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«Близнецы» - боевик 2002 года на индийском тамильском языке, сценарийи постановщик которого - Саран, продюсер AVM Productions . В фильме Викрам играетв главной роли мелкого преступника и честолюбивого дона, который, влюбившись, решает воздержаться от преступления; Киран Ратод играет свой любовный интерес. Мурали играет Сингаперумала, полицейского, который вдохновляет и направляет Близнецов в его попытках исправиться. В ролях Калабхаван Мани - главный антагонист, а Вину Чакраварти , Манорама и Таннаван.изображать значимые роли. Основанный на войнах банд в Ченнаи , фильм погружается в жизнь преступников и роль, которую полиция и общество играют в их реабилитации и принятии.

В начале 2001 года соперничающие гангстеры «Веллаи» Рави и Чера исправились под покровительством полицейского. Саран был вдохновлен этим инцидентом и написал на его основе сценарий. Первоначально фильм назывался Erumugam, в котором Аджит Кумар намеревался сыграть главную роль, но проект был отложен после недели съемок, когда Аджит потерял интерес и ушел. Саран переработала сценарий, изменила название постановки « Близнецы» и выбрала новые роли. О возобновленном проекте было объявлено в августе 2001 года. Производство началось вскоре после этого, в декабре того же года, и было завершено к марту 2002 года. Фильм снимался в основном на AVM Studios в Ченнаи, а две последовательности песен были сняты в Швейцарии . Кинематографией фильма занималисьА. Венкатеш и редактирование Суреш Урс, в то время как саундтрек был написан Бхарадваджем .

Саундтрек был хорошо принят, а песня «O Podu» стала сенсацией в Тамил Наду . «Близнецы» были выпущены за два дня до тамильского Нового года, 12 апреля 2002 года, и получили смешанные отзывы, в которых хвалили выступления Викрама и Мани, но критиковали сценарий Сарана. Сделанный по оценочной стоимости в 40 миллионов драм (560 000 долларов США), фильм заработал 210 миллионов драм (2,9 миллиона долларов США) в прокате и стал самым кассовым тамильским фильмом года. Его успех, во многом объясняемый популярностью «О Поду», возродил тамильскую киноиндустрию, которая испытывала трудности после серии неудачных кассовых сборов. Фильм получил три награды Filmfare Awards., три премии ITFA и четыре премии Cinema Express . Позже в том же году Саран переделала фильм на телугу как Гемени .

Сюжет [ править ]

Теджа - известный гангстер из Северного Мадраса, который часто имитирует характеристики поведения разных животных для саркастического эффекта. В сопровождении своей банды он прибывает в магистратский суд для слушания дела. Его звериные выходки высмеивает еще один обвиняемый, "Чинтай" Джива. Теджа и его банда принимают ответные меры и убивают Дживу в помещении суда. Джива была членом конкурирующей банды, возглавляемой Близнецами, честолюбивым головорезом из Чинтадрипета. who wants to dethrone Teja and take his place. To avenge Jeeva's death, Gemini hunts down the murderer Pandian while Isaac, one of Gemini's men, kills him. This incident leads to a feud between Gemini and Teja, and a fight for supremacy ensues. Pandian's mother Annamma, a destitute woman, locates the whereabouts of her son's murderers. She approaches Gemini, becomes the gang's cook, and awaits a chance to poison them.

Gemini meets and falls in love with Manisha, a free-spirited college girl. To pursue her, he joins an evening class at her college and she falls in love with him, unaware of his true identity. Two businessmen approach Gemini to evict traders from a market so that a shopping complex can be built in its place. As the market is in his control, Gemini refuses the offer, and the businessmen hire Teja to execute the job. Feigning an altercation with Gemini, his sidekick Kai joins Teja's gang, acts as the inside man, and foils the plan. Teja becomes enraged at being outsmarted by Gemini.

Сингаперумал, проницательный полицейский, повышается до должности генерального директора полиции (DGP). Стремясь искоренить преступность, он арестовывает и Близнецов, и Теджу, причем аресты производятся «не для протокола» из-за их политического влияния. Зная о соперничестве между ними, Сингаперумал помещает их в частную камеру, чтобы они могли избить друг друга до смерти. В то время как Теджа пытается отомстить за проблему рынка, Близнецы не сопротивляются, но убеждают Теджу обмануть Сингаперумала, признав себя виновным и попросив шанс исправиться. Уловка Близнецов срабатывает, и они отпускаются.

