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Муниципалитет Лангеланн - это муниципалитет ( датский : kommune ) в регионе Южной Дании , полностью расположенный на острове Лангеланд и на ряде небольших прилегающих островов. Муниципалитет занимает площадь 290,30 км 2 , а его общая численность составляет 12 491 человек (2020 г.). Будучи островом, он не имеет сухопутных границ с другими муниципалитетами, хотя соединяется с муниципалитетом Свендборг через мост Сиосунд . На пароме можно добраться до муниципалитетов Эре и Лолланн . Его мэром является Тонни Хансен, член Социалистической народной партии.. Главный город и место его муниципального совета - город Рудкёбинг .

Кроме того , на острове Langeland, муниципалитет также состоит из обитаемых островов Strynø , SIO , Langø и Линдо, а также необитаемые острова Лилль Græsholm, Bredholm, Grensholm, Strynø Kalv , Vogterholm, Bondeholm, магазин Holm, Буко, Kværnen, Эскилсё, Кухольм и Ашхольм.

История [ править ]

Город Рудкёбинг получил права рыночного города в 1200-х годах, хотя изо всех сил пытался конкурировать с многочисленными незаконными торговыми портами вокруг острова. Во время Северных войн в середине 1600-х годов Рудкёбинг был оккупирован шведами . Оккупация нанесла ущерб уже находящемуся в бедственном положении городу, и население сократилось. В более поздних частях 1700-х годов город начал восстанавливаться, и во время индустриализации город и остров росли в населении и активности. В 1847 году в Рудкёбинге была построена новая гавань, а дороги на острове были улучшены. Пароходные маршруты в Копенгаген , Свендборг и Эрёбыли основаны, и население Рудкёбинга утроилось в течение 1800-х годов. [2]

В средние века, когда Дания была разделена на сотни , Лангеланд был разделен на две сотни. Это были Северная Сотня Лангеланда (датский: Langelands Nørre Herred ) и Южная Сотня Лангеланда (датский: Langelands Sønder Herred ), последняя также включала остров Сиё. Остров Стрыно был частью Сотни Сундс, которая включала Свендборг и окрестности города, а также многочисленные острова архипелага Южный Фюн . Две сотни на Лангеланде были частью феодального владения (датский: len ) Феодра Транекер, которое в 1662 году стало графством Транекер. Сотня Сундс вместе со Стринё тем временем стала частью графства Нюборг. В 1793 году два округа Транекер и Нюборг были объединены в округ Свендборг , который в 1970 году был объединен с округом Оденсе и образовал округ Фунен (датский: Fyns Amt ). Этот округ был распущен в 2007 году, и вся округа Фунен стала частью области Южной Дании . [3]

Исторические подразделения [ править ]

Мэры [ править ]

После муниципальной реформы 2007 года мэрами муниципалитета Лангеланд были:

Города [ править ]

Ратуша муниципалитета Лангеланд в Рудкёбинге

Ниже представлены все населенные пункты муниципального образования с населением не менее 200 человек (численность населения на 2020 год). [4]

Рудкёбинг [ править ]

Бывший вокзал в Рудкёбинге

Рудкёбинг расположен в центре острова, а значит, и муниципалитета. Он связан с Siø через мост Langeland . К югу от моста, вдоль побережья острова, находится гавань Рудкёбинг. Вдоль гавани расположены многочисленные сооружения. Южная и центральная части города состоят в основном из жилых районов, а в восточной части города находится значительная промышленная зона.

К югу от Рудкёбинга находится лес Рудкёбинг, занимающий примерно 3 акра. [5]

Деревни [ править ]

На островах Стрыно есть только одно поселение: Стрыно-Бю. Эта деревня расположена в центре острова и включает в себя все достопримечательности и объекты острова. Он соединяется с паромным портом короткой дорогой. В Стринё-Бю находится церковь Стринё. [6]

К востоку от поселения Сёнденбро находится форт Лангеланд (датский: Langelandsfortet ), музей и бункер холодной войны. [7]

В Транекере находится ботанический сад, известный как Лечебные сады в Транекере (датский: Medicinhaverne i Tranekr ). Эти сады содержат травы и растения, которые исторически использовались в лечебных целях. Также в Транекере находится замок Транекер, построенный в 1200-х годах. Замок укреплен рвами и укреплениями. Замок предоставляет экскурсии и большинство услуг, предоставляемых усадьбами. [8] [9]

