Squirrel galago

The squirrel galagos are a group of four species of strepsirrhine primates. They are classified in the genus Sciurocheirus of the family Galagidae.[1]

Originally a single species was described, Galago alleni, by Waterhouse (1838), and the species was placed in a separate genus, Sciurocheirus by Gray in 1863.[2] While some listings still included them in Galago,[3] the species was split into three taxa, alleni, cameronensis, and gabonensis by Eisentraut (1973) and Groves (1989)[4] which were then later elevated to species status by Groves (2001) as S. alleni, S. cameronensis, and S. gabonensis and followed by Groves (2005) and Nekaris (2013).[3][2] The IUCN and American Society of Mammalogists both list S. cameronensis as a subspecies of S. alleni (as listed below). In 2013, another species, S. makandensis was described.[5][6]