
Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлен из Франкфурта-на-Майне )
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Франкфурт , официально Франкфурт -на- Майне ( Немецкий: [fʁaŋkfʊʁt ʔam maɪn] ( слушать ) ; Hessian : Frangford я Маа , лит « Франк брод на [а] Main »), является самым густонаселенным городом в немецком государстве в Гессене . Его 763,380 жителей по состоянию на 31 декабря 2019 года делает его пятым по численности населения город в Германии . На реке Майн (а приток на Рейне ), он образует непрерывную агломерациюс соседним городом Оффенбах-на-Майне и его городской территорией с населением 2,3 миллиона человек. [3] [5] Город является сердцем более крупного столичного региона Рейн-Майн с населением 5,5 миллионов человек [2] и является вторым по величине столичным регионом Германии после Рейнско-Рурского региона. Центральный деловой район Франкфурта находится примерно в 90 км (56 миль) к северо-западу от географического центра ЕС в Гадхайме , Нижняя Франкония . Как Франция и Франкония, город назван в честь франков. Франкфурт - крупнейший город в районе франконского диалекта Рейна .

Франкфурт был городом-государством , Вольным городом Франкфурта , на протяжении почти пяти веков и был одним из самых важных городов Священной Римской империи как место имперских коронаций ; он потерял свой суверенитет после краха империи в 1806 году, восстановил его в 1815 году, а затем снова потерял его в 1866 году, когда он был аннексирован (хотя и нейтральным) Королевством Пруссия . Франкфурт является частью земли Гессен с 1945 года. Франкфурт разнообразен в культурном, этническом и религиозном отношении, половина его населения и большинство молодых людей имеют мигрантское прошлое . Четверть населения составляют иностранные граждане, в том числе многиеэкспатрианты .

Франкфурт - это глобальный центр торговли, культуры, образования, туризма и транспорта, который признан «альфа-городом мира» по версии GaWC . Это сайт штаб-квартир многих глобальных и европейских корпораций. Кроме того, аэропорт Франкфурта является самым загруженным в Германии, одним из самых загруженных в Европе и мире, аэропортом с самыми прямыми маршрутами в мире и основным узловым аэропортом Lufthansa , национальной авиакомпании Германии. Франкфурт - один из крупнейших финансовых центров европейского континента, где расположены штаб-квартиры Европейского центрального банка , Deutsche Bundesbank , Франкфуртской фондовой биржи ,Deutsche Bank , DZ Bank , KfW , Commerzbank , несколько облачных и финтех- стартапов [6] и другие институты. Экономическая база дополняется автомобилем, технологиями и исследованиями, услугами, консалтингом, СМИ и творческими отраслями . Франкфуртский DE-CIX - крупнейшая в мире точка обмена данными через Интернет . Messe Frankfurt - одна из крупнейших мировых выставок . Основные ярмарки включают Музыкальную ярмарку и Франкфуртскую книжную ярмарку , крупнейшую в мире книжную ярмарку.

Франкфурт является домом для влиятельных учебных заведений, включая Университет Гете , UAS , FUMPA и аспирантуру, такую ​​как Франкфуртская школа финансов и менеджмента . Его известные культурные центры включают в себя концертный зал Alte Oper , крупнейший в континентальной Европе английского театр и много музеев (например, Museumsufer ансамбля с Штеделями и Liebieghaus , Музеем естественной Senckenberg , Домом Гете и Ширн искусством места в старом городе ).Горизонт Франкфурта формируют одни из самых высоких небоскребов Европы. Город также характеризуется различными зелеными зонами и парками, включая центральный Валланлаген , Городской лес , два крупных ботанических сада ( Пальменгартен и Ботанический сад университета ) и Франкфуртский зоопарк . В спорте город известен как дом первоклассного футбольного клуба Eintracht Frankfurt , хоккейной команды Löwen Frankfurt , баскетбольного клуба Frankfurt Skyliners , Франкфуртского марафона и места проведения Ironman Germany.. Он также был одним из городов-организаторов чемпионатов мира по футболу 1974 и 2006 годов .


Часто стереотипная как финансовый город, Франкфурт многогранный, в том числе развлекательного района на Bahnhofsviertel .

Франкфурт является самым крупным финансовым центром в континентальной Европе . Здесь расположены Европейский центральный банк , Deutsche Bundesbank , Франкфуртская фондовая биржа и несколько крупных коммерческих банков.

Франкфуртская фондовая биржа является одним из крупнейших мировых фондовых бирж по рыночной капитализации и составляет более 90 процентов от оборота на немецком рынке.

В 2010 году 63 национальных и 152 международных банка имели свои зарегистрированные офисы во Франкфурте, включая крупнейшие банки Германии, в частности Deutsche Bank , DZ Bank , KfW и Commerzbank , а также 41 представительство международных банков. [7]

Франкфурт считается глобальным городом ( городом альфа-мира), как указано в инвентаризации группы GaWC за 2012 год. [8] Среди глобальных городов он занял 10-е место в рейтинге Global Power City Index 2011 и 11- е место в рейтинге Global City Competitiveness Index 2012 . Среди финансовых центров он занял 8-е место в Индексе развития международных финансовых центров за 2013 год и 9- е место в рейтинге глобальных финансовых центров за 2013 год .

Его центральное расположение в пределах Германии и Европы делает Франкфурт крупным авиационным, железнодорожным и автомобильным транспортным узлом . Аэропорт Франкфурта - один из самых загруженных международных аэропортов в мире по пассажиропотоку и главный узловой транспортный узел немецкого авиаперевозчика Lufthansa . Центральный вокзал Франкфурта - один из крупнейших железнодорожных вокзалов в Европе и самый загруженный узел, которым управляет Deutsche Bahn , немецкая национальная железнодорожная компания, с 342 поездами в день до внутренних и европейских направлений. [9] Франкфуртер-Кройц , развязка автобанов. Рядом с аэропортом находится самая интенсивно используемая транспортная развязка в ЕС, которую ежедневно используют 320 000 автомобилей. [10] В 2011 году кадровая консалтинговая компания Mercer заняла седьмое место во Франкфурте в ежегодном исследовании городов по всему миру «Качество жизни». [11] Согласно исследованию стоимости жизни, проведенному The Economist , Франкфурт - самый дорогой город Германии и 10-й по величине город в мире. [12]

В центре Франкфурта много высотных зданий , образующих линию горизонта Франкфурта . Это один из немногих городов в Европейском союзе (ЕС), который имеет такой горизонт, поэтому немцы иногда называют Франкфурт Майнхэттеном , объединяя местную реку Майн и « Манхэттен ». Другое известное прозвище - Банкфурт . Перед Второй мировой войной город был известен своим уникальным старым городом , самым большим фахверковым старым городом в Европе. Ремер район был позже восстановлен и пользуется популярностью у посетителей , и для таких событий, как рождественские рынки. Остальные части старого города были реконструированы в рамках проекта Dom-Römer с 2012 по 2018 год.


Легенда Франкенфурта ( франковский брод)

Frankonovurd (в древневерхненемецком ) или Vadum Francorum (в латинском ) были впервые упоминается в письменных записях из 794. имен Это преобразованные в Frankenfort во время Средневековья , а затем к Franckfort и Franckfurth в современной эпохе . По словам историка Дэвида Ганса , город получил название ок. 146 г. н.э. его построил франкский король по имени Зуна, который правил провинцией, тогда известной как Сикамбри . Он надеялся таким образом увековечить имя своей родословной. [13] Название происходит от Franconofurd.из германского племени из Franks ; Фурт ( ср. Английский брод ), где река была достаточно мелкой, чтобы ее можно было пересечь пешком.

К 19 веку название Франкфурт стало официальным написанием. Старое английское написание Франкфурта сейчас редко используется в отношении Франкфурта-на-Майне, хотя более десятка других городов, в основном в Соединенных Штатах, используют это написание (например, Франкфорт, Кентукки ; Франкфорт, Нью-Йорк ; Франкфорт, Иллинойс ).

Суффикс am Main регулярно используется с 14 века. На английском языке полное название города Франкфурт-на-Майне означает «Франкфурт-на-Майне» (произносится как английский mine или немецкий mein ). Франкфурт расположен на древнем броде (нем. Furt ) на реке Майн . Как часть ранней Франконии , жители были ранними франками , поэтому название города показывает его наследие как «брод франков на Майне». [14]

Среди говорящих на английском языке, город широко известен просто как Франкфурт, но немцы иногда называют его своим полным именем , чтобы отличить его от другого (значительно меньше) немецкого города Франкфурт -на- Одере в земле в Бранденбурге на польской границе.

Городской район Бонамес имеет название, вероятно, восходящее к римским временам, которое, как считается, произошло от bona me (n) sa (хороший стол).

Общепринятые сокращения для города, в основном используемые в железнодорожных сообщениях и на дорожных знаках, - это Франкфурт (Майн) , Франкфурт (М) , Франкфурт а. М. , Франкфурт-на-Майне или Франкфурт-на-Майне . Общепринятая аббревиатура названия города - «FFM». Также используется "FRA", код IATA для аэропорта Франкфурта.


Ранняя история и Священная Римская империя

Римские поселения были основаны в районе Ремер , вероятно, в первом веке. Нида ( Heddernheim , Praunheim ) также была римской столицей civitas.

Алеманни и франки жили там , а к 794 году Карл Великий председательствовал на императорском собрании и церковном синоде, на котором впервые был упомянут Франконофурд (альтернативные варианты написания заканчиваются на -фурт и -вурд). Это была одна из двух столиц внука Карла Великого, Людовика Немецкого , вместе с Регенсбургом . Людовик основал коллегиальную церковь , переосвященную в 1239 году апостолу Варфоломею, а ныне Франкфуртский собор . [15]

Франкфурт был одним из важнейших городов Священной Римской империи . С 855 года в Ахене избирались и короновались немецкие короли . С 1562 года короли и императоры были коронованы и избраны во Франкфурте по инициативе Максимилиана II . Эта традиция закончилась в 1792 году, когда был избран Франц II . Его коронация была намеренно проведена в День взятия Бастилии , 14 июля, в годовщину штурма Бастилии . Выборы и коронации проходили в соборе Святого Варфоломея , известном как Кайзердом (Императорский собор), или его предшественниках.

Frankfurter Messe (Франкфурт - выставка) впервые упоминается в 1150. В 1240 году император Фридрих II получил императорскую привилегию своим посетителям, подразумевая , что они будут защищены от империи. Ярмарка стала особенно важной, когда аналогичные ярмарки во французском Бокере потеряли свою привлекательность примерно в 1380 году. Книжные ярмарки начались в 1478 году.

В 1372 году Франкфурт стал Рейхсштадтом ( имперским вольным городом ), то есть подчиненным непосредственно императору Священной Римской империи, а не региональному правителю или местному дворянину.

В 1585 году франкфуртские торговцы установили систему обменных курсов для различных валют, которые находились в обращении, чтобы предотвратить мошенничество и вымогательство. В этом и лежали первые корни Франкфуртской фондовой биржи.

Франкфурту удалось сохранить нейтралитет во время Тридцатилетней войны , но он пострадал от бубонной чумы, которую принесли в город беженцы. После войны Франкфурт восстановил свое богатство. В конце 1770-х годов во Франкфурте обосновался директор театра Абель Зейлер , основавший театральную жизнь города. [16]

Франкфурт в 1872 году
Кайзерплац, около 1880 г.

Влияние французской революции и наполеоновских войн

После Французской революции Франкфурт несколько раз был оккупирован или бомбардировался французскими войсками. Он оставался вольным городом до распада Священной Римской империи в 1805-1806 годах. В 1806 году он стал частью княжества Ашаффенбург под властью Фюрстприма ( принца-примаса ) Карла Теодора Антона Марии фон Дальберга . Это означало, что Франкфурт был включен в Рейнскую конфедерацию . В 1810 году Дальберг принял титул великого герцога Франкфурта . Наполеон намеревался сделать своего приемного сына Эжена де Богарне уже принцем Венеции ("принц Венеции », недавно установленное первородство в Италии), великий герцог Франкфуртский после смерти Дальберга (поскольку последний как католический епископ не имел законных наследников). Великое герцогство оставалось коротким эпизодом, продолжавшимся с 1810 по 1813 год, когда наступила военная волна повернулся в пользу союзников под руководством англо-пруссии, которые свергнули наполеоновский порядок. Дальберг отрекся от престола в пользу Эжена де Богарне, что, конечно, было лишь символическим действием, поскольку последний фактически никогда не правил после крушения французских армий и Франкфурта. захват союзниками.

Франкфурт как полностью суверенное государство

После окончательного поражения и отречения Наполеона Венский конгресс (1814–1815) распустил Великое герцогство, и Франкфурт стал полностью суверенным городом-государством с республиканской формой правления. Франкфурт вошел в состав недавно созданной Германской Конфедерации (до 1866 г.) как свободный город, став резиденцией ее Бундестага , конфедерального парламента, где номинально председательствующий Габсбургский император Австрии был представлен австрийским «посланником президента».

После злополучной революции 1848 года Франкфурт был резиденцией первого демократически избранного немецкого парламента, Франкфуртского парламента , который собрался во Франкфуртской церкви Паульскирхе (церковь Святого Павла) и был открыт 18 мая 1848 года. В 1849 году учреждение потерпело крах. когда прусский король Фридрих Вильгельм IV заявил, что не примет «корону из сточной канавы». В год своего существования ассамблея разработала общую конституцию объединенной Германии с прусским королем в качестве ее монарха.

