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Сабра [ править ]

Sabreclaw [ править ]

Сабрэкло - персонаж вселенной MC2 , впервые появившийся в J2 # 8 (май 1999 г.). [1] Он сводный брат Wild Thing и сын Росомахи .

У персонажа есть когти, похожие на когти Саблезуба. У него есть лечебный фактор, улучшенные физические возможности и характер, как у Росомахи. [необходим том и выпуск ] Его лечебный фактор позволяет ему быстро восстанавливать поврежденные или разрушенные области своей клеточной структуры и дает ему виртуальный иммунитет к ядам и большинству лекарств, а также повышает сопротивляемость болезням. Он обладает сверхчеловеческой силой и от природы острыми клыками и когтями, а также укрепил свои когти адамантиевыми ножнами.

Саблезубый [ править ]

Гвенни Лу Сабуки [ править ]

Гвендолин «Гвенни» Лу Сабуки была второй Золотой девушкой, представленной Marvel, впервые появившись в 1978 году, но ее персонаж времен Второй мировой войны появился раньше послевоенной Бетси Росс , Золотой девушки. Созданная писателем Роем ​​Томасом и художником Фрэнком Роббинсом в ретконе сериала «Захватчики № 26» (март 1978 г.), она появилась, без силы, как Гвенни Лу, обретя свои способности в следующем выпуске № 27 (апрель 1978 г.). Затем она сыграла Золотую девушку в № 28 (май 1978 г.) и № 38 (март 1979 г.). История воспоминаний о детях-коммандос находится в выпусках All-New Invaders 6–7.

Во время Второй мировой войны юная Гвенни Лу Сабуки, дочь японско-американского ученого доктора Сэма Сабуки, присутствовала в битве за США, в которой помощники Баки (настоящее имя Джеймс Бьюкенен Барнс) и Торо (Томас Раймонд) из команды супергероев выступили Захватчики сражались с суперзлодеем Агентом Осью . Одно из изобретений доктора Сабуки случайно наделило Гвенни Лу и ее друга Дэвида «Дэйви» Митчелла сверхчеловеческими способностями. Гвенни Лу получила способность генерировать свет и энергию и излучать золотые силовые лучи из своих рук, в то время как Митчелл получил способность вращаться со сверхчеловеческой скоростью. Она стала Золотой девушкой, а он - Человеком-Вершиной . [2]Четыре юных героя победили Агента Аксиса и позже сформировали Кид-Коммандос, объединившихся со взрослыми Захватчиками. [ требуется том и выпуск ]

Детские коммандос даже сражались с захватчиками, когда они не соглашались с использованием военными бомбы цунами, которая нанесла бы слишком большой побочный ущерб. Бомба не использовалась, когда захватчики увидели, что испытательный объект был заселен мирными жителями. [3]

Позже Гвенни Лу помогла основать послевоенную организацию, известную как V-Battalion . Гвенни в конце концов сменила имя супергероя на Золотую женщину , прежде чем она умерла в 1961 году. Ее сын и внучка стали супергероями Золотое Солнце и Голдфайр, соответственно, хотя Золотое Солнце умерло, когда его собственной дочери было пять лет. [4] Другая внучка Гвенни Лу в конечном итоге стала японской героиней Сияние. [5]

После того, как Золотая девушка познакомилась с научным изобретением, она обрела способность генерировать свет и энергию. Она также может излучать золотые силовые лучи из своих рук.

Мудрец [ править ]

Стрелец [ править ]

Харлан Варгас [ править ]

Приманка модели жизни [ править ]

Модель Жизни Приманка II [ править ]

Эклиптика [ править ]

Без названия [ править ]

Sandman [ править ]

Сангре [ править ]

Sasquatch [ править ]

Sat-Yr-9 [ править ]

Сатана [ править ]

Сатанинский [ править ]

Сатурнин [ править ]

Саул [ править ]

Саурон [ править ]

Savage Steel [ править ]

Счастливый Сэм Сойер [ править ]

Рафаэль Скарф [ править ]

Лейтенант Рафаэль Скарф - вымышленный лейтенант полиции Нью-Йорка из комиксов Marvel . Персонаж, созданный Крисом Клермонтом и Пэтом Бродериком , впервые появился в Marvel Premiere # 23 (август 1975 г.).

Рейф был ветераном войны во Вьетнаме, который вернулся в Нью-Йорк, чтобы стать офицером полиции. Он сблизился со своей партнершей Мисти Найт, и когда она потеряла руку в результате взрыва бомбы, Скарф никогда не отходил от нее. [6] Он был постоянным союзником Iron Fist , [7] [8] и позже Люка Кейджа, когда они объединились, чтобы сформировать Heroes for Hire и объединились с Мисти и Коллин Винг , часто помогая им в делах и арестовывая плохих. ребята они дрались. Он даже объединился с союзником Человека-паука Джин ДеВольф . [9] Годы спустя, в Стране Теней.По сюжету, Скарф позже стал мошенником и попытался подставить Сорвиголову за убийство нескольких преступников. [10] Позже его схватила его бывшая напарница Мисти Найт. [11]

Рафаэль Скарф в других СМИ [ править ]

Scarfe appeared in Luke Cage, portrayed by Frank Whaley.[12] In season 1, he is a corrupt NYPD Detective at the 29th Precinct, partner of Misty Knight, and in the employ of Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes.[13] When Scarfe tries to blackmail Cottonmouth, Cottonmouth kills him.[14] In season 2, the circumstances of Scarfe's death led to every case he worked on being reopened.





Scarlet Scarab[edit]

Scarlet Scarab is the name of two fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Publication history[edit]

The first Scarlet Scarab first appeared in Invaders #23 (December 1977), and was created by Roy Thomas, Archie Goodwin, and Frank Robbins. The character also appeared in The Invaders #25 (February 1978).

The second Scarlet Scarab first appeared in Thor #326 (December 1982), and was created by Doug Moench and Alan Kupperberg. He received an entry in the original Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #9.

According to Roy Thomas, the Scarlet Scarab, like the Silver Scarab in Infinity, Inc., was an homage to the Dan Garret incarnation of the Blue Beetle "about whom I had written my second professional comics story back in 1965."[15] The magician and warrior who created the Ruby Scarab were named Garret and Dann.

Fictional character biography[edit]

Abdul Faoul was a famous archeologist during World War II. He unearthed the Ruby Scarab, an artifact that was originally created to battle the Elementals, around 3500 B.C. When Dr. Faoul touched the mystical power-object, he became the Scarlet Scarab and became a champion of Egypt during World War II.[volume & issue needed]

Dr. Faoul worked as a liaison between the Allied Forces and the Egyptian government, and led the Human Torch and Namor to a recently excavated pyramid in search of the fanatic nationalist group, the Sons of the Scarab. Faoul, who was actually the leader of the Sons of the Scarab, tricked the heroes into opening the vault where the fist-sized ruby was kept. As the Scarlet Scarab, he first ousted the British, and then the Nazis, from Egypt. Following the war, the Scarlet Scarab continued to battle criminals until one day in the 1950s, the ruby simply disappeared.[volume & issue needed]

Dr. Faoul had not realized that the gem's crafter, a powerful pre-dynastic Egyptian sorcerer named Garret, had placed an enchantment on it that it would return to Garret's tomb whenever it had exhausted its store of mystical power. Faoul spent the next twenty years in search of the ruby, not realizing it had returned to where he had found it. Eventually, the Elementals sent N'Kantu, the Living Mummy to fetch the ruby. The ruby changed hands a number of times after N'Kantu recovered it, going from the Living Monolith, a thief named Daniel "the Asp" Aspen, the Elementals, and an extra-dimensional traveler named Hecate before exhausting its power once again and returning to its tomb.[volume & issue needed]

Meanwhile, Dr. Abdoul continued searching until his death. As his dying act, he requested his son Mehemet to continue his quest.[volume & issue needed]

Mehemet received from his father the strongbox in which he had kept the Ruby Scarab. Inside was the costume he had worn as the Scarlet Scarab, a journal of his exploits, and a photo of the ruby. Mehemet considered it his duty to continue his father's quest, searching for years as his father had. Finally, Mehemet came to the gem's final resting place. Holding the ruby, he gained the powers of the Scarlet Scarab, and set out to become Egypt's new champion. One of his goals was the protection of Egypt's priceless ancient artifacts. In one mission to recover some stolen artifacts, the Scarlet Scarab encountered Thor, who mistook his intentions and the two fought to a standstill.[volume & issue needed]

Scarlet Spider[edit]

Ben Reilly[edit]

Joe Wade[edit]

Michael Van Patrick clones[edit]


Scarlet Witch[edit]

Schizoid Man[edit]

The Schizoid Man is an alias used by two fictional supervillains who appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.[16]

Chip Martin[edit]

Chip Martin first appeared in Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 2 #36 (November 1979), and was created by Bill Mantlo, John Romita, Jr. and Jim Mooney. A graduate student at Empire State University,[17] he suffers from psychological instability and has the power of building and animating solid constructs with his mind. His father is Senator Robert Martin, a possible suspect as the Hobgoblin.[18]

Schizoid Man joined Vil-Anon, a twelve-step program dedicated to helping individuals overcome criminal tendencies which also consisted of Armadillo, Equinox, Hypno-Hustler, Jackson Weele and Man-Bull.[19]

In Civil War: Battle Damage Report, it is revealed that Chip and Lectronn engaged in a three-hour fight over New York that ended in a stalemate.[20]

Schizoid Man was among several super-powered criminals housed in an unnamed ill-equipped prison in the Avengers Vs. X-Men storyline's aftermath. Rogue and Mimic had to fight the two off during a prison riot where Schizoid Man was trying to get control of himself.[21]

The Schizoid Man possesses the power of building and animating solid constructs with his mind.

