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Седьмой сезон китайского телесериала « Певец» ( китайский : led ; ранее назывался « Я певец» ) транслировался по телевидению Хунань в период с января по апрель 2019 года. Продюсером « Певца 2019» выступила компания Hong Tao, а его музыкальным руководителем был старший музыкант из Гонконга Куберт Люн. . Первый эпизод был записан 4 января 2019 года, а первая премьера на Mango TV состоялась 11 января 2019 года. YouTube также транслировал эпизоды, результаты которых были заменены коммерческими фрагментами. [1]

Сезон завершился 12 апреля 2019 года, и победителем стал китайский певец Лю Хуань . Лю был первым певцом из материкового Китая, победившим после Хан Хун в третьем сезоне , а также первым мужчиной-победителем после Хан Лея во втором сезоне . Тайваньская Sodagreen солист В Тсинг-Фонг и группа Китайских четыре-члена Супер-Vocal (Frank Ju, Ayanga , Cai Chengyu и бывший член Чжэн Yunlong ) заняла второе место и третье место, соответственно. Впервые все четыре лучших певца были мужчинами. [2] Это также первый сезон с первого сезона. сезон закончился без проводимого раз в два года концерта после финала.

Правила конкурса [ править ]

Как и предыдущие сезоны « Я - певец и певец» , « Певец 2019» был разделен на четыре раунда по три этапа, при этом семь певцов выступали перед аудиторией из 500 человек каждую неделю. Была введена функция электронного голосования , впервые появившаяся перед голосованием в предыдущем сезоне ; электронное голосование (до трех голосов) проводилось на протяжении всего выступления и составило 50% итоговой оценки. Как и в предыдущих сезонах, набранные голоса в отборочных турнирах и нокаутах определили, какой певец будет исключен из конкурса. Раунд Challenge, впервые представленный в третьем сезоне, тоже вернулся. В нем содержалось правило, согласно которому участники должны победить как минимум четырех из семи оставшихся певцов, чтобы остаться в конкурсе.

Также было изменено объявление результатов: на стол было положено четырнадцать конвертов, отображающих места участников в текущем туре, среди которых семь конвертов были названы конвертами с именами участников, а остальные семь были пронумерованы конвертами с номерами мест. . Один за другим певцам было предложено выбрать по одному конверту из каждой категории и увидеть результат самостоятельно, без других певцов. Певцам была предоставлена ​​возможность раскрывать просмотренные ими результаты - путем блефа или раскрытия фактических результатов - другим участникам по своему усмотрению. В то время как четыре лучших исполнителя смогли получить информацию о размещении в раунде, три нижних вместо этого получили пустые конверты, как и в шестом сезоне.где места не были объявлены до нокаутов. У менеджеров также была возможность раскрыть результаты электронного голосования. [3] [4]

Что касается выбора песен, каждый участник мог выбрать только свои собственные песни для своего первого выступления. После каждого раунда, если участник финишировал первым, певец может выбрать свою песню для выступления на следующей неделе. Кроме того, менеджеры или участники могут также опрашивать других исполнителей в изоляции, не оказывая влияния на других потенциальных участников и не препятствуя им.

Начиная со второго тура, певцам, обычно занимающим более высокие места, давали WeChat.сообщения, чтобы направить их на сцену, чтобы проверить конверты для трех нижних мест размещения. После этого Хун Тао уведомлял этих певцов о безопасных результатах выступления (а в случае с нокаутом - об общем размещении певцов) и иногда обсуждал, какой певец будет исключен. Остальные певцы, которые не получили сообщений, войдут в комнату позже, после чего Хун Тао объявит о размещении для оставшихся мест (а в случае общего или контрольного размещения - выбывшего певца). Результаты электронного голосования, которые также были обнародованы в конце шоу, были объявлены в частном порядке соответствующему менеджеру каждого певца после того, как каждое выступление закончилось изолированно, для других менеджеров с отключенным звуком.

