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Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Maroon 5 - американская поп-рок- группа из Лос-Анджелеса , Калифорния . [1] [2] В настоящее время в его состав входят ведущий вокалист Адам Левин , клавишник и ритм-гитарист Джесси Кармайкл , ведущий гитарист Джеймс Валентайн , барабанщик Мэтт Флинн , клавишник Пи Джей Мортон и мультиинструменталист Сэм Фаррар . Первоначальные участники группы Левин, Кармайкл, басист Микки Мэдден и барабанщик Райан Дусик впервые объединились как Kara's Flowers в 1994 году, когда они еще учились в старшей школе.

После самостоятельного выпуска своего независимого альбома We Like Digging? , группа подписала контракт с Reprise Records и выпустила альбом The Fourth World в 1997 году. Альбом вызвал прохладный отклик, после чего лейбл отказался от группы, и участники сосредоточились на колледже. В 2001 году группа возродилась как Maroon 5, преследуя другое направление и добавив гитариста Валентайна. [3] Группа подписала контракт с Octone Records , независимым звукозаписывающим лейблом с отдельным совместным предприятием с J Records, и выпустила свой дебютный альбом Songs About Jane в июне 2002 года. При поддержке синглов « Harder to Breathe », « This Love » и "Она будет любима », альбом достиг номер шесть на Billboard 200 диаграммы [4] и пошел четверной платины в 2005 г. В этом же году группа получила премию Грэмми за лучший новый артист . [5] В 2006 году , Dusick покинул группу после серьезных травм запястья и плеча и был заменен Мэттом Флинном.

Второй альбом группы It Won't Be Soon Before Long был выпущен в мае 2007 года. [6] Он дебютировал под номером один в чарте Billboard 200 США, а главный сингл " Makes Me Wonder " стал первым синглом группы под номером один. на Billboard Hot 100 . В 2010 году группа выпустила третий альбом Hands All Over , получивший неоднозначные отзывы, переиздав через год, включив в него сингл « Moves like Jagger », который возглавил Billboard Hot 100. В 2012 году Кармайкл покинул группу и был заменен музыканта П. Джей Мортона , так как группа выпустила четвертый альбом Overexposed с песней "One More Night », возглавляя чарт Billboard Hot 100 девять недель подряд.

В 2014 году Кармайкл воссоединился с группой вместе с Мортоном для записи пятого альбома V (произносится как «пять»), при этом группа подписала контракт с Interscope Records и собственным лейблом Левайна 222 Records . После выпуска V он занял первое место в Billboard 200. В 2016 году Maroon 5 наняли своего давнего сотрудника Сэма Фаррара, так как группа продолжила работу над шестым студийным альбомом Red Pill Blues , который был выпущен в ноябре 2017 года. с добавлением Мортона и Фаррара состав группы увеличился до семи человек. Успешные синглы с обоих альбомов " Sugar " и " Girls Like You""достигла второго и первого места в чарте Hot 100 соответственно. Maroon 5 продал более 120 миллионов пластинок, что сделало их одними из самых продаваемых музыкальных исполнителей в мире . [7]

История [ править ]

1994–2001: Цветы Кары и формирование Maroon 5 [ править ]

Адама Левина познакомил с Райаном Дусиком общий друг и гитарист Адам Зальцман. Левину было 15 лет, а Дусику 16. [8] Трое из пяти участников группы начали играть вместе в 12 лет. Четыре первоначальных участника группы познакомились во время учебы в школе Брентвуд в Лос-Анджелесе. [9] [10] Во время посещения Brentwood школы, Адам Левин и Джесси Кармайкл присоединился к Микки Мэдден и Райан Дьюзик сформировать Цветы Кары, [11] рок - группа. Название было взято от девочки, которая училась в старшей школе, в которую группа была "коллективно влюблена". [10]Пока они играли на пляжной вечеринке в Малибу, независимый продюсер Томми Аллен услышал их игру и предложил управлять ими и записать полную пластинку со своим партнером, автором песен Джоном ДеНиколой , который известен своей работой над « Грязными танцами» (1987), в том числе: (У меня было) Время моей жизни ". Команда продюсера Роба Кавалло услышала запись, которую продюсировали Аллен и ДеНикола, что в конечном итоге побудило Кавалло предложить им сделку с Reprise Records о перезаписи альбома. [12] Однако после выпуска The Fourth World , когда Левин и Мэдден учились в старшем классе средней школы в 1997 году, группа превратилась в группу со стилем, напоминающим 1960-е.Брит-поп . [10] Несмотря на большие ожидания от группы и звукозаписывающей компании, альбом не прижился, и их главный сингл "Soap Disco" потерпел неудачу. [13] По словам Левина, провал альбома был «огромным разочарованием», которое чуть не привело к их распаду в 1998 году. [10] [14] Альбом был продан тиражом около 5 000 копий, и через месяц группа распалась . [15]

Дусик и Мэдден учились в местном колледже Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе , в то время как Левин и Кармайкл переехали на восточное побережье, чтобы поступить в колледж Five Towns College в Дикс-Хиллз , Лонг-Айленд , Нью-Йорк . [16] Пока Левин и Кармайкл были в Нью-Йорке, они начали обращать внимание на городскую музыку, окружающую их, и позже позволили стилю влиять на написанные ими песни. [17]