Ultimate Marvel version[edit]

The Ultimate Marvel equivalent of Schizoid Man is an unnamed genetically-modified French citizen thanks to Jamie Madrox's stolen stem cells. He uses his similar self-replication powers to control a riot before joining the Liberators.[22] His team leads a large army to invade and conquer the United States, leading to the deaths of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Giant-Man Reserves.[23] Captain America and the Wasp defeat all of Schizoid Man's bodies that were "scattered all over the Triskelion".[24]

Scientist Supreme[edit]

Lyle Getz[edit]

George Clinton[edit]

Valdemar Tykkio[edit]

Hank Pym[edit]

Monica Rappaccini[edit]

Andrew Forson[edit]



Scintilla (originally named Midget) is a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum, the character first appeared in X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977). Scintilla has the ability to shrink to five percent of her normal size, and any size in between. (Like many original members of the Imperial Guard, Scintilla is the analog of a character from DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes: in her case Shrinking Violet.)[25]

Midget was amongst the first of the Imperial Guard encountered by the team of superhuman mutants known as the X-Men who sought to rescue the Princess Lilandra from her insane brother emperor D'Ken. Following the orders of their emperor, the Guard clashed with the X-Men on a nameless Shi'ar Empire planet, and were on the verge of winning when the band of interstellar freebooters known as the Starjammers arrived to turn the tide of battle in the X-Men's favor.[26]

Some time later, when Deathbird was empress, Midget joined the other Imperial Guard members in battle against Excalibur and the Starjammers. Later, on Deathbird's behalf, Midget assisted the other Imperial Guardsmen in battle against the X-Men and Starjammers, but was defeated by them.[27]

Midget is renamed Scintilla[28] at the outset of Operation: Galactic Storm, an intergalactic war between the Shi'ar and the Kree. The Imperial Guard are integral to the Sh'iar creating a massive super weapon — the "Nega-Bomb" — using Kree artifacts, including the original Captain Marvel's Nega-Bands, which the Guard steals from the dead hero's tomb. This bomb is capable of devastating an area equivalent to that of the Kree Empire (which is supposedly located throughout the Large Magellanic Cloud). Ultimately, the Nega Bomb device is successfully detonated, devastating the Kree Empire, with billions dying instantaneously (98% of the Kree population).[29] The Shi'ar annex the remnants of the Kree Empire, with Deathbird becoming viceroy of the Kree territories.[30]

Vulcan, a powerful mutant intent on conquering the Shi'ar Empire, fights the Guard beginning in The Uncanny X-Men #480 (2007). Tragically, Vulcan kills Cosmo and Smasher (and seemingly Impulse, Neutron, and Titan) before he is defeated by Gladiator, who puts out his left eye. Despite Scintilla's desire for revenge, Gladiator takes Vulcan into custody and imprisons him.[31]

Scintilla has many further adventures with the Imperial Guard, in such storylines as "Emperor Vulcan,"[32] "Secret Invasion,"[33] X-Men: Kingbreaker,[34] "War of Kings,"[35] and the "Trial of Jean Grey."[36]




Jake Fury[edit]

LMD / Jacques LaPoint[edit]


Mikel Fury[edit]

Thanos' Zodiac[edit]

Vernon Fury[edit]



Sam Scorpio[edit]

Mac Gargan[edit]

Jim Evans[edit]

Carmilla Black[edit]


Scorn (Tanis Nevies) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Tanis Nevies first appeared in Carnage #1 (December 2010),[37] while the Scorn Symbiote first appeared in Carnage #4 (June 2011).

After Carnage was ripped in half by the Sentry outside the Earth atmosphere[38] it is later discovered that the Carnage symbiote survived by being dormant and returned to Earth and was discovered by Michael Hall who brought Shriek and her doctor, Dr. Tanis Nevies, to use Shriek to keep the Carnage symbiote alive in order of using the organism's properties to create prosthetic limbs and exo-suits which respond in the same ways as a symbiote. Nevies is outfitted with one of these prosthetic arms after she is caught in an attack by the Doppelganger who tried to rescue Shriek.[39] When near the Carnage symbiote, her arm goes wild and forces her to kill several scientists before the Carnage symbiote forcefully bonds to her as the new Carnage.[39] After the symbiote uses Tanis to break into a Hall Corporation facility, it is revealed that Cletus Kasady is alive and preserved by the Carnage symbiote and repaired by Hall's prosthetics.[39] Kasady reclaims the Carnage symbiote once more, attempting to avenge captivity while Spider-Man and Iron Man struggle to stop Carnage. It is then revealed that Carnage was once again pregnant, and the suit's spawn briefly bonds to Tanis, but she removes it from herself and the symbiote bonds to Shriek before being torn from her. Scared of Shriek's malice, the symbiote arm then rebonds to Tanis, creating the new hero Scorn who defeats Shriek and forces her to use her sonic shriek to weaken Carnage who escapes.[39]

In Carnage USA, Carnage invaded Doverton, Colorado and bonded to its citizens and the Avengers team (who originally tried to stop Carnage) to which the government send in the Mercury Team, a symbiote-enhanced special forces team bonded the Agony, Phage, Riot, and Lasher symbiotes along with Dr. Tanis Nieves as Scorn in order to stop Carnage, but they are heavily outnumbered since Carnage controls the entire town. The enhanced special forces keep fighting but Carnage sends the controlled Avengers after them, that was when Spider-Man comes with the town's unaffected residents. The melee is particularly fierce when Agent Venom intervenes with sonic rounds. Scorn uses a construction vehicle to carry the two to a device she built and reveals that her device is meant to permanently remove the bonds from Carnage and Venom, but the hosts are still in there. After the symbiotes fighting with themselves and the Avengers team, the Venom symbiote finds its way back to Flash Thompson while Scorn is able to capture and contain the Carnage symbiote.[40]

In Carnage Born, it's revealed that Scorn got corrupted and started a cult in worshiping Knull. She with her followers retrieve the Grendel symbiote's remnants from the Maker, along with Kasady's damaged body following the Venomized event. After implanting the remnants inside Kasady who started to fight for control. She offers herself to Kasady to absorb the Carnage remnants left in her body, but instead Kasady kills her getting her blood to be Carnage again,[41] though the original Carnage symbiote is actually in Alchemax.[42]

Scorn in other media[edit]

  • The Scorn symbiote appears in the Spider-Man: Maximum Venom animated television series, voiced by Kylee Russell.[43] This incarnation displays super-strength and shapeshifting abilities, is a member of the Symbiote Sisters, and the older sister of the Venom symbiote.
  • Scorn (Tanis Nevies) appears as a playable character in the mobile video game Spider-Man Unlimited.

Scourge of the Underworld[edit]



Grady Scraps[edit]

Grady Scraps is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character, created by writer Dan Slott and artist Humberto Ramos, first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #648 (January 2011). He is Peter Parker's comical co-worker at Max Modell's Horizon Labs. He gets involved in various Spider-Man storylines, such as "Big Time" and "Spider-Island".

Grady Scraps in other media[edit]

Grady Scraps makes his animated debut in Marvel's Spider-Man, voiced by Scott Menville.[44] This version is a teenage genius, though he still retains his comedic personality. Introduced in the season two episode "School of Hard Knocks", he is an intelligent student who attended Bilderberg Academy, which was used as a front for A.I.M.'s superhuman experiments. The character next appears as a supporting character in Spider-Man: Maximum Venom, having now enrolled at Horizon High, helping stop the Klyntar's invasions, and becoming a founding member of W.E.B.

Nicholas Scratch[edit]






Erik Selvig[edit]

Señor Muerte / Señor Suerte[edit]




Curtis Elkins[edit]

Stewart Ward[edit]

Robert Reynolds[edit]

Val, the Galadorian[edit]



Sepulchre (also known as Shadowoman) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She first appeared in Quasar #45 (April 1993), and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Grant Miehm.

After a difficult childhood, Jillian Marie Woods left home to attend the University of San Francisco. While there she met occult lecturer Anthony Ludgate Druid, the super hero known as Doctor Druid. They discovered that a psychic link existed between them. Druid probed Jillian's mind and learned her soul had inhabited a male alchemist in King Arthur's court in a past life, and that the alchemist loved a princess whose soul was reincarnated as Dr. Druid. The alchemist and princess were killed by the princess' brother because of their relationship, and the alchemist swore he would find the princess again. Jillian and Druid, surprised by these revelations, became lovers. Sometime later, Jillian accidentally released a demon which killed her when she and Druid were investigating mystical artifacts Druid took from the sorcerer Magnus. Dr. Druid, using a mystical statue called the Bride of Slorioth, bonded a piece of Jillian's soul to her shadow. When Jillian woke up with her new powers, Druid told her that they were a result of her exposure to the demon.[volume & issue needed]

Jillian took the name Shadowoman and alongside other heroes Jim Scully (as the second Blazing Skull) and N'Kantu, the Living Mummy, joined a team, led by Dr. Druid called the Shock Troop. When Quagmire, using his Darkforce, Neutron, and the Presence corrupted Earth-148611 (New Universe), Shadowoman and the Shock Troop helped Quasar fight Anti Bodies until the Shi'ar Imperial Guard destroyed them. Later the Shock Troop was called on by Doctor Strange to face a threat at the Nexus of All Realities. When the team arrived, the threat had already been neutralized by Quasar.[volume & issue needed]

After Dr. Strange forced Dr. Druid to assume the responsibility of organizing the Secret Defenders, Jillian, Luke Cage and Deadpool were assembled to prevent Malachi from reassembling the Moebius Stone. They met at the Chicago Museum of Art, and confronted Malachi as she attempted to acquire a Moebius Stone fragment attached to a sword. To hold back the Secret Defenders, Malachi animated artwork to attack them and departed with the fragment. Casting her shadow form over them, Shadowoman caused them[clarification needed] to dissipate. Druid then teleported them to his townhouse to seek artifacts which could aid them against Malachi.[45]

They set out to oppose Malachi at a tomb where a corpse held the last fragment of the Moebius Stone in a ring upon its finger. They were joined by Cody Fleisher, Cadaver, a teenager Malachi killed who Agamotto re-animated to serve as his Pale Horseman. However, Malachi obtained the last fragment, and caught Shadowoman and Dr. Druid with her spells. Shadowoman was able to phase through her bonds, and distracted Malachi while Dr. Druid escaped. Malachi struck Shadowoman down, and when she survived the blow, she realized she shouldn't have, and that Dr. Druid had done something to her. Malachi was finally slain by Deadpool, but then Strange, Dr. Strange's servant, attempted to claim the Moebius Stone. Shadowoman opposed him, only to be struck down again, but Dr. Druid was able to destroy the stone.[46]

Shadowoman, Cadaver, Dr. Druid and R.G. Mathieson confronted Swarm, as it attempted to control the Rand-Meachum supercollider. Jillian was immune to Swarm due to her powers, and helped free Dr. Druid and Cadaver from the creature's clutches. She and Cadaver helped hold Swarm back long enough for Dr. Druid to convince Swarm to stand down.[47]

Returning from their encounter with Swarm, Jillian asked Dr. Druid to explain to her what she had become. Druid promised to do so, but cast her into the Bride of Slorioth. Within the statue, Jillian encountered the dark side of Dr. Druid's soul, and learned from it what Dr. Druid had done to her. She emerged from the statue furious, and assaulted Dr. Druid, but he convinced her that he had only done what had to be done, and that he was ready to lead her and Cadaver on a mission that would free them all of their respective curses. She agreed, but assumed the new alias of Sepulchre for that mission. Dr. Druid then teleported them to Starkesboro.[volume & issue needed]