От Spodsbjerg паромное к гудронам на Lolland . [10]

Помимо этих деревень, в муниципалитете есть несколько небольших поселков. Это все населенные пункты с населением менее 200 человек: [11]


Gulstav Klint

The southernmost tip of Langeland has been protected since 1961. 25 acres are protected. Exmoor ponies have been released in the area, left on their own as wild horses and only fed in emergencies. Plants in the area include the common toothwort and stemless thistle. Breeding birds in the area include water rail, waterhen, little grebe and red-backed shrike.[12]

Wild horses on Langeland

65 acres of bog west of Fredmose has been protected since 1981. The bog is known as Sædballe Fredmose, named after the two settlements surrounding it, with Sædballe to the west and Fredmose to the east. It is rich in bird activity, and the nightingale can be found breeding in the bog.[13]

South of Nyby and Hesselbjerg is an area of bogs, lakes and coast known as Tryggelev Nor. 122 acres of it has been protected since 1987, in order to protect the birds of the area. Also protected is 10.5 acres of forest, known as Næs Skov, directly adjacent to Tryggelev Nor. Around 70 species are known to breed in the area, including reed warbler, marsh warbler, bearded reedling and nightingale. Birds of prey in the area include the marsh harrier.[14][15]

Cliffs and beaches around Ristinge are home to a number of rare beetles and butterflies. Found here are a vulnerable oil beetle, and it is also the only place in Scandinavia to have a registered sighting of the tawny mining bee.[16]

Longelse Farmer's Forest (Danish: Longelse Bondegårdsskov) is a forest located southwest of Nørre Longelse. 8.5 acres of the forest is protected and the forest is left untouched with little human interference. Despite the forest's small size of around 85,000 m2 it is the most diverse in species on Langeland. It is home to several types of windflowers and other plants, as well as a series of different types of trees. Being left untouched, the forest is also home to breeding birds that enjoy the rotting wood from dead trees. These include the stock dove and brown owl. The forest is also home to both the roe deer and fallow deer.[17]

Also protected are a large number of dykes around the island. These have been protected since 1959. Also protected in the municipality is 4.6 acres of coast north of Bagenkop, protected since 1966, as well as 385 acres of the manor of Skovsgaard, protected since 1973. Another manor with protected area is Tranekær Castle (Danish: Tranekær Slot). 65 acres of Tranekær Castle's area is protected. 6 acres around a passage grave west of Tullebølle is also protected, having been protected in 1959.[18][19][20][21][22]

Lindelse Nor[edit]

Lindelse Nor

Lindelse Nor is a narrow bay located approximately 5 km south of Rudkøbing. The bay contains flooded sites from the stone Stone and Iron Ages. Information signs has been placed along an underwater trail, allowing divers to experience these sites and the underwater landscape.[23][24]

There are a number of islands in Lindelse Nor. Of these, Lindø and Langø are inhabited. Both are connected to Langeland through a dam. The remaining islands are part of the South Funen Archipelago Nature Reserve (Danish: Sydfynske Øhav Vildtreservat). This means that the islands in Lindelse Nor, with the exception of the two inhabited islands, may not be visited from March to July. Birds known to breed in Lindelse Nor and on the islands include red-breasted merganser, northern lapwing, Eurasian oystercatcher and Mute swan.[25][26]


The area on Strynø is mostly used for agriculture, with only a small number of untouched nature areas. Approximately 190 people live on the island.[27]

Breeding birds on Strynø include starling, Eurasian skylark, European goldfinch, eider and blackbird.[28]

Strynø Kalv[edit]

Strynø Kalv is located west of Strynø, and is privately owned. It was previously inhabited, but is today uninhabited. Nature on the island is mostly left untouched since the 1960s, where the island was used to ship out agricultural products. Today only some animal grazing disrupts the nature. Plants on the island include caspia, pepperwort and sea aster.

3 acres around a small lake on the island is protected. This was done to protect the European fire-bellied toad, which used to be common in the South Funen Archipelago, but is today rare. It was protected in 1951.[29]


Langeland's municipal council consists of 15 members, elected every four years. The municipal council has six political committees.[30]

Municipal council[edit]

Below are the municipal councils elected since the Municipal Reform of 2007.


The largest industries in Langeland Municipality are social institutions, retail and agriculture.[31]

Large companies in the municipality include Ø Pølser, whose sausages are named after the island of Langeland. GEVEKO, who manufacture road markers, have their headquarters in Sønder Longelse.[32][33]


There are 12,491 people living in Langeland Municipality (2020). 49.44% are women and 50.56% are men.