Франкфурт после потери суверенитета

Вид Франкфурт -на- Майне , в том числе Alte Brücke (Старый мост), по Гюстава Курбе (1858)

Франкфурт потерял независимость после австро-прусской войны в 1866 году, когда Пруссия аннексировала несколько небольших государств, в том числе Вольный город Франкфурт . Прусская администрация включила Франкфурт в свою провинцию Гессен-Нассау . Прусская оккупация и аннексия были восприняты как величайшая несправедливость во Франкфурте, который сохранил свой ярко выраженный западноевропейский, городской и космополитический характер. Ранее независимые города Борнхайм и Боккенхайм были включены в 1890 году.

В 1914 году граждане основали Франкфуртский университет, позже названный Франкфуртским университетом Гете . Это был единственный гражданский фонд университета в Германии; сегодня это один из крупнейших в Германии.

С 6 апреля по 17 мая 1920 года, после военной интервенции с целью подавления восстания в Рур , Франкфурт был оккупирован французскими войсками . [17] Французы утверждали, что статьи 42–44 Версальского мирного договора о демилитаризации Рейнской области были нарушены. [18] В 1924 году Людвиг Ландманн стал первым еврейским мэром города и в последующие годы возглавил его значительную экспансию. В нацистскую эпоху синагоги города были разрушены.

Франкфурт сильно пострадал во время Второй мировой войны (1939–1945). Во время набегов было убито около 5500 жителей, а некогда знаменитый средневековый центр города , к тому времени крупнейший в Германии, был практически полностью разрушен. Он стал полем наземного боя 26 марта 1945 года, когда наступление союзников в Германию было вынуждено взять город в состязательном городском сражении, которое включало нападение на реку. Пятая стрелковая дивизия и шестая танковая дивизия из армии Соединенных Штатов захватили Франкфурт после нескольких дней напряженной борьбы, и он был объявлен в значительной степени обезопасить от 29 марта 1945 года [19]

После окончания войны Франкфурт стал частью недавно основанного штата Гессен, состоящего из старых провинций Гессен (Дармштадт) и прусских провинций Гессен . Город входил в американскую оккупационную зону Германии. Штаб-квартира военного губернатора зоны США (1945–1949) и Верховного комиссара Соединенных Штатов по Германии (HICOG) (1949–1952) находилась в здании IG Farben Building , которое было намеренно оставлено неповрежденным в результате бомбардировки союзников во время войны.

Франкфурт был первоначальным выбором в качестве временной столицы недавно основанного штата Западная Германия в 1949 году. В городе было построено здание парламента, которое никогда не использовалось по назначению (в нем размещались радиостудии Hessischer Rundfunk ). В конце концов, Конрад Аденауэр , первый послевоенный канцлер , предпочел город Бонн по большей части потому, что он находился недалеко от его родного города, но также и потому, что многие другие видные политики выступили против выбора Франкфурта из опасений, что Франкфурт будет принят. в качестве постоянной столицы, тем самым ослабляя поддержку западногерманского населения воссоединения с Восточной Германией.и возможное возвращение столицы Берлину .

Послевоенная реконструкция проходила в простом современном стиле, что изменило архитектурный облик Франкфурта. Несколько знаковых зданий были реконструированы исторически, хотя и в упрощенной форме (например, Ремер , Церковь Святого Павла и Дом Гете ). Коллекция исторически значимых документов Каирской Генизы муниципальной библиотеки была уничтожена в результате бомбардировки. По словам ученого- арабиста и генизца С. Д. Гойтейна , «не сохранились даже списки, указывающие на его содержание». [20]

Франкфуртский парламент в церкви Святого Павла в 1848 году
Аэрофотоснимок собора в мае 1945 года.
Реконструкция (1981–1984) шести домов на восточной стороне Рёмерберга, разрушенных во время Второй мировой войны.

Конец войны ознаменовал возвращение Франкфурта в качестве ведущего финансового центра Германии, главным образом потому, что Берлин, теперь город, разделенный на четыре сектора , больше не мог соперничать с ним. В 1948 году союзники основали Bank deutscher Länder , предшественника Deutsche Bundesbank . После этого решения было восстановлено больше финансовых институтов, например Deutsche Bank и Dresdner Bank . В 1950-х годах Франкфуртская фондовая биржа вернула себе позицию ведущей фондовой биржи страны.

Франкфурт также вновь стал транспортным центром Германии, а аэропорт Франкфурта стал вторым по загруженности аэропортом в Европе после лондонского аэропорта Хитроу в 1961 году.

В 1970-х годах в городе была создана одна из самых эффективных систем подземного транспорта в Европе. [21] Эта система включает в себя пригородную железнодорожную систему ( S-Bahn ), связывающую отдаленные районы с центром города, и систему подземного легкорельсового транспорта с меньшими автобусами ( U-Bahn ), также способную передвигаться по земле по рельсам.

В 1998 году во Франкфурте был основан Европейский центральный банк , а в 2011 году - Европейское управление страхования и профессиональных пенсий и Европейский совет по системным рискам .


Вид Франкфурта с камеры Sentinel-2A Европейского космического агентства .

Франкфурт - крупнейший город федеративной земли Гессен на юго-западе Германии.


Франкфурт расположен по обе стороны реки Майн , к юго-востоку от горного хребта Таунус . В южной части города находится Франкфуртский городской лес , крупнейший городской лес Германии. Площадь города составляет 248,31 км 2 (95,87 квадратных миль) и простирается на 23,4 км (14,54 миль) с востока на запад и 23,3 км (14,48 миль) с севера на юг. Центр города находится к северу от реки Майн в районе Альтштадт (исторический центр) и окружающем районе Инненштадт . Географический центр находится в районе Боккенхайм недалеко от Западного вокзала Франкфурта .

Франкфурт - центр густонаселенной столичной области Франкфурт-Рейн-Майн с населением 5,5 миллионов человек. Другими важными городами региона являются Висбаден (столица Гессена ), Майнц (столица земли Рейнланд-Пфальц ), Дармштадт , Оффенбах-на-Майне , Ханау , Ашаффенбург , Бад-Хомбург-фор-дер-Хёэ , Рюссельсхайм , Вецлар и Марбург .


46 Stadtteile (городские районы) в центре Франкфурта
Центральный район Инненштадт, вид со спутника SkySat .

Город разделен на 46 городских округов ( Stadtteile ), которые, в свою очередь, разделены на 121 городской район ( Stadtbezirke ) и 448 избирательных округов ( Wahlbezirke ). 46 городских округов объединяются в 16 районных округов ( Ortsbezirke ), в каждом из которых есть районный комитет и председатель.

Самый большой по численности населения и площади район города - Заксенхаузен , а самый маленький - Альтштадт , исторический центр Франкфурта. Три более крупных городских района (Заксенхаузен, Вестенд и Норденд ) разделены в административных целях на северную ( -Nord ) и южную ( -Süd ) части, соответственно, западную ( -West ) и восточную ( -Ost ) части, но являются обычно рассматривается как один городской район (поэтому часто упоминается только 43 городских района, даже на официальном сайте города). [22]

Некоторые крупные жилые районы часто ошибочно называют городские районы, даже местные жители, как Nordweststadt (часть Niederursel , Heddernheim и Praunheim ), Гольдштейн (часть Schwanheim ), Ридберг (часть Kalbach-Riedberg ) и Europaviertel (часть Gallus ). Bankenviertel ( банковский район ), финансовый район Франкфурта, также не административный район города (он покрывает части западного Innenstadt района южного Вестэнд района и восточного Банхофсвертел район).

Многие городские районы являются пригородами ( Vororte ) или ранее были независимыми городами, такими как Höchst . Некоторые из них, такие как Nordend и Westend, возникли во время быстрого роста города в Gründerzeit после объединения Германии , в то время как другие были сформированы на территории, которая ранее принадлежала другим городским районам, таким как Дорнбуш и Ридервальд .

История инкорпораций

До 1877 года территория города состояла из современных городских районах Альтштадт , Innenstadt , Bahnhofsviertel , Gutleutviertel , Gallus , Westend , Nordend , Остенде и Заксенхаузен .

Борнхайм был частью административного района под названием Ландкрайс Франкфурт , прежде чем стать частью города 1 января 1877 года, за ним последовал Боккенхайм 1 апреля 1895 года. Зекбах , Нидеррад и Оберрад последовали за ним 1 июля 1900 года. Ландкрайс Франкфурт был окончательно рассредоточен 1 апреля 1910, и , следовательно , Berkersheim , Bonames , Eckenheim , Eschersheim , Ginnheim , Хаузен , Heddernheim , Niederursel , Praunheim , Preungesheimи Редельхайм присоединился к городу. В том же году на территории, ранее принадлежавшей Зекбаху и Остенде, был создан новый городской район Ридервальд .

1 апреля 1928 года город Хёхст стал частью Франкфурта, как и его городские районы Зиндлинген , Унтерлидербах и Цайльсхайм . Одновременно Landkreis Höchst диспергируют с его городов - членов либо вступление во Франкфурте ( Fechenheim , Griesheim , NIED , Schwanheim , Sossenheim ) или присоединения к вновь созданному LANDKREIS в Майн-Таунус .

Дорнбуш стал городским районом в 1946 году. Он был создан на территории, ранее принадлежавшей Эккенхайму и Гиннхейму.

С 1 августа 1972 года, небольшие пригороды Гессе Хархайм , Kalbach , Нидер-Erlenbach и Нидер-Эшбах стали районы , а другие соседние пригороды решили присоединиться к Майн-Таунус, в LANDKREIS Оффенбах , в Kreis Грос-Герау , в Верхний Таунус , Майн-Кинциг или Веттерау .

Берген-Энкхайм был последним пригородом Франкфурта, который 1 января 1977 года стал частью Франкфурта.

Флугафен стал официальным районом города в 1979 году. Он охватывает территорию аэропорта Франкфурта, которая принадлежала Заксенхаузену и соседнему городу Мёрфельден-Вальдорф .

Самый молодой район Франкфурта - Франкфуртер-Берг . Он был частью Bonames до 1996 года.

Кальбах был официально переименован в Кальбах-Ридберг в 2006 году из-за строительства большого жилого дома в районе, известном как Ридберг.

Соседние районы и города

Городской район Франкфурта в Гессене

На западе Франкфурт граничит с административным районом ( Landkreis ) Майн-Таунус-Крайс с такими городами, как Хаттерсхайм-на-Майне , Крифтель , Хофхайм-ам-Таунус , Келькхайм , Лидербах-ам-Таунус , Зульцбах , Швальбах-ам-Таунус и Эшборн ; к северо-западу - Хохтаунускрейс со Штайнбахом , Оберурзель (Таунус) и Бад-Хомбург-фор-дер-Хёэ ; к северу - Веттераукрайс с Карбеном иБад-Фильбель ; к северо-востоку - Майн-Кинциг-Крайс с Нидердорфельденом и Майнталом ; к юго-востоку город Оффенбах-на-Майне ; на юге - Крайс-Оффенбах с Ной-Изенбургом, а на юго-западе - Крайс-Грос-Герау с Мёрфельден-Вальдорф , Рюссельсхайм и Кельстербах .

Вместе с этими городами (и некоторыми более крупными близлежащими городами, например, Ханау , Родгау , Драйайх , Ланген ) Франкфурт образует сплошную застроенную городскую территорию под названием Stadtregion Frankfurt, которая не является официальным административным районом. В 2010 году городское население составляло 2,3 миллиона человек, и это 13-й по величине город в ЕС .


Франкфурт имеет УМЕРЕННЫЕ - океанический климат ( Кеппен : CFB ). Его средняя годовая температура составляет 10,6 ° C (51,1 ° F), при этом среднемесячная температура колеблется от 1,6 ° C (34,9 ° F) в январе до 20,0 ° C (68,0 ° F) в июле (данные с 1981 по 2010 г.).

Благодаря своему расположению на северной оконечности долины Верхнего Рейна на юго-западе Германии , Франкфурт является одним из самых теплых и засушливых крупных городов Германии вместе с такими городами, как Дармштадт , Мангейм , Карлсруэ и Фрайбург-им-Брайсгау . Лето во Франкфурте может быть очень теплым по сравнению с остальной частью страны. В период с 1981 по 2010 год во Франкфурте было 52 дня с максимальной температурой более 25 ° C и 13 дней с максимальной температурой более 30 ° C в среднем в год.

Изменение климата увеличивает количество жарких дней. В 2018 году было зарегистрировано 108 дней с максимальной температурой более 25 ° C и 43 дня с максимальной температурой более 30 ° C (по сравнению с 52 и 13 днями в среднем в году в период с 1981 по 2010 год). Общую тенденцию к более высоким температурам можно увидеть при сравнении климатических данных с 1981 по 2010 год с данными с 2010 по 2020 годы. Становится солнечнее, суше и теплее.

Будучи городского острова тепла , Франкфурт иногда страдают от тропических ночей , где температура не опускается ниже 20 ° C в период с мая по сентябрь. Это происходит потому, что плотность города заставляет его накапливать все тепло.

Вегетационного больше по сравнению с остальной частью Германии, таким образом , в результате раннего прихода весны в регионе.

Зимы во Франкфурте, как правило, мягкие или, по крайней мере, не морозные, с небольшой вероятностью снегопада , особенно в январе и феврале, но темные и часто пасмурные. Франкфурт в среднем покрыт снегом от 10 до 20 дней в году. [23] С 1981 по 2010 год температура упала примерно на 70 дней ниже 0 ° C, а суточный максимум оставался ниже 0 ° C в течение примерно 13 дней в году в среднем в период с 1981 по 2010 год. Некоторые дни с минимумом ниже -10 ° C могут встречаться здесь чаще. чем на побережье Северной Германии , но не так часто, как в Баварии или восточной части Германии.