Sepulchre and the others met up with Deathlok, Dagger and Drax, their teammates for this mission. Dr. Druid led them to the Gates of Perdition, where he was to confront the demon Slorioth. However, as Dr. Druid departed, the original Defenders — Silver Surfer, Hulk and Sub-Mariner — appeared to oppose the Secret Defenders. Sepulchre engaged the Silver Surfer in battle, but he fled the scene when he realized he was in an era where Galactus's barrier did not surround the Earth. However, the Surfer's conscience gnawed at him, and he returned to engage Sepulchre once more, but she encased him within a field of total darkness. Just then, their battle was interrupted when the demon Slorioth arose.[48]

The two teams of Defenders fought Slorioth, but Sepulchre and Cadaver were taken aside by Joshua Pryce to face the real threat — Dr. Druid, corrupted by his dark side. Dr. Druid claimed that everything he had done had been for Jillian, then attacked his one-time allies. Since Dr. Druid had taken control of her soul, he used that advantage to cause her to dissolve away. Ultimately, Joshua Pryce brought in the Vishanti and Living Tribunal, who drove off Dr. Druid and Slorioth. Pryce then went to help Sepulchre, but she begged him to let her die. He replied, "Better to live, forever a Shadowoman...than to die a Sepulchre!", and helped raise her to life.[49]

Sepulchre and Cadaver met with Pryce afterward, and decided to go their separate ways, but noted that "if the world ever needs saving...and all the good super-heroes are busy," they would meet again.[49]

Sometime later Lindsay McCabe, a friend of Jessica Drew's, asked Jillian to help her find her missing friend. They were joined by Julia Carpenter, Spider-Woman, who had encountered Jessica's Spider-Woman costume moving of its own accord. Jillian sent the two women to the dimension of the Void-Eater where Jessica was imprisoned. Re-powered by her costume, Jessica escaped the Void-Eater with Lindsay and Spider-Woman. Jillian closed the portal to the Void-Eater's realm before the creature could follow them back.[50]

Jillian is seen on the phone with a representative from Roxxon Oil agreeing to speak to them about a job offer they had made.[51] She encounters the Thunderbolts on her way to the interview, and uses her powers to fight off Venom before teaming up with Steel Spider and American Eagle to battle the rest of the team. Managing to reach Roxxon Oil just in time, she negotiates a new life off American soil.[52]

Sepulchre returned to America, following the collapse of Norman Osborn's regime and his Thunderbolts initiative, and was last seen participating in a job interview for a babysitter job with Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, but gets increasingly frustrated with the apparent mispronunciation of her name, repeatedly telling Jones and Cage off and re-spelling her name over and over, which results in her eventual rejection.[53]

Darkforce energy manipulation allows Jillian to fly, generate darkness fields, phase, and merge with shadows.






Juston Seyfert[edit]

Shadow King[edit]





Shanna the She-Devil[edit]

Karima Shapandar[edit]


Shaper of Worlds[edit]


Miriam Sharpe[edit]




Shatterax (Roco-Bai) was created by Len Kaminski and Paul Ryan and made his first appearance in Iron Man #278 in March 1992.

Roco-Bai was a member of a new breed of Kree cyborg soldiers, dubbed techo-warriors and he battled the superhero Iron Man during Kree-Shi'ar War.[54] and later, he joined the Starforce.[55]

During the Annihilation: Conquest storyline, he along with Kree were infected by the Phalanx, becoming one of their select and took part on the assault against Adam Warlock, however they failed.[56]

Powers and abilities

He has great strength, speed, durability and energy projection and he is also a great fighter.[57]

Other versions

Shatterax appears in What If... The Avengers lost Operation Galactic Storm?.[58]


Jacob Shaw[edit]

Sebastian Shaw[edit]

Shinobi Shaw[edit]


Jennifer Walters[edit]



Ann Weying[edit]

Patricia Robertson[edit]


An Inhuman with metal shards protruding from her body.

In Other Media[edit]

  • She appears as an antagonist in the Marvel Rising franchise.



Lotus Shinchuko[edit]

Wladyslav Shinski[edit]

Randall Shire[edit]


Shiver Man[edit]


Todd Fields is the son of Hydra scientist William Fields, who is killed by Loxias Crown. He grows up to don the S.H.O.C. armor, which channels darkforce. S.H.O.C. was created by Howard Mackie and John Romita Jr. in Spider-Man #76 (1997).



Shooting Star[edit]



Shotgun (J.R. Walker) is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr., first appeared in Daredevil #271 (October 1989).

J.R. Walker was once a soldier in the United States Army before becoming an assassin working for the CIA. The CIA and Skip Ash sent Shotgun to retrieve a young blonde woman known as Number 9. He wound up battling Daredevil.[59]

He has worked side by side with the Punisher at one point, teaming up to destroy the Carbone crime family. Shotgun had been hired to do this because the Carbone family were not the 'tame' Mafiosi that the government enjoyed. Shotgun saves the lives of the Punisher and ally Mickey Fondozzi. Shotgun and the Punisher then work to slaughter an isolated island full of international Mafia members. This particular battle results in the destruction of most of the Carbone family (a longtime target of the Punisher); Rosalie Carbone was left in charge.[60]

An athletic man with no superhuman powers, Shotgun is a highly experienced hand-to-hand combatant and an expert marksman with most known firearms. Shotgun wears Kevlar (body armor) for protection. He uses a high-powered recoilless rifle firing a variety of explosive, concussive, combustible and disintegrative ammunition, and also has a specially-designed one-man tank. Shotgun's equipment was designed by Central Intelligence Agency weaponry research and design.





Shrunken Bones[edit]

Jerry Morgan is a genius in the organic sciences, and worked as a biologist and biochemist before becoming a professional criminal. Morgan experimented in cellular compression, and once succeeded in reducing his own size, using a gas similar to that used by Dr. Henry Pym to reduce his own size. However, a subsequent experiment reduced the size of Morgan's skeleton somewhat, leaving his skin hanging loosely from his bones.[volume & issue needed] Morgan later joined the Headmen in their quest to use their intellectual talents to take control of the world.[volume & issue needed] Dr. Jerold Morgan first appeared in World of Fantasy #11 (April 1958), and was created by Angelo Torres. This story was reprinted in Weird Wonder Tales #7 (December 1974).



Seth Voelker[edit]


Gregory Bryan[edit]





Silly Seal[edit]



Silk Fever[edit]

Samuel Silke[edit]

Silver Dagger[edit]

Silver Fox[edit]

Silver Sable[edit]

Silver Samurai[edit]

Kenuichio Harada[edit]

Shingen "Shin" Harada[edit]

Silver Scorpion[edit]

Silver Scorpion (Elizabeth Barstow) first appeared in Daring Mystery Comics #7 (April 1941), during the period fans and historians call the Golden Age of Comic Books, and was created by Harry Sahle.[61] He signed her origin story with the pen name Jewell, which comics historian Michael J. Vassallo believes marks a collaboration with another, unknown artist.[62] She is Marvel Comics' first superheroine, following the antihero character Black Widow, who reaped evildoers' souls for Satan.[63]

Betty Barstow, a secretary for private detective Dan Harley, wore a superhero-style costume to a masquerade ball, and along the way used her jiu-jitsu skills and investigative acumen to solve a case her employer had turned down. Enjoying it, she continued to be a masked crimefighter.[64] Silver Scorpion is an honorary member of the Invaders.[volume & issue needed] She appeared with the Golden Age Human Torch as a supporting character.[volume & issue needed] She later joined the Liberty Legion.[volume & issue needed]

In the Avengers/Invaders storyline, Spider-Woman (who was actually the Skrull queen Veranke) disguised herself as Silver Scorpion when the Avengers found themselves stuck in the WWII era.[65]

Silver Surfer[edit]



Jemma Simmons[edit]



Stanley Carter[edit]

Michael G. Engelschwert[edit]





Sise-Neg is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in Marvel Premiere #13 (January 1974) and was created by Steve Englehart, Neal Adams and Frank Brunner.

Publication history[edit]

Sise-Neg appeared in Marvel Premiere #13–14 (January and March 1974). He has yet to reappear in Marvel continuity.

Fictional character biography[edit]

Sise-Neg (genesis spelled backwards) is a 31st-century sorcerer who attempts to become omnipotent by time traveling back through history and collecting all magical energies. While in 18th century Paris impersonating the magician Cagliostro, the character encounters the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, who was at the time searching for perennial foe Baron Mordo.

Despite opposition from Strange, Sise-Neg travels back to a prehistoric time on Earth when the demon Shuma-Gorath rules, and subsequently banishes the entity. Continuing to journey back in time, Sise-Neg reached the moment prior to the Big Bang that creates the universe and absorbs all of the magic in the universe. Originally intending to recreate the universe in his image, Sise-Neg realizes that his quest to achieve godhood was pitiable as reality is harmony and as it should be. He therefore decides to recreate the universe exactly as it was.[67]

Powers and abilities[edit]

Sise-Neg is a sorcerer from the 31st century capable of wielding advanced magics. After absorbing all of the magic in the universe, the character is capable of achieving virtually any effect by willing it.

Jasper Sitwell[edit]








Skrullian Skymaster[edit]

Skull the Slayer[edit]



Cylla Markham[edit]






Margaret Slade[edit]



Trevor Slattery[edit]



Sleeper (HYDRA robot)[edit]

Sleeper (Symbiote)[edit]

Sleeper was created by writer Mike Costa and artist Mark Bagley and first appeared in Venom #165, while making its first named appearance in Venom: First Host #3.

When the Venom symbiote found out that it was pregnant again,[68] it wanted to take care of its seventh spawn after being cleansed by the Klyntar.[69] The Symbiote kept this a secret to Eddie, until they were captured by the Symbiote Task Force, led by Claire Dixonbe working alongside Scorpion, who wanted to rebond with the Venom symbiote.[70] Luckily Spider-Woman came and saved Eddie along with the symbiote from the Task Force. Then Eddie with Venom went to Alchemax in order to give birth to the new spawn. However, due to the experimentation it went through, the symbiote had a difficult pregnancy and meanwhile Mac Gargan arrived at their location and changed his plan to kill the Venom symbiote and bond to its more powerful spawn. Fortunately, Eddie knocked out both Mac and agent Claire Dixon. After giving birth to the spawn, Eddie and Venom entrusted Liz Allan to take care for the symbiote.[71]

The spawn was then nurtured and raised by its parent who had been visiting at Alchemax in order to make it good in contrast to its other offsprings.[72] However, after Venom was taken away by its original host, the Kree soldier Tel-Kar,[73] the offspring bonded to Eddie and allied with the Warbride Skrull, M'Lanz, in order to save Venom and prevent Tel-Kar from using a deadly Skrull bioweapon.[74] During the ensuing fight, Sleeper bonds to M'Lanz to save her, while Venom after being free from Tel-Kar's control rebonded to Eddie, leaving Tel-Kar to be exploded with the Skrull research base by the Kree military. Then Eddie with Venom and Sleeper returned to Earth as M'Lanz returned to space. However, Tel-Kar had survived the explosion and planned to use the bioweapon on the humans, but Sleeper intervened and bonded to Tel-Kar, lobotomizing him in the process and turning him into a body that Sleeper can pilot. After that, Sleeper bid Eddie farewell and with Tel-Kar's spaceship decided to go explore the universe.[75]








Marrina Smallwood[edit]

Smart Alec[edit]

Smart Alec (Alexander "Alec" Thorne) is a fictional mutant[citation needed] in Marvel Comics, and a member of Alpha Flight. He first appeared in Alpha Flight #1 (August 1983) and was created by John Byrne. He was unidentified in his first appearance, and was not named until Alpha Flight #8.