Below is the age distribution of the municipality.


  0-5 (3.58%)
  6-17 (10.08%)
  18-35 (13.31%)
  36-64 (38.47%)
  64+ (34.56%)


There are 3 ground schools, 1 efterskole and 1 independent school in the municipality, as well as 1 special school.[34]

There is 1 library in the municipality, in Rudkøbing. Associated with the library is a car (the "Book Car" - Danish: Bogbilen) that brings books to eight different towns across the municipality, including Strynø.[35][36]


The Langeland Bridge

Langeland and the municipality is connected to mainland Funen through a series of bridges. From Svendborg the Svendborgsund Bridge connects Funen to Tåsinge. From Tåsinge the Siøsund Bridge connects to Siø. The Siøsund Bridge is 558 meters long. It was built between 1957-1960 and opened on 22 October 1960. From Siø the Langeland Bridge connects to Langeland. The Langeland Bridge is 774 meters long. It was built between 1960-1962 and opened on 10 November 1962. The bridge was created by Anker Engelund.[37][38]

There are three ferry routes in the municipality. Within the municipality the island of Strynø connects to Langeland through the Strynø Ferry, which docks at Rudkøbing. The trip takes approximately 30 minutes. Another ferry connects Spodsbjerg with Tårs in Lolland Municipality. The trip, called the Langeland Line (Danish: Langelandslinjen) takes 45 minutes. From Rudkøbing a ferry connects to Marstal in Ærø Municipality. The ferry, ÆrøXpressen, was built in 2020. The trip from Rudkøbing to Marstal takes 50 minutes.[39][40][41]


Hou Lighthouse

The islands of Langeland and Strynø are popular tourist destinations, and as a result there are numerous museums and attractions on the islands.[42]

  • The Medicinal Gardens in Tranekær (Danish: Medicinhaverne i Tranekær) are located in Tranekær. These gardens include herbs and plants, historically used for medicinal purposes.[43]
  • Strynø Mill (Danish: Strynø Mølle) is a windmill located on Strynø. It was built in 1832 by Mads Jørgensen.[44]
  • Hou Lighthouse (Danish: Hou Fyr) is a lighthouse located on northern Langeland. It was built in 1892 and first lighted in December 1893.[45]
  • The Hulbjerg Passage Grave (Danish: Hulbjerg Jættestue) is a passage grave located south of Bagenkop. It is eight meters long and dates back to 3300–3200 BCE. The findings from the passage grave are displayed on Langeland's Museum. The passage grave was protected in 1966.[46][47]


  • Langeland's Museum (Danish: Langelands Museum) is located in Rudkøbing. It was founded by Jens Winther in 1900. It began with archeological findings from Langeland, which is still part of the museum, but today items about cultural history are also displayed.[48]
  • Souvenariet (Danish: Souvenirmuseum Souvenariet) is a museum with focus on souvenirs. It is located in Tranekær.[49]
  • The Archipelago's Smack and Nature Center (Danish: Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenters) is a museum located on Strynø. It informs about the South Funen Archipelago's cultural and natural history, and also displays several types of boats, namely smacks. The museum has existed since 1993.[50]
  • The Fishery House (Danish: Fiskeriets Hus) is a local museum located in Bagenkop. It focuses on the local history, as well as on fishery.[51]
  • The Tranekær Castle Mill (Danish: Tranekær Slotsmølle) is a windmill from 1846. It has been turned into a museum, with focus on the mill's history.[52]

Langeland Fort[edit]

Submarine at the Langeland Fort

The Langeland Fort (Danish: Langelandsfortet) is a Cold War bunker. It was built by the Royal Danish Navy in 1952-54 and consisted of 14 different underground bunkers. It was built on the east coast on southern Langeland, and equipped with cannons and batteries to defend the Great Belt, as well as protect the minefields that the Royal Danish Navy would place. The bunker also included anti-air weapons, meant to protect the local radar stations of the Navy and Air Force. The bunker's crew consisted of up to 400 marines, who lived at a nearby barrack. The Langeland Fort was from 1961 to 1986 the seat for the Langeland Marine District (Danish: Langelands Marinedistrikt).[53]

