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Canada's Wonderland - это тематический парк площадью 134 гектара (330 акров), расположенный в Вогане , Онтарио, пригороде примерно в 25 километрах (16 миль) к северу от центра Торонто . Открытый в 1981 году Taft Broadcasting Company и Great-West Life Assurance Company как первый крупный тематический парк в Канаде , он остается крупнейшим в стране. [3] [4] Парк, в настоящее время принадлежащий Cedar Fair , был самым посещаемым сезонным парком развлечений в Северной Америке в течение нескольких лет подряд до его временного закрытия в 2020 году. [5]

Как сезонный парк, Canada's Wonderland открыт ежедневно с мая до Дня труда , с выходными в конце апреля и после Дня труда до конца октября. В течение всего сезона проводятся специальные мероприятия, в том числе различные кулинарные фестивали, а также «Праздник Канады», месячный фестиваль Дня Канады и другие. Каждую осень до полуночи в последние выходные октября в парке проводится Halloween Haunt , тематическое мероприятие на тему Хэллоуина . Начиная с 2019 года, в парке стартовал WinterFest - праздничное мероприятие, в рамках которого сезон работы парка продлится до конца декабря.

Canada's Wonderland с семнадцатью американскими горками занимает второе место в мире по количеству американских горок после Six Flags Magic Mountain (19 горок) и занимает второе место с Cedar Point (17 горок). Парк 134 гектаров (330 акров) включает в себя 8-га (20 акров) водный парк под названием Всплеск работ .

Парк был известен как Страна чудес Paramount Canada, когда он принадлежал National Amusements через Paramount Parks с 1993 по 2006 год. После покупки парка Cedar Fair в 2006 году слово Paramount было исключено из названия. В 2018 году это был самый посещаемый сезонный парк развлечений в Северной Америке, а также второй по посещаемости парк развлечений Cedar Fair после Knott's Berry Farm в Калифорнии , с примерно 3,79 миллиона посетителей. [6]

История парка [ править ]

Предшественники [ править ]

Когда планировалась «Страна чудес Канады», в регионе не было сезонного парка развлечений. Ранее в Торонто было три парка развлечений с американскими горками. Парк развлечений Саннисайд был закрыт в 1950-х годах, чтобы освободить место для скоростной автомагистрали Гардинер . [7] Парки развлечений Скарборо-Бич и Ханланс-Пойнт закрылись в 1920-х годах. [8]

Планирование [ править ]

В 1972 году компания Taft Broadcasting Company , возглавляемая Келли Робинсон, впервые предложила построить тематический парк площадью 134 гектара (330 акров) [9] в тогда еще небольшой деревне Мейпл , часть Вогана , Онтарио. Были рассмотрены несколько других возможных мест в Онтарио, включая Ниагарский водопад , Кембридж и Милтон , но в конечном итоге был выбран Мейпл из-за его близости к городу Торонто и 400-й серии автомагистралей . [10]

Другие всерьез рассматривали район Большого Торонто как место для строительства тематического парка, в том числе семья Конклинов (чьи шоу Конклина проходили по разным маршрутам в Северной Америке, включая Канадскую национальную выставку в Торонто ). Уолт Дисней также рассмотрел эту идею, прежде чем выбрать Флориду для Уолта Диснея, отказавшись от Торонто в основном из-за сезонного климата , который сделает рабочий сезон слишком коротким, чтобы быть прибыльным. [11]

Против строительства парка выступали сразу по нескольким направлениям. Многие культурные учреждения в Торонто, такие как Ontario Place , Королевский музей Онтарио и организаторы Канадской национальной выставки, считали, что рынок Торонто недостаточно велик, чтобы поддерживать конкуренцию. Другие группы, которые боролись за строительство Страны Чудес, включали жилую ассоциацию Вогана под названием SAVE, которая считала, что увеличение трафика снизит стоимость собственности. Жители региона были обеспокоены тем, что новый парк будет похож по эстетике на карнавал или мидуэй. [12] [ сомнительно ] Некоторые уступки, на которые пошла компания, включали благоустроенную берму.вокруг парка, чтобы уменьшить шум и изменить внешний вид большой парковки. Тафт был обеспокоен оппозицией и отправил группу противников и региональных советников в Мейсон, штат Огайо (недалеко от Цинциннати ), чтобы показать им положительное влияние одного из его тематических парков на местное сообщество.