The character subsequently appears in Alpha Flight vol. 1 #7 (February 1984), #11–13 (June–August 1984), and Alpha Flight Special (1992) in a flashback story.

Alec Thorne was born in London, England. As a mutant, he was contacted by James Hudson to be one of the first members to join Department H. Alec was also one of the first recruits to join The Flight, a precursor to Alpha Flight. In their first mission, they stopped the terrorist known as Egghead from launching a thermonuclear missile at the United States.[76] Later, after Hudson divided the team into three smaller groups, Thorne (as Smart Alec) began training in Gamma Flight.[77]

Some time after Gamma Flight was disbanded, its members were contacted by Jerry Jaxon to join Omega Flight in his bid for vengeance against Hudson. During the fight between Omega Flight and Alpha Flight, Smart Alec was defeated when he looked in Shaman's magical medicine bag; the resulting mental shock shut down his mind. Shaman shrank him down to miniature size and placed him in the bag, until a way could be found to restore his mind.[78]

Snowbird was later forced to kill Sasquatch to vanquish the Great Beast, Tanaraq, who co-inhabited his body. His mind was eventually transferred into Box's robot body.[79] Langkowski's mind eventually entered Thorne's tiny body in an attempt to return to the human world. Thorne's body was finally killed when Langkowski merged his mind into the Box robot to defeat Pestilence, whose freed mind had inhabited the body of Snowbird (who was in the form of Sasquatch at the time), before Langkowski took over the Sasquatch body.[80]

Thorne invented and wore an encephala-helmet, which was used to increase his already super-genius intelligence level and boost his levels of perception (such as seeing across more than the mere visible light spectrum).

Smart Alec appears as part of the "Omega Flight" entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.

Other versions of Smart Alec[edit]

Smart Alec appears in What If? #62 (June 1994) titled "What If... Wolverine Battled Weapon X?" He is shown as a member of The Flight before being killed by Guy Desjardins (that reality's version of Weapon X).

Smartship Friday[edit]


Vril Rokk[edit]

Salac Tuur[edit]


Izzy Kane[edit]


Smiling Tiger[edit]


Alistair Smythe[edit]

Spencer Smythe[edit]

Snake Marston[edit]


Snakes is a member of the new UK superhero team The Union. It has been released that Snakes represent Northern Ireland, but Snakes' powers have not been published to the public.[81]



Tildie Soames[edit]

Martin Soap[edit]



Solarr (Silas King) is a fictional supervillain appearing in Marvel Comics. Created by Steve Englehart and Sal Buscema, the character first appeared in Captain America #160.[82]

King was a latent mutant and drug runner whose mutation was catalyzed when he spent several days out in the desert sun after his truck broke down. While recovering from sunstroke and dehydration in the hospital, he realized he could discharge the solar energy he had stored as heat blasts.

Calling himself Solarr, he began a criminal career in New York City, starting with bank robbery. He partnered with Klaw, and became a member of the Emissaries of Evil.[83]

Solarr later battled Daredevil and Spider-Man when he was hired to kill a hitman. The duo defeated Solarr, though the hitman went insane.[84]

He repeatedly met defeat, and was eventually captured and imprisoned at the Project Pegasus research center in New York State, where scientists studied his powers.[85][86]

One of the other captives and subjects for study at Project Pegasus was Bres, one of the other-dimensional Fomor. Bres began to use his powers to manipulate the staff at the facility, and caused a guard named Harry Winslow to die of heart failure. Bres also freed Solarr from his cell. Solarr hated Winslow, and when he found his corpse he incinerated it. Bres used his magic to animate the charred corpse, which killed Solarr.[87]

It was later revealed that Solarr was one of the possible targets of Scourge of the Underworld, until Scourge found out that Solarr was already dead.[88]

Solarr in other media[edit]

Solarr appears in the X-Men animated television series episode "Secrets, Not Long Buried", voiced by Lorne Kennedy.[citation needed] This version is Bill Braddock, the leader of the mutant-supremacist group, Children of the Shadow, and ruler of the mutant and human cohabitation community called Skull Mesa. He is aided by the Toad and an original mutant character named Chet.


Solomon Kane[edit]


Candy Southern[edit]

Candace "Candy" Southern is a former girlfriend of Warren Worthington III in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Roy Thomas and Werner Roth, first appeared in X-Men #31 in May 1967.[89] Writer Roy Thomas created her name by combining the last name of author Terry Southern with the first name of the title character of Southern's novel Candy.[90] Within the context of the stories, she partook in many adventures before being killed by Cameron Hodge.[91]


Space Phantom[edit]

The Space Phantoms are the servants of Immortus in Marvel Comics.

For many years it was assumed that there was only one Space Phantom, but in the course of the Destiny War the Avengers discovered that there was more than one. During a journey back in time to 1873, a trio of Space Phantoms was caught impersonating the Gunhawks and the Black Rider.[92] The Space Phantoms were previously said to have originated on the planet Phantus,[93] in the Phalbo system in the Milky Way Galaxy.[94]

The first Space Phantom first appeared in Avengers vol. 1, #2, copying Giant-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk. During his battle with the Avengers, he first copied the Hulk, and battled Iron Man. He took the shape of a flying insect to escape, but Iron Man continued to battle the Hulk. The Space Phantom attacked the Wasp in his insect form, and then became Giant-Man. After fighting Iron Man he took Iron Man's form. He finally attempted to copy Thor and was banished back to Limbo because his powers couldn't affect Asgardians.[95]

Since all Space Phantoms appear identical and can appear as any other creature, it can be difficult to determine which Space Phantom did what; the following activities have previously been attributed to the Space Phantom who first encountered the Avengers, but these may not have been the same Space Phantom. A Space Phantom allied with the Grim Reaper and impersonated Madame Hydra, and commanded a division of HYDRA in that identity. The Space Phantom battled the Avengers, but was shunted back into Limbo when he attempted to mimic Rick Jones who was then linked to Captain Mar-Vell.[96] A Space Phantom was compelled by Immortus to impersonate Mantis to deceive Kang.[97] A Space Phantom attempted to trick Thor into freeing the planet Phantus from Limbo, and allied with Thor to save Phantus, which led to Thor losing much of Mjolnir's power over time.[98] A Space Phantom once encountered Rom in Limbo.[99] A Space Phantom later encountered the Avengers in Limbo.[100] A Space Phantom was used as a pawn by the Young God Calculus in a scheme pitting Spider-Man against the Avengers.[101]

The original Space Phantom is revealed to be disguised as Spider-Man in the Beyond! series.[102]




Speed Demon[edit]




May "Mayday" Parker[edit]

Anya Corazon[edit]


Spider Jameson[edit]

John Jameson[edit]


Peter Parker[edit]

Ben Reilly[edit]

Miles Morales[edit]

Otto Octavius[edit]

Pavitr Prabhakar[edit]

Spider-Man 2099[edit]





Jessica Drew[edit]

Julia Carpenter[edit]

Mattie Franklin[edit]

Charlotte Witter[edit]

Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter) is a supervillain in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Howard Mackie and John Byrne, first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2, #5 (May 1999).

Within the context of the stories, Charlotte Witter is a fashion designer and granddaughter of psychic Madame Web who also engages in black market transactions. Those dealings lead her to work for Doctor Octopus, who mutates her into a human/spider hybrid with the ability to absorb the powers of the previous Spider-Women in return for her agreeing to destroy Spider-Man. She manages to steal the powers of Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, and Madame Web, but Franklin reabsorbs the powers and leaves Witter powerless. Witter is defeated and left in a coma in her grandmother's mansion.

Charlotte Witter in other media[edit]

  • Charlotte appears as a playable character in Spider-Man Unlimited.[103]

Gwen Stacy[edit]



Darian Elliott[edit]

Gary Walsh[edit]


Spirit of '76[edit]

Spirit of Vengeance[edit]

Spirit of Vengeance (Wileaydus Autolycus) is the Ghost Rider from an alternate future of the Marvel Universe and member of the Galactic Guardians.

The character, created by Jim Valentino, first appeared as Wileaydus Autolycus in Guardians of the Galaxy #12 (May 1991) as the inheritor of the Ghost Rider mantle in the alternate timeline/reality Marvel Comics designated as Earth-691. The first appearance of the Spirit of Vengeance aspect of the character was in the following issue, Guardians of the Galaxy #13 (June 1991).

Within the context of the Marvel Comics universe, Wileaydus Autolycus is from the planet Sarka, Tilnast system, a priest of an offshoot of the Universal Church of Truth, and a religious zealot. He first encounters the Guardians of the Galaxy while they are responding to a distress call from Firelord in the Tilnast system.[104] Mistaking the ship as one carrying Black Knights of Truth as reinforcements for the Universal Church of Truth, he undergoes his first transformation into the Spirit of Vengeance and blindly attacks the Guardians.[105] Realizing his error, he sets out to "atone for this transgression" by charging into the heart of the fleet to buy the Guardians time to escape. Instead the Guardians are captured and brought before the Grand Inquisitor of the Universal Church of Truth on Sarka. The Spirit of Vengeance, with help from Replica, enables the Guardians escape. Before leaving, Vance Astro asks him to join them and consider changing his methods. He declines saying he preferred to complete his work on Sarka but that he would think on it as he kills the Grand Inquisitor.[106]

Later he is among those that respond to Martinex' call for help. He helps the gathered heroes save Martinex' homeworld and becomes one of the founding members of the Galactic Guardians.[107]

Spirit of Vengeance's powers and abilities[edit]

The Spirit of Vengeance has the mystic ability to transform into a being with superhuman strength, stamina, and durability, with a head resembling a flaming skull. He can project fire-like mystical energy called either "soulfire" or "hellfire" for various effects. He can create his "Death-Cycle", a flying motorcycle-like vehicle created from the Fires of Kauri[105] and capable of traversing airless space. The Spirit of Vengeance can also fire spike projectiles from his forearms.