In 1973 the bunker's anti-air weapons and main battery were preserved and in April 1993 the bunker was shut down. It opened as a museum in June 1997, named the Cold War Museum Langeland Fort (Danish: Koldkrigsmuseum Langelandsfort). The museum displays a submarine, minesweeper, Saab 35 Draken fighter aircraft and MiG-23 fighter aircraft. The museum also has exhibits on the Frogman Corps and Cold War espionage.[54][55]

Castles and manors[edit]

  • Biskopstorp is a manor located southwest of Tullebølle. Biskopstorp used to be a village, with the manor having existed since at least 1740, though it likely originates from much earlier. The current main building is from 1727.[56]
  • Broløkke is a manor located southeast of Magleby. The oldest part of the current manor was built in 1758, though the manor originates from the 1500s where it was called Brobjerg. It was owned by the crown until 1577 where Anne Lunge obtained ownership of the manor. Her son sold it, and around 1640 it was owned by the Mylting-family. It was likely this family that changed the manor's name to Broløkke. It was eventually bought by the Lauritsen-family and in 1743 the Ahlefeldt-family, who sold the manor to pastor Dines Christian Krag. It returned to the Ahlefeldt-family after the pastor's death, however, and remained in the family until 2004 where it was bought by Niels Palmqvist.[57]
  • Egeløkke is a manor located west of Bøstrup. It has existed since the Middle Ages. The current main building is from 1845.[58]
  • Faarevejle is a manor located south of Rudkøbing. It has existed since the 1300s, though the current main building is from the 1870s and built by architect A. H. Klein.[59]
  • Hjortholm is a manor located northeast of Fodslette. The manor has existed since the start of the 1500s, where it was known as Fodslettegaard and located within the village of Fodslette. Melchior Hvas, who owned the manor between 1575 and 1602, moved the manor out of the village and was likely also the one to rename it to Hjortholm. The manor has been in the Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-family since 1896.[60]
  • Holmegaard is a manor located south of Søndenbro. It was first mentioned in 1500. From 1952 to 2008 it was owned by the Ministry of Defense and used for training of military personnel.[61]
  • Korsebølle is a manor located north of Tranekær. Korsebølle used to be a village. It was founded as a manor in 1718-1719 by count Carl Ahlefeldt. The Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-family has been the owners of Korsebølle since the manor's foundation in 1718.[62]
Tranekær Castle
  • Lykkesholm is a manor located in Tryggelev. The manor is known to have existed from the 1400s.[63]
  • Møllegaard is a manor located southwest of Spodsbjerg. It has existed since the 1500s, where it was owned by Oluf Hansen Gaas and later Mogens Eriksen Bille. The Bille-family kept the manor until 1614, where it was acquired by Bendt Petersen von Deden. It remained in this family until 1704, and from then on switched hands between families several times. It has since 2016 been owned by a company called Møllegård Hovedgaard K/S. The manor's main building is from 1880.[64]
  • Nedergaard is a manor located south of Snøde. It has existed since at least 1409.[65]
  • Skovsbo is a manor located south of Sønder Longelse. It is known to have existed since at least 1464. In the Middle Ages there were large forest areas around the area of Skovsbo. The manor's main building is from around 1830.[66]
  • Skovsgaard is a manor located east of Hennetved. It is known to have existed since at least 1457.[67]
  • Steensgaard is a manor located southeast of Lohals. It has existed since at least 1442.[68]
  • Tranekær is a manor and castle located in Tranekær. It has existed since the 1200s, where its ownership switched between the crown and the dukes of South Jutland. It was given to Christian Rantzau in 1645, who gave the manor to his son-in-law, Frederik Ahlefeldt in 1659. The manor has remained in the Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-family since then.[69]
  • Vestergaard is a manor located southwest of Lindelse. It has existed since the 1500s. The current main building of the manor was built in 1892.[70]


Flemming Jørgensen at the Langeland Festival in 2006

See List of churches in Langeland Municipality


The Archipelago Day (Danish: Øhavets Dag) takes place in Ristinge on the last Sunday in August. It takes place on the harbour, and includes several activities related to agricultural shows.[71]

In Lohals is a yearly festival dedicated to the frikadelle. Besides activities related to the frikadelle, there is also live music.[72]

Langeland Festival[edit]

The Langeland Festival (Danish: Langelandsfestival) is a yearly music festival, set south of Rudkøbing. It takes place on Week 30 and gets around 25,000-30,000 visitors. The festival first began in 1991.[73][74]


Parishes of Langeland Municipality.

