebook (official Slovak page)