Since Gemini was arrested at the college, Manisha discovers his identity and resents him. To regain her attention, Gemini reforms his ways. Though his gang initially disapproves of it, they relent. As Gemini and his gang regret their actions, Annamma reveals her true identity and forgives them. Singaperumal helps Gemini get back into college and reunite with Manisha. Teja returns to his gang and continues his illegal activities. He pesters Gemini to help him in his business. Gemini informs Singaperumal of Teja's activities; Teja is caught smuggling narcotics, is prosecuted, and serves a term in prison.

Спустя несколько месяцев Сингаперумала переводят, и его место занимает коррумпированный офицер. Текущий DGP выпускает Теду, и вместе они убеждают Близнецов работать на них и возместить понесенные убытки, но Близнецы отказываются. Чтобы заставить его вернуться к своим старым привычкам, Теджа уговаривает Исаака составить заговор против Близнецов. С помощью Исаака Теджа замышляет заговор и убивает Кая. Близнецы приходят в ярость и бросают вызов Теде, чтобы решить проблему. Во время боя Близнецы избивают Теджу и меняют одежду, оставляя Теджу связанным и с кляпом во рту. Новый DGP прибывает и убивает Близнецов; Позже он понимает, что на самом деле застрелил Теджу, которая была в одежде Близнецов. Пока DGP оплакивает смерть Теджи, он получает известие о том, что его перевели в Совет по контролю за канализацией.

В ролях [ править ]

  • Викрам как Близнецы
  • Kiran Rathod as Manisha
  • Kalabhavan Mani as Teja
  • Vinu Chakravarthy as a power-obsessed, corrupt police officer
  • Murali as DGP Singaperumal
  • Charle as Chinna Salem
  • Ramesh Khanna as Gopal MA
  • Dhamu as Ram
  • Vaiyapuri as Oberoi
  • Rani as Kamini
  • Thennavan as Kai
  • Isaac Varghese as Isaac
  • Thyagu as Sammandham
  • Madhan Bob as R. Anilwal IPS
  • Ilavarasu as Police Commissioner
  • Sridhar as Sridhar
  • Omakuchi Narasimhan as Bombay Dawood
  • Gemini Ganesan in a cameo as himself
  • Manorama as Annamma

Производство [ править ]

Развитие [ править ]

«Да. Это произошло год назад в Ченнаи. Два хулигана хотели исправиться и вернуться в общество. В этом им помог полицейский. Я был очарован этим инцидентом».

 - Саран, когда его спросили, был ли фильм вдохновлен инцидентом из реальной жизни. [2]

In February 2001, underworld dons "Vellai" Ravi and Chera, who terrorised the city of Madras (now Chennai) in the 1990s, abandoned a life of crime and took up social work. The then-DCP of Flower Bazaar Shakeel Akhter presided over the oath-taking ceremony and welcomed the rehabilitation programme.[3] During the making of his film Alli Arjuna (2002), director Saran came across a newspaper article carrying this piece of news and was fascinated.[4][5] Shortly afterwards in March 2001, Saran announced his next directorial venture would be inspired by the incident. Titled Erumugam(что означает «восходящая мобильность»), проект должен был быть запущен в производство после завершения строительства Алли Арджуна . [4] [6]

Режиссер рассказал, что это была «современная история из грязи к богатству », где главный герой поднимается от скромного происхождения до завидного положения. Предприятие должно было быть профинансировано А. Пурначандрой Рао из Lakshmi Productions. Фильм станет третьим сотрудничеством режиссера с Аджитом Кумаром в главной роли после успеха « Каадхал Маннан» (1998) и « Амаркалам» (1999). Лайла и Рича Паллод , сыгравшие героиню в фильмах Сарана « Партен Раситхен» (2000) и Алли Арджунасоответственно, должны были сыграть главные женские роли. По имеющимся сведениям, запись аудио к фильму началась 16 марта 2001 года, а съемки должны были начаться в середине июня и продолжаться до августа того же года, после чего в сентябре последовала пост-продакшн. Планировалось, что фильм будет выпущен 14 ноября 2001 года, приурочивая его к празднику Дивали . [4] Однако, найдя более интересный сценарий в Red (2002), Аджит потерял интерес; он покинул проект после недели съемок, и постановка была отложена. После этого инцидента Саран заявил, что никогда не будет сниматься в другом фильме с Аджитом. [5] Тем не менее, позже пара примирит свои разногласия и будет сотрудничать в работе над Аттахасамом (2004) и Аасалом (2010).[7] [8]