Когда группа вернулась в 2001 году, они принесли с собой это влияние. [14] Сэм Фаррар (басист группы Phantom Planet ) объяснил, что песня Алии « Are You That Somebody? » Повлияла на группу и на песню «Not Coming Home». [10] Продюсер Тим Соммер подписал с ними контракт на демонстрацию с MCA Records и спродюсировал с ними три трека в Лос-Анджелесе в середине 2001 года при участии Марка Дирнли. Несмотря на совет Соммера, MCA отказались забрать группу, и эти треки так и не были выпущены. Группа собрала демо, которое было отклонено несколькими лейблами, прежде чем попасть в руки Octone Records.руководители Джеймс Динер , Бен Беркман и Дэвид Боксенбаум. [14] В поисках талантов для лейбла Octone, Беркман получил кучу демок брата бывшего коллеги в Columbia Records , и песня , которая привлекла его внимание было « „Sunday Morning » , которое он упоминается как " гениальная песня ». [15] Беркман был удивлен, что песня была приписана Kara's Flowers, потому что группа звучала совершенно иначе, чем то, что он слышал в Warner Bros. Records . [18]

Беркман посоветовал Динеру и Боксенбауму прилететь в Лос-Анджелес, чтобы посмотреть демонстрационный концерт в The Viper Room группы Kara's Flowers из четырех частей. [15] После просмотра Левина на сцене они убедились. Беркман сказал HitQuarters, что, по его мнению, группе нужен «пятый участник, чтобы играть на гитаре и освобождать певца, чтобы он мог стать звездой, которой я его воспринимал». [15] Octone немедленно настоял на том, чтобы группа сменила название, чтобы порвать со своим поп-прошлым. [15] Кроме того, лейбл начал искать гитариста на полную ставку, чтобы Левин смог сосредоточиться на выступлении в качестве фронтмена. Джеймс Валентайн (из группы Лос-Анджелеса Square ) был нанят на эту работу. [14]Присоединившись к группе, Валентин прокомментировал: «Я подружился с ними, и мы как бы начали джемовать вместе, это было очень похоже на то, что я изменял своей группе, у нас был своего рода роман, и я в конце концов покинул свою другую группу, чтобы присоединяйся к ним ". [14] Услышав игру Левайна, Валентин заметил его близость к Фишу и двум музыкантам, связанным с группой. [19]

2002–2006: Песни об уходе Джейн и Дусика [ править ]

Концерт Maroon 5 в 2004 году
С того момента, как мы начали записывать альбом [ Songs About Jane ] в 2001 году, и до того момента, когда альбом достиг пика своего успеха в 2004 году, мы прошли путь от голодающих музыкантов, гадающих, что нас ждет в будущем, к волне успеха, превосходящей наши самые безумные. ожидания.

 - Райан Дусик, оригинальный барабанщик Maroon 5, который официально покинул группу в 2006 году из-за травм плеч и запястий, полученных в результате постоянных гастролей. [20] [21]

Джеймс Валентайн учился в музыкальном колледже Беркли с Джоном Майером в 1996 году, где они наладили взаимопонимание. В 2002 году они снова встретились во время радиопередачи Майера. После того, как Майер услышал их альбом, он был так впечатлен (особенно "This Love", который стал самым успешным релизом с альбома и продвинул группу к суперзвезде), что пригласил их выступить для него во время его турне в начале 2003 года. [10] Первый сингл « Harder to Breathe » медленно начал набирать обороты, что помогло поднять продажи альбома. К марту 2004 года альбом вошел в топ-20 чарта Billboard 200, а "Harder to Breathe" - в топ-20 чарта Billboard Hot 100.чарты синглов. Альбом достиг шестой позиции в Billboard 200 в сентябре 2004 года [22], через 26 месяцев после его выпуска; Это был самый длительный период между выпуском альбома и его первым появлением в Топ-10 с тех пор, как результаты SoundScan были включены в Billboard 200 в 1991 году. [23] Альбом был продан тиражом более 10 миллионов копий по всему миру. Все это произошло после того, как группа «отказалась от своих пост-гранжевых корней и обратилась к радио- поп-соул- саунду, даже когда увлекалась хард-роком ». [ требуется указание источника ] [24] Майер пригласил группу снова разогревать его в 2004 году.[25] В течение следующих трех лет группа практически без перерыва гастролировала, включая визиты в семнадцать стран. В это время группа гастролировала с Мишель Бранч , Грэмом Колтоном и Rolling Stones . [26] [27] Также группа гастролировала вместе с Гэвином ДеГроу , [28] Matchbox Twenty , Sugar Ray , [29] The Counting Crows , [30] Phantom Planet , [31] The Hives , [32] Dashboard Confessional , [33] Саймон Доус , [34] The Thrills , Thirsty Merc , Marc Broussard , the Donnas , RedWest, Michael Tolcher и Guster . [35]

