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Портал в Андах

Вид на горный хребет Анды с самолета между Сантьяго-де-Чили и Мендосой, Аргентина, летом

В Андах , горы Анды или Анды ( испанский : Кордильер - де - лос - Андес ) являются длинным континентальным горным хребтом в мире, образуя сплошное нагорье вдоль западного края Южной Америки . Диапазон составляет 7000 км (4350 миль) в длину, от 200 до 700 км (от 124 до 435 миль) в ширину (самый широкий между 18 ° южной широты - 20 ° южной широты ) и имеет среднюю высоту около 4000 м (13123 футов). Анды простираются с севера на юг через семь стран Южной Америки: Венесуэлу , Колумбию , Эквадор , Перу ,Боливия , Чили и Аргентина .

По своей длине Анды разделены на несколько хребтов, разделенных промежуточными депрессиями . В Андах расположено несколько высоких плато, на некоторых из которых расположены такие крупные города, как Кито , Богота , Кали , Арекипа , Медельин , Букараманга , Сукре , Мерида и Ла-Пас . Плато Альтиплано является второй в мире по величине после Тибетского плато . Эти хребты, в свою очередь, сгруппированы в три основных подразделения в зависимости от климата: Тропические Анды , Сухие Анды., и влажные Анды .

Горы Анды - самая высокая горная цепь за пределами Азии. Самая высокая гора за пределами Азии, гора Аконкагуа в Аргентине , поднимается на высоту около 6961 м (22 838 футов) над уровнем моря. Пик в Чимборасо в эквадорских Андах находится дальше от центра Земли , чем в любом другом месте на поверхности Земли, в связи с экваториальной выпуклостью в результате этого вращения Земли . Самые высокие вулканы в мире находятся в Андах, в том числе Охос-дель-Саладо на границе Чили и Аргентины, высота которой составляет 6893 м (22 615 футов). ( Полная статья ... )

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  • Серро-Кастильо-Диневор , также известный как Кастильо-Диневор , расположен на северо-западном побережье пролива Скайринг-Саунд в регионе Магалланес , Чили . Он назван в честь его сходства с замком Дайневор в Уэльсе , который был замечен британскими исследователями в 1830 году.

    Доступ к нему довольно суровый из-за природы, что все дороги заканчиваются примерно в 30 км от него, а остальную часть пути нужно пройти либо на внедорожнике, мотоцикле, лошади или пешком, в любом случае подходящая трасса будет только у берега, а не через лес, поскольку они слишком густые. ( Полная статья ... )

  • Sangay (also known as Macas, Sanagay, or Sangai) is an active stratovolcano in central Ecuador. It is the most active volcano in Ecuador, despite erupting only four times in recorded history, because the eruption that started in 1934 is still ongoing. It exhibits mostly strombolian activity. Geologically, Sangay marks the southern boundary of the Northern Volcanic Zone, and its position straddling two major pieces of crust accounts for its high level of activity. Sangay's approximately 500,000-year-old history is one of instability; two previous versions of the mountain were destroyed in massive flank collapses, evidence of which still litters its surroundings today.

    Due to its remoteness, Sangay hosts a significant biological community with fauna such as the mountain tapir, giant otter, Andean cock-of-the-rock and king vulture. Since 1983, its ecological community has been protected as part of the Sangay National Park. Although climbing the mountain is hampered by its remoteness, poor weather conditions, river flooding, and the danger of falling ejecta, the volcano is regularly climbed, a feat first achieved by Robert T. Moore in 1929. (Full article...)