Рекомендуемый певец National [ править ]

Организованный Sina Weibo , онлайн-спин-офф под названием National's Recommended Singer (踢馆 赛 全民 举荐 歌手), премьера которого состоялась 27 декабря 2018 года. Подобно фильму «Я певец, который будет бросать вызов» , певцы и онлайн-зрители могут порекомендовать потенциального певца. Требования состоят в том, чтобы исполнить одну музыкальную композицию, быть не моложе 18 лет и быть доступным в установленное продюсерами время. В определенные периоды - обычно в течение недели между датами записи и выхода в эфир квалификационного раунда, зрители опрашиваются в Интернете, чтобы выбрать наиболее подходящего певца, а певец, набравший наибольшее количество голосов, выбирается в качестве национального рекомендованного певца, которые затем присоединятся к группе в Нокаутах, где они по отдельности встретятся с профессиональным претендентом (专业 踢馆 歌手) в предварительном вбрасывании (踢馆 预选赛). [5]

Организованное Хун Тао, вбрасывание транслировалось исключительно онлайн одновременно с текущим раундом на выбывание; это не транслировалось по телевидению. Голоса, поданные за вбрасывание, были отделены от голосов в раунде на выбывание, и результат (который не будет объявлен до раунда Challenge) зависел от того, какой певец получил большинство голосов. Победителю вбрасывания был предоставлен статус Претендента (и его или ее менеджер) и право участвовать в соревновании. Однако поражение приведет к его или ее исключению и лишению права участвовать в Breakouts, хотя певцу все еще было разрешено выступать с выступлениями Return во время записи раунда Challenge (который транслировался после окончания эпизода); в связи с изменением,это первый сезон, не все ранее выбывшие певцы (за исключением выбывших певцов) были допущены к участию.

В первом раунде приняли участие Чжэн Иминь, Бии , Эрик Чоу и Лю Юнин . Голосование завершилось 5 января 2019 года, и Лю был признан первым рекомендованным певцом National, набрав 1 467 482 голоса. [6] 28 января 2019 года Джефферсон Цянь был выбран вторым рекомендованным певцом National и встретился с финалистами Super-Vocal во втором вбрасывании Pre-Challenge. [7] [8] В третьем и последнем раунде Анджела Хуэй была выбрана третьей и последней рекомендованной певицей National и встретилась с Бии .

Несмотря на то, что он не участвовал в Pre-Вызов вбрасывании , Чэнь Chusheng был также выбран профессионалами и сразу же стал претендентом во время конечной Knockout или Вызова раунда из - за одного певца , который не выполнил эту неделю из - за травмы (см ниже ).

Участники [ править ]

Следующие участники Singer 2019 перечислены в алфавитном порядке. Певцы, не получившие места в финале, указываются как финалисты, а певцы, которые отказались, перечисляются как выбывшие.


  - Победитель
  - Занявший второе место
  - Третье место
  - Другой финалист
  - Вылетевший / Не участник (не имеет права на прорывы)
- Национальный рекомендуемый певец

Future appearances[edit]

Cai Chengyu of Super-Vocal returned in season eight to serve as a temporary music partner for Charlie Zhou in episode five due to his original music partner being unavailable. Second season finalists from the same show entered the competition on episode eight as Surprise Challengers.


Competition details[edit]

First round[edit]


  • Recording Date: January 4, 2019
  • Airing date: January 11, 2019

This round's performance order was determined through each contestant's preferred style.


  • Recording Date: January 10, 2019
  • Airing date: January 18, 2019

Overall ranking[edit]

During the announcement of the results, the placement for some singers (Yang Kun, Escape Plan and Melanie Zhang) were blanked and were later revealed by Hong Tao after all the singers had opened their envelopes.


Pre-Challenge Face-off[edit]
  • Recording Date: January 10, 2019
  • Airing date: January 18, 2019

The first National's Recommended Singer is Liu Yuning, and the first Professional Challenger is ANU.

Main Show[edit]
  • Recording Date: January 17, 2019
  • Airing date: January 25, 2019

During the episode, Yang Kun's manager, Li Weijia, left in the middle of the taping due to participate the Chinese New Year Worldwide Celebration 2019.

Challenge ranking[edit]

The results are announced in a traditional format similar to the past seasons- the seven singers are seated on one row and Hong Tao announces a certain placement, one-by-one.