Песни о Джейн в конечном итоге достигли № 1 на австралийских альбомах ( ARIA ) [36], в то время как " Harder to Breathe " вошел в топ-20 чартов синглов в США [37] и Великобритании [36], а также в Топ-40 в Австралии и Нью-Йорке. Зеландия. [36] Альбом также в конечном итоге стал номером один в Великобритании. [36] Второй сингл « This Love » достиг пятой позиции в США, [37] третьей позиции в Великобритании и восьмой позиции в Австралии. [36] Третий сингл " She Will Be Loved " достиг пятой строчки в США [37] и Великобритании и первой позиции в Австралии.[36] Четвертый сингл " Sunday Morning " попал в топ-40 в США, [37] Великобритании и Австралии. [36] Maroon 5 отыграли Live 8 в Филадельфии в 2005 году. Их сет включал кавер на песню Нила Янга « Rockin 'in the Free World » и фронтмен Левин, выступавший с одним из его героев, а также заключительное выступление Стиви Уандера . [38] 13 мая 2005 года в Санта-Барбаре, штат Калифорния , группа завершила свой тур Honda Civic Tour 2005 года , на котором выступила хедзером. [39] 9 июня 2005 года группа выступила в Американском институте кино.'s tribute to filmmaker George Lucas. Lucas himself had selected Maroon 5 for the event, as it was his children's favorite band at the time.[40] Over the years of touring with the band their drummer, percussionist and backing vocalist Ryan Dusick had been suffering from the touring life.[41] The strains of non-stop touring aggravated an old sports injury.[9] After several absences from the tour with Ryland Steen and Josh Day taking his place, Dusick officially left the band in September 2006.[21] Matt Flynn, the former drummer of Gavin DeGraw and The B-52's, joined the band as Dusick's replacement.[42]

2007–2008: It Won't Be Soon Before Long[edit]

Maroon 5 in Madison Square Garden, New York City in 2007

After recording for eight months, Maroon 5's second album It Won't Be Soon Before Long, was released worldwide in May 2007 by A&M Octone Records.[43] Levine described the follow-up to Songs About Jane is "sexier and stronger",[44] gaining inspiration from iconic 80s artists such as Prince, Shabba Ranks, Michael Jackson and Talking Heads.[45] Ann Powers writing for Los Angeles Times said It Won't Be Soon Before Long is "An icy-hot blend of electro-funk and blue-eyed soul that works its cruel streak with the confidence of Daniel Craig's James Bond".[46] Before its release, "Makes Me Wonder" was the No. 1 selling single and video on iTunes.[44] It was also the No. 1 selling album, with more than 50,000 digital pre-sales.[44] After its release, the album broke iTunes sales records its week of release, selling over 101,000 copies.[47] The first single "Makes Me Wonder", was released to radio March 27, 2007. The song debuted at number 84 on the Billboard Hot 100, the lowest debuting single of the group's five chart entries. In the first week of May, the single skyrocketed from a lowly position of No. 64 to No. 1, the biggest jump in Billboard history at the time.[48] "Makes Me Wonder" has also achieved No. 1 on Billboard's Hot Digital Songs, Pop 100, and Hot Dance Club Play charts.[49] The album's songs "Makes Me Wonder", "Wake Up Call", "If I Never See Your Face Again" and "Nothing Lasts Forever", are featured on the third season of the MTV television series The Hills.[50]

To support the album, the band performed on a six-date club tour in which it visited small venues in Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Miami and New York City in early June 2007.[51] The band followed with a concert that streamed live via MSN Music in mid-June.[52] On July 10, it opened for The Police in Miami,[53] and followed with an acoustic performance at the Miami club, Studio A, the next day.[54] On September 6, 2007, Maroon 5 appeared for the Fashion Rocks 2007 concert, where they performed "Wake Up Call", and a cover of The Ronettes' "Be My Baby".[55][56] Later, the band headlined the It Won't Be Soon Before Long Tour took place in late 2007, where they toured 28 cities in North America. The tour began September 29 in Detroit touring in 28 cities in North America and concluded November 10, 2007 in Las Vegas.[57] The Hives, as the tour's special guest, performed on all of the dates while Sara Bareilles, Kevin Michael and Phantom Planet each performed in a portion of the tour.[58] It toured with Dashboard Confessional in their world tour and on March 28, 2008, it began touring with OneRepublic, Brandi Carlile, and Ry Cuming. The band has performed "Makes Me Wonder" on season 6 and "If I Never See Your Face Again" in season 7 of American Idol, which they also appeared on the show's special edition entitled "Idol Gives Back" in the latter season. In May 2008, Maroon 5 released a new duet version of "If I Never See Your Face Again", with Rihanna. It appeared on both the band's re-released second album and Rihanna's re-release of her album Good Girl Gone Bad. On May 13, 2008, the band performed "Goodnight Goodnight", at the 2008 The CW Upfront event in Lincoln Center, New York City.[59] As a promotion, the song appeared on the network's fall 2008 advertisement.[60] Maroon 5 also performed with the song in CSI: NY, where they guest starred in the fifth season episode "Page Turner" in October 2008.[61]

2009–2012: Hands All Over and Carmichael's hiatus[edit]