Из-за мягкого климата в регионе недалеко находятся некоторые известные винные регионы, такие как Рейнский Гессен , Рейнгау , Франкония (винодельческий регион) и Бергштрассе (маршрут) . Существует также микроклимат на северном берегу реки Майн, ответственный за пальмы , фиговые деревья , лимонные деревья и южноевропейские растения, растущие в этой области. Район называется «Ницца» (по-немецки город Ницца на юге Франции ) и является одним из самых больших парков со средиземноморской растительностью к северу от Альп . [24]



With a population of 763,380 (2019) within its administrative boundaries[30] and of 2,300,000 in the actual urban area,[5] Frankfurt is the fifth-largest city in Germany, after Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne. Central Frankfurt has been a Großstadt (a city with at least 100,000 residents by definition) since 1875. With 414,576 residents in 1910, it was the ninth largest city in Germany and the number of inhabitants grew to 553,464 before World War II. After the war, at the end of the year 1945, the number had dropped to 358,000. In the following years, the population grew again and reached an all-time-high of 691,257 in 1963. It dropped again to 592,411 in 1986 but has increased since then. According to the demographic forecasts for central Frankfurt, the city will have a population up to 813,000 within its administrative boundaries in 2035[31] and more than 2.5 million inhabitants in its urban area.

During the 1970s, the state government of Hesse wanted to expand the city's administrative boundaries to include the entire urban area. This would have made Frankfurt officially the second-largest city in Germany after Berlin with up to 3 million inhabitants.[32] However, because local authorities did not agree, the administrative territory is still much smaller than its actual urban area.

Immigration/Foreign Nationals

According to data from the city register of residents, 51.2% of the population had a migration background as of 2015, which means that a person or at least one or both of their parents was born with foreign citizenship. For the first time, a majority of the city residents had an at least part non-German background.[35] Moreover, three of four children in the city under the age of six had immigrant backgrounds.[36] and 27.7% of residents had a foreign citizenship.[37]

According to statistics, 46.7% of immigrants in Frankfurt come from other countries in the EU; 24.5% come from European countries that are not part of the EU; 15.7% come from Asia (including Western Asia and South Asia); 7.3% come from Africa; 3.4% come from North America (including the Caribbean and Central America); 0.2% come from Australia and Zealandia; 2.3% come from South America; and 1.1% come from Pacific island nations. Because of this the city is often considered to be a multicultural city, and has been compared to New York City, London and Toronto.


Frankfurt was historically a Protestant-dominated city. However, during the 19th century, an increasing number of Catholics moved there. The Jewish community has a history dating back to medieval times and has always ranked among the largest in Germany. Two synagogues operate there. Due to the growing immigration of people from Muslim countries beginning in the 1960s, Frankfurt has a large Muslim community. The Ahmadiyya Noor Mosque, constructed in 1959, is the city's largest mosque and the third-largest in Germany.[38]

As of 2013, the largest Christian denominations were Catholicism (22.7% of the population) and Protestantism, especially Lutheranism (19.4%).[39] Estimations put the share of Muslim inhabitants at approximately 12% (2006).[40] According to calculations based on census data for 21 countries of origin, the number of Muslim migrants in Frankfurt amounted to about 84,000 in 2011, making up 12.6 percent of the population.[41] A large part of them was from Turkey and Morocco. Over 7,000 inhabitants were affiliated with the Jewish community, amounting to approximately 1% of the population.[42]


Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD)


The current Mayor is Peter Feldmann of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). He was elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2018.

The most recent mayoral election was held on 25 February 2018, with a runoff held on 11 March, and the results were as follows:

City council

The Frankfurt am Main city council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung) governs the city alongside the mayor. It is located in the city's medieval town hall, Römer, which is also used for representative and official purposes. The most recent city council election was held on 14 March 2021, and the results were as follows:

Landtag election

For elections to the Hesse State Parliament, Frankfurt am Main is split up into six constituencies. In total 15 delegates represent the city in the Landtag in Wiesbaden. The last election took place in October 2018. Six members of parliament were directly elected in their respective constituencies: Uwe Serke (CDU, Frankfurt am Main I), Miriam Dahlke (Greens, Frankfurt am Main II), Ralf-Norbert Bartel (CDU, Frankfurt am Main III), Michael Boddenberg (CDU, Frankfurt am Main IV), Markus Bocklet (Greens, Frankfurt am Main V) and Boris Rhein (CDU, Frankfurt am Main VI).

Delegates from Frankfurt often serve high-ranking positions in Hessian politics, e.g. Michael Boddenberg is Hessian Minister of Finance and Boris Rhein was elected President of the Landtag of Hesse in 2019.

German federal election

For federal elections which are held every four years, Frankfurt is split up into two constituencies. In the German federal election 2017, Matthias Zimmer (CDU) and Bettina Wiesmann were elected to the Bundestag by directe mandate in Frankfurt am Main I and Frankfurt am Main II respectively. Nicola Beer (FDP), Achim Kessler (Linke), Ulli Nissen (SPD) and Omid Nouripour (Greens) were elected as well.

Nicola Beer resigned as a member of parliament in 2019 following her election to the European Parliament where she now serves as vice president.

International relations

Twin towns – sister cities

Frankfurt is twinned with:[43]

  • Birmingham, England, United Kingdom (1966)
  • Budapest, Hungary (1990)
  • Deuil-la-Barre, France (1967); formerly twinned with Nieder-Eschbach, incorporated into Frankfurt in 1972)[44]
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates (2005)
  • Eskişehir, Turkey (2013)
  • Granada, Nicaragua (1991)
  • Guangzhou, China (1988)
  • Kraków, Poland (1991)
  • Leipzig, Germany (1990)
  • Lyon, France (1960)
  • Milan, Italy (1970)
  • Philadelphia, United States (2015)
  • Prague, Czech Republic (1990)
  • Tel Aviv, Israel (1980)
  • Toronto, Canada (1989)

Friendly cities

Frankfurt has friendly relations with:[43]

  • Cairo, Egypt (1979)
  • Yokohama, Japan (2011)



Römer, the city hall


Römer, the German word for Roman, is a complex of nine houses that form the Frankfurt city hall (Rathaus). The houses were acquired by the city council in 1405 from a wealthy merchant family. The middle house became the city hall and was later connected with its neighbours. The Kaisersaal ("Emperor's Hall") is located on the upper floor and is where the newly crowned emperors held their banquets. The Römer was partially destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt. The surrounding square, the Römerberg, is named after the city hall.

The New Frankfurt Old Town was completed in 2018, including 15 reconstructed historical buildings.

The former Altstadt (old town) quarter between the Römer and the Frankfurt Cathedral was redeveloped as the Dom-Römer Quarter from 2012 to 2018, including 15 reconstructions of historical buildings that were destroyed during World War II.

Frankfurt Cathedral

Frankfurt Cathedral (Frankfurter Dom) is not a cathedral, but the main Catholic church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew. The Gothic building was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries on the foundation of an earlier church from the Merovingian time. From 1356 onwards, kings of the Holy Roman Empire were elected in this church, and from 1562 to 1792, Roman-German emperors were crowned there.

Since the 18th century, St. Bartholomew's has been called Dom, although it was never a bishop's seat. In 1867 it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in its present style. It was again partially destroyed in World War II and rebuilt in the 1950s. Its height is 95 meters. The cathedral tower has a viewing platform open to the public at a height of 66 meters, accessed through a narrow spiral staircase with 386 steps.

Frankfurt Cathedral
St. Paul's Church

St. Paul's Church

St. Paul's Church (Paulskirche) is a national historic monument in Germany because it was the seat of the first democratically elected parliament in 1848. It was established in 1789 as a Protestant church, but was not completed until 1833. Its importance has its roots in the Frankfurt Parliament, which met in the church during the revolutionary years of 1848/49 in order to write a constitution for a united Germany. The attempt failed because the monarchs of Prussia and Austria did not want to lose power. In 1849 Prussian troops ended the democratic experiment by force and the parliament dissolved. Afterwards, the building was used for church services again.

St. Paul's was partially destroyed in World War II, particularly its interior, which now has a modern appearance. It was quickly and symbolically rebuilt after the war; today it is used mainly for exhibitions and events.

Archäologischer Garten Frankfurt

The Archaeological Garden contains small parts of the oldest recovered buildings: an ancient Roman settlement and the Frankfurt Royal Palace (Kaiserpfalz Frankfurt) from the 6th century. The garden is located between the Römerberg and the cathedral. It was discovered after World War II when the area was heavily bombed and later partly rebuilt. The remains were preserved and are now open to the public. From 2013 until 2015 an event building, the Stadthaus ("City house"), has been built on top of the garden, but it remains open to the public free of charge.

Haus Wertheim

Wertheim House is the only timbered house in the Altstadt district that survived the heavy bombings of World War II undamaged. It is located on the Römerberg next to the Historical Museum.


The Saalhof is the oldest conserved building in the Altstadt district and dates to the 12th century. It was used as an exhibition hall by Dutch clothiers when trade fairs were held during the 14th and 15th centuries. The Saalhof was partly destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt. Today it serves as a part of the Historical Museum.

Eiserner Steg

The Eiserner Steg (Iron Bridge) is a pedestrian-only bridge across the Main that connects Römerberg and Sachsenhausen. It was built in 1868 and was the second bridge to cross the river. After World War II, when it was blown up by the Wehrmacht, it was quickly rebuilt in 1946. Today some 10,000 people cross the bridge on a daily basis.

Alte Oper, now a concert hall, at Opernplatz

Alte Oper

The Alte Oper is a former opera house, hence the name "Old Opera". The opera house was built in 1880 by architect Richard Lucae. It was one of the major opera houses in Germany until it was heavily damaged in World War II. Until the late 1970s, it was a ruin, nicknamed "Germany's most beautiful ruin". Former Frankfurt Lord Mayor Rudi Arndt called for blowing it up in the 1960s, which earned him the nickname "Dynamite-Rudi". (Later on, Arndt said he never had meant his suggestion seriously.)

Public pressure led to its refurbishment and reopening in 1981. Today, it functions as a famous concert hall, while operas are performed at the "new" Frankfurt Opera. The inscription on the frieze of the Alte Oper says: "Dem Wahren, Schönen, Guten" ("To the true, the beautiful, the good").

Eschenheimer Turm

The Eschenheim Tower (Eschenheimer Turm) was erected at the beginning of the 15th century and served as a city gate as part of late-medieval fortifications. It is the oldest and most unaltered building in the Innenstadt district.

St. Catherine's Church

St. Catherine's Church (Katharinenkirche) is the largest Protestant church, dedicated to Catherine of Alexandria, a martyred early Christian saint. It is located in the city centre at the entrance to the Zeil, the central pedestrian shopping street.


Although today Hauptwache is mostly associated with the inner-city underground train station of the same name, the name originates from a baroque building on the square above the station. The Hauptwache building was constructed in 1730 and was used as a prison, therefore the name that translates as "main guard-house". Today the square surrounding the building is also called "Hauptwache" (formal: An der Hauptwache). It is situated in the city centre opposite to St. Catherine's Church and houses a famous café.

Hauptwache and St. Catherine's Church
Eschenheimer Turm
Frankfurt Central Station

Central Station

Frankfurt Central Station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof), which opened in 1888, was built as the central train station for Frankfurt to replace three smaller train stations in the city centre and to boost the needed capacity for travellers. It was constructed as a terminus station and was the largest train station in Europe by floor area until 1915 when Leipzig Central Station was opened. Its three main halls were constructed in a neorenaissance-style, while the later enlargement with two outer halls in 1924 was constructed in neoclassic-style.

Frankfurter Hof

The Frankfurter Hof is a landmarked hotel in the city centre at Kaiserplatz, built from 1872 to 1876. It is part of Steigenberger Hotels group and is considered the city's most prestigious.

St. Leonhard

St. Leonhard, on the Main close to the bridge Eiserner Steg, is a Catholic late Gothic hall church, derived from a Romanesque style basilica beginning in 1425. It is the only one of nine churches in the Old Town that survived World War II almost undamaged. The parish serves the English-speaking community. The church has been under restoration from 2011 until 2019. [45]

20th-century architecture

  • Frauenfriedenskirche and Holy Cross Church (with the Holy Cross - Centre for Christian Meditation and Spirituality of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Limburg), both consecrated 1929, are examples of early modernist church buildings during the time of the New Frankfurt.
  • Großmarkthalle, built 1926–1928 as a part of the New Frankfurt-project, the former wholesale market hall was repaired after the second world war and integrated into the new seat of the European Central Bank between 2010 and 2014.
  • Goethe House, rebuilt 1947. The birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from 1749 was destroyed in World War II and then rebuilt true to the original.
  • Junior-Haus, built 1951, an example of early post-World War II architecture located at Kaiserplatz.
  • Bayer-Haus, built 1952, another example of early post-World War II architecture.
  • Museum für angewandte Kunst, built 1985, designed by Richard Meier.
  • IG Farben Building – Also known as Poelzig Building (Poelzig-Bau) after its architect Hans Poelzig, it was built from 1928 to 1930 as the corporate headquarters of I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. It is located in the Westend district and borders Grüneburgpark in the west. Upon its completion, the complex was the largest office building in Europe and remained so until the 1950s. The building served as headquarters for research projects relating to the development of synthetic oil and rubber and the manufacturing of magnesium, lubricating oil, explosives, methanol, and Zyklon B, the lethal gas used in concentration camps.[46][47] After World War II, it served as the headquarters for the Supreme Allied Command and from 1949 to 1952 the High Commissioner for Germany (HICOG). It became the principal location for implementing the Marshall Plan, which largely financed the post-war reconstruction of Europe. The state apparatus of the Federal German Government was devised there. It served as the headquarters for the US Army's V Corps and the Northern Area Command (NACOM) until 1995 when the US Army returned control of the IG Farben Building to the German government. It was purchased on behalf of the Goethe University Frankfurt by the state of Hesse. In October 2001 it became part of the Westend Campus of Goethe University.
    IG Farben Building, now the central lecture building of the Westend Campus of the Goethe University

21st-century architecture

The Squaire in 2017
  • Die Welle (The Wave), built 1998–2003, a complex of three wavelike-formed office buildings next to the Opernplatz.
  • Alte Stadtbibliothek, rebuilt 2003–2005, reconstruction of the old public library house originally built 1820–1825.
  • Palais Thurn und Taxis, rebuilt 2004–2009, reconstruction of a palace originally built 1731–1739.
  • MyZeil, built 2004–2009, shopping mall at the Zeil with an imposing vaulted glass-structure.
  • The Squaire (portmanteau of square and air), also known as Airrail Center Frankfurt, is a 660 m (2,165.35 ft) long and 45 m (147.64 ft) tall office building located at Frankfurt Airport. It was built from 2006 to 2011 on top of an existing railway station (Frankfurt Airport long distance Station) and has a connecting bridge to Terminal 1 for pedestrians. Its total of 140,000 m2 (1,506,947 sq ft) rentable floor space makes it Germany's largest office building.