Canada's Wonderland также внесла изменения в генеральный план развития провинции Онтарио. Правительство провинции хотело увеличить жилую и коммерческую застройку к востоку от Торонто в региональном муниципалитете Дарем , в который входят Пикеринг и Ошава , сохранив при этом земли к северу от Торонто как сельскохозяйственные в качестве Зеленого пояса . Промоутеры «Страны чудес» смогли убедить провинцию внести поправки в политику планирования для региона, и парк обеспечил улучшение инфраструктуры, в том числе путепровод на шоссе и канализационные системы, которые были расширены и построены на месте. Эта инфраструктура открыла путь для ускоренного развития всего региона. [12] [сомнительный ]

Во время развития парка было решено, что Гора Чудес будет его центральным элементом, в отличие от копии Эйфелевой башни, найденной в парках-партнерах.

Были также высказаны опасения по поводу культурных последствий открытия американского тематического парка в Канаде. Многие считали, что это будет « троянский конь » для американской культуры . Чтобы противостоять критике, Тафт планировал открыть Frontier Canada, часть парка, посвященную истории Канады . Ранние карты парков показывают территорию, включающую то, что сейчас называется Splash Works , White Water Canyon , Action Theater и южную часть Kidzville. Тафт также предложил включить паровой пассажирский поезд. Хотя идея Frontier Canada не рассматривалась как идея до 2019 года, в этой области осталось несколько оригинальных тем. В отличие от родственных ему парков, Kings Island и Kings Dominion, заранее было решено, что центральным элементом парка не будет точная копия знаменитой Эйфелевой башни в Париже . Вместо этого дизайнеры парка решили построить огромную гору, известную как Гора Чудес, расположенную на вершине Интернэшнл-стрит. Чудо-гора была украшена огромным водопадом и внутренними дорожками, ведущими к смотровой площадке. С тех пор внутренние проходы закрыты и остаются закрытыми. Отель Hyatt House и Hyatt Place Vaughan в Canada's Wonderland строился в первой половине 2019 года и должен был открыться в конце 2020 года, хотя пандемия COVID-19 отложила его открытие до 2021 года [13].

Строительство и открытие [ править ]

13 июня 1979 года премьер Онтарио Билл Дэвис нажал на поршень электронного детонирующего устройства в зале Св. Лаврентия в центре Торонто, вызвав взрыв на месте. Строительство началось немедленно и продолжалось до начала 1981 года. Канадские компании были партнерами по предварительному проектированию и проектированию проекта. В строительстве одной горы участвовали десятки местных компаний под руководством инженера из Цинциннати Кертиса Д. Саммерса. [14]

Canada's Wonderland была открыта для публики в мае 1981 года.

Два года спустя, 23 мая 1981 года, президент телерадиовещания Дэвис и Тафт Дадли Тафт официально открыл для публики Канадскую страну чудес. Зрелищная церемония открытия включала 10 000 воздушных шаров с гелием, 13 парашютистов , 350 белых голубей и оркестр . Четверо детей, представляющих Арктику , Тихий океан , Атлантический океан и районы Великих озер Канады, налили каждый пузырек с водой из своего дома в фонтан парка. Суперзвезда хоккея Уэйн Гретцки также появился в качестве специального гостя, помогая поднять канадский флаг . Впервые в парке встретили 12000 гостей.[12] The park cost $120 million ($332 million in 2020 dollars) to build.[3]

Kings Entertainment and Paramount era[edit]

During the 1980s, Canada's Wonderland and the Loblaws supermarket chain mounted a cross-marketing campaign. Loblaws issued "Wonder dollars" based on customers' purchases, which were redeemable at Canada's Wonderland at par with the Canadian dollar on weekdays. The obverse of the coin featured Wonder Mountain, while the reverse featured the Loblaws logo.[15]

Kings Entertainment Company operated the park during the 1980s and early 1990s.[12] The park's former connection to Hanna-Barbera Productions lessened after Paramount Pictures raised its stake from 20% to full ownership of the park in 1993 and renamed it Paramount Canada's Wonderland. After Viacom bought Paramount in 1994, a successful attempt was made to bring families back to the park by attracting children with original Nickelodeon cartoon characters that were familiar to a new generation.[12]

The Black Hole is a water slide built during the first expansion of Splash Works in 1996.

Many changes occurred in the next decade. In 1996, Splash Works expanded, with a new water slide, a wave pool and a new child-friendly water playground (The Black Hole, White Water Bay and The Pump House). In 1998, the park expanded by adding KidZville, which was mainly designed for infants and children. In 1999, Splash Works expanded for the second time, with the addition of raft rides: The Plunge and Super Soaker.[16]

In 2001, a new themed area called Zoom Zone was added within the KidZville section. Three new attractions were built in that area: Silver Streak (a family roller coaster), Blast Off (a "frog hopper"), and Jumpin' Jet.[16] In 2002, the park unveiled Action Zone, a new themed area replacing the Exposition of 1890, which at the time contained already existing rides and added the Psyclone ride.