Kitty Pryde[edit]

Jia Jing[edit]

Jia Jing is a mutant whose abilities manifested at the end of the Avengers vs. X-Men storyline.[108] She joins Wolverine's Mutant Academy, vowing to become "the greatest X-Man who has ever lived" and to honor the pride her of family and country. Wolverine gives her the codename "Sprite" after Kitty Pryde.[109]







Nathan Lemon[edit]

Sinclair Abbot[edit]


Squirrel Girl[edit]



Gabriel and Sarah Stacy[edit]

George Stacy[edit]

Gwen Stacy[edit]

Stacy X[edit]

Stained Glass Scarlet[edit]


Zeke Stane[edit]

Star Brand[edit]

Kenneth Connell and others[edit]


Kevin Connor[edit]


Star Thief[edit]


Starbolt is a warrior serving in the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, a multi-ethnic group of super-powered alien beings who act as enforcers of the laws of the Shi'ar Empire. Created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum, the character first appeared in X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977). Like many original members of the Imperial Guard, Starbolt is the analog of a character from DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes: in his case Sun Boy[25] (although some sources think his analog is Wildfire).[citation needed] Starbolt can fly and project energy bolts from hands.

Part of the division of the Imperial Guard known as the Superguardians, Starbolt was amongst the first of the Imperial Guard encountered by the team of superhuman mutant adventurers known as the X-Men who sought to rescue the Princess-Majestrix Lilandra from her insane brother, then-Majestor D'ken. Following the orders of their emperor, the Guard clashed with the X-Men on a nameless Shi'ar Empire planet and was on the verge of winning when the band of interstellar freebooters known as the Starjammers arrived to turn the tide of battle in the X-Men's favor. During the clash, Starbolt became enraged when he saw the feral X-Man Wolverine attacking his teammate and then-lover Oracle. After Starbolt flash-fried him, Wolverine quickly took the two lovers out of the fight by slamming them into each other.[110]

Starbolt is featured prominently in an adventure set early in his career; the Guard and the current ruler of the Shi'ar empire are set upon by Skrull assassins and are rescued by the hero later known as Captain Marvel.[111]

Starbolt was also one of eight Imperial Guardsmen chosen to battle the X-Men in a trial by combat over the fate of Phoenix, a primal force of the cosmos that had assumed the form of the X-Man Jean Grey.[112]

Soon after, Starbolt was amongst those few Imperial Guard members who opposed the treacherous Shi'ar High Council member Lord Samédàr who was aiding an attempted coup of the Shi'ar throne by Deathbird. Even after many of the Guard chose to side with Samédàr, Starbolt remained steadfast in his loyalty to then-Empress Lilandra.These Imperial Guard members went on a mission to find Lilandra, and joined with Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde in battling Samédàr's renegade Imperial Guardsmen. Starbolt was captured, but was freed on Lilandra's command.[113]

Later, after the formerly-exiled Deathbird had usurped the Shi'ar throne, Starbolt was amongst those Imperial Guard members who clashed with the British team of costumed adventurers known as Excalibur and the Starjammers over the fate of the then-bearer of the cosmic Phoenix Force, the alternate future daughter of Jean Grey named Rachel Summers.[114]

Much later, the intergalactic teleporter Lila Cheney transported the X-Men to the Shi'ar Empire at the behest of then-Empress Deathbird. On Deathbird's behalf, Starbolt and the Imperial Guardsmen battled the X-Men and Starjammers, but the X-Men had arrived in Shi'ar space just in time to see Lilandra regain her throne. Not all was as it seemed, however, as in reality a group of Warskrulls, using technology to allow them to duplicate superpowers, had captured and impersonated the X-Men's founder, the telepathic Professor Charles Xavier, using his telepathy to control Lilandra and the Imperial Guard, including Starbolt. After the ruse was discovered by the X-Men and all the Warskrull impostors were exposed, Lilandra settled matters with Deathbird, discovering her sister did not want the throne anymore.[115]

During the war between the Shi'ar and Kree Empires, Starbolt was part of a small team of Guardsmen who were charged with preventing the member of the Earth team of super-powered beings known as the Avengers named Quasar from retrieving the legendary Nega-Bands of the Kree warrior Captain Marvel, which had been stolen. Starbolt battled Quasar and Her in space during the Kree-Shi'ar War, although Starbolt was defeated and captured by Quasar.[116]

Subsequently, Starbolt was amongst those Imperial Guard members who defended Lilandra against an assassination attempt by the Kree Ronan the Accuser and his unwilling agents, the royal family of the Earth race known as the Inhumans.[117] He survived the Imperial Guard's battle with Vulcan.[118][119]

He was one of the view selected to explore "the Fault," but was killed by a group of horrifically mutated creatures from the Cancerverse during "Realm of Kings."[120]

Starbolt in other media[edit]

In the X-Men Animated Series, Starbolt appears in The Phoenix Saga and The Dark Phoenix Saga alongside the rest of the Imperial Guard.

Starbolt appeared as a mini-boss in the video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, voiced by Beau Weaver. He aids Deathbird in staging a Coup d'état against Lilandra and fights the heroes alongside Warstar.





Arno Stark[edit]

Howard Stark[edit]

Howard Anthony Stark[edit]

Howard Stark Sr.[edit]

Maria Stark[edit]

Morgan Stark[edit]

Starr the Slayer[edit]

Ava Starr[edit]

Ava Starr is the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s incarnation of Ghost. Created by Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Paul Rudd, Andrew Barrer, and Gabriel Ferrari, the character debuted in the 2018 live-action film Ant-Man and the Wasp, portrayed by Hannah John-Kamen as an adult[121][122] and RaeLynn Bratten as a child in flashbacks.[123]

In her childhood, Ava was caught in an accident in her father Elihas’ laboratory. The ensuing explosion killed both of her parents while Ava gained the ability to become intangible as her body was left in a constant state of "molecular disequilibrium". She was recruited by scientist Bill Foster to join S.H.I.E.L.D., where she was trained and given a containment suit to better control her powers. Ava agreed to work for the organization as an assassin and spy under the codename Ghost in exchange for S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s help in finding a way to stabilize her condition. However, she discovered that S.H.I.E.L.D. had no intention of helping her and subsequently went rogue to find a way to cure herself with Foster's help. The two later plan to harness the energy that Janet van Dyne’s body absorbed from the Quantum Realm, putting Ghost in direct conflict with Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne, and Scott Lang. At the end of the film, Janet willingly uses some of her energy to partially stabilize Ava's condition and she departs with Foster as Janet's group vow to collect more energy for her.

Ava Starr / Ghost also appears as a playable character in Marvel Strike Force, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, Marvel: Contest of Champions, Marvel: Future Fight, Marvel Puzzle Quest, and Marvel Avengers Academy.



Brandy Clark[edit]

Emma Steed[edit]

Steel Serpent[edit]

Steel Spider[edit]

Steel Wind[edit]


Jake Mallard[edit]

Maxwell Plumm[edit]



Chase Stein[edit]

Victor and Janet Stein[edit]


Stepford Cuckoos[edit]

Steppin' Razor[edit]

Steppin' Razor is an enemy of Blade in Marvel Comics. The character, created by Ian Edginton and Douglas H. Wheatley, first appeared in Blade: The Vampire Hunter #4 (October 1994).

Steppin' Razor, a vampire and an ex-crime lord of Jamaican descent, meets and recruits fellow vampire Carl Blake (also known as Night Terror) for a cause, the return of the vampire lord Varnae to the land of the living. Together with voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau, they lure Blade and then mentor "Bible John" Carik to Los Angeles.[124] Their plan is to capture Blade and use his body as the vessel for Varnae's spirit. The attempt fails and in the resulting fight, Night Terror's body becomes the vessel for Varnae instead. All three villains manage to escape in the chaos.[125]

Steppin' Razor in other media[edit]

Steppin' Razor appeared in Blade: The Series, played by Bokeem Woodbine. This version is the vampire leader of the Bad Bloods, the Detroit street gang tBlade belonged to when younger. The episodes Steppin' Razor appears in are "Bloodlines" and "Sacrifice". Blade gets kidnapped by the Bad Bloods. Blade wakes up chained inside a warehouse, in front of him is a man named Father Carlyle. Carlyle reveals that he has hired four men from Blade's past to kidnap him in an effort to bring peace between Blade and the vampire houses. At this point Steppin' Razor and the other Bad Bloods reveal themselves as the kidnappers and kill Carlyle. Having him at his mercy, Steppin' Razor orders the torture of Blade. He reveals his plan to turn Blade over to the House of Cththon in exchange for membership in that house. This plan fails when a friend of Blade's finds and frees him. Blade then kills all of the Bad Bloods except Steppin' Razor who escapes.[126] Blade tracks Steppin' Razor to Blade's boyhood home, and finds Steppin' Razor holding Blade's father hostage. The resulting fight ends when Blade's father runs Blade's sword through Steppin' Razor, reducing him to ash.[127]

Ella Sterling[edit]

Dr. Ella Sterling is a minor character appearing in Marvel Comics. The character, created by Greg Pak and Cory Smith, first appeared in Weapon H #1 (March 2018).[128][129][130][131]



Farley Stillwell[edit]


Wilbur Day[edit]


Michael Watts[edit]

Lady Stilt-Man (Callie Ryan)[edit]


Wendy Sherman[edit]



Pupil of Stick[edit]

Stone is Stick's second-in-command and former lover. She can withstand any physical attack as long as she is aware of it in advance.


Stone is a mutant with impenetrable rock-like skin and member of the Assassin's Guild.

Kron Stone[edit]

There are two different version of Kron Stone that appear in Marvel Comics and exist in the Marvel 2099 reality:

Original 2099 version[edit]

Kron Stone is the older half-brother of Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara), having the same father Tyler Stone. As a child, Kron was continually abused by the android housekeeper which mistook him for a dog. As a result, he later became a bully, taking enjoyment in other people's pain. The relationship between the two brothers is so conflicted that Miguel tried to kill Kron at one point. In his introduction, Stone ordered Jake Gallows' family to be killed. Gallows found Stone and fatally wounded him with a knife as revenge, before dumping his body into the sewer.[132] As Kron laid dying in the sewer, his body brushed up against a black ball. The ball then bonded to him and formed a new Venom. The symbiote was described as having mutated over the years, and displayed new abilities in this timeline, including acidic blood and saliva.[133] With this new power, Stone sought to emotionally torture Miguel—whom Kron never discovered was his half-brother—by hurting those close to him, going so far as to kill Miguel's former love Dana—who was also Tyler's lover. After a fight between Spider-Man and Venom, the former emerged as the victor, using loud speakers to neutralize Venom, who was subsequently taken to the lab for study. It was revealed that the symbiote bonded with Kron on a molecular level, giving Kron an amorphous physiology that allowed his body to take on the properties of the symbiote itself.[134]

Timestorm 2009-2099 version[edit]

A variation of Kron Stone appears in the Timestorm 2009–2099 as the alternate Marvel 2099 reality version of Scorpion. Kron Stone was one of Miguel O'Hara's nightmares during high school, a bully used to do whatever he wanted thanks to the influence of his father Tyler Stone ready to solve any trouble the son caused. One evening, Kron was tormenting the lab animals in an Alchemax laboratory, using the powerful instruments found there. While toying with a gene splicer, Stone was attacked by a sudden surge of energy, resulting in an explosion, and his DNA was fused with that of a lab scorpion. The incident transformed Stone in a hulkling and monstrous beast, with his reason lost and the powerful instinct of an arachnid to guide him. Rejected by his father, he becomes obsessed with finding a way to reverse his mutation.[135]

Kron Stone in other media[edit]

The Kron Stone version of Scorpion appears in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, voiced by John Kassir. He seeks to steal a fragment of the Tablet of Order and Chaos for a mysterious scientist in exchange for her restoring his human form. The fragment also empowers him, allowing the Scorpion to lay eggs and create offspring that share his deadly abilities. Despite this, Spider-Man 2099 was able to defeat him.[136][137]

Tyler Stone[edit]

Tyler Stone are fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are both relatives of Spider-Man 2099.