Maroon 5 performing in Hong Kong in May 2011

Levine stated that he believed the band was reaching its peak and may make one more album before disbanding.[62] He explained, "Eventually I want to focus on being a completely different person because I don't know if I want to do this into my 40s and 50s and beyond, like the Rolling Stones".[63] Levine later dispelled any rumors of the band breaking up, saying: "I love what I do and think that, yes, it might be tiring and complicated at times [but] we don't have any plans on disbanding any time soon".[64]

In January 2009, Maroon 5 performed at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. for the "Declare Yourself" event in honor of the inauguration of President Barack Obama.[65] The band recorded a cover version of "The Way You Look Tonight", which appeared on the Frank Sinatra tribute album His Way, Our Way.[66] It was also included on the soundtrack to the 2010 film Valentine's Day.[67]

Maroon 5's third studio album was recorded in mid 2009 in Switzerland, where the band was joined by record producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange.[68] During the band's time on touring along with artists and groups are served as opening acts for the Back to School Tour in November, with Kate Earl and Fitz and the Tantrums[69] and the Palm Trees & Power Lines Tour in 2010, with OneRepublic, Bruno Mars, Kris Allen, Ry Cuming, VV Brown, Owl City and actor Jason Segel,[70] respectively.[71] The band's third album titled Hands All Over, was released on September 21, 2010.[72] On the Billboard 200, the album debuted at number two behind Zac Brown Band's album You Get What You Give.[73] Despite the high placement on the Billboard 200 only 142,000 copies were sold, which was relatively weak compared to their previous album It Won't Be Soon Before Long, which debuted at number one with 429,000 copies.[74] The album received mixed reviews from music critics, though many of them praised it for its production. The first single of the album "Misery", was released on June 22, 2010 and peaking at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100. In February 2011, Maroon 5 headlined the Super Bowl XLV pre-show with special guest Keith Urban, where the band performing their songs including "Misery" and "Never Gonna Leave This Bed".[75] During a promotion by Coca-Cola in March 2011, the band participated in a special studio session during which, with the help of musician PJ Morton, they only had 24 hours to write a completely original song. After their time was up, the song "Is Anybody Out There" was released on the Coca-Cola website for free download.[76]

On July 12, 2011, the band re-released the album Hands All Over, just to include their summer hit "Moves like Jagger" featuring Christina Aguilera.[77][78] The song premiered live on The Voice on June 21 and reached the number one position on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in September 2011. Frontman Levine was also featured in the Gym Class Heroes' song "Stereo Hearts" from their album The Papercut Chronicles II, which peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100. The band toured with Train for the 2011 Summer Tour from July to September 2011.[79] On September 8, 2011, Jesse Carmichael stated the band was likely to begin recording its next album within the year.[80] On October 1, 2011, the band performed live at the Rock in Rio concert in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[81] Maroon 5 was a last hour addition, chosen to fill the vacant spot left by Jay-Z after he cancelled his appearance for personal reasons.[82] The band launched a Snapple flavor named "Tea Will Be Loved" in support of Feeding America in September 2011.[83]

In November 2011, Maroon 5 performed "Moves Like Jagger" and "Stereo Hearts" with Travie McCoy on Saturday Night Live on November 5.[84] On November 20, 2011, the band also performed the same songs along with Aguilera and Gym Class Heroes at the 2011 American Music Awards,[85] where the band won their first AMA for Favorite Pop Band/Duo/Group. Later, the band played "Moves Like Jagger" at the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.[86] The next year, the band also won the 2012 People's Choice Award for Favorite Band, beating Linkin Park and Coldplay.[87] On February 12, 2012, the group performed at the 54th Grammy Awards, alongside Foster the People and the Beach Boys in a medley of the Beach Boys songs to celebrate their 50th anniversary.[88] Later, Maroon 5 contributed with a song called "Come Away to the Water", featuring Rozzi Crane for The Hunger Games soundtrack album.[89]

On March 9, 2012, Maroon 5 announced that Jesse Carmichael would take a break from performing with the group for an undetermined amount of time to focus more on his studies of "music and the healing arts" and was replaced by a new keyboardist and background vocalist PJ Morton, who had been touring with them since 2010 and who became a full-time band member, as Morton gained little success as an R&B artist.[90]

2012–2013: Overexposed[edit]

As Maroon 5 continued to work on their fourth studio album Overexposed, which was released on June 26, 2012. Levine stated that Overexposed is their "most diverse and poppiest album yet".[91] On April 16, Maroon 5 premiered the first single from the album "Payphone", featuring Wiz Khalifa, on the reality competition show The Voice, in which Levine is one of the coaches.[92] "Payphone" debuted at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, eventually peaking at number two. The album's second single "One More Night" was released on June 19, 2012. The song reached number one on the Hot 100, blocking Psy's monster hit "Gangnam Style" from the top spot on the chart for nine consecutive weeks[93] and tied with Carly Rae Jepsen's hit single "Call Me Maybe" for most weeks in the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 2012.[94]

At the start of their Overexposed Tour in South America, Maroon 5 introduced the newest addition in the band to the audience: their old and close friend Sam Farrar on guitars, occasionally on the bass guitar, percussion, additional keyboards, backing vocals and providing samples and other special effects (using the MPC).[95] Farrar co-wrote and co-produced a few of the band's songs on almost all of their studio albums and also remixed their song "Woman" on Call and Response: The Remix Album, released in 2008 (for the original version from the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack). On August 31, 2012 – during a show in Argentina – Farrar filled-in for Mickey Madden on the bass guitar for the very first time – he subsequently filled-in for Madden on the next few shows of the tour. In July 2012, Maroon 5 began to work on the upcoming fifth studio album, after the commercial success of Overexposed[96] and on October 10, 2012, Jesse Carmichael confirmed that he would be returning to the band after they complete their Overexposed Tour and will rejoin in time to record their fifth studio album.