Splash Works also received its third and most current upgrade, with the addition of a child water playground area called Splash Island and the removal of Pipeline.[16]

On 11 May 2003, with the park packed with people for Mother's Day, two guests were involved in a fight at the front gates of the park, which led to a shooting death. It was thought to have followed a prior dispute involving the two over a drug exchange, according to York Regional Police. The park has since added metal detectors at the front gate, with additional security.[17]

In 2005, the park introduced Fearfest, a Halloween-themed event featuring haunted house attractions.

In 2005, the park introduced Fearfest, a Halloween event featuring various haunted house attractions in different themed areas. Though the section for smaller children was closed off, the park continued running many of the thrill rides during the event, such as the Thunder Run, in which patrons ride a mining type train through a mountain. During the Halloween season, it is re-themed as the "Haunted" Thunder Run, with a darker tunnel and more strobe lights, fog machines, and black-light lit scenes featuring the "skeletons" of miners.[18]

In 2006, the park introduced Spooktacular, a child-oriented Halloween event. The event included children's rides, costume contests and a treasure hunt. Spooktacular was open on weekends during the daytime, while Fearfest remained open at night.[19] Fearfest got renamed to Halloween Haunt and Spooktacular to Camp Spooky.

Cedar Fair era[edit]

On 14 May 2006, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company announced it was interested in acquiring the five Paramount theme parks from CBS Corporation (successor of the original Viacom), including Canada's Wonderland. CBS stated that amusement parks did not fit the company's new strategy. The acquisition was completed on 30 June 2006.[20]

After the sale, Cedar Fair began to drop the name "Paramount" from all of the former Paramount properties it acquired, as a result, the park has reverted to its original name of Canada's Wonderland in January 2007. The 2007 season was a transition year throughout the park and included renaming the movie-themed rides since Cedar Fair did not hold the rights to Paramount film properties. By the start of the 2008 season, all Paramount logos and similar references had been removed.[16] In August 2007, Cedar Fair announced that Fearfest would become Halloween Haunt to remain consistent with most other Cedar Fair parks,[18] and that Spooktacular would become Camp Spooky. The park extended its regular operating season until the last weekend in October. Halloween Haunt runs in the late evenings on October weekends.

Entrance to the park featuring its original name. The park reverted to its original name in 2007, after it was acquired by Cedar Fair.

On May 4, 2008, Canada's Wonderland opened a Bolliger & Mabillard hypercoaster called Behemoth, which held the record for the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada at the time of its opening, standing at 70 metres (230 ft) and reaching speeds of 124 kilometres per hour (77 mph).[21][22][23]

On July 19, 2009, stunt performer Nik Wallenda walked on a tight rope from the pond area of Medieval Faire to Wonder Mountain.[24]

In 2011, Canada's Wonderland opened a 91.8-metre-tall (301 ft) WindSeeker, making it the tallest ride in the park until Leviathan opened in 2012.[25][26] The park also announced the addition of the Starlight Spectacular show, which started on 25 June 2011 and ended on Labour Day, 3 September 2011.[26][27] It was a nightly 'light and sound show' designed to celebrate the park's 30th anniversary; it was shown at 10 pm EST every night on International Street.[26] Canada's Wonderland stated that the total cost for the show was approximately $1 million,[28] with 16 million different colours and 300,000 LED lights.[26] While the show took place at the front of the park (International Street), the highlight was on Wonder Mountain, with many 3D images and colours.[28]

In 2012, Leviathan, a Bolliger & Mabillard Hypercoaster (also classified as a giga coaster), opened, surpassing the Canadian records set by Behemoth in 2008, becoming the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada.[7][29] Norm Pirtovshek, general manager of Canada's Wonderland, said that the Leviathan as a new attraction would help to spread out visitors. It was also described as part of a "roller coaster renaissance" where theme parks distinguished itself by introducing bigger and faster rides to attract guests. In addition to Leviathan, Canada's Wonderland also opened the Dinosaurs Alive! walk-through dinosaur exhibit.[30]

The tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada, Leviathan, was opened at the park in 2012.

On 27 May 2012, for the first time in the park's history, Canada's Wonderland hosted a one-kilometre, 5-kilometre, and 10-kilometre run to raise money for the planned Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital (then known as Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital) that will be built on land once owned by Canada's Wonderland north of Major Mackenzie Drive.[31]

On 30 August 2013, Canada's Wonderland announced that Wonder Mountain's Guardian would open inside Wonder Mountain in May 2014. The attraction is a 4-D interactive dark ride/ roller coaster with animations from Montreal-based Triotech.[32] Park management also announced that SkyRider would close Labour Day, 2014.[33]

In October 2014, a man was fatally stabbed at Halloween Haunt.[34][35] SkyRider was removed at the end of the 2014 season and relocated to Cavallino Matto in Tuscany, Italy, as Freestyle in 2015.