Second round[edit]


  • Recording Date: January 24, 2019
  • Airing date: February 1, 2019

The first substitute singer for the season was Polina Gagarina. Starting from this round, results were revealed in batches, starting with singers with a higher ranking receiving WeChat messages and being informed on placements in private. Also on the same episodes, separate scores for paper and electronic votes were also revealed.

Qualifying ranking[edit]

During the announcement of the results, the top four singers received envelopes for the round, but placements for the top three singers had information in it. A fourth empty envelope had no placement (for Kostov), Yang read the fourth-place envelope which had the name inside.


  • Recording Date: January 31, 2019
  • Airing date: February 8, 2019
Knockouts ranking[edit]

Three singers were chosen at random, not knowing that they were safe. They were given messages to enter the room to view the results for the bottom three singers for the Knockout round. A fourth singer (Yang Kun) later received a separate message to view the results for the top four placements. The last three singers (ANU, Chyi Yu and Kristian Kostov) entered the room last, after which Hong Tao announced the results in full.

Overall ranking[edit]


Pre-Challenge Face-off[edit]
  • Recording Date: January 31, 2019
  • Airing date: February 15, 2019

The second National's Recommended Singer is Jefferson Qian, and the second Professional Challenger consisted of Super-Vocal finalist members Frank Ju, Ayanga, Zheng Yunlong, and Cai Chengyu; their music manager Neil Gao was also a Super-Vocal finalist.

Main Show[edit]
  • Recording Date: February 1, 2019
  • Airing date: February 15, 2019
Challenge ranking[edit]

The results for the Knockout were announced in batches. Five singers, including the Challenger Super-Vocal finalists, were selected at random through WeChat messages. The results for the first four safe singers were announced, while the audio from the backstage was switched off. The last two singers (Yang and Kostov) later entered the room after Gagarina's announcement, and the other placements for this round were revealed.

Third round[edit]


  • Recording Date: February 14, 2019
  • Airing date: February 22, 2019

The second substitute singer for the season was Faith Yang.

Qualifying ranking[edit]

During the announcement of the results, the top four singers received envelopes for the round, while Gagarina was given an empty envelope. Hong Tao later announced that she finished first for the round.


  • Recording Date: February 21, 2019
  • Airing date: March 1, 2019
Knockouts ranking[edit]

The results for the Knockout were announced via envelopes. The envelope with the identities of the first and last place singers were concealed; the latter had "I'm Won't Tell You" written on it. The identities were later revealed as Polina Gagarina and Faith Yang, respectively. After the envelopes were viewed, Hong Tao revealed the outcome for the round.

Overall ranking[edit]


Pre-Challenge Face-off[edit]
  • Recording Date: February 21, 2019
  • Airing date: March 1, 2019

The third and final National's Recommended Singer is Angela Hui, and the third and final Professional Challenger is Bii.

Main Show[edit]
  • Recording Date: February 27, 2019
  • Airing date: March 8, 2019
Challenge ranking[edit]

The results for the Challenge was the same from last week, except that the producers randomly selected five singers to reveal the envelopes first. Hong Tao announced the rankings for the aforementioned five singers; the last two singers (Hui and Wu) then entered the room with the same procedure. Polina Gagarina would have been eliminated for finishing last; however, Hui, who finished 6th, was unsuccessful in her challenge and was eliminated instead.

Fourth round[edit]


  • Recording Date: March 7, 2019
  • Airing date: March 15, 2019

The third and final substitute singer for the season was Gong Linna. For this week, the results for this round were void due to Gagarina's injury during this week. On March 12, Zheng Yunlong, one of the band members from the Super-vocal finalists, withdrew due to scheduling conflicts, hence reducing the team members down to three.[9] A footage of Liu mentioning on his involvement of a coronary stent placement was unaired in this episode, but was shown on the following episode after his performance.

Qualifier ranking[edit]

While announcing the results, the top four singers received envelopes for the round while Gong was given an empty envelope. Hong Tao later announced that she finished first for the round. The second to fourth place singers entered the room first, and Hong Tao announced the results for two of the three placements. The last four singers entered the room next to reveal the first-place envelope, after which Hong Tao announced the result for the first-place singer. Due to Gagarina's bye in the following week, which caused this week's result to be void, all of the placements are immediately shown instead of just only the four.