On November 8, 2012, Maroon 5 performed "Daylight", the third single of the album was debuted on The Voice.[97] To promote the song, the band launched a video project called "The Daylight Project". The project encouraged fans to film their own segments for inclusion in the official music video for "Daylight", that would be directed by Jonas Åkerlund, was released on December 10, 2012.[98] Another video for the song titled "Playing for Change" is directed by Mark Johnson and was released on January 17, 2013. This video includes several street musicians from around the world playing and singing along with the band performing on tour.[99] The song peaked at number seven on the Hot 100 and reached at number one on the Mainstream Top 40, setting a record for the most number ones held by a group in over 20 years.[100]

On April 1, 2013, the band announced it would headline the 12th Annual Honda Civic Tour, with special guest Kelly Clarkson.[101] The tour began on August 1, 2013, and concluded on October 6, 2013, comprising 34 dates. Maroon 5 released the fourth and final single from the album "Love Somebody", on May 14, 2013.

2013–2016: V, return of Carmichael and lineup changes[edit]

Maroon 5 performing live in 2016.

In April 2013, James Valentine said the band was in the studio recording songs for the fifth album: "The stuff we're working on now, it definitely has gone maybe a little darker in its sound, maybe back a little bit more to what we kind of did on Songs About Jane, but at this point, we do have all kinds of different songs and it is early".[102]

In February 2014, Maroon 5 appeared to perform "All My Loving" and "Ticket to Ride" on the CBS show The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to The Beatles, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' arrival in the United States.[103]

On April 15, 2014, Jesse Carmichael confirmed that his hiatus from the band was complete and he reunited with the band in time to record the album.[104] With Carmichael's return along with PJ Morton, the band's lineup grew to six members.

In May 2014, Maroon 5 transferred from A&M Octone Records, when they signed with Interscope Records[105] (in partnership with Adam Levine's label 222 Records[106]) and announced their fifth studio album V (pronounced: "five"), which was released on September 2, 2014.[107] The album was also released on a limited-edition ZinePak.[108] The album's first single "Maps", was released on June 16, 2014,[109][110] and peaked number 6 on the Hot 100 chart.[111] On August 10, the band headlined the Hyundai Card City Break, a rock festival in South Korea.[112][113] At the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards on August 24, 2014, Maroon 5 appeared to perform for the first time with "Maps" and "One More Night".[114] The second single, "Animals" was released on August 25 and peaked at number 3 on the Hot 100 chart.[111] It was featured on the 2015 Kia Soul EV commercial.[115]

After releasing the album, it reached number one on the US Billboard 200 chart on September 10, 2014.[116] V received mixed reviews from critics. Brad Wete, writing for Billboard, said: "Levine's hummingbird vocals and passionate delivery are as earnest as they were on their 2002 debut Songs About Jane."[117] On September 11, 2014, Maroon 5 performed during the 2014 iTunes Festival at the Roundhouse in London, England.[118] Later, the band performed at the Grammy Awards' Christmas special, entitled A Very Grammy Christmas on December 5, 2014, and at the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour 2014 on December 12, 2014.[119][120]

"Sugar" was released as the third single from the album on January 13, 2015.[121] A music video was released on January 14, 2015, where the band traveling around Los Angeles and performing at random weddings.[122] The single reached at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. Like "Animals", the single was featured on commercials with two 2015 vehicles namely, the Nissan GT-R[123] and the Toyota Corolla Altis.[124] On February 22, 2015, Maroon 5 performing "Lost Stars" at the 87th Academy Awards.[125] The song appeared on the soundtrack of the 2013 film Begin Again (which also stars Levine) and the deluxe edition of the band's album V.[107]

During the time, Maroon 5 headlined a worldwide tour entitled Maroon V Tour, in support of the album. Throughout the tour, artists Magic!, Rozzi Crane, Matt McAndrew, Tove Lo, R. City and Phases served as the tour's opening acts. On May 12, 2015, the band announced that they were to release their single "This Summer" on May 15,[126] and also appeared on the re-released deluxe edition of the fifth album.[127][128] Four days later, Maroon 5 performed "This Summer" on the eighth season finale of The Voice.[129]

The band released their first greatest hits album Singles, on September 25, 2015, through 222 and Interscope.[130][131][132] It contains 12 singles taken from the first five albums.[133] In 2016, the band also released The Studio Albums, an album collection box set featuring all five albums was available on September 30, 2016.[134]

The same year, Sam Farrar who had been touring and collaborated with Maroon 5, appears in the band's promotional photo, where he became a new official member.[135]

2017–2018: Red Pill Blues[edit]

Maroon 5 at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado in September 2018 during the Red Pill Blues Tour.