Near the close of the 2015 season, Canada's Wonderland announced that two new flat rides would be added in 2016: Skyhawk (a Gerstlauer Sky Roller) and Flying Eagles (a Larson International Flying Scooters).[36][37][38] Cedar Fair CEO Matt Ouimett also confirmed in December 2015 that virtual reality (VR) headsets would be added to Thunder Run in 2016. Available to riders for an additional upcharge fee, the experience is co-developed with Mack Rides, a German amusement ride company. The VR headgear is a type of head-mounted display that animates the entire field of vision to produce a 360-degree 3D experience.[39][40]

On 26 August 2016, Canada's Wonderland announced that a new flat ride would be added in the 2017 season: Soaring Timbers (a Mondial Inferno). The ride is stated to be the first of its kind in North America. The park also announced a Splash Works expansion for 2017 in the form of Muskoka Plunge, a 18-metre (60 ft) tall waterslide complex featuring four "trap-door" speed slides.

On 16 August 2017, Canada's Wonderland announced the addition of Flying Canoes for the 2018 season. Flying Canoes is an interactive family ride that allows riders to control their journey of flight in two-person canoes that rotate speedily around a circuit. They also announced the addition of Lumberjack for 2018. Lumberjack is a thrill ride that takes guests to heights of 23 metres (75 ft) on two swinging axe-themed pendulums, propelling them into a looping 360-degree experience. In addition to these two attractions, the park announced an expansion to the Splash Island pool (located in Splash Works), which would double the size of the pool and include new interactive water features and children's slides. The area was renamed to Lakeside Lagoon following these upgrades.

Yukon Striker under construction in October 2018

On 15 August 2018, Canada's Wonderland announced Yukon Striker, a B&M Dive Coaster which opened to the public on 3 May 2019. The ride features a 75-metre-tall (245 ft) drop into an underwater tunnel in the centre of the Vortex helix, which has a top speed of 130 km/h. Upon opening, the ride became the tallest, fastest, and longest dive coaster in the world and features four inversions, more than any other dive coaster, including the first vertical loop on a Dive Coaster.[41] They also announced the opening of Frontier Canada, a gold-rush-themed attraction area that includes Yukon Striker, Mighty Canadian Minebuster, Lumberjack, Soaring Timbers, Flying Canoes, Vortex, Timberwolf Falls and White Water Canyon. Canada's Wonderland also announced Winterfest, an immersive holiday-themed event.[42] In addition, Wonderland announced that Dinosaurs Alive! would be closing on 28 October 2018.

On 4 February 2019, the park announced that Orbiter would not be opening for the 2019 season. Since the announcement, the attraction has been removed from the park and the area surrounding it was replaced with a pathway connecting Action Zone and Frontier Canada.

On 14 August 2019, Canada's Wonderland announced the addition of two new attractions for the 2020 season. The first, Beagle Brigade Airfield, will be a new children's ride to be located in Planet Snoopy. The attraction will be similar to the version at sister park Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, Missouri, which share the same name. In addition, the park is introducing Mountain Bay Cliffs to Splash Works, a cliff-jumping style attraction featuring multiple platforms of varying heights, the highest of which is 7.5 metres (25 ft).[43]

On 22 November 2019, WinterFest debuted at Canada's Wonderland. WinterFest is a holiday event. During WinterFest, five million energy-efficient LED lights were strung on 800 trees, the buildings, the décor, and on Wonder Mountain. On International Street, the lake had been frozen into a skating rink called Snow Flake Lake. There were eight themed areas.[44]

COVID-19 pandemic[edit]

Restrictions placed by the Government of Ontario to combat the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the park remaining closed for the 2020 season. This led to the cancellations of that season's Halloween Haunt and Winterfest events in the park. 2020 season passes were extended to include the 2021 season and refunds were not offered.[45] Both Beagle Brigade Airfield and Mountain Bay Cliffs had their opening years pushed back to the 2021 season.

Due to the pandemic, the 2020 edition of Toronto's original Santa Claus Parade – which is normally held on the streets in Downtown Toronto in previous years – was pre-recorded from Canada's Wonderland with no spectators on site and was broadcast on prime time on 5 December 2020.[46][47]

On 28 January 2021, the park announced plans to reopen to the general public on 14 May 2021, pending approvals from various governments and public health authorities.[48]

On 14 February 2021, it was reported that Canada's Wonderland would serve as a drive-in mass COVID-19 vaccination site before its reopening of the rides and other attractions to the general public;[49][50] the drive-in site opened on 29 March 2021.[51]


Roller coasters[edit]


Aerial view of the park in May 2011. The park is surrounded by urban development.

