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В 2006 году в штате Вашингтон прошли выборы на места в Палате представителей США . Из девяти избирательных округов в шести победили демократы, а в трех - республиканцы , при этом демократы получили 64% голосов.

Обзор [ править ]

Район 1 [ править ]

Действующий конгрессмен-демократ Джей Инсли легко отправил соперника-республиканца Ларри Измаила на шестой срок.

Район 2 [ править ]

Действующий конгрессмен-демократ Рик Ларсен с большим отрывом победил своего оппонента-республиканца, ветерана ВМС США Дуга Рулстоуна.

Район 3 [ править ]

Немного улучшив свои показатели по сравнению с 2004 годом, действующий конгрессмен-демократ Брайан Бэрд легко выиграл пятый срок у соперника-республиканца Майкла Мессмора.

District 4[edit]

In his bid for a seventh term, Republican incumbent Congressman Doc Hastings beat back a spirited challenge from Democratic nominee Richard Wright. Though Hastings eventually beat Wright by a fairly solid margin, it was not the kind of landslide that Hastings usually experienced in this strongly conservative district based in Central Washington.

District 5[edit]

Like neighboring Congressman Hastings, incumbent Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers faced a surprisingly strong challenge from Democratic nominee Peter J. Goldmark in her conservative, Eastern Washington district. Though Rodgers ultimately edged Goldmark out by a comfortable margin, the race got close enough for CQ Politics to change its rating on the race to Republican Favored from Safe Republican.[2]

District 6[edit]

Long-serving Democratic incumbent Norm Dicks, a high-ranking member on the Appropriations Committee did not face a credible challenge to his bid for a sixteenth term from conservative activist Doug Cloud in this liberal, Kitsap Peninsula-based district.

District 7[edit]

In his bid for a ninth term, incumbent Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott easily beat out Republican nominee Steve Beren and independent Linnea S. Noreen in this very liberal, Seattle-based district.

District 8[edit]

In 2004, then-King County Sheriff Dave Reichert won his first campaign for the United States House of Representatives by a five-point margin. 2006 proved to be just as tough of a year for Reichert. Facing former Microsoft executive Darcy Burner for the first time, Reichert faced a grueling battle for re-election. Polls taken in October showed the two candidates to be about even[3] and the two major newspapers in the area--the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Seattle Times--split their endorsements: The Post-Intelligencer endorsed Burner[4] while the Times supported Reichert.[5] Ultimately, though, a few weeks after election day, it became evident that Reichert had beaten out Burner and had won a second term.

District 9[edit]

Incumbent Democratic Congressman Adam Smith easily beat out Republican candidate Steven Cofchin for a sixth term in this Western Washington district based in the Puget Sound.


  1. ^ http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/electionInfo/2006/2006Stat.htm#47
  2. ^ http://www.rollcall.com/members/21425.html
  3. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-07-18. Retrieved 2011-05-29.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  4. ^ http://www.seattlepi.com/default/article/P-I-Endorsement-Burner-is-better-1217746.php
  5. ^ http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/editorialsopinion/2003303415_eighted15.html