Upper section of the Main Tower with a public observation deck at 200 metres

Frankfurt is one of the few European cities with a significant number of skyscrapers, (buildings at least 150 m (492.13 ft) tall). It hosts 17 out of Germany's 18 skyscrapers. Most skyscrapers and high-rise office buildings are located in the financial district (Bankenviertel) near the city centre, around the trade fair premises (Europaviertel) and at Mainzer Landstraße between Opernplatz and Platz der Republik, which connects the two areas.

The 17 skyscrapers are:

  • Commerzbank Tower, 259.0 m (849.74 ft) – The EU's tallest building; Commerzbank headquarters.
  • Messeturm, 256.5 m (841.54 ft) – The EU's second-tallest building, the tallest building in Europe 1990–1997; main tenant is Goldman Sachs (Germany).
  • Westend Tower, 208.0 m (682.41 ft) – DZ Bank headquarters
  • Main Tower, 200.0 m (656.17 ft) – Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen and Standard & Poor's (Germany) headquarters
  • Tower 185, 200.0 m (656.17 ft) – PricewaterhouseCoopers (Germany) headquarters
  • Omniturm, 190.0 m (623.36 ft)
  • Trianon, 186.0 m (610.24 ft) – DekaBank headquarters
  • Seat of the European Central Bank, 185.0 m (606.96 ft) – European Central Bank headquarters
  • Grand Tower, 179.9 m (590.22 ft) – Residential tower
  • Opernturm, 170.0 m (557.74 ft) – UBS (Germany) headquarters
  • Taunusturm, 170.0 m (557.74 ft)
  • Silberturm, 166.3 m (545.60 ft) – Germany's tallest building 1978–1990, Main tenant is Deutsche Bahn.
  • Westend Gate, 159.3 m (522.64 ft) – Germany's tallest building 1976–1978, Main tenant is Marriott Frankfurt Hotel.
  • Deutsche Bank I, 155.0 m (508.53 ft) – Deutsche Bank headquarters
  • Deutsche Bank II, 155.0 m (508.53 ft)
  • Marienturm, 155.0 m (508.53 ft)
  • Skyper, 153.8 m (504.59 ft) – Main tenant is DekaBank.

Other high-rise buildings include:

  • Eurotower, 148.0 m (485.56 ft) – Former European Central Bank headquarters
  • Frankfurter Büro Center, 142.4 m (467.19 ft) – Main tenant is Clifford Chance (Germany).
  • City-Haus, 142.1 m (466.21 ft) – Main tenant is DZ Bank.
  • Gallileo, 136.0 m (446.19 ft) – Main tenant is Commerzbank.
Frankfurt skyline in June 2013, view from south-west

History of high-rise buildings

Skyline at dusk, seen from Deutschherrnbrücke (2014)

For centuries, St. Bartholomeus's Cathedral was the tallest structure. The first building to exceed the 95-metre-high cathedral was not an office building but a grain silo, the 120-metre-high (390 ft) Henninger Turm, built from 1959 to 1961.

The first high-rise building boom came in the 1970s when Westend Gate (then called Plaza Büro Center) and Silberturm were constructed and became the tallest buildings in Germany with a height of 159.3 metres and 166.3 metres, respectively. Around the same time, Frankfurter Büro Center and City-Haus (142.4 metres and 142.1 metres) were constructed at Mainzer Landstraße and Eurotower (148.0 metres) and Garden Tower (127.0 metres; then called Helaba-Hochhaus) were constructed in the financial district.

None of the buildings constructed during the 1980s surpassed Silberturm. The most famous buildings from this decade are the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers at Taunusanlage, both 155.0 metres tall.

The 1990s featured a second wave. Messeturm, built on the trade fair site, reached a height of 256.5 metres and became the tallest building in Europe by 1991. It was overtaken by the 259-metre-high (850 ft) Commerzbank Tower in 1997. Other tall buildings from this decade are Westendstrasse 1 (208.0 metres), Main Tower (200.0 metres) and Trianon (186.0 metres).

In 21st-century Frankfurt, more high-rise buildings and skyscrapers (e.g., Skyper, Opernturm, Tower 185, Seat of the European Central Bank, Taunusturm) emerged, but none have surpassed Commerzbank Tower.

Other tall structures

Top of the Europaturm, a 337 m (1,106 ft) communications tower
  • Europaturm — The Europe Tower is a telecommunications tower, also known as the Frankfurt TV Tower, built from 1974 to 1979. With a height of 337.5 metres it is the tallest tower and the second tallest structure in Germany after the Fernsehturm Berlin. It was open to the public until 1999, with an entertainment establishment in the revolving top. It is normally referred to by locals as the "Ginnheimer Spargel" (Ginnheim Asparagus), but stands a few metres within Bockenheim district.
  • Henninger Turm — The Henninger Tower was a 120-metre-high grain silo built from 1959 to 1961 and owned by Henninger Brewery. It was the highest structure until 1974. The Henninger Tower had two rotating restaurants at the height of 101 and 106 metres and an open-air observation deck at the height of 110 metres. The tower closed to the public in October 2002 and was demolished in 2013 to be replaced by a 140 m (459 ft) tall residential tower, which is externally inspired by the old Henninger Turm. The cornerstone for this project was laid in June 2014 and construction was completed in summer 2017. The new tower offers 207 luxury flats [48] and houses the non-rotating restaurant „Franziska“. From 1962 to 2008 a famous yearly cycling race was named after the tower, the "Radrennen Rund um den Henninger Turm" (Cycling race around Henninger Tower). The now-renamed race is still a yearly event.
  • Goetheturm — The Goethe Tower was a 43-metre-high (141 ft) tower on the northern edge of the Frankfurt City Forest in Sachsenhausen. It was the fifth tallest wood construction structure in Germany. It was built in 1931 and was a popular place for day-trippers until it burned down in 2017. A faithful reconstruction has been opened to the public on 12 October 2020, exactly three years after the original's destruction.[49]

Shopping streets

Zeil, Frankfurt's central shopping street
  • Zeil – Frankfurt's central shopping street. It is a pedestrian-only area and is bordered by two large public squares, Hauptwache in the west and Konstablerwache in the east. It is the second most expensive street for shops to rent in Germany after the Kaufingerstraße in Munich. 85 percent of the shops are retail chains such as H&M, Saturn, Esprit, Zara or NewYorker. In 2009 a new shopping mall named MyZeil opened there with nearly 100 stores and chains like Hollister. Three more shopping malls occupy the Zeil: UpperZeil (replacing the Zeilgalerie, which was demolished in 2016), Galeria Kaufhof and Karstadt, as well as large fashion retail clothing stores from Peek & Cloppenburg and C&A. During the month before Christmas, the extended pedestrian-only zone is host to Frankfurt Christmas Market, one of the largest and oldest Christmas markets in Germany.
  • Goethestraße – Frankfurt's most expensive shopping street with prestigious shops like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Tiffany, Giorgio Armani, Versace, Cartier, Burberry, Vertu and Bulgari. It is located between the financial district and the city centre and runs from Goetheplatz to Opernplatz.
  • Freßgass – (officially Kalbächer Gasse and Große Bockenheimer Straße) is a pedestrian-only street section between Börsenstraße and Opernplatz in the city centre. The name translates as "feeding alley" because of its high concentration of gastronomy, but lately prestigious shops (e.g., Apple Store, Hugo Boss, Porsche Design) have moved here due to the lack of space in the neighbouring Goethestraße, displacing old, established restaurants, butchers and delicatessens.
  • Berger Straße – Frankfurt's longest shopping street. It starts in the city center, runs through Nordend and Bornheim and ends in Seckbach. The street is less crowded than the Zeil and offers a greater variety of smaller shops, restaurants and cafés.
  • Leipziger Straße – Central shopping street in the Bockenheim district starting at Bockenheimer Warte going towards West. High density of shops for daily needs.
  • Braubachstraße – In the Altstadt district, close to the historic sites of the city, offers a large variety of art galleries, second-hand bookshops and antique shops.
  • Münchener Straße – In the Bahnhofsviertel district, located between the central station and Willy-Brandt-Platz, is the most multicultural shopping street with many shops selling imported products mainly from Turkey, the Middle East and Asia.
  • Kaiserstraße – One of the best-known streets and considered one of the most beautiful because of its amount of Gründerzeit-style buildings. It runs parallel to Münchener Straße from the central station to the financial district. Kaiserstraße is still a synonym for Frankfurt's Red-light district although sex-oriented businesses moved to neighbouring streets such as Taunusstrasse [de] in the 1990s. Today Kaiserstraße houses many small shops, restaurants and cafés.
  • Kleinmarkthalle – (literally: Small Market Hall) is a market hall in the city centre close to Konstablerwache offering fresh food and flowers. In addition to regional delicacies like green sauce imported goods are offered. The Kleinmarkthalle is the largest public marketplace in Frankfurt.
Sidewalk cafés at Fressgass
Shopping mall MyZeil
Luxury shopping at Goethestraße

Green city

Frankfurt City Forest

With a large forest, many parks, the Main riverbanks and the two botanical gardens, Frankfurt is considered a "green city": More than 50 percent of the area within the city limits are protected green areas.[50]

  • Frankfurter Grüngürtel – The Green Belt is a ring-shaped public green space around the city. With 8,000 ha it covers a third of the administrative area. It includes the Frankfurter Stadtwald (Frankfurt City Forest, Germany's largest forest within a city), the Schwanheimer Düne (Schwanheim Dune), the Niddatal (Nidda Valley), the Niddapark, the Lohrberg (Lohr Mountain, Frankfurt's only vineyard), the Huthpark, the Enkheimer Ried (Enkheim Marsh), the Seckbacher Ried (Seckbach Marsh) and the Fechenheimer Mainbogen (a S-shaped part of the Main river in Fechenheim). The Green Belt is a protected area which means that housing is not allowed. The Green Belt was formally created in 1991 with its own constitution.
  • Mainuferpark – The Mainuferpark (Main Riverbanks Park) is the common term to describe the inner-city Main riverbanks. It is an auto-free zone with large green areas that is popular with strollers and tourists, especially in the summertime, when it can become crowded. The southern riverbank, which continues further to Offenbach am Main and Hanau, offers the best skyline views. The northern riverbank ends in the west at the former Westhafen (West Harbour, a residential housing area) and is growing to the east: A former industrial-used area between the new Seat of the European Central Bank and the Osthafen (East Harbour) has become a park named Hafenpark (Harbour Park), which offers outdoor courts for basketball, football and a skatepark.
  • Wallanlagen – The Wallanlagen (former ramparts) relate to the former ring-shaped city wall fortifications around the Altstadt and the Innenstadt district (abolished 1804–1812), now a series of parks. Building is not allowed, with a few exceptions, the most famous being the Alte Oper (built 1880) at the Opernplatz. The part between the northern Main riverbank and the Opernplatz, referred to officially as Taunusanlage and Gallusanlage, is locally known as "Central Park" (a reference to the famous park in Manhattan), because of the skyscrapers which stand on both sides.
  • Nizza Park – At the juncture of the northern Main riverbank and the Wallanlagen is a famous small park called Nizza. The name of the park recalls Nice in southern France, because it is one of the warmest areas with a nearly mediterranean climate. Numerous Mediterranean flora grow there and can survive outside during the winter.
  • Garten des Himmlischen Friedens Garden of Heavenly Peace, named after the Tiananmen Gate in Beijing, is a Chinese-styled park in the Nordend district and part of the larger Bethmannpark. It contains Chinese buildings, with building materials imported from China and built by Chinese workers in the 1980s. Hosts traditional Chinese plants and herbs.
  • Other parks – The largest parks are the Niddapark (168 ha), the Ostpark (32 ha) and the Grüneburgpark (29 ha).



The Städel
Senckenberg Natural History Museum

With more than 30 museums, Frankfurt has one of the largest variety of museums in Europe. Twenty museums are part of the Museumsufer, located on the front row of both sides of the Main riverbank or nearby, which was created on an initiative by cultural politician Hilmar Hoffmann.

Ten museums are located on the southern riverbank in Sachsenhausen between the Eiserner Steg and the Friedensbrücke. The street itself, Schaumainkai, is partially closed to traffic on Saturdays for Frankfurt's largest flea market.