Canada's Wonderland is situated in Maple, a neighbourhood of Vaughan, Ontario. The park is east of Highway 400 between Rutherford Road (Exit 33) and Major Mackenzie Drive (Exit 35), 13 km (8.1 mi) north of Highway 401, 6 km (3.7 mi) north of Highway 407 and 64 km (40 mi) south of Barrie. It is bounded by Highway 400 to the west, Jane Street to the east, Major Mackenzie Drive to the north and an access road approximately 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) north of Rutherford Road to the south. When the park originally opened, its surroundings were largely rural; however, the suburban sprawl since the mid-2000s has resulted in it being surrounded by housing and shopping plazas on all sides.

Canada's Wonderland is located 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) north of Vaughan Mills and 5.5 kilometres (3.4 mi) north of Vaughan Metropolitan Centre station of the Toronto subway system. Prior to the opening of the subway station in December 2017, it was served by the 165 Weston Road North bus operating from York Mills station. The park has two public entrances and one entrance for staff, deliveries, and buses. On the north side of the park, there is a small bus terminal, which serves a seasonal bus route operated by York Region Transit.


The park has several themed areas.[58] The five original sections include International Street, Medieval Faire, Grande World Exposition of 1890 (renamed Action Zone; Grande World Exposition of 1890 returned in 2019 by renaming a portion of Action Zone), International Festival, and the Happyland of Hanna-Barbera (divided into more than one children's area since 1998).[3] The current areas include the original sections stated above, White Water Canyon (1984), Splash Works (1992), and three children's areas: Kidzville (1998), Zoom Zone (2001) and Planet Snoopy (2010). In 2019, the park introduced a new themed area, "Frontier Canada", a gold-rush themed section originally planned for the park's original opening in 1981, but was postponed until 2019 due to financial issues.[59]

International Street[edit]

International Street, Canada's Wonderland entry area, is lined with shops and restaurants.

International Street is the park's entry area, similar to the Main Street, U.S.A. sections of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. Using a format borrowed from sister parks Kings Island and Kings Dominion, both sides of the street are lined with shops, including souvenir shops, clothing stores, restaurants, and candy stores. Unlike the use of replica Eiffel Towers at Kings Island and Kings Dominion, Wonder Mountain, the park's centrepiece, appears at the end of the street. In the early decades of the park's history, stores sold high-quality imported goods themed to the buildings, and restaurants sold non-standard foods for a North American theme park, such as shrimp, paella, and smoked sausage.[60] The buildings are named the Latin, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, and Alpine Buildings.[3]

International Street has hosted to a number of shows presented at the park, including:

International Street's fountain, and Wonder Mountain behind it. The fountain and mountain host shows presented at the park.

Action Zone[edit]

Action Zone was created as a subsection within the Grande World Exposition of 1890 section of the park in 2002.[16] However, the entire Grande Exposition section was renamed Action Zone in 2009. In 2019, the park split Action Zone into two sections, with its eastern portion of Action Zone reverting its theme and name to The Grande Exposition of 1890.

Behemoth is a large steel hypercoaster located in Action Zone.
Situated in the Action Zone, the Sledge Hammer is the only ride of its kind presently operating in the world.

Grande World Exposition of 1890[edit]

Grande World Exposition of 1890 is an area themed to resemble a 19th-century world's fair.
Swing of the Century is a swing ride located in the Grande World Exposition.

The Grande World Exposition of 1890 is one of the original four themed areas of Wonderland. It was made to resemble a late 19th century world's fair with expositions from different countries with a particular focus on African and Asian themes.[3] The restaurants and washrooms were formerly true to the exposition theme. One of the restaurants was called Ginza Gardens (now The Backlot Cafe) and had a Japanese theme and a Japanese façade. There is also an arcade area (Crystal Palace Arcade) within this section of the park.

In 2009, the entire Grande Exposition section was incorporated in Action Zone, an area of the park that formerly operated as a themed subsection of the Grande Exposition. The section operated as a part of Action Zone until 2019, when the eastern portion of Action Zone reverted to its original name and world fair theming.

Frontier Canada[edit]

Frontier Canada is the newest themed section of the park, debuting for the 2019 season. The section consolidates most of the park's Canadian themed rides; as well as an area of the park formerly known as White Water Canyon, which operated from 1984 to 2018.[64] The area is themed after a boom town found during the time of the Klondike Gold Rush, with most of its inspiration coming from Dawson City, Yukon, and its surrounding area.

