
More outstanding tasks at the project's cleanup listing, Category:Birds articles needing attention, and Wikipedia:WikiProject Birds/Todo.

Birds are a diverse group of animals and are commonly accepted as dinosaurs. Birds are some of the most fascinating animals in the Animal Kingdom. From the beautifulPeacock to the graceful Swan and the intelligent Parrot, birds come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors with each species having its own set of unique qualities. The Hummingbird is the fastest flyer and the smallest bird we know. The Ostrich is fast and majestic, while also being a fast runner and the largest bird we know. Budgies, Cockatiels, Canaries and Finches are commonly kept as pets. The Budgie is highly colourful, and the colours they come in are, while not very bright, are stunning. The Cockatiel is highly intelligent and can learn to talk and do tricks. The Canary has a beautiful song, especially male Canaries. The Finch, while not having many obvious qualities, also has a lovely song just like the Canary.

In conclusion birds are very diverse and some species are even kept as pets. Birds can be big or small, colourful or plain, but all have wonderful qualities that hide their flaws. Bring back the old roblox logo (talk) 18:04, 2 December 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

First of all, let's go over what the purpose of taxonomy actually is, which is that it is used to convey information about the relationships between taxa. The infobox is there to link people quickly and easily to articles that describe the subject's relationship to other taxa.

I find Avemetatarsalia to be a weak choice, under this rationale. It is very "close" on most trees to the clade Ornithodira (below it), and the clade Archosauria (above it). The only taxon which fits in the "gap" between Ornithodira and Avemetatarsalia is Aphanosauria, which is decidedly obscure. Meanwhile, a link to Ornithodira would help curious readers learn about the fact that Pterosaurs are closely related to dinosaurs, and a link to Archosauria would help them learn about the fact that the closest living relatives of birds are crocodilians. Avemetatarsalia is in fact somewhat redundant, and only really useful in the taxobox of an article about either of those other two clades, or a taxon in the clade Avemetatarsalia that is stemward of Dinosauria, because it is actually definedas "birds < crocodilians". And more to the point, Ornithodira and Archosauria are outright used far more frequently in the literature (I have no source for this, but am confident that anyone else who has read the relevant literature will report the same thing). My personal preference is that this item be replaced with Archosauria.

Even worse, the article then skips all the way to Ornithurae(!) I want to accuse the writers of this article of being BANDits. Why on earth is Dinosauria not in there, at the very least? That is basically the only clade below kingdom level that we can be completely certain the casual reader will recognise. Ideally I also want Theropoda as well (since it is both widely known and links to an article that has a lot to say about the ancestry of birds)