  • Deutsches Architekturmuseum (German Architecture Museum)
  • Deutsches Filmmuseum (German Film Museum)
  • Frankfurter Ikonenmuseum (Icon Museum Frankfurt)
  • Liebieghaus (Museum of sculptures)
  • Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Museum of Applied Arts)
  • Museum Giersch (Museum for Regional Art)
  • Museum für Kommunikation (Museum of Communications)
  • Museum der Weltkulturen (Museum of World Cultures)
  • Städel, one of the most famous art museums in Germany
  • Bibelhaus Erlebnis Museum (Bible House Experience Museum)

Two museums are located on the northern riverbank:

  • Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt (Jewish Museum Frankfurt)
  • Historisches Museum Frankfurt (Historical Museum Frankfurt)

Not directly located on the northern riverbank in the Altstadt district are:

  • Museum für Moderne Kunst (Museum of Modern Art)
  • Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (Schirn Art Gallery Frankfurt)
  • Frankfurter Kunstverein (Art Association Frankfurt)
  • Museum Judengasse (Jews' Alley Museum)
  • Goethe-Haus (Goethe House)
  • Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt (Archaeological Museum Frankfurt)
  • Caricatura Museum für Komische Kunst (Caricatura Museum of Comic Art)
  • Dommuseum Frankfurt (Frankfurt Cathedral Museum)

Another important museum is located in the Westend district:

  • Naturmuseum Senckenberg (Senckenberg Natural History Museum), the second-largest natural history museum in Germany

Other museums are the Dialogmuseum (Dialogue Museum) in the Ostend district, Eintracht Frankfurt Museum at Deutsche Bank Park, the Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum (Light Railway Museum Frankfurt) in the Gallus district, the Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt (Transport Museum Frankfurt) in the Schwanheim district, the Hammer Museum in the Bahnhofsviertel district and the Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank (Money Museum of the German Federal Bank) in the Ginnheim district. The Explora Museum+Wissenschaft+Technik (Explora Museum of Science and Engineering) in the Nordend district was closed in 2016.

Performing arts

Festhalle Frankfurt
The English Theatre


Eurodance and Trance music originated in Frankfurt. In 1989 German producers Michael Münzing and Luca Anzilotti (under the pseudonyms Benito Benites and John "Virgo" Garrett III) formed the Snap! project. Snap! songs combined Rap and Soul vocals adding rhythm by using computer technology and mixing electronic sounds, bass and drums. By doing so a new genre was born: Eurodance.[51] In the early 1990s, DJs including Sven Väth and DJ DAG (of Dance 2 Trance) first played a harder, deeper style of acid house that became popular worldwide over the next decade as Trance music. Some of the early and most influential Eurodance, Trance and Techno acts, e.g., La Bouche, Jam and Spoon, Magic Affair, Culture Beat, Snap!, Dance 2 Trance, Oliver Lieb and Hardfloor, and record labels such as Harthouse and Eye Q, were based in the city in the early 1990s.


  • Oper Frankfurt – A leading Germany opera company and one of Europe's most important. It was elected Opera house of the year (of Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland) by German magazine Opernwelt in 1995, 1996 and 2003. It was also elected Best opera house in Germany in 2010 and 2011. Its orchestra was voted Orchestra of the year in 2009, 2010 and 2011.[52]
  • Schauspiel Frankfurt – Theatre at Willy-Brandt-Platz in the financial district, next to the Frankfurt Opera.
  • Frankfurt Radio Symphony (hr-Sinfonieorchester in German) – one of the top symphony orchestras in the world
  • Festhalle Frankfurt – Multi-purpose hall next to the Messeturm at the grounds of the Frankfurt Trade Fair. It is mostly used for concerts, exhibitions or sport events and can accommodate up to 13,500.
  • Deutsche Bank Park – Frankfurt's largest sports stadium and one of Germany's ten largest. It is located in the Frankfurt City Forest near Niederrad. It is primarily used for soccer and concerts with a capacity up to 51,500. It opened in 1925 and underwent several major reconstructions. Locals still prefer to call the stadium by its traditional name, Waldstadion (Forest Stadium).
  • Alte Oper – A major concert hall.
  • JahrhunderthalleCentury Hall is a large concert and exhibition hall in Unterliederbach district. Sometimes referred to as "Jahrhunderthalle Höchst", because it was built to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the chemical company Hoechst AG in 1963.
  • The English Theatre – Located on the ground floor of the Gallileo high-rise building, this is the largest anglophone theatre in continental Europe. It was established in 1979.
  • TigerpalastTiger Palace is a varieté in the city centre near the Zeil. It was established in 1988 and houses the famous Tiger-Restaurant which was awarded a Michelin star.
  • Künstlerhaus MousonturmHouse of Artists Mouson Tower is a free theatre, which means that it has a smaller budget than traditional theatres and used more unconventional performing methods. It is located in an old factory in the Ostend district.
  • Die SchmiereThe Grease is a cabaret and Frankfurt's oldest privately owned theatre. It is located in the Karmeliterkloster in the Altstadt district. According to its own advertising, it is the worst theatre in the world.
  • Die KomödieThe Comedy is a boulevard theatre in the city centre near Willy-Brandt-Platz.

Botanical gardens


Frankfurt is home to two major botanical gardens:

  • Palmengarten – Located in the Westend district, it is Hesse's largest botanical garden, covering 22 hectares (54 acres). It opened to the public in 1871. The botanical exhibits are organized according to their origin in free-air or in greenhouses that host tropical and subtropical plants, hence the name "Palm Garden".
  • Botanischer Garten der Goethe-Universität – The university's botanical garden is also an arboretum. It contains about 5,000 species, with special collections of Rubus (45 species) and indigenous plants of central Europe. It is organized into two major areas: The geobotanical area contains an alpine garden, arboretum, meadows, steppes, marsh, and a pond, as well as collections of plants from the Canary Islands, Caucasus, East Asia, Mediterranean, and North America and the systematic and ecological collection includes crop plants, endangered species, ornamental plants, roses, and the Neuer Senckenbergischer Arzneipflanzengarten (New Senckenberg Medicinal Plant Garden), which measures 1,200 m2 (13,000 sq ft). The Botanical Garden, the neighbouring Palmengarten and the neighbouring Grüneburgpark form the largest inner-city green area.

Foreign culture

  • Instituto Cervantes – Named after Miguel de Cervantes, one of the most important Spanish authors, this is the world's largest organization for promoting the study and teaching of Spanish language and culture. 54 such Centros Cervantes across the world offer Spanish language and history courses. The Frankfurt branch was officially opened in September 2008 by Felipe, Prince of Asturias and his wife Letizia, Princess of Asturias. It is located in the so-called Amerika-Haus.[1]
  • Institut Français – A French public industrial and commercial organization (EPIC), started in 1907 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for promoting French, francophone as well as local cultures around the world. The French Institute works closely with the French cultural network abroad consisting of more than 150 branches and nearly 1,000 branches of the Alliance française around the world.[2]
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura – A worldwide non-profit organization created by the Italian government. It promotes Italian culture and is involved in the teaching of the Italian language; there are 83 Italian Cultural Institutes throughout major cities around the world.[3]
  • Confucius Institute – A non-profit public educational organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, whose aim is to promote Chinese language and culture, support local Chinese teaching internationally, and facilitate cultural exchanges. There are over 480 Confucius Institutes worldwide.[4]
  • Central and Eastern European Online Library – CEEOL is an online archive providing access to full-text articles from humanities and social science scholarly journals on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics. Subject areas include anthropology, culture and society, economy, gender studies, history, Judaic studies, fine arts, literature, linguistics, political sciences and social sciences, philosophy and religion. CEEOL is operated by Questa.Soft GmbH.[5]


The Museumsuferfest in 2005
  • MuseumsuferfestMuseums Riverbank Festival is one of Germany's biggest cultural festivals, attracting more than 3 million visitors over three days at the end of August along the Main riverbank in the city centre. The 20 museums there open far into the night. It offers live music, dance shows, booths for crafts, jewellery, clothes and food stands from around the world.
  • Dippemess – Frankfurt's oldest folk festival is the Festival of Stoneware, which takes place semi-annually around Easter and the end of September in the eastern area. "Dippe" is a regional Hessian dialect word meaning "pot" or "jar" which would not be understood in most other German regions. Mentioned for the first time in the 14th century as an annual marketplace it is now more of an amusement park. The name of the festival derives from its original purpose when it was a fair where traditionally crafted jars, pots and other stoneware were on offer.
"OVO" at Luminale 2012
  • Luminale — The "festival of light" has taken place biannually since 2000, parallel to the Light + building exhibition at the trade fair. Many buildings are specially lit for the event. In 2008, more than 220 light installations could be seen, attracting 100,000 visitors.
  • WäldchestagDay of the forest is known as a regional holiday because until the 1990s it was common that Frankfurt's shops were closed on this day. The festival takes place over four days after Pentecost with the formal Wäldchestag on Tuesday. Its unique location is in the Frankfurt City Forest, south-west of the city centre in Niederrad. "Wäldches" is a regional dialect of the German word "Wäldchen", meaning "small forest".
  • Nacht der MuseenNight of the museums takes place every year in April or May. 50 museums in Frankfurt and in the neighbouring city of Offenbach am Main are open until 2:00 am surrounded by special music events, dance performances, readings and guided tours. A free shuttle operates between the museums. In 2010, approximately 40,000 visitors attended.
  • Nacht der ClubsNight of the clubs is an event similar to Nacht der Museen: On one night as many as 20 clubs can be visited with a single ticket for €12. Usually, club-door policies are loosened to attract new customers. A free shuttle runs between the clubs. 15,000 people participated in 2008.
  • Wolkenkratzer Festival — The Skyscraper Festival is unique in Germany. It takes place irregularly, lately in May 2013, and attracted around 1.2 million visitors. For two days most skyscrapers are open to the public. Sky-divers, base jumpers, fireworks and laser shows are extra attractions.


Frankfurt offers a variety of restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs. Clubs concentrate in and around the city centre and in the Ostend district, mainly close to Hanauer Landstraße. Restaurants, bars and pubs concentrate in Sachsenhausen, Nordend, Bornheim and Bockenheim.

In electronic music, Frankfurt was a pioneering city in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with renowned DJs including Sven Väth, Marc Trauner, Scot Project and Kai Tracid. One of the main venues of the early Trance music sound was the Omen nightclub from 1988 to 1998. Another popular disco club of the 1980s–1990s and a hotspot for Techno/Trance music was the Dorian Gray, which was located within Terminal 1 at Frankfurt Airport from 1978 to 2000. Further popular venues were the U60311 (1998–2012) and the Coocoon Club in Fechenheim (2004–2012). Notable live music venues of the past include the Sinkkasten Arts Club (1971–2011) and the King Kamehameha Club (1999–2013).

Among the most popular active rock and pop concert venues is the Batschkapp in Seckbach, which opened in 1976 as a center for autonomous and left-wing counter-culture. Further popular active clubs and music venues include the Velvet Club, The Cave, Cooky's, Nachtleben, Silbergold, Zoom, Tanzhaus West and the Yachtclub.

Domestic culture

A "Frankfurt kitchen" in the version of 1926 in an Austrian museum
  • Frankfurt kitchen – Designed originally in 1926 for the New Frankfurt-project and built in some 10,000 units, the kitchen became a milestone in domestic architecture, considered the forerunner of modern fitted kitchens.
  • Frankfurt cupboard – The Baroque Frankfurt-style cupboards were used to store the family linen, one of them by Goethe's father, who took one cupboard to Rome. The most luxurious versions have wave-shaped parts, some are made of solid cherry wood inlaid with plumwood.

Culinary specialties

"Bembel" (jug) and "Geripptes" (glass)
  • ApfelweinApple wine or hard cider is regionally known as "Ebbelwoi", "Äppler" or "Stöffsche". It has an alcohol content of 5.5%–7% and a tart, sour taste. It is traditionally served in a glass, typically decorated with lozenges, called "Geripptes", a full glass is then called "Schoppen". Apfelwein is also available in a stoneware jar locally known as "Bembel". A group normally orders a "Bembel" and shares the contents. Apfelwein can be ordered as "sauergespritzer", which is apfelwein blended with 30% mineral water or as "süssgespritzer", which is Apfelwein blended with lemon soda, orange soda or fresh-pressed apple juice (lemon soda being the most common). Most of the pubs which serve Apfelwein are located in Sachsenhausen, which is therefore known as "Ebbelwoi district". Due to its national drink Frankfurt is sometimes called "Big Ebbel" (pronunciation with hessian dialect), an homage to Big Apple, the famous nickname of New York City.
  • Grüne SoßeGreen sauce is a sauce made with hard-boiled eggs, oil, vinegar, salt and a generous amount of seven fresh herbs, namely borage, sorrel, garden cress, chervil, chives, parsley and salad burnet. Variants, often due to seasonal availability include dill, lovage, lemon balm and spinach. Original green sauce Frankfurt-style is made of herbs that were gathered only on fields within the city limits.
  • Frankfurter Würstchen – "short Frankfurter" is a small sausage made of smoked pork. They are similar to hot dogs. The name Frankfurter Würstchen has been trademarked since 1860.
  • Frankfurter Rindswurst – Sausage made of pure beef.
  • Frankfurter Rippchen – Also known as Rippchen mit Kraut, this is a traditional dish which consists of cured pork cutlets, slowly heated in sauerkraut or meat broth, and usually served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and yellow mustard.
  • Handkäs mit Musik – German regional sour milk cheese (similar to Harzer) and a culinary specialty in the Rhine Main Region. The traditional way of producing it is by hand. When it is topped with chopped onions it becomes "Handkäs mit Musik" (with music) because the onions are supposed to stimulate flatulence.
  • Frankfurter Kranz – Cake speciality believed to originate from Frankfurt.
  • Bethmännchen – "A little Bethmann" is a pastry made from marzipan with almond, powdered sugar, rosewater, flour, and egg. It is usually baked for Christmas.