There are 18 parishes in Langeland Municipality. Shown in the table below are the populations of each parish, as well as the percentage of that population that are members of the Church of Denmark. All numbers are from 1 January 2020.


Langeland Municipality's coat of arms

The coat of arms of Langeland Municipality is a white rose branch in the blue ocean, which is how the island of Langeland was described by Adam Oehlenschläger. The coat of arms was created by Ronny Andersen in 2006.[93]

Notable residents[edit]

Public thought[edit]

  • Erik Bredal (born 1608 in Rudkøbing — 1672), bishop
  • Otto Fabricius (born 1744 in Rudkøbing — 1822), missionary and explorer
  • Hans Egede Saabye (born 1746 on Strynø — 1817), priest and missionary in Greenland
  • Hans Christian Ørsted (born 1777 in Rudkøbing — 1851), physicist and chemist
  • Jørgen Ernst Meyer (born 1802 near Hou — 1873), industrialist
  • Mads Johansen Lange (born 1807 in Rudkøbing — 1856), merchant and entrepreneur
  • Anders Sandøe Ørsted (born 1816 in Rudkøbing — 1872), botanist, mycologist, zoologist and marine biologist
  • Johannes Pedersen (born 1883 in Illebølle — 1977), theologian
  • Marianne Schroll (born 1942 in Rudkøbing), specialist in geriatric medicine


  • Wincents Sebbelow (born 1770 in Tranekær — 1842), merchant and politician
  • Anders Sandøe Ørsted (born 1778 in Rudkøbing — 1860), politician and former prime minister of Denmark
  • James Rasmussen (born 1835 in Stoense), American politician
  • Bjarne Nielsen (born 1957), politician and former mayor of the municipality
  • Tonni Hansen (born 1958 in Kædebyhas), politician and mayor of the municipality
  • Marlene Ambo-Rasmussen (born 1986 in Magleby), politician and MF


  • Ludvig Brandstrup (born 1861 in Tranekær — 1935), sculptor
  • Jens Christian Bay (born 1871 in Rudkøbing — 1962), author
  • Preben Lerdorff Rye (born 1917 in Rudkøbing — 1995), actor
  • Bjørn Watt-Boolsen (born 1923 in Rudkøbing — 1998), actor
  • Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (born 1970 in Rudkøbing), actor


  • Ingrid Larsen (born 1912 in Rudkøbing — 1997), diver
  • Hans Jørgen Boye (born 1942 in Rudkøbing), rower