White Water Canyon is a river rapids ride located in Frontier Canada.
Vortex is a suspended roller coaster located in Frontier Canada.

International Festival[edit]

International Festival includes rides and midway games.

International Festival is located in the northeast section of the park. It includes rides and midway games and a mild Alpen theme.

Shockwave is a Top Scan ride in the International Festival section.

Medieval Faire[edit]

The Medieval Faire's setting, and most of its rides, are medieval-themed.

The Medieval Faire section of the park has a medieval European theme in both the setting and the rides. The two original roller coasters, Wilde Beast and Dragon Fyre, use pseudo-Elizabethan English spellings before being renamed using modern spelling (Wild Beast and Dragon Fire) from 1998 to 2018. Many of the original names of some the attractions have reverted to their pseudo-Elizabethan spelling, such as Dragon Fyre, Wilde Beast, Wilde KnightMares, Viking's Rage, and Canterbury Theatre. These renames occurred prior to the beginning of the 2019 season.

A restaurant with a medieval-themed facade at the Medieval Faire

The stores, midway games and restaurants follow the medieval theme, as does the castle theatre (Canterbury Theatre, renamed Paramount Theatre during Paramount's ownership, and Wonderland Theatre until 2019) and a pirate show (originally opened with the park as Sea Sceptre and later replaced with Kinet-X Dive Show) in the middle of Arthur's Baye. However, rides such as Drop Tower: Scream Zone and Speed City Raceway have no medieval theme.

Canterbury Theatre hosted ice shows from 2006 to 2011 and hosted Cirque Ambiente in mid-2012 and mid-2013.

Entrance to the Leviathan, a giga coaster in the Medieval Faire

Children's areas[edit]

One of the entrances to Planet Snoopy, a children's area themed after the Peanuts comic strip.

There are presently two children's areas at Canada's Wonderland, KidZville, and Planet Snoopy. A third themed area known as Zoom Zone also exists as a part of KidZville section.

The children's areas in Canada's Wonderland originally were themed as The Happyland of Hanna-Barbera. The three areas were themed as Yogi's Woods, Scoobyville, and Bedrock; the first was converted to Smurf Village in 1984 and the last also had a marine mammal show held at the Bedrock Aquarium. In 1993, the Smurf area transitioned to Kids Kingdom, which became KidZville in 1998. In 2003, Bedrock became Nickelodeon Central; Bedrock Aquarium and its marine mammal show closed down as well. The park replaced Nickelodeon Central with Planet Snoopy for the 2010 season, standardizing the park with the rest of the Cedar Fair chain. Planet Snoopy is a section of the park themed after the comic strip Peanuts.

A Peanuts character at the Playhouse Theatre in KidZville, one of two children's areas at the park

The Zoom Zoom subsection of KidZville was created in 2001 with the debut of Silver Streak; it also contains the small rides Blast Off and Jumpin' Jet. One of the KidZville rides, and originally a Kids Kingdom ride, Jumbo Bumps, was removed to make way for these three rides and the new section. Starting in 2004, Zoom Zone was no longer shown on park maps as an independent section. However, since Cedar Fair's acquisition, each of the three rides are depicted in Zoom Zone, and park signage continues to use the name.[10]

The first ride accident in the park's history occurred on 23 August 2003, when the Jimmy Neutron Brainwasher (later renamed Woodstock Whirlybirds due to Cedar Fair's contract with Peanuts) fell apart. Three children were sent to hospital as a precautionary measure.[73]

Rides located within these children's areas include:[74]

Entrance to Ghoster Coaster, a children's roller coaster that debuted at Wonderland in 1981

Splash Works[edit]

Opened in 1992, Splash Works is an 8-hectare (20-acre) water park located within Canada's Wonderland.

Opened in 1992, Splash Works is an 8-hectare (20-acre) water park. The water park is home to Whitewater Bay, the largest outdoor wave pool in Canada,[75] and 16 water slides. It is included with the price of admission to Canada's Wonderland and is open from late May to early September.