  • Laram Q'awa (Aymara larama blue, q'awa little river, ditch, crevice, fissure, gap in the earth, "blue brook" or "blue ravine", Hispanicized spellings Laram Khaua, Larancagua) is a 5,182-metre-high (17,001 ft) mountain in the Andes. According to the Bolivian IGM map 1:50,000 'Nevados Payachata Hoja 5739-I' it is situated on Bolivian terrain in the La Paz Department, Pacajes Province (Charaña Municipality), at the border with Chile. It lies north-west of the mountains Kunturiri, Phaq'u Q'awa and another mountain on the border named Laram Q'awa (Laram Khaua). One of three different rivers of this area called Kunturiri (Condoriri) originates north-east of the mountain near Phaq'u Q'awa. It flows in a bow along the northern slopes of Laram Q'awa towards Chile. (Full article...)

  • Cerro Galán is a caldera in the Catamarca Province of Argentina. It is one of the largest exposed calderas in the world and forms part of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, one of the three volcanic belts found in South America. One of several major caldera systems in the Central Volcanic Zone, the mountain is grouped into the Altiplano–Puna volcanic complex.

    Volcanic activity at Galán is the indirect consequence of the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South America Plate, and involves the infiltration of melts into the crust and the formation of secondary magmas which after storage in the crust give rise to the dacitic to rhyodacitic rocks erupted by the volcano. (Full article...)

  • Imbabura is an inactive stratovolcano in northern Ecuador. Although it has not erupted for at least 14,000 years, it is not thought to be extinct. Imbabura is intermittently capped with snow and has no permanent glaciers.

    Covered in volcanic ash, the slopes of Imbabura are especially fertile. In addition to cloud forests, which are found across the northern Andes to an altitude of 3000 m, the land around Imbabura is extensively farmed. Maize, sugarcane, and beans are all staple crops of the region. Cattle are also an important commodity, and much of the land on and around Imbabura, especially the high-altitude meadows above the tree line, is used for grazing. (Full article...)

  • Lastarria is a stratovolcano that lies on the border between Chile and Argentina. It is part of the Central Volcanic Zone, one of the four segments of the volcanic arc of the Andes. Several volcanoes are located in this chain of volcanoes, which is formed by subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate.

    Lastarria is formed by two volcanic edifices and one subsidiary lava flow field. There is no recorded eruptive activity, but the volcano displays vigorous fumarolic activity. It is located on top of older volcanic rocks and features both andesite and dacite. (Full article...)

  • Pico Bonpland is Venezuela's third highest peak, at 4,883 metres above sea level. It is located in the Sierra Nevada de Merida, in the Venezuelan Andes of (Mérida State). The peak with its sister peak Pico Humboldt, and the surrounding páramos are protected by the Sierra Nevada National Park. The name of the peak is in honor to Aimé Bonpland, although he never visited the Venezuelan Andes.

    The glaciers located in the Bonpland were the result from Merida glaciation in the Pleistocene. By 2011 they had all disappeared. (Full article...)

  • Mount Hudson (Spanish: Volcán Hudson, Monte Hudson) is a stratovolcano in southern Chile, and the site of one of the largest eruptions in the twentieth century. The mountain itself is covered by a glacier. There is a caldera at the summit from an ancient eruption; modern volcanic activity comes from inside the caldera. Mount Hudson is named after Francisco Hudson, a 19th-century Chilean Navy hydrographer. (Full article...)
  • Wayna Potosí (Aymara and Quechua wayna young, hispanicized spelling Huayna Potosí) is a mountain in the Andes of Bolivia, about 4,969 metres (16,302 ft) high. It is located in the Oruro Department, Sajama Province, Turku Municipality, Turku Canton, northwest of Turku (Turco). The Turku River originates near the mountain. It is a left tributary of the Lauca River. (Full article...)
  • Map showing Iru Phutunqu on the border of Bolivia and Chile, south of the Umani

    Iruputuncu (possibly from Aymara iru spiny Peruvian feather grass, phutunqu a small vessel or a hole, pit, crater) is a mountain in the Andes in the Cordillera Occidental on the border of Bolivia and Chile. The Chilean side is in the Tarapacá Region, and the Bolivian side is in the Potosí Department, Daniel Campos Province, Llica Municipality. Iruputuncu is southeast of Mount Candelaria, west of the Salar de Uyuni salt flat and south of the Umani. It is about 4,200 m (13,780 ft) high. (Full article...)

