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The Canadian Wildlife Federation (French: Fédération canadienne de la faune) is a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife conservation.

History and mission[edit]

The Canadian Wildlife Federation was founded in 1961 and chartered in 1962.[2]

The Canadian Wildlife Federation is devoted to teaching others to appreciate the natural world in order to ensure a lasting legacy of healthy wildlife and habitat.[3]

To meet these goals, the Canadian Wildlife Federation:

  • Informs and educates other Canadians on wildlife and natural habitats;
  • Promotes responsible human actions and conservation; and
  • Represents wildlife on conservation issues.[3]

The Canadian Wildlife Federation aims to inform Canadians about wildlife by spreading the word using media such as posters, magazines, newsletters, WebPages and community events. By doing this, CWF hopes to inspire other Canadians to donate and support the organization in order to run the programs that teach Canadians about wildlife. Finally, CWF aims to educate and increase awareness on problems concerning Canadian wildlife and how Canadians can aid in the conservation of natural environments.

In 2011, the CWF took steps to reduce the organization's carbon footprint including, weighing their mail to avoid over-mailing, less travel and more centralized meetings, installing solar units and recycling. The purpose of this was to assess their carbon footprint, to raise additional money with less investment and to reduce the foundation's environmental impact.[4]


The Canadian Wildlife Federation's Education department focuses its attention on connecting Canadians to wildlife along a continuum that moves participants from a broad awareness of wildlife issues to one where people take responsibility in their own communities to be ambassadors for species and habitat. CWF's education programs include: Wild Education, which teachers can use to develop their own programming, a Summer Institute for educators, Hinterland Who's Who which has informed Canadians about wildlife for more than 50 years, Wild about Sports, which is a program developed by Damian Foxall to connect sport participants with the natural world and conservation ethic.[5] In 2020, the CWF launched two new youth education programs: the Wild Outside Program and the Canadian Conservation Corp. Wild Outside aims to help youth aged 15 to 18 start conservation programs where they live. Canadian Conservation Corps gives people aged 18 to 30 experience in conservation activities.[6]


The Canadian Wildlife Federation's Science department focuses much of its attention on the conservation of both marine and land mammals throughout Canada. The main areas of interest for the CWF are: Habitat Stewardship, Freshwater Conservation, Marine Conservation, Endangered Species, and Climate Change.[7]

Habitat stewardship[edit]

The habitat stewardship program focuses primarily on habitat creation and restoration in both rural and urban communities as well as encouraging stewardship for private landowners.[8]

Freshwater conservation[edit]

Canada houses many freshwater sources throughout the country including lakes and rivers, which are responsible for nearly 9% of the global renewable water energy supply.[9] This abundance of freshwater also houses many species of fish, birds, amphibians, insects and other species of wildlife.

Research and creating awareness among the public is focused on four main areas:

  • Habitat Protection and Restoration;
  • Aquatic Invasive Species;
  • Conserving Freshwater Wildlife Populations; and
  • Reducing the Impact of Water Pollution on Wildlife.[9]

Marine conservation[edit]

Due to its vast coastline (234,000 km), bordered by three oceans, the federation works hard to maintain the health of the marine life.

The key areas focused on include:

  • Reducing the impact of Fisheries on Marine Wildlife;
  • Marine Pollution; and
  • Marine Protected Areas.[10]

Over fishing is a major area of interest as it is crucial to maintain ample food for marine life that relies on these areas for winter grounds or having their young.

Endangered species[edit]

The Canadian Wildlife Federation implemented an Endangered Species Program to aid in the conservation of threatened species throughout Canada. Extensive research is performed to identify the reason behind the decrease in wildlife population, and the most appropriate method that can be used to ensure the population will increase. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the CWF (along with other organizations) combine their knowledge in order to have unanimous conservation methods between organizations. Other projects include reintroducing threatened species back into their natural habitat to increase population diversity. The CWF also aims to influence government regulations regarding endangered species in order to promote longevity of the species.[9]

Climate change[edit]

Climate change is a global issue that researchers believe will have serious, negative consequences in the future, but its current effect on wildlife is apparent. The adaptations that many species have undergone to adjust to the varying climate include shifting their migratory ranges, migrating earlier or later than usual, and changing hibernation patterns.[11]

The CWF focuses on three areas of climate change:

  • Using Habitat Restoration and Conservation to Store Carbon;
  • Planning for Wildlife Adaptation to Climate Change; and
  • Advocating for Strong Carbon Emission Reduction Targets for Canada.[12]


The Canadian Wildlife Federation greatly relies on financial support. Donations play a crucial role in the CWF's involvement and preservation of wildlife in Canada.[13] The CWF accepts many types of donations including a monthly donation, which is a regular commitment to donate a certain amount of money each month. Other donation types include: one time, in memoriam, In-honour and bequest, which can be sent through the CWF's website.[13]

Affiliates and partners[edit]

The Canadian Wildlife Federation works with all levels of the Government of Canada in addition to businesses for the purpose of meeting their goals, which are to increase awareness for the welfare of wildlife in Canada.[14] The CWF works with provincial and territorial governments, federal agencies, organizations and Environment Canada.[14] Some national partners include: Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, Royal Botanical Gardens (Ontario) and Atlas of Canada.[14] The many partners of the CWF provide financial support and aid with resources to help protect wildlife. The financial support and resources that these partners offer help to increase awareness and stewardship of wildlife preservation in Canada.