Priority queuing[edit]

Fast Lane is Canada's Wonderland's two-line system since 2012, which is also implemented at other Cedar Fair parks. For a cost of $80 (in addition to normal admission charges), visitors receive a wrist band that enables them to bypass the 'normal-wait' line and enter the Fast Lane. Opting for this benefit essentially allows purchasers to cut in at the front of the line on 21 of the most popular attractions without waiting. In 2013, the park introduced Fast Lane Plus, which allowed purchasers to bypass the lines of two additional attractions (later three with the addition of Yukon Striker in 2019) that standard Fast Lane users would otherwise not have access for an additional $10. An unspecified limited amount of both types of passes are sold each day.[77]

Boarding pass for guests with disabilities[edit]

Similar privileges are given to guests with mobility issues and guests within the autism spectrum, though such guests must be accompanied with one other person at least 14 years of age (most often the support worker or family member (i.e. someone who can assist boarding the ride with the guest with the disability) for the entire duration of the ride and enter the ride at a designated time based on the length of the queue. Guests with these disabilities receive paper boarding passes in which ride operators mark the designated times these guests can enter a ride without queuing if one has a cast or other issues. If one is within the autism spectrum, one gets preset times (every half-hour on normal nights or 15 minutes for Winterfest) and can go to the exit (or entrance) and get priority boarding. One waits elsewhere outside of the queue line, get food or watch a show so they are away from the stimulation for long periods of time. These guests enter either at the ride's exit or get a time from the associate at the beginning of the ride, such as Wonder Mountain's Guardian, Leviathan, Behemoth, and Yukon Striker. Lazy River is the only attraction in Splash Works that accepts boarding passes.[78]


Today, Canada's Wonderland has over 200 attractions (including games), with over 60 thrill rides. The park holds a number of Canadian records, among them the most roller coasters, with 17.[79] The park encompasses eight themed areas on 134 hectares (330 acres) of land, with an artificial mountain as the central feature. In the southwestern quadrant, an 8 hectares (20 acres) waterpark called Splash Works has over 7,570,000 litres (2,000,000 US gal) of heated water, Canada's largest outdoor wave pool, measuring 3,300 square metres (36,000 sq ft), a lazy river, and 16 water slides.[10]

In 1983, Canada's Wonderland added the Kingswood Music Theatre, a 15,000 seat amphitheatre that has hosted many concerts. After the Budweiser Stage (then known as Molson Amphitheatre) opened on the grounds of Ontario Place in 1995, itself replacing The Forum, cultural festivals at the theatre became less prominent.[10]

Major attractions by year[edit]

Current name in (parentheses) *Additions to Splash Works are italicized

  • 1981: Park opens with:
Antique Carrousel, Balloon Race (Frequent Flyers), Bayern's Curve, Bedrock Dock "now operates at Carowinds as "Snoopy's Yacht Club", Blauer Enzian (Thunder Run-Opened in Wonder Mountain 1986), Dragon Fyre, Flintstone's Flyboys, Ghoster Coaster, Great Whale of China "now operates at Carowinds as "PEANUTS Pirates", Happy Landing (Swan Lake), Hot Rock Raceway, Klockwerks, Krachenwagen, Mighty Canadian Minebuster, Pharaoh's Eye, Wilde Beast, Quixote's Kettles (Spinovator), Scooby Choo (KidZville Station), Shiva's Fury (The Fury), Sol-Loco (Orbiter), Swings of the Century, Wilde Knightmares (Night Mares), Viking's Rage, Wonder Tour, and Zumba Flume.
  • 1982: Kings Courtyard (The Courtyard)
  • 1983: Kingswood Music Theatre
  • 1984: White Water Canyon, Smurf Forest (until the 1990s)
  • 1985: SkyRider
  • 1986: Thunder Run (formerly Blauer Enzian)
  • 1987: The Bat
  • 1988: Racing Rivers
  • 1989: Timberwolf Falls
  • 1990: Jet Scream
  • 1991: Vortex
  • 1992: Splash Works: Whirl Winds, Body Blast, Splash Island Kiddy Slides
  • 1993: Kid's Kingdom play area (later renovated and renamed Maple Park Treehouse)
  • 1994: "Days of Thunder" – Motion Simulator Movie Ride (Action Theatre – Currently Playing "Monsters of the Deep 3D")
  • 1995: Top Gun (Flight Deck)
  • 1996: Xtreme Skyflyer, Speed City Raceway; Splash Works: Wave Pool (White Water Bay), The Pump House, Black Hole
  • 1997: Drop Zone: Stunt Tower (later renamed Drop Tower: Scream Zone)
  • 1998: KidZville, James Bond – "License To Thrill" (feature at Action Theatre), Taxi Jam, The Edge Climbing Wall
  • 1999: The Fly; Splash Works: Super Soaker and The Plunge; "Dino Island II: Escape from Dino Island 3D" (feature at Action Theatre)
  • 2000: Cliffhanger (Later renamed Riptide), Scooby-Doo's Haunted Mansion (Boo Blasters on Boo Hill)
  • 2001: Shockwave; Zoom Zone (new kids area) including: Silver Streak, Blast Off and Jumping Jet; "Stan Lee's 7th Portal 3D" (feature at the Action Theatre)
  • 2002: Psyclone; Splash Works: Riptide Racer, Barracuda Blaster and Kids Sprayground
  • 2003: Sledge Hammer, Nickelodeon Central (replacing Bedrock), "Warrior of the Dawn" (in Action Theatre), "SpongeBob SquarePants 3-D" (feature in Action Theatre), Launch Pad (trampolines; requires separate fee)
  • 2004: Tomb Raider: The Ride (later renamed Time Warp); The return of "Days of Thunder" (feature at Action Theatre)
  • 2005: Italian Job: Stunt Track (later renamed Backlot Stunt Coaster)
  • 2006: "The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbara" (feature at the Action Theatre), Nickelodeon Celebration Parade, Hollywood Stunt Spectacular
  • 2007: Coasters 50s Diner, International Marketplace Buffet, Picnic Pavilion
  • 2008: Behemoth
  • 2010: Planet Snoopy
  • 2011: WindSeeker, Starlight Spectacular
  • 2012: Leviathan, Dinosaurs Alive!,[30] Starlight Spectacular, "Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia 3D" (feature at the Action Theatre),[80] Fast Lane
  • 2013: "Monsters of the Deep 3D" (feature at the Action Theatre)[81]
  • 2014: Wonder Mountain's Guardian[82]
  • 2015: SlingShot, Splash Works: Typhoon and Splash Station, VIP Cabanas
  • 2016: Flying Eagles and Skyhawk, "Robinson Crusoe 3D" (feature at the Action Theatre), "Stars of the Peking Acrobats" (show at Wonderland Theatre), VR on Thunder Run
  • 2017: Soaring Timbers, "Our Canada" (feature at the Action Theatre), Cirque Canadien (show at Canterbury Theatre), Splash Works: Muskoka Plunge
  • 2018: Lumberjack, Flying Canoes, Splash Works: Lakeside Lagoon
  • 2019: Yukon Striker, Frontier Canada and Winterfest, Peanut's Putt Putt removed for Beage Brigade Airfield
  • 2020: Beagle Brigade Airfield, Splash Works: Mountain Bay Cliffs