Quality of life

In a 2001 ranking by the University of Liverpool, Frankfurt was rated the richest city in Europe by GDP per capita, followed by Karlsruhe, Paris and Munich.[53]

Frankfurt was voted the 7th in the Mercer Quality of Living Survey by the Mercer Quality of Living Survey (2012),[54] seventh in the Mercer Quality of Living Survey (2010) and 18th at the Economist's World's Most Liveable Cities Survey (2011).[55] According to an annual citizen survey (2010), arranged by the city council, 66 percent inhabitants are satisfied or highly satisfied with the city, while only 6 percent said that they are dissatisfied. Compared to the 1993's survey the number of satisfied inhabitants has grown about 22 percent while the number of dissatisfied inhabitants was reduced by 8 percent. 84 percent of the inhabitants like to live in Frankfurt, 13 percent would rather choose to live somewhere else. 37 percent are satisfied with the public safety (1993: only 9 percent), 22 percent are dissatisfied (1993: 64 percent).[56]

Frankfurt consistently has the highest levels of crime per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany (15.976 crimes per annum in 2008) and is therefore dubbed the German "crime capital".[57] However, this statistic is often criticized[citation needed] because it ignores major factors: It is calculated based on the administrative 680,000-inhabitant figure while the urban area has 2.5 M inhabitants and on weekdays adds another million people[citation needed] (not counting the 53 million passengers passing through the airport each year). The rate for personal safety-relevant crimes such as murder, manslaughter, rape or bodily harm, is 3.4 percent, placing Frankfurt twelfth in the ranking (related to the official 680,000-inhabitant figure) or number 21 (related to the one-million-figure).[58] In 2018, the state of Hesse, where Frankfurt is located, was ranked the third-safest state in Germany.[59]



Frankfurt Airport (with the fourth runway under construction in 2010) and the Frankfurter Kreuz (lower right corner)

Frankfurt Airport

The city can be accessed from around the world via Frankfurt Airport (Flughafen Frankfurt am Main) located 12 km (7 mi) southwest of the city centre. The airport has four runways and serves 265 non-stop destinations. Run by transport company Fraport it ranks among the world's busiest airports by passenger traffic and is the busiest airport by cargo traffic in Europe. The airport also serves as a hub for Condor and as the main hub for German flag carrier Lufthansa. It is the busiest airport in Europe in terms of cargo traffic, and the fourth busiest in Europe in terms of passenger traffic behind London Heathrow Airport, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Passenger traffic at Frankfurt Airport in 2018 was 69,510,269 passengers.

A third terminal is being constructed (planned to open in 2023). The third terminal will increase the capacity of the airport to over 90 million passengers per year.[60]

The airport can be reached by car or bus and has two railway stations, one for regional and one for long-distance traffic. The S-Bahn lines S8 and S9 (direction Offenbach Ost or Hanau Hbf) departing at the regional station take 10–15 minutes from the airport to Frankfurt Central Station and onwards to the city centre (Hauptwache station), the IC and ICE trains departing at the long-distance station take 10 minutes to Frankfurt Central Station.

Frankfurt Hahn Airport

Despite the name, Frankfurt Hahn Airport (Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn) is situated approximately 120 km (75 mi) from the city in Lautzenhausen (Rhineland-Palatinate). Hahn Airport is a major base for low-cost carrier Ryanair. This airport can only be reached by car or bus. An hourly bus service runs from Frankfurt Central Station, taking just over 2 hours.[61] Passenger traffic at Hahn Airport in 2010 was 3.5 million.

Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport

Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport (Flugplatz Frankfurt-Egelsbach) is a busy general aviation airport located south-east of Frankfurt Airport, near Egelsbach.


Frankfurter Kreuz

Frankfurt is a traffic hub for the German motorway (Autobahn) system. The Frankfurter Kreuz is an Autobahn interchange close to the airport, where the Bundesautobahn 3 (A3), Cologne to Würzburg, and the Bundesautobahn 5 (A5), Basel to Hanover, meet. With approximately 320,000 cars passing through it every day, it is Europe's most heavily used interchange. The Bundesautobahn 66 (A66) connects Frankfurt with Wiesbaden in the west and Fulda in the east. The Bundesautobahn 661 (A661) is mainly a commuter motorway that starts in the south (Egelsbach), runs through the eastern part and ends in the north (Oberursel). The Bundesautobahn 648 (A648) is a very short motorway in the western part which primarily serves as a fast connection between the A 66 and the Frankfurt Trade Fair. The A5 in the west, the A3 in the south and the A661 in the north-east form a ring road around the inner city districts and define a Low-emission zone (Umweltzone; established in 2008), meaning that vehicles have to meet certain emission criteria to enter the zone.

The streets of central Frankfurt are usually congested with cars during rush hour. Some areas, especially around the shopping streets Zeil, Goethestraße and Freßgass, are pedestrian-only streets. Car parks are located throughout the city and especially in the city centre.

Railway stations

Frankfurt Central Station

Frankfurt Central Station

Frankfurt Central Station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, often abbreviated as Frankfurt (Main) Hbf or F-Hbf) is the largest railway station in Germany by railway traffic. By daily passenger volume, it ranks second together with Munich Central Station (350,000 each) after Hamburg Central Station (450,000). It is located between the Gallus, the Gutleutviertel and the Bahnhofsviertel district, not far away from the trade fair and the financial district. It serves as a major hub for long-distance trains (InterCity, ICE) and regional trains as well as for Frankfurt's public transport system. It is a stop for most of ICE high-speed lines, making it Germany's most important ICE station. ICE Trains to London via the Channel Tunnel were planned for 2013.[62] All Rhine-Main S-Bahn lines, two U-Bahn lines (U4, U5), several tram and bus lines stop there. Regional and local trains are integrated in the Public transport system Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), the second-largest integrated public transport systems in the world, after Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg.

Frankfurt Airport stations

S-Bahn at Central Station (underground)

Frankfurt Airport can be accessed by two railway stations: Frankfurt Airport long-distance station (Frankfurt Flughafen Fernbahnhof) is only for long-distance traffic and connects the airport to the main rail network, with most of the ICE services using the Cologne-Frankfurt high-speed rail line. The long-distance station is located outside the actual airport ground but has a connecting bridge for pedestrians to Terminal 1, concourse B. Frankfurt Airport regional station (Frankfurt Flughafen Regionalbahnhof) is for local S-Bahn trains (lines S8, S9) and regional trains. The regional station is located within Terminal 1, concourse B.

Frankfurt South station

Frankfurt's third long-distance station is Frankfurt South station (Frankfurt Südbahnhof, often abbreviated as Frankfurt (Main) Süd or F-Süd), located in Sachsenhausen. It is an important destination for local trains and trams (lines 15, 16 and 18) and the terminal stop for four U-Bahn lines (U1, U2, U3, U8) as well as two S-Bahn lines (S5, S6). Two other S-Bahn lines (S3, S4) also serve the station.

Messe stations

The Frankfurt Trade Fair offers two railway stations: Messe station is for local S-Bahn trains (lines S3-S6) and is located at the centre of the trade fair premises while Festhalle/Messe station is served by U-Bahn line U4 and is located at the north-east corner of the premises.

Konstablerwache station and Hauptwache station

Two other major railway stations in the city centre are Konstablerwache and Hauptwache, located on each end of the Zeil. They are the main stations to change from east-to-west-bound S-Bahn trains to north-to-south-bound U-Bahn trains. Konstablerwache station is the second-busiest railway station regarding daily passenger volume (191,000) after the central station. The third-busiest railway station is Hauptwache station (181,000).[63][64]

Frankfurt West Station

This Station, located in Bockenheim, is served by north-heading Long-Distance ICE trains, multiple regional trains, and four commuter S-Bahn lines (S3, S4, S5, S6). Additionally, it is an important terminal stop for three "Metrobus" lines (M32, M36, M73).

Coach stations

There are three stations for intercity bus services in Frankfurt: one at the south side of the Central Station, one at the Terminal 2 of the airport and another one at Stephanstraße.[65]

Public transport

Public transport network

The city has two rapid transit systems: the U-Bahn and the S-Bahn, as well as an above-ground tram system. Information about the U- and S-Bahn can be found on the website of the RMV.[66]


Nine S-Bahn lines (S1 to S9) connect Frankfurt with the densely populated Rhine Main Region. Most routes have at least 15-minute service during the day, either by one line running every 15 minutes, or by two lines servicing one route at a 30-minute interval. All lines, except line S7, run through the Frankfurt city tunnel and serve the stations Ostendstraße, Konstablerwache, Hauptwache, Taunusanlage and Frankfurt Central Station. When leaving the city the S-Bahn travels above ground. It provides access to the trade fair (S3, S4, S5, S6), the airport (S8, S9), the stadium (S7, S8, S9) and nearby cities such as Wiesbaden, Mainz, Darmstadt, Rüsselsheim, Hanau, Offenbach am Main, Oberursel, Bad Homburg, Kronberg, Friedberg and smaller towns that are on the way. The S8/S9 runs 24/7.


The U-Bahn has nine lines (U1 to U9) serving Frankfurt and the larger suburbs of Bad Homburg and Oberursel in the north. The trains that run on the U-Bahn are in fact light rail (Stadtbahn) as many lines travel along a track in the middle of the street instead of underground further from the city centre. The minimum service interval is 2.5 minutes, although the usual pattern is that each line runs at 7.5- to 10-minute intervals, which produce between 3- and 5-minute intervals on city centre tracks shared by more than one line.


Frankfurt has ten tram lines (11, 12, 14 to 21), with trams arriving usually every 10 minutes. Many sections are served by two lines, combining to run at 5-minute intervals during rush-hour. Trams only run above ground and serve more stops than the U-Bahn or the S-Bahn.


A number of bus lines complete the Frankfurt public transport system. Night buses replace U-Bahn and tram services between 1:30 am and 3:30 am.[67] The central junction for the night bus service is Konstablerwache in the city centre, where all night bus lines start and end.


Taxicabs can usually be found outside the major S-Bahn and U-Bahn stations, at the central station, the south station, the airport, the trade fair and in the crowded inner-city shopping streets. The common way to obtain a taxi is to either call a taxi operator or to go to a taxi rank. However, although not the norm, one can hail a passing taxi on the street.

Uber ceased operations in Frankfurt on 9 November 2015 after operating in the city for 18 months.[68]


Velotaxi at the Zeil

Deutsche Bahn makes bicycles available for hire through their Call a Bike service. The bicycles are stationed all over the city, including at selected railway stations. They can easily be spotted because of their eye-catching silver-red colour. To rent a specific bike, riders either call a service number to get an unlock code or reserve the bike via the smartphone application. To return the bike, the rider locks it within a designated return area (and calls the service number, if not booked via the app).[69]

Nextbike also makes bicycles available for hire in Frankfurt. They are stationed all over the city. These can be spotted with their blue color scheme.

Cycle rickshaws (velotaxis), a type of tricycle designed to carry passengers in addition to the driver, are also available. These are allowed to operate in pedestrian-only areas and are therefore practical for sightseeing.

Frankfurt has a network of cycle routes. Many long-distance bike routes into the city have cycle tracks that are separate from motor vehicle traffic. A number of roads in the city centre are "bicycle streets" where the cyclist has the right of way and where motorised vehicles are only allowed access if they do not disrupt the cycle users. In addition, cyclists are allowed to ride many cramped one-way streets in both directions. As of 2015, 15 percent of citizens used bicycles.[70]

Economy and business

Frankfurt is one of the world's most important financial centres and Germany's financial capital, followed by Hamburg and Stuttgart. Frankfurt was ranked 8th at the International Financial Centers Development Index (2013), 8th at the Worldwide Centres of Commerce Index (2008), 9th at the Global Financial Centres Index (September 2013),[71] 10th at the Global Power City Index (2011), 11th at the Global City Competitiveness Index (2012), 12th at the Innovation Cities Index (2011),[72] 14th at the World City Survey (2011) and 23rd at the Global Cities Index (2012).[73]

The city's importance as a financial centre has risen since the eurozone crisis. Indications are the establishment of two institutions of the European System of Financial Supervisors (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and European Systemic Risk Board) in 2011 and the Single Supervisory Mechanism by which the European Central Bank was to assume responsibility for specific supervisory tasks related to the financial stability of the biggest and most important Eurozone banks.

According to an annual study by Cushman & Wakefield, the European Cities Monitor (2010), Frankfurt has been one of the top three cities for international companies in Europe, after London and Paris, since the survey started in 1990.[74] It is the only German city considered to be an alpha world city (category 3) as listed by the Loughborough University group's 2010 inventory,[75] which was a promotion from the group's 2008 inventory when it was ranked as an alpha minus world city (category 4).[76]

With over 922 jobs per 1,000 inhabitants, Frankfurt has the highest concentration of jobs in Germany. On work days and Saturdays, one million people commute from all over the Rhein-Main-Area.