  • Recording Date: March 14, 2019
  • Airing date: March 22, 2019

During this, Gagarina was absent due to a back injury sustained during rehearsal; the round became a Challenge round while Gagarina was temporarily eliminated and then was substituted by Chen Chusheng, who then became the final challenger. During the performance, Wu and Liu were initially revealed to perform 6th and 1st, respectively, before their order was swapped. Season four contestant Kim Ji-Mun appeared as an assisting singer for Yang's performance.

Challenge ranking[edit]

The results for the Challenge were announced in batches; four singers (Liu, Super-Vocal, Yang and Chyi) were selected at random to reveal the safe placements for the aforementioned four; the last three singers then entered the room next during the revealing of the other placements for this round.


  • Recording Date: March 22, 2019
  • Airing date: March 29, 2019

Four of the seven singers who were initial singers—Chyi Yu, Liu Huan, Wu Tsing-fong, and Yang Kun—were exempt for this round. The other three singers would participate along with the ousted singers (including Polina Gagarina, but not the three losing singers from the Pre-Challenge Face-off, namely Liu Yuning, Jefferson Qian and Bii) for a chance to enter the finals. The order for this round was determined through each contestant's status quo and their duration on the stage. Three singers have their performances fixed (Chen Chusheng and Super-Vocal respectively chose 9th and 10th as their choice, while Angela Hui was defaulted to perform 1st as a result of her unsuccessful Challenge); after each performance the singer randomly chose one envelope from a particular group of five singers and the singer that was chosen will perform after.

Similar to the last season's breakout, there were eliminations midway during the performance. Ten singers were grouped into two groups of five, with the first five singers grouped in group one, and the other five in group two. Electronic voting was conducted after each group's performance, and the lowest ranked singer from each group was immediately eliminated with their paper votes rendered void (Breakout failure). Angela Hui and Melanie Zhang were ranked lowest in the electronic voting for their respective groups.

The singers sang one song, and three of the remaining eight singers who had the most paper votes qualified for the finals. The Super-Vocal Finalists, Polina Gagarina, and Gong Linna placed in the top three and qualified for the Finals (Breakout success).

Breakout ranking[edit]

The results are announced in a traditional format similar to the past seasons; during the results, Hong revealed that Chen, Kostov, Gagarina and Super-Vocal were the singers receiving a preliminary higher vote from Escape Plan, ANU, Yang and Gong respectively.

Finals Rush Hour[edit]

  • Recording Date: March 29, 2019
  • Airing date: April 5, 2019

The round before the finals was dubbed as "Santine Finals Rush Hour" (金典歌王冲刺夜). Its performance was a guest singer's duet. For this week, there is no voting and thus no results after the performance; for the first time in the show's history, public viewers instead cast their votes to decide the outcome for the round. These performances were recorded and shortly uploaded onto Mango TV; the voting period remained opened for seven days until the airing date on April 5. The top three singers who received the most votes from both the 500-member audience and public viewers were entitled to an advantage—a bonus 10, 20, and 30 votes for 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place singers, respectively—in the first round of the grand finals. The results, however, were not publicly revealed until the start of the finals.

The performance order for this round was first decided by the singer who received the most votes in an prior online fan voting- Super-Vocal finalists won the most votes and was fixed to perform last and decide the next performing singer to perform second-to-last and vice versa (i.e. the 6th performer selects the 5th performing singer, then the 5th singer decides the 4th singer, and so on). The exception was Chen Chusheng, despite being unsuccessful in the breakout round, was temporarily brought back as a guest singer by-virtue of never being eliminated in the competition and being added on impromptu; it was later revealed to have performed 7th in-between Liu and Super-Vocal finalists. Polina Gagarina performance was pre-recorded as she was on Russia due to a scheduling conflict with her concert performance at the time of filming; her music partner David served as a representative.

The episode generated controversy after one of the public audience members, Sakura Zou (邹小樱), made a post on Weibo accusing Super-Vocal Finalists for allegedly using unauthorized music after the show was aired. However, Souya Music replied on the day after the show that licenses to the program group were never issued and that no copyright violations occurred.[10]

Grand Finals[edit]

The finals were divided into two rounds, with the first song in the semi-finals being a duet with a guest singer and the second song in the grand finals being a solo encore performance. Similar to the previous season, votes cast were the sole determinant of the season's winner.