  • Acamarachi (also known as Pili) is a 6,046-metre (19,836 ft) high volcano in northern Chile. In this part of Chile, it is the highest volcano. Its name means "black moon". It is a volcano in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a zone of strong volcanic activity during the last million years. Old volcanoes in the area are well-preserved, due to the dry climate.

    Acamarachi itself is a cone-shaped volcano with steep upper flanks and a lava dome on its northern side. While there is no indication of historical activity and the flank lava flows are old, some lava flows around the summit crater and a lava coulee north of Acamarachi on the saddle between Acamarachi and Colachi volcano may be postglacial in age. Acamarachi is formed by andesitic and dacitic rocks. (Full article...)

  • Siula Grande is a mountain in the Huayhuash mountain range in the Peruvian Andes. It is 6,344 metres (20,814 ft) high and has a subpeak, Siula Chico, 6,260 m (20,540 ft) high. (Full article...)

  • The Sierra de La Culata is a mountain range in the largest massif in Venezuela, the Cordillera de Mérida, which in turn is part of the northern extent of the Cordillera de los Andes (Andes Mountains). The Sierra la Culata includes some of the highest peaks in Venezuela, such as Pico Piedras Blancas, Pico Pan de Azúcar, and Collado del Cóndor.

    It is located between the states of Mérida and Trujillo. Most of the lagoons are a result of the Mérida glaciation. (Full article...)

  • El Cocuy National Park is a national park located in the Andes Mountains within the nation of Colombia. Its official name is Parque Nacional Natural El Cocuy. (Full article...)

  • Patilla Pata is a stratovolcano in the Oruro Department in Bolivia. It is situated in the Sajama Province, in the west of the Curahuara de Carangas Municipality, at the border with Chile. Patilla Pata lies south-west of the mountain Jisk'a Kunturiri, north-east of the lake Q'asiri Quta (Khasiri Kkota) and the mountain Qullqi Warani, west of the little lake Sura Pata, south-east of the mountains Laram Q'awa, Kunturiri and Milluni and south of the little lake named Ch'iyar Quta.

    The river Junt'uma K'uchu (Aymara junt'u warm, hot, uma water, k'uchu corner, "warm water corner", Junthuma Khuchu) originates south of Patilla Pata. It flows to the south-east as a right affluent of the Sajama River. (Full article...)

  • Pico La Concha is a mountain in the Andes of Venezuela. It has a height of 4,922 metres. (Full article...)
  • The northeastern side of the Huayhuash range as seen from Lake Carhuacocha

    Lake Carhuacocha (possibly from Quechua qarwa leaf worm, larva of a beetle; pale, yellowish, golden, qucha lake,) is a lake in Peru located in the Huanuco Region, Lauricocha Province, on the border of the districts of Jesús and Queropalca. It lies on the east side of the Huayhuash mountain range. The lake is about 1.5 km long and 0.44 km at its widest point. (Full article...)

  • The Pico Piedras Blancas (also known as Misamán), at 4,737 metres (15,541 ft), is the highest mountain of the Sierra de la Culata range in the Mérida State, and the fifth-highest mountain in Venezuela. Its name, meaning "White Stones", is of uncertain origin, since the massif is predominantly grey in color. Pico Piedras Blancas lacks glaciers; however, seasonal snowfalls may briefly cover its flanks. From its summit and under clear conditions, Lake Maracaibo can be seen. One of the accesses to reach the base of the mountain, is through the Mifafí Condor Reserve, which hosts some specimens of this andean bird. (Full article...)

  • Lanín is an ice-clad, cone-shaped stratovolcano on the border of Argentina and Chile. It forms part of two national parks: Lanín in Argentina and Villarrica in Chile. It is a symbol of the Argentine province of Neuquén, being part of its flag and its anthem. Although the date of its last eruption is not known, it is estimated to have occurred within the last 10,000 years. Following the 1906 Valparaíso earthquake a local newspaper reported the volcano to have erupted, but a work published in 1917 by Karl Sapper disputed this.