In January 2017, Adam Levine revealed that the band was working on their sixth studio album.[136] According to Levine, the album would be R&B-influenced.[137][138] At the 2017 Teen Choice Awards on August 13, where the band received the Decade Award,[139] Levine announced that the album would be released in November.[140][141] In October 2017, Maroon 5 revealed their sixth studio album Red Pill Blues, the name inspired by the 1999 science fiction film The Matrix.[142][143][144] The album was released on November 3, 2017,[145] and peaked at number two on the Billboard 200.

This album includes four singles: "Don't Wanna Know", "Cold", "What Lovers Do" and "Wait". The re-release of the album to include a remix version of "Girls Like You" featuring Cardi B, which was released in May 2018[146] and served as the fifth and final single. It peaked at number one at the Billboard Hot 100 spending seven weeks, which became their fourth number one on the chart.[147] It spent 33 weeks in the top 10, tying both with Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" and Post Malone and Swae Lee's "Sunflower" for the longest top 10 run in the chart's archives at the time.[148][149]

To support the album, Maroon 5 embarked on the Red Pill Blues Tour, began on May 30, 2018 and concluded on December 31, 2019, along with special guests Julia Michaels, Cxloe and Sigrid. In June 2018, the band collaborated with Hyundai, to record a cover version of Bob Marley and the Wailers' "Three Little Birds", was released as a single on iTunes[150] and featured with three vehicles are appeared on the advertisements for Hyundai Santa Fe and Kona in the 2018 FIFA World Cup and Nexo in the song's official music video both were directed by Joseph Kahn.[151][152] In August 2018, the group made a guest appearance in the first episode of the YouTube Premium television web series Sugar.[153]

2019–present: Madden's departure and Jordi[edit]

In January 2019, band members Adam Levine and Jesse Carmichael, along with Pearl Jam member Stone Gossard, performed "Seasons" by the late Chris Cornell, in a tribute concert titled I Am the Highway: A Tribute to Chris Cornell, at The Forum in Inglewood, California.[154]

On February 3, 2019, Maroon 5 headlined the Super Bowl LIII halftime show in Atlanta, Georgia, at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, with American rappers Big Boi and Travis Scott.[155][156][157] The band's decision to participate, despite the U.S. national anthem protests by Colin Kaepernick and others, was controversial.[158] The performance drew criticism from audiences and critics.[159]

On June 8, the band performed in Capital's Summertime Ball, in the UK.[160] On September 20, 2019, Maroon 5 released the song "Memories",[161] which peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.[162] The following month, guitarist James Valentine revealed the details about the band working on their new album, stating: "It does foreshadow a new album, which we’re currently in the studio working on. But, yeah, we are working on a new record."[163]

On February 1, 2020, the band performed in the Bud Light Super Bowl Music Fest, a pre-show for Super Bowl LIV at American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida,[164] with special guest Dan + Shay.[165] The year's pre-Super Bowl performance received positive reception by audiences, an improvement to the band's previous Super Bowl performance in 2019.[citation needed] Maroon 5 launched its 2020 Tour in South America from February 23 to March 10, 2020.[166][167] The North American leg was originally scheduled for summer 2020,[168] but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the dates were rescheduled and will be billed on the band's upcoming 2021 Tour.[169][170] The tour is set to begin on March 9, 2021, and will end on October 2, 2021.

In June 2020, it was announced that David Dobkin was directing a documentary film about the band. It is expected to be released in 2021.[171] On June 27, 2020, bassist Mickey Madden was arrested in Los Angeles due to an allegation of domestic violence[172] and several days later, on July 14, 2020, Madden announced on People Magazine, that he is retiring from the band "for the foreseeable future".[173]

On July 20, Maroon 5 announced a new single titled "Nobody's Love", which was released on July 24.[174] On December 16, 2020, Levine revealed their seventh studio album is set to release in 2021.[175] They released their next single, "Beautiful Mistakes" featuring American rapper Megan Thee Stallion, on March 3, 2021.[176] On April 29, 2021, the band announced their seventh studio album Jordi would be released on June 11, 2021.[177] According to the information from the band's official online store, the singles "Memories", "Nobody's Love" and "Beautiful Mistakes" will all appear on the album.[178]

Musical style and influences[edit]

I think the classic Maroon 5 song is minor, and it has some funk, Nile Rodgers-style guitar and the lyrics are probably about getting your heart broken. So minor, funk and heartbreak -- that's the Maroon 5 formula.