The Canadian Wildlife Federation works with Boomerang Tools. Boomerang Tools is a Canadian tool company that focuses on reducing, reusing and recycling. They have developed an Ecological Program, where old tools are recycled for credit and sent to a local metal recycling plant. All proceeds from the tool-recycling program are donated to the CWF to conduct projects and research.[15]

In 2010, the Canadian Wildlife Federation organized the first annual "Walk for Wildlife".[16] This walk runs during National Wildlife Week (April 10–16). The purpose of this walk is to raise awareness about sustainable forest management and conservation of habitats for Canadian wildlife. The walk runs across Canada, where communities host local events. All of this can be made possible because of the many partners and sponsors of the CWF.

Financial report[edit]

CWF Revenue VS Aid Expense Graph for 2008, 2009 and 2010.

In 2008, the Canadian Wildlife Federation received $12.8 million in donations and $1.5 million in revenue to total $14.3 million for the year. In the same year, the CWF spent $8.3 million on wildlife aid programs. This means that for the year 2008, the CWF spent 58% of its total revenue on its actual aid programs.[17] As an aid organization, the percentage of revenue spent on aid programs should be as high as possible, keeping administrative and fund-raising expenses to a minimum. In 2009, The Canadian Wildlife Federation received $15.2 million in donations and $1.4 million in revenue to total $16.6 million for the year. The CWF spent $10.3 million on wildlife aid programs. For the year 2009, the CWF spent 63% of its total yearly revenue on aid programs; which is 5% higher than the number in 2008.[18]In 2010, the Canadian Wildlife Federation received $13.7 million in donations and $1.4 million in revenue to total $15.1 million for the year. $8.3 million was spent on wildlife aid programs. For the year 2010, the CWF spent 55% of its total revenue on actual aid programs. This number is 8% lower than in 2009 and 3% lower than in 2008; however the amount of revenue received in 2010 was higher than in 2008.[19]


  1. ^ a b "Canadian Wildlife Federation".
  2. ^ "Mycio, L. (2011). The Canadian Encyclopaedia. The Canadian Wildlife Federation. Retrieved July 19, 2011".
  3. ^ a b "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Mission. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on 2011-08-23. Retrieved 2011-07-28.
  4. ^ "Logan P. (2011). Canadian Wildlife Federation Balances Conservation Priorities with Donor Acquisition Success. Retrieved July 19, 2011".
  5. ^ "Programs - Canadian Wildlife Federation". Archived from the original on 2015-02-17. Retrieved 2015-02-17.
  6. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation expanding programs to engage youth". CBC.
  7. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). About Us. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on 2011-08-23. Retrieved 2011-07-28.
  8. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Habitat Stewardship. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on 2011-08-11. Retrieved 2011-07-28.
  9. ^ a b c "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Endangered Species. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on July 26, 2011. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  10. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Marine. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on July 26, 2011. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  11. ^ Thomas, C. D.; Cameron, A.; Green, R. E.; Bakkenes, M.; Beaumont, L. J.; Collingham, Y. C.; Erasmus, B. F.; De Siqueira, M. F.; Grainger, A.; Hannah, L.; Hughes, L.; Huntley, B.; Van Jaarsveld, A. S.; Midgley, G. F.; Miles, L.; Ortega-Huerta, M. A.; Peterson, A. T.; Phillips, O. L.; Williams, S. E. (2004). "Nature (2011). Extinction Risk From Climate Change. Retrieved July 19, 2011" (PDF). Nature. 427 (6970): 145–148. doi:10.1038/nature02121. PMID 14712274.
  12. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Climate Change. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on July 26, 2011. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  13. ^ a b Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Donations. Retrieved July 19, 2011.
  14. ^ a b c "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). CWF Education Partners. Retrieved July 19, 2011".
  15. ^ "Boomerang Tools (2011). Retrieved July 19, 2011".
  16. ^ "Canadian Wildlife Federation (2011). Walk for Wildlife. Retrieved July 19, 2011". Archived from the original on 2011-08-12. Retrieved 2011-07-28.
  17. ^ "Financial Statement (2008). Retrieved July 19, 2011" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on October 2, 2011. Retrieved July 28, 2011.
  18. ^ "Financial Statement (2009) Retrieved July 19, 2011" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on October 2, 2011. Retrieved July 28, 2011.
  19. ^ "Financial Statement (2010) Retrieved July 19, 2011" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on October 2, 2011. Retrieved July 28, 2011.

External links[edit]

  • The Canadian Wildlife Federation
  • Wild Education
  • Wild About Gardening
  • Hinterland Who's Who