Marvel 2099 version[edit]

Tyler runs the Alchemax Corporation, one of the largest corporate powers in the dystopian 2099 future of Earth. When one of his promising young employees, Miguel O'Hara, develops a troubling conscience over testing on humans, Stone has him secretly addicted to the highly potent drug 'Rapture', that he, of course, controls, to force his compliance.[138] Miguel's successful efforts to rid himself of the addiction create several spider-based powers.[139] Stone hires the corporate mercenary Venture to capture O'Hara, now known by the name Spider-Man. At the same time, Stone is making deal concerning Tiger Wylde, the current ruler of Latveria. The deposing of said ruler also affects the first few issues of the series "Doom 2099". Venture does not succeed in his assignment.[140]

Stone arranges for one of his employees — the assassin and Stark/Fujikawa Corporation field operative known as "The Specialist" — to kidnap Kasey Nash in order to lure Miguel (as Spider-Man) into battle.[141] The Specialist was an expert martial artist, trained as a samurai warrior, and highly proficient with various martial arts weaponry. However, during the battle with Spider-Man, his throat was accidentally slit as Miguel discovered his new powers included talons.[142]

Stone then fired Public Eye Sgt. Rico Estevez, and reported the failure of his plans to the Alchemax CEO.[143] Stone conferred with Mr. Hikaru of Stark-Fujikawa,[144] and then conferred with Dana D'Angelo.[145] He then plotted against Spider-Man 2099 and Stark-Fujikawa.[146] Soon after that, Stone encountered Thanatos for the first time.[147] Thanatos later disrupts Stone's interdimensional piercing program; chasing after an amnesiac super-powered being that becomes swept up in the events. Tyler and his girlfriend Dana are assaulted and kidnapped in the course of this adventure.[148] It is later detailed that Thanatos is a corrupted version of the heroic Rick Jones, longtime associate of the Hulk.[149]

Tyler's son Kron Stone, chronically neglected and physically abused by the family's robot nanny (it believed him to be a dog for a time), grew up to be an amoral murderer. His serial killings take the lives of Jake Gallows' extended family, resulting in his transformation into his era's Punisher.[150] Kron, like many other rich people, has the ability to simply purchase his way out of any legal punishment and does so. This does not save him from death at Jake's hands.[volume & issue needed]

Tyler interrupts his holographic observation of the Alchemax undersea colony rebuilding (Atlanteans had damaged it). He accepts the ashes of his son from his assistant Winston; then flushes them down the toilet.[151]

Tyler and Kron appear in various flashbacks in the 2099 series that deals with Miguel's education. In one story, he gets into a verbal sparring match with Miguel after Kron is accused of attempted murder.[152]

Kron returns to life through interaction with an alien symbiote. Tyler attempts to have him slain again but is outmaneuvered.[volume & issue needed]

For a time, the Doctor Doom of this period takes over America and reveals that Tyler Stone is not the true power in Alchemax, it is Avatarr, a mysterious alien being. In a fit of rage, Doom kills Avatarr.[153]

Miguel later infiltrates Tyler's building. He unexpectedly overhears his own mother conversing with Tyler. He then hears he is actually Tyler's son.[154]

Later, Miguel becomes head of Alchemax. He hires his own mother as his personal secretary. Around this time, she shoots and severely wounds Tyler, forcing him to utilize a hover-chair.[volume & issue needed] During his recovery in the hospital, Tyler learns his love, Dana, had been killed; the murderer turns out to be his son Kron.[155]

Tyler realizes his son has returned to life due to interacting with the Venom symbiote. He attempts to have it slain but is resisted by the science team overseeing the symbiote's prison cell. Miguel then overrules him. After the funeral of Dana, whom both Miguel and Tyler had slept with, Tyler attempts to bully Miguel, saying he will be reclaiming his office on the next day. Tyler claims this will be done because he is Miguel's father. The man knows this already and has Tyler removed by security.[156]

During Tyler's many attempts to regain control over the company, he recalls it was Mrs. O'Hara who shot him. She again pulls a gun but Miguel takes the weapon. Tyler states he has always known O'Hara has been Spider-Man. Miguel fires three shots. It is revealed Tyler was utilizing a holographic projection. When questioned on if he knew it was projection before firing, Miguel says "I hope so."[157]

Undersea invaders rampage through New York as revenge for Alchemax threatening to remove them from the city of New Atlantis. The leader Roman flooded the city of New York,[158] and summoned the monster Giganto, who had originally appeared decades ago.[159] This starts an evacuation of the city. Tyler is shot to death by General Dagin of the Atlantean Army. Mrs. O'Hara also perishes in the conflict.[160] Stone's Mars Colony, called 'Project: Ares', becomes one of the last two outposts of humanity, the Savage Land being the other. This is detailed in the series 2099: World of Tomorrow.[161]

Tiberius Stone[edit]

Tiberius (Tyler) Stone is Tyler Stone's grandfather.[162] An acquaintance of Peter Parker, he was the Kingpin's agent and the Tinkerer's protégé while his acts of sabotage led to Horizon Labs' destruction and to Alchemax's rise with Normie Osborn's Oscorp stock.

Tyler Stone in other media[edit]

Tiberius Stone makes his animated debut in Marvel's Spider-Man episode "Cloak and Dagger", voiced by Jonathan Brooks.[163] This version visually resembles Tyler Stone and is Alchemax's CEO. He is considered a possible benefactor to Midtown High by Anna Maria Marconi, but is confronted by Cloak and Dagger, who seek revenge on him for experimenting on them. They destroy his defenses, but the Superior Spider-Man defeats Dagger while Stone defeats Cloak. Stone also tries to attack the Superior Spider-Man to prevent his company's corruption from being exposed, but is subdued by Peter Parker via the Living Brain.



A feared crime boss and enemy to the Falcon. During his time as the crime lord of Harlem, Stoneface was brought down by a Superhero team of Sam Wilson, Captain America, and Spider-Man. Stoneface's territory in Harlem was then ceded to his former colleague Morgan. As a courtesy, Morgan helped exile Stoneface into friendly confines out of the United States in Lagos, Nigeria. Unfortunately for Stoneface, when he kidnapped a visiting Leila Taylor he came into conflict with again with the Falcon who was assisted this time by the Black Panther.


Louis Hamilton[edit]

Jerry Sledge[edit]


Franklin Storm[edit]


Gene Strausser[edit]

Straw Man[edit]


Striker is a super powered teen in the Marvel Comics universe.

The character, created by Christos Gage and Mike McKone, first appeared in Avengers Academy #1 (June 2010).

Within the context of the stories, Striker becomes a child actor at a young age and is molested by his manager. During an encounter, Striker's power of electrical manipulation manifests. Norman Osborn offers Striker whatever he wants in exchange for the use of his powers.[164] Striker is recruited into the Avengers Academy along with five other students who have been affected by Osborn.[165] He uses this opportunity to become famous again.[166] He, Veil, and Hazmat then hunt down The Hood and video tape him screaming for mercy under electric torture. The video gets thousands of likes on YouTube, but at first Tigra is disgusted and actually requests the teen get expelled. Hank convinces her to allow the kids to remain, to which she grudgingly agrees, but secretly she relishes in watching the video of Hood screaming.[167] Later the team fights Korvac with the bodies and strength of their older selves. A mature Striker is killed by Korvac's blast, but is then reverted to his younger self by Korvac's estranged wife, Carina. Striker has an emotional breakdown after experiencing death.[168] After a pep talk from Tigra, he is better able to control his powers and doesn't fear death. He also hatches a plan to save the students from Absorbing Man and Titaniana's attack on the Infinity Mansion.[169] Later on, he reveals to Julie Power that he thinks he is gay.[170] He soon publicly announces his sexual orientation in a press conference, showing Julie his fame hungry side.[171]

He was later scarred in the face by Jeremy Briggs when the Academy kids tried to stop him from releasing a superhuman cure.[172] At the series' conclusion, he goes on a date with another teenage boy, even turning off his phone and ignoring his mother's urgings. The faculty then announce that Striker and the others have graduated the Academy.[173] Striker later appears in Avengers Undercover, where he and Finesse visit Hazmat in the S.H.I.E.L.D. detention center after Hazmat kills Arcade.[174]

Striker later appeared as part of a new program established by Leonardo da Vinci to replace the defunct S.H.I.E.L.D. He is seen sparring with Reptil.[175]



Mendel Stromm[edit]

Strong Guy[edit]


Bruce Olafsen[edit]

Percy van Norton[edit]



William Stryker[edit]

Alistaire Stuart[edit]

Alistaire Stuart and his sister Alysande are the founding members of the Weird Happenings Organization in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis, first appeared in Uncanny X-Men.

Within the context of the stories, Alistaire is part of a British Government organization which investigates supernatural and superhuman incidents.

The character is most probably based on Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of Doctor Who.[citation needed] During the time of his early appearances, Marvel was printing Doctor Who Magazine.

Alysande Stuart[edit]

Alysande Stuart and her brother Alistaire are the founding members of the Weird Happenings Organization in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis, first appeared in Excalibur #6 in March 1989.

Within the context of the stories, Alysande is part of a British Government organization which investigates supernatural and superhuman incidents.


George Smith[edit]

Steve Brooks[edit]

Kid Stunt-Master[edit]

Styx and Stone[edit]


Subbie is an amphibious boy who grew up in the depths of the ocean, and appeared in Kid Komics #1-2.


Sublime (also known as John Sublime), is a supervillain (a sentient bacterium). The character is usually depicted as an enemy of the X-Men, and first appeared in the New X-Men Annual 2001. Sublime is the self-appointed name of a sentient bacterial lifeform that arose during the beginnings of life on Earth. With the rise of multicellular lifeforms, Sublime found endless numbers of hosts it could infect. Sublime is not a typical sapient but a sentient microscopic bacterial colony that can possess the body of any living organism , and manipulate both psyche and physical appearance. Other abilities include mass mind control, personal genetic manipulation (which allows for accelerated healing), cellular shapeshifting, as well as performing any number of power enhancements. Sublime appears in Marvel Anime: X-Men voiced by Troy Baker in the English dubbed version.