Саран переписал сценарий, основанный на бандитских войнах в Ченнаи, и снова начал проект. Фильм, тогда еще без названия, был анонсирован в августе 2001 года с Викрамом в главной роли. [9] Производство было взято на себя М. Сараванан , М. Баласубраманиам, М. С. Гухан и Б. Гурунатх из AVM Productions . [10] Этот фильм стал 162-м фильмом AVM и их первым фильмом после пятилетнего перерыва, их последним фильмом стал « Минсара Канаву» (1997), выпуск которого ознаменовал 50-летие их дебюта « Наам Ирувар» (1947). [а] Создавая Близнецов., AVM became one of the four film studios that had been producing films for over fifty years.[13] While titling the film, producer M. Saravanan chose Gemini among the many titles suggested to him, but because Gemini Studios was the name of a major production house, Saravanan wrote to S. S. Balan, editor of Ananda Vikatan and son of Gemini Studios founder S. S. Vasan, requesting permission to use the title. In response, Balan gave his consent.[14]

Cast and crew[edit]

"In Gemini, I have tried to do something new. The character I'm playing is a rowdy, but a bit refined. I study in an evening college and I've presented it as natural and realistically. Just as you expect a Sethu again, I've changed the style a bit."

 – Vikram, on how he approached his role.[15]

With Vikram cast in the title role, Saran was searching for a newcomer to play the female lead role of a Marwari woman.[7] Kiran Rathod is a native of Rajasthan, the place where the Marwaris originate from.[16][17] She is a relative of actress Raveena Tandon, whose manager brought Rathod the offer to act in Gemini.[18] Saran was convinced after seeing a photograph of Rathod and cast her; Gemini thus became her debut Tamil film.[19] Malayalam actors Kalabhavan Mani and Murali were approached to play significant roles.[5]

Gemini is widely believed to be Mani's first Tamil film,[20][21] though he had already starred in Vaanchinathan (2001).[22][23] There have been varying accounts on how he was cast: while Vikram claims to have suggested Mani for the role of Teja,[24] Saran said in one interview that casting Mani was his idea,[2] and contradicted this in another interview, saying that Mani was chosen on his wife's recommendation.[5] While searching for an unfamiliar actor for the DGP's role, Saran saw Murali in Dumm Dumm Dumm (2001) and found him "very dignified". He chose Murali as he wanted that dignity for the role. Though he had planned to make Murali a villain at the end of the film, Saran decided against it because he was "amazed to see awe in everyone's eyes when Murali entered the sets and performed".[2]

Thennavan, Vinu Chakravarthy, Ilavarasu, Charle, Dhamu, Ramesh Khanna, Vaiyapuri, Madhan Bob, Thyagu and Manorama form the supporting cast.[13][25] Gemini Ganesan made a cameo appearance at the request of Saravanan.[26] The technical departments were handled by Saran's regular crew, which consisted of cinematographer A. Venkatesh, editor Suresh Urs, production designer Thota Tharani and costume designers Sai and Nalini Sriram.[10] The choreography was by Super Subbarayan (action) and Suchitra, Brinda and Ashok Raja (dance). The music was composed by Bharadwaj and the lyrics were written by Vairamuthu.[13] Kanmani who went on to direct films like Aahaa Ethanai Azhagu (2003) and Chinnodu (2006) worked as an assistant director.[27]


Gemini was formally launched on 21 November 2001 at the Hotel Connemara, Chennai in the presence of celebrities including Rajinikanth (through video conferencing) and Kamal Haasan.[10][28] The launch function was marked by the submission of the script, songs and lyrics. Principal photography was scheduled to begin in mid-December that year,[29] but commenced slightly earlier.[12] Vikram shot for the film simultaneously with Samurai (2002).[30] When Kalabhavan Mani was hesitant in accepting the film due to other commitments in Malayalam, shooting was rescheduled to film his scenes first. Saran persuaded Mani to allot dates for twelve days to complete his scenes. Since Mani was a mimicry artist, Saran asked him to exhibit his talents; Mani aped the behaviour of a few animals and Saran chose among them, which were added to the film.[2]

Gemini, with the exception of two songs which were filmed in Switzerland, was shot at AVM Studios.[31] One of the songs, "Penn Oruthi", was shot at Jungfraujoch, the highest railway station in Europe.[32][33] Part of the song sequence was filmed on a sledge in Switzerland, making it the second Indian film to have done so after the Bollywood film Sangam (1964). Though there were problems in acquiring permission, executive producer M. S. Guhan persisted.[34] The overseas shoots were arranged by Travel Masters, a Chennai-based company owned by former actor N. Ramji.[32] Gemini was completed on schedule and M. Saravanan praised the director, saying, "... we felt like we were working with S. P. Muthuraman himself, such was Saran's efficiency".[35]

Themes and influences[edit]