    The ascent is regulated by the management of Argentine National Parks and the Argentine National Gendarmerie and is technically relatively simple but has a much higher level of exposure than the neighbouring volcanoes. The nearest towns, usually employed as a base for climbers, are Pucón in Chile and Junín de los Andes in Argentina. (Full article...)
  • The volcano Parinacota rises over Chungará

    Chungará is a lake situated in the extreme north of Chile at an elevation of 4,517 metres (14,820 ft), in the Altiplano of Arica y Parinacota Region in the Lauca National Park. It has a surface area of about 21.5–22.5 square kilometres (8.3–8.7 sq mi) and has a maximum depth of about 26–40 metres (85–131 ft). It receives inflow through the Río Chungara with some minor additional inflows, and loses most of its water to evaporation; seepage into the Laguna Quta Qutani plays a minor role.

    The lake formed between 17,000 and 8,000 years ago when the volcano Parinacota collapsed and the debris from the collapse dammed the Lauca River. Since then the lake has progressively grown owing to decreasing seepage. The lake is part of the Lauca National Park; a planned diversion of the lake's waters into the Azapa Valley being abandoned after a decision by the Chilean Supreme Court. (Full article...)

  • Aconcagua (Spanish pronunciation: [akoŋˈkaɣwa]) is a mountain in the Principal Cordillera of the Andes mountain range, in Mendoza Province, Argentina. It is the highest mountain in the Americas, the highest outside Asia, and the highest in both the Southern and the Western Hemispheres with a summit elevation of 6,961 metres (22,838 ft). It lies 112 kilometres (70 miles) northwest of the provincial capital, the city of Mendoza, about five kilometres (three miles) from San Juan Province, and 15 km (9 mi) from Argentina's border with neighbouring Chile. The mountain is one of the so-called Seven Summits of the seven continents.

    Aconcagua is bounded by the Valle de las Vacas to the north and east and the Valle de los Horcones Inferior to the west and south. The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park. The mountain has a number of glaciers. The largest glacier is the Ventisquero Horcones Inferior at about 10 km (6 mi) long, which descends from the south face to about 3,600 m (11,800 ft) in altitude near the Confluencia camp.
    Two other large glacier systems are the Ventisquero de las Vacas Sur and Glaciar Este/Ventisquero Relinchos system at about 5 km (3 mi) long. The most well known is the north-eastern or Polish Glacier, as it is a common route of ascent. (Full article...)

  • Huaytapallana (possibly from in the Quechua spelling Waytapallana; wayta wild flower, a little bunch of flowers, pallay to collect, pallana an instrument to collect fruit / collectable, Waytapallana "a place where you collect wild flowers",) or Lasuntay is the highest peak in the Huaytapallana mountain range in the Andes of Peru. Its summit reaches about 5,557 m (18,232 ft) above sea level. The mountain is situated in the Junín Region, Huancayo Province, in the districts of Huancayo and Pariahuanca. (Full article...)

  • The Cordillera Paine is a mountain group in Torres del Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia. It is located 280 km (170 mi) north of Punta Arenas, and about 1,960 km (1218 mi) south of the Chilean capital Santiago. It belongs to the Commune of Torres del Paine in Última Esperanza Province of Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region. No accurate surveys have been published, and published elevations have been claimed to be seriously inflated, so most of the elevations given on this page are approximate. Paine means "blue" in the native Tehuelche (Aonikenk) language and is pronounced PIE-nay. (Full article...)

  • Chumpe (possibly from chumpi Jaqaru for corn with yellow seeds and Quechua for belt; or ch'umpi Jaqaru for red and Quechua for brown), is a mountain in the north of the Pariacaca mountain range in the Andes of Peru, about 5,200 metres (17,060 ft) high. It is situated in the Junín Region, Yauli Province, in the districts of Huay-Huay and Yauli District. Chumpe lies east of Lake Pumacocha. The mining town of San Cristóbal is situated at its feet. (Full article...)