The park, from its opening in 1981, was known as Canada's Wonderland. In 1994, when Paramount Pictures (later Viacom) purchased the property, the name of the park changed to include the word Paramount, a practice Paramount Parks implemented with all of its parks in 1993. Prior to that, none of the Paramount-owned parks included Paramount in the name.

In 2003, Viacom updated the logo of Paramount Parks, and all its theme parks, including Wonderland, to include an updated Paramount logo, even though the logo for Paramount Pictures, the film studio, remained unchanged.

In 2006, CBS Corporation (split from Viacom in 2005) sold all of its theme park properties to Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, which in turn, dropped the Paramount prefixes from all five parks (and thus reverted to their original names), and adopted a Cedar Fair logo and typeface.

  • 1981–1993

  • 1994–2003

  • 2003–2006

  • 2007–present

See also[edit]

  • Incidents at Canada's Wonderland
  • List of amusement parks in the Americas
  • List of amusement park rankings


  1. ^ "Norm Pirtovshek has a need for speed – and he has the perfect job as VP and GM of Canada's Wonderland". Good Life Mississauga. May–June 2012. Archived from the original on 12 December 2013. Retrieved 24 September 2014.
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  71. ^ "Wonder Mountain's Guardian". Canada's Wonderland. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  72. ^ Marden, Duane. "Bat  (Canada's Wonderland)". Roller Coaster DataBase. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
  73. ^ "Accidents at Canada's Wonderland". Theme Park Inside. Archived from the original on 28 May 2007. Retrieved 9 September 2011.
  74. ^ "Planet Snoopy to open in 2010". 21 August 2009. Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  75. ^ Vermond, Kira (19 June 2004). "Where the wild rides are". The Globe and Mail. Toronto. Archived from the original on 24 June 2004. Retrieved 12 September 2011.
  76. ^ https://www.canadaswonderland.com/tickets-passes/fast-lane
  77. ^ "Fast Lane at Canada's Wonderland". Cedar Fair. Retrieved 7 August 2014.
  78. ^ "Guests with Disabilities – Canada's Wonderland". www.canadaswonderland.com.
  79. ^ "Canada Roller Coaster Records". Coaster Enthusiasts of Canada. 28 August 2011. Retrieved 9 September 2011.
  80. ^ "Canada's Wonderland Live Entertainment". Canada's Wonderland. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
  81. ^ "Monsters of the Deep 3D". Archived from the original on 9 August 2013.
  82. ^ "Wonder Mountain's Guardian". Canada's Wonderland. Retrieved 24 September 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • Canada's Wonderland at the Roller Coaster DataBase