—James Valentine[179]

Maroon 5's musical style has generally been regarded as pop,[180] pop rock,[180][181] funk rock,[182][183] dance-pop,[184][185] blue-eyed soul,[186][187] neo soul,[180] R&B,[188] and soft rock.[189][190] Adam Levine has stated: "Everything that's written and performed and put together pretty much comes from us. I just think people would be surprised to know that we're a self-contained unit. We're a band that does their own thing. There's no puppet master."[191] However, in an article about the songwriter and producer Benny Blanco, it is revealed that at least some of the band's songs, such as "Moves like Jagger," are the product of efforts by or collaborations with, professional songwriters and producers.[192] In the same article, Levine says, "It's almost as if [Benny Blanco] has the Midas touch in putting the right people together at the right time to create a musical moment. He's about collaboration. And he's so good at nailing down who does everything best."[193]

Madden's black Music Man bass guitar on display at the Hard Rock Cafe, London

Adam Levine cited Britpop band Oasis as "one of the best bands ever" and said "We love Oasis".[194] The band has cited Michael Jackson, The Beatles, The Police, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, the Bee Gees, Tonic, Prince, Tupac Shakur and Marvin Gaye as influences.[195][196][197] Levine has also cited Billy Joel as an influence.[38] Furthermore, guitarist James Valentine said he was influenced by guitarists like Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell and John Scofield, as well as the rock band Queens of the Stone Age.[198] The band's songs tend to be very guitar-heavy, often accompanied by piano or synthesizer. The theme in most of their songs is love, frequently lost love; songs like "This Love", "Makes Me Wonder" and "Misery" have a very cynical tone, often expressing dissatisfaction with a relationship, while their more heartfelt and emotional songs such as "She Will Be Loved" and "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" express a longing for a romantic relationship. "Makes Me Wonder" has a secondary theme, in which Levine expresses his disillusionment and frustration with the state of American politics and the Iraq War.[199]

The band's style changes from album to album. Songs About Jane consists of songs about Levine's ex-girlfriend Jane Herman. On It Won't Be Soon Before Long, however, the songs are less personal and are more electric with more use of synthesizers, creating a retro feel. Hands All Over continues the band's lost love theme, along with songs about infatuation and was re-released in 2011, with the hit single "Moves like Jagger", an electropop song which represents a drastic change in the band's sound, with more of a dance feel to it. "It was one of those songs that was definitely a risk", Levine said. "It's a bold statement. We've never really released a song like that. But it's exciting to do something different, do something new. I'm just glad that everyone likes it."[200] James Valentine called Overexposed "our most 'pop' record ever and we weren't shy about really going for it".[201] They also have experimented with new wave[202][203][204] and disco[205][206] sounds on several albums.


In an interview with Variety in November 2018, the frontman of the band, Adam Levine, when asked if the band is pop, rock or urban, said, "Something unique to this band is that we have always looked to hip-hop, R&B, all rhythmic forms of music, from back when we were writing our first album to now. Rock music is nowhere, really. I don’t know where it is. If it’s around, no one’s invited me to the party. All of the innovation and the incredible things happening in music are in hip-hop".[207] This statement prompted widespread criticism from rock fans and some rockstars such as Slipknot's frontman Corey Taylor. Despite this backlash, the band saw a continued increase in popularity and commercial success in 2018, leading them to become one of the world's best-selling pop bands. They continue to create mostly hip-hop and pop music.[208][209]

On February 27, 2020, the band performed at the Viña del Mar International Song Festival in Chile. The presentation, which began 29 minutes late, was listed as "mediocre" by part of the press. Mark Savage of the BBC said that Levine performed the songs with a "lack of energy" and was "out of tune", adding that the disappointment of some fans increased when videos were leaked. The videos showed Levine when he was leaving the stage, angry and saying that "they were deceived", "that was a TV show! ... that was not a concert", and that Viña del Mar is a "shitty city," sparking criticism.[210] Levine later posted on Instagram to apologize for the incident[211] and the band said they had experienced technical difficulties with the audio feed to Levine's ear pieces.[212]

Band members[edit]

Current members

  • Adam Levine – lead vocals, rhythm and lead guitar (1994–present)
  • Jesse Carmichael – keyboards (2001–2012, 2014–present), backing vocals (1994–2012, 2014–present), rhythm guitar (1994–2001, 2009–2012, 2014–present), lead guitar (1994–2001)
  • James Valentine – lead and rhythm guitar (2001–present), backing vocals (2006–present)
  • Matt Flynn – drums, percussion (2006–present; touring member 2004–2006)
  • PJ Morton – keyboards, backing vocals (2012–present; touring member 2010–2012)
  • Sam Farrar – guitar, bass, samples, keyboards, percussion, backing vocals (2016–present; touring member 2012-2016)

Former members

  • Ryan Dusick – drums, percussion (1994–2006), backing vocals (2001–2006)
  • Mickey Madden – bass (1994–2020)


Studio albums

  • Songs About Jane (2002)
  • It Won't Be Soon Before Long (2007)
  • Hands All Over (2010)
  • Overexposed (2012)
  • V (2014)
  • Red Pill Blues (2017)
  • Jordi (2021)

as Kara's Flowers

  • We Like Digging? (1995)
  • The Fourth World (1997)
  • Stagg Street Recordings (1999)

Awards and recognition[edit]

Maroon 5 have been the recipients of three Grammy Awards,[5][213] three American Music Awards,[214][215][216] and three People's Choice Awards,[217] with five Teen Choice Awards,[218] and eight Billboard Music Awards. In 2004 World Music Awards, it won the award for "World's Best New Group".[219]