  1. ^ "Statistikbanken". Statistikbanken.dk. Retrieved 8 April 2021.
  2. ^ Ddb.byhistorie.dk "Danmarks købstæder: Rudkøbing" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  3. ^ Denstoredanske.lex.dk "Fyns Amtskommune" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  4. ^ Statistikbanken.dk "Statistikbanken" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  5. ^ Naturstyrelsen.dk "Rudkøbing" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  6. ^ Strynoe.dk "Seværdigheder og historie" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  7. ^ Langelandsfortet.dk "Udstillinger" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  8. ^ Medicinhaverne.dk "Haven for åndedræt og kredsløb" Retrieved 25 December 2020
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  11. ^ Stednavneudvalget.ku.dk "Autoriserede stednavne i Danmark" Retrieved 25 December 2020
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  13. ^ Fredninger.dk "Sædballe Fredmose" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  14. ^ Fredninger.dk "Tryggelev Nor" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  15. ^ Fredninger.dk "Næs Skov" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  16. ^ Fredninger.dk "Ristinge Klint" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  17. ^ Fredninger.dk "Longelse Bondegårdsskov" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  18. ^ Fredninger.dk "Tranekær Slot stendiger" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  19. ^ Fredninger.dk "Klisenor" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  20. ^ Fredninger.dk "Skovsgaard" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  21. ^ Fredninger.dk "Tranekær Slot" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  22. ^ Fredninger.dk "Bjergbygaard Jættestue" Retrieved 29 December 2020
  23. ^ Dyk-sydfyn.dk "Lindelse Nor" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  24. ^ Historiskatlas.dk "Lindelse Nor" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  25. ^ Nst.dk "Sydfynske Øhav Vildtreservat" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  26. ^ Dofbasen.dk "Observationer (Lindelse Nor, 1900-2020)" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  27. ^ Visitfyn.dk "Strynø" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  28. ^ Dofbasen.dk "Observationer (Strynø, 1900-2020)" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  29. ^ Fredninger.dk "Strynø Kalv" Retrieved 28 December 2020
  30. ^ Politiske udvalg
  31. ^ Statistikbanken.dk "RAS301: Beskæftigede (ultimo november) efter område (arbejdssted), branche (DB07), socioøkonomisk status, alder og køn" Retrieved 30 December 2020
  32. ^ Langelaender.dk "Historien" Retrieved 30 December 2020
  33. ^ Geveko-markings.dk "Om os" Retrieved 30 December 2020
  34. ^ Langelandkommune.dk "Folkeskoler" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  35. ^ Langelandbibliotek.dk "Biblioteker" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  36. ^ Xn-rudkbinghandel-tqb.dk "Langeland Bibliotek" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  37. ^ Vejdirektoratet.dk "Siøsundbroen" Retrieved 31 December 2020
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  39. ^ Langeland.dk "Rudkøbing-Strynø" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  40. ^ Langelandslinjen.dk "Fartplan" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  41. ^ Aeroexpressen.dk "Skibet" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  42. ^ Langeland.dk "Praktiske oplysninger" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  43. ^ Medicinhaverne.dk "Haven for åndedræt og kredsløb" Retrieved 25 December 2020
  44. ^ Denstoredanske.lex.dk "Strynø Mølle" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  45. ^ Langeland.dk "Hou Fyr" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  46. ^ Langeland.dk "Hulbjerg Jættestue" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  47. ^ Fredninger.dk "Hulbjerg Jættestue" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  48. ^ Langelandsmuseum.com "Om museet" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  49. ^ Langeland.dk "Souvenirmuseum Souvenariet" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  50. ^ Smakkecenter.dk "Udstillingen" Retrieved 2 January 2021
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  52. ^ Langeland.dk "Tranekær Slotsmølle" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  53. ^ Koldkrig-online.dk "Langelandsfort" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  54. ^ Langeland.dk "Koldkrigsmuseum Langelandsfort" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  55. ^ Langelandsfortet.dk "Udstillinger" Retrieved 2 January 2021
  56. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Biskopstorp" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  57. ^ Danskegerregaarde.dk "Broløkke (Langeland)" Retrieved 5 January 2021
  58. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Egeløkke" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  59. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Faarevejle" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  60. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Hjortholm" Retrieved 5 January 2021
  61. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Holmegaard (Langeland)" Retrieved 4 January 2021
  62. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Korsebølle" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  63. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Lykkesholm (Langeland) "Retrieved 5 January 2021
  64. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Møllegaard" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  65. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Nedergaard" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  66. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Skovsbo (Langeland)" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  67. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Skovsgaard (Langeland)" Retrieved 5 January 2021
  68. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Steensgaard (Langeland)" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  69. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Tranekær" Retrieved 6 January 2021
  70. ^ Danskeherregaarde.dk "Vestergaard" Retrieved 5 January 2021
  71. ^ Langeland.dk "Øhavets Dag" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  72. ^ Langeland.dk "Frikadellefest i Lohals" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  73. ^ Langelandsfestival.dk "Festivalens historie" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  74. ^ Langeland.dk "Langelandsfestival" Retrieved 31 December 2020
  75. ^ Sogn.dk "Bagenkop, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  76. ^ Sogn.dk "Magleby, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  77. ^ Sogn.dk "Tryggelev, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  78. ^ Sogn.dk "Humble, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  79. ^ Sogn.dk "Strynø, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  80. ^ Sogn.dk "Fodslette, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  81. ^ Sogn.dk "Lindelse, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  82. ^ Sogn.dk "Fuglsbølle, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  83. ^ Sogn.dk "Longelse, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  84. ^ Sogn.dk "Skrøbelev, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  85. ^ Sogn.dk "Rudkøbing, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  86. ^ Sogn.dk "Simmerbølle, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  87. ^ Sogn.dk "Tullebølle, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  88. ^ Sogn.dk "Tranekær, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  89. ^ Sogn.dk "Bøstrup, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  90. ^ Sogn.dk "Snøde, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  91. ^ Sogn.dk "Stoense, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  92. ^ Sogn.dk "Hou, Fakta om sognet" Retrieved 27 December 2020
  93. ^ Tv2fyn.dk "Maler våbenskjold til Langeland - og Mary" Retrieved 27 December 2020

External links[edit]

  • Official website (in Danish)