Sugar Man[edit]


Hope Summers[edit]

Rachel Summers[edit]

Ruby Summers[edit]

Lin Sun[edit]

Sun Girl[edit]

Mary Mitchell[edit]

Selah Burke[edit]


Sunder (Mark Hallett) is a mutant in the Marvel Universe, a member of the Morlocks. The character, created by Chris Claremont and Paul Smith, first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #169 (May 1983).

Within the context of the stories, Sunder's mutant powers give him superhuman strength, stamina and durability. He is a founding member of the Morlocks, abandoning the identity he had in the surface human world. Sunder is the aide to Callisto, the muscle of his group who is very protective of them, especially Callisto. On Callisto's orders, he kidnaps Angel to the realm of the Morlocks.[176] He later aids Callisto in abducting Kitty Pryde and attempting to force Pryde to marry the Morlock Caliban.[177] He also serves the wizard Kulan Gath when the latter took over Manhattan.[178] Some time later, he took up residence on Muir Island.[volume & issue needed] He briefly joins the "Muir Island" X-Men organized by Moira MacTaggert, but is killed by the cyborg Pretty-Boy with a bullet wound in the back when the Reavers invade Muir Island.[179]

Other versions of Sunder[edit]

  • In the alternate Age of Apocalypse reality, Sunder is known as Brute and is a member of the Outcasts, alongside Nate Grey.[180] He is killed by Mister Sinister.[181]
  • In the House of M timeline, Sunder is seen as a member of the Genoshan Black Ops version of the Marauders.[volume & issue needed]
  • Sunder is introduced to the Ultimate Marvel Universe as the leader of the Ultimate Morlocks.[182] His desire to fight and kill any perceived threat, instead of using diplomatic means, results in his demotion as leader and replacement by Nightcrawler.[volume & issue needed] He is forced to bring some innocent mutants to Mister Sinister.[183]
  • The X-Men: Evolution comic, based on the show of the same name, features Sunder as one of the Morlocks.[184]

Sunder in other media[edit]

Sunder appears alongside the Morlocks in the X-Men animated series, where he is voiced by Dan Hennessey.







Super Rabbit[edit]

Super Sabre[edit]







Supreme Intelligence[edit]





Sway (Suzanne Chan) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She first appeared in X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3 as one of the "Missing X-Men". She was created by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Pete Woods.

Originally from Hong Kong, David and Emily Chan became naturalized citizens of the United States after living twenty years in California. They had a daughter named Suzanne, who, at 17 years old, wanted to attend Barnard College on the east coast of the United States and planned a trip to New York City to prove to her parents that she would be safe on her own after moving. During the trip, David and Emily were gunned down in a crossfire between gangs in Chinatown. Although standing a few feet from her parents, Suzanne was unscathed, which perplexed police detectives.

After the shooting, Suzanne entered a state of shock. She could only dwell on the fact that when the shooting started, she had somehow stopped the bullets in midair and was able to get herself out of the path of the bullets. In actuality she had stopped time around the bullets, effectively freezing them in place. Unfortunately, she was unable to do the same for her parents, and could only watch as the bullets tore into them.

The police placed the traumatized girl in a hospital for forty-eight-hour observation, during which she mostly slept and cried. When she was released, she was told that the police were looking into things, but they did not have any leads. Wandering the streets, she returned to the spot where her parents were killed. Suddenly, her mutant powers activated again and she was able to see past events in the area, namely the phantoms of herself and her parents. After witnessing the shooting for a second time, Suzanne followed the phantom car, carrying her parents’ murderers, throughout the city. She then realized that she somehow had control over the flow of time and she was making it replay itself for her.[185]

Suzanne followed the murderers to their front door and inside she could see them celebrating. She called the police, and when they arrived, the killers opened fire. Consciously using her power for the first time, she froze the bullets and the killers in time. After giving her statement to the police, the detective contacted Dr. Moira MacTaggert, who then offered Suzanne a chance to train in the use of her mutant abilities. She took the code-name Sway and went with MacTaggert. She was in the first team, along with Kid Vulcan, Darwin, and Petra to attempt to rescue the X-Men from Krakoa, but was sliced in half by the island's force. With the last of her power, she and the mortally wounded Petra combined their powers to save their remaining teammates from certain death.[186]

When the X-Men establish Krakoa as a mutant paradise, Sway was among the revived mutants living there, She, Petra, and Vulcan were residing in the Summer House.[187]

During the "Empyre" storyline, Sway and Petra have a drink with Vulcan at the Summer House on the Moon. After Vulcan defeated his Cotati attackers, Sway and Petra catch up to him.[188]

Sway demonstrated the ability to decelerate and probably stop or even accelerate time around her body, as well as a form of retrocognitive projection that allowed her to replay the recent pasts as short bursts of ghostly images. It's highly possible her powers revolve either around the manipulation of gravitation as means for spacetime curvature or the control of chronitons, much like Tempo, another time-manipulating mutant. By focusing carefully, Suzanne was able to slow down and stop objects entirely, enabling her to freeze projectiles in mid-air, immobilize her enemies, and various other effects. Apparently, Suzanne's training had honed her abilities to the point where she could target specific objects in her range or everything within a certain radius.

Jenny Swensen[edit]

Beverly Switzler[edit]

Sword Master[edit]

Sword Master (Lin Lie) is a fictional Chinese superhero appearing in the Marvel Universe. The character was created for the Chinese Market by artist Gunji and writer Shuizhu in a collaboration between Marvel Comics and NetEase.[189][190]

After debuting in Chinese digital comics in 2018, Sword Master made his American comics debut in War of the Realms, New Agents of Atlas before starring in his own series. His series features translations of the original Chinese comics and new material by Greg Pak teaming up with Shang-Chi.[191]

As a young man, Lin Lie receives an ancient sword by his archaeologist father who found it while excavating a 5,000-year-old tomb.[189] Sword Master is the last descendant of Fuxi, and his Fuxi Sword has mysterious magical powers.[192]


Kevin Sydney[edit]




Max Mullins[edit]

Emily Guerrero[edit]


Margali Szardos[edit]

Margali Szardos, also known as Margali of the Winding Way, Red Queen or Fata Morgana, is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She first appeared in Uncanny X-Men Annual #4, and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist John Romita Jr. based on sketches by John Byrne. Margali is Nightcrawler's adopted mother. She is also the biological mother of Amanda Sefton, formerly known as Daytripper and the second Magik.[193]


