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Thomas Lynn Bristowe (31 March 1833 – 6 June 1892) was an English stockbroker and Conservative Party politician


Family grave of Thomas Lynn Bristowe in West Norwood Cemetery

Бристоу был третьим сыном Джона Сайера Бристоу , врача из Кэмбервелла , и его жены Мэри Чесшайр из Рок-Сэвидж , Чешир . Он получил частное образование и стал биржевым маклером. Он был партнером фирмы Bristowe Brothers на Лондонской фондовой бирже . [1]

In 1885 Bristowe was elected Member of Parliament for Norwood. Bristowe was very active in a campaign to raise funds to restore Brockwell Hall, a part of Brockwell Park which had come into the ownership of Lambeth Council. However, he died of a heart attack on the steps of Brockwell Hall during the grand opening ceremony in June 1892, aged 59.[2]

Bristowe married Frances Ellen Mason in 1857. They lived at Dulwich Hill House, Denmark Hill, Surrey. Bristowe was buried at the West Norwood Cemetery.