The characters of Gemini and Teja were modelled on "Vellai" Ravi and Chera respectively—Tamil-Burma repatriates who settled in Bhaktavatsalam colony (B.V. Colony) in Vyasarpadi, North Madras.[36][37] They were members of rival gangs headed by Benjamin and Subbhaiah respectively. Their rivalry began when Benjamin, a DYFI member, questioned the illegal activities of Subbhaiah who, apart from running a plastics and iron ore business, held kangaroo courts. When their feud developed into a Christian-Hindu conflict, they recruited jobless men and formed gangs to wage wars against each other. While Subbhaih's nephew Chera became his right-hand man, "Vellai" Ravi became Benjamin's aide. Benjamin and Ravi's gang killed Subbaiah in 1991. A year later, Chera's gang retaliated by killing Benjamin with the help of another gang member, Asaithambi. Another gangster, Kabilan, joined Chera's gang and they killed more than fourteen people to avenge Subbaiah's murder. One of the murders took place inside the Egmore court in early 2000 when Chera's gang killed Ravi's aide Vijayakumar, leading to a police crackdown on the gangsters.[38] Fearing an encounter, both "Vellai" Ravi and Chera decided to give up their lives of crime and reform.[39] The then-DCP of Flower Bazaar, Shakeel Akhter, held the "transition ceremony" in February 2001.[3] "Vellai" Ravi and Chera were re-arrested under Goondas Act during the film's pre-production.[40]

When asked about his fascination for "rowdy themes", Saran said:

I come from a lower middle class background and have lived all my life in 'Singara Chennai'. I used to go to college from my house in Aminjikkarai by bus and many of the incidents that you see in my films are inspired by those days. Chennai city and its newspapers have been my source material.[5]

The characters of DGP Singaperumal and "Chintai" Jeeva were based on Shakeel Akhter and Vijayakumar respectively. Since the criminals were re-arrested after being given a chance, the initial script had Singaperumal turning villainous during the climax. When Saran felt that the audience would not be kind to him and that it would damage the film, he added another corrupt police officer to do the job while maintaining Singaperumal as a "very strong, good police officer".[2]


The soundtrack album and background score were composed by Bharadwaj. Since making his entry into Tamil films with Saran's directorial debut Kaadhal Mannan,[41] he has scored the music for most films directed by Saran.[42][43] The lyrics were written by poet-lyricist Vairamuthu.

"O Podu" was a popular expression among college students in Tamil Nadu.[44] When the director wanted a catchphrase for a song, Vairamuthu suggested using the term and building on it. On the director's insistence, the term was then incorporated into and mixed with the title song, resulting in the item number "O Podu".[45][46] The song was conceived by AVM as a way of reaching out to the masses.[47] The track, picturised on Rani and Vikram and choreographed by Ashok Raja, was sung by Anuradha Sriram.[13][48][49][50] For the song, Vikram performed "savu koothu", a type of funeral dance common in Tamil Nadu.[24] The lyrics of "Deewana", sung by Sadhana Sargam, had some Hindi words as it was picturised on the heroine, a typical Marwari woman from Sowcarpet for whom Hindi comes naturally.[45] In an interview with The Hindu, Vairamuthu revealed that the track "Naattu Katta" was based on a folk song.[b]

The songs were well received by the audience and the track "O Podu", in particular, was a hit.[35][54][55] Following the song's success, Vikram was greeted everywhere with screams of "O Podu".[56][57] He was overwhelmed by the response and, having already worked as a voice artist and singer, offered to sing his version of the song to which the producers agreed.[2] According to Vikram, the song was recorded and filmed the same morning, and was added to the soundtrack album a month after its initial release. The film had been completed by then and the additional track was featured during the closing credits.[35] Initially, a small footage featuring Vikram and Kiran was sent to the cinemas for screening during the end credits. However, the audience were dissatisfied with the shortened version of the song and forced theatre owners to rewind the song and play it again. After receiving calls from distributors and theatre owners, the makers eventually sent the entire song.[2]

"We sold out a lakh [100,000] copies in one month. Only Rahman's music has got this kind of an opening before. Now, with the new song, it will sell another lakh before the release of the film."