Hands All Over, the band's third studio album, which was released in September 2010, peaked at number two on the Billboard 200 charts. In 2011, the album was re-released and supported by the single "Moves like Jagger", a song featuring American singer Christina Aguilera. The song became the band's second single to reach number one on the Hot 100 chart; it has sold over 14.4 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling singles worldwide.[220] The band released their fourth studio album, Overexposed, in June 2012. The album peaked at number two on the Billboard 200 chart. The first two singles from the album "Payphone" and "One More Night", were both international hits and peaked at two and one on the Hot 100 chart respectively.[221] "One More Night", managed to beat Psy's "Gangnam Style" by reaching number one on Billboard Hot 100 and stayed tied with Carly Rae Jepsen's hit single "Call Me Maybe" for most weeks at No. 1 in 2012.[94]

Maroon 5 ranked 15 on Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) "Top Artists – Digital Singles" list, with certified sales of 15 million in the United States.[222] In 2013, Maroon 5 became the third most-played artist on Top 40 Mainstream radio, based on Clear Channel owned Mediabase, becoming one of the most successful acts of Interscope Records.[223] On September 10, 2014, their fifth studio album, V, debuted at top of the weekly Billboard 200 chart with 164,000 copies sold within the first week.[224]

In 2013, Maroon 5 ranked as the 94th best artist of all time based on Top 100 Artists of All Time at Billboard Hot 100 55th Anniversary.[225]

In August 2018, the band was ranked 37th and 11th on Billboard's Hot 100 60th Anniversary Greatest of All Time and on Billboard's "The Top 60 Duos/Groups of All Time" respectively.[226][227]

In January 2020, the band was listed number nine on the Billboard Top Artists of the 2010s chart.[228]



  • Since 2008, Maroon 5 has partnered with environmental non-profit REVERB to green their tours and engage fans to take action for the environment.
  • Maroon 5 has been a longtime supporter of Aid Still Required (ASR). After contributing the live version of "She Will Be Loved" to ASR's All Star CD in support of the survivors of the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami,[230][231] Maroon 5 went on to record a public service announcement for ASR about work that still needed to be done in Haiti. Maroon 5 has participated in various ASR social media campaigns[232] and Levine has donated a meet and greet on the set of The Voice to raise funds for various ASR programs.[233]
  • Maroon 5 supports the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.[234]
  • In 2006, Maroon 5 were awarded an Environmental Media Award, due to donating their 2005 North American tour income to a global environment organization, called "Global Cool".[235]
  • In 2011, Maroon 5 (along with PJ Morton, who was the band's touring member at the time) took part in a project named "24 Hour Session" with Coca-Cola. The band wrote and recorded the song "Is Anybody Out There?" in 24 hours. After the project ended, the track was made available on the Coca-Cola website. It was also announced that if the song would be downloaded more than 100,000 times, Coca-Cola would donate to Africa for clean water.[236]
  • Adam Levine, whose brother is openly gay, is an outspoken supporter of same sex marriage and LGBT rights.[237] In 2011, he made a video on Maroon 5's official YouTube account in support of the It Gets Better Project.[238] In January 2012, he announced that Maroon 5 had changed the location of their post-Grammy Awards show because of the "unnamed Los Angeles restaurant's backing of Proposition 8".[237]
  • In August 2013, Maroon 5 teamup with the rum brand Malibu, to host a collaborative competition titled Marooned on Malibu Island, where encouraged fans participate to nominate their city by creating their own virtual Malibu Island.[239] After the contest was closed, the event later took place in a concert at the Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan, New York, on November 16, 2013.[240]
  • In 2015, the band had a partnership with Vita Coco, as part for the North American leg of the Maroon V Tour, with every stop through on-site allowing fans to drink coconut water and meet-and-greet with the band.[241]
  • On June 25, 2016, Maroon 5 partnered with UNICEF to launch #Maroon5Day to mark the 14th anniversary of the release of their first album Songs About Jane. Fans were encouraged to donate to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.[242] It was announced that Maroon 5 will match up to $25,000 in donations to help children in need.[243] The campaign was nominated at the 2016 Shorty Social Good Awards for Best Influencer & Celebrity Partnership.[244]
  • On March 25, 2017, Maroon 5 participate during the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) "Earth Hour" campaign.[245]
  • Maroon 5 and Interscope Records are teamup and gave a donation for the charities are the Malala Fund in 2018, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, with the NFL for the Super Bowl LIII halftime show in 2019, and the ACLU in 2020, respectively.[246][247][248]
  • In October 2020, Maroon 5 featured in the virtual music festival 'Save Our Stages Fest' presented by National Independent Venue Association in partnership with YouTube Music to support indie venues.[249]


  • Maroon 5: Midnight Miles (July 18, 2006)
  • Maroon 5: Shooting for the Stars, Omnibus Press (October 14, 2013)

See also[edit]

  • Maroon 5 videography
  • List of artists featured on MTV Unplugged
  • List of artists who reached number one on the Australian singles chart
  • List of artists who reached number one in Ireland
  • List of artists who reached number one on the UK Singles Chart
  • List of artists who reached number one in the United States
  • List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Adult Contemporary chart
  • List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart
  • List of bands from Los Angeles
  • List of blue-eyed soul artists
  • List of dance-pop artists
  • List of funk rock bands
  • List of people from California


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External links[edit]

  • Official website