  1. ^ DeFalco, Tom; Sanderson, Peter; Brevoort, Tom; Teitelbaum, Michael; Wallace, Daniel; Darling, Andrew; Forbeck, Matt; Cowsill, Alan; Bray, Adam (2019). The Marvel Encyclopedia. DK Publishing. p. 304. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0.
  2. ^ The Invaders #27 (April 1978)
  3. ^ All-New Invaders Issue 6–7
  4. ^ Citizen V and the V-Battalion #2 (July 2001)
  5. ^ Guerrero, Tony 'G-Man' (28 March 2014). "Exclusive: James Robinson Talks ALL-NEW INVADERS, Original Sin, and New Characters". ComicVine.com. Retrieved 29 December 2014.
  6. ^ Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #50. Marvel Comics.
  7. ^ Marvel Premiere #23. Marvel Comics.
  8. ^ Marvel Premiere #25. Marvel Comics.
  9. ^ Untold Tales of Spider-Man #15. Marvel Comics.
  10. ^ Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1
  11. ^ Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #4. Marvel Comics.
  12. ^ Han, Angie (September 10, 2015). "'Luke Cage' Adds Frank Whaley as Rafael Scarfe". /Film.
  13. ^ Navarro, Guillermo (director); Matt Owens (writer) (September 30, 2016). "Who's Gonna Take the Weight?". Marvel's Luke Cage. Season 1. Episode 3. Netflix. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  14. ^ Miller, Sam (director); Nathan Louis Jackson (writer) (September 30, 2016). "Suckas Need Bodyguards". Marvel's Luke Cage. Season 1. Episode 6. Netflix. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  15. ^ The Secret Origin of Infinity Inc., Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway, Alter Ego Vol. 3 #1. Accessed 2011-03-23.
  16. ^ Cowsill, Alan; Manning, Matthew K. (2012). Spider-Man Chronicle: Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging. DK Publishing. p. 112. ISBN 978-0756692360.
  17. ^ Sanderson, Peter (2007). The Marvel Comics Guide to New York City. New York City: Pocket Books. pp. 30–33. ISBN 978-1-4165-3141-8.
  18. ^ Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 2 #36
  19. ^ Spider-Man Unlimited #13
  20. ^ Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1
  21. ^ X-Men Legacy #275.
  22. ^ Ultimates Vol. 2 #9
  23. ^ Ultimates Vol. 2 #10
  24. ^ Ultimates Vol. 2 #11
  25. ^ a b Cronin, Brian. "Comic Legends: Why New Imperial Guard Members in Dark Phoenix Saga?", CBR (APR 09, 2018).
  26. ^ X-Men Vol. 1 #107 (Oct. 1977).
  27. ^ Uncanny X-Men #274-277 (Mar.–June 1991).
  28. ^ Quasar #33 (Apr. 1992).
  29. ^ Wonder Man #9 (May 1992).
  30. ^ The Avengers #347 (May 1992).
  31. ^ The Uncanny X-Men #480 (Jan. 2007).
  32. ^ Emperor Vulcan #1–5 (Nov. 2007–Mar. 2008).
  33. ^ Secret Invasion: Inhumans #3–4 (Dec. 2008–Jan. 2009).
  34. ^ X-Men: Kingbreaker #1–4 (Feb.–May 2009).
  35. ^ War of Kings (May–Oct. 2009).
  36. ^ Guardians of the Galaxy #13 (May 2014).
  37. ^ DeFalco, Tom; Sanderson, Peter; Brevoort, Tom; Teitelbaum, Michael; Wallace, Daniel; Darling, Andrew; Forbeck, Matt; Cowsill, Alan; Bray, Adam (2019). The Marvel Encyclopedia. DK Publishing. p. 309. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0.
  38. ^ The New Avengers #1–2. Marvel Comics.
  39. ^ a b c d Carnage #1–5. Marvel Comics.
  40. ^ Carnage USA #3–5. Marvel Comics.
  41. ^ Web of Venom: Carnage Born #1. Marvel Comics.
  42. ^ Amazing Spider-Man #800. Marvel Comics.
  43. ^ Spider-Man: Maximum Venom Debut at Marvel.com
  44. ^ "Marvel's Spider-Man on Disney XD". TheFutonCritic.com. Retrieved July 18, 2017.
  45. ^ Secret Defenders #16
  46. ^ Secret Defenders #17
  47. ^ Secret Defenders #19
  48. ^ Secret Defenders #20 – 22
  49. ^ a b Secret Defenders #25
  50. ^ Sensational Spider-Man 1996
  51. ^ Thunderbolts #113
  52. ^ Thunderbolts #114
  53. ^ New Avengers (vol.2) #7
  54. ^ Iron Man #278. Marvel Comics
  55. ^ Avengers #346. Marvel Comics
  56. ^ Annihilation: Conquest #1. Marvel Comics
  57. ^ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #3. Marvel Comics
  58. ^ What If? Vol. 2 #55. Marvel Comics
  59. ^ Daredevil #272–273 (1989)
  60. ^ Punisher War Zone #1–6 (1992)
  61. ^ Benton, Mike (1992). Superhero Comics of the Golden Age: The Illustrated History. Dallas: Taylor Publishing Company. p. 160. ISBN 0-87833-808-X. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
  62. ^ "The Silver Scorpion", Daring Mystery Comics #7 at the Grand Comics Database
  63. ^ Silver Scorpion at Don Markstein's Toonopedia. Archived from the original on June 3, 2017.
  64. ^ Mitchell, Kurt; Thomas, Roy (2019). American Comic Book Chronicles: 1940-1944. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 67. ISBN 978-1605490892.
  65. ^ Avengers/Invaders #10–12
  66. ^ "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition" Vol.1 #2 (Jan. 1991)
  67. ^ Marvel Premiere #13–14 (January and March 1974)
  68. ^ Venom #161. Marvel Comics
  69. ^ Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 #23. Marvel Comics
  70. ^ Venom #164. Marvel Comics
  71. ^ Venom #165. Marvel Comics
  72. ^ Venom: First Host #1. Marvel Comics
  73. ^ Venom: First Host #2. Marvel Comics
  74. ^ Venom: First Host #3. Marvel Comics
  75. ^ Venom: First Host #4-5. Marvel Comics
  76. ^ Alpha Flight Special, 1992
  77. ^ Alpha Flight vol. 1 #1, 1983
  78. ^ Alpha Flight vol. 1 #12, 1984
  79. ^ Alpha Flight vol. 1 #24, 1985
  80. ^ Alpha Flight vol. 1 #46, 1987
  81. ^ Pulfer, Richard (February 14, 2020). "Meet THE UNION: Marvel's New UK Superhero Team". Screen Rant.
  82. ^ Rovin, Jeff (1987). The Encyclopedia of Supervillains. New York: Facts on File. p. 322. ISBN 0-8160-1356-X.
  83. ^ Alpha Flight Special #1
  84. ^ Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #123
  85. ^ Marvel Two-in-One #57–58
  86. ^ Dazzler #9
  87. ^ Power Man & Iron Fist vol.1 #113
  88. ^ Captain America vol.1 #320
  89. ^ DeFalco, Tom; Sanderson, Peter; Brevoort, Tom; Teitelbaum, Michael; Wallace, Daniel; Darling, Andrew; Forbeck, Matt; Cowsill, Alan; Bray, Adam (2019). The Marvel Encyclopedia. DK Publishing. p. 339. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0.
  90. ^ Sanderson, Peter (1982). "Interview with Roy Thomas". The X-Men Companion I. Stamford, CT: Fantagraphics Books. p. 40.
  91. ^ X-Factor #34 (November 1988) & #36 (January 1989).
  92. ^ Avengers Forever #5. Marvel Comics.
  93. ^ Thor #281. Marvel Comics.
  94. ^ Phantom's entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol. 2 #15. Marvel Comics.
  95. ^ Avengers #2. Marvel Comics.
  96. ^ Avengers #106-108. Marvel Comics.
  97. ^ Giant-Size Avengers #4. Marvel Comics.
  98. ^ Thor #281-282. Marvel Comics.
  99. ^ Rom #19. Marvel Comics.
  100. ^ Avengers #268. Marvel Comics.
  101. ^ Spectacular Spider-Man #168-170. Marvel Comics.
  102. ^ Beyond! #3. Marvel Comics.
  103. ^ Palmer, Roger (September 6, 2017). "Spider-Man Unlimited Update 25 Details". Diskingdom. Archived from the original on June 16, 2019. Retrieved June 16, 2019.
  104. ^ Jim Valentino (w), Jim Valentino (p). "Nothing Like a Little Overkill" Guardians of the Galaxy 12 (May 1991)
  105. ^ a b Jim Valentino (w), Jim Valentino (p). "Spirit of Vengeance" Guardians of the Galaxy 13 (June 1991)
  106. ^ Jim Valentino (w), Jim Valentino (p). "Hallowed Be Thy Name" Guardians of the Galaxy 14 (July 1991)
  107. ^ Jim Valentino (w), Herb Trimpe (p). "Riders on the Storm" Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 2 (1992)
  108. ^ Avengers vs. X-Men #12
  109. ^ Wolverine and the X-Men Issue 27
  110. ^ X-Men Vol. 1 #107 (Oct. 1977).
  111. ^ Untold Legend of Captain Marvel #1-3 (Apr.–June 1997).
  112. ^ Uncanny X-Men #137 (Sept. 1980).
  113. ^ Uncanny X-Men #157-158 (May–June 1982).
  114. ^ X-Men: Spotlight on... Starjammers #2 (June 1990).
  115. ^ Uncanny X-Men #274-277 (Mar.–June 1991).
  116. ^ Quasar #33 (Apr. 1992)
  117. ^ Inhumans vol. 3, #3 (Aug. 2000).
  118. ^ The Uncanny X-Men #480 (Jan. 2007).
  119. ^ Starbolt bio at Marvel.com.
  120. ^ Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard #4 (Apr. 2010).
  121. ^ Breznican, Anthony (July 22, 2017). "Michelle Pfeiffer will play Janet Van Dyne in Ant-Man and The Wasp". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on July 23, 2017. Retrieved July 22, 2017.
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  123. ^ "Ant-Man and the Wasp Press Kit" (PDF). Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-07-04. Retrieved July 4, 2018.
  124. ^ Blade: The Vampire Hunter #4
  125. ^ Blade: The Vampire Hunter #5
  126. ^ Alcala, Felix Enriquez (director); Geoff Johns (writer) (July 19, 2006). "Bloodlines". Blade: The Series. Season 1. Episode 5. Spike. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  127. ^ Straiton, David (director); Chris Ruppenthal (writer) (August 9, 2006). "Sacrifice". Blade: The Series. Season 1. Episode 8. Spike. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  128. ^ Weapon H #1. Marvel Comics.
  129. ^ Weapon H #2. Marvel Comics.
  130. ^ Weapon H #4. Marvel Comics.
  131. ^ Weapon H #5. Marvel Comics.
  132. ^ Punisher 2099 #2. Marvel Comics.
  133. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #35. Marvel Comics.
  134. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #37. Marvel Comics.
  135. ^ Timestorm: 2009–2099 #1–3. Marvel Comics.
  136. ^ "San Diego Comic-Con 2010: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimension Updates". Archived from the original on July 23, 2010. Retrieved July 22, 2010.
  137. ^ "The Deadly Villains of Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions". IGN.
  138. ^ DeFalco, Tom (2006). The Marvel Encyclopedia. Dorling Kindersley. p. 282. ISBN 978-0-7566-2358-6.
  139. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #1 (1992). Marvel Comics.
  140. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #2-3 (1992). Marvel Comics.
  141. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #4. Marvel Comics.
  142. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #5. Marvel Comics.
  143. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #6. Marvel Comics.
  144. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #7. Marvel Comics.
  145. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #8. Marvel Comics.
  146. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #9. Marvel Comics.
  147. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #11. Marvel Comics.
  148. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #13-14 (Nov-Dec 1993). Marvel Comics.
  149. ^ Captain Marvel (Vol. 3) #27-30 (March–May 2002). Marvel Comics.
  150. ^ the Marvel 2099 hero featured in the series Punisher 2099
  151. ^ "Spider-Man 2099" #10 (August 1993). Marvel Comics.
  152. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #33 (July 1995). Marvel Comics.
  153. ^ Doom 2099 #31 (August 1995). Marvel Comics.
  154. ^ In the double-sized Spider-Man 2099 #25. Marvel Comics.
  155. ^ "Spider-Man" #40 (April 1996). Marvel Comics.
  156. ^ "Spider-Man" #41 (March 1996). Marvel Comics.
  157. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #44 (June 1996). Marvel Comics.
  158. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #43 (May 1996). Marvel Comics.
  159. ^ Fantastic Four #149 (August 1974). Marvel Comics.
  160. ^ Spider-Man 2099 #46 (August 1996). Marvel Comics.
  161. ^ 2099 The World Of Tomorrow #1-3 (1996). Marvel Comics.
  162. ^ Superior Spider-Man #17. Marvel Comics.
  163. ^ "Cloak and Dagger". Spider-Man. Season 2. Episode 43. October 6, 2019. Disney XD. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  164. ^ Avengers Academy #5
  165. ^ Avengers Academy #1
  166. ^ Avengers Academy 5 (October 2010)
  167. ^ Avengers Academy Issue # 8
  168. ^ Avengers Academy 12
  169. ^ Avengers Academy Issue # 18
  170. ^ Avengers Academy #23
  171. ^ Avengers Academy #27
  172. ^ Avengers Academy Vol. 1 #37
  173. ^ Avengers Academy Vol. 1 #39
  174. ^ Avengers Undercover #4
  175. ^ Invincible Iron Man #600. Marvel Comics.
  176. ^ Uncanny X-Men #169
  177. ^ Uncanny X-Men #178–179
  178. ^ Uncanny X-Men #190
  179. ^ Uncanny X-Men #254 (1989)
  180. ^ X-Man #1
  181. ^ X-Man #2
  182. ^ Ultimate X-Men #82
  183. ^ Ultimate X-Men #90
  184. ^ X-Men: Evolution #8
  185. ^ X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3
  186. ^ X-Men: Deadly Genesis #6
  187. ^ X-Men Vol. 5 #8
  188. ^ X-Men Vol. 5 #10
  189. ^ a b Yan, Alice (10 May 2018). "Chinese superheroes Sword Master and Aero join the fight against evil in Marvel universe". South China Morning Post. Retrieved 20 May 2019.
  190. ^ "Sword Master #1". Previews World. Retrieved 20 May 2019.
  191. ^ Mah, Dominic (20 May 2019). "An Interview with Greg Pak about Marvel's New All-Asian Superhero Team 'Agents of Atlas'". The Nerds of Color. Retrieved 20 May 2019.
  192. ^ Huang, Zheping (10 May 2018). "Marvel's first Chinese superheroes are coming—and here are their superpowers". Quartzy. Retrieved 20 May 2019.
  193. ^ http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/06/05/what-if-john-byrne-designed-nightcrawlers-mother-by-accident/