 – S. Kalyan of Five Star Audio about the album sales.[35]

The album sold more than 100,000 cassettes even before the film released despite rampant piracy.[45][58][59] It was one of the biggest hits in Bharadwaj's career and earned him his first Filmfare Award.[44][60][61] The music also attracted some unexpected reactions. The high-energy track "O Podu" drove youngsters insane; some resorted to violence, enraging villagers in Tamil Nadu and damaging public property in Malaysia for fun.[62][63] The lyrics by Vairamuthu, which are typically in pure Tamil, contained slang and words from other languages like "Deewana" (Hindi).[45][51] This departure was criticised by film journalist Sreedhar Pillai, who derided the lyrics of "O Podu" as "pure gibberish".[51]

The music received positive reviews from critics. Sify wrote that Bharadwaj's music was the film's only saving grace.[31] Writing for Rediff, Pearl stated that the music director was "impressive".[64] Malathi Rangarajan of The Hindu said that the song by Anuradha Sriram has given the term "O! Podu!", which has been part of the "local lingo" for years, a "new, crazy dimension".[25] The song enjoyed anthem-like popularity[65][66] and according to V. Paramesh, a dealer of film music for 23 years, sold like "hot cakes".[67] It earned Rani—on whom the song was picturised—the moniker "O Podu Rani".[68] However, the song's picturisation attracted criticism. In an article that scrutinised and decried the high level of vulgarity depicted in south Indian films, Sudha G. Tilak of Tehelka wrote that hit tracks like "O Podu" were "obvious in their debauched suggestiveness".[69]

In 2009, Mid Day wrote, "O podu is still considered the cornerstone of the rambunctious koothu dance".[70] In 2011, The Times of India labelled the song an "evergreen hit number".[71] Following the internet phenomenon of "Why This Kolaveri Di" in 2011, "O Podu" was featured alongside "Appadi Podu", "Naaka Mukka" and "Ringa Ringa" in a small collection of South Indian songs that are considered a "national rage" in India.[72][73]


The film, which was supposed to be released on 14 April 2002 coinciding with the Tamil New Year, was released two days early on 12 April, apparently to capitalise on weekend collections.[35][74] Gemini was released alongside Vijay's Thamizhan, Prashanth's Thamizh and Vijayakanth's Raajjiyam.[75] The film was released across Tamil Nadu with 104 prints, the most for a Vikram film at the time of release.[76] On the day of release, the film premiered in Singapore with the hero, heroine, director and producer in attendance.[34] AVM sold the film to distributors for a "reasonable profit" and marketed it aggressively.[5][77] They organised promotional events at Music World in Chennai's Spencer Plaza, Landmark and Sankara Hall, where Vikram publicised the film signing autographs.[35] Since "O Podu" was such a hit among children, AVM invited young children to write reviews,[78] and gave away prizes.[79] In 2006, Saran revealed in a conversation with director S. P. Jananathan that his nervousness rendered him sleepless for four days until the film was released.[80]


Critical response[edit]

Gemini received mixed reviews from critics. Malathi Rangarajan of The Hindu wrote that the "Vikram style" action film was more of a stylised fare as realism was a casualty in many sequences. She added that while the credibility level of the storyline was low, Saran had tried to strike a balance in making a formulaic film.[25] Pearl of Rediff.com lauded Saran's "racy" screenplay but found the plot "hackneyed" and reminiscent of Saran's Amarkalam. The critic declared, "Gemini is your typical masala potboiler. And it works."[64] In contrast, Sify was critical of the film and wrote, "Neither exciting nor absorbing Gemini is as hackneyed as they get. [...] Saran should be blamed for this inept movie, which has no storyline and has scant regard for logic or sense."[31]

The performance of the lead also earned mixed response. Malathi Rangarajan analysed, "Be it action or sensitive enactment, Vikram lends a natural touch [...] helps Gemini score. [..] With his comic streak Mani makes himself a likeable villain."[25] Kalabhavan Mani's mimicry and portrayal of a villain with a comic sense received acclaim from the critics and audience alike.[74][81] Rediff said, "The highlight in Gemini is undoubtedly Kalabhavan Mani's performance. [...] As the paan-chewing Gemini, Vikram, too, delivers a convincing performance."[64] However, Sify found the cast to be the film's major drawback and scrutinised, "Vikram as Gemini is unimpressive [...] Kalabhavan Mani an excellent actor hams as he plays a villain [...] Top character actor Murali is also wasted in the film."[31]

Following the film's success, Vikram was compared with actor Rajinikanth. D. Govardan of The Economic Times wrote, "The film's success has catapulted its hero, Vikram as the most sought after hero after Rajinikanth in the Tamil film industry today".[77] Rajinikanth, who saw the film, met Vikram and praised his performance.[56] Saran told in an interview that Rajinikanth was so impressed with the songs, he predicted the film's success in addition to considering Rathod for a role in his film Baba (2002).[5][82] The film's premise of an outlaw reforming his ways was appreciated. D. Ramanaidu of Suresh Productions—the co-producer of the Telugu remake—said, "The story of a rowdy sheeter turning into a good man is a good theme".[83] In August 2014, Gemini was featured in a list of "Top 10 Tamil Gangster Films" compiled by Saraswathi of Rediff.com.[84]