The city is expected to benefit from international banks relocating jobs from London to Frankfurt as a result of Brexit to retain access to the EU market.[77][78] Thus far, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup Inc., Standard Chartered Plc and Nomura Holdings Inc. announced they would move their EU headquarters to Frankfurt.[78]

Central banks

The new headquarters of the European Central Bank in the Ostend district

Frankfurt is home to two important central banks: the German Bundesbank and the European Central Bank (ECB).[79]

European Central Bank

The European Central Bank (Europäische Zentralbank) is one of the world's most important central banks. The ECB sets monetary policy for the Eurozone, consisting of 19 EU member states that have adopted the Euro (€) as their common currency. From 1998 the ECB Headquarters have been located in Frankfurt, first in the Eurotower at Willy-Brandt-Platz and in two other nearby high-rises. The new Seat of the European Central Bank in the Ostend district, consisting of the former wholesale market hall (Großmarkthalle) and a newly built 185-metre skyscraper, was completed in late 2014. The new building complex was designed to accommodate up to 2,300 ECB personnel. The location is a few kilometres away from the city centre and borders an industrial area as well as the Osthafen (East Harbour), It was primarily chosen because of its large premises which allows the ECB to install security arrangements without high fences.

The city honours the importance of the ECB by officially using the slogan "The City of the Euro" since 1998.

Deutsche Bundesbank

The Deutsche Bundesbank (German Federal Bank), located in Ginnheim, was established in 1957 as the central bank for the Federal Republic of Germany. Until the euro (€) was introduced in 1999, the Deutsche Bundesbank was responsible for the monetary policy of Germany and for the German currency, the Deutsche Mark (DM). The Bundesbank was greatly respected for its control of inflation through the second half of the 20th century. Today the Bundesbank is an integral part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) which is formed by all 27 EU member states.

Commercial banks

Deutsche Bank Twin Towers
Westend Tower, also known as Westendstraße 1 or Crown Tower, Headquarters of DZ Bank
Opernturm, Headquarters of UBS Germany, at the Opernplatz

In 2010, 63 national and 152 international banks had a registered office, including the headquarters of the major German banks, as well as 41 offices of international banks.[7] Frankfurt is therefore known as Bankenstadt ("City of the banks") and nicknamed "Mainhattan" (a portmanteau of the local Main river and Manhattan in New York City) or "Bankfurt". 73,200 people were employed at banks in 2010.

  • Deutsche Bank — Germany's largest commercial bank. It had 15% share of private customers and total assets of €1,900 billion in 2010. Deutsche Bank ranks among the 30 largest banks in the world and the ten largest banks in Europe.[80] Deutsche Bank is listed on the DAX, the stock market index of the 30 largest German business companies at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In November 2010 Deutsche Bank bought the majority of shares of competitor Postbank. Its headquarters are located at Taunusanlage in the financial district.
  • DZ Bank — Central institution for more than 900 co-operative banks (Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken) and their 12,000 branch offices in Germany and is a corporate and investment bank. It is Germany's second-largest bank (total assets: €509 billion). The DZ Bank Group defines itself primarily as a service provider for the local Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken and their 30 million clients. The DZ Bank headquarters are the Westend Tower and the City-Haus at Platz der Republik. The DZ Bank Group includes Union Investment, DVB Bank and Reisebank, which are also headquartered in Frankfurt.
  • KfW Bankengruppe — Government-owned development bank formed in 1948 as part of the Marshall Plan. KfW provides loans for approved purposes at lower rates than commercial banks, especially to medium-sized businesses. With total assets of €507 billion (2017), it is Germany's third-largest bank. The KfW headquarters are located in the Westend district at Bockenheimer Landstraße and Senckenberganlage.
  • Commerzbank — Germany's fourth-largest bank by total assets (2017). In 2009, Commerzbank merged with competitor Dresdner Bank, then the third-largest German bank. Due to the merger and the higher credit risks, Commerzbank was 25% nationalized during the Great Recession. It is listed in the DAX. Its headquarters are at Commerzbank Tower (259 metres), the second-tallest building in the EU, at Kaiserplatz.
  • Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen – Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, or short Helaba, is a commercial bank owned by the states of Hesse and Thuringia (Landesbank). As such, it is a service provider for the local German public banks (Sparkassen). Helaba is one of nine Landesbanken and is the fifth-largest in Germany. It is located in the 200-metre-tall Main Tower in the financial district, the only skyscraper in Frankfurt with an observation desk open to the public.
  • DekaBank – DekaBank is the central asset manager of the Sparkassen in Germany. The headquarters of DekaBank are located at the Trianon skyscraper at Mainzer Landstraße.
  • ING Diba Germany – Germany's largest direct bank, headquartered in Bockenheim.

Other major German banks include Frankfurter Volksbank, the second-largest Volksbank in Germany, Frankfurter Sparkasse and old-established private banks such as Bankhaus Metzler, Hauck & Aufhäuser and Delbrück Bethmann Maffei.

Many international banks have a registered or a representative office, e.g., Credit Suisse, UBS, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of China, Banco do Brasil, Itaú Unibanco Société Générale, BNP Paribas, SEB, Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Bull and bear in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) began in the 9th century. By the 16th century Frankfurt had developed into an important European hub for trade fairs and financial services. Today the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is by far the largest in Germany, with a turnover of more than 90 percent of the German stock market and is the third-largest in Europe after the London Stock Exchange and the European branch of the NYSE Euronext. The most important stock market index is the DAX, the index of the 30 largest German business companies listed at the stock exchange. The stock exchange is owned and operated by Deutsche Börse, which is itself listed in the DAX. Deutsche Börse also owns the European futures exchange Eurex and clearing company Clearstream. Trading takes place exclusively via the Xetra trading system, with redundant floor brokers taking on the role of market-makers on the new platform.

On 1 February 2012 European Commission blocked the proposed merger of Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext. "The merger between Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext would have led to a near-monopoly in European financial derivatives worldwide. These markets are at the heart of the financial system and it is crucial for the whole European economy that they remain competitive. We tried to find a solution, but the remedies offered fell far short of resolving the concerns."[81] European competition commissioner Joaquín Almunia said.

It is located in the city centre at the Börsenplatz. Deutsche Börse's headquarters are formally registered in Frankfurt, but it moved most of its employees to a high-rise called "The Cube" in Eschborn in 2010, primarily due to significantly lower local corporate taxes.

Frankfurt Trade Fair

Messeturm seen from the trade fair premises

Frankfurt Trade Fair (Messe Frankfurt) has the third-largest exhibition site in the world with a total of 578,000 square metres (6,221,540 square feet). The trade fair premises are located in the western part between Bockenheim, the Westend and the Gallus district. It houses ten exhibition halls with a total of 321,754 square meters (3,463,331 square feet) of space and 96,078 square metres (1,034,175 square feet) of outdoor space.

Hosted in Frankfurt are the Frankfurt Motor Show (Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung – IAA), the world's largest auto show, the Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse), the world's largest book fair, the Ambiente Frankfurt, the world's largest consumer goods fair, the Achema, the world's largest plant engineering fair, and many more like Paperworld, Christmasworld, Beautyworld, Tendence Lifestyle or Light+Building.

Messe Frankfurt GmbH, the owner and operator company, organized 87 exhibitions in 2010, 51 thereof in foreign countries.[citation needed] It is one of the largest trade fair companies with commercial activities in over 150 countries.


Two Lufthansa Airbus A380s at Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world and is also the single largest place of work in Germany with over 500 companies which employ 71,500 people (2010).[82]

Fraport is the owner and operator of Frankfurt Airport. It is the airport's second-largest employer (19,800 workers in 2010).[83] Fraport also operates other airports worldwide, e.g., King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima and Antalya Airport.

The largest company at Frankfurt Airport is Lufthansa, Germany's flag carrier and Europe's largest airline. Lufthansa employs 35,000 people in Frankfurt.[84][85] The Lufthansa Aviation Center (LAC) is the main operation base of Lufthansa at Frankfurt Airport. The airport serves as Lufthansa's primary hub with 157 worldwide destinations (compared to 110 destinations at Munich Airport, Lufthansa's second-largest hub). Lufthansa Cargo is based in Frankfurt and operates its largest cargo center (LCC) at Frankfurt Airport. Lufthansa Flight Training is also based here.

Condor is a German airline based at Frankfurt Airport.

Other industries

Accountancy and professional services

Three of the four largest international accountancy and professional services firms (Big Four) are present.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) German headquarters are located at Tower 185. KPMG moved its European Headquarters (KPMG Europe LLP) to The Squaire. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu are present, while Ernst & Young is located in Eschborn.

Credit rating agencies

The three major international credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch Ratings – have their German headquarters in Frankfurt.

Investment trust companies

DWS Investments is the largest investment trust company in Germany and manages €288 billion fund assets. It is one of the 10 largest investment trust companies in the world.[86] Other large investment trust companies are Allianz Global Investors Europe (a division of Allianz SE, and a top-five global active investment manager with €1,933 billion assets under management globally), Union Investment and Deka Investmentfonds.

Management consultancies

Many of the largest international management consultancies are represented, including Arthur D. Little, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Booz & Company, Oliver Wyman, Bearing Point, Capgemini, Bain & Company and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

Real estate services companies

Located in Frankfurt are the German headquarters of Jones Lang LaSalle and BNP Paribas Real Estate.

Law firms

Frankfurt has the highest concentration of lawyers in Germany, with one lawyer per 97 inhabitants (followed by Düsseldorf with a ratio of 1/117 and Munich with 1/124) in 2005.[87]

Most of the large international law firms maintain offices, among them Allen & Overy, Baker & McKenzie, Bird & Bird, Clifford Chance, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Debevoise & Plimpton, DLA Piper, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan Lovells, Jones Day, Latham & Watkins, Linklaters, Mayer Brown, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, Norton Rose, Shearman & Sterling, Sidley Austin, SJ Berwin, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, Sullivan & Cromwell, K&L Gates, Taylor Wessing and White & Case.

Advertising agencies

Although it is best known for its banks and financial institutions, Frankfurt is also a centre for media companies. Around 570 companies of the advertising industry and 270 public relations companies are there.

According to a ranking of German FOCUS magazine (November 2007) seven of the 48 largest advertising agencies in Germany are based in Frankfurt, including Havas, Dentsu, McCann-Erickson, Saatchi & Saatchi, JWT, and Publicis.[88]


Frankfurt is home to the German headquarters of Nestlé, the world's largest food company, located in Niederrad. Other important food companies are Ferrero SpA (German headquarters) and Radeberger Gruppe KG, the largest private brewery group in Germany.


The South-Korean automobile manufacturer Kia Motors moved its European headquarters to Frankfurt in 2007. In the same year, Italian manufacturer Fiat opened its new German headquarters. The automotive supplier Continental AG has the headquarters and a major manufacturing plant of its Chassis & Safety division (formerly ITT Automotive) located in Frankfurt Rödelheim.


Some of the largest German construction companies have offices, e.g., Bilfinger Berger, Hochtief, Züblin and BAM Deutschland.

Property and real estate

Frankfurt has Germany's highest concentration of homeowners. This is partly attributed to the financial sector, but also to its cosmopolitan nature, with expatriates and immigrants representing one-fourth of its population. For this reason, Frankfurt's property market often operates differently than the rest of the country where the prices are generally flatter.


Frankfurt is one of Germany's leading tourist destinations. In addition to its infrastructure and economy, its diversity supports a vibrant cultural scene. This blend of attractions led 4.3 million tourists (2012) to visit Frankfurt.[89] The Hotels in central Frankfurt offer 34,000 beds in 228 hotels, of which 13 are luxury hotels and 46 are first-class hotels.[90]


Industriepark Höchst
Mainova heating plant

Frankfurt is home to companies from the chemical, transportation, telecommunication and energy industries. Some of the larger companies are:

  • Industriepark Höchst — An industrial park in Höchst. It is one of Germany's largest with over 90 companies from the pharmaceutical, the chemical and the biotechnology industry, including Celanese, Clariant, BASF, Merck KGaA and Siemens. It was founded by chemical company Hoechst AG in 1874. At the beginning of the 1980s Hoechst AG was the largest pharmaceutical corporation and Industriepark Höchst was known as "the pharmacy of the world". Hoechst AG merged with Rhône-Poulenc to become Aventis in 1999 and in 2004 Aventis merged with Sanofi-Synthélabo to become Sanofi-Aventis. In 2005, around 22,000 people worked at Industriepark Höchst. In 2011, Ticona now part of Celanese, an international manufacturer of engineering polymers, moved to Industriepark Höchst.
  • Deutsche Bahn – Deutsche Bahn subsidiaries DB Fernverkehr, DB Regio, DB Stadtverkehr, DB Netz, DB Schenker and the corporate development department of Deutsche Bahn are Frankfurt-based.
  • Deutsche Telekom – Deutsche Telekom's subsidiary T-Systems is Frankfurt-based.
  • COLT – Telecommunications company with Frankfurt-based German headquarters.
  • CenturyLink — internet service provider with German headquarters in Frankfurt.
  • DE-CIX – Frankfurt is an important location for electronic communication, especially the Internet. It is home to DE-CIX, the world's largest internet exchange point, and also the place where domain names are registered for top-level-domain ".de".
  • Mainova – The largest regional energy supplier in Germany with about one million customers in Hesse. It provides electricity, gas, heat and water. Its headquarters are Frankfurt-based.

Urban area (suburban) businesses

Within Frankfurt's urban area are several important companies.

The business centre of Eschborn is located right at Frankfurt's city limits in the west and attracts businesses with significantly lower corporate taxes compared to Frankfurt. Major companies in Eschborn include Ernst & Young, Vodafone Germany, Randstad Holding and VR Leasing. Deutsche Börse moved most of its employees to Eschborn in 2010.

Rüsselsheim is internationally known for its automobile manufacturer Opel, one of the biggest automobile manufacturers in Germany. With 20,000 employees in 2003, Opel was one of the five largest employers in Hesse.

Offenbach am Main is home to the European headquarters of automobile manufacturer Hyundai Motor Company, to the German headquarters of automobile manufacturer Honda, to Honeywell Germany and to Deutscher Wetterdienst, the central scientific agency that monitors weather and meteorological conditions over Germany.