  • Cerro Escorial is a stratovolcano at the border of Argentina and Chile. It is part of the Corrida de Cori volcanic group and its youngest member. A well-preserved 1-kilometre-wide (0.6 mi) crater forms its summit area. Lava flows are found on the Chilean and smaller ones on the Argentinian side, the former reaching as far as 3–4 kilometres (1.9–2.5 mi) from the volcano. One of these is dated 342,000 years ago by argon-argon dating.

    Off the western coast of South America, the Nazca Plate subducts beneath the South America Plate. This process has given rise to the Andes mountain chain and the Altiplano-Puna high plateau, which formed through shortening of the crust that lasted until 1 million years ago. Cerro Escorial rises from the Puna, which is dissected at Cerro Escorial by the Archibarca lineament; it is a strike-slip fault that has facilitated the ascent of magma. (Full article...)

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  • ... самка сумчатой ​​лягушки Анд несет свое развивающееся потомство в сумке на спине?
  • ... что серая травяная мышь обитает в лесах Podocarpus parlatorei и Alnus acuminata на крутых склонах на восточных склонах Анд?

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  • Чимборасо возле Риобамбы , Эквадор

  • Аконкагуа

  • Орошение земель в перуанских Андах

  • Боливийские Анды

  • Вид на Мериду, Венесуэла

  • Церемония Пача Мама

  • Палеогеография позднего мела Южной Америки. Области, подверженные андскому орогенезу, показаны светло-серым цветом, а устойчивые кратоны показаны серыми квадратами. Обозначены осадочные образования Лос-Аламитос и Ла-Колония , сформировавшиеся в позднем меловом периоде.

  • Клубни машуа

  • Паринакота , Боливия / Чили

  • Карта Южной Америки, на которой показаны Анды, протянувшиеся вдоль всей западной части (примерно параллельно тихоокеанскому побережью) континента.

  • Карта возраста горных пород на западе Колумбии, параллельная морю с севера на юг. Этот образец является результатом андского горообразования.

  • " Коно де Арита " в Пуна-де-Атакама , Сальта ( Аргентина )

  • Центральные Анды

  • Топографическая карта Анд от НАСА . Южный и северный концы Анд не показаны. Боливийский Ороклин виден в виде изгиба береговой линии и нижней части карты Анд.

  • Ла-Пас, Боливия, - самая высокая столица мира.

  • На этой фотографии с МКС на переднем плане видны высокие равнины Анд, а также ряд молодых вулканов, обращенных к гораздо более низкому уровню пустыни Атакама.

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  • Вид на Куэрнос-дель-Пайне в национальном парке Торрес-дель-Пайне , Чили

  • Невадо-дель-Уила , Колумбия

  • Сантьяго де Чили

  • Уллуко: Обычная культура Андского региона.

  • Йерупаджа , Перу

  • Тропический сухой лес Лагуна-де-Сонсо в Северных Андах

  • Пико Боливар , Венесуэла

  • Богота

  • Упрощенный очерк современной ситуации на большей части Анд.

  • Рифтовая долина недалеко от Килотоа , Эквадор

  • Стада альпак у горы Аусангате

  • Сахама , Боливия

  • Наклон к морю осадочных пластов формации Сальто-дель-Фрайле в Перу был вызван орогенией Анд.

  • Самец андского скального петуха , вид, обитающий во влажных андских лесах, и национальная птица Перу.

  • Вид с воздуха на Валле Карбахал в Фуэйском регионе . Анды имеют ширину около 200 км (124 миль) по всей своей длине, за исключением боливийского изгиба, где он составляет около 640 километров (398 миль) в ширину.

  • Андский регион Южной Америки

  • Аконкагуа , Аргентина, самая высокая гора в Северной и Южной Америке


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