In an article discussing the rise of the gangster-based film becoming a genre in itself, Sreedhar Pillai wrote in a reference to Gemini:

The hero is an all out villain, who is daringly different but the director makes him dream of those lush Switzerland songs (our hero then is clad in designer wear). The rowdies in the film have very highly educated girls from affluent family lusting after them ... [Amitabh] Bachchan of "Deewar" or Shah Rukh [Khan] of "Baazigar" took to crime because they were wronged. Nowadays the Geminis and Nandas of Tamil cinema indulge in crime for the heck of it.[36]

Box office[edit]

Gemini was a box office success and became the biggest hit of the year in Tamil.[85] Made on an estimated budget of 40 million (equivalent to 120 million or US$1.7 million in 2019), the film grossed more than 200 million (equivalent to 610 million or US$8.6 million in 2019).[c][86] The film's success was largely attributed to the popularity of the song "O Podu".[46][87][88] D. Govardan of The Economic Times stated, "A neatly made 'masala' (spice) film, with the song O Podu.. as its USP, it took off from day one and has since then not looked back".[77] Vikram, who was a struggling actor for almost a decade, credited Gemini as his first real blockbuster.[24] Sreedhar Pillai said that a good story, presentation and peppy music made it a "winning formula"[89] and declared "Gemini has been the biggest hit among Tamil films in the last two years".[36] However, the sceptics in the industry dismissed the film's success as a fluke.[62]

The film ran successfully in theatres for more than 125 days.[83] Since most Tamil films released on the preceding Diwali and Pongal were not successful, Gemini helped the industry recover.[77] Outlook wrote, "Gemini has single-handedly revived the Tamil film industry."[90] The box office collections revived the fortunes of theatres that were on the verge of closure. AVM received a letter from the owner of New Cinema, a theatre in Cuddalore, who repaid his debts with the revenue the film generated.[5] Abirami Ramanathan, owner of the multiplex Abhirami Mega Mall, said that Gemini's success would slow down the rapid closure of theatres from 2,500 to 2,000.[79] Following the success of the film, Saran named his production house "Gemini Productions", under which he produced films including Aaru (2005), Vattaram (2006) and Muni (2007).[91]



Encouraged by the film's success and wide-reaching popularity, Saran remade it in Telugu as Gemeni.[97][98] It is the only film Saran made in a language other than Tamil.[d] The remake starred Venkatesh and Namitha,[100] while Kalabhavan Mani and Murali reprised their roles from the Tamil version.[101] Most of the crew members were retained.[7] Posani Krishna Murali translated the dialogues to Telugu.[102] The soundtrack was composed by R. P. Patnaik, who reused most of the tunes from the original film.[101] Released in October 2002,[101] the film received lukewarm response and failed to repeat the success of the original.[103][104] In 2013, a Kannada remake was reported to have been planned with Upendra in the lead, but he dismissed the reports as rumours.[105]


In September 2002, Gemini was screened as part of a six-day workshop jointly conducted by the Department of Journalism and Communication and the Mass Communication Alumni Association of the University of Madras; it focussed on the impact of cinema on society.[106]

The success of the film prompted other film producers to capitalise on the growing popularity of the phrase "O Podu" and Vikram.[107] The Telugu film Bava Nachadu (2001) was dubbed and released in Tamil as O Podu, while Vikram's Telugu film Aadaalla Majaka (1995) and Malayalam film Itha Oru Snehagatha (1997) were swiftly dubbed and released into Tamil as Vahini and Thrill respectively.[107] A game-based reality show for children, which was aired between 2003–2004, was titled "O Podu". AVM was involved in the show, which was produced by Vikatan Televistas and directed by Gerald. The show was broadcast for 26 weeks on Sun TV on Sundays with Raaghav as its anchor.[108][109] In September 2003, physical trainer Santosh Kumar played "O Podu" among a range of popular music as part of a dance aerobics session in a fitness camp held for the Indian cricket team at Bangalore.[110]

When Vikram was signed up as the brand ambassador of Coca-Cola in April 2005, the commercials featured him playing characters from different walks of life. One among them was a "rowdy role", the essence for which was taken from the character Gemini.[111] During the run-up to the 2006 assembly election, Chennai-based journalist Gnani Sankaran began a social awareness movement to prevent electoral fraud and named it "O Podu" as a short form of "Oatu Podu" meaning "cast your vote".[112][113] The movement urged the electorate to exercise the right to reject candidates under Section 49-O of The Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, wherein a voter, who has decided not to vote for anyone, can record the fact.[114][115] For this purpose, the people behind "O Podu" also urged the election commission to facilitate a separate button on the electronic voting machine.[116]