Two DAX companies are located in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA and Fresenius Medical Care. Other major companies are Hewlett-Packard, Bridgestone, Deutsche Leasing and Basler Versicherungen.

Kronberg im Taunus is home of the German headquarters of automobile manufacturer Jaguar Cars as well as the German headquarters of Accenture.

Lufthansa Systems, a subsidiary of Lufthansa, is located in Kelsterbach.

LSG Sky Chefs, another subsidiary of Lufthansa, is located in Neu-Isenburg.

The German headquarters of Thomas Cook Group are based in Oberursel.

Langen is home to Deutsche Flugsicherung, the German air traffic control.

Public institutions

Westhafen Tower, home to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is an institution of the EU and part of the European System of Financial Supervisors that was created in response to the financial crisis of 2007–2008. It was established on 1 January 2011.

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

Frankfurt is one of two locations of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, short: BaFin). The BaFin is an independent federal institution and acts as Germany's financial regulatory authority.

International Finance Corporation

Frankfurt is home to the German office of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is part of the World Bank Group. The IFC promotes sustainable private sector investment in developing countries.

German National Library

Frankfurt is one of two sites of the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek), the other being Leipzig. The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek is the largest universal library in Germany.[citation needed] Its task, unique in Germany, is to collect, permanently archive, comprehensively document and record bibliographically all German and German-language publications from 1913 on, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works and the works of German-speaking emigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945, and to make them available to the public.[91]


Greek consulate

As a profoundly international city, Frankfurt hosts 92 diplomatic missions (consulates and consulates-general).[citation needed] Worldwide, only New York City and Hamburg are non-capital cities with more foreign representation.[citation needed] The Consulate General of the United States in Eckenheim is the largest American consulate in the world.[92]


Several courts are located in Frankfurt, including:

  • Hessisches Landesarbeitsgericht (Hessian State Employment Court)[93]
  • Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (Higher Regional Court Frankfurt)[94]
  • Landgericht Frankfurt (Regional Court Frankfurt)[95]
  • Amtsgericht Frankfurt (Local Court Frankfurt)[96]
  • Sozialgericht Frankfurt (Social Court Frankfurt)[97]
  • Arbeitsgericht Frankfurt (Employment Court Frankfurt)[98]
  • Verwaltungsgericht Frankfurt (Administration Court Frankfurt)[99]

Education and research

Universities and schools

Frankfurt hosts two universities and several specialist schools. The two business schools are Goethe University Frankfurt's Goethe Business School and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University

The oldest and best-known university is the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, with locations in Bockenheim, Westend, and Riedberg, and the university hospital in Niederrad. Goethe Business School is part of the University's House of Finance at Campus Westend. The Business School's Full-Time MBA program has over 70% international students.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences was created out of several older organisations in 1971, and offers over 38 study areas, in the arts, sciences, engineering and law. Some of the most important research projects: Planet Earth Simulator, FraLine-IT-School-Service, quantitative analysis of methane in human corpses with the help of a mass spectrometer, software engineering (e.g., fraDesk), analysis of qualitative and quantitative gas in human lungs, long-term studies on photovoltaic modules (to name only a few).

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

The city is also home to a business school, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, formerly known as the Hochschule für Bankwirtschaft (Institution of Higher Learning for Banking Economics), with its new campus near Deutsche Nationalbibliothek U-Bahn stop (recently moving from its previous location in the Ostend (Eastend) neighbourhood). In 2001, it became a specialist institution for Economics and Management, or FOM. Frankfurt School is consistently ranked among the best business schools in the world, attributed to its high research output and quality of undergraduate and graduate training.[100]


Frankfurt has the State Institution of Higher Learning for Artistic Education known as the Städelschule, founded in 1817 by Johann Friedrich Städel. It was taken over by the city in 1942 and turned into a state art school.

Music schools and conservatory

Music institutions are the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, and the Hoch Conservatory (Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium) which was founded in 1878. The International Ensemble Modern Academy is a significant institution for the study of contemporary music.[101]

Other notable schools

The Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology (German:Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen), a private institution with membership in the German Jesuit Association, has been located in Sachsenhausen since 1950.

Education and media

Frankfurt schools rank among the best-equipped schools nationwide for the availability of PCs and other media facilities.[citation needed] In order to assure maintenance and support of the school PCs, the city in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences launched the project Fraline – IT-Schul-Service, an initiative employing students to provide basic school IT-support.[citation needed]

Research institutes

Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

The city is home to three Max Planck Society institutes: the Max Planck Institute for European History of Law (MPIeR), Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, and the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research.

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, sponsored by several institutional and private sources, is involved in theoretical research in physics, chemistry, neuroscience, and computer science.

Frankfurt is host to the Römisch-Germanische-Kommission (RGK), the German Archaeological Institute branch for prehistoric archaeology in Germany and Europe. The RGK is involved in a variety of research projects. Its library, with over 130,000 volumes, is one of the largest specialised archaeological libraries in the world.[citation needed]

Trade unions and associations

Main Forum, home to IG Metall

Frankfurt is home to multiple trade unions and associations, including:

  • IG Metall, Germany's largest metalworkers trade union, based at the Main Forum high-rise building in the Gutleutviertel district
  • IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt, a union for construction and engineering workers,
  • Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, a union for teachers
  • Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer, a union for train drivers

Trade associations include:

  • Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Electrotechnical, Electronic and Information Technology Association)
  • DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology Association)
  • Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, which organises the Frankfurt Book Fair
  • Bundesverband des Deutschen Versandhandels (German Catalogue Selling Association)
  • Verband der Chemischen Industrie (Chemical Industry Association)
  • Verband der Photoindustrie (Photography Industry Association)
  • Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (German Machine and Equipment Building Association)
  • Verband der Köche Deutschlands (German Cooks Association)



Editorial department building of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Two important daily newspapers are published. The conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, also known as FAZ, was founded in 1949 and is the German newspaper with the widest circulation outside of Germany, with its editors claiming to deliver the newspaper to 148 countries every day. The FAZ has a circulation of over 380,000 copies daily. The other important newspaper, the Frankfurter Rundschau, was first published in 1945 and has a daily circulation of over 181,000.


Several magazines also originate from Frankfurt. The local Journal Frankfurt is the best-known magazine for events, parties, and "insider tips". Öko-Test is a consumer-oriented magazine that focuses on ecological topics. Titanic is a well-known and often criticized satirical magazine with a circulation of approximately 100,000.

Radio and TV

Frankfurt's first radio station was the Südwestdeutsche Rundfunkdienst AG (Southwest German Broadcast Service), founded in 1924. Its successor service is the public broadcaster Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessian Broadcast Service). It is located at the "Funkhaus am Dornbusch" in the Dornbusch district and is one of the most important radio and television broadcasters in Hesse, with additional studios in Kassel, Darmstadt and Fulda.

Bloomberg TV and RTL Television have regional studios.

Other radio broadcasters include Main FM and Radio X.

From August 1945 to October 2004, the American Forces Network (AFN) had broadcast from Frankfurt. Due to troop reductions the AFN's location has been closed with AFN now broadcasting from Mannheim.

News agency

Frankfurt is home to the German office of Reuters, a global news agency. Associated Press and US-based international news agency Feature Story News have bureaux in Frankfurt.


The Waldstadion (currently known as the Deutsche Bank Park) — home of the football club Eintracht Frankfurt

Frankfurt is home to several professional sports teams. Some of them have won German Championships. E.g. the Skyliners Frankfurt won the German Basketball Championship in 2004 and the German Cup in 2000. Women's side 1. FFC Frankfurt (merged with Eintracht Frankfurt in 2020) are Germany's record title-holders; Eintracht Frankfurt are one-time German champions, five-times winners of the DFB-Pokal, and winners of the UEFA Cup in 1980. Frankfurt hosts the following sports teams or clubs:

  • Eintracht Frankfurt, Football (women)
  • Eintracht Frankfurt, Football (men)
  • FSV Frankfurt, Football (men)
  • Rot-Weiss Frankfurt, Football
  • Frankfurter FC Germania 1894, Football
  • Skyliners Frankfurt, Basketball
  • Frankfurt Galaxy, American football
  • Frankfurt Universe, American football
  • Frankfurt Pirates, American football
  • Frankfurt Sarsfields GAA, Gaelic football
  • Frankfurt Lions (until 2010), Ice hockey
  • Löwen Frankfurt (since 2010), Ice hockey
  • SC 1880 Frankfurt, Rugby union

Frankfurt is host to the classic cycle race Eschborn-Frankfurt City Loop (known as Rund um den Henninger-Turm from 1961 to 2008). The city hosts also the annual Frankfurt Marathon and the Ironman Germany. In addition to the former, it is one of 13 global host locations to the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge [6], Germany's biggest corporate sports event. Rhein-Main Eissport Club forms the base of the German bandy community.[7]

Sights in the Frankfurt Rhein-Main-Area

Wiesbaden Kurhaus with the Casino
Roman Empire Army Camp Saalburg
The real Frankenstein Castle

Besides the tourist attractions in central Frankfurt many internationally famous sites are within 80 km (50 mi) of the city, such as:


  • Taunus mountain range
  • Roman Empire Army Camp Saalburg
  • Limes (former northern border of the Roman Empire)
  • Bad Homburg vor der Höhe with its famous casino
  • Bad Nauheim Elvis Presley memorial
  • Hessenpark


  • Wiesbaden with its Kurhaus, State Theater, Neroberg and Casino
  • Rüdesheim
  • Rheingau
  • Eberbach Monastery (the original movie set of the film The Name of the Rose)
  • Rhine Valley
  • River Rhine
  • Rheinhessen wine region


  • Leather Museum Offenbach
  • Hanau Grimm Brothers Summer Festival
  • German Fairy Tale Route
  • Spessart


  • Darmstadt with the Art Nouveau Mathildenhöhe
  • Waldspirale
  • The former private chapel of the last Tsar of Russia
  • Vortex Garden
  • Odenwald
  • Bergstrasse
  • Vineyards at Heppenheim
  • Frankenstein Castle
  • Heidelberg

See also

  • Frankfurt School
  • List of people from Frankfurt
  • Mayor of Frankfurt-am-Main
  • List of cities in Hesse by population
  • List of cities in Germany by population


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  90. ^ Frankfurt – Data, Facts, Figures "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 23 April 2014.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) Retrieved 23 April 2014
  91. ^ "§ 2 DNBG - Einzelnorm". www.gesetze-im-internet.de. Retrieved 25 May 2021.
  92. ^ "Consulate History". U.S. Embassy & Consulates in China. Retrieved 19 May 2021.
  93. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 30 November 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  94. ^ (in German) Website of the Higher Regional Court Archived 19 August 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  95. ^ (in German) Website of the Regional Court Archived 5 September 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  96. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 17 November 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  97. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 30 November 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  98. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 30 November 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  99. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 20 December 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  100. ^ "FT Masters in Managemenet". FT. 2017. Archived from the original on 7 July 2018. Retrieved 6 July 2018.
  101. ^ "International Ensemble Modern Academy". internationale-em-akademie.de. Archived from the original on 15 February 2015. Retrieved 3 March 2015.

Further reading

  • Kramer, Waldemar (Hrsg.): Frankfurt Chronik. Verlag Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1987 (3. Auflage), ISBN 3-7829-0321-8.
  • Lothar Gall (Hrsg.): FFM 1200. Traditionen und Perspektiven einer Stadt. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1994, ISBN 3-7995-1203-9 (Katalog zur 1200-Jahrfeier 1994 mit wiss. Aufsätzen).
  • Mack, Ernst: Von der Steinzeit zur Stauferstadt. Die frühe Geschichte von Frankfurt am Main. Verlag Josef Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-7820-0685-2.
  • Schohmann, Heinz: Frankfurt am Main und Umgebung. Von der Pfalzsiedlung zum Bankenzentrum. Dumont Kunstreiseführer. Dumont, Köln 2003, ISBN 3-7701-6305-2. (mit Schwerpunkt Architektur).
  • Bodenbach, Christoph (Hrsg.): Neue Architektur in Frankfurt am Main. Junius Verlag, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-88506-583-8.
  • Sturm, Philipp, Schmal, Peter Cachola: Hochhausstadt Frankfurt. Bauten und Visionen seit 1945. Prestel, München 2014, ISBN 978-3-7913-5363-0.
  • Setzepfandt, Christian: Geheimnisvolles Frankfurt am Main. Wartberg, Gudensberg-Gleichen 2003, ISBN 3-8313-1347-4.
  • Mosebach, Martin: Mein Frankfurt. Mit Photographien von Barbara Klemm. Insel, Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-458-34571-X. (Insel-Taschenbuch. Bd 2871)

External links

  • Official website (in German)
  • SKYLINE ATLAS – Information portal about the Frankfurt skyline having more than 500 pages
  • Frankfurt prepares for Brexit bankers: 'Maybe our city will change them'
  • Architecture of Frankfurt
  • Frankfurt Zoo (in English)
  • Frankfurt before and after World War II
  • Frankfurt Panoramas: 360°City Panoramas Panorama-cities.net; Panorama Frankfurt – Bilder von der Skyline Oopper.de; frankfurt360.de, panorama-frankfurt.de
  • "Frankfort-on-the-Main" . The American Cyclopædia. 1879.
  • "Frankfort-on-the-Main" . Collier's New Encyclopedia. 1921.
  • Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main
  • Frankfurt am Main at Curlie
  • Cultural portal of the city of Frankfurt am Main
  • There is literature about Frankfurt in the Hessian Bibliography
  • Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt a. M. (1150–1824) (in German) by Isidor Kracauer, 2 volumes, free download
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