
Actinopus is a genus of mygalomorph spiders in the family Actinopodidae. It was first described by Josef Anton Maximilian Perty in 1833 from the type species Actinopus tarsalis found in Brazil.[5][6] The name is derived from Greek actin- "ray, beam" and pous "foot".[5] It is a senior synonym of Aussereria, Closterochilus, Pachyloscelis, and Theragretes.[2][3][4]

The few reported bites from Brazil resulted in no symptoms, indicating that they can deliver dry bites or small amounts of venom.[7] However, they should be treated with caution due to some reports of bites causing local pain and muscle contractions.[8] These spider also have a low venom yield, Actinopus crassipes for example has a mean venom yield of 0.09 mg.[9]