During the 2010 Asia Cup, a Sri Lankan band performed "O Podu" at the India vs. Pakistan cricket match held in Dambulla.[117] In July 2011, Vikram inaugurated "Liver 4 Life", an initiative launched by MIOT Hospitals to create awareness of the Hepatitis B virus. As the campaign was targeted at school and college students, the organisers tweaked the term "O Podu" into "B Podu" and made it the event's tagline to capitalise on the song's immense appeal.[65][118] In a comical sequence in the film, Dhamu's character claims to be an expert of a martial art form named "Maan Karate" (Maan means "Deer"), which is actually the art of running away like a deer when in danger.[119] The phrase became famous and was used to name the 2014 comedy film Maan Karate because whenever there is a problem in his life, the hero (played by Sivakarthikeyan) fails to face them and runs for cover instead.[120][121]


  1. ^ While AVM have been producing films since 1931 under different names such as Saraswathi Sound Productions, Saraswathi Talkies Producing Company and Pragati Pictures,[11] Naam Iruvar (1947) was the first film produced under the name AVM Productions.[12]
  2. ^ The claim by Vairamuthu does not mention the name of the song on which "Naattu Katta" is based.[51]
  3. ^ Writing for The Hindu, film journalist Sreedhar Pillai claimed that the budget was 35 million (equivalent to 110 million or US$1.5 million in 2019)[36] while D. Govardan, writing for The Economic Times, claimed it to be 40 million (equivalent to 120 million or US$1.7 million in 2019).[77]
  4. ^ Saran had planned to remake Amarkalam in Hindi after the completion of the former, with Vivek Oberoi in the lead. The project however failed to commence.[5][99]