  • Airing date: April 12, 2019

Round 1[edit]

The first round of the finals was a guest singer's duet. The grouping was decided by the singers starting with the most wins prior to the Breakouts (if there is a tie in terms of wins, a prior online vote serves as a tiebreak); each group can consist of either two or three members, meaning that two groups will be head-to-head and one being a three-way. After the groups are decided, one member drew lots to decide the order of performance for this round. The result of the grouping are reflected in the table below.

The singer with the most votes on each group directly advanced to Round 2, leaving the other four singers eligible for a "save" or second chance through a re-vote; the singer who received the most votes cast would be saved and would also advance to the second round.

Had Chyi Yu, Gong Linna and Polina Gagarina advanced to the next round, they would have performed, "掌声响起", "走西口", and "Those Were the Days" as their encore songs, respectively.

Round 2 (Winner of Battle)[edit]

The second round of the finals featured an encore song, and the singer who received the most votes (separate from the previous round's votes) was crowned the winner. The order for this round was determined by each singer's previous performance order from the first round, except for Yang Kun, who was defaulted to perform first after being the last contestant to advance. During the performance, Liu performed a medley of Empress Xiaoshengxian dedicated in memory of Yao Beina, a singer from The Voice of China (another show Liu was part of, as a coach), who died on January 16, 2015.


Liu Huan was declared the winner of Singer 2019 with 62.22% of the votes cast, leading by a 37.37% margin ahead of runner-up Wu Tsing-fong. 62.22% was the highest vote percentage attained in the history of the show.


Pre-show segments, such as Singer Gathering and Singer Announcement, and broadcast ratings from China Central Television are excluded from the rating and tally.

Bold text in red and blue indicate the highest and lowest-rated episodes of the season, respectively.[11][12][13]


  1. ^ Week 11 was a combination of both the Knockout and Challenge round due to a contestant's injury during that week's rehearsal.
  2. ^ Chen also appeared on Week 13 (Finals Rush Hour) episode as a guest performer.


  1. ^ 《歌手》2019首发阵容公布 刘欢、齐豫、杨坤同台争辉. Sina.Com (in Chinese). December 27, 2018. Retrieved January 10, 2019.
  2. ^ 《歌手》2019落幕,刘欢夺得歌王. Sina.Com (in Chinese). April 12, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2019.
  3. ^ "《歌手》2019竞演结果宣布方式迎七年首变 歌手互看排名刺激升级". 金鹰网. January 7, 2019. Retrieved January 8, 2019.
  4. ^ 莫斯其格 (January 8, 2019). "《歌手》2019即将开播 刘宇宁首个"踢馆"". 金鹰网. 广州日报. Retrieved January 8, 2019.
  5. ^ "自荐踢馆,《歌手》2019还能这么玩?". 信息时报. December 31, 2018. Retrieved January 7, 2019.
  6. ^ "刘宇宁以超过146万票胜出". 山西晚报. January 7, 2019. Retrieved January 7, 2019.
  7. ^ 莫斯其格 (January 27, 2019). "《歌手》公布新一轮踢馆嘉宾 《声入人心》成员"组团"引热议". 广州日报. Retrieved January 28, 2019.
  8. ^ 胡戈 (January 28, 2019). "《歌手》2019钱正昊当选全民踢馆歌手 伯克利创作新人对阵声入人心男团". 红网综合. Retrieved January 28, 2019.
  9. ^ "郑云龙因档期问题退出《歌手》:真的非常抱歉!". 新浪娱乐. March 12, 2019. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
  10. ^ "《歌手》未经授权翻唱皇后乐队歌曲 索雅音乐回应". 新浪娱乐. April 6, 2019. Retrieved April 6, 2019.
  11. ^ http://weibo.com/tvthings
  12. ^ http://weibo.com/u/2635260410
  13. ^ http://weibo.com/u/5260565381

External links[edit]

  • 歌手2019 on Sina Weibo (in Chinese)(in Chinese)