  1. ^ "GEMINI (15)". British Board of Film Classification. 11 April 2002. Archived from the original on 23 April 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Shobha Warrier (18 May 2002). "All my films are my dreams – Saran". Rediff.com. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  3. ^ a b "Two gangsters turn a new leaf". The Hindu. 24 February 2001. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  4. ^ a b c Ramya Kannan (17 March 2001). "In the land of the Yuppies". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  6. ^ "Sharan to direct Ajith-Richa". Screen. 16 April 2001. Archived from the original on 23 November 2001.
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  17. ^ Malathi Rangarajan (19 April 2002). "From Jaipur to Chennai". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  21. ^ Malathi Rangarajan (31 July 2009). "Modhi Vilaiyaadu: Game of Fortune". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  23. ^ Moviebiz. "Interview: Kalabhavan Mani". Sify. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  25. ^ a b c d Malathi Rangarajan (19 April 2002). "Gemini". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  26. ^ "#100YearsOfGeminiGanesan: Remembering the thespian Gemini Ganesan". The Times of India. 17 November 2020. Archived from the original on 17 November 2020. Retrieved 17 November 2020.
  27. ^ "Interview with Kanmani". Idlebrain.com. 10 September 2008. Archived from the original on 2 January 2017.
  28. ^ Superstar Rajinikanth speaks at the Gemini Launch (YouTube). AVM Productions. 13 October 2013. Archived from the original on 22 May 2014.
  29. ^ Suresh Nambath; K.T. Sangameswaran; T.S. Shankar; Feroze Ahmed (16 November 2001). "Talk of the Town". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  33. ^ AVM Productions [@ProductionsAvm] (12 January 2016). "Did you know that "Penn Oruthi" from #Gemini was shot at Jungfraujoch, the highest railway station in Europe?" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
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  35. ^ a b c d e f Sudhish Kamath (31 March 2002). "'Gemini' already a hit!". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  43. ^ "Saran teams up with Vinay again". The Times of India. TNN. 14 December 2012. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  45. ^ a b c d Sreedhar Pillai (16 April 2002). "Tuned to success". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
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  51. ^ a b c Sreedhar Pillai (18 June 2002). "In love with lyrics". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  52. ^ "Gemini – Tracklist". Raaga.com. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  53. ^ "Gemini (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – EP". iTunes. Archived from the original on 16 September 2015.
  54. ^ AR. Meyyammai (26 June 2002). "June Dhamaka". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  55. ^ Vijay Kumar S (2 July 2002). "A fair musical treat". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  56. ^ a b Malathi Rangarajan; S. R. Ashok Kumar (17 May 2002). "A shot in the arm". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  57. ^ Chitra Mahesh (31 May 2002). "I want to strike a balance". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  58. ^ Shobha Warrier (22 April 2002). "Gemini strikes gold at the Tamil marquee". Rediff.com. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  59. ^ Malathi Rangarajan; S. R. Ashok Kumar (3 May 2002). "In a new arena: Piracy". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  60. ^ "Time for awards". The Hindu. 21 May 2003. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  61. ^ "Manikchand Filmfare Awards in Hyderabad". The Times of India. 19 May 2003. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  62. ^ a b Sreedhar Pillai (23 January 2003). "New number one". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 20 October 2014.
  63. ^ "'O Podu' ripples". The Hindu. 24 May 2002. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  64. ^ a b c Pearl (26 April 2002). "Vikram chews paan, excels". Rediff.com. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  65. ^ a b "Campaign to create awareness of Hepatitis B virus launched". The Hindu. 31 July 2011. Archived from the original on 1 July 2014.
  66. ^ Malathi Rangarajan; S. R. Ashok Kumar (31 May 2002). "Quite a challenge". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  67. ^ K Jeshi (10 September 2005). "So, what's your kind of music?". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  68. ^ S. R. Ashok Kumar (1 November 2002). "Adding glamour to Deepavali: Karthik's Game". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 30 June 2014.
  69. ^ Sudha G. Tilak. "The shape of love in the south". Tehelka. Archived from the original on 20 October 2014.
  70. ^ "Vikram turns crooner for Kandhasamy". Mid Day. 9 February 2009. Archived from the original on 7 July 2014.
  71. ^ "Get that southern sizzle". The Times of India. TNN. 24 March 2011. Archived from the original on 20 October 2014.
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  73. ^ M Suganth (25 November 2011). "Very, Very Kolaveri!". The Times of India. p. 23. Archived from the original on 28 June 2014.
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  75. ^ Tulika (11 April 2002). "What the marquee looks like this New Year". Rediff.com. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  76. ^ Sreedhar Pillai (12 April 2002). "Awaiting superhits – Gemini". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  77. ^ a b c d e D Govardan (3 May 2002). "April brings cheer to Tamil film industry". The Economic Times. Archived from the original on 9 June 2014.
  78. ^ Malathi Rangarajan; S. R. Ashok Kumar (3 May 2002). "Entertainment: Gift that is gold". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
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  82. ^ Malathi Rangarajan; S. R. Ashok Kumar (31 May 2002). "Secrecy robs the charm". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 6 June 2014.
  83. ^ a b Sudhish Kamath (24 September 2002). "Gemini's big day". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  84. ^ S Saraswathi (1 August 2014). "The Top 10 Tamil Gangster Films". Rediff.com. Archived from the original on 20 October 2014.
  85. ^ Sudhish Kamath (11 October 2003). "Kollywood crackers". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
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  90. ^ "Glitterati: Twinkling Starlight". Outlook. 1 July 2002. Archived from the original on 20 October 2014.
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  97. ^ Suresh Krishnamoorthy (17 September 2002). "Show with a difference". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 22 June 2014.
  98. ^ "Telugu remake of 'Gemini'". The Hindu. 29 May 2002. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
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  104. ^ G. Manjula Kumar (1 July 2003). "Time for remakes". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 22 June 2014.
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  106. ^ "The impact of cinema". The Hindu. 2 September 2002. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  107. ^ a b "An O-Podu season for Vikram and Kiran". The Hindu. 8 June 2002. Archived from the original on 26 November 2002.
  108. ^ "O... Podu". The Hindu. 1 August 2003. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  109. ^ Malathi Rangarajan (31 January 2004). "Here, there, everywhere". The Hindu. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
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  112. ^ K Raghu (18 April 2006). "Serious! You can really reject a candidate". Daily News and Analysis. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  113. ^ "'O Podu' is a social awareness movement". Gnani Sankaran. 1 October 2010. Archived from the original on 28 June 2014.
  114. ^ "Rule 49-O of Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961" (PDF). Election Commission of India. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 June 2014.
  115. ^ "The Conduct of Election Rules 1961". Ministry of Law and Justice. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  116. ^ G. C. Shekhar (8 May 2006). "Wanna reject all candidates? Press O button". Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 9 November 2013.
  117. ^ Siddarth Ravindran (19 June 2010). "A face-off but no slip-ups". ESPNcricinfo. Archived from the original on 13 September 2014.
  118. ^ "ஓ போட்ட விக்ரம் பி போட சொல்கிறார்!! (O Podu Vikram calls for B Podu!!)". Dinamalar (in Tamil). 1 August 2011. Archived from the original on 7 June 2014.
  119. ^ "'Maan Karate' – Most anticipated films of 2014". MSN. 3 January 2014. Archived from the original on 23 June 2014.
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  121. ^ "Maan Karate updates". Ayngaran International. 24 July 2013. Archived from the original on 23 June 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Gemini at IMDb
  • Gemini at Rotten Tomatoes